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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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them. >> bill: that's pam smith who is all over this story, dana. she is in charge. >> dana: impressive woman. pay attention and listen to her as they try to figure out what's happening. there was a warrant. they went to serve it and that's when it happened. >> bill: before we go we want to make sure we get this in today. ready for this? >> dana: i'm ready. >> bill: say hello to six pounds five ounces of pure love. that is mary enos, the daughter of our producer, robert, and his wife zita and they have brought new life into this world. >> dana: look at the smiles. that girl has a beautiful head of hair and wonderful parents. no doubt that girl will be very on time. because her father is. harris faulkner next. >> on the vote the yays are 214, nays are 213, resolution is
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adopted. >> harris: impeachment for the homeland security secretary. you see he refused to follow the laws to our southern border and keep things secure. but he could not escape the power of republicans in the u.s. house of representatives. house republicans impeached dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas over biden's border crisis, the first time a cabinet secretary has been impeached since 1876. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the vote as you know failed last week the first time. they didn't get enough for republicans. on the second round, last night the margin was tight, 214 to 213 straight party line, republicans got it done. republicans saying it is the price for dereliction of duty. >> we executed our constitutional duty impeaching
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secretary mayorkas for violating his oath to support and defend the constitution, subvert the rule of law and breach the american public's trust. >> months and months of building this case that this secretary has failed to do his job. the good news is this house republican majority has razor thin as it is once again did our job. we are going to fight to secure the border. >> when an executive branch official rejects unilaterally replaces the laws passed by this congress, we have to act. last night we did. >> harris: so on the house side it is like an indictment. on the senate side is where they will decide whether or not you lose your position. so the proceedings now go on to the democrat-controlled senate. a vote to dismissal but certain there. however, the political fallout of those democrats voting against kicking out mayorkas is going to happen in an election
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year. the implications could be huge. secretary mayorkas was digging in his heels. >> i will gladly answer it again. the allegations are baseless and i'm focused on the work that brings me to las vegas today. >> republicans have indicated they might hold another vote and have the numbers to impeach you. if that happened would you consider stepping aside? >> no, i would not. >> harris: it's kind of the administration putting lipstick on a pig yesterday. customs and border protection highlighted a 42% drop on the border, but it's still the highest of any january of record after december' all-time record high of illegal crossings for any month ever. in "focus" now republican congressman mike waltz and he will stand by as we first go to senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. chad. >> good morning, harris.
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history made on capitol hill last night. the last one impeached was the secretary of war. we don't even have one anymore. democrats believe it is a slip reslope. >> it is a dangerous, dangerous precedent that the republicans are trying to set by impeaching someone who -- from a different party who they just simply don't agree with. and the allegations are both false and sensational. >> the vote was super tight, 214-213. remember that republicans lost three of their members, mike gallagher of wisconsin, tom mcclintock of california and ken buck of colorado. buck was not moved by the impeachment arguments. >> you can't point to a statute and say this is the statute he violated. people say he lied. there was opinions were that expressed that people disagree
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with. there is no high crime or misdemeanor in this situation. >> here is what happens next. the senate is compelled to start a trial. there are 11 house members who will serve as prosecutors, homeland security committee chairman mark green is one of them. >> it is now time for the senate to do its duty, to step up, hold a trial, and convict secretary mayorkas. >> chuck schumer says the trial will start later this month. they received the articles one day, swear in senators as jurors the next. the senate could dismiss the articles quickly. harris. >> harris: great work, thank you very much. in "focus" now let's get to florida congressman mike waltz member of the house foreign affairs, armed services and intelligence committees. first of all, democrats, you saw it party line in the house. we will likely see something just like that in the senate. democrats vulnerable in races may regret voting against them if they do in the senate.
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>> i think you are absolute absolutely right. i think they will regret it. the american people are demanding we do something, anything to get this border under control and we're seeing in the polling this isn't just a republican base issue. you are seeing blue state governors ringing the alarm bell. you are seeing inner city mayors ringing the alarm bells. city councils. this is becoming a crisis for our cities. it is already a crisis for the country. harris, my fear sitting on the intelligence committee, the f.b.i. director is sounding the alarm bells. we have literally hundreds of people on the terrorist watch list. we don't know where they are. they are trying to track them down. compare it with 11 under the last administration. my fear is something is going to go boom. we are going to suffer an attack and then this will be a horrific
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vote in hindsight. >> harris: how does that come up in the senate? what are you hearing from republicans across chamber from you? >> i'm hearing that schumer will do everything he can to squash it and kill it. they are required to bring it up. they will immediately try a procedural motion to refer it to committee and just squash it and make it go away. the problem is, you are seeing mayorkas dig in, you are seeing the problem for the administration is they are digging in. basically defending a crisis that isn't going to go away for denver, for chicago, for new york, and now spreading out into the suburbs, the gang violence we're seeing. schools overflowing, community centers overflowing. they are digging in on bad policy, losing issue, and schumer is trying to squash it and it will look just as bad as the democrats voting against it.
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>> harris: it is to disingenuous by this president and the white house. he was supposed to be the person to talk to both sides as he brags about having done for 50 years as a career as a congressman, senator and vice president, now president. we didn't see that this time. hr2 was written and handed over. homework from republicans as you say nine months ago. they had something to work with and instead they worked in ukraine and everybody else and when that didn't work out the border got pushed out all together. last quick thought on that and we'll move forward. >> biden ran in 2020 on compassion and competence. it started, that broke in afghanistan and now with the border it looks completely incompetent and humanitarian crisis that's going on it is cold hearted, not compassionate. >> harris: former new york lieutenant governor mccoy wrote a piece laying out how criminals posing as asylum seekers are
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turning america's cities to war zones. you mentioned the cities as the microcosm what's going on in the country. you were right about that, congressman. there are videos that tell the story. a gang of illegal immigrants, thieves using mopeds to steal people's jewelry and phones ripping up your victims in violent encounters. you are in hand-to-hand combat with these people. new york city reeling from the savage attack on two nypd officers earlier this month. late yesterday, the only one of those people that you see here who didn't get released scot-free without bail managed to come up with $15,000 cash to bond out. follow the money. where did that come from rick i'm asking? we don't know. police believe another suspect in the police attack was part of a violent robbery at a macy's in
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new york city. lawmakers are announcing plans for legislation to role back democrat sanctuary policies. they blame for encouraging the flood of illegals into new york city's top democrat or into new york, the house's top democrat hit governor abbott for moving the illegals from texas to new york. this could go on for a while. i want to hear from you on all of it, congressman. >> two stats, harris, one, this is back in 2018 justice department numbers that 64% of federal arrests were non-citizens. now, this justice department under biden, this dhs won't give us the data of where all these people are going much less who they are being arrested but then separately in 2023 half of those arrests had multiple convictions. i think you will see a theme this year from president trump.
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it is all about safety and security. is your money secure from inflation? are your families secure from crime? is our border secure? is america secure with the world on fire? you may not like how he says or what he says sometimes, but at the end of the day, every day americans want to feel safe. they certainly do not right now. i don't care what your political persuasion is. >> harris: as a warrior who served this country what would you say about the choice that americans in big cities are having to make right now? we showed you some video. it is hand-to-hand. if somebody puts their hand on you to grab something they can touch you. this takes us into a zone where violence is potential at many, many more occasions than they were just a few weeks and months ago. your thoughts about what americans are facing. >> look, this safety issue, harris, is cross cutting. that's why you are seeing
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hispanics coming our way, seeing african-american community coming our way, you are seeing -- this is just a common sense issue and you have the progressive left that have turned the criminals into the victims. and that just defies all common sense for anyone. so it is bad enough that these things are happening but to pour salt in the wound when you see them right back out on the street. the slap in the face to law enforcement putting their lives on the line and then the slap in the face to everyday taxpayers trying to go to work, trying to raise a family and do so in relative safety, again that's going to come down and be a critical issue. then at the end of the day, our military members abroad deserve the very best that -- we have a sacred duty to give them what they need to fight and defend this great nation and when you see their housing with mold and feces in it and a recruiting
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crisis and military members not being supported, i think this is all going to resonate and president trump, it is not theoretical. he will point to what i did that worked and what is going on now that's not working. that's it. >> harris: congressman waltz from the great state of florida. thank you for getting us started today in "focus." house republicans reportedly have a plan to keep president biden's age and mental fitness front and center as an issue. democrats worry the issue could cost them the white house. right now the nation's budget director is testifying after that brutal day in the markets yesterday and americans retirement accounts getting punched. we lost all the gains for this current year of 2024 and more. larry kudlow points to one thing. >> all of biden's government spending gave them a temporary boost to gdp. now they are paying the inflation piper.
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actually, we're paying the inflation piper. >> harris: the inflation piper and boy, you know the inflation went back up again yesterday in the wrong direction. the dow trying to rebound after its perilous plunge on yesterday's inflation report. fox business's david asman and liz clay bin. they were there when the news was breaking and it still is next. ] are you sure your taxes are being done 100% correctly? intuit turbotax prepared over 40 million federal tax returns last year, so you can trust they'll do yours right. whether you want a turbotax expert to do your taxes, from start to finish, or help you along the way, you'll get your maximum refund, guaranteed. turbotax experts are always up-to-date with the latest tax laws, and their calculations are guaranteed 100% accurate. get your best tax outcome, guaranteed. visit
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>> harris: let's look at the dow jones. markets right now not doing too much in terms up fluctuation. we're up 31 points after yesterday's dismal drop. yesterday's close handed americans a 524-point loss. enough to wipe out months of gains.
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not just for 2024, but plural months. unexpectedly bad inflation numbers, and food prices are up. that includes big spikes in prices for beef, hot dogs, sugar. the president's weakened biden's post i should say quickly came back to haunt him. over the weekend he put this out saying good news, the stock market going strong as a sign of confidence in america's economy. ben domenech on "focus" yesterday. >> the white house sounds divorced from reality on so many different things. nowhere more than this. they simply deny the reality that the american family experiences on a daily basis when they see the prices of the goods that they purchase regularly, especially for families, working families across the country, it is an insult to them to claim they are not seeing that type of impact on their pocket books.
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quote, the fed chair powell has been cautious about easing too soon. no doubt because he remembers the stop and go inflation of the 1970s. while he might pull off a soft economic landing, as they say, the last disinflationary mile was always going to be the hardest. david asman, fox business anchor and liz. you kept us calm and informed. thank you very much. what happened? >> what happened is the cpi, consumer price index, was the latest rate on inflation and it went the wrong way. inflation is supposed to be
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coming down and that's the word disinflation. people don't understand that. it's not prices dropping, it's the rate of inflation slowing. we want to keep that in mind. it ticked up instead of down. that, of course, is not the plan. however, i would stress that since the highs of inflation, which was june of 2022, 9%, we're now down to 3.1%. >> harris: in the inflation rate. prices continue to go up until that inflation rate can come down to the point i guess it would have to be negative to bring prices down. >> the liz's point. it's down in real terms 2.1% when you factor in inflation figures from january 2021, the month the joe biden took over. the reason americans feel so bad is because they have lost 2.1%
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of the purchasing power that they had before president biden took office. >> harris: you sat down and said harris, did you look at your 401k. i said no, you tell me not to in times like this. >> bottom line is over the past 12 months the stock market has been on an extraordinary rally. we have gained in point terms gained over 7,000 points. yesterday at the worst point in the day we lost 740 points. that's a lot of points to be down but only 10% of the gains that we made in the past year. that means that you shouldn't worry about it. the market was over bought. too many people in the market. we were expecting a little downturn. the inflation numbers that came out was a trigger. >> harris: none of this explains why the current administration cannot understand why people are still bothered by high prices or
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they don't want to admit it. they lean on wall street's progress until 4:05 yesterday afternoon. >> that's the problem when biden tweets or somebody on behalf of president biden tweeted. you don't want to do that precisely because of what's around the corner, that may have been yesterday. important to note since biden was elected the s&p 500, a better read of stock markets because it's 500 stocks versus the dow 30. that has been up 47% since biden was elected. so the numbers there are certainly positive and people do look at the stock market as a measure, harris, the price of shelter is something that you have to look at, and that went in a horribly wrong direction yesterday. both month over month and year-over-year. >> washington keeps spendsing like drunken sailors. think what you will of the foreign aid bill. not one penny of the close to
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$100 billion for ukraine and israel. not $0.01 is paid for. every penny of that money that will be spent is deficit spending. that's the way washington works. >> harris: dripping in debt. yeah, still didn't help out the border. great to have you both. thank you very much. i appreciate it. fox news alert now breaking news. brand-new video of the suspect in the nypd officer beading. just arrested in a separate macy's robbery case suspected of being involved in a security guard beat down. the security guard outside macy's was punched and kicked. gomez was one of those beating suspects. a judge initially freed him without bail after the beating of two nypd police officers in times square earlier this month. now we get a look at him. it is always a better day when they aren't flipping off the
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cameras. we'll bring you more on this as we get it. poll after poll showing voters are very concerned about the president's mental fitness. the polls ask about his age. it's less about that and more about acuity and his ability to remember anything and do his job. republicans reportedly are running with the issue. is that a winning strategy? we'll dig in. plus why the white house should be pushing for the release of the biden/robert hur interview transcript. >> if joe biden actually wants to put to rest and attack this issue about how unfair this report is, then demand that they release the transcript and the audio/or videotape of the interview that happened. >> harris: it went on for several hours and led the special counsel to describe president biden as an elderly man with a poor memory. that's what is indicated for why he wasn't charged. will we get to see it for
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ourselves, that interview? power panel next. but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. (sigh) (snoring) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. honey? inspire. sleep apnea innovation.
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do his job. and i think that when the president got up the other day and tried to speak to the nation, he just reiterated and reinforced the idea that we are in trouble in this country right now from a leadership standpoint. it is not in the best interest of this country. i want to let everybody know we'll continue to make this an issue. >> harris: that is the former white house doctor, congressman ronnie jackson, pulling no punches on republicans' plans. as you know, continuously polling has shown it is a concern and it is resonating with voters. in a deep way. the latest one showing 78% say the president is too old for another term. worse 71% of democrats say the same. democrats said to be worried privately but many are still defending him publicly. >> well, i know who i will choose. it will be one of the most successful presidents in modern american history. >> his mental acute is great,
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fine, as good as it has been over years. >> president biden who i have been around this year is sharp, focused, bright. >> this is a man who is sharp, on top of his game. who knows what's going on. >> he is smart, he is on his game. >> harris: sharp and on his game. peter doocy who is definitely sharp and on his game. , peter. >> i hope so. officials here are apparently don't see much of an up side to submitting president biden to a cognitive exam. they're telling us that will not be part of his upcoming physical. >> obviously on his physical, which the president proves every day how he operates. how he thinks, right? why dealing with world leaders and making difficult decisions on behalf of the american people. domestic or national security. so he shows it every day on how he thinks, how he operates, and so that is how dr. o'connor sees
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it and how i will leave it. >> house republicans are planning to make the president's acuity the centerpiece of this season pushing for the special counsel transcript that identified memory lapses and axios is reporting sources close to house gop leaders are blunt that they don't think it even matters what they find. the sources think any fight will make the white house look bad and keep a huge biden vulnerability in the headlines. aides are also trying to keep president biden on script. they have apparently decided letting him off script does not help them. >> president biden: i will make this statement. i will not take any questions but i will take questions tomorrow or the next day. >> that would be today or tomorrow. nothing on schedule yet. >> harris: peter, thank you very much. t.w. shannon, former speaker of the oklahoma house of representatives, patrick murphy,
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former pennsylvania congressman and undersecretary of the army formerly as well. gentlemen, great to see you. t.w. the strategy of focusing right where so many voters, independents, democrats, just every voter that has been surveyed has weighed in on this one way or the other. is that the strategy for republicans and will it work? >> well the strategy of the democrats. it's operation gas light american people. don't believe your lying eyes. 81% of americans see what is happening. it's time for us to go a step further. not only do we need to stop just having a conversation and sending around cute memes about the president's health it is time for congress to act. we should subpoena every official that deals with the president daily. what are they saying privately in emails and what are they saying about the president's health? this isn't a matter of partisan
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politics. this is a matter of national security. joe biden is in crisis and that means america is in crisis. congress needs to act on it. >> harris: i will move to this. house republicans are demanding the release of the interview transcript between special counsel robert hur and president biden. the leaders of three powerful house committees have given attorney general merrick garland until monday to respond to their request. congressman jim jordan, who chairs the house judiciary committee said this. >> we want the information robert hur has. the white house and justice department can't hide behind the fact it is an ongoing investigation. that's over. we have a 300 some page report from special counsel hur. we want those transcripts. we want that information. we want the video footage. we want all that information as we go about doing our work. >> harris: patrick, your response. >> listen, i'm all about transparency and sunshine is a great disinfectant in
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government. the transcript will be released. they have to redact classified parts of it but absolutely i think it should and will happen. can i make something? t.w. with all due respect subpoena every cabinet member on their daily schedule. i thought we believed in limited government. >> let's be clear. what we believe is the constitution and the constitution allows when there is an issue with the president's cognitive ability for the 25th amendment to be invoked. since that discussion is happening. it was nancy pelosi that started it back in 2019 who started that discussion concerning donald trump. what we ought to be doing is every member that has a problem with the president's health or has a vote on the 25th amendment we should see what they are saying privately. 81% of americans see there is a problem. >> harris: if axios does as good a job as it did talking with people behind the scenes of the white house and getting the infighting and so on and so forth maybe they can get the
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behind the scenes on capitol hill, too and tell us what the people are saying behind the scenes. more than half of americans are telling us up front they believe president biden got special treatment after prosecutors decided they could not pursue criminal charges for his handling of classified documents. that includes 29% of democrats. patrick. >> listen, joe biden and mike pence, the former vice president both complied and gave d.o.j. access they needed and complied with everything they said. if we made a mistake we want to make sure you're on top of it. >> harris: i know you go there first and like to cherry pick and compare this person to that. but did you see the pictures that were in the hur report? i don't know what mike pence's house looks like but if they look like that i think we would have seen them because they were almost -- i don't know, politically salacious the way the president laid those out
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next to the corvette. some were in tatters and tears and you can talk about comparing him to others but can we just stick to joe biden for one second and what your eyes actually saw. >> my eyes saw in the report showed he complied with the d.o.j. you have heard me say i believe in the rule of law. a former federal prosecutor. that's one thing. like mike pence because they cam complied and it was a mistake unlike former president trump. this is apples and dump trucks. president trump or former president trump didn't comply. they had to show up and he said i don't want you to touch my boxes. i don't want you to look at my files. >> that is disingenuous. the president complied. he wasn't charged with being in contempt of court. that's not what he was charged with. you said you believe in the rule of law. what you shouldn't believe in is a two-tier justice system which
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is what this appears to be with donald trump. i've been to mar-a-lago. if you want to compare pictures and photographs, i've been behind the walled interior of mar-a-lago and how secure that place is. joe biden's corvette is not the most secure place in america for classified documents. it is a two-tier justice system. american people know it and you know it, too. >> that's why we can -- >> harris: no worries, we'll bring you back. appreciate you both. great debate. >> happy valentine's day. >> happy valentine's day to both of you. thank you. a potential day of reckoning for two top georgia prosecutors. how the timeline of district attorney fani willis and special counsel nathan wade's relationship could affect the meddling election case against former president trump. will they disqualify these two? plus selling the biden brand. testimony now from hunter
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biden's ex business partner is speeding along the republican push to impeach president biden. ♪ ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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>> harris: fulton county, georgia district attorney fani willis and prosecutor nathan wade, who she hired, could be forced to take the stand tomorrow. a hearing misconduct allegations regarding the couple. the georgia judge is investigating them. >> the most serious aspect of these allegations is that they may have filed a false affidavit and false papers with the court. there are witnesses that can show their relationship preceded his hiring. that's very serious. keep in mind that willis and wade are prosecuting people in this case for making false statements to courts. so this is becoming increasingly bizarre. >> harris: fact checking and witness testimony could be enough to remove one or both of them from former president
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trump's election interference case. senior correspondent steve harrigan on the story for us, steve. >> the two sides in this case are basically on a collision course which will bear itself out tomorrow. on the one side you have the d.a. and prosecutor admit they had a relationship but said that relationship only began after the prosecutor, nathan wade, was hired. they admit they traveled together but said they went dutch and split everything. split all expenses. defense attorney has come out and said both of these two are lying before anything. they had a relationship before wade was hired and wade who earned hundreds of thousands of dollars as a prosecutor spend tens of thousands whining and dining fani willis. the hearing tomorrow will not be about election interference in georgia. it will be about fani willis and this relationship. >> i think what we're looking at is kind of a mini trial on the
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fani willis/nathan wade affair. it will go on for a heck of a long time. it won't be resolved anything like february 15th. >> the key question for tomorrow and everyone will be watching for will the d.a. fani willis have to take the stand and testify under oath about her love life? it really is a decision will make and it will depend what the earlier witnesses say. harris, back to you. >> harris: thank you very much, steve. leo terrell, fox news contributor and attorney. i wrote down a note. there are some losers in this whole thing. first the taxpayers who put up the money for wade's salary. she paid him the most of everybody in the office and then his wife in their divorce right now and where we've gotten some of the receipts from her. your thoughts. >> i will tell you right now it's the divorce case that may come back to bite nathan wade and fani willis, why? there are documents allegedly in the divorce proceeding that
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contradicts what nathan wade and fani willis have said in this proceeding. that is going to be a major issue. these two attorneys' motivation is to make sure they do not lie to the court. you walk in that courtroom you are an officer of the court. nathan wade and fani willis' legal career is in jeopardy if they go up on the witness stand and not tell the judge the truth. >> harris: they already lied through their affidavit and paperwork in the court saying when their relationship started. that matters because they are now -- how can they be the people to investigate someone accused of a crime? >> they can't. this is where the judge has to come down and make that ruling. a couple days ago he said the issue of disqualification is in play. if this judge makes a factual finding that relationship started before this case, they will be disqualified. they will be disqualified automatically. he has to make that factual
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ruling. who will take that witness stand, nathan wade, fani willis, and the other witnesses who will testify to the prior relationship? >> harris: that's interesting. other witnesses. if any of them happen to be people who were working as subordinates to fani willis, that is problematic and i've laid it out for days. in sexual harassment and subordinates don't have the same access to the boss for promotions they have lawsuits. again, the taxpayers are on the hook if that were to happen. >> may i add a couple other people may have a lawsuit if the judge finds they're disqualified and the case blows up? 19 defendants who basically were drawn into the courtroom under a false pretense. let me say this. they have retaliatory prosecution lawsuit. if i was the attorney against nathan wade and fani willis i would ask four questions. did you have a relationship with
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fani willis? did she co-has been tate with you? did it start prior to 2021 and fourth, did you tell other individuals? those are four yes and no questions i would ask if i was in that courtroom. >> harris: well, i will be watching, as you will be watching, to see if your great questions are a part of the proceedings. i don't know, they better have a box of tissues, you talked about all these two have on the line to lose. a new witness into the impeachment -- tony bobulinski gave insight into then president joe biden's ties to his son, hunter's business. the testimony bass damning. >> he talked about joe's involvement. the numerous times he talked to joe biden. he mentioned that joe biden thanked him for what he was
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doing with his brother and his son. >> tony bobulinski confirmed the big guy on an email to walker and hunter biden to all these folks doing business together, the big guy was, in fact, joe biden. >> the biden family has been cashing in his position of power in government. joe biden is going to go down as the most corrupt compromised president in our lifetime. >> harris: so the "new york post" cover making the case about how joe biden's family was selling the brand to foreign clients. another revelation came from tony bobulinski's opening statement when he told lawmakers the chinese communist party, through a chinese energy conglomerate taught to infiltrate and compromise joe biden and the biden white house. a new document shows hunter biden worked with that chinese energy company while joe biden was still v.p. he wrote we anticipate working together on a number of opportunities in the u.s. and
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abroad. leo, i come to you. >> harris, i would ask everyone watching your show today a simple question. tony bobulinski has no motivation to lie. if he lied, he exposed himself to perjury. what would be his motivation to go in there and lie? i would submit to you he is a key direct witness. why? he has personal knowledge. he can testify to personal events that he witnessed. he knows that joe biden was the big guy and the brand was joe biden. that document you just referenced, harris, was in 2016. biden was vice president at that time. so there is a connection. the oversight committee cannot get a better witness than tony bobulinski. a perfect witness because he has personal knowledge. >> harris: i want to remind everybody why hunter's business dealings matter and the access to a president of the united states who said he had nothing to do with anybody that hunter
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was doing business with and then we find out later in certain years he did, that he was meeting with people. so the bottom line is national security. i give you the last word. >> harris, we have talked about this over and over again. there is this legal component and what you have here is the political component. you have joe biden in charge of the department of justice and running the white house. so james biden and hunter biden have that political protection. the legal right and wrong of this matter is being intersected with the politics of this. what we'll find out is whether or not the house oversight committee can get enough evidence to go in and prosecute this case on the floor by way of impeachment. >> harris: it's a lot. i am glad you were in "focus" and we get to talk about these things and look deeper into the evidence as it pops. thank you very much. we have breaking news to tell you about. normally a white house briefing wouldn't necessarily be breaking news but the timing of it is
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urgent because they are about to start at any moment and the issues that we can hear about are critical. homeland security impeachment in the house yesterday. secretary mayorkas now moves to the u.s. senate. new polling on biden's age and mental fitness for the job is out and it is horrible for the president. inflation numbers are going in the wrong direction. food prices going up by more because inflation is going up by more. what happened on the dow yesterday and how the rebound will be after the president tweeted how great everything is. i mean, it was really unbelievable how quickly those events happened one right after the other. we'll watch and cover that for you. meanwhile, thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. and back. then i met with my turbotax expert. i'll make all of your investments count. the gains, and losses. all filed with 100% accuracy.
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