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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 6, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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another one. >> dana: this is how long will the national anthem be? over or under a minute and a half. i will go -- it's -- under. >> bill: definitely over. it will be two minutes or a buck 58. it always is. >> dana: that's a great choice. >> bill: a question for you. will travis propose to taylor if the chiefs win? >> dana: no. i will tell you why. from a communications standpoint you have to keep the story going, right? we have to get into summer and then she has a new album coming. i think it will take a while. i wouldn't -- not going to do it. >> bill: i like the way you think. >> dana: i'm always thinking about the romance. >> bill: we have $1 on the game. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. she is for the chiefs. >> harris: yes, she is for the
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chiefs. we're also going to sit by this hour as we were expecting to hear directly from president joe biden. it is said he will discuss the bipartisan senate border security bill. that bill, as you know, is facing increasing resistance and pressure from both sides of the political aisle. house speaker mike johnson is promising that it is dead on arrival when it hits the house and says it will never make it to the house floor. we'll talk more about what is happening today and we'll bring you the president's remarks live when we get them. homeland security in arizona just picked up suspects wanted after that vicious beating of two new york city police officers. it has been the headline for days now. a judge posted exactly 0 bail for men who are not american citizens and suspected of being in a larger gang of men who committed that cop attack caught
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on tape. i'm harris faulkner. "the faulkner focus." they crossed our border, we don't know how or when but they move around freely. in and out of the soft on crime justice system of a sanctuary city new york. and when they popped up in arizona, busted. new york city's top republican councilman with this. >> they were either beat the system and got away quickly or were arrested and released on their own recognizance that poses a greater challenge. as alvin bragg is admitting these are people with criminal histories and few, if any, ties to the community. this is a system that does need overhaul. unfortunately with the progressive woke city council it is probably not going to happen. >> harris: earlier today the one and only suspect that actually was held on bail was in court. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, who says the worst attackers in the violent assault
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still have not been caught, in "focus", pete hegseth. we start with cb cotton at the manhattan criminal courthouse. cb. >> hi, harris, we could see indictments secured against some of the suspects as manhattan d.a. alvin bragg presents evidence before a grand jury today. we're also watching for a man making his court appearance but he was the only suspect to be held on bail in this case. while the other five migrant men who were charged and arrested were all released. bragg has defended his decision saying his office needed to make sure the right people were charged. but new york city mayor eric adams defends it, too. >> you have to complete the task of making sure the evidence is right so they can be held accountable for their action. you don't want to make a mistake in this case. that's what he is doing is a level of thoroughness. >> more than 2400 miles away
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from new york in phoenix, we're learning from our colleagues bill melugin and griff jenkins some of the suspects who were released have been arrested by ice. a source again sharing this photo with fox news. this entire case has infuriated some new york lawmakers who say the migrant crisis is being mismanaged from top to bottom. >> the one thing the governor of the state of new york has the ability to do is to actually fire people like bragg and she could do away with the law that was passed in 2017, 2014. this is all within her grasp. they're not doing anything. ask yourself why. >> the nypd says it is still looking for seven more suspects. >> harris: look, if alvin bragg is right that means the most dangerous are among the seven. they have to round them up now. he is saying that. cb, thank you.
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the "new york post" editorial board getting tough on manhattan's liberal d.a. with this. the charges were clearly bail eligible but alvin bragg now claims his hands were tied by the no-bail law. since his prosecutors couldn't prove these defendants were the guys on the tape. the cops' testimony was not enough to even ask? if the law does tie his hands, why hasn't he been screaming about that madness since taking office if not before? all of that from the "new york post." this now from pete hegseth, "fox & friends" weekend co-host. i had to do it. i had to let them go. that's how it works. no complaint about that. >> that's not true. this is everyone finger pointing after the fact, all of which have responsibility for the fact that if you live in new york city you don't live in a ci
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civilized state. it gives law enforcement the ability to defend themselves. and throws the book at anyone who attempts to compromise that authority. you watch that video, harris, these men, grown men are stomping on the face of a police officer. i've been involved in combatives and things. if you are stomping on someone's head that's an attempt to take their life. it will kill somebody if struck in the right place. those police officers as a result would have the right to draw their gun rick right? to draw their gun to defend themselves. their life. they won't. why? the leaders in their city will make them the bad guys even though they are the ones with the badge protecting our community and it's all upside down, harris. this is why this is so en ranging for anybody. illegals committed a crime. you have enough evidence to at least hold them. wouldn't you want to hold the few you suspect based on testimony from the cops and the videotape to get more
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information? you know they are going to flee. of course, they did. you don't coordinate with ice. the fact that we live in a country where people come here illegally, break the law and they are not automatically deported once charged is evidence enough. and harris, i'm here in minneapolis where a lot of this started or at least accelerated in 2020. the police department in minneapolis in 2019 had 900 officers. they are on their way to 500. lower than south of 500, maybe 450 in a year. you can't maintain law and order in that context. cities like new york, this is a preview of the rest of the country, harris. >> harris: you made me sensitive to watching how many head kicks to that police officer. i had not focused on that part of the video. you heard my reaction. that is life taking. they kicked him over and over and over in the head. which that goes to all the bright clothes that are on
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people and the movement of all the bodies. but if you look at what one of those cops was taking to his head, that is life taking. he is blessed to still be with us. and i pray every day they are okay. but now that you pointed this out, life changes when you get hit like that. >> bill: it's attempted murder is what it should be. it should be every possible charge you can bring against these men. they let them go with 0 bail and they flicked us all off and fled and brave ice officers had to capture them halfway across the country. will they face accountability? we shall see. across this same city we have criminals who think they can do the same. >> harris: if that's not the worst out of there with seven alvin bragg is talking about, god help us. this manhunt ought to be epic.
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everything should be unlocked. horrific video shows a gang of moped riding thieves drag a woman across the street. not american citizens. they have committed 62 similar attacks. so you know they are on the radar. when they came across the border whatever has gone on if they committed 62, you know they are on somebody's radar now. two men were arrested linked to the group that rips cell phones out of people's hands. authorities are still searching for the ringleader, a venezuelan who was cut loose by a judge in december after getting picked up for grand larceny. watch this. >> putting out essentially a hit for people to go do his dirty work to grab phones. causes a lot of problems in new york city. hopefully we'll grab him and get some headway on this. >> harris: the headline hell on
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wheels. these people don't want to be part of an organized society and that's not why they are coming to america. these particular people are not coming here to make us better. the vast majority of people want to come, earn more money, grow their family. but these people? no. >> maybe at this point the vast majority. mostly military age males across the country crossing our border. what are the intentions? absolutely no idea whether they legitimately seeking asylum. are they the gangs themselves? or as donald trump says, they are not sending their best. these guys aren't the best. we see them, harris. i walked by the roosevelt hotel in new york. lines of mopeds out front. young men loitering with nothing today and cash and places to stay. we give them that free cash, taxpayers who -- we're paying
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for their loitering. young men, what will they do? cause trouble. they know there are no consequences. as a result, this is what they do. and we have a law enforcement agency that can't enforce it. we have to get our arms around this. this is really bad and only going to get worse. >> harris: the countries that they fled are not saying have you seen so and so? we really miss that person. >> no. >> harris: they were the best among us we can't believe we're losing our best citizens. where is that headline? we would embrace it. we would embrace it. >> that's, harris, that's why i'm done saying what i used to say. most people are coming here because they want a better life. maybe, i don't know. we don't know at this point. we don't know who is coming. we can't make those assumptions. the abp to the world is out. they are coming through and counting on democrats to protect them and give them asylum and give them sanctuary and give them cell phones and give them money and eventually amnesty.
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all -- not hold them accountable. counting on joe to do that for them. and our police departments are under siege and so are our citizens. >> harris: it is happening here in new york city and chicago black residents are complaining they feel like it is happening there. you can't cover it up. they have to catch these guys now who beat up those cops and stop these gangs. that woman, 62 years old dragged on the back of a moped. wow. pete hegseth. thank you for starting the hour on "focus." dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas could become the first cabinet member to be impeached in any of our lifetimes. house republicans gearing up for the vote later today. and at the same time, the battle over the senate's border bill is really heating up. >> this has brought out a lot of republicans saying this is not enough and want a lot more. brought up a lot of democrats,
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as you know, senate democrats and house democrats that have also come out strongly opposed to it. >> harris: members on both sides of the political aisle are struggling to come together on this legislation. it was all great bipartisan until it got released an everybody read it. hello, middle of the week. anyway, president biden is set to speak about that senate border bill and we'll take that live when he does. national border patrol council president brandon judd has endorsed that bill. i will ask him all about it in "focus" next. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> my state is literally facing an unmitigated crisis. so the time for talking points is over.
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the time for action is long past due. our border proposal actually solved the crisis at the border. we don't all love everything in the package but we all agreed to everything in the package. i disagree with many of the executive actions this administration has taken. our legislation requires the administration to use these tools. >> harris: we're waiting to hear from the president of the united states on the border security bill that senator sinema was just talking about. we're told it will happen this hour and we assume he will try to sell that bill. but there is resistance on both sides of the political aisle as we've been pointing out this hour. democrats don't agree, some of them, republicans don't agree on it and now both chambers, republicans not happy with it. the senate and the house. they are arguing it will not fix biden's border crisis. >> this deal is just too short. it doesn't get to the finish line.
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we need a deal and we need that simply says joe biden, do your job. >> republicans simply cannot vote for the bill in good conscience. that is why i declared it dead an arrival. >> they put together a bipartisan bill that will exacerbate the problem and not address it. >> harris: democrats are not united behind the bill, some of them. congressional hispanic caucus chairwoman said the deal to address the challenges fails to meet the moment. aishah hosni is on capitol hill with more. aishah. >> yeah, things are very desperate right now. the border deal is going nowhere to be blunt with you. abundantly clear senate republicans are not on board as also all the other people you just mentioned. we're expecting that republicans to tank this procedural vote that is expected to happen tomorrow to put this bill on the senate floor. the gop conference actually got
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together last night behind closed doors and apparently got so heated at one point, harris, i could actually hear people yelling and screaming inside that room. leader mitch mcconnell, when he came out of that meeting, told me they had a great discussion and that the conference will keep talking about this. senator james lankford, the lead negotiator told me want a shot at some amendments to shape it into something they can stomach. langford may also vote no tomorrow for the sake of party unity. mike johnson a few moment ago talking about this now-failing deal. >> looks like right now it may be in some jeopardy on life support in the senate. we welcome that development because this is a matter that must be addressed in a manner that actually solves the problem. >> democrats are already now using this to attack
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republicans. senator on x posted this. gobsmacked. i've never seen anything like it. they demanded specific policy rick got it and killed it. if this fails tomorrow, which it is expected to. democrats will message that republicans don't want to fix the border. as you mentioned the president now getting involved will address congress in a few moments. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. the national border patrol council is backing this border bill. in a statement to fox brandon judd, the president of the border patrol union says the border act with codify it into law. authorities that border patrol agents never had in the past. this will allow us to remove single adults expeditiously and without a lengthy judicial review while not perfect the border act of 2024 is a step in the right direction and is far better than the status quo. brandon judd in "focus" now. i can only imagine that you've
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heard from a few people who may not agree with you. i want to give you the chance to tell me in your words what you like about this bill and let's go back and forth a little bit with some of the weaknesses. >> so there are plenty of weaknesses in here but also a lot of strength. when you look right now what we're currently dealing with, this is a slow month. we're dealing with 6700 apprehensions on a daily basis. what this would do a cap it to where we couldn't take anything more than 5,000. this does not say we'll release 5,000 people into the united states. it's the exact opposite. it says that we'll hold single adults in custody. they will not be subject to release. so that is a huge deterrent. that will deter a lot of people from crossing our borders illegally. we no he the main magnet that people who cross our borders because they will be released into the united states. once you stop that magnet you will stop and awful lot of people from coming. although it's not perfect, it is a step in the right direction.
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i would rather have the step in the right direction than nothing and con sign me to the status quo. >> harris: a couple of questions for you. first of all, the 5,000 is an average seven day. up to 8,500 would have to come across the border, which is more than what we're seeing right now per day in a slow month. so we're actually going to see 2,000 more people coming across potentially as long as the seven-day average stays around 5,000. my question for you is, do you know how they got to those numbers? >> i don't know how they got to those numbers. >> harris: let me tell you. the new asylum system would allow for 3,500 screening interviews per day. so what they are hoping is they don't want to get too far above that because they have to keep close to that number. it would take relatively two to three years to get the new system in place. we have to live with what we've got for a while.
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i do want to point this out. for all of your men and women who need more help, the help will come in the form of these asylum interviews but tasked with illegals going across the border. what in the bill deals with them? >> when you look at what we currently have to do, this bill allows border patrol processing coordinators to do the paperwork. we don't have to do that. we're able to deploy our resources to the field under this bill. we are no longer administrative assistance under this bill. there is a lot of good. when we talk about 8500 people all we have to do is go back to december and i will push back on that because in december we were taking 12,000 people into custody on a daily basis. our seven-day average through the month of december has been well above 5,000 and that's a slow month. so this bill puts a cap on what can come across. a cap is much better than allowing anything to come across because those numbers could
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skyrocket well above 12,000. a cap is better than absolutely nothing. again i'm looking at the status quo. >> harris: how will you enforce the cap? if you could shut down the border for any period now that would have been part of the conversation. just so you know inside those conversations because people are beginning to talk as they come out of those chambers now, just so you know that was an absolute no go for democrats. they wouldn't even discuss can we just get a catch up? that's what's missing to me in all of this. one quick last one about people sneaking across the border. the new way would have everybody get apprehended by border patrol. held in detention, screened at a higher standard for asylum and deported back home. i'm asking this. they have come across the border, sneak is the word in the document. they're criminals. you spend our taxpayers dollars still rather than just deporting them back after they've broken the law. they will be according to the plan plenty of places legally
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still where they can go across the border. i'm trying to get an idea of how this immediately helps you, because three years from now is a really long time, brandon. >> it is. but what this does is -- >> harris: three months is a long time. >> it ties any future president's hands. if we have another president like joe biden, this will insure he doesn't do what he is currently doing. that is better than the status quo. i'm going to look at is this bill better than the status quo? it absolutely is. nobody can argue that. nobody can argue it is not better than what we currently have. why wouldn't i support it? obviously i will do that because it gives us border security measures we don't have that we've never had. we need those to counteract a president like joe biden. >> harris: so what does it do for a president like trump or republican to get into office? >> it doesn't tie their hands at
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all. >> harris: if that were the case you would get these numbers to be lower. >> it doesn't take away any executive authority. >> harris: if that's the case why can't we use that now? >> they can but he won't. but he won't. why not tie his hands with law? that's what laws do? >> harris: why do you think he would follow the laws coming you would want to see changed if he won't follow the laws on the books right now? if he won't enforce what he has in front of him. >> the supreme court in 2023 said he has the authority to release people. so we can argue that he shouldn't release people but our own court system -- harris, absolutely but this law ties his hands. this law doesn't allow the supreme court to come in and say that he can release people. this law says that if you are single adults, you will be held in custody. it will tie any future president's hands. of course i will support that. it does not limit trump's authority. >> harris: i don't know if we have time to run this so i will
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read this. arizona border county official jonathan with this message to congress on the senate bill. do not vote yes on this bill. it is a starting point, sit down with the freedom caucus, sit down with all interested parties and establish what needs to be done as a baseline which is shutting the border down right now. brandon, you and i have known each other a long time and you know how much i support the border patrol. >> you do. >> harris: whatever goes forth has to be much better immediately. >> harris, we're not going to get much better immediately. i will take those incremental steps. if this were going to tie donald trump's hands i would be opposed to it immediately. it doesn't. it doesn't tie any good administration's hands. >> harris: why do you think he is against it? >> i haven't spoken with him about it. if he has specific issues, let him air those issues. will i give the positive points in this bill. there are negative points. but if we don't even let this bill come to light.
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if this bill doesn't go forward we don't get amendments. that is what everybody is talking about. they're talking about killing it before you can offer amendments. that's wrong. let's have the discussion, look at the bad points. keep the good points, but look at the bad points and give amendments to it. >> harris: what i like about what you are saying is everybody needs to read it. >> they really do. >> harris: it is 370 pages, it is worth it. the areas where it falls short -- we didn't get into gotaways. this is a conversation that would take you and i hours to get through after reading that document. i appreciate your time and debating some of the weak spots with me and the president is set shortly to talk on this. we'll watch it together hopefully. thank you, brandon. minutes from now again we will hear from president biden as he pushes congress to pass the border security bill. but even members of his own political party are raising questions. i bet some of them live in new york with the gangs of people
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and mopeds and thieves. republicans in the house are saying it's dead on arrival. senator tommy tuberville in "focus" next. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to tango with tails on tails on tails? try lobster lover's dream with two lobster tails and lobster & shrimp linguini it's one of ten next-level lobster creations red lobster. is your party ready?
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>> harris: there is a new push to keep things fair at the olympics this summer. particularly for female athletes. after a usa boxing decision to let transgender athletes fight women. that went into effect last month. my next guest just produced a senate bill to ban transgender men from competing in the olympics with women. riley gaines, who is on the program and was just here, had this reaction. >> the approach that the olympics, ioc, international olympic committee. the approach they've taken is
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cowardice but really is horrible. they say male advantage is unverified, alleged and perceived. it cannot be assumed that males possess advantages over females. this is the olympics. this bill is huge in the journey. >> harris: let's get more about it. republican senator tommy tuberville from the great state of alabama introduced the protection of women in olympics and amateur sports act and serves on the senate armed services committee. what does this bill do exactly? >> i can't believe we're having to talk about this. coaching 40 years, the best thing that has come out of washington, d.c. and sports is to protect women. title ix. this administration especially the democrats are going after women. they attack women and hate women and going after women's sports where it all starts. so we want to protect women's sports. i put a bill out last year to protect women and girls in sports act. it didn't get to first base.
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schumer wouldn't bring it to the floor. we're doing the same thing for the olympics and amateur sports. it won't get to first base. 69% of the people in this country are totally against men playing in women's sports. i don't know where the 31% is from that voted against it but it is absolutely embarrassing that we got to this point where we're trying to tear down women's sports from little girls all the way up to possibly pros that can make money in it. it will be a disaster. it is going to eliminate women's sports. they are trying to -- joe biden is trying to tear down title ix ever since he has been in office. he has put outlaws against it. we'll keep fighting it. we have to hold on for another year like we're holding on for another year at the border. we don't have much time left. >> harris: i want to get into what president biden and his officials are doing. they are advancing their long-awaited title ix plan that includes protections for transgender students and the aim is to finalize it by march.
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it is an election year. a proposed plan would make it illegal for schools to broadly ban transgender students from sports that align with their identity and investigations if they do. break that down for a bit and tell us what that means for girls and women in sports. >> well, what they are basically doing is they're saying listen, trans genders have the right like everybody else. i'm a true believer in this country. i don't care what you think you are. you can be what you want to be. you cannot participate in a different gender. it is unfair, unsafe and down right wrong. what they are trying to do is trying to make transgenders give them an opportunity to have their own space to where people look at them going hey, we should be able to combine this. so as you said on the 50th
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anniversary of title ix about a year and a half ago they started this downward fall pushing transgender on women's sports and now add more to it if march. they are trying to codify that they have the right to do this. they do not have the right to attack women. they do not have that right. we all have to continue to fight back on this to let everybody know it's wrong. american people are not for this. >> harris: then there is the issue of privacy. riley gaines and others will tell you what it is like to be in a locker room or women's bathroom and have a male with his genitalia there no matter how he may identify and how that makes them feel. there is so much more to this and the olympics are just another place where you have locker rooms and personal spaces dedicated to the genders. all right, let's move. minutes from now, we're set to hear from president biden and we understand he is going to urge congress to pass the senate border security bill. right after that, senator rick
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scott will lead a news conference with other republicans laying out why they oppose it. he says they are against anything that codifys biden's bad border policies. watch this from my interview moments ago. >> i will give the positive points in this bill. there are negative points but if we don't even let this bill come to light. if this bill doesn't go forward we don't get amendments. that's what everybody is talking about. everybody is talking about killing it before you are able to offer amendments. that's wrong. >> harris: what is your take on what's about to happen? >> i know brandon judd. been to the border with him several times. he has a good meaning of what's going on. i have two big problems. they take the jurisdiction in the southern part of the country, the border, and giving jurisdiction to washington, d.c. courts. that's totally out of line. we know what these people stand for. the other is there is nothing in the bill that has to do with
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anybody that's already in this country that's illegal. eight to 12 million. something has to be done with these people. president trump will send them home. they don't want to do anything to them because they want more money, more redistricting and more votes for the democratic party. it is down right wrong. i just met with a group of sheriffs across the state of alabama, harris, they said they are being overrun by unlawful immigrants coming into their states and counties and when they arrest them, they turn them over to ice and they are back within a week. if we don't have people coming into this country going by our laws as we've seen in new york, we have no country. so we have to stop this invasion. it is not a border now, it is an invasion that's coming across and american taxpayers are paying for that. >> harris: in the state of arizona where i live part of the year and where my husband is from we call it the line. good to see you, sir, thank you. breaking news in the last hour,
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a federal appeals court has ruled that former president donald trump is not immune from prosecution. this means he can face trial on charges in his 2020 election interference case. david spunt joins us from the justice department. david. >> this is a big win for special counsel jack smith and clearly a setback for former president donald trump. this is a marathon, not a sprint. a 57-page opinion just dropped within the last hour or hour and a half written by the three-judge panel. they all agreed he is not immune from prosecution for the indictment that accuses him of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. the chief argument made by trump's legal team that presidential immunity stands. the court has not persuaded writing for the purpose of this criminal case former president trump has become citizen trump with all the defenses of any other criminal defendant but any executive immunity that may have
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protected him as president. they said every future president who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party. without complete immunity a president of the united states would not be able to properly function. special counsel smith wants to gets the trial back on track. the day before super tuesday is when it was. the trial has been on hold tore two months. we expect the former president to bring the matter before the u.s. supreme court, which is his right. the question will the supreme court take the case. it is highly political and controversial. waist deep in the middle of an election year. if they take it the trial will be delayed. if they don't take it and leave the ruling by the circuit court it goes to the district judge and this thing could get underway in the next month or month and a half. >> harris: thank you very much. we continue to wait for the president because we know he is going to talk about that senate
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border security bill we just heard from senator tuber vile what he expects to hear. it is a tall order if it looks to pass the senate and house. we'll hear what the president has to say and take you there live when those remarks begin. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive.
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>> harris: former president donald trump announced yesterday he wants to debate president biden and he wants it to happen now. trump also called out the president's mental competency. here is biden's response. >> debate you right now. now accept? >> immediately? if i were him i would want to debate me, too. he has nothing else to do. >> harris: said the man who is having -- new polling has his arrival at 37%, the man with the smoothie there. i wonder if anybody told him how much that one cost? the lowest level of his presidency for that poll thus far. it also shows biden trailing trump on top issues like competency, economy and immigration. power panel now.
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matt gorman, kevin walling. yeah, i think america would love to see that debate, matt. >> i think they would. that nbc news poll you ran through was really surprising. what you are seeing is trump pressing his advantage against biden. he wants biden on the defensive talking about things ht want to talk about. mental acuity. he won't biden won't agree to a debate but he wants him saying no to a debate. i've been on the other end. my campaign is trump defining you as a candidate. you have to talk about things you don't want to talk about and questions you don't want to answer. you are in the middle of it now in you are joe biden. >> harris: we remember a time when joe biden would sell the stuff he believed in, you know, crime, even though the crime legislation he pushed was not good for the country at the time. if he believed in it, he could sell it. why can't he sell this economy
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that everybody keeps saying has bright spots in it? >> to your point you will see the president sell the bipartisan immigration package with the border security bill just moments from now from the white house. so i think as you've seen the president was out in wisconsin, michigan, talking about the economy, having more meetings with small business leaders across the country. you will see that message hopefully start to break through. we see to your point indications with consumer confidence up last month. the largest increase we've seen in 20 years of that study. so i think as the economy continues to improve, as we continue to see wages outpace inflation and you will start to see the american people come out of this post covid economic situation and hopefully start to give the biden administration the credit it deserves for steering this economy. >> harris: our friends on fox business network, charles payne, say the economy is not wall street. wall street is doing better. the reason why people aren't pulling up in the polling for joe biden is because they still
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are dealing with very high prices. the inflation rate has slowed but the prices didn't come down. and so they feel that and he is not able to -- >> we have more work to do absolutely. >> harris: he has some messaging. matt, that is your department. you worked with senator tim scott. you have to be happy he is back out there again and talking. what does it take at this point? donald trump has a microphone any time he wants and he uses it. what does it take at this point for joe biden? >> look, he needs for people to start feeling this economy he is selling. he stands behind the podium. rattles off stats and expect people to feel it. if they can't buy a house or car but they have a hard time buying food with prices where they are and gas prices tick up in the summer like they always do. a hard time selling that, right? presidents always want credit but don't actually recognize that people feel very differently than what the stats say. >> harris: the far left
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congressional squad so-called have a tough time of it lately. members are facing an onslaught of scandals, investigations, one was censured. another facing a department of justice probe for allegedly misusing funds and one pleading guilty to a misdemeanor for pulling a house fire alarm to delay a house vote. the problems don't stop there, though. many of the squad members are facing serious primary challenges now. corey bush, jamal bowman have been -- what is the momentum behind this? don't you want your far left members? >> i do not especially as a democrat on fox news. listen, i think congress is a better place without george santos and a better place without tlaib and omar. when we reject extremism from
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both sides. >> harris: i have to stop you there. george santos is not in the same bucket you are pulling from. there is an investigation. >> he is a criminal. george santos is a criminal. >> harris: we don't know. what we know that is factual about these people and far left politics is just that. they are completely separate. you can try and, you know, cross the lines there but -- >> it's not just politics but it is trafficking in anti-semitism which those two individuals that i said do and i condemn that wholeheartedly. get them out of congress. >> last word -- bowman, watch that race. >> harris: we'll watch the president as soon as he gets started on the border bill in the senate and see if he can sell it. gentlemen, thank you. "outnumbered" after the break.
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