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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> group of republican governors set to visit the southern border is greg abbott faces off the biden administration as arizona and california see rising numbers of migrant encounters and they step up enforcement on their side of the border. welcome to fox news lives. >> is going to be a busy second our. lawmakers prepare for the release of the border and immigration reform package in advance of a vote next week. the republican house speaker mike johnson declares the rumor deal dead on arrival. jeff paulison eagle pass on the ground bringing the latest. >> reporter: it has been a quiet day in eagle pass, we 've only seen a few smaller groups of migrants trying to enter the us pales in comparison to what we saw a month ago in this exact location.
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it puts it in perspective. 71,000 apprehensions in the month of december for the entire dell rio sector. 17,000 apprehensions down 76%. part of a reason for the drop, texas governor greg abbott limiting access to shelby park and all the razor wire that was put up, driving migrants to other less busy areas misstates like arizona seeing more migrants crossing in. san diego hannah boat lander, the latest cvp figures from last week show 70% of apprehensions are happening in arizona and california. one sheriff along arizona app southern border had this to say. >> we have a federal government that should be protecting
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communities and americans along with sheriff's, mayors, and governors. until that recipe of common sense is applied this will get worse. >> reporter: this weekend could be eventful. a trucker convoy set to arrive in the eagle pass area and the group of 15 governors coming here to eagle pass to meet with texas governor greg abbott for a security briefing on the situation in the ground at the us/mexico border and they will show their support is the ongoing legal showdown between texas governor greg abbott and the biden administration over what they do to secure the border, this goes on and on. griff: thank you. anita: manhattan da alvin bragg speaking out against nypd
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officers. authorities looking for several people involved in the attack. some of the suspects were arrested without bail and are believed to have fled to california. cb, what can you tell us? >> reporter: this case set off a political firestorm, now that migrant suspects are headed to the california/mexico border. they are demanding answers from alvin bragg about why his office did not seek bail. for the better part of yesterday, he dodges all reporters questions but by the end of the day he held a news conference repeating what his office has been saying, prosecutors need time to investigate. >> the video is shocking and disturbing, to secure convictions in a court of law it is essential we identify
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each defendant and specify each defendant each. >> reporter: investigators believe the first four were arrested and released without bail, have now left the city. police sources tell me workers recognize these mugshots from the news and alerted the nypd used phony names to catch a bus bound for calexico. because they were released without bail there are no plans to look for him. >> in 30 days, if they don't come back, the likes of that happening, coming back, probably nil. >> reporter: 1/6 suspect was arraigned in court, the only defendant to be held on male. the district attorney requested a cash bail citing previous
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arrest records. he is the one in the yellow jacket. he resisted arrest causing the brawl to begin. governor kathy hochul who was attending a conference with other district attorneys from across the state had pretty firm words, she feels strongly bail should have been requested and she had out conversation with alvin bragg but wouldn't elaborate on those details. anita: the video is shocking and revolting. thank you. griff: we are joined by charles marino. let's pick up where and nida and cb left off, alvin bragg saying it is shocking but got to identify them first. they are on video. i ask the question posed by the
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editorial board today, they are calling for governor kathy hochul to fire alvin bragg. is that appropriate? >> he should have been gone a long time ago. he's proven his incompetence to new yorkers and the american people time after time. sanctuary cities and the politicians that designate them and supported them are an embarrassment and a stain on the country and only serve to endanger and cost american lives. these cities thumb their nose at law and order while protecting criminals, those already in the country illegally and continuing to commit additional crimes. these cities receive billions in federal tax dollars to go towards public safety. despite receiving this federal funding, when ice comes in and files a detainer for those
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illegals so they can begin the deportation and have a handoff before these criminals are released, local officials are not allowed to comply with that request because of the city's sanctuary status. griff: when illegal alien committed a crime, arrested by local jurisdiction, sanctuary cities, they ignore and refuse to honor ice detainers which is the means by which they deport them to their country. it happened near dc in montgomery county with ms 13 gang member who spent 13 years in jail after being accomplished to murder. they would not give them to ice. ice was able to get them. in this case, these migrants beating up nypd cops, released on bail going to california which is another jurisdiction. how difficult is it going to be
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in the next 30 days for ice and federal immigration authorities to get to these guys? >> not going to happen. i wouldn't doubt once they arrive in california they are met by governor newsom who provides a taxpayer-funded gift pass consisting of a new cell phone, bank card and free healthcare. if they are being shielded by law enforcement the crimes will continue and americans have to understand criminals are being put back on the street to likely commit more serious offenses and it will cost american lives. we've seen examples of it over the years. griff: talking about bail laws, the situation of what happened with this case in new york city, here is governor kathy hochul talking about it.
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>> under the laws of the state of new york, changing to make sure judges had more discretion, assault on a police officer, 100 crimes, leading to deportation so that is something i want to have a conversation with, district attorney about his options. >> reporter: trying to have it both ways. what is your reaction? what does she need to do? >> she should move to change new york from a sanctuary state to one that complies with the laws. anyone who commits a crime, they are in a committed the first crime coming in illegally. the priority for removal. this is why programs like secure communities and 287 g deputizing state and local law officers to participate in this is why it works so well.
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if exploiting laws and committing crimes and killing americans, you will serve your time and you are shipped out of the country. she needs to stop being a sanctuary state. griff: i have to ask is there any thought that you think that this incident will at least lead to having fewer cops never assault again like we have to watch on this video? >> when you think democrats are starting to get it, we see house democrats this week vote to prevent deportation of illegals of things convicted by dui, fleeing from cvp, social security fraud. they don't get it. the contradiction of all contradictions. griff: being in new york today, new yorkers are getting upset with this. thank you for your time.
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anita: military forces launch airstrikes against uranian proxy forces in a rack and syria in response to the drone attack in jordan that killed three american service members last week. president biden heading to the west coast after attending the dignified transfer of fallen soldiers. lucas tomlinson live in las vegas with the latest on this. what can you tell us? >> reporter: president biden spoke earlier today from campaign headquarters in wilmington. he did not address the strikes led by those supersonic bombers which just landed at their base in texas after carrying out a straight halfway around the world flying 24 hours, the bombers were refueled over long island before heading back to texas. we heard reports of us forces coming under attack again today in syria.
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the air force general your program, he says these strikes carried out much sooner. >> tell me what you are going to strike or not, this is what the administration is doing. in the end, the head of the snake is iran. if you don't get at the head of the snake the snake will keep biting you. >> reporter: the supersonic bombers carried the largest conventional payload in the air force inventory, carrying out strikes against the islamic revolutionary guard forces and militias to avenge the death of three american soldiers killed in jordan last week in. the bombers dropped bombs to destroy 85 targets according to us central command. the air force has jets in the region but wanted to send a message using cold war era bombers flying for the united states, and escorted the
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bombers and engaged the targets. at the same time they were hitting targets in iraq and syria. iran's rebel army continued its attacks on the us navy. the dwight eisenhower, shooting down multiple enemy drones, two destroys in the strike group engaged a few days ago, destroy used its weapons system, last-ditch effort to shoot down a missile seconds from slamming into the side of the ship. in the last hour, general keith kellogg said the us is at war in the middle east. >> the strikes have been on american facilities and american personnel. may not be a nuclear war or full-scale war but if people don't consider this a war they never put on the uniform. >> strikes yesterday in syria to attack iran's proxy forces.
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anita: thank you very much. griff: israel reacting to the retaliatory airstrikes in iraq and syria are following the drone strike that killed three us service members. trey yingst live in tel aviv with the latest. >> reporter: the entire region waiting to see what comes next after the united states hit 85 targets in response to the drone attack last weekend the killed three american soldiers which according to us central command, the strikes hit different centers for defense and weapons storage belonging to not only iran backed militias but directly linked to iran's revolutionary guard force. speaking with reporters national security council spokesman john kirby said this overnight. >> i want to repeat what i said
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in my opening comments. these responses began tonight. they will not end tonight. there will be additional responses, additional action we will take. >> reporter: the biden administration looking to send a message to iran at its proxies that attacks on american forces won't be accepted. this was a direct response to the attack last sunday that killed those american soldiers and injured dozens more. ahead of the american strikes that included 125 precision guided munitions, uranian president addressed the situation on the ground saying this. >> translator: before, whenever they wanted to talk to iran, like other countries, they said military option is on the table. now you do not hear these words anymore. they even say we have no intention of any conflict with iran. >> reporter: israel, the closest ally of the middle east
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in the united states -- of the united states and at least understand iran to use other proxies in places like lebanon or yemen to respond following these strikes on their proxy forces in iraq and syria. griff: thanks. anita: for more on the airstrikes, retired colonel joe bac bachino, spokesman for us central command. great to have you here today. thanks for coming in. i am sure you have a lot to say on this. first thing i want to do is play a piece of sound from lieutenant general kellogg who was here in the last hour. i want to hear what you had to say. >> you can hit targets that punish them. if you don't go there, don't create a deterrent at all, we didn't create a deterrent, we hit these targets. feels good.
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>> reporter: he felt we had were low hanging fruit and there were specific targets that could have heard iran and its proxies. what your take? >> absolutely right. we basically hit the same thing we have been hitting since october, just did in much larger numbers. we hit these she are proxy groups and their capabilities, hit their bunkers, hit their depots and drone facilities but these are things they can easily replace. i anticipate within the next 30 weeks they will have these things fully replaced. for five days, we've been talking about what we are not going to do. we are not going to hit iran. we are afraid to start another war. that gave she are groups time to dig in, harden their bunkers and move their rockets out of play.
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anita: we hear more strikes are coming. the you expect more specific targets, brought prominent targets? >> we will see more of the same in the coming days. anita: i want to bring your attention to a post that appeared on x this morning from us central command where you used to be the spokesperson. let's put that on screen. this is something that happened 5 hours after our airstrikes. it says at 9:20 pm the uss laboone engaged and shot down 7 uavs over the red sea. this is five hours, just five hours after us airstrikes in the region. our warship is being attacked already? what does that say about these strikes? >> they didn't have the effect we wanted. we didn't do anything to change
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iran's stance, didn't do anything to get inside iran's decision pattern or change their behavior in this matter. the administration want to break these situations out. hezbollah and groups that operate in a rack that break them out. the nexus is iran and we've done nothing to inflict pain on iran. it doesn't care about those things. anita: these things are being orchestrated from iran. what does the us have to do to stop this? what if a warship is hit by 15 or 20 houthi missiles at one time? >> one way to think about it, the houthi rebels, this is a motorcycle gang in one of the poorest countries on earth, is holding global trade at risk. they are contributing, the suez
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canal is almost empty. what we would have to do to draw iran back, demonstrate we have the will. iran knows we have the capability, iran believes it has greater reason all that will win out in this war we are fighting. anita: you used to put out these posts. when you saw that, how would you have characterized it if you put that out? >> what i thought when i saw it was this didn't work. we spent -- we going to hit them hard, wait until we had them hard. you've got to get it quickly or lose the affect. anita: thank you for coming in today.
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griff: new details are coming, a shooting investigation in santa monica, for now where homeless woman killed a well-known music producer. we've got that next. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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anita: california neighborhood on alert after homeless woman
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shot and killed a well-known music producer a few months after another homeless woman was arrested for killing her social justice advocate with deep ties to hollywood. christina coleman has the latest on this. this has got to be getting people's attention. christina:it was pretty scary. i was here shortly after that shooting enjoying my day in this usually peaceful neighborhood. this homeless woman allegedly on the street in santa monica. the whole area was blocked off. please respond to the shooting and found him bleeding from his injuries, on ocean park blvd. in santa monica, people say he was the father of two young boys who had a recording studio in hollywood and worked with a
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number of artists including travis scott. the shooting happened in santa monica not far from the beach, terrifying residents and tourists. >> everyone was freaking out. >> we don't want to this happening. >> lovely out here. it has been beautiful. that was a terrible way to start the day, see a dead body. if it was just about an argument, somebody is dead now. christina:a homeless woman identified as kayla mackey was charged with murder for the january 25th shooting. police believe she is responsible for other crimes in los angeles robbery and attempted homicide. her arrest, three months after another homeless woman was arrested for allegedly murdering hollywood consultant and social justice advocate michael latt.
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he was friend with a movie director this woman had been stocking. that adds to further concerns about safety and the la area. in santa monica people still shaken up by that shooting. no word on a motive in that case. anita: that's a nice area just blocks from the beach. thank you so much for bringing us that report. griff: coming up, how donald trump is responding to fulton county da willis admitting to a romantic relationship with the special prosecutor involved in the georgia election interference case. that's next. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. order one with your favorite subway series sub today. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday.
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>> anita: tokyo and a kicking of the first democratic primary as president biden looks to win
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big after rallying with jim clyburn to invigorate his base. the latest 2020 details. have you seen a lot of people showing up. what the situation? >> reporter: we see a steady flow of folks which is surprising considering the primary not getting as much attention, it's not as big contested race for the democrat but the today's primary, the first time south carolina is getting to go first in presidential primary calendar position. they were debating whether to move ahead of places like iowa and new hampshire. the decision was made and when heavily backed by president biden. the president was in south carolina urging people to show up and vote. the vice president's turn, she told supporters the reason she and biden are in the white house is tied to what happened
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in the state four years ago. >> south carolina, you are the first primary in the nation. president biden and i are counting on you. we are counting on you. we are counting on you to vote and get everyone you know to vote, to send out text messages, knock on doors and make your voices heard. mark:we are looking to see what turnout was likely south carolina allows early voting so it's possible many chose to vote a few days ago. state democratic party says it is excited to see bigger investment in south carolina given efforts to reshape the electoral map in future elections. >> if we keep the status, if we want to change the country for the better we have to start this way. mark:it is not just president
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biden on the ballot, dean phillips and marion williamson, the author, the president going without much competition at all. they were excited to show their support for him and the biden campaign with a win coming out of tonight. anita: south carolina was pivotal for president biden last time and he's expect it to walk away with it today. thank you. griff: we are waiting to see what a georgia judge will say in the case against donald trump. the da thought she has been having a personal relationship with the prosecutor she hired. she says it doesn't affect the case but the defense disagrees. madison, the case dismissed, what else can you tell us?
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>> reporter: the da responding after weeks of allegations. willis admitted she got involved with her special prosecutor, nathan wade. she said under state law she can't be dismissed because of this but this is a difference from the claim she made when she took office. >> i will not be choosing people to date, let me just say that. >> reporter: willis said she did nothing wrong and argues defense lawyers in the case are in personal relationships as well. last summer, willis indicted trump and 18 others were trying to overturn the results of the 2,020 election. some of those defendants insist a relationship with wade created a conflict of interest. they say he used his salary from willis to pay for vacations but wade denies that and says they use their own money to cover personal travel costs. wade says their relationship
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didn't even begin until after he joined the prosecution. the defense once the dad qualified -- disqualified, and a scheduled hearing on the matter canceled altogether. the defense says they have witnesses whose testimony will prove what the da and wade are saying is false. >> i don't think there's evidence to have her forcibly removed from the case. it doesn't rise to that level. it would depend on the evidence. madison:we will see how the judge responds and what he decides. either way it is likely this controversy will be put to bed because yesterday the republican led house judiciary committee issued a subpoena, with documents about how she used federal funding and on top of that, the statehouse, the state senate and county officials investigating. griff: state probe, washington
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probe, facing a lot of scrutiny. anita: for more on the political fallout of fani willis's admission. democratic strategist tim hogan, thanks for coming today. i want to start by asking with the report we just heard, the latest with the charges against donald trump and others coming out of georgia. fulton county da fani willis admitting to a relationship with nathan wade, donald trump says the case is falling apart and should be thrown out. listen to his former legal counsel on that. >> if allegations are true, directing money without proper authorization, clearly was unqualified for the position it stands to reason they might unearth other things.
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anita: there's a misuse of federal funds and evidence of meetings at the white house. him, none of this looks good. tim:at the end of the day, this is what trump does. in a courtroom campaign which is 24 campaign looks like because he has so many legal troubles, tantrums and threats. it is what we've seen him do with our and brag, jack smith, the stakes are high. what he tries to do is try to go for the jugular with some character assassination. you had the former south carolina attorney general saying this probably doesn't rise to the level of disqualification. it doesn't mean trump will not ask jim jordan to help him. he's desperate and that's why this is happening. anita: it is not like donald trump is making this up. there are probes into her and how she is handling this case, right? joe: lawrence o'donnell said you can't blame your enemies
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for things your enemies will expectedly do. this has very little to do with donald trump booted has everything to do with the conduct of fani willis. there's a reason we would make witnesses disclose whether or not they are being paid by the defense or the prosecution. we give the jury the opportunity to weigh whether or not that payment might be influencing their testimony. there's a reason we are disgusted by the fact there might be backroom deals for judges receiving cash in exchange for children being sent to prisons. it's because that type of conduct has to be made public because it influences the faith and integrity of the prosecution and the justice system. donald trump certainly has a vested interest in making this go away but the fact the democrats continue to push aside what is clearly some type of moral culpability here from the prosecutor makes you scratch your head but we shouldn't be surprised by this.
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anita: i want to move to the south carolina primary which is taking place today, president biden expected to win handily perhaps by 70%. what does this do for his campaign? a formidable boost? more money in terms of donations? are you worried about that? joe:i am not worried. it is clear president biden would not be the nominee without south carolina. south carolina does not mean a hill of beans in 2,024. the democratic party has stamped out any and all competition. robert kennedy, lifelong democrat, in the dna of the democratic party had to leave the party to be able to get oxygen. this will come down to the resources that can be raised. they spent $2 billion on the primary, long wait until november and time will tell. anita: tim, i want to put up numbers of cash on hand at the
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end of next year. president biden with 117 million, donald trump with 33 million, haley with 15 million. donald trump having to spend a lot of his time on legal woes. what do you think about this financial edge that president biden has? tim:donald trump's top two super pacs spent $50 million on his legal fees up to this point. that is a remarkable. on top of that a coalition having the worst fundraising year since 2013. nikki haley will be in, donald trump has to compete a been stood her. the reality is what we talked about earlier, these legal cases, donald trump's pages not represent you but bail me out so this is having a substantial impact now and it will have an impact in november. anita: they say a candidate can have all the money in the world but it won't help if he is
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unpopular. joe:president biden is unpopular, the economy is not working for main street. the default, the savings account are empty. money does matter, republicans should be sounding the alarm about lack of resources but ultimately you can spend all money in the world trying to boost a message of the american people are tired of hearing, bidenomics not working, that's why you see democrats clutching ownership. anita: president biden will get a boost in south carolina. thank you for coming in today. appreciate it. griff: diving into the effort how to protect children online continues through this week's fiery congressional hearing on social media next. is a rate based on you. not paul. you don't want to ride with paul. get a rate based on you with drivewise in the allstate app.
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>> you have a product that is killing people. griff: south carolina senator lindsey graham calling out big tech ceos for failing protect children on their social media platforms, joined by a mother who lost her son to fentanyl. he bought it on snapchat. our hearts go out to you, sorry for your tragic loss. i understand how much of a struggle it is dealing with social media. i want you to react to, we did get a moment there where you saw senator josh hawley pressing zuckerberg, what was your reaction to his apology? amy:his apology was empty. people say we are sorry for
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your loss, sorry her family is dealing with this, we get that all the time. an apology from mark zuckerberg needs to include i am sorry my platform was the pathway to harm for your child. that might have a little bit of meaning. i don't know if it will be enough. griff: you got an apology from ceo of snapchat. we can show the full screen here, it is quite short. basically said i'm sorry about it. what is your reaction? amy:snapchats are my primary problem. we've met with snapchat in the past, never once have they acknowledged the platform's are all in the harm that faced our children that we lost. thousands of us across the country. the link to the harm, and is
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absolutely nothing. griff: he said i'm sorry we've not been able to prevent these tragedies. how sincere do you believe ceos are in doing that to prevent these tragedies. amy:they understand the problem better than a couple years ago when they started this. ceos coming at this the same way they always did. they are fixing and add campaign, they are not a social media company, i say no more snapchat, more problems. more deaths, more anxiety, more drug dealers working with our kids.
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in fact, evan spiegel got off easy, he said yes to everything. my response to that is if you support these bills, implement them right now. there is no reason to wait for congress to make that happen. secondly, pool out a net choice. they pay money into a company that lobbies against these bills and will fight these bills to the end. it is easy to be a yes-man when there are people fighting out the back end. griff: thank you for sharing your insight. could please continue to talk with us and offer more suggestions to these companies how to make changes how to protect our children. thank you for your time. anita: coming up next, how a central american jungle being taken over by hippos. you are going to tell us about
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griff: they've spent a day in
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the water, docile. they come out to eat, and they'll eat all night long. well over half a dozen or more. it's a large maybe a male, opening its jaws. we're navigating the paths, they come out of the lake to go and find food. they eat all night long. the south american country of colombia battling an invasive species now that's devastating its ecosystem, injuring dozens of people. hippos did not exist in columbia in the 1890s -- 1980s until pablo escobar brought them in as part of a personal zoo. you can follow us as we explore the remote colombian jungle where these hippos are running rampant. the drug lord's hippos is available tomorrow on fox nation, it's really something, anita. you'll want to check it out. me new york i didn't know you were a hippo whisperer, that's pretty cool. for our audience, you told me they run 30-40 miles per if
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hour, so you standing there and talking about them, that was dangerous in itself. griff: it was. and the country of colombia announcing just the end of last year they're trying to start sterilizing them because they've got hundreds if not thousands roaming the country. great being with you, anita, as always. that's all for us.♪ "fox news live" continues with eric and arthel. i'm griff jenkins. you ready? surprise! i don't think you can clear this. i got this. it's yours now. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ arthel: the u.s. strikes back, bombing dozens of middle eastern targets used by iran-backe


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