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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 2, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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part of a series of different hearings and work that both chambers are doing to figure out how to tackle a.i. >> dana: before we go. >> bill: roll it. >> dana: a toddler got stuck inside a hello kitty claw machine in australia. his dad says he turned his back for a second and he was trapped for 15 minutes. he didn't seem to mind too much. police had him cover his eyes to smash the glass and pull him to safety. they told him he could pick any prize he wants. guess what? he will do it again. the next time he sees one. >> bill: go after ethan with a claw. >> dana: that's what happens more than it should. >> bill: really? >> dana: yes. i'll try it before "the five." >> bill: have a great weekend. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. >> harris: we're waiting for president biden to board air
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force one. he is traveling to dover air base today in delaware for dignified transfer of the three american soldiers who were killed in that terror attack in the middle east. it has now been five days. still no military action from biden's pentagon. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." when the president arrives at dover air base, he, the first lady and defense secretary lloyd austin will meet with the families of the fallen, sergeants rivers, sanders and moffet all from georgia. they were part of the same company of army engineers based in fort moore, georgia. biden spoke with the families by phone earlier this week and the white house and defense officials say they blame the attack on the islamic resistance in iraq. of course affiliated with our mortal enemy iran. it's being widely reported the pentagon is planning a series of retaliatory strikes against
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iranian-backed targets inside act and syria and could last for weeks. many critics say get started and make it count. >> secretary austin said the middle east is a very dangerous place right now. of course they do not want a broader war but here is the nugget. they need to remember this. appeasement will lead you to a broader war. showing strength will stop it. this is why they need to take an action and this is why they need to make certain that iran understands in no uncertain terms that they cannot continue to do this. >> administration's public obsession with avoiding escalation at all costs only signals to our adversaries that indeed authoritarians the take what they want. >> if you want a war with us, bring it on. we'll blow you off the map. i'm not worried about losing a
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war with iran. >> harris: lieutenant colonel darren gobb but begin with rich edson outside the white house. >> in just about an hour president biden and defense secretary lloyd austin will meet with the family members of the three fallen soldiers at dover air force base in delaware. those three soldiers were sergeants rivers, sanders and moffet. this week the army promoted sanders and moffet to those ranks. the president spoke on the phone earlier this week with the fallen soldiers' family members. later this afternoon the president will participate in their dignified transfer at dover. they were killed when a drone hit their base in jordan. american defenses mistook the drone for a friendly one. the islamic resistance in iraq is the group. the administration has offered few other details about that strike. it was part of a persistent
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series of attacks on american assets in the middle east against positions in iraq and syria. president biden says he has decided on the response. secretary austin described it as multi-tiered. >> it's time to take away even more capability than we've taken in the past and in terms of the -- you use the term escalation. we've not described what our response is going to be but we look to hold the people that are responsible for this accountable. >> as we await that response for the attack over the weekend, the u.s. has attacked iran-backed houthi positions in yemen. the houthis have attacked commercial shipping in the gulf of aden and the red sea. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. defense secretary austin said to the nation yesterday, of course we carried it live breaking news, that the united states is not at war with iran. but a new opinion piece argues that's essentially already what's happening.
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the headline biden has to deal with a second war he did not want. his task is to contain it. many are saying a swift military response was critical in the effort to deter iran especially this time around with three americans killed. republican senator kevin cramer says it may be too late. >> the swiftness of the response is part of the projection of strength that we need. it is already too late to do it swiftly. the fact they didn't already have targets in mind in case something like this happened so they could respond quickly as well as lethally in a way that sends a message that would deter our enemy. >> harris: retired lieutenant colonel darren gobb. blackhawk helicopter pilot. executive director of restore liberty. great to have you in "focus." we need to restore some liberty right now around all those men and women who are stationed in the middle east and protect them and we need to strike.
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what is the delay in your estimation? >> i think it's just goes back to this administration's problem of being decisive when it's needed. as a military planner would tell you the fix thing i thought of as the days went on past these casualties is the fact that there should have been an option on the table for the president to take action immediately. that's what we do as planners. we'll develop three or four different options and hand those off to whoever the authorities are immediately and give them something they can execute. all they have to do is say go. i'm not really sure what the delay is here. but it is clearly becoming an issue as our adversaries look at this as continued weakness in this administration and lack of decisiveness. >> harris: as we do every day at this point we can see since october 17th those 166 at least attacks on u.s. men and women in
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the middle east right now by iran proxies. those trained and paid for killers, terrorists. and that list grows and grows and grows and keeps on growing. i'm wondering from you now from your expertise, what is the enemy doing in the time that it takes us to ramp up and hit back? >> there is one of the first things is the fact that every single one of these attacks, they're learning from it and figuring how to do it in the future but better. i've talked to my sources throughout the middle east. many of these drones specifically have impacted in american facilities but haven't exploded for a variety of reasons. some of them have also been interdicted by our own air defense system. a good thing. unfortunately, the people that are in the middle east stationed in these bases know it seemed like it was a process of waiting and inevitably one of these
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would be successful. what they'll do now is look at what happened and figure out how they can continue to exploit whatever weaknesses we may have and how to improve what they are doing. that's one of my concerns. those lessons are not only going to apply to how they attack american forces in the middle east on the ground but might expand to how to improve their attacks on us on our shipping and other assets on the ocean. >> harris: so many people see this differently. many have served, like you. and so when secretary austin said yesterday during his news conference, which was mostly about his disappearance when he was secretly in the hospital recently, but some touched on the fact that he says we're not at war with iran. is that how you see it? >> well, actually i see this as iran is at war with us. we fail to acknowledge it. if we don't acknowledge it we'll never respond appropriately and frankly they're happy with the way things are now. they consider these proxy or as
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i call them mercenary forces expendable in the war against the united states and israel as well. we can keep saying we're not at war with iran all day long, iran is at war with us. >> harris: they declare it through hitting us through the proxies and killing us. the "new york post" editorial board had it this way in a headline. biden never truly answers attack that killed three u.s. soldiers and here is a part of it. no response is real unless it's big, public and loud. to make sure the message is heard not just in tehran but everywhere. as for our president, often expressed fear of escalation, iran is escalating anyway and keep at it until we give it a real reason to worry how we'll escalate. tehran won't care how many of its proxies we kill. it is happy as long as its own forces are safe. that is brutal. >> it's brutal because it's
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right. that's what is really unfortunate here. the message these people heard throughout the middle east is the message we sent when we left afghanistan and that message has run loud and clear for some years now and it is unfortunate. they know we have a weak and fickless white house and decision making process and won't respond in the strength we should be doing. that's unfortunate for us as a nation but most unfortunate for those forces in the middle east, american forces in the middle east left to deal with the fact that they have no strategy. we keep their hands tied when it comes to the rights of self-defense, and now americans sit and wait for this administration to do something five days later. >> harris: and fired on continuously. like sitting ducks. two things come to mind. incompetence and fear. you don't want to operate out of either of those lanes and expect to kill an enemy. or even deter an enemy. lieutenant colonel, thank you very much for being in "focus."
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the border battle, if it could even heat up more is like molten lava it's so hot right now. the surge of illegal immigrant crossings is shifting, though. they do this. the cartels do this. they'll hit a spot and hit a spot and move to another spot that hasn't had a lot of attention and how they catch us. that's how they outnumber us. arizona and california are bearing the brunt. they moved away from texas a bit. there are there is no razor wire or containers there. the governor there hasn't done what texas governor abbott did. so brilliant when a plan works. the border crisis also playing out in cities across america. suspects accused of violently attacking nypd officers could be fleeing new york after their release with 0 bail. you want to know where they're going? california. hum.
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>> this guy coming out and flipping off the cameras, really what he is doing is flipping off all of america basically saying yes, we're here, we did that, we assaulted police officers, we don't care. if every american is not angry when they see this, there is something really wrong with our country. >> harris: senator ron johnson in "focus" next. because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble
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>> harris: four of the suspects in the vicious attack on nypd officers in times square have reportedly fled to another sanctuary hot bed, california. remember these people that the governor of new york now says she wants to deport? they were arrested and released without bail.
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the "new york post" cover with a mockery of justice. this part. one of those suspects graphically playing to the local news cameras on his way out of jail. in addition to seven already arrested, police say they're looking for at least six more. and many are asking why the judge did not set bond for any of those suspects and what role district attorney alvin bragg's office played in all of this? remember the soft on crime bid they have going? how much did what they do influence this? even new york's democrat governor as i just mentioned, kathy hochul, sounds like she has had enough. >> any response to police searching for additional suspects in the times square attack on police? >> get them all sent back. >> harris: cb cotton is in times square with more. >> hi, harris, any police sources tell me investigators
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now believe some of these migrant suspects used fake names to board a bus headed for california, a community situated right on the border with mexico. my sources say it was a worker who recognized these men from their mug shots circling on the news and that worker quickly alerted the nypd. investigators started pouring through surveillance and realized they may have a problem. all eyes are turning to the d.a. and the judge in this case who oversaw the decision to release five suspects without cash bail despite felony charges, bail eligible offenses. a spokesperson for manhattan d.a. alvin bragg said it was to allow prosecutor more time to investigate and specify each person's role in the incident. a six suspect was arraigned in court yesterday and so far is the only suspect to be held in jail. his bail set at $15,000.
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he is due back in court next week. prosecutors say he pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in september and has two open cases. police sources say officers believed this crowd of migrants were in the square pick pocketing people. police unions are furious the other suspects were not locked up, too. >> no regard for police officers and the four individuals that were released, what message does it send to every new york city police officer who is out on the streets for the city of new york every single day risking their lives to protect new yorkers? if we're not protected, how are we going to protect the people in the neighborhoods? >> police sources telling me the police have identified a dozen other people involved in the assault and they are looking for those people. back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. if their suspects end in up california they'll be entitled
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to a treasure trove of benefits. housing assistance, food stamps, financial aid for college, free healthcare. taxpayers footing the bill for all of it. republican senator ron johnson of the great state of wisconsin, member of the homeland security, finance and budget committees is in "focus" with me now. you know, when you look at this, it is a tragedy all around because they are people who would love benefits and they are called american citizens. >> this is outrageous. we have a lawless administration, we have democrat governments in all these cities creating lawless cities, we are treating migrants with kid gloves whether it's through our airports, through our judicial systems. we don't make them adhere to the same standards as we do american citizens and it is costing us billions of dollars that we could be using to help americans.
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so this is absolutely outrageous. this is what democrat governance is doing. it is destroying this country. president biden and his democrat colleagues in congress are open border policy is a clear and present danger to america. it is completely outrageous. >> harris: i can't wait to talk to you about this. the senate may fine le be ready to take action on biden's border crisis. chuck schumer says we could see the new border bill as early as today. they say they don't want a friday night news dump so they'll try to get it done today. a test vote is planned for next wednesday. as texas is battling with the white house over razor wire, that's working, by the way at its border, the illegal immigrant surge is shifting away from the lone star state and arizona and california are seeing bigger numbers in those two states. a speed boat filled with suspected illegal immigrants landed on a beach near san
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diego. eight men, then take off into a wealthy village. florida governor ron desantis is sending another 1,000 members of his state's national guard to texas. >> we've responded to calls from texas throughout the years and then i think with this issue with this wire and the fortification, i just wanted to make sure if we could send additional personnel to help texas put up as much of this wire or barricades as possible, to be able to drive those numbers to 0, i will step up and do it. they are doing the absolute right thing by standing their ground. they have every right to defend the sovereignty of their state. >> harris: are we at war with the cartels and the white house doesn't want to be part of that? >> well, what i can tell you is that biden and his democrat colleagues in congress, their open border policy is facilitating the multi-billion dollar business model for some
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of the most evil people on the planet. but our problem in negotiating anything with democrats is this administration, those democrats want an open border. they caused this problem. this wasn't something that fell in their laps. they came to office with the largest security border and they used the presidential authority to dismantle all of the successful programs that trump had in place. they caused this problem. so republicans want to secure the border. what we don't want is a bill to normalize thousands of illegal migrants a day and hamstring a future president. from what i've seen so far, you have to take a look at the actual text, we haven't seen that yet, which is also outrageous. it should have been debated in public. we need to hear from our constituents. it will be rushed through and maybe see it today or no later than sunday and voting on it next week is beyond absurd.
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this is an abuse of the process. >> harris: when it comes out as much of it as we can share on our social media pages we need to do that all weekend long and what is clear for the public to do, i'm happy to participate in this. people need to know about it because it touches every state. we won't play shell games with our sovereignty. let's move to this. republican senators are demanding the f.b.i. now repair the damage they say it's done to its credibility after that anti-catholic memo debacle. that memo identified traditional catholics as potential domestic terrorists. the f.b.i. destroyed records that were related to that memo that it was supposedly investigating and they want to know what the bureau actually had found. f.b.i. director christopher wray is down playing the memo as fringe and nothing that was acted upon. it was a hot topic at several congressional hearings. watch. >> we do not and will not
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conduct investigations based on anybody's exercise of their constitution nall right. >> you have done so and your memo asks for it. you have said we don't target churches. they're listed in the memo. >> particular intelligence product is something that as soon as i saw it, i was aghast. i had it withdrawn. >> you were aghast. >> it was your f.b.i. that was sending and we have the memos. we have the emails, were sending undercover agents into catholic churches. >> both i and the director of the f.b.i. have said that we were appalled by that memo. >> all right. senator, i took a couple notes there. they were aghast and they were appalled. now the stuff has vanished. what do you make of what we're not seeing here? >> the biden administration is a lawless administration. it doesn't follow supreme court rulings. moratorium and went ahead and extended it.
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they continue to pay off student loans. undermining what governor abbott is doing trying to secure the border and say they're negotiating with us. a lawless administration. wray's primary responsibility was to restore credibility and integrity to the agency. he didn't do that. he continues to say the steele dossier and his agency said it had integrity even though they knew it didn't. a lawless administration, intelligence agencies and f.b.i. believe they are the law and they conduct themselves as if they're above the law. christopher wray has failed in his primary responsibility. not restored credibility and this just one more example of that. >> harris: i want to know if there is anything deeper here. you lose the supporting paperwork for a memo that called for calling traditional catholics domestic terrorists. you go after a group of americans in this country who
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pray. and now you say that you can't find -- the f.b.i. can't find the supporting paperwork for the memo for that. that sounds criminal to me. if it is we better get to the bottom of us for all of those who have faith in this country. >> this is just a small example of the lawless administration of these partisans in the deep state. really accountable to no one. it's a much bigger problem. >> harris: thank you for your time today. appreciate it. >> have a good day. >> harris: polls now show people are starting to feel better about the economy but it is not helping president biden's awful approval ratings. the prices are high, not creeping up as fast and by as much. they're still high. they don't feel it. his numbers stay about the same. how the administration is trying to explain that. plus the president really is hearing it from protestors in battleground states particularly michigan. voters there are very angry over his israel/gaza policy. big fears from his campaign what
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it could mean for his re-election bid. [shouting]
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>> harris: president biden boarded air force one. a quick hop less than an hour to dover air base if delaware. he will attend the dignified transfer of the three soldiers killed by iran backed terrorists in jordan on sunday and meet with the families of sergeant williams, sanders and moffet all from georgia. defense secretary lloyd austin and first lady will attend. bring you any more news on this as we get it. [shouting] [chanting]
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>> harris: new video president biden and the first lady moments ago boarding air force one in wilmington, delaware headed to the dignified transfer ceremony. but all of that was anti-israel protesting disrupting yet another of president biden's events. this time in the key swing state of michigan. polls are showing that biden's fellow democrats don't support his handling of the israel/hamas conflict. michigan has a high population of arab americans. they voted overwhelmingly for biden in 2020. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre promised the white house is on it and is talking to arab american community leaders. they are trying to shore up support before november. >> obviously something that i mentioned many times at the podium. officials at the white house are
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also in regular contact with muslim and arab american leaders the in michigan. senior biden administration officials will travel to michigan in february. we're in february now to hear directly from community leaders on a range of issues that are important to them and their families, including the conflict in israel and gaza. >> harris: well, what looked like an attempt to appease his detractors before his trip, the president signed an executive order allowing the united states new sanctions on israeli settlers in the west bank who have been violent towards palestinians. however, israeli -- former israeli prime minister bennett says the sanctions are not necessary and that there may be political motives driving biden's actions. >> i think it is unnecessary. we don't need any external help doing it. i have to say that it's marginal what is called violence of
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settlers in marginal. it is inflated to create false symmetry between the palestinian violence and settler violence. >> harris: what? the president played politics? come on. fox news contributor and obama state department spokesperson marie harf. and former oklahoma speaker of the house t.w. shannon. >> what we're witnessing is a civil war within the democrat party. the truth is the radicals who are the pro-hamas caucus of the democratic party are leading the show on the democratic side. the truth is we've seen this anti-israel sentiment from democrats like we've never seen it before. even though there are arab americans concerned that biden didn't go far enough to protect hamas the truth is the rest of america sees it that joe biden is a failed president whether we talk about the border, we're talking about the lack of leadership around the globe,
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americans are dissatisfied with joe biden. not just on the israeli/palestinian conflict but disappointed in joe biden's performance as the leader on the world stage at large. >> harris: marie. >> joe biden has been an incredibly close friend to israel. electorally not why he is doing it to be clear, i think there are a lot of benefits to that. there are a lot of independents and swing voters who deeply believe we should stand by our friend israel here. it is also true that the arab american community is dissatisfied with this. they are upset. that's their right. this is how our system works. i do think the biden team will increasingly show they care about palestinians, not hamas, there is a difference, palestinians and you know when the choice is joe biden versus a donald trump to prevent muslims from entering the country -- harris. >> harris: i want to get something new in the conversation based on what you
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just said. i know he did not do this meaning punish israel in any way with sanctions and get involved in law enforcement duties. i know he didn't do this for political reasons. you say that's -- i know he is not doing it for that. have you talked to him? how do you know? >> i haven't talked to him about this. the problem of west bank settler violence is horrifying. this is an election season and a question about elections. when joe biden is up against donald trump, who hugs prime minister netanyahu closer than anyone else, who says horrifically racist things about palestinians, that is the position here. that's the position. >> harris: go ahead and rebut. >> you can't be disinagain owes about what is happening around the war. there is a war between israel and hamas. you are either for israel and hamas. the democrat party along with
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tlaib and others have made it clear they stand with hamas. the terrorists hamas. we won't forget about what happened. >> that's offensive to say. that is offensive to say. >> please don't interrupt me. it is a brutal terrorist attacked israeli civilians. that will not be forgotten. the fact that joe biden and the democrat party are now trying to use certain types of influence to make israel stop bringing home the captives that have been caught by terrorists, that speaks to where the democratic party is now. let's bring all the hostages home. >> you have no idea what you are talking about right now. p biden administration -- >> harris: i will step in here that's akin to name calling and i can't tolerate it. if you want to take -- to say he has no idea what he is talking about, we won't go there.
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>> he said my party supported terrorists. >> this isn't a debate. it looks like it is an education. we can't be disingenuous. the truth is you either stand with israel or you stand with hamas. that's the war we're raging. we can't pick and choose. >> harris: give marie the last word and move to the next. >> the biden team is spending every day negotiating to get these hostages home. they have supported israel over and over again. the point of this this subject was that the far left is mad at them for doing that. joe biden is a friend of israel. if you think that there are voters in this country that deeply care that at the same time we're supporting israel there are tens of thousands of dead palestinians. we can hold both things in our brains at the same time. the biden team is the one trying to get the hostages home. every single day. >> harris: everybody wants the hostages home. >> that's true. >> harris: except for the terrorists. >> my colleague is telling me --
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>> harris: we won't go to topic two, t.w. take us home. >> listen, this is a clear battle between good and evil, harris. while you can be very -- while your panelist has a choice to be eloquent in her defense of hamas the truth is you either stand with israel or stand with hamas. >> excuse me. >> we're trying to -- >> i was not defending hamas. don't say that on television, no. no. >> the radicals in the democrat party have made it clear there is a war against israel. a war in israel happening and a war in america by the democrats against israel. that's a fact you can't change. >> do not say i was defending hamas. that's offensive and wrong. >> there is no one else fighting a war. whose side are you on, hamas or israel? >> harris: thank you both. wow. what a panel. i don't call it the power panel for nothing. many questions remain about the
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mysterious deaths of three kansas city chiefs fans last month after a watch party. a preliminary toxicology report could provide answers. there was some serious drugs involved. plus the legal lengths lia thomas is willing to go through and attempt to change the rules and be able to compete against women in the olympics. she is taking on world aquatics now. riley gaines is fired up in "focus" next. ♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you.
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>> harris: investigators now have a preliminary toxicology report to work with. they are trying to figure out why three kansas city chiefs fans were found dead in the snow last month. reports fentanyl and cocaine were involved. former new york city medical examiner dr. michael bodin with this. >> we have to wait for the official report to come out. it appears at this time that there was fentanyl and other drugs present.
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fentanyl is used by doctors because it's a powerful painkiller and one of the side effects is making a person sleepy. the one fellow who comes in and sleeps on the couch indoors sleeps it off. whereas the other three get sleepy and pass out outside and because of the weather, because of the snow, their body temperature drops very quickly. >> harris: nate foye with the latest developments on this. nate. >> so several news outlets report the initial findings of that toxicology report show that the men consumed thc and cocaine and three times the amount of fentanyl necessary to kill somebody but still the cousin of one of the victims has doubts about the role that the surviving friend jordan willis played on the night the three men died. so police found the three men dead in willis's backyard two days after he hosted a party.
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police initially handcuffed willis. now the cousin of one of the victims said willis's friends called him the chemist and thinks willis made a mistake the night the men died. he police say they don't suspect foul play. >> police come and got things from the scene. they may have the packets or whatever the drugs were contained in and they would have known. that's why they said right away it is not a murder. >> the father of another victim david harrington confirmed the preliminary results of that toxicology report are back. police say it is an ongoing death investigation. police and prosecutors office have been in touch with the deceased men's families and remain in contact with them as the investigation unfolds. the full autopsy report will be late march or early april and
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determine whether the men died of a drug overdose or something else like cardiac arrest from hypo thermia. willis has moved out of his home and checked himself into rehab. send it back to you, harris. >> dana: thank you very much, nate. what a story. former u penn swimmer lia thomas was a first transgender athlete to get a title. she is now suing world aquatics over the trans policy. the policy rule bans trans athletes from competing against women. flashback to lia thomas in 2022, a month before the policy went into effect. >> are there olympics in your future? >> it's been a goal of mine for
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a very long time and i would love to see that through. >> harris: one headline says don't let lia thomas ruin the olympics. national review says her case is absurd. the difference between male and females are obvious as has been discussed many times. the case could be thrown out on common sense grounds alone, end quote. riley gaines, former ncaa swimmer and outkick contributor. you know this person and this case very well. riley, welcome. >> i do. thank you for having me, harris. the bottom line is this case as national review said there is no merist to this case. world equate equate -- created policy said if you transition by the age of 12 -- after the age of 12 you can't compete in the women's category. a sensible approach. no means do i think it's perfect but world aquatics created a
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third category to which thomas hasn't competed in the third category. he only wants to compete if he can take titles and prize money and sponsorships and scholarships away from women. >> harris: i said you know this individual well. you told me a story once about what it was like behind the scenes competing. can you just recap that a little bit? when you thought you had won. >> of course. so we tied in the 200 freestyle of the national championships and despite tying the ncaa told me it was crucial, they had been advised in was crucial when photos were taken the thomas got the trophy. i didn't get to take one home. i don't care about the $5 production trophy. it's the principle behind what they were doing not to mention the locker room aspect of it all which was a totally different experience. much worse than the unfair competition. it was feelings of violation, utter violation.
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it was feelings of betrayal and that experience in the locker room being exposed to a 6'4, 22-year-old man as you are full eye undressed is traumatizing. >> harris: that's part of the story that people are going through with minor children and wondering how this will affect sports for young girls. to hear you say it as an adult, however recent adult. you are very young as well. is really disturbing but it's necessary for people to hear this. congressman greg steubey along with senator tommy tuberville introduced the protection of women act to prohibit a governing body from allowing biological men to participate in any athletic event intended for women. steube posted on social media with groups like usa burkesing adopting insane transgender policies the legislation would protect women and prevent delusional organizations such as usa boxing from being recognized by the u.s. olympic committee.
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how important is that to the journey that you and other women athletes are on? >> it's huge. we've seen k-12 in many states k through college protected. what about the professional sports? the international olympic committee. the approach they've taken is cowardice and horrible. they say that male advantage is unverified alleged and perceived. it cannot be assumed that males process advantages over females. this is the olympics. this bill is huge in the journey. >> harris: your voice looms large in this conversation and your experience is critical. there is no other like it. i know that you and other young athletes are pulling together so we know the story of the greatness of female agent athletes -- athletes and what
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