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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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out front and pull it back here later today. >> do you feel more prepared that you have a couple more days to prepare for the race? >> if we weren't ready by sunday we aren't going to be ready. we've had all winter to keep going over the strategy and different things that can happen during the race. we ran through every what if you can possibly think of at this point. >> indeed. we'll watch. you are in the number one poll position. joey, thank you very much. folks, watch him driving at 4:00 eastern where he finally gets some peace and quiet away from the kids and camper in the car going 200 miles-per-hour. >> dana: the less stressful job is going 200 miles-an-hour in a race car. >> dana: good morning. the south carolina primary is now five days away. former president trump firing up
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his supporters and taking aim at a landmark fine. i'm dana perino. bill is off today. great to be with you, jacque. >> i'm jakubowski, this is "america's newsroom." 50 delegates up for grabs. after a new york judge find the former president $355 million for business fraud. >> dana: she argues trump legal trouble will lead to republican losses in november. >> the case is a complete and total sham, a sham case. no victims, no defaults, no damages, no complaints, no nothing. there was nothing. when we win back the white house, we'll have no higher priority than ending the weaponization of this horrible legal system that has developed around us. it is a horrible, horrible thing that's taking place. >> dana: president biden spent the weekend guess where? delaware, of course, critics
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accusing him of keeping a low profile because of mounting concerns about his age and viability. >> he is an uninspiring candidate. there is nothing about joe biden that makes you want to listen to him. he should be leaning on people who are more inspiring than him, more charismatic than him and he should be i guess if you want to call it the brains of the operation behind the scenes. that sounds crazy that we're saying that about a president of the united states of america. he has no main character energy at all. >> dana: team fox coverage charl' hurt with reaction. kelly o'grady outside trump tower. let's go to delaware where the president is about to depart and we might get comments there or in d.c. good morning, lucas. >> good morning, dana. for 86 pers percent of americans who think the president is too old, the president appeared to give them more evidence when he seemed to confuse nato with
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ukraine while speaking here this weekend in delaware. >> president biden: it's about time we make sure that congress come home and pass the legislation funding nato. it is critical. our security depends on it. >> some think it's rich coming from the president urging congress to head back to washington while he spends president day's weekend at his beach house and heads to l.a. tomorrow for more fundraiser. more democrats are making note of the oldest president in u.s. history. >> president biden is going to have to go out and litigate that election. his age will be an issue in the election but i think he will be able to run not just on the domestic accomplishments he has had and economy that's getting better every day. >> if biden were to step down it is not without precedent. lbj declared on march 31, 1968, he would not run for re-election
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shocking the nation. at the democratic convention that year in 1968 there were riots in chicago and that's where the convention is this summer. in michigan a week before the primary biden faces a challenge in the state. he won by less than three points four years ago. 2016 trump won by less than half a point. the first time the g.o.p. won the state since 1988. new fox news poll shows trump up by 2% in michigan. tlaib wants democrats to boycott biden. >> we feel completely neglected and unseen by our government. if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted. >> a new monmouth poll shows half the country thinks biden will be replaced as a democratic candidate later this year. >> dana: thank you. >> today justice has been served. today we proved that no one is above the law. no matter how rich, powerful, or
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politically connected you are. everyone must play by the same rules. >> dana: new york attorney general james friday after a judge ordered former president trump to pay $355 million in the civil fraud case she brought against him. the ruling bans trump from doing business in new york for three years and vast empire is at stake. kelly o'grady following the story at trump tower. what do you have for us, kelly? >> well, jacque. that friday ruling had good news and bad news for former president trump. let's start with the good. it does avoid what is called the corporate death penalty. a previous ruling that said he would have to dissolve all his businesses in new york. that's off the table for now. there are significant challenges ahead for his new york empire. the first that he can't serve as an executive in a new york business for the next three years. his son for the next two. court appointed monitor will oversee the businesses during that period. however it doesn't prevent him
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from appointing an advisor or family member from running the businesses. the financial is staggering. $355 million and close to an additional 100 million in interest. a blow when running for president. to pay the fine he would have to sell some of his new york real estate holdings. more likely he has close to enough cash on hand to suffice. the biggest challenge could lie in his financing needs. the judge will -- essentially cuts him off from all borrowing outside smaller institutions or personal friends. there is also a world where former president trump simply doesn't remain in new york. and despite new york governor hochul trying to calm fears it is a sentiment shared by other new york business leaders. >> this is an assault on the 11th sector of the snp500. if you are a developer and see this happen in the state of new york, why would you take the
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risk to put up this much money and have a judge arbitrarily decide that you are in some form of breach of fraud with no damages occurred at all? this is the same process that occurs everywhere. >> now he will appeal this ruling but in order to do so he needs to put that $450 million as a bond or escrow so he won't be able to touch that. if he loses the appeal the $450 million will go to the treasury. a nice chunk of change for the state for a victimless crime. >> dana: that's so incredible. charlie hurt. start with the democrats. because everything that we were hearing whispers about privately is spilling into the open and this was quite remarkable. charlamagne tha god is a popular radio guy. he wanted to air his concerns on a sunday show. >> do you get blowback from the white house? you are tough on biden.
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>> yeah, you should be able to criticize whoever your elected official is, right? and even if i do criticize them, i'm criticizing them because of what i see coming up in november. you can't keep saying there is a threat to democracy and democracy as we know it is going to be gone. but not act like it. >> dana: you have covered many presidential campaigns. this is unusual. >> he has been so supportive of the biden administration and kamala harris in particular and they have to go to somebody like this to state the obvious. what he states is devastating. also sort of comical because where he says that joe biden should be the brains of the operation. if joe biden is the brains of the operation we're in big trouble. he is right. he doesn't have that -- i love the description main character energy. the other thing that's interesting. you get this equivocation on
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both sides, both on republicans who don't like trump in the primary and also democrats saying oh, but donald trump is so old. well, there is a difference between the way trump -- his cognitive abilities and biden's. and the fact that this is a guy who, you know, he leans to the left and a democrat but he is not trying to -- i think he is being forthright when he says there is a difference between the two. >> what shocked me more than that charlamagne tha god's commentary and tlaib saying vote uncommitted in the primary. that's wild. >> it's devastating. i don't know how big of a deal -- they do play a bit of a deal in the general if it comes down to one-point difference in michigan. which it very well could this time. but it plays a huge role in the primary because you have dear born, the largest arab
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population outside of the middle east and detroit which is a very important african-american part of -- democrats have played this game where they talk so much about race that it pits -- you have detroit versus dearborn and pits these opposing factions. >> dana: it steps on a message that the white house wants to deliver like the "wall street journal" last weekend said the economy is great and here is why. tlaib and charlamagne tha god say it's in trouble or don't vote for them that's what will get the story. the south carolina primary. "new york post" editorial said democratic elites shouldn't be laughing at trump's civil trial outcome. they made him a political martyr. nikki haley said she would pardon trump. watch here. >> you know, if you are talking about pardoning trump it is not a matter of innocence or guilt
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at that point. that means he would have already been found guilty. i believe in the best interests of bringing the country together, i would pardon donald trump because i think it's important for the country to move on. >> dana: she needs to say that and i'm sure she believes it and will say it. then imagine how all of the media and democrats who think nikki haley is such a great alternative would use that against her immediately. trump is up 58-32 in the lastest south carolina poll. >> just to throw a curveball. what if joe biden said he was going to pardon trump? that would blow everything up and would be the only step he would ever take toward unifying the country. i don't think that will happen because i don't think he wants to unify the country. nicki hallie has to claim an interesting game. she is attacking him for these cases and the cases won him lots
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of support and game she is playing attacking for the chaos, a disrupter. what people love about him is that. maybe you don't love everything about it but with it comes chaos. so it's -- it's a tough needle she has to thread and she is not threading it. >> interesting to hear her say that on the heels of this new york civil trial and stormy daniels and classified documents, january 6th. >> dana: they have really screwed it up. >> and also look where these cases are being pursued. pursued in places like d.c., new york city and fulton county. they have bigger lawless problems that documents. >> dana: to see the least. happy president's day. great to have you here. and this continues. migrants from around the world setting up camp in a small town near san diego. we'll go live to a new hot spot in the border crisis next. >> cashing in on a last name.
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report revealing the extent president biden's younger brother exploited family ties to promote a hospital chain that later went belly up. >> dana: eric adams wanted to house migrants in a luxury apartment building. he was not counting on this furious pushback we'll show you. what the mayor will do instead ahead. >> we want transparency. we demand transparency. we want the same opportunities as these illegal citizens so our future is more productive. >> the complexity of housing new yorkers is so many layers of complexity. to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) i just always thought, “dog food is dog food” i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in,
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her skin was better, she was more active. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. visit ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to,
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>> jacque: the border disasters shifts toward the west following the stricter security measures
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by texas. a small town near san diego is a hot spot for migrants from around the world treating the border as an open door. bill melugin is live in california for us. bill. >> good morning. out here we're an hour east of downtown san diego. a very remote area that has seen an explosion of illegal crossings from chinese migrants and middle eastern migrants. the area the cartel has been pushing them across for some reason. some of them over my shoulder now camped out off the major interstate out here waiting for border patrol to pick them up. show you what it looked like last night. i came out before midnight. dozens of migrants from around the world camping out here with fires. it is chilly here waiting for border patrol to pick them up right off of interstate 8 here in san diego county. a main thoroughfare. there was not a single border patrol agent out here for hours when i was out here. all these people waiting to be
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picked up. some from china, turkey, central america. they were just waiting. here is some of what they had to say when i talked to them. >> where are you from? >> turkey. >> where are you guys from? >> ecuador. >> where are you guys from? >> china. >> china. >> what city in the u.s. do you want to go to? >> los angeles. >> l.a.? los angeles. okay. the number of chinese have been exploding at the southern border. this is not normal. look at this graphic to put it in perspective. in the last 4 1/2 months since october 1st more than 20,000 chinese nationals encountered at the southern border. compare that to all of fiscal year 2021 when there were only 450 chinese nationals encountered. a more than 4,000% increase in
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chinese national encounters in just the last few years and it is not just from china. griff jenkins caught up with a group of syrian men here yesterday. listen. >> from syria. >> english? >> so so. >> why are you coming to the u.s.? why come? >> we love america and we need -- a nice life. a nice life. >> coming for jobs >> yeah, a nice job and because our country very weird. >> dana and jacque you will notice at the california border it is very different than texas. there is no razor wire, no shipping containers, no national guard, there is no highway patrol. california is a sanctuary state and as early as this year it became the first state in the country to start offering
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taxpayer funded healthcare for illegal immigrants. send it back to you. >> dana: wow, thank you, bill. if security concerns along the border weren't already sky high let's bring in the former director of the terror screening center. part of a group of f.b.i. officials who sent a letter to congressional leaders. what did you want to warn them about? >> dana, the issues. let me just talk very briefly a couple quick points. point one was they are classifying us as intelligence officers and we're not. we're f.b.i. agents. intelligence officers do assessments. this was reporting the facts. so the other thing that i want to point out is ten people, if you are in the f.b.i. and you look at these ten people it is a very diverse group. a very diverse group because we have different specialties. folks head of the criminal division, head of intelligence,
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folks head of ci. this problem we looked at was a tremendous concern. i was the director of the terror screening center. a criminal guy looks at this and says there are 90,000 people getting in that are murders, rapists and dopeers, 30,000 chinese nationals coming in. you have a former customs border commissioner that comes up and says in the last 36 months there was 8.9 million people that came in and then you have the intel guy that says look, the demographics of this group has changed. used to be kids and family members. now it is adult males. 65% ofist is adult males. so we looked at this and we're extremely concerned about does anybody get this? from my perspective at the terror screening center, the last three years you had 336 known or suspected terrorists arrested between entry points and the southern border.
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if you take the past four years, fiscal year 17, 18, 19, 20 you had 14. so that caused us from my per perspective sleepless nice. this is a concern we have. >> dana: they wrote this on x saying in addition to the influx of chinese, fox encountered three syrian men. they will receive additional screening processed because desire yeah is designated as a state sponsor of terror. they will get screened. what about the ones getting through, the gotaways we have no idea where they are? >> well, the 1.8 million gotaways. one of the individual that we have that used to be with border protection, he is concerned about the gotaways but concerned with the volume. when you take a look at all of the people that we've got that we know about, then you have 1.8 million of people we don't know about.
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my question is how many of those gotaways were part of the terror screening center. part of the watch list? i have to share with you when i was the director of the terror screening center i had a programmed and every day i was briefed on the encounters, 100 encounters a day and highlight in gold the ones that weren't pending f.b.i. cases. we would average one or two a month. maximum 12 to 24. and i was concerned about those 24 because those were encountered in the u.s. typically by law enforcement officers unknown to the f.b.i. that's somebody that is on the watch list unknown to us. so i was concerned about those 24 and made sure the f.b.i. was working those cases. now there are 336. then plus the gotaways. so it's a significant problem. >> dana: we have breaking news we want to get to and make sure we stay in touch. american people, 80% of them
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think the administration is doing a bad job on the border. 80%. this is one of the reasons why. thank you so much, tim healey. >> jacque: we're looking at live video from delaware. the president is heading back to the white house after spending the weekend in delaware following a fundraiser last week. he has not addressed a number of things, including to my knowledge the emerging russian nuclear threat in space. we're holding out hope he will take questions from reporters when he lands back at the white house. >> dana: sunny but chilly day in delaware as the first lady and president board marine one with a salute and back to another week where every week i think wow, maybe they have had the worst week and it continues to get worse. they intend to have a better one with circumstances and facts get
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in the way of that. we're going to be talking with debbie dingle of michigan in a little bit. a veteran of the house of representatives. democrat. knows her state very well and she will be on to talk about how you had somebody like congresswoman tlaib who is a democrat but is really giving biden the business in michigan and what she said over the weekend, jacque, don't even vote for him. >> jacque: that's stunning considering 147,000 votes some odd he won that state by in 2020. they can't afford it. >> dana: it's too close for them. president trump up by two in michigan. the president will take off from delaware. >> something the special counsel said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description you are a
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well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> president biden: i'm well meaning, an elderly man and i know what the hell i'm doing. >> jacque: president biden facing grilling fallout with increased pressure to release the cranes trance -- transcripts. three first responders killed in the line of duty in minnesota. >> this is a hard day. a really hard day for our public safety family. we're hurting.
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>> dana: a tragedy in minnesota. a gunman killing two police officers and paramedic. they were responding to a domestic abuse call that escalated into a stand-off. a story we've heard too many times. garrett tenney has the details for us in chicago. hi, garrett. >> good morning to you. this all started with a 911 call early sunday morning for domestic abuse. when officers arrived at the
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home in the city of burnsville 16 miles south of minneapolis, a gunman had barricaded himself inside with a woman and seven children. the youngest of those children was two. the oldest 15. police say the gunman was heavily armed with a lot of ammunition. after several hours of negotiations and trying to get the suspect to come out he started shooting at the officers outside from several areas of the home. ultimately three officers were shot, two of them died. along with a firefighter who was shot and killed while trying to save one of the injured officers. a short time later, the suspect took his own life and the woman and seven children inside escaped without injury. the town's police and fire chiefs got emotional talking about the three heroes who lost their lives. >> we are all hurting. our officers, our fire department, our families, all of our staff, our community.
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>> this is the toughest day in the city of burnsville has ever experienced. >> several officers lined the streets in minneapolis to pay their respects to their fallen brothers. officers were both just 27 years old. joined the burnsville police department in 2017 and 2020. while the paramedic and firefighter for the city since 2019 and just 40 years old. the investigation into this case is ongoing. there is no history of 911 calls for the home where this happened. they have not identified the gunman. they believe they know who he is but are waiting for the medical examiner to perform an autopsy and confirm his identity sometime today. >> dana: garrett tenney, thank you. >> jacque: a new investigative report from "politico" revealing the extent that president biden's brother, jim, used his family ties in his business. here is the headline.
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biden's brother used his name to promote a hospital chain, then collapsed. joining us now former utah congressman jason chaffetz and fox news contributor. >> glad to be here. >> jacque: this is interesting that it's coming out right now. this happened in 2017. here is a quote from it and stands out to me. jim biden's role was larger than previously reported and internal documents and investors materials names included among its top handful of leaders and had the company seal regulatory approval and personally fired their chief financial officer. >> he is about to testify before the oversight committee wednesday. that happens on wednesday. taxpayers are out some $142 million in medicare fraud is the allegation. that's the big number. >> dana: that part gets lost in all of this. not a fishing expedition. there are taxpayers who got
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harmed. >> $142 million. think of all the people affected on this. the allegation is that jim biden used the biden name and there are direct quotes in the "politico" saying the biden family would be very interested in helping you. the biden family, perhaps my brother could use this on the campaign trail in 2020. at one point one of the quotes in the allegation is that jim biden said i'm sitting next to my brother as he is trying to strike this deal and then the other part of it that is so mysterious is the day that americorps pays jim biden $2 hundred thousand, a $2 hundred thousand check is written to joe biden. that's pretty fishy. >> dana: they don't try to be subtle. wait a week or something like that. the other thing that's happening is the special counsel robert
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hur, his statement about what happened during that testimony about the documents case, they didn't charge biden. they said he wouldn't present well in front of a jury because they would say he is too old. robert hur could testify before a house panel in march. being on capitol hill you know what that is like. a big deal to have a special counsel come and interview. what are the risks for biden or for the justice department? >> one of the interesting parts is the part about beau biden and how dare the special counsel bring up that line of questioning. he acted indignant. but then it took a few days later and the special counsel came back and said the president was the one that brought that up. a special counsel is put in place to produce a report for congress. so the other big question is, is there a transcript, is there a video, an audio, are there notes? what happened during that? you can't have it both ways. you can't say he is too feeble and would not present well in
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front of a jury and be the president of the united states. so that's the big question. what did you see firsthand and i think democrats are in a hard place on this one. >> jacque: i read the report. it is 400 pages. it certainly his presentation in front of a jury is opined upon but at the end of the day hur didn't pursue charges because there wasn't enough evidence. what strikes me the most about the potential for hur to testify. forget the age stuff and willful retention stuff. biden who said he would keep his hands off the d.o.j., his lawyers wrote to merrick garland saying we don't like the this. how much will congress press robert hur on what would have been a secret effort without us knowing to have them adjust the language. biden exercised privilege. >> jim jordan is pursuing the washington influence and the how are they used weaponizing the department of justice. that's a key question.
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how much involvement was the white house engaged and involved? how much pressure did he get from the attorney general himself? absolutely. it will be core to the question. hur seems very serious. he has done a very thorough job. how much influence was there coming out of the white house? >> dana: great to have you here on set with us. good to see you. have a good day. >> the threat is very serious. everyone uses the same language that i have. it is a very serious threat. i'm very glad the administration is beginning to take action. >> jacque: growing concerns vladimir putin is planning to launch a nuclear weapon into space. whether china can help deter moscow. why the white house may be pumping the brakes on its push toward electric vehicles. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪
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>> dana: when he took office president biden scrapped the trump administration's border policies focusing on the root causes strategy. now record numbers of migrants illegally crossing into the united states. that policy is a shambles. william watching it from out west. >> improve lives where people live but they won't migrant. after billions the border is less secure, not more. president biden blames congress. >> president biden: i'm not making new law, eliminating bad policy. >> after he abolished trump's. >> he asked me to lead the u.s. government's focus on addressing the root causes of migration. >> in three years vice president harris visited just two central
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american countries where she told locals. >> do not come. >> ignoring that, 2 million migrants from honduras, guatemala and el salvador virginia door entered the u.s. illegally. >> it didn't work. illegal immigration is higher than it was when they supposedly launched this root causes strategy. >> president biden doubled down offering northern triangle countries billions on top of what u.s. taxpayers already doled out over the last decade. mexico, despite a much improved quality of life hundreds of thousands seek a better one each year in the u.s. >> a root causes strategy assumes we'll raise the entire planet to a higher standard of living. it exposes the absurd tee of it. >> more than half who enter the u.s. come from other countries ignored by the biden/harris root
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cause policy. two reasons it didn't work. wages. when you can earn more in an hour in the u.s. than a week at home. people leave. two, remittances. guatemala, el salvador, honduras. it makes more sense to export labor than goods. >> 20% is a lot and lost in the conversation. thank you. >> we need to make certain we assert an international crisis. i was concerned it appeared the administration was sleeping walking into an international crisis. looks like now they will be able to take action. >> jacque: mike turner addressing critics head on defending sounding the alarm on a report about russia wanting to put nuclear weapons in space. congressman mike waltz joins us now. saw chairman turner addressing all the criticism he got.
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you were in the briefing, too, right, where the administration sort of quieted concerns that turner had exposed. that the administration wasn't doing enough. do you concur there is a sufficient plan in place? >> the original concern was that chairman turner had said multiple classified letters. we got nothing in response. we didn't know if there was a plan in place, if there wasn't, you know. and as you have reported, this is a weapon of mass destruction that would not only wipe out our economy but the global modern economy. increasingly countries are fully dependent on space. i think my jury is out on whether this administration will take the steps necessary to fully deter russia rather than to react to it, which is what we've seen the last three years. whether they are reacting to
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iran, russia, reactive strategy after an appeasement approach. i will leave me jury out at this point. >> jacque: last week on thursday we reported what "the new york times" reported this weekend which is that the reason that the administration had not declassified this intelligence and followed through with the kind of response that chairman turner wanted to see is because they were waiting to push china and india to intervene thinking they would uniquely respond to pressure from them. american spy agencies are divided whether moscow would go so far. the concern is urgent enough that secretary of state of state has asked india and china to talk russia down. can we depend on those countries on a concern as serious as this? >> well, normally i would say absolutely not. keep in mind china and russia have their new no limits
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partnership. there is technology and industrial sharing. china and russia have an agreement to put a manned station on the moon and making steady progress towards. in this case i do think we should at least try because if russia did ever use such a weapon, it would wipe out all of our economies. and china is increasingly dependent not only economically but militarily on its assets in space, it's deploying its own separate gps system and spy satellites and obviously what it needs for its economy. india is as well. hopefully in this case they have a mutual interest. relying on china to talk to russia in general is bad strategy. >> jacque: after this information came out a lot of concern that perhaps turner was trying to fast town 702 fisa
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reauthorization or get ukraine funding across the board. we later found out it was less meant for colleagues to hear than push the administration to do something. that being said, how much time do we have truly to respond to this threat and what made turner want to alert everyone right now given that there was some awareness of this for a period of time? >> look, i can tell you i was in the room, we took the vote. unanimous vote. republican and democrat, fisa 702, ukraine funding was never part of the discussion. without getting into details, it was an increasing awareness, new information that came to light that raised the concern in terms of timing. and again, what i want to see is a deterrent strategy. we need to be communicating to the russians consequences if they violate what is a
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50-year-old strategy of not putting nukes in place and that's where i'm saying my jury is still out. fine, reach through other countries that have a mutual interest but once again we can't take an appeasement or concessions approach. we have to put in place real consequences. the russians have to understand we mean it. that we have the political will to implement. that's what i'm looking for going forward. >> jacque: we'll be watching to see what the administration they are doing and the deterrents they're calling for. appreciate it. thank you for being here. >> they snuck them in here in harlem with no transparency. we see bunk beds being moved in. what's going on? >> dana: people in living in new york city outraged after discovering migrants are moving into a luxury building. the mayor's response.
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>> jacque: epa loosening rules off tailer pipe. the move seen as a concession to automakers and labor unions ahead of the november election. hillary vaughn live at the white house for us with more on this. >> good morning. the biden administration is reportedly rethinking these rules to give automakers time to get more evs in the lot and also give customers more time to actually want to buy an electric vehicle. the original plan by the epa was to make 67% of new car sales electric vehicles by 2032. last year just over 7% of new car sales were evs. they were hoping for a 60% jump in less than a decade. now apparently the administration admits it might be too ambitious. the epa finalizing the rule by considering slowing down the timeline so people have more
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time to get to their ultimate goal. official rule expected to come out this spring. in the meantime this ev push is becoming a big part of president biden's 2024 rival's campaign . former president trump over the weekend attacking him over it. >> biden's ridiculous electric vehicle mandate and green new scam are the all -- what they are pushing, the green new scam. all those cars will be made in china within three years. i hope they know that. >> the biden campaign is responding to those comments saying that all these steps that president biden is taking is so that the manufacturing for electric vehicles is here in the united states and not in china. >> jacque: thanks, hillary. >> dana: republican presidential candidate nikki haley campaigning today in her home state in south carolina with just under a week to go before primary day. welcome to a new hour of


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