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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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what little credibility i have left. mike from midlothian, texas. can you imagine the uproar if trump said look at all this vanilla in the room? terry from gardendale, alabama. i don't have climate anxiety. i have migrant gang anxiety. just dress up like a butterfly. fly away from there. gary from florida. did you call spanky spank? we know each other. by the way, not related to spanky burbank. spanky lauko and spanky burbank, distant cousins. i am watters, and this is my world. welcome to "hannity". a lot of news to cover. mayor eric adams up new york city is disastrous illegal immigrant policies are wreaking havoc all over new york city.
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what's he blaming the criticism on? racism. it's kind of like the fani willis defense. curtis sliwa on the ground in new york will join us in a few minutes. also, what are the cocaine hippos in columbia and why are they causing chaos? we will have the latest on that story. it was another bizarre blunder for your cognitively struggling president who needed help from a reporter today. it was pretty bad. take a look. >> there is some movement, and i don't want to choose my words. there is some movement. there has been a response--there has been a response from the opposition. yes, i'm sorry. from hamas.
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>> that's your president. this is far from joe pa see only blunder this week. speaking at a campaign event in vegas on sunday night he seemed to be a little confused and dazed once again. take a look. >> right after i was elected i went to a g-7 meeting with all the nato leaders. it was in south england. i sat down and said america is back. a man from germany, i mean france, looked at me and said, you know, how long are you back for? >> a little itsy-bitsy problem. the president died in 1996 so unless joe went back in time or had a conversation with his ghost he did not speak to president mitterrand. during the press briefing box
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white house correspondent peter doocy confronted the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre over the strange blunder and as per usual she refused to directly answer the question. take a look. >> how is president biden ever going to convince the three quarters of voters worried about his physical and mental health that he is okay even though in las vegas he told a story about recently talking to a french president who died in 1996? >> i'm not going to go down that rabbit whole with you, sir. >> he said he talked to mitterrand. >> you saw the president in vegas and california and south carolina and michigan. i will just leave it there. >> our very own peter doocy is joining us now with more. it's very obvious and transparent. we had newt gingrich on the show last night, peter, and yesterday. he is now for the first time convinced that he doesn't think joe is going to make it to november because the cognitive decline of late has been so
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steep. do you see it? you are with him every day. what do you see? >> well, first of all, greetings from the bottom of a rabbit whole. it's great that we have connection down here to be able to go live. it's not a conspiracy to ask questions about mistakes the president makes considering that it's not one person saying this doesn't seem like it's right. it's three quarters of those polled by nbc news either have minor or major concerns about his mental and physical health. that includes half of democrats. and of course everybody mist speaks from time to time. however, not everybody is the president and not everybody is running to be the oldest president ever. and so, these things happen from time to time. there are very heavy issues that whoever the president is next time, come january 2025 will
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have to deal with. again, it's three quarters of everybody polled by nbc news. as to whether or not he will go the distance in this campaign we have no reason to think he is planning to step aside. if he does the plan is going to be for the running mate kamala harris to ascend. you hear people talking about maybe there could be something at the convention. there is nobody running a shadow campaign effective enough that it would make sense for them to slide somebody in there. the last time we saw a prominent democrat would be on your show debating ron desantis. it was gavin newsom. but you don't hear as much from him anymore. >> he has been out campaigning for joe biden. to my mind defending the impossible. in the middle of my interview with governor newsom at one point i stopped the interview and said here is your problem. the guy that you are praising so
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much is not capable of sitting here next to me and having a conversation on this level because he simply is not. when you compare the hours that donald trump will devote to interviews and he makes one mistake, boy, if it's pelosi and vice president harris and he mixes it up, they are not taking into account all of this. i can think of a single event, and correct me if i'm wrong, that joe biden, a clean event where he didn't have cognitive struggles or difficulty in determining whether to exit stage left or stage right. that's now become a big problem. i can't think of a clean event, can you? >> well, the problem now is they do so little with him. it really is just one or two on camera events a week that every word is so heavily scrutinized. when we first got on the biden beat back in the social distance days it was like 10 reporters in the room with him. he wanted to talk after every
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single set of prepared remarks. that was three or four times a week for two and a half years. now it's three or four times a month at best. and most of the time it's when he is exiting the white house south lawn exit to go on to marine one to fly somewhere. you have to shout at him and he is shouting back at you because there is an aircraft 100 feet away. that does seem to be the strategy. there was somebody-- >> that's the old reagan trick with sam donaldson. what, sam? good to see you. cannot hear you. other presidents half use the sound of the helicopter. go ahead. >> somebody in the second row at the press briefing today asked karine jean-pierre about why there is no super bowl interview. doesn't he want to have a huge audience? why has he done so many fewer press events and press availability than all of his recent predecessors.
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she said i can't deny the numbers that they are fewer, but he will try to get out there in new ways. she mentioned radio interviews and podcasts and social media which have been used by barack obama, donald trump and biden 2020 very effectively. these are not knew things. they are basically telling us not to expect to see or hear more from him between now and november. >> i doubt he will be going on charlamagne tha god again who has been critical as many others have been. you said no one is actively running a shadow campaign. i agree with you. i don't think gavin newsom is doing that. it was clear in his mind when you take him at his word that kamala harris would be next up. however, does that negate the possibility you keep hearing the name michelle obama? they go to michelle obama at the convention. will you take up the mantle? your country needs you.
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is there that quiet shadow campaign may be going on? i've seen no evidence of it. i have no reason to believe she wants to go back to washington at all. i don't think she liked it the first time. >> i think that would probably be optimism by the 50% emma kratz who are polled by nbc that think that biden has mental or physical issues that might be a problem for him in a second term. from people that we hear from, it's not something that michelle obama wants. even though as we have seen in the post- presidency would just book sales alone, she is probably the most popular democrat alive. >> it will be interesting. we will certainly be watching. peter, thanks for asking questions that the rest of your friends in the media don't want to ask. thank you for being with us. as we warned you last night the disastrous border bill is nothing more than a blatant
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attempt by biden and the left. they just want to shift the blame for his border crisis squarely on the shoulders of republicans. this is his and his alone. speaking at the white house today joe tried to do just that. take a look. 3 i'm calling on congress to pass this bill because it's on my desk immediately. if the bill fails i want to be clear about something. the american people will know why it failed. i will be taking this issue to the country and the voters are going to know that it's not just at the moment we are going to secure the border and fund these other programs. trump and the maga republicans said no because they are afraid of donald trump. afraid of donald trump. every day between now and november the american people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republicans friends. >> that is a big lie. we will break it down in a
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second. echoing biden's remarks his press secretary karine jean-pierre added this at today's white house briefing. look at this. >> they actually voted. i'm not saying that democrats have not been in control of the first two years. i am saying house republicans have gotten in the way. they have. they have purposefully gotten in the way and tried to fix what is happening at the border. >> now it's all the republicans fault that joe biden's wide open border with 10 million unvented illegal immigrants that he has no responsibility in that? i thought they kept telling us that the border is closed and the border is secure. democrats have been telling us this for three years. in case you might have forgotten, i will remind you. take a look. >> it sounds to most folks like a crisis. >> it is way down now. we now have gotten control. >> the border is closed.
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nor could hide heivilin have been clearer and continue to be so, which is the border is closed. >> the united states will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border. >> the border, we are working to make the border more secure. >> we are confident the border is secure. >> we have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation including ours and our administration. >> we agree that the border is secure. >> they peddled that lie for three years. we know the truth. they are lying to us. that has not stopped the media mob from backing biden and all his attempts to blame republicans. they are now joining onboard. they take the talking .seriously. >> you have one of the slimmest majorities in the house in history. don't you have to compromise to get something done? what you passed in the house cannot pass in the senate, mr. speaker.
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you know that. >> this is almost entirely a border security bill and its provisions include longtime gop priorities that the party restriction nests could never have passed, only a few months ago. are you listening, mikey? just because donald tells you to jump, doesn't mean that you have to put america's security at risk. >> last night a bipartisan group of senators revealed a bill of the house said is dead on arrival. >> but the border. we are looking every day at the invasion of migrants and they are playing a tight game of politics on this. couldn't that pressure put the bearer in their own states? >> dead on arrival. the speaker of the house bowing to tank the historic border real deal reached by both parties in the senate. and on defense over accusations it is donald trump pulling the strings.
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>> let me educate joe biden and all those willing accomplices of liars that i call the media mob. congress is not at all, not one bit, responsible for this national security nightmare that joe biden created. the media mob has been silent. they have been complicit for three years. they have allowed the big lie that the border is secure and closed to go forward unchallenged. they have not been showing you the american people on other channels the disaster that is going on that joe created at our southern border. biden was handed the single most secure border in our nation's history. here is what really happened. with the stroke of a pen, this is a pen, joe biden revoked all of donald trump's efforts to exclude illegal immigrants from the senses. he strengthened daca and ended trump's interior enforcement rule. he halted all border wall construction. he ended asylum agreements with
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el salvador, guatemala, honduras. he ended the mexico policy and let title 42 expire. biden never needed congress to fix any of this. he can reinstate all of those policies that he revoked just as he undid them with the stroke of a pen. but that's not going to stop the mob, the media, the liberal joe's in the media from remaining complicit in the biden border crisis. they have not covered this story for three years. they have steadfastly refused to be showing on a regular basis how bad this disaster is at our southern border caused by biden's failed policies. let me be real clear. the senate border bill they are all pushing is an unmitigated disaster. the only good news is mitch mcconnell admitted earlier today it's dead. not only would this bill do nothing to secure the border, it could as written actually codify all of biden's aiding and abetting of illegal immigrants
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and lawbreaking into law. they know deep down it's total bs. earlier today on my radio show senator rand paul from kentucky joined us. some republican senators wanted to keep all the details that they were putting in this bill away from people like me. specifically because they knew how bad this legislation is for conservatives. basically it's not me. they didn't want you to hear about it. by the way, this is what he said to me. take a listen. to make i will tell you what i hear behind the scenes. i hear from people in our caucus who talked to sources that say we need to make sure sean hannity is not talking about this to laura ingraham. conservatives kept it secret. that was said out loud in our caucus and said this has to be kept and cannot be allowed to go in front of the conservative talk show host. they cannot be allowed to discuss. that's why it secret. >> how dare we tell the american people the truth.
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meanwhile earlier this evening house republicans effort to impeach the dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas ended up as a tight. but then one flipped so they can bring this bill back. steve scalise was not there today. utah congressman blake moore switched the vote from yes to know and rightly so. and by voting for the majority that means congressman moore can reintroduce legislation at a later date. with steve scalise set to return plus special elections looming in new york district 3. early voting is going on now. that will be a week from tuesday. california has an election and may. republicans have a chance to secure a stronger majority. hopefully they do. a greater likelihood of passing the impeachment. that is still on the table. texas senator ted cruz is here. i saw your comments about mitch mcconnell. rightly, i think you are very angry with him. rand paul, did you hear the same thing he heard that they didn't want people like me getting the information about the bill?
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did you hear that? >> i did. this whole thing has been a disaster from the very beginning. it's been a disaster on policy and politics. on policy, this bill is terrible. it's an a bill that chuck schumer wanted that is designed not to secure the border. not just not to secure the border, it's designed to make it worse. this bill as you noted codifies joe biden's open borders. catch and release. the cause of this crisis, it codifies catch and release and puts it into law. not only that, it normalizes 5000 illegal immigrants a day. that's 1.8 million per year. that's about 6 million illegal immigrants over the three years of biden. we have been faxing 9.6 million illegal immigrants. the idiotic republican proposal was let's be for two thirds of the border invasion that biden has allowed. that made no sense. not only did it put it into law
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1.8 million every year in perpetuity but it also put into law giving illegal immigrants work permits, giving them lawyers paid for by the taxpayers. it gave billions of dollars to sanctuary cities to keep their policies going and it gave billions of dollars to left-wing nonprofit organizations that are bringing the illegal immigrants in. it funds the process. i tell you the provision as a texan that pissed me off the most. it went directly after the state of texas and said any litigation filed challenging this law has to be filed in washington, d.c. in federal district court. texas cannot sue in the federal courts in texas where texas has been winning. instead they have got to go to washington with liberal judges. this was a disaster on policy grounds because it did not solve the problem. politically it was even worse. who won in this battle? his name is charles schumer. chuck schumer did this.
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he knew it would fail. he wanted it to fail. the purpose of this bill was to let every democrat running for the senate and running for the house stand up and say self righteously i wanted to secure the border. i really wanted to, but those mean republicans wouldn't let me. i've got to say senate republican leadership, i told them this month ago. other conservatives told them this months ago and they proceeded down this path that ended up as a box canyon with a, because a pilot crashing into a wall. it was a disaster and it was entirely avoidable. because what happened is republican leadership ended up benefiting chuck schumer and the democrats and doing nothing to secure the border. >> the amazing part about all of this, senator, is there is no need for biden to get legislation from anybody. just the stroke of the pen as i have been pointing out. get back in plays the policies
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that were successful. here's one interesting thing i noted in your home state of texas. 99.99% of illegal immigration at eagle pass when you put up the razor wire has ended. it shows that barriers work. now they moved to california and arizona. if texas can build out more razor wire i say they should continue doing what they are doing because it worked. >> texas will continue leading the fight. we've got to. this crisis is massive. it is devastating. we've got to lead the fight. you know what joe biden is doing? he is siding with the mexican drug cartels against the american people. the image of just a few days ago of those six illegal aliens who beat up two new york police officers was disgusting. they got arrested and what happens? they get released from jail with no bail. what do they do walking out? they flipped the bird on both hands walking out.
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that image, sean, is the image of this campaign in 2024. that image, flipping the bird, is what joe biden and the democrats in the senate are saying to every american. they stand with the drug cartels, the human traffickers, the illegal immigrants, criminals and stand against law enforcement and stand against american families. that's the message of this radical policy. we've got to stand up and fight against it. >> 272 days is the election. your election is important too. i know you are being targeted. you were the first person i called when the bill came out. am i reading this correctly? you said yes you are reading it correctly. it is sad. the fact that they didn't want the people to know the details. that speaks volumes about the current leadership. good for people like you in the senate that hold them accountable. thank you very much. >> republican leadership wanted to hide it from you and the american people.
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i appreciate your pointing out chuck schumer and george soros coming after me hard. i want to encourage folks to go to ted we will fight texas and defend the country. >> we will be in texas and hopefully see you and toured the border together that joe biden has left wide open. mayor eric adams up new york city defending his decision to hand out free money to illegal immigrants. curtis sliwa will weigh in. senator tim scott reacts to reports that kamala harris has, quote, "found her footing. really? that is news to us. straight her ahead.
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as outrage grows over new york city mayor eric adams
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handing out free prepaid debit cards to illegal immigrants and the 180 million he is now allocating towards more hotel rooms, the mayor decided to set the record straight at a hearing in albany and let the world know that is exactly what he is doing. take a look. cement there is one thing i learned in new york. new york is a very opinionated and they share their thoughts. first we want to dismiss the misinformation. we are not giving people american express cards. we found that the food delivery service that we set up during the emergency we could find a better way to do it and our belief that we want to cut 20% of the migrant cost. we have a pilot project with 500 people that we are giving them a food card. instead of a debit card, instead of having to deliver food and have people eat food that we were seeing wasted food, they are now able to get their own food that will be spending $12 a
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day. >> and 500 people get $53 million? that's not all. a couple days ago adams decided it was a good time to bragg about his staff's diversity. he did it in his own way. >> stand up. they need to seal. deputy williams deputy mayor, deputy mayor maria torres springer. have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the city of new york? and then go down the line. look who is here. this is representative of the city. that's why people are hating on me. >> oh, that's why the fani willis defense. joining us live on the streets of new york city former mayoral candidate curtis sliwa is with us. okay, he likes chocolate over vanilla, it sounds like. sounded like louis farrakhan to
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me. $53 million in debit cards for 500 people on top of $180 million for more hotel rooms in new york. on top of the $1 billion biden has given people that enter our country illegally. we saw what happened to the people on tape beating the hell out of two police officers. curtis are things getting better in new york city? >> absolutely not. in fact, that is why i am his number one hater. join the curtis sliwa hater club of eric adams who has single-handedly destroyed the city by giving illegal aliens everything. they arrive in our city. you check into your hotel and get concierge service and then you get $1000 debit card that you can use for the whole month. and you get more money than any veteran, and a homeless person, any emotionally disturbed person in new york city gets.
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that's an absolute outrage. this mayor just doesn't seem to get it. he takes care of the illegal aliens and forsakes his own people, especially the african-american poor and impoverished who elected him mayor of the city of new york over me, curtis sliwa. >> by the way, if you divide $53 million by 500 that is $106,000 debit card. not a bad deal. i don't think they are giving them to vets that are homeless in new york city. not that i've heard, curtis. >> they have just taken down one of the migrant guys on the corner of 42nd and seventh. they have taken over. they would like the camera over there if at all possible. >> you have got your key open,
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guys. >> it is out of control. out of control. >> eric adams often complains he is getting no support from the federal government to help them with the surge of joe biden's unvented illegals in new york. that could be because of the so-called borders are. he's a little distracted according to a report vice president harris has now suddenly, quote, "found her footing and is apparently getting ready for a future presidential run of her own in 2028. according to the daily mail she campaigned in south carolina last week and visited georgia today which is apparently very much on her mind, more so than the border now. here is south carolina senator tim scott. correct me if i'm wrong. i looked at the numbers. what percentage of the democratic voters showed up for that primary in your home state? was 4% around the right number? >> yeah.
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dismal. anyone who thinks kamala harris weigh to the white house through south ghana south carolina is dismal. more importantly, sean, think about this. she is weak on the border, weak on crime and weak on crime. this is a vice president who raised money for a bail fund for a person who was later charged with murder. you remember those days, sean. this is a person who refuses to step a foot on our southern border, 10 million illegal immigrants coming in. and in new york city it keeps black and brown kids at home so they can use those schools to house the illegal immigrants coming into the country because kamala harris refuses to do her job. week on the economy. poor kids today have a less reason to be helpful because joe biden and kamala harris took inflation so high that poor folks cannot afford food, energy
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or gas. unbelievable. >> by the way, that bail fund sum might define that as insurrection. i am just saying. as a side note. the media said most of those 574 riots that killed dozens of americans, injured thousands of cops, caused billions in property damage, they were mostly peaceful. we've got to get that straight. >> ridiculous. >> by the way, do you stand with ted cruz and his comments about mitch mcconnell? where do you stand on that? >> i wasn't in the room when those comments were made but i can tell you this without question. what america needs to see is the united republican party telling the facts as there. the facts are simple. the president of the united states, joe biden, does not need legislative action to secure our border. why do we know that to be a fact? because donald trump secured our
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border without the legislative action from the body. he did so by creating policies like remain in mexico. and saw the drop in illegal crossings. what we know is a president with the guts, the will, the intestinal fortitude to secure our border can get it done. we've seen it done ones. we need four more years. we were better off under trump. >> that's now the big lie. let me play comments president trump made in his interview with maria bartiromo that had to deal with you. let's listen. >> i called tim scott because a lot of people tim scott. i said you are a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself. when i watched him, he was fine. he was good, but loki, et cetera. i watched him in the last week defending me and fighting for me. i said you are a much better person for me than you are for yourself. for him he was low-key.
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for me, he has been a real tiger. he's been incredible. >> obviously you are on donald trump's shortlist if he gets the nomination. it looks like he is. what would your answer be? >> my answer would be yes to america having four more years of donald trump. i don't think any one of us should make this about me or any other person who might be the candidate for vice president. >> he mentioned you by name. that means you are on the shortlist. if he comes to you, what do you say? >> listen, everybody wants to serve their country. the best way for me to serve my country now is to make sure that donald trump gets four more years. we are better off under trump. you and i both know it. let's vote for him and get out and campaign for donald trump. we cannot afford people losing hope of the american dream because joe biden gets another four years. with donald trump, low inflation, low crime.
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we have law and order wants again. it's a good day for america. >> i know your inner circle and i will talk to the two guys i knew you would call first. nobody knows who i am talking about. i will talk to them and make sure they are prepared to tell you to say yes. that's all i'm saying. we appreciate you being with us, senator tim scott. looking forward to the south carolina primary. we will bring you the latest on trump's legal battles as they will hear the colorado ballot ban. democracy in peril. gregg jarrett and alan dershowitz straight ahead. thanks for being with us.
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♪ earlier today a three-judge panel on the d.c. court of appeals ruled against donald
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trump as he said he had presidential immunity against prosecution. trump can appeal this to the u.s. supreme court. it's also about to consider another case with major implications. on thursday morning the high court will hear oral arguments on the colorado state supreme court's decision to ban trump from the ballot. president trump is asking for that ruling to be overturned. i believe it will be. saying the american people have the right to choose the next president of the united states, not judges in colorado. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and harvard law professor alan dershowitz. professor, i look at section 3 the 14th amendment. by the way, the president is not even mentioned in the statutory language. we will put that aside for a minute. the whole allegation that trump engaged in insurrection. correct me if i am wrong, professor. did donald trump get charged with insurrection? has he been convicted of
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insurrection? or is this just a word that the january 6 committee put on in their predetermined outcome hearing that they had? >> not even that much. he has been charged by the secretary of state of maine with insurrection and by individual judges in the court in colorado. there has been no conviction or charge. smith could have easily persuaded a grand jury to indict him for insurrection and rebellion or any of the other provisions in the 14th amendment. the problem is article five of the 14th amendment says that congress has the power to define what insurrection means, what rebellion means and what the procedures are. plainly the 14th amendment who were draconian kind of very, very in favor of reconstruction would never have allowed the state's of mississippi or virginia to decide who's going to be on the ballot for president of the united states.
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this was intended to be congressional action. congress took no action to implement the 14th amendment. it's not self enforcing. i believe the supreme court will rule i hope 9-0 that this 14th amendment argument is just made up. what we are involved in is a game of beat the clock. remember that when we were kids? beat the clock. everyone is trying to get down and dirty convictions against trump or rulings against trump before the election to influence the election. they will almost certainly be reversed. >> we will see. there is a lot of issues out there. let's get your take on that greg. there is not to be new processes as part of this. you would at least have to be charged and convicted before you can say with any certainty guilty of insurrection. >> that's right. the 14th amendment does not disqualify donald trump because section 3 doesn't cover
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candidates for president. that office is deliberately omitted specifying instead senators, representatives and electors only. in fact if you look at the earlier versions of the amendment, it proposed the president. but then later dropped it, excluding the president. the authors were concerned about confederate leaders being elected to congress and not the presidency. the professor is right. section three is not self-evident. it's dependent upon congressional action. just read section 5. finally, i doubt the supreme court will even address the issue of insurrection except to note that trump is not charged or convicted of that offense. partisan officials cannot simply declare him guilty of insurrection without due process. that violates the 14th amendment. this is political gamesmanship. the supreme court will see it for what it is. i think it will be unanimous.
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>> let me ask you about the immunity decision real quick. about 20 seconds each. i thought there were better arguments on the issue of presidential immunity than the one given about the navy steele and ordering a hit on political opponents. professor? >> it was argued too broadly. the trump side argued for total and complete immunity and the other side for virtually no immunity. if the supreme court takes this case it will split the difference and rule that some actions done by the president within the scope of his authority to be broadly defined are covered by immunity and others. >> quickly, greg. i think there were better arguments available. maybe they will bring that to the supreme court? >> it's true. in the d.c. court opinion is deeply flawed claiming that trump has become citizen trump so he has no immunity.
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that misunderstands the argument. at issue are his actions as president, not later as a private citizen. >> a president needs immunity because otherwise every president will be making a decision through the prism of if i do this, what will happen after i leave the white house? thank you. >> there will be lawyers making the decisions, not presidents. >> great point. straight ahead pablo escobar, remember him? he left his mark on columbia. he's not who you think. is cocaine hippos are wreaking havoc. cliff jenkins has a special report straight ahead.
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remember back in the 80s colombian drug lord pablo
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escobar created his own private zoo of illegally imported exotic animals including four hippos that were nicknamed cocaine hippos. now the population has exploded apparently to over 200. these animals are wreaking havoc on the colombian ecosystem endangering other animals and even humans. griff jenkins traveled to columbia to cover the story for fox nation. he joins us now. what a big story. >> columbia used to battled the narco trackers in the 90s. now they are battling cocaine hippos. when pablo was killed in '93 he had his personal zoo. that is what billionaire drug lord zuparic they had zoos. these four heifers were rounded up and donated to zoos. but the hippos being massive 3-ton base that can run 30 miles per hour and have a violent short temper would be difficult to round up. the official said let them die off. bad idea.
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the hippos love columbia. they have endless rivers and no national creditor. those four turned into a dozen turned into hundreds if not maybe 1000. they have been terrorizing them and injuring humans as well. so much so that columbia has deemed them the country's most dangerous invasive species. they are the world's deadliest land mammals. we got close to them. it is terrifying because you could hear them. they are watching you and they like to attack people. they cannot kill them down there because they are protected by law. the officials down there told us that this is a hippo timebomb if they don't get it under control, sean. >> i am watching you and they can run 30 miles per hour. you are right up there with them. you are passing them off, obviously. they are not happy and they are screaming at you in their own way. what the hell is griff jenkins thinking? i don't think i want to mess
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with any one of those cocaine hippos. 2 we had to deliver for the fox nation audience. we have to get close. we had our executive producer with a great team. we had drone pilots that were getting close. ultimately the country will try to do a sterilization program. those hippos are not very cooperative. go to fox nation and check it out. >> a little salt-and-pepper. dan and yourself, very tasty to the hippos. i give you credit. that was a dangerous assignment. griff jenkins, thank you for that report. when we come back we will head back to new york city to curtis sliwa. what was happening during the live segment when the guardian angels had to step in and apprehend this guy? we will tell you about it straight ahead.
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earlier in the show with our interview with curtis sliwa and members of the guardian angels
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apprehended a man in times square in new york city. we couldn't exactly see what was going on. what was happening in front of you while you were on the air with us? >> he had been shoplifting first. the guardian angels spotted him, stopped him and he resisted. let's just say we gave him a little pain compliance. his mother back in venezuela felt the vibrations. he is sucking concrete. the cops dragged him off the asphalt. he's on his way to jail. they will cut him loose. we've got to take 42nd street back. these illegals think they own this state and rule the night. this is our country. if they can't abide by the rules than we will kick them back from where they came. >> it's amazing because i have been out with you on the streets of new york and been in times square with you. police are very appreciative of the support that you in the guardian angels offer them. >> yeah, sean. what we have been told
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hands-off. guess what? we don't keep our hands off. you shoplift, commit crime, assault people, you don't belong in our country. we are going to make sure you pay a price for that. we've got to fight for what we know is right. you saw a little bit of this. they got a little taste of what the guardian angels are going to do to liberate times square from them. curtis sliwa. hang in there and be say. that's all the time we have left this evening. set your dvr so you never ever ever miss an episode of "hannity". that's all the time we have left this evening. good news. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is standing by to put a smile on your face. we will see you tomorrow night. thanks for being with us. good evening. i am trace gallagher in in 90 seconds. democracy '24 update. polls have closed in the nevada presidential primacy which nikki haley is expected to