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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  February 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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sho >> a kangaroo escapes from his home and breaks into a florida apartment compex. here's the 911 call. >> you need police fire or medical. >> against police there's a kangaroo in my apartment com complex. >> police caught the kangaroo named hopper near the complex poll and sent hopper hopping home. everybody is fine. we are happy to report. that's all fox reports this sunday february 11, 2024. i am jon scott, thank you for joining us this evening we will see you again next week. ♪ >> loi of lisa boothe along with tom shillue, alicia acuna and joey jones. walking to "the big weekend show", tonight big breaking news
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stories. defense secretary lloyd austin rushed to the hospital with an emergency bladder issue, first new concerns about president biden's ability to handle another term in office, lucas tomlinson is at the white house tonight. >> president biden declined to give a super bowl interview. but he did take the social media to share something that is bothering him anything millions of other americans to. >> super bowl sunday if you're anything like me you like to be surrounded like a snack or two while watching the big game. when buying snacks for the game you might've noticed one thing sports drinks bottles are smaller, bag of chips, they're charging you just as much. i've had enough of what they called translation, it's a ripoff. american public is tired of being played for suckers. i'm calling on companies to put a stop to this. >> president biden's personal attorney defended the president's mental capacity which was disparaged in the
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special counsel report. >> this is a report that went off the rails, i recall from the interview a president who engaged with the questions very directly in his best recollection. >> in an e-mail to donors and first lady defended her husband writing we should give everyone grace and i can't imagine someone would try to use our son's death to score political points. joe is 81, that is true but 81 doing more in an hour than most people do in a day. his age with his experience and expertise is an incredible asset and improves every day. the washington post reports biden's age is characterized the president's mental acuity writing hers description of that is a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory would infuriate biden's age whose solid sharply at odds with what occurred as the president sat for voluntary questioning in the view of biden steve the interviews proceeded in the routine even in a dry manner.
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the new abc poll says 86% of americans think biden is too old to be president, james carville thinks the president age is one of the reason he and his staff decided against giving the super bowl interview. >> is the biggest television audience not even close and you get a chance to do a 20 - 25 minute interview on that day and you don't do it. that is the sign that your self doesn't have much confidence. there is no other way to read this. >> president biden will meet jordan's king tomorrow, two weeks after the three soldiers were killed in this country. lisa: thank you lucas. joey, we just heard from james carville, he said massive tv audience, clearly signifying that the white house does not have confidence in joe biden this is at a time where so many americans don't believe he has a mental fitness to do the job. his own department of justice does not. will he regret turning down the
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pre-super bowl interview speaker at auto fill regret it, they can do is just like the press conference after the report came out if you cannot do it well is only doing more damage treat is a perfect opportunity to try and fix some damage. a perfect opportunity to look sharp and use whatever opportunity to prep. but if he does have the stamina or the interest to do it or if his team does not think that he can, i would forgo it as well. we are sitting here over and over about is this guy too old. the american people no matter what politics have seen him for almost four years, we know that he struggles to know where he is sometimes, he shows all the signs that we all see in our families and churches and communities of people that are getting elderly and is starting to affect them. it's up to each individual voter to decide how much that matters. lisa: i want to dig into the abc poll that lucas referenced a little bit more. 86% of adults don't have
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concerns about joe biden's ability to serve including 73% of democrats now biden's arrogance like senator chris coons have this to say, this is their defense. >> press coverage focuses relentlessly on things that don't represent joe biden's real body of work, you can push towards that kind of result, that pull should a bit about who's working to secure our border. joe biden, what that poll could a bit about is to understand that our alliance keep us safer. joe biden had the idea that somehow joe biden forgot the date of his son's death is offensive and appalling in what you should be focused on in my view and what the poll should a focus on and what our nation should focus on. lisa: it is pretty hard for someone to defend the poll where 86% of americans have concerns that joe biden's ability to do the job for a second term. is that messaging effective? >> i think the democrats are doing the best they possibly can
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with what they have because the message that the senator is sending their, this is the creation of the media and you can ask better questions, focus on the issues. abc news did focus on the issues, later on in the poll, using biden losing to trump to the issues that are most important to americans on the economy, trumpets biden 12 points. on immigration, 18 points. on crime 13 points. biden beach trump on abortion, climate change in healthcare. but americans are telling us, the most important things to them are crime, immigration and the economy. he continues to lose and democrats again doing the best that they can. lisa: those are big issues that americans are seen with their own eyes. they realize crime is getting worse and seeing what's happening at the southern border they cannot gaslight us on that. joe biden may not be doing the super bowl interview but a little birdie told me you might be doing one. let's listen to the exchange
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with greg gutfeld. >> 's agreement it entered minute interview and who are you rooting for, what you eating, i came up with a great idea. you should do the halftime of the super bowl do a live on x3 minute interview. >> i might have to do it. >> will see what we can do greg. lisa: you might have to do it. tom: i said that on the show and i thought this whole thing will blow over. i'll be home watching the super bowl everyone will forget, nobody forgets what greg says. every day since then people have been tweeting when is the interview and i said okay were going to do the interview, joe is going to help me were to do it at halftime. joey: hard-hitting questions. tom: we're going to take questions from the american people. sleepy joe, my version of joe, is going to take real questions from real people and will see how we answers them. joey: what if your better joe biden the joe biden. maybe the democrats will knock on your door and say we need you to come in, the coaches calling
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you in. tom: is a risk we have to take. lisa: we laugh but these questions might be harder than what joe biden actually gets asked. the funny thing where we are right now, even the media we might have a problem with joe biden. this is what the new york times says it says yes, biden's age matters, biden cannot count on trump's unpopularity anymore. this is from a political article, dems plead with biden to do more and not less, medias doubts grow about his capacity for the job and also a quote from the same article that says this top party operatives are warning biden aide to the president cannot retreat in response to the special counsel report that fueled concerns over his age and mental faculties. they say president joe biden how does it largely shied away from the interviews and press conferences and needs to be in the public far more. when that happens he mixes up president, he has talked to european leaders who have been dead for a really long time.
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i don't know, they're in a pickle. alicia: they are and his advisers are trying to figure out what to do. there's a bigger question even if they did figure out what they think is best there's a question of whether or not the president will listen. the gaps are increasing in number and frequency. and to joey's point let's say he came out and tried to do more he could make matters worse which is what we saw in the 8:00 p.m. news conference that was not planned and he showed up to defend himself and just drove home the point. lisa: i'm going to take it around the horn grow quick. is joe biden going to be the guy for democrats? or does he drop out speaker ethic is undecided. it's less likely today than it's ever been. tom: i have been saying consistently, no, he is staying in. this is what people do, they stay in. you do know he wants to regardless of what his advisers are saying. if i were a democratic strategist i would make it about joe's age, the democrats are talking about the age issue
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they're not shying away from it. they're talking about is so much, his biggest weakness that makes me think they want to ride it out in the last minute bring in some other democrat and then the age issue is gone and then the voters and to be tricked in their biggest weakness will be gone. if i were a strategist i would plan that. lisa: is this elderly man with a poor memory as the department of justice stated, what happens. alicia: i cover, i don't predict but i think this is at a fever pitch now, we will be watching. lisa: we have a smart woman here. i'm not playing this game. next a fox news alert. defense secretary lloyd austin is back in the hospital days before he was set to head overseas. >> we have to deal with this issue. this is how we alienate our voters and how we lose elections that should be one. lisa: a republican senator turns
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on mitch mcconnell and why he's accusing the minority leader of colluding with the left. later avalanche it is the next trend in dating, just in time for valentine's day. willa ended a natural disaster? ♪ rs market. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental... all in my budget. i finally feel in control. what are you doing? taking control. humana. a more human way to healthcare.
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at st. jude, the mission is something that everyone can truly get behind. i would love to be able to end childhood cancer. i learned that no patient ever has a bill from st. jude,
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not for travel, for medical expenses. our little st. jude pin there on the fridge. we're just regular people donating. yeah, and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's life in a way that is meaningful.
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alicia: back with a fox news alert, defense secretary austin rushed to the hospital less than a month since he tried to hide his stay at walter reed for infection he got from cancer surgery. the pentagon issued a statement this afternoon saying the defense secretary was transported with an emergency bladder issue and went on to say austin is retaining the functions and duties of his office. i want to begin with you joey, a critical point when it comes to foreign policy and international relations. we have the defense secretary continuing his duties, should there be a concern about leadership at this point. joey: there is a concern for his health, i wanted to come out, he served his country honorably but beyond that as a human being and i want him to be healthy, i hope this is precautionary and it moves fast. but there is a big concern,
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having set in a room of four-star generals, four-star generals a room full of four-star general staff to widen the door before you can walk in because there's so much ego and brain trust, that's not to be disparaging, that is to say that is a career of 30 or 40 years, we have almost 40 of them in our military, we condense that down to a joint chief of staff to service heads and it culminates to the department defense secretary. the reason i bring that up, president joe biden is famous for being against most of the moves president obama made in afghanistan. president obama is sitting there in his vp is one direction who is he going to look at to find the balance on that. the nuance of the conversation on making big decisions that individuals matter, is not just play on play. if lloyd austin who president by depaul's trust and faith in to tell them what the military capabilities are and he's distracted because he's in pain or sick or hurt, that matters because the nuance of his answer to determine what biden decides
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to do. alicia: as the segment began we got report from jennifer griffin that he's transferred his duties to the deputy secretary so we think jennifer griffin for the update on that. right never going to bring in fox news contributor doctor nicole saphier. so great to see you. thank you so much for doing this. when you heard about the secretary being rushed to the hospital what was the first thing that you thought about? >> honestly the secretary had a complicated course for his prostate cancer treatment. we know in early december he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. december 22 he underwent they have a give us all the details but he said he underwent a procedure that requires general anesthesia and the treatment options for prostate cancer are a radical protected me or surgery or radiation. it seemed like he had surgery. new year's day he was brought back to the hospital where he was admitted to the icu for four days for an immediate complication. when we think of the immediate
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complications after the surgery, we think a bleeding into seems that he did have a blood collection that needed to be drained. here we are seven weeks after his surgery, one of the most common things that we do see and these patients is 30 to 50% of times you can have incontinence or where your bladder and urethra are not functioning appropriately. the fact that he transferred his duties as jan griffin reported tells me he's probably been admitted to the hospital and usually are not admitted for incontinent. my thoughts are maybe he has an infection is another complication or maybe inpatient to receive iv antibiotics. i'm certain they'll do a ct scan to make sure there's not any fluid collections in an infection they're obviously going to be treating that and were just waiting for anymore details at this time. joey: this is joey. looking at his original diagnosis and procedure, the question i'm trying to ask is
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there any calls for concern that they did not get all the cancer or the procedure that happened before was ineffective and this is less precautionary or more serious. is there any way to predict that? >> when you have a diagnosis of prostate cancer, research shows radiation and surgery are really equivalent when it comes to survival rates in outcomes, sometimes you have to have the surgery if you have more involved of the prostate, perhaps you have more lymph nodes involved, my guess that is why they did that. there is a higher complication rate when it comes to surgery with a lot of individuals. i don't think this has anything to do with maybe they did not get all of it. i think it's more complication of the surgery and procedure itself which unfortunately is surgery in modern medicine is a wonderful thing but it does come with risk and it does seem that is havoc obligated course. lisa: lisa boothe here. how much does the toll of
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treatment have on the body. >> obviously any sort of cancer treatment while we are trying to eradicate the cancer we are essentially putting toxins into our body whether it's chemotherapy or radiation, we have to try to kill the cancer cells and were also killing her healthy cells as well, surgery along the general anesthesia takes a physical and mental pull on her human body and recovering from surgery obviously as well, the fact that he spent four days in the icu because of severe complications, this is also decreasing his physical fitness. it could be quite the road to recovery at this point before doctor, sometimes acidly questions but i'm going to ask a serious one i wanted to hypothetical. if this were someone i'm assuming as spokespeople that say he's going to be back to work soon, he's doing fine that's usually what they do.
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if you knew someone close to you and have this medical profile, father, and uncle, would you say to them, maybe it is time to retire and stay home and fight the illness and put all your energy that way. would you say something like that, i am just wondering. >> that is not a ridiculous question and certainly is not going to make me uncomfortable. it's a legitimate conversation with all of her patients. icu women who have lumpectomy's and men with prostatectomy's, they go back to work and back to living their normal lives, especially with prostate surgery that's an invasive surgery, it really does take a good while of recovery you're not supposed to have heavy lifting. is it possible that he got back to work a little bit too soon especially given that he had some complications that landed him in the icu, absolutely. if this were my patient my friend, my father i would say thank you very much time off that you physically can.
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it is important to make sure the body heals itself, surgery and doctors and medicine we can only do so much, the body also has to heal itself. when you jump back in whether his work or physical activity you're putting added stress on the body so it could delay your healing by doing that. lisa: doctor saphier thanks so much for doing this. you do a great job of walking us through the health issues. so good to see you. we do send our best to the secretary and hope for a full recovery. up next more chaos on capitol hill as mitch mcconnell is accused of colluding with democrats. as another gop leader on the chopping block, when "the big weekend show" returns. ♪
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joey: welcome back to "the big weekend show". the senate is one step closer to passing a massive aid package with billions of dollars for israel, ukraine and taiwan. after a test boat earlier today, senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is on capitol hill tonight. >> now it is just a matter of time until the senate passes the 95 billion-dollar foreign aid measure, the senate voted 67 - 27 to crack the filibuster designed to stop the bill, 60 days were needed, 18 republicans joined all democrats voting to advance the plan. including senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. >> american support is craved and feared in-depth and we the united states of america have the most to lose. >> independent vermont senator
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bernie sanders caucuses with the democrats but voted nay, he believes israel has gone too far, sanders ripped into israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> have any more children and innocent people in gaza will be smashed by benjamin netanyahu in the process and why is the united states helping to fund this humanitarian disaster. >> benjamin netanyahu spoke with president biden today and underscored israel's right to defend itself. >> if we don't defeat hamas, then the worst things will happen. if we defeat hamas not only will we have peace and prosperity, i think the circle piece will expand dramatically. >> opponents of the aid package cannot block it now, it's on a glide path to a passage but could face a chilly reception in the gop -controlled house despite the overwhelming senate vote. >> i think the house will face a moment of truth and not just in
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this moment. this is a historical moment whether the united states stands appear because it has implications not just for ukraine but you can be sure that every autocrat around the world is watching. >> house speaker mike johnson is comfortable with aid to ukraine the senate may not pass the bill until early wednesday morning. joey: tonight, a leading republican senator is calling for senator mitch mcconnell to go ahead and step down. here is senator mike lee on "sunday morning futures". >> republican senators are not part of a feudal system this is nothing personal against any individual leadership and yet we have to deal with the issue because this is how we alienate our voters and how we lose elections that should be one if we keep doing things through our leadership the end up enacting priorities for the democrats. we are going to have brand
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confusion. joey: you mentioned earlier in the show that you report on these things. we have seen the drama in the house, unprecedented. at this point were seen drama in the white house that is bordering on unprecedented. now we have drama in the senate. we think of the senate at the stately body and by law older and have been around longer and can debate without notes and bring so much to the table. 18 republicans is not a small number when they have a minority already to swap and vote with the democrats, including the minority leader is this drama a part of what's paralyzing the republican party. alicia: it seems to be paralyzing them when now you have the senators fighting on television over the senate and their own party that's probably not a good look. when it comes to mitch mcconnell i think there are things that people forget to read he is the minority leader he is not the majority leader. when he has been the majority leader he's had a successful run of getting things done in the
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name of republicans. when you stop and think about the supreme court think about our attorney general merrick garland if it weren't for mitch mcconnell and stopping the nomination by barack obama he would be in all likelihood a u.s. supreme court justice. when people and republicans look at the makeup of the supreme court, mitch mcconnell had so much to do with that. he has seen a lot of that. i think sometimes people forget when you're the minority leader there is a limitation to what you could do. joey: i want to push back on that a little bit. there's an antidote on capitol hill when every saturday looks in the merely see a president read the senate operate different than the house. they all want to lead and be independent and have a six year runway to do with the voting record what they may but just on mitch mcconnell alone i would say the tea party would not say he did a whole lot as majority or minority leader. the maga or freedom caucus would say he hasn't gotten a whole lot done other than the justices.
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is this the nature of the senate or is this something that republicans need to work on. >> conservatives in the senate are pissed off. i'm told i can say that word. they are mad at mitch mcconnell they feel like he led them to slaughter on the border deal. yet mike lee that tweeted that the gop leadership screwed us in senator ron johnson on my podcast and he feels like what mitch mcconnell did was lead them into a trap where joe biden can blame republicans for not getting a border deal done and he said the majority of the conference was on board with funding for ukraine contingent on actual border enforcement mechanisms and that did not happen. because they don't trust joe biden he is a lawless president they don't trust him so they wanted actual enforcement mechanisms put in their so they feel like mitch mcconnell led them to slaughter he's been there since 1985, that as long as i've been alive, i'm still
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very young but that's a long time to be in the senate he's the longest-serving gop senate leader, think about how much the world has changed since 1985 and how much the world has changed since donald trump has come onto the scene. the republican party looks different in mitch mcconnell is not a reflection of that and also has health concerns. joey: that point exactly we could do a montage almost equal to joe biden of mitch mcconnell over to last year especially losing his words, freezing up. i know he had medical problems i'm not making fun of him, i don't mean to make fun of biden but these are real concerns. if there was a pull for mitch mcconnell on how people think he is cognitively he wouldn't fare well after the/tier. as this may be another sign that there's time for new leadership across the board not just the white house. >> our republicans can make the case that joe biden is out of touch or suffering from mental decline. when you look at the minority
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leader that keeps freezing. obviously he knows he's a political operator. but i think he missed a few steps lately. he used to be able to package these things when he put one bill with another but we see through the nonsense. when you put ukraine aid in with the border bill to completely unrelated things, you know that both of those are getting weaker. you are not fooling us anymore. but one thing at a time. joey: i like it, take most republicans in the house like it, maybe in the senate. next a fox news alert a little boy is shot at joel osteen's mega church as to untrue churchgoers run for cover. the latest details in minutes on mes show". (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing.
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♪ ♪ ♪ tom: we are back with a fox news alert a little boy in critical condition after being shot at
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joel osteen's mega church in houston. fox news correspondent christina coleman has update tonight. >> the suspected shooter entered lakewood church by joel osteen police identified the suspect as a woman approximately 30 twomac 35 years old she entered the church armed with a log rifle wearing a trench coat and carried a backpack. they said she was accompanied with a small child, approximately 45 years old. they say once the woman was inside the church, she began to fire shots. the police chief said two off-duty officers working extra employment there engaged with the suspect, striking the woman she died from the injuries. a five euro child was also hit and is in critical condition. it is unclear if the child was with the woman when she entered the church. a 57-year-old man was also struck by the gunfire, he was hit in the leg or hip, please do not believe you did he think to do with the suspect both victims were taken to local hospitals. the child is in critical condition and the suspect in
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stable. >> would understand why these things happen but god is in control and bargaining pray for the five year-old boy and pray for the lady that is deceased. >> the reports of anyone else injured in the shooting. tom: thoughts and prayers. in seattle, outrage from delivery drivers of the cities new tax on customers. last month seattle democrats implemented a 5-dollar fee on all doordash and new breeds orders in order to improve wages for delivery.untrue drivers doordash estimated the policy would boost the pay to $26 an hour but the tax is having opposite effect. because now customers don't want to pay the astronomical fees as one driver put it, they are not
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going to order, it is definitely backfiring. put it very simply. i'll go to you first lisa, can you believe it that government intervention has caused unintended consequences. i've never heard about this happening. lisa: i would be in trouble with this, a little bit of a problem with ordering uber eating all these different things but you're right when is the government intervening ever led to a positive outcome. we went through this with clothing when the government shutdown the entire economy over a virus that was the flu and were still dealing with the ramification. the executive director that's also a driver said there doing half of the trips that they were doing last year end this is majorly impacted him and all of the other drivers as well. i was reading one woman ordered food from doordash in a regulatory response they enter
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blame seattle local government we did not do it, not as it was $122 for three items of thai take-out, that did not even include tip. alicia: people are deleting their apps, that uber eats and doordash because of not going to do anymore. they gave up, why am i going to have an app that makes me spend so much more money on the same thing that i used to order. tom: the app does not make you order the food. >> there doing their best. tom: let's look at the numbers, this is a comparison from september of 2023 food cost 44.90, delivery fee 8.47. you can see the totals, the total is 55.37. now 34.90, delivery fee 18.27 in the total is 63.17. you mentioned before tip because this is the idea if you see a
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whopping charge like that most people will look at the insane $18 delivery i don't need to tip. of course they going to suffer from this. alicia: doordash does say they understand the city's intentions however, because they, the drivers are going to make so much more money they were going to lower their tips, that came automatically because doordash does the suggested tip and they lowered that amount. not only are drivers getting fewer orders, the getting a lower tip. tom: someone can do this for two weeks, they can have the increase in fee and for another year, no one will order, they think the fees are there even if they bring them down. when the delivery person comes in the old days you had to tip them in cash they were right there and looked you in the eye. now they make it so easy but if they get up at the fees on here in the convenience of the app has gone out the window.
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joey: it's tough for me because with my affliction of these legs i use the heck out of the stuff when i come to new york i cannot walk around the city well and i'm afraid to at this point because i cannot defend myself and it's not very safe. i think part of this is making life a little bit safer for people that feel uneasy in neighborhoods and places and i think that's an important thing for that reason not out of laziness i want this to stick around. with that being said here's what i'll tell you, i always tip a waitress in cash because i don't want the government to have an opportunity to tax it in if she wants to grab the tip money and speak it in her pocket and the government never knows i'm okay with that. i don't know the echelon or the threshold to where they tax these people on their income in seattle but i would rather tip them cash and pay the same amount of money and give it to them in cash this might be shaking them down for more tax dollars.
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♪ ♪. lisa: welcome back to "the big weekend show", valentine's day is days away and it seems like young people are resorting to desperate measures to find a match. [inaudible] >> it's a crazy thing to do it's like the form of socially acceptable insanity. lisa: when it comes to gen z it's about the love life lingo a popular dating app hinge released their first ever dating report that reveals the keys to finding love and 2024 including cracking the good digital body language code, embracing cringe code and initiating the what are we combo, if that does not have your head spinning experts are
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warning about another trend, avalanche and hopeless romantics lowering their dating standards for going key parameters like age and location to increase the chances of finding a date for the big day. we have science, we have data and numbers and joey has a theory speaker at her know anything about online dating i remember the bar and i have to believe this avalanche which is like doom scroll dating has to be like 90% guys. i don't think women lower their standards that quickly and easily en masse like that. lisa: your statement lower their standards. joey: some men may have sta standard. tom: women are the ones biggest nervous about the big day, guys don't care. joey: and gallant time stay as big. lisa: we also have a body language q, 76% who initiate the
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conversation, 76% message consistency, 68 message timing, 66% message tone, 33% message length and 11% emoji use. i have so many questions. alicia: i guess the kids call it dbl. this seems way over collocated. i'm still caught on if you're on a dating app and you just meet someone why are you having the combo you just met someone that is strange. also i get age, you don't want to loosen standards on a judah will dictate a grandpa or 72 young were on the same pages you. joey: it depends on how much money. lisa: that's a whole another segment. alicia: location you think you can be a little bit more flexible. if you really like somebody who cares if they're not in your
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immediate neighborhood. maybe certain standards can be loosened at the kind of person, the character, how they treat you, are they handsome, the very important things. lisa: a lot of pressure on one thing speaker is all the men, did you hear everything she rattled off. were just proving joey's point. >> if there is a breakup pizza hut has you covered. they will deliver a goodbye pie with a breakup message for valentine's day and if you are sad about a breakup you have chains valentine's day a freebie for the brokenhearted. all you have to do is send a text message of the breakup to pf chang's and you get some dumplings. tom: when they bring it to you have to pay an 18-dollar fee. lisa: and not much tip. alicia: do you want something that is reminded you.
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>> disorder i scream like everyone else. joey: we buried the lead, pf chang's says if you send a text message a breakup, that infers that you are breaking up via text message. if you have enough dignity to break up with somebody in pe person, send them the text message so they can get the free food, that is the message. >> the problem is a digital world women are suffering because guys don't know how to do the digital stuff there much better if they walk up at a bar and talk to you and address you like the old days that's when i was in my heyday, unafraid to talk to women. lisa: i'm afraid to talk anymore. the big for his next, we'll be right back. ♪ we know you care. [music plays]
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but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. ♪ make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪
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♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ feel the love everyone 's falling head over heals with a portable blender. blendjet 2 gives you ice-crushing, big blender power on-the-go. so you can whip up a delicious smoothies, protein shakes, and frozen cocktails wherever you are! recharge quickly with any usb port. and it even cleans itself! who said romance is dead? go to and take advantage of our valentines day sale.
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to mark the one year since ignore folk train development, he's finally visiting after all this time you're a jerk, look what i'm doing, it says toss, i am tossing, you could go along
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with them. >> a nevada man that leaped over a judicial bench to attack a judge last month after he declined probation has been indicted by a grand jury for attempted murder. what you are seeing, i saw this and i thought it was amazing he is standing there and what makes the whole story, i'm already rehab, i would never do this that was indicative of my nature and he jumped at her and tries to kill her, it is crazy. >> when you see the leap is like one of the funny videos, it is not funny at all he so angry and dangerous and gets convicted of the defense. >> that should've never happened in the first place. i digress. >> the battle to replace george santos in new york is heating up in long island but a potential snowstorm could keep voters away from the polls on election day, just imagine that, nobody shows up. lisa: that would be something to
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cover. i would be okay with it. joey: a lot of people do, i was hosting "fox & friends" and rachel campos-duffy's. >> we are going to miss him. alicia: a texas man has been arrested after he was accused of going more than 150 miles per hour on a motorcycle down a colorado highway. he went from colorado springs to denver in 20 minutes. for those of you that don't know that is in our plush drive if you're driving the speed limit, that's unbelievable to see the sky. >> i've done it faster. joey: this was tom cruise rehearsing for top gun three colorado springs, the air force academy, that's what was happening. >> he might have something th there. something dangerous, have a
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17-year-old driving i might don't look at the video, it looks awesome to some people but it is not awesome. tom: i don't like the videos of people jumping off of the roof into this is terrifying. everybody relax. that doesn't for us. but guess what. we are back here at 10:00 p.m. eastern tonight. for a very special edition of the big we can show. please come backwards "life, liberty & levin" starts right now ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hell


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