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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. >> let me say a few things before i take questions. the special counsel released its findings today about the look into my handling of classified documents.
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i was pleased to see they reached a firm conclusion that no charges should be brought against me in this case. this was an exhaustive investigation going back more than 40 years. even into the 1970s, when i was a new senator. the council acknowledged i cooperated and did not throw up any roadblocks. i sought no delays and i was determined to give the special counsel what he needed, i went forward with a five hour in person interview over two days on october the 8th and 9th of last year, even though israel had just been attacked by hamas on the seventh and i was occupied. i was handling an international crisis. i was pleased to see the special counsel may clear the distinction between this case and mr. trump's case, the council wrote several material distinctions between mr. trump's
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case and mr. biden's are clear. most notably, after given multiple chances to return classified documents to avoid prosecution, trump did the opposite. he not only refused to return the documents for many months but he obstructed justice by enlisting others and to lie . in contrast, they consented to the search of multiple locations, including his home, sat for a voluntary interview. i have seen the headline since the report was released about my retention of documents. this is not only misleading, they are just wrong. on page 215, it is a thick document. they reported that the special counsel found the opposite. there is a shortage of evidence
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that i willfully retained classified documents related to afghanistan. on page 12, they wrote, the decision to decline criminal charges was straightforward. the evidence suggested mr. biden did not willfully retain these documents. the evidence that i did not willfully retain these docu documents. there is some attention paid to the language about my recollection of events. how dare he raise that? when i was asked the question, i thought it was none of their business. let me tell you, some of you have commented. since the day he died, i wear the rosary he got.
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every memorial day we hold a service. i don't need anyone, i don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away. the simple truth is as i sat through two days of events going back 40 years, i was managing an international crisis, that task was to make a decision about whether to move forward with charges in this case. that was their decision to make. that is his job. they decided not to move for forward. for any commentary they do not know what they are talking about. it has no place in this report. thank you, and i will take some questions. >> something the special counsel said is one of the reasons you were not charged is because you
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are a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. >> i am well-meaning and an elderly man but i know what i am doing. i don't need his recommendation. >> how bad is your memory? >> it is so bad i let you speak. >> has your memory gotten worse? >> my memory is fine. none of you thought i could get past any of the things i got past. i guess i forgot what was going on. only by some of you. >> if you take responsibility of
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not seeing what my staff was doing. things that came out on my home, things that were not moved by me, but my staff. h[indiscernible] >> people have expressed concerns about your age. >> that is your judgment. that is not the judgment of the press. >> they say you are too old. you told me there are many others who could defeat donald trump. why does it have to be you now? >> i am the most qualified to finish the job i started.
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>> thank you, everyone. >> i did not share classified information. i guarantee you did not. let me answer your question. the fact of the matter is what i didn't want repeated, i did not read it to him was i had written a memorandum to president obama why we should not be in afghanistan. multiple pages. what i was referring to, classified, i should have said it should be private.
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>> when you look back at this incident, is there anything you would do different now? >> what i would have done is oversee the transfer of the material in my offices. i should have done that. my staff did not do it in a way that -- i did not know how half the boxes got in my garage until i found out staff gathered them up and took them to the garage and my home and all the stuff in my home was in filing cabinets that were locked or able to -- or unable to beat -- or able to be locked. none of it was high classified.
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didn't have that red stuff on it around the corners. none of that. i wish i had paid more attention to how the documents were being moved. i thought they were being moved to the archives. that is what i thought. what was the last part of your question? >> whether special counsel should have been appointed? >> i think it should have been appointed because i did not want to be in a position they looked at trump and work on a look at, just that -- just like they looked at the vice president. they made a firm conclusion. i did not break the law. thank you. [indiscernible]
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>> i am of the view that the conduct of the response in the gaza strip has been over the t top. i think that, as you know, initially, the president of mexico did not want to open the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. i've talked to him. i convinced him to open the g gate. i have been pushing really hard to get humanitarian assistance into gaza. a lot of innocent people are starving and are in trouble and dying. it has got to stop. i was in the position that i am
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the guy that made the case that we have to do more to increase the amount of material going in, including fuel and other items. i have been on the phone with the egyptians, the saudis, to get as much aid as we can into gaza. they are innocent people, women, and children, who badly need help. i am pushing very hard to deal with these hostage cease-fires. i have been working tirelessly in this deal. how can i say this? to lead to a sustained pause in the fighting and the actions taking place in the gaza strip. if we can get the delay for that, the initial delay, we would be able to extend that so
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that we can increase the prospect that this fighting and gaza changes. there are also negotiations, you may recall, in the very beginning, right before hamas attacked, i was in contact with the saudis and others to work out a deal where they would recognize israel's right to assist don't mesh exist -- right to exist. the commitment we were proposing to do related to two items i am not going to go into detail. one was to deal with protection against their archenemy to the northeast. the second one, by providing ammunition and material for them to defend themselves. coincidentally, that is the time frame this broke out. i have no proof of what i am
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about to say, but it is not unreasonable to suspect they understood what was about to take place and they wanted to break it up before it happens. >> thank you, everybody. >> that was the president of the united states reeling after a special counsel report found him to have diminished capacities, willfully retained classified documents in multiple locations that were insecure, putting security at risk but did not bring charges because of those diminished capacities and thought he would appear to be an elderly man with memory issues in front of a sympathetic jury. he was forced to call a hasty press conference, which she never does at this hour. about 10 minutes late to the press conference, seething with anger at one point at the
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special counsel for suggesting he did not remember when his son died. the special counsel saying he did not remember when he was vice president. lashing out at peter, several reporters and forced to walk out of the room. let's bring in kayleigh mcenany. have you seen anything like that, where the president of the united states is having a hard time, struggling to convince not only the press but the american people that he is sharp enough to continue to execute the duties of the presidency? >> we saw an unmitigated disaster play out. we watched a wounded political animal hobbled to a podium and react with defensiveness, anger, and what is bad, you have the white house press score. they are an extension of the
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joe biden press and communications team when they are shouting at him, asking repeatedly, are you going to step aside? when nbc writes a headline, a nightmare, special counsel report triggers panic among democrats. when you have a president, who announces a press conference with no topic, giving the world 45 minutes to speculate, is he stepping aside? what would life be like under a president kamala harris. i don't think the nation will forget the panic come november. >> the implications in terms of national security, he has already jeopardize national security and lied about it to the press, saying he never
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willfully retained these classified documents, did not take responsibility for it, blamed of the press one special counsel said he packed some of these boxes and he is on tape acknowledging i have classified documents there. when peter says, you have issues with your memory, he says my memory is so bad i let you speak. that doesn't even make sense. >> it makes no sense. one day we will discover we were played in what was the biggest presidential cover-up in recent memory. think of the lengths this team has had to go through to create an eggshell environment that has kept the american people out. his lawyers wrote please take out the details about his memory. jill biden has to escort him off the stage.
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tonight, the white house communications director said the interview came one day after october 7th, as if that was an excuse. his campaign brings up his age, the press does, to distract from the booming economy. one day we will discover the cover-up and how greatly at risk we work for this man being in charge. >> there has been a cover-up and they certified everything we have seen with our own eyes, he does not have what it takes to be commander in chief. thank you. let's bring in mark. i don't think i have ever witnessed anything like that, the anger, the defensiveness, the dishonesty, the inability to communicate competence or accountability. his own administration said he could not be held accountable in a court of law, they would take pity on him, a jury. >> we are beyond concern about
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whether he can serve a second term. we should be concerned about whether he could finish serving his first. he just refer to the president of egypt as the president of mexico just then. in the last week, he could not remember who hamas work, described a conversation with a dead french president, described his conversation with a dead german chancellor and he has described his conversations with president cc of mexico. he said during that press conference, during the crisis, a couple days after the attacks in the middle east, he took the time to have a five hour interview. let me read to you how the special counsel described that interview. >> he did not remember when he
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was vice president, forgetting the day of the interview when his term ended. when his term began, he did not remember when his son died. his memory appeared hazy. he described general ikenberry as someone he disagreed with. they found the reason he did not go to a jury and charge him was because of diminished faculties. that is the state of his mental capacity when he was handling the october 7th attacks. >> we expected someone to come down into the oval office and say it is over. say we cannot have you run for reelection for the sake of the country, the sake of the safety of the nation. aren't they are wise hands to
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come down and deliver that message to the president. this is a dangerous world. we have had the conclusion by his own administration he is not equipped mentally, physically equipped to handle the duties of the presidency. this makes everybody feel un unsafe. >> 100%. 76% of americans say he is too old to serve a second term based on his public utterances. we just see him stumble in press conferences, make a mistake on the world stage but we wonder what is he like behind closed doors if he is this bad in public. what the special counsel has done his pulled back the veil i'm shown us what he is like. is he having that much trouble following trains of thought with lawyers, what are his meetings with world leaders like?
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with his security advisors like? he told us no one told him to leave 2500 troops as a residual force and his commanders tell stuff i they all told him we needed to leave troops behind in afghanistan. was he lying or did he not know? we are at the point where we do not know if he is telling the truth or he does not remember. >> exactly. he says that over and over again. the president doesn't know or can't remember and later says, i wanted to keep these documents for my book. you cannot have it both ways. you cannot have it where he is not going to remember enough so you can't put him on trial, but if you are going to say he knows everything, what are you talking about? he said he can't remember. none of it makes sense and this may be the worst day of his presidency. this might be the worst.
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let's bring in s
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he had no. i prayed and i hope. i. did i had this day do this to you when you ever tell me. hey siri, i love this little goddess. i love you. hey. thank you very much. this was this has been an exciting day,
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hasn't it? huh? this has been. this has been very exciting. it's an honor to be with you. this tonight. we said anything over 80 will be happy with that . 98. i want to thank a few. incredible. right from the beginning, your governor, joe lombardo. your staff, rose morris. thank you very much. uh michael mcdonald, has anybody ever heard of michael mcdonald? let's take it from. i just want to thank you. mike is a strong man, and he's a good man. and we have a person from north dakota. did anybody ever hear north dakota? and he's the governor. and i watched him for
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a long time. he was a very successful man, and he's been an incredible governor. and he's here with catherine as great wife. and i just want to thank you very much for being here. and amanda likes the company. well, gentlemen, it's been an incredible governor. and he's here with catherine, his wife. and i just want to thank you very much for being. and amanda likes to come to fort johnson and johnson. mr. woody johnson. suzanne, thank you very much. for. we also have some people in the audience that are really, really something. if you're a golfer, bryce and dechambeau, he hits a long ball. we love bryson and patrick reed, who won the masters recently and is a great player. wherever you may be in this room. thank you very much. i like golf and i like people that know how to play golf. there aren't too many people that give me. if you like to fight, if you want
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to fight, you can fight this guy is available, but it's not going to last long. very well. sean strickland will. you don't want to fight. if you want to fight, you could fight this guy. he's available. he's not gonna last long. he won't do very well. sean strickland. he don't want to. thank you much. sean is a mess. i look at those years. you look in those years. oh i looked at him. i said, i want no part of him. thank you very much, john. we appreciate it. uh kevin mccarthy is here. kevin. oh thank you. yes that is appreciate. uh, did anyone ever hear of the mountain boys? because there's dana white. bobby said, would you do an interview with the boys? i said, who are the no boys? i did this crazy interview. we had like 22 million hits. i never saw anything like it.
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where are the numbers? the. nope. uh thank you. okay. have a good time. i just want to say that this has been an incredible period of time. i think for our country, for the world, the world has not been like this. uh for many, many years. when you look at the attack on israel or the attack on ukraine with russia, that this would have never happened. uh the israeli attack would have never happen. inflation would have never happened in the world would be a much different place right now. and we're going to make sure. that ukraine and russia are fighting and again, what happened in israel, all of the death and all of the distress of cities and places that are ancient places, in a sense, uh, ancient buildings being knocked down, you can never nyc, but all of those people that died, most importantly, would have never happened. and it would have
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changed. and we're going to change it around. we can get it back to normalcy. it can continue like this. the world is exploding. our country is doing horribly through a laughingstock all over the world and respected when you are respected like never before. just three years ago, we are now a laughing stock all over the world. we're not respected even a little bit. and you understand why. why we understand why the media and this country does not have leadership. it has no idea what's happening. it's lost its way. it's a failing nation, and we're not going to have a family nation much longer. i just want to really thank the great people of nevada. internet. i don't know if you know, you broke the all time record, the all time longest record was broken. and we kept waiting and waiting because everybody's there all flowing in from all parts of this aid.
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they all said, wait, but i said, sir, thank you. very upset. but they come here every one and everyone's gone. but i said, we have to stop, but, uh, this has been a tremendous day. and, you know, we win the state. we easily win the election of november. we have. to. and you know, countries. and countries are all about a lot of things. but two things in particular, you have to have strong borders and you have to have free fair and honest elections. and we don't have either don't show and we're going to have them back. we're going to have we had three years ago. we had the strongest border in the history of our country. we were doing great and our economy was the best. and we rebuilt our military so many things. and then you had
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the tragedy of the afghanistan surrender. there was nothing less than a surrender. and president putin watched that and he saw that, and he said, wow, this could be my chance to go and do what i wanted to do. they never would have happened. they would have never happened. but he went in and he did what he wanted to do. but we were going to bring the world back, and we're going to bring the world back to normalcy. and this country is going to be the leader, and we're going to be also at the same time, focused on a thing called america first. america. and it will be peace through strength. you know, a few terms that are very descriptive, but peace through strength. there's no reason for this. i left, and i see that all over the middle east. they're bombing again. i said, i remember that before i came, everyone was bombing. you don't have to bomb. we defeated isis radical and defeated isis. and then we had no borders. you know, they say first in 72 years, first president. i remember on the debate stage
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with i did not use the word line out of the old guy. he's the weakest nobody else. thank you. and retired. and that was a good night for hillary. she was very happy that night. that was one of the best nights i retired the name from hillary and put it on to joe for joe. but we have. we have a we have a country that has tremendous potential. but if anything bad happens in this next election, this election isn't won by us. we're not going to have a country anymore. so i appreciate the tremendous record that you said tonight. you set the all time record. and when it wasn't, it was tremendous turnout. and i said they had lives going back and they sort of knew who was going to win 98. we want to get over 80. and we got 98. and also.
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and last night, you know, what happened last night way up. now none of the above. i'd like to congratulate the enemy of us. he's one of those none of ever above us. i was one of them. no. so i watched that last night. and they won by 44 points. and so i want to congratulate. but seriously, we have to get back this was a great day. this was a great night. uh the supreme court hopefully will be doing something in terms of helping our country and preserving democracy. we have to preserve our democracy. and i think they had a very, very interesting day and a very beautiful day, perhaps. i think it was really a very beautiful state to watch. and it's the way it's supposed to be. and hopefully the decision will be in very important decision. but there's
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never been anything like it in the polls. we're leading everybody. we are right now. is there any way we can call the election for next tuesday? that's our. i want to call the election for next season, but we're going to, uh, we're going to make our country ready again. we're going to make it great. we're going to make it better than ever before. the enthusiasm and the turnout. doug and i were talking. i don't think you've ever seen anything like it. right. you were at various of the caucus sites and you came. they both came back and they said, we've never seen anything like it would you like to say a few words? thank you, president trump. i just wanted to build on that at the caucus sites. and catherine, i were at tonight, uh, the lines were stringing around the block, and those buildings, people waiting out in that in the cold. and i just want to say thank you, all of you and all the people in nevada that voted tonight because you're sending a signal
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to the nation, one is that this primary is over. president trump is gone. and that's the signal. and the second thing that really. good about wanting to send my friend for so many years, do you mind if i let him speak first? we just. what a good day that was. i don't know if anybody listened to the supreme court arguments today, but, boy, i've never seen arguments like that totally in favor of the president's position accent. so that was good. but this is even better. yeah winning nevada is going to be is propelling us. we're going to be in the we'll get in the election. and this is you're
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going to see okay. all right. all right. obviously having some technical problems in las vegas. but the supporters don't seem to mind. there you have it . former president donald trump addressing supporters after winning the caucuses held in nevada and the us virgin islands. the former president has now won the first four early voting contests. nikki haley opted to skip the caucuses, accusing the state gop party of rigging the system to benefit trump. instead haley participated in tuesday night's no stakes primary, in which she lost to none of these candidates. i'm lauren green, we are. and also trump talking about the attack in israel and the war in ukraine, saying none of that would happen had he been president. and his plan is to make america great again. i'm lauren greene. we're going to go back to jesse watters primetime. but if the president comes out and speaks, or the former president comes out and speaks again or is starting to be kind of clear up some of those technical problems, those audio problems will bring him back to you live. i'm lauren te
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will bring him back to you live. >> your memory has gotten worse? >> my memory is fine. >> if you look at the transcript, it is a joke. the sarcasm did not translate at the time. i don't know how it was in the room. you thought he performed how today? >> i was asking him if his memory is so bad he has to step down as president. that is a straightforward and hard but uncomfortable question. i wouldn't expect him to laugh it off. it is a serious thing. he needs to convince people he can go another five years when people are saying he has serious lapses in his memory, doesn't remember where he put stuff, says he doesn't know how the boxes got into his garage. i wasn't expecting him to go in there and laugh it off.
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he takes this seriously. >> as long as it pertains to his political survival. i wouldn't say he takes classified document retention seriously. tell me about the room. you don't get a lot of access to him. there was something i picked on that you could almost feel through the screen, these reporters never get to speak to him, they were anxious and interested. what was that like? >> it was as close as he could get to the president indoors when he is speaking like that. they had a diplomatic reception room, which is a room he walks in or out of. you see the outside door all the time but you never see inside. they put him in front of a fireplace and we were only about eight or 10 feet away.
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it is one of those things, it is good he took questions. he said he was going to take questions. if he did not, there was no way they could say he did not hear. >> he contradicts the special counsel's report numerous times about sharing classified documents, the first sentence is he willfully retained them. when you hear that, does that strike you as typical defensiveness or how do you process that? >> not expecting him to come out and say i accept the results. he said what a politician is supposed to say. i cooperated and i am not going to be charged, so this is over and look at donald trump because his thing is not over. >> and it is my staff's fault. >> got to blame the staff. you never blame your staff.
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i have been known to blame staff. thank you so much. good to see you as always. let's bring in former green beret joke, to talk about the implications of this. there is a rumor he might not run for reelection after this report so damaging, to our enemies, our allies, when you have his own administration saying he is painfully slow, he has a hazy memory and he is experiencing limitations. if you are saudi arabia, russia, china, mexico, how are you grappling with that? >> our enemies and adversaries smell blood in the water. they see how biden handled the afghanistan withdrawal, how horribly things are going with this war and retrain -- this war
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in ukraine. he tried to give an update on the middle east but fails to mention we are continuing to support the iranians while we pretend to support the israelis as well. one of the biggest functions job i service for the people calling the shots in our country is he provides this where he goes out as an old man and that distracts from the destruction of our country that the democrats are doing every day. the border is wide open. they have pumped illegals into the country, killed 118,000 americans by sentinel poisoning and we are supposed to have a debate about joe biden's memory. this is why the democrats love having him there. they can put him out and have him continue running the deliberate destruction of our nation. the democrats are not trying to convince us about policies. they are simply polluting the
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coffers as the country crumbles. they are supporting every single side of every single conflict and sending us into oblivion and we are supposed to chase this contact that is this old man. if you can't drag this guy across the finish line, he is useless. if you look at the polling and read this report, how are the democrat kingmakers going to hear when did i stop being vice president? or am i still vice president in 2009 and say, oh, yeah, the american people are going to give this guy another shot. this is incredibly damaging to the presidency and a terminal blow to the reelection campaign. >> i agree it is.
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the democrat kingmakers stop worrying about what we would consider normal politics. this is why the border is wide open and they are pumping illegal immigrants into major urban centers and into the swing states all we know. they attend to do what the governor is talking about, a crisis so they can manufacture a situation where they control the elections like they did in 2020. the democrats don't care about the constitution, fair and free elections and they don't care about making their case to the american people. their cases to destroy the nation. >> we have to prepare ourselves for october surprises and in november, thank you so much. thank you for your service. let's bring in byron york.
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i want to play and exchange the president had with a reporter. >> the american people have been watching and have expressed concerns about your age. >> that is your judgment. >> they expressed concerns about your mental acuity. in december, you told me you believed there are many others who could defeat donald trump. why does it have to be you now? >> i am the most qualified person to be president of the united states and finish the job i started. he said that it is your judgment, not the judgment of the press. it looked like he was going to snap her neck. >> he was very antagonistic. this has been an extraordinary day, an extraordinary performance by the president tonight. you have to be stunned the white house let him get out and do that.
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that particular question the reporter asked, we have had poll after poll with americans, republicans, independents and democrats, expressing concern about his ability to handle the job of president in a second term. that is something the electorate thinks. the president snapped her head off and accomplished the opposite of what he probably hoped to do, which was to defuse some of this before he went out. >> that was not the attitude to come in with. he was running too hot emotionally. he should have said we are not making charges, we made mistakes, my staff made mixups, but i take responsibility for my staff. i am sorry, give it to tromp, good night. but he freaked out on them.
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they just reinforce the fact he is so defensive and understandably wide. she cited the pole. it is like 23% of the country, they don't think he has what it takes to be president. >> for the president to stand there as he did on a number of occasions and say my memory is fine, my memory is fine, he is telling the american people something they know isn't true. they are concerned about it. these are a lot of people who voted for joe biden and this is the world's least surprising story and one way, that we knew joe biden was 77 years old when he took office, 81 now, would be 86 if he serves a second term. we knew that was pressing the edge of the envelope.
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the president has decided to run for reelection and one word on the other part of the reporter's question, why isn't there some other democrat who could beat donald trump? early in his presidency, he convinced himself that he and he alone stands between the united states and the abyss of trump is him, it is his mission to rescue america and he is running when he is clearly too old. >> i bet kamala harris had an interesting evening once this dropped. i bet gavin newsom might have felt the wind blow in cali california. dana perino is going to smack me. this was a strange afternoon and stranger evening. he seems to be in denial. i don't know if that is ever
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going to change. thank you for joining jesse watters prime time. let's bring in sol wisenberg. the president not telling the truth about what was in his own report. let's listen to when he was asked about whether he shared classified documents in a second. your reaction to the report and the president's press conf conference. >> my reaction to the report was that most have been ghost written by gavin newsom and rfk jr. in terms of the damage it did, but it is interesting you ask that question. my response to his brief press conference there and to his answers was unfortunately, he is lying and blatantly lying about what the report said. this is from the executive summary. our investigation uncovered
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evidence biden disclosed classified materials after his presidency when he was a private citizen. that means he knew he was violating the law. the special counsel also said we don't think we can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, but there was evidence of it. this is more and opposite of what he said. talking about classified documents about afghanistan, these documents have classification markings up to the top secret, sensitive, compartmentalized information level that were found in a box that contained other materials of great personal significance to him and that he appears to have used and accessed. he came out and blatantly lied
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about what the special counsel found. it reminds me of when he came out after the afghanistan debacle and said a number of things that were untrue. >> how much does this undercut his platform that he is a serious person, the adult in the room, he understands national security, he has someone to be trusted with america's secrets, he is sharp and experienced enough to manage the government in a way that donald trump is not. i don't see how you can read this report and believe anything joe biden sells you about who he is. >> you asked a political question and i am here to do legal. he lied about what is in the report. >> he lied multiple times. this might be it for joe biden in the reelection campaign. i am not going to make
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predictions, especially after my red wave commentary, but it is a bad day for the joe biden reelection campaign. we appreciate your analysis. more prime time straight ahead. hmmm. quite the paradox. it really is both. hmmm. the first-ever lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card. [coughs] when caroline has a cough, she takes robitussin. so, she can have those one on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people
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>> a major blow for the biden campaign as the supreme court heard arguments as to whether colorado should strip trump from the ballot. all justices sounded skeptical. trump considered it a win. >> in watching the supreme court today, i thought it was a very beautiful process. i hope democracy will continue. >> the colorado attorney choked and could not name a precedent
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of stripping a candidate from the ballot. >> that would suggest there would be at least a few examples of national candidates being disqualified. iif you are reading is correct. >> there were national candidates denied by congress refusing to seat them. >> if you are right, what are the examples? >> they are states excluded many candidates for state office, individuals holding state offices. >> i understand states controlling state elections and state positions. what we are talking about here are national candidates. >> both nominated by democrat presidents didn't seem to buy the argument that the 14th amendment was written to disqualify presidential candidates when it states only officers could be disqualified. >> the question you have to
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confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. >> they might rise through the ranks up to and including the presidency of the united states. >> why didn't they put the word president in the enumerated list? the thing that is troubling to me as i understand your argument. they were listing people who were barred and president is not there. if there is ambiguity, why would we construe it may not know what a woman is, but she knows what democracy is. now prime time is hearing it could be an 8 to 1 or even a unanimous decision to keep trump on the ballot. >> but the resistance will continue because a democrat attorney from colorado said that if trump wins this november, they have an insurance policy. >> if this court concludes
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that colorado did not have the authority to exclude president trump from the presidential ballot on procedural grounds, i think i think this case would be done. but i think it could come back with a vengeance because ultimately members of congress may have to make the determination after a presidential election if president trump wins. about whether or not he's disqualified from office and whether to count votes cast for him under the electoral count reform act. >> oh, this means if trump wins this november and the democrats retake the house and keep the senate, they could vote to disqualify trump from the presidency before he can be sworn in. hillary clinton can't read the room and fashions herself as a superior constitutional scholar than the nine justices and says trump is a would be serial killer who shouldn't be permitted to run the. >> there is a yearning for leaders who can kill and imprison their opponents,
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destroy the press, lead to a life that is one of impunity. >> unbound by any laws. if you read section three of the 14th amendment, it's pretty clear that he should not be permitted to run for president. i think the argument is very strongly on their side. >> the media fell into a depression after sensing trump would likely stay on the ballot but enjoyed censoring his reaction to the proceedings. >> watch this. iran was broke when i left and they had no money to give to hamas. okay, i think we have gotten all the legal analysis we're going to get out of president trump. it's a very beautiful process. and we've been listening to donald trump. we, of course, went to mar a lago to hear him talk about the arguments that we've all been listening to for more than 2 hours. but instead, he has gone adrift, shall we say, and talked about israel, world war three. iraq made all sorts of accusations unsupported. >> so if trump was really going to destroy the press as hillary
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said, wouldn't the press want to hear what trump said? certainly, i'd want to know how i was going to be arrested, thrown in prison and destroyed . another fox news alert. the nypd has released the body cam footage showing migrants attacking the two police officers in times square. nate foy has it. >> well, jesse, for the first time, we're seeing exactly what two nyp officers experienced when at least 11 people attacked them, including several migrants in times square. >> take a look at this. oh, so you see part of the confrontation there, jesse, but take a look at how it started. so this 24-year-old migrant, you can see looks offended when an officer touches his coat while trying to make him move. >> the officers guide the migrant away from the crowd, but as they do that, take a look at this next video. he pushes back the officers
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take him to the ground. but then you see his friends jump in and kick the officers while they're down. you see that man in the red on the top of the screen. he gets a few shots in. he's one of five migrants who still hasn't been arrested. here's what officers saw when the migrants attacked. >> scary stuff. thankfully, both of those officers are okay. but of the 11 people involved in that attack. get this, jesse, only one of them is behind bars tonight. that's a travesty. nick, thank you so much. >> you got it. so glad we can talk to you guys about something that is really near and dear to my heart. it's about my book called get it together troubling tales from the liberal fringe. >> we were just talking about this attack on the nypd. and one of the chapters i discuss with someone how they became to be a belmar, an
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anti-racist belmar, who wants to defund the police. >> and it totally makes sense when you speak to these people about why they hate police and why they wanted to defund the police. it all goes back to their childhood. and like most people, they just open up to me and tell me all the troubling traumas that they've experience and how all of their political beliefs have nothing to do with logic. it's all an emotional expression about maybe daddy issues, insecurity is that they have it's a really eye opening book. >> it's up there with some of the greatest books that have been ever been written. and that's not me saying that. that's my editor. alwaysbeen.t remember i'm wates and this is my >> and welcome to hannity. and we begin tonight with a fox news alert. we are following two massive stories tonigh alertt that could rock the 2024 election. first, the long awaited special counsel report on president biden's mishandling of top secret classifien pr


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