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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 6, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> we will hear him blame republicans for utter failure of accomplishment. he should look in the mirror for that. >> on day one, he reversed policies for the border the most secure in years and pretending it's new legislation he needs rather than just doing his job. >> i asked the border patrol council, the biggest union of patrol agents, why would he follow the laws in a new bill if he won't follow the current laws. >> you could put trump's policies back in place today. don't speak to us, do the actions. >> you are an hour and almost 15 minutes late. we will hear him cover every second when it happens. "america reports" now. >> sandra: pick it up from there, live at the state d
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room at the white house as we await president biden's now very delayed remarks on the border bill and foreign aid. we will take you to these anticipated remarks as soon as the president begins. hello, welcome, everyone, sandra smith in new york, john. we may soon see and hear whether this will be a border bill or bust. >> john: yeah, it's looking like bust is the more likely scenario. i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports". president biden expected to urge congress to pass $118 billion in aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. but many republicans in both chambers say that is a no-go. >> sandra: right to it with jacqui heinrich. i normally would say watch out, we might have to interrupt you to get to the president. we don't know why but these remarks are quite delayed by now, jacqui. >> yeah, sandra, they are. they were not initially on the schedule this morning but given everything that's happening on capitol hill today the white house felt it necessary to have the president speak to this.
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we can usually look to what folks like chuck schumer have said as an indication what we might hear from the president and heard from schumer this morning was a lot of bashing republican lawmakers, saying that you know, republicans in the senate worked in good faith with democrats to put it together, they folded like a house of cards from president trump to kill the deal and assailing the house speaker mike johnson for bucking to trump and wanting this to be an election issue, what we have been hearing out of the democrats broadly. chuck schumer at one point said i've heard from a lot of my republican colleagues that it's too soon to bring this up. we can just open debate and schedule a vote for later but looks like all you guys really want to do is push this off until election day. so a lot of criticism from democrats how it can be such an urgent issue at the border but not urgent enough to solve today and apparently able to push off until 2025.
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but all of that really may not be likely to move the needle with republican lawmakers. in the senate you have an unwillingness to put something up for a vote that's likely to fail in the house. and mike johnson, though, really does have an issue in front of him because he right now is teeing up a vote to impeach the homeland security secretary mayorkas. his tone changed this morning, unclear if that debate is going to, you know, ultimately result in his impeachment and a number of lawmakers are upset in the house that johnson wants their support to impeach mayorkas but is not asking them how they feel about this bill. there was a lot of grumbling from some sources about feeling they don't have their voting cards. and so we are going to see what the president has to say about all of this. likely will not move the needle with republicans in the house or in the senate. however, there is also some discussion about what happens if this does not work out. do republicans put up foreign
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aid only bill that leaves out the border provisions. but you still, as we saw this morning, have a lot of groups like the acting cbp chief, border patrol union, chamber of commerce saying look, we support the bill, may not be dead as it sounds. so the white house expected to assail the process and the stalling, i guess, from republicans and the expectation that in its current form it's probably not going anywhere in the near term, guys. >> what do we know about the president's schedule today, jacqui? i guess sort of looking at how delayed this is, and what could be happening behind closed doors right now. what do we know? >> very little about what could be causing the delay. i mean, as i mentioned before, this was not on the schedule this morning. i would expect there's probably some conversation between the white house and folks over on the hill in terms of the messaging they want to put out. this is an issue that is ripe for now democrats to use in the
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election as well against republicans saying look, if you are sounding off about the border, but you don't want to move ahead with this piece of legislation that even a lot of republicans say gives good tools to the next president wouldn't stop a future president from doing some of the things you are calling for, that gives them a lot of fodder to use as well. so, they are going to use this moment to put together, you know, a message that will try to paint republicans as being under trump's thumb basically, and i would imagine that the language that they are going to go with is under discussion right now. >> sandra: ok, so that is the build-up. that is the live shot. we should see the president there shortly and all of this, right, jacqui, anticipating a white house press briefing and that will be the first one since the pretty major gaffe about the french president, the president referencing one that died 30 years ago rather than the current. so, a lot to watch for in that briefing as well. first anticipate the president.
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thank you, jacqui. >> john: their names did both begin with m, so -- let's bring in georgia republican brian kemp for more on this. the breakdown as it stands right now, governor, $60 billion for ukraine, 20 billion for border security, 14.1 billion for israel, 2.4 billion for operations around the red sea, 2.6 billion for the indo-pacific, but border security have many republicans saying, including tim scott, saying this is not gonna fly. and one of those provisions is that there would be a threshold where the border would essentially be shut after 5,000 people come in every day. we remember a time when jay johnson in the obama administration said 1,000 was a bad day, 4,000 would be untenable. yet this bill has a threshold of 5,000 people a day. and for many people, including i'm sure the governor of texas,
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that's too many. what do you say? >> well, thanks for having me on, guys. i would say from somebody that's out there where the rubber meets the road, just like greg abbott is in texas, i would remind the president of what i said last year out at the world economic forum. over a year ago, it's great y'all are working on a bill, that's been going on for a long time. while you were doing that, just secure the damn border. i mean, the president has the ability to do this. that's our point that republican governors had made for months and months and well over a year now that he could take action to close the border down, to stem the tide of illegal people coming into our country and breaking the law and the states having to deal with fentanyl, human trafficking. there was a story in atlanta about unaccompanied minors in the foster care or government services systems where you know, the states are gonna be footing the bill for that, it's going to stress already stressed system. you know, he can act now
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regardless of any legislation, and that's what i would encourage him to do. >> sandra: what do you say when the president makes this out to be a republican problem? and the crisis we have is because republicans won't put up the funding to fix it? >> well, i would remind him that from 2020 to 2022, democrats controlled the house and the senate and the white house and they did nothing and people were complaining about the border then. so i don't really see how they can point the finger at republicans here. i know there's a lot of back and forth on the legislation, that will play out whenever it does, but for people like me and for people like governor greg abbott that are dealing with this problem, people like, you know, the border patrol in california, i watched something last night where you know, illegal people are coming, being brought by the cartel by boat coming up the pacific coast and dumped in malibu and other places. we can't just stand with
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governor abbott and fix the problem in texas. we are glad to do that but we have to have a president that wants to fix the problem in arizona and california and other border states. >> john: the president keeps calling on congress to give him more money to do the things he needs to do to improve something at the border, i'm not sure exactly what it is he's trying to improve, because it wouldn't seem any of the provisions and what the president has talked about would stop the pull factor, would stop people from coming across the border. only deal with what happens after people are already across the border. and when you take a look at what happened in december of 2020, because we had to switch gears so fast, we were not able to make a full screen of this to put up on the screen, but the last day, or the last month, rather, of fiscal year 2021, i'm sorry, just it gets a little confusing. the last month, full month of president trump's presidency, 73,994 people crossed the
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southwest border. as opposed to december of last year, 32000 people. less than a quarter of what they were in december. is this a question of money or of presidential will and what you do with your executive pen? >> well, look, john, the same thing happened with gas prices when joe biden took office, that's a different argument. i would ask another question, what is it costing not to act right now. when you think about -- we got briefs yesterday, texas authorities have seized 458 million doses of fentanyl, 56,000 pounds of meth, $51 million of cash, you think about the ramification and the expense that the states are having to spend along with the federal government dealing with overdoses and treatment programs
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and all of that. i mean, the president has plenty of money to be able to shut the border down and i would tell you -- i know from myself and the governors i was standing with just two days ago in texas, we would be glad to be part of the solution. we have given the president a list of things that he could do immediately to help stop these illegal people coming into our country. we would stand with him. we have had our national guard down on the border since 2019. if he needs more troops down there from the state of georgia to help him stop the flow and protect our border, by gosh, we would send them down there and i know a lot of other governors would do the same. he doesn't need to wait on congress and i don't think he needs to wait on any appropriation. this is a national emergency, if you will, and i believe he has the legal powers to do exactly what i've been saying. >> sandra: well, governor, we have seen how this is no longer just a crisis for those who live along the southern border and those border states and communities. this is all over the country. we talk to real people on the program every single day that
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are dealing with this, whether it's their business, whether it's their residency, or just taxpayers fed up with their money going towards what continues to be a huge problem in this country. we saw it show up in new hampshire and iowa, top concern of voters. this is ted cruz making the case against the bill you are about to hear the president speak on. >> this bill is a terrible bill. i'm going to break it down on two metrics. number one, policy and number two, politics. on policy, why is this bill a terrible bill, it does not solve the problem. illegal immigration, people are dying. children are brutalized, women are sexual assaulted, over 100,000 people died of overdoses last year. this bill doesn't fix it. >> sandra: to that point, looks like they are getting ready here at the white house. to that point, governor, how about the president say to the american people that since
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karine jean-pierre, she often says that white house briefing we are about to get another one of in one minutes, apparently, why doesn't he step up there and say this is what i have been doing since i made this priority, since i took office. show us what has worked at the southern border. bring kamala harris in, who is appointed czar, i don't know how many years ago at this point. show us what you have done, what policies you have enacted that are working as you ask for more money to fund and improve what is already working -- we don't hear that from this administration, governor. >> well, every state is a border state now and you are exactly right. i think the american people, this is not a partisan issue. you know, republicans and democrats alike believe we need to secure the border. the problem is, no one trusts this administration and he hasn't given you any reason to trust him. i think if he would come out and say you know what, we have a big problem, i can't wait on
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congress, i'm going to take executive action, work with the states affected by this and any others that want to help and secure the border and show the american people we are serious about this, they can work on a bill later, they can keep working on the bill. he doesn't have to wait on congress to be able to solve this problem. i think that's what's so frustrated to me and a lot of other governors but also to the american people and i guess the reason he's not explaining that because he doesn't know what to tell people, either doesn't understand the issue because the border czar or himself have not been to the border, have not been there lately to see what's happening in the real world. and when we were there you could see it plain as day. the pictures before greg abbott acted and see thousands of people there in the gully or gulch or whatever in shelby park and eagle pass, the bridge overhead where people are coming in and out legally every day. and when we got down there, there was none of that going on in the gulch because they had
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secured the border, secured the park and sent a message you are not coming through this way unless you come through legally on the bridge overhead. that's the words i think the american people wants to hear from the president. >> john: less than a minute before the president is supposed to step up here. i also want to ask you this question. we have seen particularly new york city and other places around the country crime that is being done at the hands of migrants. the beat up of two of new york's finest, the woman who was dragged after two guys on a moped dragged her purse and pulled her across the sidewalk. community in chicago up in arms because of the community centers and parks are housing migrants instead of serving the community. this is getting out of control very quickly. is that a result of so many people let into the country and having no plan to deal with them? >> well, again, that's my point, john. this is a -- not a partisan issue when you have, you know,
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blue city mayors complaining about the same problem that republican governors are. and it's up to this president to try to fix that. he has the ability to do that and he needs to act, and we are counting on him. the states out here dealing with the fallout from this, the fentanyl, the human trafficking, unaccompanied minor, counting on him to do this. >> we had a man suing his community in the south side of chicago while he spoke to us standing outside of a medical facility that was shut and could no longer take patients, right, because they didn't have the money in the area, they couldn't get any funding to keep it open, they will also shut schools to children in the town because everything was just run down, it was a mess. but yet they came in from the city of chicago and they opened those very facilities up and paid for these migrants to be housed and fed and sheltered there. and that is sort of the outrage
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that we are hearing from these local communities more and more every single day, governor. >> well, that goes back to the point again that every state or every city is a border state. does not matter where you are in the country and the expense you talk about. the expense that's been taken away from needs in the community from our citizens to be spent on people here illegally. that solves the whole money issue right there for the preds, if he's talking about not having enough money to secure the border. >> john: thanks so much for being with us. and sandra, we got a two-minute warning about three minutes ago, so we are not sure what the delay is. governor, thanks for being with us. >> i'm glad to talk to you about the great state of georgia and how good we are doing economically or anything else you guys need. >> john: i used to live there. i know well what's going on there. here is the president. >> for much too long as you all know the immigration system has been broken. and it's long pastime to fix it. that's why months ago i
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instructed my team to begin negotiation with a bipartisan group of senators to fix the immigration system. for months now that's what they have done, working around the clock through the holidays, over the weekends, been an extraordinary effort by senators langeford, murphy and sinema. the result of this hard work is a bipartisan agreement that represents the most fair, humane reforms in our immigration system in a long time. and the toughest set of reforms to secure the border ever. now all indications are this bill won't even move forward to the senate floor. why? a simple reason. donald trump. because donald trump thinks it's bad for him politically, therefore he doesn't even know -- the country, he's not for it. he would rather weaponize this issue than solve it. the last 24 hours he's done nothing i'm told but reach out to republicans in the house and
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the senate and threaten them and try to intimidate them to vote against this proposal. and looks like they are caving. frankly, they owe it to the american people to show some spine and do what they know to be right so i want to tell the american people what's in this bill. and why everyone from the "wall street journal," to the border patrol, to the chamber of commerce, support this bill. because it's going to make the country safer, make the border more secure, treat people more humanely and fairly, and make legal immigration more efficient and consistent with the values of our nation and our international treaty obligations. it would finally provide the funding that i have repeatedly, repeatedly requested, most recently in october to actually secure the border. that includes an additional 1,500 border agents and officers to secure the border, to
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physically secure it. and in addition, 100 cutting edge machines to detect and stop fentanyl at the southwest border. we have that capacity. additional 100 additional immigration judges to help reduce the year-long asylum backlog and show for asylum and judge is supposed to talk to you, takes a year to get that discussion going. this bill would also establish new efficient and fair process for the government to consider asylum claim for those arriving at the border. today the process can take 5 to 7 years as you all know. they show up at the border, get a bracelet, told to come back when called, 5 to 7 years from now, in-country. that's too long and it's not rational. with the new policies in this bill, and the additional 4,300 more asylum officers, who spend hours, i might add, with each immigrant to consider their claims, whether they qualify,
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will be able to reduce the process to six months, not 5 to 7 years. this bipartisan bill will also expedite work permits so those who are here and who qualify can begin work more quickly. that's something that our governors, our mayors, and our business leaders have been asking me for and asking them for. all across the country they have been asking for this. also create more opportunities for families to come together for business, and to hire additional workers, and for the first time in 30 years, first time in 30 years, this bipartisan legislation increases the number of immigrant visas for people legally, legally able to come to this country through ports of entry. and ensures for the first time that vulnerable unaccompanied young children have legal representation at the border. this bill would also give me as president the emergency authority to temporarily shut
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down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. numbers talking over 5,000 people trying to get in in one day. the bill, if the bill were law today, it would qualify to be shut down right now while we repair it. bottom line is this bipartisan bill is a win for america because it makes important fixes to our broken immigration system. and it's the toughest, fairest law that's ever been proposed relative to the border. now it doesn't address everything that i wanted. for example, we still need a path for documentation for those who are already here, and we are not walking away from true immigration reform, including permanent protections and a pathway to citizenship for young dreamers who came here when they were children. and who have been good citizens and contribute so much to our country. but the reforms of this bill are essential for making our border more orderly, more humane, and more secure. that's why the border patrol union, by the way endorsed
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donald trump in the 2020 election, endorses this bill. these are the people whose job it is to secure the border every single solitary day. they don't just show up for photo ops like some members of congress, they are there to do their job. many risk their lives doing every single day and they decided, they decided, the border patrol decided, this gives them the tools they need to do the job. more personnel across the board. it's also why the u.s. chamber of commerce endorsed this bill. they know it's not just good for the border, it's also good for american business and for the american economy. and it's why the "wall street journal" endorsed the bill, headline which reads a border security bill worth passing. senate reforms trump never came close to getting. this bill would also address two other important priorities.
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first, provides urgent funding for ukraine. i'm wearing my ukraine tie, ukraine pin which i've been wearing because they are in dire straits defending themselves against a russian onslaught, a brutal conquest. the clock is ticking. every week, every month that passes without new aid to ukraine means fewer artillery shells, fewer air defense systems, fewer to defend itself against this russian onslaught, just what putin wants. ukrainians are fighting bravely. you know, many of you look around the room here and followed me on this for a long time. i pulled together a coalition of over 50 nations who support them, on the phone, talking to these leaders. we unified nato, remember nato -- well, they are all together and actually increased the size of nato. we can't walk away now. that's what putin is betting on.
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supporting this bill is standing up to putin. opposing this bill is playing into his hands. as i've said before, stakes on this fight extend well beyond ukraine. if we don't stop putin's appetite for power and control in ukraine, he won't limit himself to just ukraine. and the cost for america and our allies and partners will rise. for those republicans in congress who think they can oppose funding for ukraine and not be held accountable, history is watching. history is watching. failure to support ukraine in this critical moment will never be forgotten. position of the maga republicans can be characterized by the "new york times" headline. first -- this is the headline. it reads "trump first, putin second, america third." that cannot pertain. this bipartisan agreement also
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provides israel with what it needs to protect its people and defend itself against hamas terrorists and it will provide the necessary lifesaving humanitarian assistance for the palestinian people. by opposing this bill, they are denying aid to the people who are really suffering and desperately need help. there's more work to get this done over the finish line and i want to be clear. doing nothing is not an option. republicans have to decide. for years they said they want to secure the border. now they have the strongest border bill this country has ever seen. we are seeing statements about how many oppose the bill now. look, i understand the former president is desperately trying to stop this bill because it's not -- he's not interested in solving the border problem, he wants a political issue to run against me on. i've all but said that across the board, no one really denies that that i'm aware of. the american people wants a
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solution to put an end to the empty political rhetoric. get the resources to the border to get the job done so republicans have to decide, who do they serve? donald trump or the american people? are they here to solve problems or just weaponize those problems for political purposes? i know my answer. i serve the american people. i'm here to solve problems. just months ago that republicans were asking for this exact bill to deal with the border to provide support for ukraine and israel. and now, and now it's here, and they are saying never mind, never mind. folks, we've got to move past this toxic politics. it's time to stop playing games with the world waiting and watching and by the way, the world is waiting, the world is watching. they are waiting and watching what we are going to do.
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we can't continue to let petty partisan politics get in the way of our responsibility. we are a great nation, not a acting like a great nation. if the bill fails i want to be clear about something. the american people are going to know why it failed. i'll be taking this issue to the country and the voters are going to know it's not just at the moment we are going to secure the border and fund these other programs, trump and the maga republicans said no. because they are afraid of donald trump. afraid of donald trump. every day between now and november the american people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. it's time for republicans in the congress to show a little courage, to show a little spine,
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to make it clear to the american people that you work for them, not for anyone else. i know who i work for. i work for the american people. moments like this, you have to remember who in god's name we are. we are the united states of america. you've heard me say it many times. there is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. we are right on the verge of doing it together. i hope, i hope and pray they find reason to reconsider blowing this up. my god bless you all, may god protect our troops. folks, you are going to ask me questions, hang on a second. i'm going to be back on thursday, i don't want to prejudice what may be going on in negotiations now. so i'm not going to be answering any questions of this, i'll be back thursday to stand here with you and answer all the questions you want about this issue. thank you.
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this indirectly has a lot to do with the hostage deal and what's going on in the middle east, the decision on what we do relative to israel, the decision what we do in terms of american funding of whether we are going to engage with the situation in ukraine. it all goes to the question of american power. it all goes to will america keep its words, does america move forward. there is some movement and i don't want to -- choose my words -- there is some movement, there has been a response from the -- there's been a response from the opposition but, yes, i'm sorry, from hamas, but it
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seems to be a little over the top. we are not sure where it is -- there's a continuing negotiation right now. >> mr. president, if this bill fails, would you consider supporting something separate that just addresses israel or ukraine? >> i'm not going to concede that now. we need it all. the rest of the world is looking at us and they really are. >> does not have immunity, mr. president, your reaction to that ruling? >> john: after saying he would not take any questions on that topic he took one a couple sort of kind of near it, saying that there is there, and this was on israel, a bit of a response from hamas on, in terms of hostages and a ceasefire, demands were quite over the top. as we saw there, sandra, the president tried to turn the tables on the republicans saying you are in the service of donald
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trump, that's why you don't want this, because you don't want to take away an election year issue from him. >> sandra: incredible speech, byron york is joining us. came out firmly attacking maga republicans and donald trump, naming names. said the clock is ticking, our immigration system is broken. as this border deal is obviously on the brink. this is a president that has refused to take action on his own as governor kemp pointed out a few moments ago. he's the president of the united states and there is a lot he could have done since he has taken office on the border, but he claimed this is the bill that will fix the crisis, blamed congress and said doing nothing is not an option. well, there are many who are watching, who are fed up with this crisis in this country and they see a president who has done nothing to fix the border.
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>> well, the extra part of the speech really did come when the president got to the subject of donald trump. before that it was kind of the boilerplate defense of the speech -- of the bill that's in question. now, what you need to know is the republicans have plenty of reasons to oppose this bill entirely independent regardless of donald trump. i mean, there are a lot of things, mainly the 5,000 people a day provision, it's a deal killer. but the president decided to make this all about trump and to threaten political war, and i thought the most extraordinary statement in this speech came near the end, he said every day between now and the election, the american people will know that the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga friends. so that -- that's just extraordinary and first of all,
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republicans are just going to reject that. obviously as you pointed out, sandra, joe biden is the president of the united states, he controls the executive branch and he could secure the border if he chose to do so. when he says something like that, politicizing this on a level even higher than its already high level of politicalization, amazing. >> john: tim scott said he is against it, democrats say tim scott wants to be donald trump running mate, why he's saying that, even the congressional hispanic caucus, including a kl woman from california are coming out against the bill, saying a few did things in it but also many more things not in line with our values, you take away due process safeguards in the asylum system and fail to
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include protections and legal pathways for dreamers or other people already here who call america home. so, he's getting it on the left, he's getting it on the right, he's trying to walk the middle line and peel off moderates from both sides, but this is clearly an imperfect bill if it's drawing opposition from both sides. >> yeah. it is. although it's drawing more opposition from the right and i think the reason is underlying this bill is the big difference between the way democrats and -- the short version is, democrats look at the end plugs over the border, the flow of illegal border crossers into the united states. and they sought to accommodate the flow, they wanted more resources for people to process and care for migrants as they flowed into the united states. republicans looked at the same
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situation and wanted to stop the flow. those are really the two big differences. the single big difference between the parties. and that's the difference you can actually see in this bill that if you have a provision in which you would only close the border, you don't do that, but close the border if 5,000 people come over every day for a week, republicans just find that just gob smacking. no idea how biden could support such a thing. >> sandra: i also find it interesting that the border czar, kamala harris, is not by his side to make this speech. bug in the corner, white house briefing, that will be interesting with karine jean-pierre, take to the microphone, reporters can put questions to the white house following the president's speech. byron, you pointed out this moment, i don't know if it's in entirety as you pointed out, but
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president biden specifically attacking former president donald trump and the maga republican crowd. listen. >> all indications are this bill won't even move forward to the senate floor. why? a simple reason. donald trump. because donald trump thinks it's bad for him politically. therefore he doesn't even -- though it help the country, he's not for it. he would rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it. >> sandra: how about the message to the millions of americans all over the country who are having to take this into their own communities, this crisis, right, i mean, we just mentioned we talk to them every day. chicago, new york, the west coast. we just highlighted a doctor in glen ellyn the other day, he works so hard and scrapes by to feed his own family and a beautiful town, he wants it to
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stay that way. but chicago is so overwhelmed, spilling out into the communities, and sending them to the suburb, they don't have the space to deal with it, pleading with the city council not to accept state funding that would give the migrants permanent residency in their little town. this is happening everywhere, and i didn't hear acknowledgment from the president to the millions of americans who are dealing with this in their own back yards. >> there has been a real turn, a real changing point in the way americans view this border crisis, really in the past year after a couple of years of the biden presidency. and basically what happened was, when you have 6 to 8 million people cross into the united states, they're not all gonna stay in eagle pass. they are gonna come into the rest of the country, they have a friend in philadelphia, they know somebody in oklahoma, they
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need to go further north in arizona. they have destinations. and what has happened is that process, which was publicized by texas governor greg abbott who actually began to pay for some migrants to voluntarily go to new york city, that process brought the border crisis that exists all along texas, arizona, new mexico, california border, they brought it into the big blue cities further north, into chicago as you were just discussing, new york city, into washington, d.c., and that has changed democratic politics and a lot of democrats realize that their own democratic constituents are upset about the burden the arrival of these migrants has placed on their communities and they want this fixed. and so part of the reason for this bill is for democrats to be able to go to their voters this november and say look, we did something about it, or failing
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to do that, to say look, we tried to do something about it but donald trump and his maga friends stopped us. so, this bill has election 2024 written all over it. >> john: so you talk about community burden, and the latest news out of new york city is that eric adams is proposing giving debit cards to migrants here illegally and staying at new york city hotels free of charge, giving them the debit card so they can buy their own food because they don't like the food the city is providing to them and yet at the same time we see these horrible images on the streets of new york of migrants beating up new york's finest, police officers, migrants on scooters dragging people across the sidewalk as they rob them. now, granted, it is a small minority of migrants who are involved in these crimes. but new york taxpayers have to be looking at this saying wait a minute. we are paying an awful lot of tax to the city for city services and this is how it's being used?
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>> yeah. well, that's exactly what you are seeing, and you are seeing the same thing in chicago, you are seeing that in other cities. proposals to actually close schools and have classes go virtual for a while so that migrants can be housed in a school building. all sorts of things. this is -- this affects life in all sorts of ways that people don't really see when they just see video on fox news of a crowd in eagle pass, texas, or somewhere along the u.s.-mexico border. when they see that, they say oh, that's really bad, that's too bad. now it's come to their own communities. as i said before, it had to because there are so many millions of people who come, and by the way, it's moved into the central part of the country courtesy of the u.s. government, which is either paying for some of the transportation or paying
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ngos that arrange for the transportation. so this is something that happened because of a very specific change in policy that occurred on january 20, 2021, when donald trump left the white house and joe biden entered it. and now election is coming up and that's a really hot topic. >> sandra: byron, breaking news continues, there's more. john. >> john: yeah, byron, stand by. there was a verdict just come into the jennifer crumbly trial, the mother of ethan, who shot up the oxford high school in inove 2021. she was on trial because she bought the gun that her son used in this school shooting. jonathan hunt has been following the trial and has the very latest. jonathan, i think this verdict was surprising for a lot of people, the mother has now been held accountable for the actions of the son. >> yeah, found guilty on all
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four counts of involuntary manslaughter, and throughout this trial the prosecution essentially argued, john, that jennifer, the 45-year-old mother of ethan crumbly, ignored warning signs that her son was considering violence, that she did not respond to texts he sent her. again, that the parents, her, jennifer and her husband james, who will go on trial next month, bought the gun, they did nothing to prevent ethan carrying out the violence the prosecutors argued they could have foreseen, given the warning signs, including drawings, violent drawings that he had done at school, and words that he had written on those drawings, saying blood everywhere. they also portrayed jennifer, who you see there as the verdict was being read, as a negligent
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mother, a mother who ignored her son's texts pleading for help, a mother who prosecutors said was far more interested in her horses than her son, far more interested in the extramarital affair she was having at the time than she was in her son. so, this is a legal verdict, john, of huge significance, one of the first times, possibly the first ever, i'm not entirely sure of that, but that a mother, a parent has been held responsible for their child's actions in a mass shooting, and remember, ethan, of course, killed four students, four of his classmates at oxford high school in michigan on november 30th, 2021. and his mother, jennifer, now found guilty on four counts of involuntary manslaughter.
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his father, ethan's father, james, will go on trial facing the same four counts of involuntary manslaughter next month. john. >> john: and jonathan, according to the a.p., you are correct, the first of its kind trial of parents being held responsible for the actions of the son. partially because they bought him the nine millimeter handgun he used, and partially because they did not seek mental health treatment for their son. sets a precedent here and see what happens with the next trial. jonathan, thank you for the report. sandra. >> sandra: more on this in a moment, and also bryan and the press briefing. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at feeling claritin clear is like... ♪
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crisis. his deputies, his principals, secretary mayorkas ready to be impeached by the house republicans has refused to call it a crisis during congressional testimony. they have done everything through the department of justice to sue any state that does anything on their own to put some border security, whether it's arizona building their own border wall with shipping containers or texas and razor wires or buoys in the water to deter illegal immigration and now all of a sudden president biden is saying this is a crisis that republicans have to help him fix, we know -- >> john: not only fix, but created. >> he created through the 92 executive orders, repealing what the trump administration did. 2019, illegal crossings, did not do 2020 because it was the covid pandemic, but 850,000 crossings. this year, 2023, 2.5 million people, that does not count 2022
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or 2021. joe biden talked about republicans and frustrated they were not coming to the table here, he has not come to the table either with the authority he has. he says bill will give him the authority, he has the authority through title 8, section 12, he has broad authority to deal with illegal immigration. not to say there are not some components of the bill to be helpful, but for the president to act the only way to get there is not true. and he talked about republicans, but democrats have problems with this in the house and the senate, which is why it may not pass. >> sandra: not the too distant past that you had democrats downplaying the border crisis. in the white house press briefing room, reporters were pressing the press secretary to admit there was a problem. you had the president himself downplaying it, republicans making dire predictions about it. and now it's a crisis and now
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it's, we need federal funding to fix it. i mean, where were they then when so many republicans stood up and said we need help at the border? >> you know, sandra, so glad you brought that up again. let's not forget when the president went to go visit the border for the first time throughout his 40-year political career in washington, d.c., he went to el paso, the processing center, went to go visit was completely cleared out, and propaganda style visit so he did not see a single illegal immigrant detained there. so not only were they saying it's not a crisis, they went to great length to make sure it look like there was not a crisis. while the president has gone up and given the speech today about the border patrol, he has done a lot to smear the border patrol, you remember the horses and the false whipping allegations, they have done everything they can to tie their hands when it comes to forcing border patrol agents to get pulled off the front lines to do things like processing and
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baby-sitting and things that they did not sign up for with their mission at the border patrol. and so for the president now to stand up and say that the republicans are the only ones standing in the way again when he has bipartisan opposition to this bill and when they have gone to great lengths, lawsuits, refusing to use the word crisis in press briefings, on capitol hill, etc., to now say that it's the republicans' fault for not wanting to secure the border and one more thing the president talked a lot about donald trump saying he doesn't want this bill to go through because he wants to use it as a political issue. the problem with this is president biden cannot be trusted by house republicans, that's what they have said. this issue is not going to go away, it's a political issue and to say donald trump of all people is not interested in securing the border when americans can see how it was and how it is now, i don't think it's going to fly. >> john: the charge is donald trump is interesting in securing the border if he were to be president but as an election year issue, keeping the chaos at the border as it is, benefits
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him. that's why president biden came out and said i'm going to hammer on trump every day between now and the election and tell the american people every day the reason the border is not secured is because of donald trump and maga republicans. trump put out on truth social, only a fool would vote for the bill, he says it's a great gift for democrats and death wish for the republican party. tim scott, on the short list to be his v.p. candidate came out against this bill yesterday. is there something to the idea donald trump would like to keep the border as it is during an election year, so that he can say i'm the guy to fix it? >> bottom line and the reason why republicans are opposed to the bill, not to mention the problems the democrats have with the bill, they don't believe it will solve the border crisis we are seeing and if president biden -- >> john: but even it would give biden a big win. >> not if the issue does not go
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away. it's top of mind for all voters. this is something people are feeling every single day in ir that communities. not just illegal immigration issue any more. it's welfare, school issue, not a win if people don't see it changing in their communities and 8 million people in the past three years and not a way to get them out or to take care of them and you see these stories about the crimes being committed in new york city and people getting on busses freely throughout the country, or people on the terrorist watch list roaming freely in the country, people feel that. it's no longer just illegal immigration or border state issue, it's happening all over the place. when it's the economy, social services, healthcare services, local schools, kids getting kicked out of their soccer fields to make way for these people, this is something that's not going to be fixed by this bill, why republicans are against it. >> john: i agree with you on all of that, pointing out the way washington works if you pass the bill -- if you pass the bill, that's good enough, doesn't
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matter if it works. >> it should work given the problem is out of control. >> john: the old washington. appreciate it. >> sandra: happening everywhere, including new york city, which is now going to give out $53 million of prepaid credit cards to migrants. city officials say they are only meant to be used on food and baby supplies. but can you imagine how they keep track of that? let's get right to bryan, live outside the roosevelt hotel here in midtown, manhattan, used to be a lovely hotel, now a migrant processing center for quite a long time. bryan. >> that's right, the hotel not only a migrant processing center, the welcome center for some up to 4,000 migrants who arrived in this city every week under this crisis. the mayor says the federal government needs to do more. he's been saying that and now the mayor is going to be offering some $53 million of prepaid debit cards. we'll break down how that's going to work and give you some
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perspective about the billions of dollars this city is spending with no end in sight. how much is this really costing taxpayers, and who is losing out? we'll give you all that next after the break. edding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. empower. what's next. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program.
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