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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  February 21, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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charlie, you get to go since you didn't have time yesterday. >> charlie: this is a good one. so, in philadelphia -- outside of philadelphia if you want to beat traffic, this is the way you do it. you are supposed to be on the horse if you want to be. >> dana: you asked where the horse was. >> charlie: i don't know where the rider went. >> greg: lap dance. we started with a horse and end with a horse. >> charlie: luckily the horizons in philadelphia are smarter than the people. the horse takes the off ramp. >> dana: what's the story? what happened? >> charlie: escaped from a riding club nearby and took off. >> judge jeanine: is he in a rush. >> charlie: saw the freeway and decided to wide open. >> dana: that's what you call horsepower. >> charlie: that's right. original. >> dana: come on. >> greg: i refuse. >> dana: that's it for us. have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> mike: good evening, welcome to washington i'm mike emanuel in for bet baier. president biden promises to forgive more than a billion dollars in student debt. >> chinese nationals crossing into the u.s. in droves at one southern california location. bret baier with a preview of exclusive interview with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy from the frontline. >> mike: first, breaking tonight the investigation into the family bills of the president turned its focus to his brother james biden spent much of the day before house lawmakers taking questions about his role and where the president fits in. correspondent david spunt live on capitol hill. good evening, david. >> mike, good evening to you. james biden is still behind closed doors for his transcribed interview. it began a little after 10:30 this morning. and we pressed mr. biden as he walked his way into the building today on a few questions. >> did you use your brother's name to help sell influence, sir?
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>> what will you tell the committee today. >> we're not commenting today. > mr. biden strongly denied using his brother's name for influence. republicans leading the impeachment probe into the president say today's interview focuses on joe biden before he became president. >> i think today we are largely going to focus on that precandidate time. i call that the money, the business, the brand that will be the focus, i think, of today's questioning, specifically relative to jim biden's involvement, james biden's involvement with cefc, americorps. >> cefc is the chinese energy company that has ties to both the communist party and hunter biden. in his opening statement today james biden told members, quote i have had a 50 year career in a variety of business ventures. joe biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities, none. democrats down played today's testimony and repeatedly pointed to a court filing we told you
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about last night alleging that alexander smear november the former fbi accepting millions in bribes from ukrainian energy firm had contacts with russian intelligence. >> we instating my call to chairman comer to speaker johnson, to fold up the tent to this circus show. >> >> one week from today hunter biden will appear for his deposition on capitol hill. he will be under oath taking questions from both republicans and democrats. mike, just a few days ago president biden called on republicans to end this impeachment inquiry and republican source says just not gonna happen. mike, back to you. >> mike: david spunt live on the hill. david, thanks very much. president biden is in california to meet with supporters, raise money and quell growing fears about his mental and physical fitness. is he also trying to appeal to younger voters with another major push for student loan
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forgiveness. rare good news for the president on the polling front. white house correspondent peter doocy has details tonight. good evening,. >> peter: peter we spoke to a white house official inside who is not waiving us off a politico report tonight that while congress remains stuck on trying to fix things at the border, president biden is considering trying to do something on his own with an executive action that would in part make it impossible for people to claim asylum in between ports of entry. basically people would have to go line up where there are border patrol agents if they are going to declare asylum once illegal crossings release -- reach, rather, a certain number per day. that is just one of the problems. president biden is trying to fix. he also wants to throw a lifeline to people struggling to pay back student loans. >> the economy is growing. >> president biden is leading donald trump by 4 points in a hypothetical head to head.
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49-45 according to a quinnipiac survey, even though trump is seen as having much better physical fitness and mental fitness than biden. >> what i'm seeing a lot of is shades of the 2016 hillary campaign where the biden campaign says, you know, we think donald trump is a bad guy and the voters are just going to eventually see it, too. i would be concerned if i was a biden supporter right now. >> peter: the president joked to donors in california by the way i know i'm only 40 years old times two, but, you know, the only thing i do know is that i may not run as i used to, but i tell you what, i have been around long enough to know what's going on. >> it's going to be a close election. it's going to be a 6 to 7 states. if you play poker really and look at our cards versus trump cards than trump's cards you would way better have our cards. >> peter: climate control and gun control will keep young voters behind biden. >> what we have to do is make sure we are talking to our young people about their hopes, their
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dreams, their aspirations, their affairs, their concerns and their anxieties. >> the president is hoping $1.2 billion in student loan debt forgi forgiveness helps to. >> i'm happy to help forgive these loans when we realize and relieve americans of their student debt they are free to chase their dreams. >> peter: once president biden stepped away from the microphone, somebody asked him if he is concerned that this new loan forgiveness plan could get struck down in court like some of his previous loan forgiveness plans and president biden said, and this is a quote: i don't have a worry at all. mike? >> mike: peter doocy live on the north lawn. peter, thanks a lot. stocks were mixed today. the dow gained 48. the s&p 500 was up 6. the nasdaq lost 50. ♪ ♪ there is a new rift tonight between the united states and russia. moscow has arrested a california woman with duel u.s. russian
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citizenship on treason charges. she is accused of collecting money for ukrainian charity. correspondent alex hogan has details tonight from london. >> blindfolded and in handcuffs, new footage said to show american russian dual citizen now detained in russia. >> we continue to see access it's not yet been granted. >> russian authorities around the 33-year-old los angeles resident on suspicion of treason for raising funds for ukraine. she allegedly donated $51 two years ago to u.s.-based charity which provides humanitarian relief for ukraine. >> we need to create some noise. we need to give some attention to this cause. >> her former mother-in-law, sounding the alarm. >> i'm very concerned and my heart is breaking for her. >> the family says carlina came to the u.s. for a work study program initially living in maryland before going to california she missed her family
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and went home to see them. >> so calm like, yes. i will go home, i'm fine. karelina arrested same town where evan gershkovich was detained almost a year ago. gershkovich remains behind bars on claims of espionage which he denies as does former marine paul whelan, just this week moscow court denied gershkovich's latest appeal. >> no american citizen should consider traveling to russia for any research, period. >> and after opposition leader alexei navalny died in a russian jail friday, the u.s. ambassador to ukraine warns the stakes are higher now. >> based on the way putin treats his own people, it is of great concern how putin treats also american citizens. >> the state department says because russia does not recognize dual citizenship, that will make cases like karelina's much more difficult. if convicted she could face 20 years behind bars.
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mike? >> alex hogan live in london, alex, thanks a lot. william la jeunesse will bring his interview with care lien naps boyfriend tomorrow. >> mike: tonight we begin a conversation with ukraine. bret baier met with volodymyr zelenskyy ahead of the two year anniversary. bret has an interview from ukraine. >> mike, good evening. welcome to kharkiv, ukraine i'm standing in front of the northern apartment buildings. these were hit in the first weeks of the war by russian artillery coming from this direction. we just finished an exclusive sitdown interview with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. his first ever on the front lines in a war with russia now two years running this weekend. zelenskyy is determined to address all criticism head on and to try to get world support
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to push back vladimir putin's forces. possibly end up at a negotiating table with a strong hand to play. >> we started off this trip from the u.s. and flew to warsaw, poland. from there a four hour drive south to a small town to catch a special overnight 12-hour train to kyiv. from there, a seven hour drive. in an armored truck to kharkiv. a brief stop at a curfew closed hotel and then a four hour drive to the front lines. the town of could you pang pans, just a mile and a half from russian forces in all 700-mile track across ukraine. >> what do you need? is there anything you don't have? >> as you already know according to standards, ammunition. >> while zelenskyy had volley
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could be held back and forth during our interview. >> we have to act quick. that means to lose all the democracy we have. otherwise we won't have any chance. to be smart technology. more technically and, of course quick it's not money, it's people's lives. >> bret: now we see russia on the move. it took full control of this town add vivica south of here. it's the biggest game. [explosion] >> bret: as you see artillery there biggest gain in nine months for russia. and does that mean that we're seeing the war change? >> it's not because during this two years we kharkiv region. now we are in this region. also with dozens of small villages and cities and also
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with unblocked the black sea. now routes and destroyed a lot of the ships. that's what we did during two years. yeah, the last year was mostly for us at the end of the year and what they could do. >> >> >> bret: after two years and 100,000 casualties, ukraine is war weary but still determined after a visit at hospital in kharkiv with wounded troops. some who lost limbs president zelenskyy said there is no plan b. >> you were upstairs meeting with the soldiers. and what did he say? >> he lost his leg. russians took my leg. they can't take my soul and my
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spirit, yes. brave people. i can't add anything more hero. >> bret: so you see that a lot, right? you see that fire? >> it's important to understand with the people people on the front lines you see their spirit. and they are on the frontline. but it's very important to see, you know, with those important to understand how they are strong. for them, [inaudible] to see how they are strong. >> bret: we talked earlier about what happens if the u.s., for some reason does not give you the funds. do you have another option? is there another option? >> to find something similar. of course we will find -- we will not stay in the same place. we have to survive. >> we have to find some parallel
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steps, parallel area. this help is crucial. so, without it, sorry, but we will have more and more such hero -- guys who have been in hospitals because if you don't have shield and some similar, powerful artillery with the rounds, you lose people. >> bret: exclusive and candid interview president zelenskyy lays out a way forward with a new commander of ukrainian forces. he deals with criticism specifically. he talks directly to president biden and former president trump and responds to recent comments from russian president vladimir putin. i will start the show off tomorrow from eastern ukraine with that interview and more. but, for now, from kharkiv, mike, i will send it back to you. >> mike: great stuff. bret, thanks very much. tomorrow on "special report" as bret mentioned his report from the front lines plus more with bret's interview with president zelenskyy. up next southern california is
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the new hot spot in the border crisis. we will take you there live. later, the south carolina primary is coming up fast. will former governor nikki haley be able to make any headway against former president trump? ♪ can you get this board to tony hawk? fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. so i actually got it to tony. woah! and he even sent one back. but in the future, i'm gonna need an address and a zip code. we did this for a skateboard, see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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>> mike: large alabama hospital freezing in vitro. frozen embryos are the equal equivalent of children. alabama says division of reproductive end do critical condition nothing and infertility has spouse suspended the procedures as it evaluates the decision. >> we have no video of the growing immigration surgeon in
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southern california. the migrants are coming, not just from mexico but from countries around the world. correspondent bill melugin is in jacumba california tonight southern california feeling the brunt of the border crisis now in year number four. in jacumba fox news cram was remote terrain of eastern county. >> where are you from. >> china. >> ecuador. >> ecuador. >> we used google translate to communicate with one of the chinese men he told us how his group got to the u.s. >> flew from turkey. >> turkey? >> airplane. did you land in tijuana mexico? >> yes. >> yes? okay. do you want a job? do you want to work? >> yes. >> republican congressman darrell issa represents the jacumba area. he was here today witnessing the surge of illegal crossings in his district, which has seen
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more than 20,000 chinese nationals arrive since october. >> what i saw today was shocking. chinese and other nationals from around the world no longer saying they are coming here for asylum. they are admitting they are coming here for jobs they hear they will get in and they will. >> border patrol reports san diego sector has now seen over 140,000 illegal crossings since october. that's about the size of dayton, ohio. many coming from asia. >> where are you from. >> india. >> india. >> china. >> georgia. >> georgia. >> ma'am, where are you from. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china? >> yeah. >> china. >> china. >> my message to president biden is close down the border based on the policy changes that have allowed this. >> and mike, border patrol reports that the number of chinese nationals crossing illegally right here in this san diego sector is now up
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500 percent. matches what you are seeing on the ground here. send it back to you. >> staggering numbers, bill melugin live at the border. bill, thanks very much. ♪ prosecutor in arizona refusing to exthat tra indict a woman. killed earlier this month. reason is quite interesting. eric shawn has the details from new york. >> gooeving, mike. it's a tug-of-war over a murder suspect between a republican arizona prosecutor and the progressive democratic district attorney in new york rachel mitchell is the attorney in phoenix and she is refusing to hand over the murder suspect to manhattan district attorney alvin bragg who is demanding extradition. mitchell sites bragg's reputation that he is soft on crime. >> having observed the treatment of violent criminals in the new york area by the manhattan d.a.
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there, alvin bragg. i think it's safer to keep he him here and keep him in custody. >> bragg wants 26-year-old put on a plane to face charges that he killed a 38-year-old woman in a trendy manhattan hotel two weeks ago by bludgeoning her to death with an iron. police shows this video leaving that murder scene. he allegedly flew to phoenix where police there say he stabbed a woman at a mcdonald's and another woman while attempting to car jack her. the spokesperson blasts his arizona counterpart for not turning him over saying in part, quote: it is deeply disturbing that d.a. mitchell is playing political games in a murder investigation. new york's murder rate is less than half that of phoenix, arizona. mitchell's office later said the extradition is being denied because arizona law requires that he face his charges in that state first. mike? >> eric shawn live in new york city, eric, thanks a lot. up next, we will go live to south carolina ahead of saturday's primary to see whether former governor nikki
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haley can present a challenge to former president trump. plus, analysis from brit hume. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss.
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kayak. no way. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? kayak. i like to do things myself. i do my own searching. it isn't efficient. use kayak. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. aaaaaaaahhhh! kayak. search one and done. >> mike: moon lander based by company reached lunar orbit. all goes well the first american
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spacecraft to touch down on the moon more than 50 years. it is expected to land near the moon's south pool pole little ls than 24 hours. the jet liner program is out of a job. ed clarke is leaving immediately. the shakeup comes weeks after the head of the federal aviation administration said that boeing is not paying enough attention to safety. emergency door panel blew off a boeing 737 max 9 over oregon. investigators say bolts that help secure a panel to the plane were missing before the incident. >> mike: we're just three days from the stop on the republican presidential campaign calendar. the south carolina primary is providing a major task for the former governor who trails the former president by a wide margin correspondent alexandria hoff is in spartan, north carolina tonight in a general
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election you are given a choice. in a primary you make your choice. former governor nikki haley has just full days left to chip away at the former president's commanding lead in her home state. today her campaign hit at his financials. a january fec report shows that trump's leadership pac spent nearly $3 million on legal fees last month alone. that's on top of $50 million in donor funds spent last year on trump's legal defense, according to a fox news analysis if i were losing in the polls they wouldn't be talking about me and i wouldn't have had any legal fees. [cheers] >> trump made a brief stop in south carolina yesterday to participate in a town hall hosted by fox news laura ingraham. set to return for a rally friday. today his daughter-in-law, lara trump was among those campaigning in the state on his behalf. she recently earned his endorsement for co-chair. on the trail nikki haley has continuously criticized her opponents' efforts to take control of the committee. >> you can't make rnc your piggy
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bank and think that going to help you win a general election. >> both candidates argue they're best equipped to beat president biden in november. late this afternoon, the biden harris campaign released a statement calling out trump for raising less cash than haley in january. writing, quote: it's been a tough couple of weeks if you are a donald trump and also like money. >> now, trump is still polling 26 to 36 percentage points in the state. rnc goes the interesting money move there "the washington post" reporting that the teamster's labor union has donated $45,000 to the rnc. that would be the first large scale donation of its kind in years, mike. >> alexandria hoff live in south carolina, alex, thanks very much. >> do you see yourself as a potential political prisoner? >> because of the fact that i'm doing so well, that i'm beating biden at a level that they have never seen before, this is not supposed to happen. >> he is obsessed with himself
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and we need somebody who is going to be obsessed with the american people. >> >> let's bring in fox news chief political analyst brit hume. brit, good evening. >> brit: hi, mike. >> mike: let's start with the headline that ole election hough brought us in her tag of what du make of the donation from the teamsters union. >> a sign of the times the blue collar workers around the country liking donald trump and liking the republican party these days more than the democratic party on a number of counts. i mean, for example, you got the border patrol union just to name one that's not the teamsters, obviously. it's labor. supporting the efforts to crack down on the border and being extremely critical of president biden. so i think, you know, this is interesting but it's not yet a wave of labor union support. but it's something.
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we're already in primary season or just in primary season and yet, former president trump is already talking about debating president biden. let's play it. >> when you have the final republican, the final democrat, you have the two people you have to debate regardless of polls. >> how many debates would you commit to. >> as many as necessary. i would like to do it starting now. i don't think he is going to debate though. i really don't think so. >> to that pointed is there any evidence that the current president wants to debate the former president frequently, brit? >> brit: i haven't seen any if there is any. i doubt he wants to. and i doubt that the people who are helping manage his campaign want him to, either. and, on the other hand here. trump likes to talk about that because i think he knows that the president is hesitant to debate and it's a weakness of the president, he is not really capable these days of mounting the kind of performance either on the stump or on the debate stage that he once was. so, that makes good politics for
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him. it also, to trump's advantage, to talk about the republican race as if it is already over and he is onto the general election. he may be likely to win. as we noted, nikki haley is show nothing signs of giving up even if she loses the south carolina primary. >> with laura ingraham last night the former president hinted at a vp short list. let's put the names on the screen. three and four more presidential candidates. desantis, scott, and ramaswamy, florida congressman byron donalds. south dakota kristi noem and former congresswoman tulsi gabbard. what do you make of that list, brit? >> well, the surprise is desantis is on it. you know, he was pretty tough on desantis throughout the campaign, he didn't like it desantis, i guess, has now endorsed him but so i think that's kind of interesting. and desantis would help him. i suspect he would lean more toward tim scott who has been with him for some time now and the others, who knows? >> mike: brit hume, many thanks.
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>> brit: you bet. are. >> mike: up next, the panel on the biden investigations and the star witness today, the president wants brother. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 32 in chicago as a disruptive passenger leads to the return of an american airlines flight to its origination point in new mexico. video from the chicago bound flight shows attendants and other passengers using duct tape to restrain the person after he tried to open an airplane door. fox 11 in los angeles as several weather advisories remain in effect across southern california. while the bulk of the latest storm makes its way through the river and spheric river slowly tapers off. continued moderate to heavy rainfall in flooded roadways along with the possibility of landslides, mud slides and debris flow. this is a live look at boston. one of the big stories there tonight from ffxt the new england aquarium welcomes 100th shark hatchling since 2012.
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the facility began breeding the sharks in 2009 before reaching consistent success in 2012. officials say it takes 5 months for the shark eggs to hatch after being deposited by the female and seven years for them to reach their full size of about 3 feet. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ hey, jen. i need skin advice. sure. am i ready for retinol? neutrogena® retinol? yes! it evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol
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>> you continue to follow the facts. you see they continue to lead to what the irs whistleblowers originally said and that is president joe biden is the brand that the family has been selling for millions. >> we obviously, again, have heard nothing indicating that
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joe biden had anything to do with the business ventures. >> this is annual amazing moment. because the bidens have never been called to account. they have never been forced to go under oath and answer these questions? let's bring in our panel matthew con continue net american at the enterprise institute. doug hi and julia manchester national politics reporter for the hill. welcome to all of you. so, let's start with james biden being peppered with questions upon arrival on capitol hill. >> did you use your brother's name to help sell influence, sir? >> what did you tell the committee today, sir? >> okay. guys. >> doug, we have seen our share of scrums on capitol hill over the years. your house on this one today with the president's brother. >> he was breathing a sigh of relief that you weren't there badgering him. this is the only sound we get. these are closed door meetings. they are still going on. that is a long day on capitol
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hill. and the longer you are there the more likely you are to make a mistake or get something wrong. it's a tough place that he is in. but, obviously, they are coming into this feeling a little bit better that we have so much smoke around biden but we haven't found the fire yet. and what we thought was the biggest fire we now found out with this one informant whose testimony is false he doesn't have the matches. we have to see where this fire is more and more the longer you are there the more smoke there is. >> mike: he said, quote: i have had a 50 year career in variety of business ventures. joe biden has never had any involvement or indirect financial interest in those activities, none. because of my intimate knowledge of my brother's earn integrity and character strong ethics i have kept professional life separate from close personal relationship. so julia, democrats are eager to say there is nothing to see here, right? >> absolutely. and like doug said, republicans need to find that fire. that link, that connects biden to his family's business
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dealings. whether it's james biden's business dealings or hunter biden's business dealings. you know, with the pressure for them to continue on impeachment, but, for democrats, they are pointing to this informant who talked with russian authorities a few months ago and they are essentially saying look, that's already you know, a shot in the republican's investigation. it's already sort of deflating it in a way. >> mike: matthew, your thoughts on how big the stakes are today for republicans and they have got hunter biden coming in a week from today as well. >> right. it is a big moment. this is the first time that you have james biden talking to congress and you will have hunter biden next week. and so congress was able to ask direct questions. look, the testimony has been going on all day because you have 50 years of the biden brand to investigate and to talk about. and just this past weekend, we had this blockbuster story from politico talking about james biden's involvement in the hospital company where he was trying to trade-off his brother's name. that is no secret. of course there is smoke b
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that is the biden business. it's the biden brand. and i think it's going to continue to hurt biden throughout the campaign. >> one thing, mike, that is a real truism in politics when you hear about family members of a politician, anybody who remember rodge roger clinton or bought a can of billy beer tell you it's not good news for the politician. their families get them in trouble a lot. >> mike: julia made reference to the informant that blew up in the middle of this investigation. president biden making the case that this should all go away. let's play him. >> fbi informant the center of the impeachment inquiry has been indicted for allegedly lying. your reaction to that and should the inquiry be dropped? >> he is lying. and it should be dropped. and it's just been a -- it's been outrageous effort from the beginning. >> doug, any chance of this going away? >> no. not at all. the fact they are still meeting with the president's brother right now and have more meetings
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scheduled say this is wishful thinking on the president's part. congressional republicans are not going to let up on this. >> mike: julia, as we look at the 2024 campaign, polling showing neck and neck between biden-trump. if we go to biden-trump 2.0. is there any evidence of this investigation on the hill damaging the current president in his campaign earth? >> it very well could. but we have to also look at it in the prison term of all of this happening on capitol hill and former president trump facing his own slew of legal issues. and i think a lot of voters who are concerned about this kitchen table issues we talk about. the border, crime, inflation, i think they are going to look at a lot of this, whether it's coming from the democratic side of the aisle or the republican side of the aisle. and may think maybe this is just too much inside baseball. i want to hear about the issues. now, if there is, you know, evidence and it's damning evidence, maybe that changes the game. but i think it would behoove both of these candidates, trump and biden, to really focus on those issues, crime the economy,
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the border as much as they can. >> mike: matthew, does this take away okay is of the trump legal trouble he is facing now. >> the comparison isn't between trump and biden in 2024. >> the comparison is between biden and 2020 and biden in 2024. and biden in 2020, this issues weren't being aired. people have this idea of biden as the grandfatherly figure who was in his basement. when people tried to raise the issue of hunter's laptop tawas suppressed with the social media companies and the intelligence community. now in 2024 all these issues have come to light. beginning to learn more about the biden business. the biden brand. and i think that will hurt biden because it's changed the public's attitudes and perceptions of him personally. >> mike: all right, panelist. off to a fast start. latest from bret baier and later a massachusetts boy who wants to make sure other children have a great easter. ♪ ♪ rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways.
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>> the entire world, including those in moscow are watching whether the united states congress is willing to step up and continue to fund ukraine. >> it's quite a simple case. i don't think putin will stop. i think he will continue beyond ukraine. >> republicans should want to pass the supplemental package because it also creates jobs here at home. >> what you are not hearing, however, peace talks and actual strategy on how to end the war in ukraine. >> mike: so let's talk about the war in ukraine. bret is over in ukraine with president zelenskyy doing some very compelling reporting. back here in washington, it's a lot about the blame game at this point. and president biden saying at a campaign fundraising event is he blaming trump for the failure of the security supplemental saying time and again republicans show they are a party of chaos and disunion. look at what they are doing with the national security supplemental bill that provides assistance to ukraine israel and palestinian people, nothing. why? because that's what donald trump tells them to do. we are back with our panel,
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doug, julia and matthew. doug is a former senior adviser on capitol hill for republicans. how much pressure is on the republican leadership on this issue? >> a whole lot of pressure. specifically on the new speaker. and there's not much room for error. one of the things that we are hearing talk about is what is called a discharge petition. which to get in kind of congressional nerd speak is a way to force the issue to come onto the house floor. it doesn't happen very often and it is a slow, sort of laborious process. it could happen in this case because you would certainly have about 300 members of congress who were supportive of aid. that's the only way basically you would get the speaker to move on this. people make noise replacing him laura ingraham pressed president trump on ukraine. let's play that. >> so you wouldn't be in favor of giving $60 billion more for ukraine? >> i guess the thing that bothers me most, it would have never happened if i were president.
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>> laura: it did happen. what are you going to do about it. >> what i would do first thing i get on the phone is with the european nations who are in for 25% of what we're in. we're in for over $200 billion. they are in for $35 billion. >> laura: spent 100 billion so far it but it will be 160. >> a difference of $150 billion. they have got to start paying up juliet i can't what about the politics of ukraine funding at this point? >> for donald trump is he obviously going to continue to hit nato member countries on this saying that the u.s. pays more and they need to pay up. i know last week in munich germany at that conference, there was a lot of concern about that. and i think there is a concern coming from these european countries looking at donald trump about the idea of a trump presidency going into 2024. so, but, at the same time, you have democrats hitting trump over those comments and, you know, saying they are going against our allies and such. so you think you are going to see this play on the 2024 campaign trail and curious to see how americans are reacting to this and, you know, how they
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think the funding should go. >> mike: matthew, feels like it wasn't that long ago where republicans were for funding the good guys to basically take on the evil empire. your thoughts on this battle right now. >> well, the republican party is split. i think basically down the middle between those who want to continue to support ukraine and israel and taiwan and those who think that it's a waste of money or they want to attachments, they want some sort of plan as the congressman was saying in the clip. i thought donald trump's response to laura ingraham was very interesting. she pressed him rightly so. but he did not say that he was opposed to the aid. he shifted the conversation to burden sharing. i think trump understands that aid to ukraine and israel is popular. it's a 70-30 issue. and so it would be bad politics not just bad foreign policy for republicans to continue to oppose aid to ukraine. >> mike: at a time when biden is under pressure from a lot of his base about the way he is handling israel in hamas, right? >> you want the issue to divide the democrats not the republicans.
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look, biden has a big announcement coming up later this week about steps he says he is going to take to punish russia for the death of alexei navalny. it's incumbent on biden to be tough here, too. he needs to go after the reserves that are parked overseas. he needs to go after these oil sanctions which russia has been avoiding. he needs to speak up for dissidence like vlad and like the journalist evan gershkovich. >> mike: analyst, great job. thanks suspect. we look forward to more of bret's reporting from ukraine. ♪ ♪ and finally tonight, a special day. >> i feel like every holiday, i feel like the kids should have a very important memory. it doesn't have to be like oh, i got the latest thing. i feel like it should be like spending time with their family. >> mike: thanks to 12-year-old josh sewedden of worcester, massachusetts, many children will wake up on easter morning to a basket if you feel goodies. four years ago, he came up with
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the idea to collect donated toys and use them to make easter baskets for homeless children. last year he helped make 175 baskets for local shelters. and this year he hopes to top that number. what great job by him. we hope he has great success. and brightening the easter for many children who need it. tomorrow on "special report." bret reports from ukraine's frontline plus more from bret's exclusive entry with president zelenskyy. remember, if you can't catch us live here on "special report," set your dvr, 6:00 eastern, 3:00 on the west coast. thank you for watching "special report." i'm michael emanuel in washington. "the ingraham angle" with laura is up next. keep it right here. ♪