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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  February 14, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> greg: out of time! thanks to lee zeldin, emily compagno, kat timpf, i love you, america! spewing good evening. i'm trace gallagher. it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast, 8:00 here in
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los angeles, and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night" bread baking tonight, we have brand-new eyewitness video that will show you and moments the terrifying scene in kansas city after dozens of people were shot during the chiefs super bowl parade, the heroic actions of football fans taking down one of the shooting suspects after multiple children were shot. in moments we will be joined by a mother and daughter who attended the parade, the first to the senior national correspondent, kevin corke, live with the breaking news as well as the brainy video. >> evening, trace. at last check, at least 23 people working from shot, including one he was killed at that chiefs super bowl rally today. viral video posted on social media, however, appears to show the unbridled heroism of those in the vicinity of one of the alleged shooters. these folks risking life and limb to take down the alleged assailants, and incredible seemed to be sure. eight of the victims, trace, who
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were shot, had immediately life-threatening injuries. another seven suffered life-threatening injuries and six more have what we are told are minor injuries. kansas city police say three people have been detained and city, state, and federal law enforcement are all still investigating. >> i just want to say that all of kcfd's thoughts and prayers are with families and those affected by this tragedy today. what we are not expecting, yet we were ready and prepared for, or event such like this. our units along with our mutual aid partners we are looking stomach working to assist at this event touched a total of 22 gunshot victims. >> shots were fired at around 2:00 in the afternoon on the west side of union station near the garage as the rally was concluding, causing the crowd to duck for cover and scatter. notably, more than 800 law enforcement officers were at the parade and rally as the shooting unfolded. the mayor saying the day was
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"tragic for everyone who has part of it." meanwhile we are looking for more information, trace, not just about the shooting but about the possible motives as well as the identities of those who are currently being detained. as we get information i promised to pass it along, but for now, back to you. spewing back to you as we get it. kevin, thank you. we have the mother and daughter on the phone who were at the chiefs super bowl victory rally and witnessed the mayhem firsthand. we've got great video they sent us to show you and give us an idea. to you first. when did you first realize that something was not right to? >> it would probably be toward the end, at the end of the ra rally, where we were hanging out waiting for some of the crowd to leave. out of nowhere, people came rushing toward us in a panic. they had a look of fear on their
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faces. then we hear there was a sho shooter, gunshots, and we needed to run, so we just grabbed our belongings and kind of followed everybody in the crowd. >> trace: and i'm wondering, i know you're only 11 years old, but i'm wondering, gracie, did you hear any of the shots, any of the "pop pops?" if you did, what did you think they were? >> i heard the gunshots. i thought they were fireworks at first and people around me thought they were fireworks, and then they said it was gunshots and i was like, that's not good. >> trace: no, it's not good. amanda, when you knew there were gunshots, what do you do at that point in time? do you wait until the crowd goes? do you hunker down, do you run? what is your first instinct at that point in time? >> honestly the first instinct is to run. everybody else is running for a
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reason, so you are just going to go with the crowd, really. you can't really see anything other than the people that surround you, at the tops of their heads. but you just kind of go with the flow of whatever videos is doing, and at one point we were heading in one direction, there was some confusion or something was going on, and all of the sudden everybody we are following told us to turn around and start running back the other way. at some point someone even said, "get down on the ground!" and a bunch of us just went down to the ground. >> trace: i'm wondering, at that point in time, amanda, do you cover gracie? is a first instinct, to cover your child and try to get her away from the action as fast as you can? >> absolutely. she was very close to my side the whole entire time. i had a good strong grip onto her.
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when we went down to the ground, i was covering her with my arm. >> trace: gracie, what about you? when this was all going on, were you frightened? where you just kind of looking around and looking for the best place to go? did you follow your mom wherever she went and follow her instructions? >> yeah. i was freaking out. i didn't want to die, so i was trying to follow my mom going to the furthest point away from it. >> trace: it's insanity. the video we are watching is so compelling. your story. lastly, to you, amanda, did you talk to people afterwards? you know how extensive and bad this was. what is your thought in hindsight after being there when it all happened to? >> we had walked to crown center there, where we were waiting on an uber, but they were unable to
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come and get us, so we are waiting for a ride out of there for quite some time. we were watching the police run around crazy, the helicopters, everything. when we found out somebody was actually shot, and there were more injured, it was very devastating. it just breaks my heart that my daughter had to experience such a traumatizing thing like this, honestly. >> trace: it really is. amanda and gracie wink, we are glad you're both okay, and our best to you in the community in kansas city. we'll keep our viewers up to speed on exactly what's going on. thank you for joining us. meantime, speaking of shootings, police in ontario, california, apparently stopped the school shooting before it all started because of the concerned classmate who spoke up about the suspect's behavior. according to these reports, an 18-year-old student planned to carry out an attack in a christian school in ontario in
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southern california that he attended. police reportedly discovered a slew of weapons at his home including seven rifles, two revolvers, one handgun, and a shotgun, among a thousand rounds of ammunition. the student currently being held at a jail in the ontario area. meantime, on the subject of national security concerns, we have new warnings tonight about russia potential using nuclear weapons in space. it is unclear for exactly what purpose, but it is believed to be something to do with targeting satellites. some lawmakers say the danger is imminent and others are downplaying the threat, but we were not going to let this go until he checked with our national security analysts and hudson institute senior fellow, rebecca heinrichs. it's great to have you on. i just wanted your thoughts. you read all the articles today. i want to play this actual sound bite from mike waltz, because here's what he said, then we will get your take. >> the issue is very serious, it is very grave. if we don't deal with this issue
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appropriately, if the administration doesn't take firm action, this could be a geostrategic game changer. >> trace: do you share his concerns, rebecca? or is this a bit inflated? >> no, i share his concerns. congressman mike waltz is a serious congas minh. chairman mike turner of ohio is the chairman of the intelligence committee. he's the one who sounded the alarm today. and he's not an alarmist. he's worked very hard to make sure the intelligence committee is nonpartisan. so it is concerning that he would bring this up. national security advisor jake sullivan confirmed he intends to brief the gang of eight, the senior leaders of the national security committees. so it is concerning and we just need to know more about it at this point. >> trace: yeah, and all we know at this point, we are talking about a nuclear weapon in space, russia being at the helm of this weapon. and something about going after satellites. not exactly going after anything on the planet itself, but still, when you have russia in charge
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of some kind of nuclear weapon in space, it is raising alarm bells. >> a couple things to keep in mind, russia is at the end of a major nuclear weapons capitalization program. they've been investing in nuclear weapons a long time. second thing, if there is a nuclear weapon in orbit, that will be a violation of the outer space treaty. russia of course violates treaties all of the time. they are currently not in compliance with the last arms-control treaty between the united states and russia. and so this is very concerning, and just remember, too, five days ago we know that russia launched a missile with a mysterious satellite on it. that's very concerning. in 2021, trace, russia launched a direct ascent antisatellite weapon that hit a satellite, spewed debris everywhere. when i asked had just gotten to the international space station, putting them in great danger. the russians have a long history of violating treaties and acting
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very irresponsibly in space. >> trace: rebecca heinrichs, could have you on. we'll go back to you if we have other concerns. thank you. to politics and brand-new fox news polling showing flavor president trump in a rematch. in the polling also has a few surprises. marianne rafferty is here to break down the new numbers. >> hi, trace. president biden definitely not feeling the love from voters in two critical swing states. brand-new fox polling shows the president underperforming in both michigan and north carolina. in michigan, biden trails former president trump by about two points. while it's in the margin of error, it's in a state biden won by three points in 2020. the issue of the israel-hamas war has been a thorny one in michigan where fox news polling finds democrat sympathies are evenly split between israelis and palestinians in the conflict. michigan also has the highest number of arab-americans in the nation. however, voters overall in the state say they trust the former
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president by about eight points to do a better job in handling the conflict. to the tar heel state, a contest trump won by four points in 2016, by an even smaller margin in 2020 when trump took at state by little more than a single point. he now holds a 5-point edge. meanwhile, president trump setting his attention on nikki haley's home state of south carolina where he was joined by the state's governor, henry mcmaster. senator tim scott, as well as congresswoman nancy mace. but many of his attacks weren't directed at haley. >> cricket joe biden did our economy exactly what he did to her boarded. he inherited an amazing success from me, he wrecked it almost immediately and turned it into something resembling much worse, actually. not resembling, but much worse than a third world nation, a banana republic. >> and tonight we are a little over a week out from the south carolina primary that will be held on for very 24th. >> trace: indeed. thank you. nancy mace spoke at the trump
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rally tonight and she joins us now live. congresswoman, it's great to have you on. i want to put these pulls up on the air because i think they are important battleground. talking first about north carolina. you can see on the screen here biden now at 45%, trump at 50%. back in 2020, joe biden lost this state by just over a point, so it is an increase for the former president. then i want to move to michigan, because he's a big one. biden, 45, trump, 47 in 2020. he won 50 to 47%, so it's almost a 5-point swing. your thoughts? >> we'll be seen on the ground as the enthusiasm. the big difference this year over previous elections is the enthusiasm for donald trump on the ground. the base gets out, we unify our party when he's a nominee. there's no stopping him from the presidency. that's what i'm seeing here on the ground. >> trace: you know what i was interested in, congresswoman, this poll asked, "likely to make
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you rethink your support." when i talked about trump backers, it was the legal issues. for biden backers it was the acuity issues, the mental acuity, and you can see the number at 40%. this is looming large for the democrats, the president's memory, et cetera. >> absolutely. even his own department of justice stated on the record that he wasn't mentally fit to be prosecuted. if he can be mentally fit to be prosecuted for a crime you committed, how are you mentally fit to be president of the united states america? i've talked to voters every day. the border, spending, inflation, taxes, et cetera, and no one knows who is behind the wheel in the white house tonight. >> trace: i want to play this, because i'm wondering what your opinion is. karine jean-pierre, the white house press secretary, was talking about the release of this transcript and the audio, potentially, from this conversation between the president and special counsel
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robert hur. >> so you won't say you think the reporter is flatly wrong and gratuitous? you can't say you want the material to be made public? >> they are discussing it, they are looking at it. there's a process involved, so the white house counsel has obviously taken these questions from all of you so they are looking into it. >> trace: should be here at? should we see it? >> absolutely. release the tapes. we should know what joe biden's acuity is, and why the department of justice made that statement on the record, which is pretty awful for joe biden. you can see everyone scrambling in the white house. they don't want to answer questions about his mental acuity or his mental fitness. quite frankly, he shouldn't be president. the 25th amendment is there for a reason. >> trace: congresswoman nancy mace, good of you to join us. thank you. >> thank you, trace, as always. >> there is also breaking information on to the illegal immigrants accused of attacking new york police officers near times square. one of them has been arrested
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again after committing yet another crime, and the other is free after somebody, we now know who, posted $50,000 cash bail. bill melugin live with the details. good evening. >> good evening to you. it's a kind of story that makes you want to bang her head against the wall. one of the illegal immigrants released with no bail after attacking nypd officers has now been arrested again, this time for a macy's store robbery. he is accused of assaulting a macy's security guard and stealing clothes worth over $600, now back in custody for this new crime. before he was captured, nypd posted in part, "one of the migrants who assaulted our offices last week in times square is back at it again. this time he was part of a group that robs a department store in queens. they also assaulted an employee." different borrow, different crime, same disregard for the law. this is the last thing new yorkers need." police say they are still looking for three of the people who were with him for that robbery, and also assaulted a
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security guard but punching him in the face. they released these images and are asking the public for help in finding them. in the meantime, an illegal immigrant from venezuela, who was the only person being held in bail in connection with the attack on nypd officers in times square, suddenly made bail today and was released after a so-called sanctuary church paid his $15,000 bond. two other illegal immigrants charged in the times square beading have now been picked up by federal agents on civil immigration holds and are expected back in court later this week. in the meantime, new york city mayor eric adams is now stressing with urgency that new york city has "run out of room," as the migrant crisis continues to engulf not just his city but at the sanctuary cities all around the country. >> trace: a lot of places out of her room. thank you. ♪ ♪ the fox news at night common
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sense department can't figure out the reasoning of the boston city councilman urging residents in the boston suburbs to take illegal immigrants into their homes as roommates, rent free. the councilman says, "we have a shared responsibility." so the president open the borders, they filed and by the millions, overwhelming sanctuary cities and states, and now we should all do our part to house them? that idea comes at the same time that some denver city council members are pushing to change the city charter and allow migrants to become police officers, meaning the people who broke the lot across the board he would now be hired to enforce the law. but i guess being a cop is better than beating a cop. common sense just learned that between last october and january, three months, the border patrol arrested more illegal immigrants on the terror watch list and they arrested for 2017 22021. now, because the border bill failed and budgets are tight, they are trying to release records are currently detained.
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they would then be free to roam the country and become a roommate in boston, a cop in denver, a criminal in new york. common sense thinks, whether they shared a room or steal your wallet, we will all feel a sense of shared responsibility. let's bring in carl demaio and roxanne haag. you first. you want to be a cop, looking for a roommate, come to america illegally and we'll take care of you. your thoughts? >> my thoughts are that people to understand, because americans are so generous and kind, how hard it is to immigrate here legally. that's the way to come in, through the front door. there's no pathway to homeownership rate he break in my house. they should be no pathway to citizenship for people to break into the country, period. >> trace: and the migrant teen he was released, carl, after being cops in times square, as bill is saying, has now been
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released by a lutheran priest who paid the $15,000 in bail. it's unbelievable what's happening this country. >> they are prioritizing the rights of criminals over law-abiding citizens, of noncitizens over american citizens, and how much more of this to have to witness before the american people rise up? i don't care if you are a democrat, an independent or republican, this is insanity. it is also very scary, because we are seeing, as you mentioned, a record number of people on the terror watch list coming in, and this is going to get to a point where people are going to get killed. this is going to absolutely hit us hard and it's going to be a public safety hazard in every community. >> trace: i want to get your thoughts on that, too, roxanne. just three months, october to january, 59 people on the terror watch list. that's more than they cut from 2017-2021. that's a bold statement. >> and those are the only ones they caught. there are so many got-aways.
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bill is reporting all the time. it's terrifying for public safety but also public health. what happened to that? we spent three years locked in our houses without being able to go anywhere if you didn't have a shot. meanwhile, everything is streaming across the border. measles, mumps, rubella, tb, whatever. >> trace: more than 4,000 chinese nationals have crossed before the new fiscal year began october 1st. more than 90% of them crossing into your neck of the woods, the san diego sector, carl. >> when you take a look at all the releases from border patrol onto our streets, we have had 75,000 illegal immigrants released onto san diego streets since september 15th. that is astonishing. that's the size of a medium-sized city, and you see -- where are they going? are we tracking them? who's paying for them? are they getting free airline tickets?
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what is appalling also about what you mentioned during the common sense segment, i.c.e. says they want to release, what, 16,000 illegal immigrants on the streets? why? they didn't get a budget increase. how about this? secure the border, and you wouldn't have to release that many people onto the street. >> trace: thank you both. coming up, new information on how the biden administration pressured banks to surveilled citizens like you by using words like maga to search their private transactions. later in the nightcap, this subject is spreading like wildfire on social media. men on dating apps lying about their political beliefs because apparently gen z women won't go out with a man who calls himself a conservative. would you lie about your politics just to get a date? yes or no? let us know, x and instagram. we will be the best responses in the nightcap, coming up. ♪ ♪king at how it absorbs all of the liquid. and locking it right on in! you feel no wetness.
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>> trace: "fox news @ night" has been all over this story, because it includes two of her favorite subjects: unjustly targeting conservatives, and invading your privacy, which both appeared to happen when the biden and administration surveilled conservatives' private financial transactions. today some treasury officials told their tails to the house financial services committee under oath. the senior national correspondent, kevin corke, is back live in washington with the latest on this. >> another wild day here in washington, trace. if you thought this was a one-off, think again. for the first time, the biden administration is now going on the record to confirm that some of the keywords used in their post january 6th investigation really frankly targeted conservatives' financial records. these keywords are going to shock some of you at home. we are talking about terms like
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maga, trump, kamala, biden, schumer, and pelosi. there were others, too. these were included for banks to surveilled private financial transactions following the protests at the capitol on january 6th, according to a letter obtained by fox news digital. it notes that "exchange events" convened by the financial crimes enforcement network began shortly after january the 6th. >> it was sharing key terms around acts of violence. gun purchases. i'm trying to understand here. these are legal purchases that have nothing to do with terrorism or money laundering or anything that would come under data privacy. >> think about that. using the term "bible" as a
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search term. amazing. in his letter, by the way, senator scott wrote that this represented a flagrant violation of americans' privacy and improper targeting of u.s. citizens for exercising their constitutional rights, all without due process. amazing stuff, trace. >> trace: and we will stay on it. kevin, thank you. ♪ ♪ first up into nights real news roundup, a number of opinion pieces publish this valentine's day asking people to avoid buying flowers because of the alleged harm to the environment. a "washington post" editorial said, quoting, "to provide a mass-produced bit of nature at any time and place significant they contributes to the destruction of nature itself. maybe instead of leaks at this rose, future stars on the batch they will ask "will you accept as reasonable grocery bag?" passengers on a southwest flight to hawaii being praised for cooling hot tempers after a
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fist fight broke out midair. the men involved, unclear they will face charges. lawmakers in colorado now proposing legislation that would require public and charter schools to use a child's preferred name and pronouns, making it the first state law about gender transition that schools. that guidance is not backed by the law. meanwhile, a ski shop in switzerland is facing backlash after a poorly posting a sign that says it would not rent equipment two, quoting here, "our jewish brothers." the shop said the decision was made after a series of annoying incidents and at least one theft. police opened an investigation for possible criminal violation. with that, let's bring in elizabeth pipko, the found founder of the digital holocaust museum project, "lest people forget." the sign said, "we are no longer
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renting our sporting equipment to our jewish brothers." if that sign was anywhere, it's unbelievable that this happened at a ski resort in switzerland. >> right, it's beyond unbelievable. i have to be honest, when i first saw the story i thought to myself, i don't know if i should laugh or cry. it is so awful, so obviously anti-semitic, so appointment, but almost as ridiculous as the fact that the owner of the shop later apologized saying he didn't like the wording he used on the poster, but did not apologize for trying to ban jews from his shot. clearly no one has learned a lesson about anything. but more importantly, every day you wake up in something is happening. i can't help but wonder how many people are waking up thinking to themselves, are we back in the 1930s? >> trace: it's amazing to me. now to anti-semitism on campus, a north carolina congresswoman sent a to columbia university, in part, quoting here, "columbia
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and neither has anti-semitism documented for decades before the terrorist attack and also a number of post-october 7th incidents at columbia." what do you think about this investigation? >> i have to be honest here, trace. i've heard stories from friends of mine about columbia university and being a jewish student on campus there for years. if i can share a personal story that means a lot to me, a good friend, jonathan, who i grew up with, attended columbia university and filed a complaint against the school. he faced anti-semitic harassment, bullying, taunts from students, that had to sit in class at a certain point where a professor glorified those who murdered his uncle. for context, his uncle was kidnapped and murdered by the military wing of hamas. after that happened, in honor of his uncle, he filed this complaint in 2019, and in november of 2023, the school began looking into it. multiple years after the complete was filed, and also
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multiple years since jonathan actually graduated. that should tell us everything we do know about how columbia university feels about their jewish students. >> trace: and they're not alone, other universities are also under investigation. this pullback is from michigan. in the middle east conflict, do you side more with israelis or palestinians? look at the numbers, and democrats, it is dead even. republicans come away in favor of israel. independence in favor of israel slightly. look at the numbers under age 35. 38% israeli, 48% palestinians. liberals, it's kind of the same thing. it's kind of unbelievable. on that note, i want to play this next sound bite, elizabeth, because this is the president, where it seems to me like he was full-throated in support of israel three months ago and now he seems to be kind of leaning off of that. watch. >> too many of the over 27,000 palestinians killed in this conflict have innocent civilian
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children, including thousands of children. >> trace: first it was about integrity and now it seems to be about votes, et cetera. what are your final thoughts on this? >> i think it is lost on no one, trace. we are in an election year. in an election year you can see the temperament and the character of our political leaders. we have known joe biden for 40 years now. we know where he stands on important issues like the middle east and israel. clearly right now he's listening to the loudest voices in the room, which seem most important to him. i think now in 2024 it's the loudest voices on social media that he's listening to. but clearly his campaign believes he needs those votes to win in november and that's why he's changing course. hope everyone remembers that at the ballot box this year. >> trace: he does appear to be changing course. elizabeth pipko, great to have you on, as always. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> trace: coming up, an update on the legal challenges a pastor faces for helping the homeless. we've had him on a couple of
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times. he was fined again and again for bringing the homeless in out of the cold. now he appears to be winning his case, but it has come at a cost. and imagine catching this on your security camera. plus, i wonder if they serve the big salad. do you get the reference? today's best viral videos are next. 8:35 p.m. on the west coast, a "fox news @ night" trip across america. first a live look at roswell, new mexico, where elvis' plane sat on a runway for 35 years until it was sold about a year ago. over to the silver side museum in muskegon, michigan. on the screen is a real world war ii submarine, and finally a live look at brooklyn, new york, where tootsie rolls were founded in 1896. who knew? if you can't join us live, don't forget, set your dvr and watch us any time. we are coming right back. ♪ ♪ k about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control
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♪ ♪ >> trace: we have an update on a story we've been following
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very closely for weeks on "fox news @ night." the city of bryan, ohio, has agreed to drop all criminal charges against the pastor who open up his church the homeless. that is a bit of a catch. let's bring in the pastor and his attorney, first liberty institute senior counsel, jeremy dice. thank you both are coming on. chris, to you first. there's an agreement in place, they would drop the charges and work on permits, but with the rest of the deal? what is your part of the bar bargain? >> well, we are still operating 24/7 at the church, and honestly, trace, i'm just grateful the city have come in, they've made dad's place even more safe and even more wonderful, and we are just going to keep doing what we do, that stay open 24/7, share the gospel with everyone, and everyone's always welcome at dad's place. we are just excited. >> trace: when you say it's open 24/7, does that mean the homeless are allowed, they let them back in at night on some of these cold nights in bryan,
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ohio? >> everyone is allowed, yeah. we are a church 24/7, so we don't save your homeless you are not welcome. absolutely everyone is allowed from the richest of the rich to the poorest of the poor. people with houses in malibu to people who don't have any place they call home. everyone's welcome at dad's place. >> trace: jeremy, first liberty writes that the city has agreed to drop all criminal charges against chris. and they have agreed to seek proper building certifications and zoning permits. it seems to me like the church did agree not to let these homeless stay overnight. is that not part of the agreement? because the concern here, as the pastor was saying, he's not going to let these homeless people stay out in these cold nights. am i not reading the words properly? >> we agreed to give up residential program the church never had. the church has always been a church operating 24 hours a day. as you destroyed the pastor say,
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it doesn't matter who you are. if you don't have a home, if you need to run away for a few minutes from a home that's perhaps abusive, or just need to get out of the cold because you are walking too along outside at night in the middle of winter in ohio, you are welcome at dad's place 24 hours a day. this is a church that is doing church things and has always been doing church things, and the fact that the city ever came after him to prosecute him for criminal activity, it's just ludicrous. i'm glad the town has now dismissed as criminal charges, and we can now sit down with the city and reason together about how dad's place contributes to the future of bryan, ohio. something the church is eager to do and get on with, with what they are doing in the city. >> trace: i wonder, pastor, when you finally get these permits, and it is bureaucracy, so it might take a while -- when you finally get these permits, how will this change the operation of the church? will you be able to do
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differently in reference to everybody, including the homeless? >> i think it will open up -- there's a lot of work to do. we are the church, so i think it opens up even more opportunities to reach more people and help more people and to show christ's love to our people. this is about jesus and showing his love to people. we are expanding our reach so we are very excited about this about this. >> trace: quick question for both of you, do you believe that you've won this battle? is there a winner or loser in this? >> i never believed this was a battle flesh and blood, but something else going on, and i think the kingdom of god has won. both through the city and through dad's place. i think the city has done a fantastic job of working to make dad's place a safer place, and i believe we as a trait have done as well as we can to be a
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welcoming place that shows the love of christ to everyone who walks through the door. >> the community of bryan, ohio, as a whole is a better place today because of dad's place and because as criminal charges are dropped. not only is it safer for the patocontinue to do his ministry, but people are more welcome to engage in their religious freedom without fear of being prosecuted for doing so. i think that's the important message to be sent around the country, that cities around the country should never resort to prosecuting their pastors. instead, they had to sit down together to figure out how they can work together, the state and the church, to figure out how they can serve the community better. that's a lesson we are now seeing in bryan, ohio, and i'm proud to be part of the legal team making sure that's the case both in bryan, ohio, and around the country. >> trace: we've been proud to have you on, because it was a fight worth fighting, and we are
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very pleased that the outcome is what it is. jeremy, pastor, thank you for coming on again. >> thank you for having us. ♪ ♪ >> trace: first up into nights viral videos, imagine catching this on your home security camera. a melbourne mom got a call that her family's basketball hoop was in the middle-of-the-road. it was hit by crazy wind and got pushed all the way down the driveway. you talk about a flagrant foul. an artist in los angeles re-creating this scene from the '90 sitcom, "seinfeld," but the artist did miniatures, everything from mini comments to lewis. they're wondering if it included the big salad. and a cathedral in england celebrating national pancake day with some serious challenges. choir kids racing down the long hallways trying to balance pancakes on pans. the church says it's a long time tradition, and good for them. up next, would you hide your political beliefs to score a date?
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some men are doing just that to get noticed on dating websites. would you do that?love the nightcap crew is next. ♪ ♪u 't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew.
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kevin corke, bill melugin, marianne rafferty, carl demaio, roxanne hoge, elizabeth to go. today's topic is valentine's little white lies. conservative men say they now have to hide the political police from women on dating apps because apparently none of these women will go on a date with them. would you ever lie about your political beliefs to get a date? roxanne? >> i'm a girl, so we don't have to! [laughter] my husband -- i'm not going to say he lied, but he came to my poetry readings. >> trace: no chance. okay, and weather -- it's the same thing. marianne rafferty, would you like, would your husband lie? what somebody lied to get a date to? >> no, no, no pay we happen to gragree on anything.i don't thi. >> trace: kevin corke, lay it on us. what do you think? >> back then, absolutely. now? nah. at this age, if you don't like what i am, hit the bricks.
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>> trace: really? elizabeth pipko, would you buy it if someone was feigning that they were something they wer weren't? >> my husband didn't claim for a year that he liked sushi, and i think he was spitting it in a napkin the entire time we were going out behind my back. i will say, that would be my limit. he played it off quite well. >> trace: carl demaio? >> and i met my partner, he knew it was a conservative republica, he was a democrat. today he's a fox news watcher, he is not registered as a republican but i know how he votes. >> trace: we are glad he is watching tonight! bill melugin, your thoughts on this? >> no, i don't care, and it's going to come out at some point anyway regardless if it's for a state, second date, third date, so no. >> trace: here's the poll. yes, 5%. instagram, 9%. there you go. jake clover says, "in massachusetts it's hard not to."
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i hear you. samuel says, "i'd tell her eye was a conservative but i'm willing to identify." "it depends on how hot the day is. the hotter the date, the bigger the lie." ain't that the truth? >> "it's like wearing makeup. at some point the mask comes off and the other parties left with a shocker." that's the one. and jeffrey says, "i won't say it's because of any moral belief as i have said many untrue beliefs in pursuit of a romantic encounter. but when it comes to deeply held beliefs, i wouldn't be able to fake it for more than 30 seconds. and i think that's probably the way it goes no matter what you do. they can always tell if you are faking it. thank you all for joining the nightcap and thank you all for watching the nightcap. america's late news, fox news an night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. we will see yoowinu back here an tomorrow night. miss of the musical ♪ ♪ but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer.
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