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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  February 14, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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>> giraffe. >> greg: giraffe? >> jessica: i think whale but i might be in the mood. >> jesse: in the mood for what? >> jessica: just showed a whale video. >> jesse: see temperatures to. >> dana: seagull. >> greg: you keep saying seagull, dana. >> jesse: ocean. >> greg: baby giant otters. they are in germany. >> jesse: otters are the worse. >> greg: they only follow otters. >> dana: judge 10 seconds? >> judge jeanine: love letter in toolbox he bought from army corporal to his girlfriend apologizing for disagreement. ♪ kevin good evening. i'm kevin corke in for bret baier. breaking tonight we are following two major stories.
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congressional republicans are urging the president to declassify information on what is being called a very serious national security threat. it reportedly concerns russia. we'll have a live report from the white house. but, first tonight, shots fired and one person is killed at the victory celebration for the super bowl champion kansas city chiefs. several others people were wounded. two people are in custody at this hour. it happened near the end of the event which was expected to draw around a million fans. we are awaiting a news conference for an update. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is following that story. and has the very latest. jonathan? >> good evening, kevin, as the rally wrapped up this afternoon in front of tens of thousands of fans, gathered in front of kansas city's union station, someone began shooting sending many of those fans, including families with young children running for their lives as the mood of celebration turned to terror. video on social media appeared to show fans chasing and tackling one person and a
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bystander saying we tackled him. we got the gun. it's in the clear at this point if that person was involved in the shooting. two people who were apparently armed have been taken into custody by police who were on scene in the hundreds to provide security for the huge event. >> we also know the officers ran towards danger. officers were there to keep everyone safe. [sirens] >> i'm angry at what happened today. >> also angry the mayor of cans kansas city he paid tribute to officers and medical personnel who rushed to help. we wish we lived in a world where they did not have to do. so the mayor clearly heard the shots from his position inside union station and like some others in the area, just ran. >> this is day that a lot of people look forward to.
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something they remember for a lifetime. and what they shouldn't have to remember is the threat of gun violence marching a day like this, injuring them and their families. >> tim police have not identified the two people they detained. neither have they offered any idea of a motive. president biden has been breached on the shooting. the white house offered all federal assistance and the fbi already on the ground to bolster security at the parade is now assisting in the investigation kevin; we just got in a statement from the kansas city chiefs organization say they are truly saddened by the senseless act of violence. they have confirmed that all their players, coaches, staff, and their families are safe and accounted for and they say our hearts go out to the victims, their families and all of kansas city tragic night for kansas city. as the news conference kicks off
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we will kick off to jonathan as we get more information. >> kevin: the biden administration insisting briefed allies on a national security threat involving russia. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich tells us where things stand tonight live from the north lawn, good evening, jacqui. >> jacqui: good evening, kevin. russian capability in space which could be used against satellites including to harm u.s. military abilities. officials here were careful not to disclose any details surrounding this asset today but we are told it's not yet deployed and the question of declassifying intelligence surrounding it hinges on the need to protect intelligence sources and methods but the you the chairman of the house intelligence committee doesn't want to wait. >> house committee chairman mike turner taking the biden administration by surprise, alerting congress and the public to what he called a serious national security threat and calling object white house to
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declassify it, quote, so that congress, the administration and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond. >> i am a bit surprised that congressman turner came out publicly today in advance of a meeting on the books for me to go sit with him alongside our intelligence and defense professionals tomorrow. that's his choice to do that. >> members of congress began rushing to the scif to view the material. >> it's serious, yes. >> source was tell fox the threat is emerging russian military capability in outer space that theist has been tracking for some time denying turner's suggestion that conversations with allies and partners haven't yet happened. but, intelligence committee colleagues defended turner's frustration with apparent inaction from the administration. >> he has sent repeated letters to the administration asking that we deal with this situation so tomorrow's meeting tomorrow's meeting not a discussion. we want to know what the hell the administration is going to do about it. if the administration doesn't take firm action, this could be
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a geo strategic game changer. >> the white house not yet answering turner's call to declassify but saying, this. >> you definitely are not going to find an unwillingness to do that when it's in our national security interest to do so. >> a u.s. official pushed back on characterization that the administration has been slow to act. we're told, in fact, that president biden directed jake sullivan to brief the gang of eight tomorrow, among other things that he has directed. in the meantime, though, we are also told this revelation, this news is not directly tied to any of the legislative battles happening simultaneously on capitol hill like the push to fund ukraine. kevin. >> kevin: jacqui heinrich starting the off on the north lawn. the republican majority in the house will soon be even slimmer. democrat tom suozzi won a special election for new york's open seat yesterday. he replaces republican george santos, who, as you probably recall, was expelled. meanwhile house speaker mike johnson faces a decision on whether to bring up for a votes
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senate's funding bill for ukraine and israel. democrats may resort to an arcane procedural move to force the action. now, all of this is happening against the back drop of concerns about the threat that we just told you about. here is senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. hey, chad. >> kevin, good evening the cryptic new threat underscored questions about passing the international aid package. lawmakers usually like to gab but not today, considering the gravity of the matter. >> how concerned should americans be about this national security threat? >> absolutely no comment. >> chad: democrats demand that house speaker mike johnson schedule the foreign aid bill for a vote but he is resisting so far. >> what is he afraid of to put national security first push back against putin and make sure our country is protected. >> johnson takes a dim view on aid for ukraine.
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he says 70 senate yeas for the bill do not matter to him. latest republican sent over does not have one word in the bill about america's border. >> chad: democrats want republicans to help them bypass the speaker. they want to put the aid bill on the floor using a discharge petition. it's a procedural gambit which goes around the leadership but not all democrats are on board and republicans are skeptic. >> i have never signed a discharge petition when wire in the majority. >> a discharge petition would be betrayal on the part of anyone signing it. >> moderate g.o.p. members don't like the idea. some on the left oppose the bill because of aid to israel. that's why there have only been two successful discharge petitions in the house since 2002.
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kevin? >> kevin: chad, i just have a quick question. i know there has been a lot of back and forth. i'm curious from your perspective, having covered so many of these arguments in the past, would you say it's more likely or less likely that something will happen vis-a-vis funding for ukraine and israel any time soon? >> less likely. and, guess what? the house is out next week. >> kevin: chad pergram for us on the hill. as always, my friend, appreciate that. ♪ >> kevin: also breaking tonight, not much love for president biden on this valentine's day. at least as far as the latest fox news survey is concerned. he is under performing his 2020 vote and two very big swing states, michigan and north carolina. the president trails former president trump by 2 points in michigan. that is, of course, within the margin of error. president beat his predecessor by nearly 3 points there in 2020. meantime, in north carolina, the trump advantage is 5 points it tonight. mr. trump won north carolina but by a much, much smaller
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marginal. joining us is fox news chief political analyst brit hume. brit, as i look at those numbers, i'm frankly not surprised as much by north carolina, but i think michigan is going to open some eyes and, perhaps, even raise some eyebrows. are you surprised at this date that mr. biden is trailing there? >> brit: no, i'm not. mr. biden is widely unpopular. it is believed that he is too old to serve again and he has failed on a number of counts. i think the republicans, in the meantime, however, are in danger of losing the advantage they have voice have a see biden on the issue of the border and on the issue of ukraine funding, israel funding, funding to defender taiwan americas deal wt also on the issue of rebuilding america's defenses. that snapshot that those polling
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numbers you cited represent may be temporary and likely to be temporary, in fact, the republicans -- think of what the republicans are doing, for example, kevin, on the border issue they said they wouldn't pass ukraine and other places unless there was action on the border. the senate pushed a bill negotiated by one of the conservative republican members on the border which had some defects in it as compromise measures always do and nonetheless the strongest border protection bill i have seen in my time in washington. the house simply announced it was not going to take it up so it failed even in the senate. then comes this question of the mores for the funding of ukraine and elsewhere, and that it looks like it's going to go down in the house as well even though it passed the senate. i think these are a couple issues that put republicans in peril of looking like do nothing
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congress which is something you can bet the biden administration is going to be talking about going forward in the biden campaign as well. >> amazing times frankly here in the nation's capitol. before i ask you, brit, about north carolina. i want to share a bit more granular information about michigan. this is asking voters who they thought would do a better job on the israel-hamas situation happening there. once again, for the president, the numbers frankly don't add up this late stage of the game the president can do to turn that around? >> brit: well, there is something -- i think kevin, there is some things it would be good if he could do them. remember, there is a significant piece of the democratic electorate that is not pro-israel. so, you know, there are people who think -- there are people on the right who may not think he is doing the left, people who support israel and people on the left who think he is doing too
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much. so, that puts him in a bind on that issue. this is a situation where if he were able to come out and articulate clearly and effectively, the reason why we should support israel, it would probably help him. but what he has been doing mostly lately is trying to coddle the lefties in his base who don't like what he is doing on israel by complaining about how israel is being too tough, is over the top. and so forth. i think that applies as well and even perhaps more so on ukraine funding, kevin, because the president has never made the case for ukraine funding. there is a widespread view in the republican party that we shouldn't be supporting ukraine. so he can't depend on much help on that side. so, he is in trouble on both issues. and he is not really rhetorically in a position or has not been in a position to do much about it. >> kevin: no question about that.
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i especially think in michigan given the hamas, gaza israel story, the president could be in real trouble there. brit, as always, thank you. we will continue our coverage on "special report." my good friend brit baier will be joining us. take you tout kansas city where we are anticipating a news conference following today's bedlam just outside of the super bowl celebration. one person dead, others injured. we're back with more "special report" after this. ♪ i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪
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♪ >> bret: breaking tonight my thanks to kevin corke taking over the top of the show. i'm bret baier bringing you the top story at the top of the hour. kansas city police station where there was a shooting today outside the celebration for the super bowl champion kansas city chiefs. one person dead. at least 15 people wounded. we are told that there are two people in custody. we're waiting for a news conference from the kansas city police. and get more information from that. the kansas city chiefs put out a statement saying we are truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of union station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally our hearts go out to the victims, their families and all of kansas city. again, awaiting some new information. when we get that, we will take
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you there live. >> bret: also breaking tonight in just the past few minutes, special counsel jack smith is urging the u.s. supreme court to let former president donald trump's election interference case proceed to trial without further delay. the trump team is asking for a continued pause in the case as the court considers taking up the questions of whether the former president is immune from prosecution for official acts in the white house. correspondent david spunt has been following this. has details tonight. good evening, david. >> hi, bret, good evening. special counsel jack smith had until tuesday to file his response. but he did so about less than a week early showing he is ready to get this trial on the move and he wants the justices to do so. he wants them to take up this issue as soon as possible, make a decision. i want to read part of this, he says, in the public interest in a prompt trial is at zenith. we are here, a former president is charged with conspiring to
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subvert the electoral process so he could remain in office. the nation has a compelling interest in seeing the charges brought to trial. now, bret, we await to see what the supreme court does. will they issue a pause? will they get involved or will they completely stay away from this all together? jack smith's main motive is to get this moving, moving, moving. the former president is to get this delay, delay, delay. possibly putting this trial into the summer, into the fall, which has real questions as we get real question to the election. now we await the high court. bret? >> bret: following a lot of legal moves. david spunt, thank you. >> thanks. >> bret: on the markets today stocks rebounded from tuesday's big sell off following disappointing inflation news. the dow gained 152 today. the s&p 500 finished ahead 47. the nasdaq jumped 204. ♪ ♪ >> bret: defense secretary lloyd austin hosted a virtual meeting
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about ukraine today, just hours after being discharged from the hospital. he is urging the house to pass the funding bill for ukraine and israel. tonight we learn what some of that money would buy and how it works. shear chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin. >> the national security supplemental includes more than just ukraine military aid. it focuses on missile defense to protect israeli cities. $4 billion for the iron dome and david sling. $1.2 billion for the iron beam laser system to counter short range rocket threats. something the u.s. could also use to protect u.s. troops at bases across the middle east. and $2.4 billion for u.s. central command to resupply missiles fired by the u.s. navy to stop iranian proxies. then there's ♪ >> bret: interrupt that story take you back to kansas city. let's listen in to this news conference about the shooting today outside the celebration
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for the kansas city chiefs. >> the very latest caught up in the incident in some way. myself, my wife, lots of families, players, chief's staff and others, their spouses, their families, a number of people who are in or near union station. so many people have been touched by this incident and we recognize that we also pray not only for the victims, including the decedent that was discussed earlier and their family, but also the victims of the shootings right now we hope are recovering inside our hospitals. we will continue to give you updated information. at this point we have talked to our federal partners. we have also talked to the kansas city chiefs. we will be talking to the national football league and others. more so just to hear that all are safe who are with those institutions and we continue to hope that all of those who were impacted are safe. to the extent you have information about suspects or others, we do encourage you to call the police. however, if for whatever other
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reasons you have information about the incident, we will be looking to share that through different methods. so, if you have information about the incident, suspects and others, please call the police if you are looking for other information we will try to continue to give you regular updates. i will say this final thing and then we will come back for questions at the end. today was tragic for everyone who was part of it. had the chance to talk to my wife just a moment ago who said we became part of a statistic of too many americans. those who have experienced or been part of or connected to a mass shooting. that is something that i hope we all recognize is highly problematic for all of us. i continue to commend our police officers, our firefighters and others who were there to respond instantly, but we also need to figure out a way to make sure that things like this stop happening in our country. with that i turn it over to the chief of police, stacy grahams. >> thank you. i just want to echo the mayor's thoughts and his prayers. and also to acknowledge that not
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only the victims who were actually hit by gunfire but there are a lot more people who are going to be forever impacted by what happened here today. you know, as people were running, you know, a lot of us law enforcement who are -- who are running toward the danger, also guided those who were in fear of their lives and that's something to be said of how impactful today's events truly was. again, we have confirmed there is one deceased person. our gunshot wound total has went up to 22 survive a little bit more context to that right now we are still working on a total of number of victims. this is still an active investigation. i do want to comment on the
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question that i got earlier about a video of some fans tackling someone. we do have three persons detained and under investigation for today's incident. we are working to determine if one of the three are the one that was in that video where fans assisted police. our investigators are working with all of the surviving victims to connect them with loved ones. wees also working to identify our deceased victim, so we can notify their family staffing centralized phone: if anyone wants a video or information to what led up to what happened here today, again, we are
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continuously receiving information in a minute which is part of the but i do want to pass this on context some of the status of our victims. >> i just want to say that all of case k.c.'s thoughts and prayers with those affected by this tragedy today. and while we were not expecting it, we were ready and prepared for an event such like this. our kcfd units along with our mutual aid partners working to assist us at this event touched a total of 22 gunshot victims. one of those was a fatality. we had 8 what we considered immediately life-threatening patients. we had seven with life-threatening injuries. and we had six that were at minor injuries. the most serious immediately life-threatening 86 those. to hospitals within 10 minutes.
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we felt the response was certainly adequate and appropriate and i commend all our staff working there tonight along with p.d. did an excellent job under difficult circumstances. we transported three different hospitals. we transported children's mercy. truman medical and also saint luke's on the plaza? questions? >> yes. >> who are you asking? >> anyone who can answer the question. >> we heard people talk about gunshots they heard near the west side of union station and then also gunfire and situations that happened near the fountain stoplight there near the intersection. was there two separate scenes? was there one big scene? do you know the answer answer to that question. >> that is still an active scene. that is a large ground to cover. as you know the size union station, i will tell you we have located that crime scene on the west side of union station. as far as in the front of, that is still under investigation. we have crime scene investigators as well as the
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detectives. we had a lot of our assault squad detectives and our homicide detectives actually in uniform today working the assignment. so not only did you have uniformed presence immediately responding to the scene, rendering aid, going towards danger, but you also had detectives that were immediately on the scene that are still there and actively working. >> are you investigating any sort of connection with the earlier shooting in the day at 27 [inaudible] >> at this time we don't know if that is connected but that is something that we are looking at. >> contact if they don't know where their children are. do you know that there may be some other kids there who appearance i can tell you detectives at hospitals investigating. trying to connect our victims to their loved ones, should that be the case and it's a child, someone could either contact police or if that is what children's mercy is requesting,
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of course, they can contact them as well. >> anything you can say about motive? >> right now we do not have a mostly cloudy. but we are asking those who may potentially have any kind of information, a witness, or video, to contact police. that's one of that -- what i talked about that phone number that we're setting up that's going to be centralized for victims, witnesses and potential video evidence. >> any age range? >> i do not have that yet. >> second gunshot victim who died [inaudible] >> i have not been able to confirm another death victims taken from children's mercy hospital. i understand they received -- they have nine shooting victims and they did -- it's possible that one of them was an adult. do you know how many children did it was 8 or 9 and are we talking about children or little
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ones or 17-year-olds? do you know, chief? >> [inaudible] >> children wants accepts patients up to 17 years old but we do not have that information currently on the exact ages of the patients that were transferred. children's confirm would he go did transport to children's mercy but we do not have the ages of those patients. >> mayor, you had over 800 officers deployed to work this parade, [inaudible] in a matter of moments. 22 people were shot that's what happens with guns. i won't get in a debate. we are still doing a investigation. what you saw happen happens with guns a lot. we had over 800 officers there, staff situated all around union station toted a we had security any numbers of places eyes on
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top of buildings and beyond there still is a risk to people. i think that's something that all of us who are parents, who are just regular people living each day have to decide what we wish to do about it. parades, valleys, schools, movies, it seems almost nothing is safe and we had hundreds of law enforcement working hard today. i do want to echo what the chief said who are running towards danger, but in a matter of seconds someone who wants to disrupted anyone who wants to disrupt can change not one or two but two dozen. that, to me is absolutely devastating and makes me feel vastly more concerned as a parent just in the world today thinking about that. >> can you tell us more about
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how you were able to detain those two individuals? >> i will get to you in a second. >> cause so much harm? >> what was the question? >> can you tell us how you were able to take those two suspects into custody? >> officers, uniformed officers were on scene. i don't have all the information exactly what they witnessed. there was pursuit. apprehension, our officers taken into custody. as far as you are directly answering your question, i don't have that information right now. >> you have two gunmen in custody. >> talk about weapons. can you tell me how many and what type of weapons were involved? >> i don't have the exact on the weapons we have recovered firearms. i don't have a number for you or a caliber. we have recovered firearms at least one. >> >> you have two gunmen in custody. do you believe there are any others still unaccounted for. >> we have three people that we
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have detained and that is what we are asking for is if anyone has any information is a witness or has any kind of video may provide us anybody else that was involved in this. >> [inaudible] >> no, at this time the scene has been colorado he would? when i say cleared, i say the scene has been made safe and it's been cleared. right now we are in the investigative portion of that collecting evidence where that be digital evidence or physical evidence that that is what we are doing right now. and we are also conducting interviews, obviously, we have several victims that we need to have a conversation with it ask questions. we are moving as fast as we can. >> can you explain there was like five minutes before the first shot and the second? >> all of that has -- all of that has not been determined just yet.
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# number of shots. the time in between them. motive. all of that is still actively being investigated. >> we don't know if there were two separate -- we don't know the answers to that? >> i cannot confirm that yet. >> did i miss this? >> last one here guys. >> inside or outside union station? >> this was all outside union station. >> thank you. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you, all. >> we have three people that are detained. >> bret: kansas city police and the mayor there in kansas city updating us on the shooting outside the kansas city chiefs super bowl parade and celebration 22 people shot. one person dead what they are telling us, trying to find out more information good morning jonathan, people in custody
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three. we don't have the motive or ticktock of how it went all down. >> no, one fact that we should bring to the attention of our viewers, bret, is the children's mercy hospital in kansas city saying they are treating # 1 children wounded in this incident. final of those children suffered gunshot wounds. now, as you mentioned, 22 confirmed to have been wounded over all and according to the fire chief who was also speaking at that press conference, 8 of those that were suffering life-threatening injuries. now, the police chief was asked during that press conference about a report from the kansas city star that a second person has died. the police chief appeared to answer that carefully. saying and this is a quote: i have not been able to confirm another death. but, three people she confirmed
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have been detained. we saw these interesting videos that we showed them to your viewers at the top of the however bystanders tackling law enforcement as you see becoming involved. you hear one of those bystanders say we tackled the guy. we got the gun. now we do not know at this point, bret, whether that person on the ground there is involved in this shooting, but clearly those around that person thought he was. law enforcement then detained him. one of three as we understand it. currently detained. bret. >> bret: a day of celebration. a day of -- that turned into tragedy, jonathan. we'll continue to follow this and get any new information on the air as soon as can. jonathan, thank you. up next, when we return, we will bring you back to that report from jennifer griffin about ukraine funding and other news ever the day. stay here.
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>> bret: before we went to news conference in kansas city. we are were talking about funding in ukraine. bandied about on capitol hill. tonight again we learn what some of that money would buy and what that process is. here again is chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin. >> national security supplemental includes more than just ukraine military aid. it focuses on missile defense to protect israeli cities. $4 billion for the iron comb and david sling. $1.2 billion for the iron beam laser system to counter short range rocket threats. something the u.s. could also use to protect u.s. troops at bases across the middle east. and $2.4 billion for u.s. central command to resupply missiles fired by the u.s. navy to stop iranian proxies. then there is $1.9 billion for
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dod to backfill weapons it already sent to taiwan from u.s. stockpiles. the $60 billion for ukraine includes $48.4 billion for weapons. $19.9 billion for the pentagon to backfill weapons already sent to ukraine from u.s. stockpiles. in essence buying new weapons for the u.s. military. defense secretary austin tried to reassure the ukraine contact group. 50 allies meeting in brussels today that u.s. support for ukraine the front lines against an expansionist russia would continue. >> ukraine will not surrender and neither will we. >> a study by the conservative leaning american enterprise institute shows that 90% of the $68 billion the u.s. has already sent to ukraine supports weapons factories and jobs in the u.s. javelin troy alabama howitzers
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build in minneapolis. switchblade drones made in forest, mississippi, and york, pennsylvania and more. >> the supplemental refills depleted u.s. stockpiles, modernizes those stockpiles and helps the u.s. economy while ensuring the u.s. is prepared for future conflict. bret? >> jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. jennifer, thank you. up next, the panel on the fight over declassifying information concerning what's being called a major national security threat. we'll dig into that, next. ♪ and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪
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i want to assure the american people there is no need for public alarm. >> concerned serious. >> the issue is very serious. it is very brave grave. if we don't deal with this issue appropriately. if the administration doesn't take firm action, this could be a geo strategic game changer. >> bret: okay. it's a warning, a threat, it has to do with russia. the house intelligence committee chair put out a statement on a serious national security threat today, quote: the house permanent select committee on intelligence has made all available -- available to all members of congress information concerning a serious national security threat.
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i'm requesting that president biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that congress, the administration and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat. the "new york times" is reporting that it could possibly be russia's efforts to develop a space based antisatellite nuclear weapon. not that it's deployed currently in space. there is intel to suggest that they are citing former and current intel officials. let's bring in our panel. matthew continetti. fellow at american enterprise institute. morgan ortagus. host of the morgan ortagus show on sirius xm. founder of polaris national security. and "the washington post" white house reporter tyler pager. morgan, it is unusual for the house intel chair to kind of do this move. they must believe that it is a serious threat to put out this information to even as valed as it is. >> incredibly unusual.
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it's certainly got the national security world chattering today. i think it's going to be incumbent now upon the administration to share some sort of information. i certainly understand, bret, that these are highly classified things that we are dealing with. but, mike is not somebody -- i have known him for a while. is he not someone to make these sort of pronouncements to do dramatic acts in the congress. not a rabble rouser. flag for important reason. reports about perhaps a space based nuclear weapon. listen, we know that in the trump administration, the russians really wanted us to renegotiate and extend new start. we did not do so. we were continuing negotiations and we were trying to get the chinese. in biden administration went back in the new start with no negotiations. so that will be the back drop, bret, of all of this. >> tyler, on the democrat side, reaction to this. leader jeffries, the house minority leader saying the most
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urgent national security threat facing the american people right now is the possibility that congress abandons ukraine and allows vladimir putin's russia to win from hakeem jeffries. this obviously is in the back drop of this supplemental and the funding that has come over from the senate. >> yeah. absolutely. that's why national security adviser jake sullivan was at the white house press briefing today where he received questions on this perceived threat and also trying to talk about the larger picture here. obviously the white house administration and democratic leaders and some republican senators have been pushing to get this supplemental passed. it's passed in the house. it's perilous and unclear whether there is something to move forward. but i do think there is some intersection here as reporting suggests that this threat has to do with russia. i think democrats as well as republicans who voted for this package in the senate trying to tie them together to present the threat that russia poses to not just ukraine but to the western
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world. >> bret: yeah, matthew there will be skeptics out there this threat is bubbling up as they need votes to change in the house to pass that funding for ukraine. i will just tell you that we have done a number of stories here on space and concern in the space community about antisatellite weapons. not just from russia but from china. and that it is a real thing that had been, you know, bubbling up inside that community for a while. >> jake sullivan says he doesn't understand why chairman turner made this announcement. anyone who recalls the chinese spy balloon incident knows why chairman turner released this announcement to force this issue. we can't wait for farmers in montana to break out their telescopes a sight the antinuclr weapon from planet earth side think san important issue. bret. it's a serious issue. it deserves a serious response and a serious response begins by giving our allies in israel and
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ukraine the military assistance they need to face threats from russia and iran. >> panel, thanks a lot to an abbreviated panel with all the breaking news out of kansas city. we will have update on that top story right after this quick break. ♪ face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat,
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three people are in custody after that shooting at the super bowl victory celebration for the kansas city chiefs. 8 children are said to be among those injured. the police chief, just moments ago, saying no motive is known at this time. again, three people in custody. the chiefs issuing a statement expressing the team's regret as did the national football league. we will continue to follow. this tomorrow on "special report." our "common ground" segment features members of the house intelligence and foreign affairs committees on today's news about that national security threat involving russia. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. my thanks for search corc for the top of the show. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ ♪ hour lawyer i'm laura ingraham