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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 2, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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limitation on liabilities that we provide all of you. >> karen says it's simple. cyberbullying won't stop until cyber companies can be held accountable. >> the ones who control the social media are the ones who can make change. and as the victims continue to be victims because we are powerless to do any change. >> she says it's up to congress to end the powerlessness by ending section 230. back to you, dana and bill. >> bill: we'll see what moves eventually. nice to see you in new york. >> dana: fox news alert. america's border crisis boiling over as illegal immigrants flood into cities and make their own rules with nothing more telling of the pervasive lawlessness and sheer chaos than the utter disrespect that we saw from migrants giving them the middle finger after the beating of new york city police officers outside a shelter in times
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square. i'm dana perino. >> bill: happy friday. i'm bill hemmer. good morning. illegal immigrants caught on video attacking police on the sidewalk outside the hotel where they were getting free housing. the far left d.a. alvin bragg, along with a judge putting the violent suspects back on the street within hours. another example of crime without consequence. undermining our system of justice and some new yorkers telling the ingraham angle last night who they blame for the migrant matter. >> do you blame president biden for this? >> i do. i do. the wall was being built. it got stopped. >> honestly we have to protect the border and need to know who is here i'm a diehard democrat and saying this. >> who is to blame? >> the government? you know why? they let them in. and only way they can get in is through the government. >> who do you blame specifically? >> joe biden.
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>> dana: dana marie mcnichol. florida sending troops to texas to help secure the border. mike waltz with reaction. jeff paul has an update in eagle pass, texas. >> normally around this time when it starts getting lighter out is when we usually see our first groups of migrants trying to cross the rio grande and enter the u.s. ever since the state of texas put up the barriers and all this razor wire along the river, things have really started to slow down here in eagle pass, texas. but it's a much different story in other areas when you look at states like arizona and california. the latest cbp figures last week show more than 70% of apprehensions are happening in arizona and california. of the nearly 33,000 op rehenss, more than 23,000 happened in those two states alone. compare that to what we were seeing here in the del rio sector in texas. december saw roughly 71,000
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apprehensions. january just under 17,000. a drop of 76%. there are a few things at work here. some are driven away from eagle pass to other areas in texas like el paso and beyond to other states like arizona and california. on the other side of the border enforcement is apparently up since secretary of state antony blinken, mexico is now stopping more migrants from boarding trains to get to the u.s./mexico border and removing many of those migrants from the northern border and southern border. but they aren't doing it in all areas of the u.s./mexico border probably why we're seeing more activity in states like arizona and california. dana. >> dana: jeff paul in texas. thank you. >> bill: live in miami now. florida's response to the migrant crisis and what the governor just had to say. good morning. >> good morning, bill. back in 2021, florida was the first state to send their national guard to help defend
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the border and now governor desantis says he will continue to help texas by sending an additional 1,000 troops. >> the goal is to help texas fortify this border. help them strengthen the barricades, help them add barriers and the wire that they need to so that we can stop this invasion once and for all. >> governor desantis says he hopes florida's efforts at the border will ultimately stop the influx of migrants who make their way to florida communities. a recent study shows florida leads the nation in back logged immigration cases with 481,000 people waiting to gain permanent residency in the state. texas, california, new york, and illinois are not far behind with hundreds of thousands of migrants awaiting back logged cases. florida highway patrol expressed frustration with how the border crisis is affecting them
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locally. >> bringing weapons and things of that nature into our communities. and having to deal with these individuals on the side of the road that have no regard for anybody's life. >> one recent arrest by border patrol in orlando caught a convicted felon from mexico who crossed illegally. domestic violence and several d.u.i.s. florida national guard as well as the state guard will be deploying in the next coming days in addition to the 90 law enforcement officers already at the border. >> bill: thanks, dana marie in florida. thanks. >> dana: joining us for more on this florida congressman mike waltz, republican on the armed services committee. perfect guest for us today. illegal immigrant arrests with criminal records 171 across 25 major cities. those are just the ones that we caught. then of course there is this
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iconic picture from this week where you had a migrant released without bail flipping america the double bird as he gets released, mike. >> yeah. dana, look, i mean you also have over 300 according to the f.b.i. director of people on the terrorist watch list that are all over the country that the f.b.i. is trying to track down and i think what governor desantis's actions, which i applaud, show, this is a national problem whether it's chicago, new york, florida, with nearly half a million back logged immigration cases. we all need to step up and do what dhs is not doing and the biden administration is not doing. one way or another we have to stop the humanitarian crisis and stop the national security crisis and one other point, you know, what's happening with the numbers, the shift away from texas and to arizona and california, i think it shows two
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things. one is obvious. barriers and walls work. but two, importantly, how centralized these migrant flows are. the cartels are controlling them and just in the period of a week they are able to shift people across huge distances from texas to california. that's myself and others are introduced legislation to use military resources against the cartel. that's the long-term. one of the long-term fixes here. >> bill: another thing here apparently ice arrested 73,000 non-citizens last year. 73,000 who had criminal records according to the agency. you can flip the argument around and say there are too many coming across the border. 78,000. now there is a case in new york involves a u.s. marine, daniel penny is his name. he may face trial for choking a person, an individual, a
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homeless man on a subway. his attorney is saying this about what's happening here in new york that we've watched. the primary purpose of bail. these guys didn't get bail. insure people return to court. they have minimal to no ties fornew york city. anyone assaulting a police officer is indicative of someone who doesn't have respect to the legal system that makes them less likely to return to court. if there was ever a situation where bail is appropriate, this seems that sort of case. i think the question is this. whether it's the local d.a., what does the governor of new york do? if they know these migrants are on a bus to california, they have contact with them. what do you do? do you ship them back over the border and make a headline out of that or bring them back to new york city and put them before the judge? >> well, she has done quite -- she has done quite the 180 recently saying send them back. advocating for deportation after
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she was celebrating sanctuary cities. i think you do what we've done in florida. if local d.a.s are not going to prosecute the law, if they are going to allow violent criminals to remain on the street, whether we're u.s. citizens or not, you fire them. you remove them. and then you have the prime see of state law from the state legislature and put people in place to enforce it. at the end of the day the politics for the left is only going to get worse and worse here. people feel unsafe in their inner cities. they feel unsafe with the world on fire abroad and i think this is going to continue to make this next election a law and order and safety election. >> dana: on this issue president biden says the republicans fault for not helping pass comprehensive immigration legislation that's right now being negotiated in the senate. he blames republicans for the problems at the border and that's going to continue for the next 275 days.
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how will republicans respond? >> two points. i think this is getting overlooked. republicans out of the house passed a border security bill nine months ago, dana. in hr2. it has been sitting at chuck schumer's feet for nine months. if they want to adjust it or amend it and debate about it, fine. we've been waiting on that and welcoming that but it is only once. you are seeing this from people you are talking to on the streets and in polling. it is only once the politics are turning bad. once governors and mayors and democrat-led cities are speaking up do we start to see some movement. that's truly a shame. i fear we'll have some type of attack like we just saw in iraq that will finally here at home that will finally jolt the administration to do a 180 on its policy and take meaningful action. it could do that without congress nouchlt
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>> dana: 150 democrats voted against legislation that republicans were trying to pass yesterday that says they are against deporting illegal aliens guilty of dui or social security fraud. all right. mike waltz, thank you for being here today. >> explain that to every american. thanks, dana. >> dana: lawrence jones spent the week visiting blue cities overwhelmed by the migrant crisis and here later here to recap. >> bill: the u.s. labor market red hot. employers adding a surprisingly strong 353,000 jobs last month. the estimate was 180. almost two times. unemployment stays steady. the surging job growth could put pressure on the feds to keep interest rates where they are in order to fight inflation. democratic senators want him to cut interest rates before the election. that may happen. we don't know. the rates are resulting in higher costs for home buyers and
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renters when it comes to the home market. when that number comes in as hot as it does they were thinking march, dana, they started talking june. i think a big conversation over the weekend may be september now for the fed if they do take action. >> dana: a lot of headlines from some in the media on the left if you read the opinion columns basically saying that the economy is not just good it's great. the a.p. wrote this. voters feelings about the economy ticking up but not transferring to biden. so there is an uptick but not helping him. i'm sure he is frustrated about that. >> bill: the polling we did yesterday in wisconsin and georgia was very interesting. what it sets up, if it goes this way and stays this way with those numbers, we'll have a razor tight election come november. >> dana: isn't the billboard going to be fun that night? >> bill: you think about the seven, eight, nine, battleground states is where the action is yet again. >> dana: if it does get to seven or eight battleground states it will be a real contest.
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it should be four or five. all right. as we await america's response to the killing of three u.s. soldiers just how far does irre have? >> people are being arrested and prosecuted. there will be people going to prisons and jail. as a result of this. >> bill: we'll see. a surge in retail theft prompting some liberal prosecutors to rethink their ideas. is it too little too late for the people they serve? >> dana: a team of researchers coming out against merit-based hiring. what they claim companies should focus on instead. t get a home ln because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> bill: 18 minutes past the hour. jim jordan apparently subpoena had fulton county d.a. fani
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willis for documents after three attempts that he had made to get her to respond to requests voluntarily to no avail. the subpoena is now for documents, not an appearance, related to her use and misuse allegedly of federal funds. willis is under the microscope for this alleged improper romantic relationship with a special prosecutor that she hired for the georgia election interference case. a big rico case against former president donald trump and many others. we'll see how that turns out for jim jordan. >> dana: a new one life to live. >> if you took every one of the cyber agent and intelligence analysts and focused them on the china threat, china's hackers would still outnumber f.b.i. cyber personnel by at least 50 to one. >> dana: f.b.i. director christopher wray putting in stark terms just what the u.s. is up against when it comes to chinese hackers. his warning comes as federal agencies face a deadline to
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disconnect vulnerable software at midnight. hi, griff. >> he isn't sugar coating it. the feds are scrambling to disconnect their systems by midnight tonight from a security program used by federal employees ordering all federal agencies to stop using those appliances. the cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency says that these pose a significant unacceptable risk. the director says china has already gotten in. >> teams have found and eradicated chinese intrusions in multiple critical infrastructure sectors including aviation, water, energy, transportation. now based on this information, this is likely just the tip of the iceberg. >> at the hearing wray revealed prc backed chinese hacking group was caught attempting to target america's critical
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infrastructure. garland issued a statement saying the united states will continue to dismantle malicious operations including those sponsored by foreign governments that undermine the security of the american people. as china emerges as our top adversary in cyberspace national cyber director warns the prc is pre-positioning threat actors in the event of the u.s. being drawn into a military conflict to degrade our capabilities. >> their aim is clear. in the early stages of a conflict they want to disrupt our military eva's ability to mobile eyes and impact the systems that allow us to thrive in our increasingly digital world. >> if all of that wasn't sobering enough, dana. wray says china has a bigger hacking program than every other major nation combined. dana. >> dana: great. thanks, griff. actually thank you, thank you for the report. >> bill: so you got a resume, might as well throw it in the trash. merit-based hiring is not equal.
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a new study by the american psychological association, did you know, it claims that hiring the most qualified candidate might be unfair. want to bring in sean duffy co-host of the bottom line of fox business and todd piro, co-host of "fox & friends" first. i'll set you up this way. apparently your resume and achievements including higher education and past career advancement and whatever you have to say about what you have done for your life is apparently not fair. the shrinks are telling us that. >> it appears 166 times in this study. at the nature of capitalism, though, fairness is not part of that. at the end of the day, i am paying an employer of someone who then also makes a good or service for said good or service. i'm paying for the best outcome for me rick not the best-out come for his employer.
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it is up to him to provide me with the best employees he can hire. the other stuff is irrelevant. it could be at the base level for ordering a sandwich. what about if i'm having open heart surgery? i don't care that life has been fair to the surgeon. i care that i live and don't die on the operating table. >> dana: for you and rachel when you are raising the children, how do you teach them that life isn't meant to be fair? >> first of all, i think for instance give you that. you win and lose. it is important when you win to celebrate but when you lose you should work harder the next time or get a bad grade on a test we want to work harder to get better grades in the future. that makes us better people, better employees and more educated. this is a fundamental change to our economy when we look at merit and hard work. i can take kids when i was in congress take kids with not so great grades but they came from rough places and worked hard to get to where they are at. i look at that.
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on the flip side, you are less creative. you are less producttive. all things to todd's point make us a great society, this will rock the very nature of who we are as a country if you look at fairness. >> bill: they point ott privilege. in western oregon near salem at western oregon university. grades, they won't score. >> this is going hand in hand with the story we just did. make a point. the reason i sit here today is because i had an f plus in organic chemistry and the reason i'm not giving you medical advice, the reason i'm speaking to you. there is a reason that happened is because i was not meant to do that. and when you do these shenanigans with grades, it gives perspective employers who end up hiring these kids a biased view that these kids are the be all, end all. when they get to the workforce it isn't helping the employer or these kids who will have to
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start over when they get fired because they don't have the aptitude for the job >> in this school they want to get rid of ds and fs. if you gave kids them they would drop out of school. this is about self-preservation of the school. they want to keep the kids in the school and let them retake the classes that they failed so they keep the revenue flowing at the university. >> bill: interesting. gpa fixation is what they are claiming at the school. if you remove it, the kids will feel better. >> dana: unless you think this is just oregon. this is where dei restrictions have been introduced here. even in montana, north dakota, south dakota. some of these are red states. oklahoma? what's going on? >> governors have to step in to say we'll remove dei. ron desantis has made good efforts if florida.
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you are having republican controlled legislation and governors not doing the appropriate work to say we're going to be merit based and grade kids on performance. >> bill: western oregon put out a statement. insure students who met the core competencies graduate and provide every student an opportunity to be successful. they are saying they don't want people to fail. what happens when you leave school? >> exactly. the point i was making. not just western oregon. it is schools like yale and harvard that have this ridiculous grade inflation so that when you hire a student in this day and age out of these elite ivy league institutions they're not cracked up to what they are supposed to be cracked up to be. as a result, the entire system -- you mentioned dei. you know what this is? this is back door dei. we've seen recently employers are getting scared of what the law is saying. cases coming down on dei, right? this is a way of accomplishing
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their dei goals without actually calling it dei. everybody suffers. nobody wins under this. >> to be a doctor, some people go to school and don't have what it takes. maybe they should be a welder or plumber. >> dana: and make more money than all of us combined. >> absolutely. you do a disservice to the kids. >> bill: where were these folks at miami of ohio when i was there? >> failed gpa? >> bill: next time. thank you, todd. thank you, sean. >> it is very much to send a message that we think more needs to be done by the government of israel. we won't hesitate to use the sanction authorities if it's appropriate to do so. >> dana: slaps sanctions against israeli settlers over violence on the west bank. is this a way to the treat our closest ally in the middle east after it's fighting hamas? then there is this.
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michigan's arab american population heckling president biden during an event over his support for israel. key battleground state could it cost him that state. shannon bream will join us next. e myself again. blue-emu supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. if you're turning 65, or retiring soon, well, then now's a good time to make sure you get the right medicare coverage. so call unitedhealthcare and see how you can get more of what matters, with our broad range of plans... including an aarp medicare advantage plan
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my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people
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of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. >> dana: iran is not in full control of its proxy groups in the middle east according to several intelligence offices. it's contrary that the impression tehran is pulling the strings. they've built a network committed to the destruction of israel and launching attacks against u.s. forces. hamas in gaza, hezbollah in lebanon, militia's in syria and iraq and houthis in yemen. we're saying apparently they don't have control. >> bill: punishing four israeli settlers for attacking palestinians in the west bank. this as protestors hound the
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president wherever he goes. this is what happened on a trip to michigan yesterday. [shouting and chanting] >> bill: there was more of that. mike tobin is live in tel aviv. hello, mike. >> hello, bill. president biden is now at odds with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. over president biden's executive order sanctioning violent west bank extremists. the order states essentially that violence from these west bank extremists has reached intolerable levels. they target four settlers for initiating the leading riots. netanyahu said israel will handle its own law enforcement. saying that israel acts against all israelis who break the law everywhere. therefore exceptional measures are unnecessarily. they await a deal that could free more hostages from hamas captivity. the heads of israeli
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intelligence, c.i.a. and egyptian intelligence and qatari prime minister met sunday in paris working on a proposal that could result in women, children and elderly hostages being released. leaks from the proposal say it involves numerous palestinians prisoners swapped out for hostages and aid to the gaza strip and cease-fire that israeli troops would be positioned away from population centers. senior hamas representatives said the group will respond soon. the region waits to see the u.s. response to the service members who were killed over the weekend by -- iranian proxies. 166 attacks on u.s. positions in the region since october. 44 strikes on ships in the red sea from iranian proxies, bill. back to you. >> bill: mike tobin in tel aviv. >> dana: shannon bream is anchor of "fox news sunday" and michigan is a key state. one of these states that both parties will say are a must win.
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trump won it in 2016, narrowly lost it in 2020. biden at 50.6, trump 47.9. he aims to try to win it this year. biden has this situation where the arab american population in michigan at 278,000 plus, that could be significant if you are looking at that close of a margin, shannon. >> you are absolutely right. with all the polling showing us this is a rematch between the two guys that we saw in 2020. it is going to be really tight. when you look at the margin of difference there in michigan, overwhelmed by the number of arab americans not happy the president when he was there did not come speak to them. we've heard from a number of members who say my constituents are ticked off at you and you are ignoring them. they do not plan to show up for you. not as if they'll vote for president trump but enthusiasm and getting turnout will be a big issue for both sides of this thing.
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you can't afford to lose large voting blocks of folks in a state as critical as michigan. >> bill: i was surprised at the reception he was given yesterday. it's not just michigan and palestinian americans but wherever they go, they have to plan to make sure they have people in the room that can shout down protestors. >> it's become a real issue for all of the campaigns and certainly for the white house. we feel in the past there is a certain level of deference to the incumbent president but he is not immune. he has folks coming at when him from all factions of his party and certainly from the progressive left who aren't happy about where he is on climate, where he is on gaza and on the border. so these folks are showing up. obviously if it's a sit ping president the security and vetting you have is unlike any other candidate out there on the trail with the exception of maybe a former president. the fact that people are showing up and getting through and secretive where the president is coming to town. you want folks to show up.
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they have to balance those. >> dana: let's see what it looks like in chicago at the democratic national convention this summer. you are an expert on the supreme court. justice sotomayor gave -- reportedly said i live if frustration, every loss truly traumatizes me in my stomach and heart but i have to get up the next morning and keep fighting. liberals say maybe you should retire. jonathan turley has a column. liberals have a new supreme court target and you won't believe it. >> he makes so many good points in this piece. remember the measure on justice ginsburg, 20 years older than justice sotomayor and had real health issues. she said no way to confirm as tough as i am on certain positions. sotomayor has a few health issues she has been public about. covid was a frightful time for
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her and had to take extra precautions. she probably doesn't like this pressure, either. if you are go out there and say i'm tired and frustrated and hate my job there is a line of other young progressives who would take it. >> bill: shannon, see you this sunday. lindsey graham among your guests and a lot to say on the topics of the day. love the red, shannon. have a good weekend. let's move to this. bruce springsteen announcing the death of his 98-year-old mother, adele. that's the celebrity news. boss revealing his loss in a post on wednesday and with this tender of them dancing. he spoke about her battle with alzheimer's. she was a fixture on the road,
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in his life for his entire life. big loss. >> dana: have your mom for that long and see all the success he had. >> bill: she is the one who bought the guitar and the rest is history. >> dana: may she rest in peace, adele. democrats seeing law and order as a key concern for voters as they look to elections in november. migrant crisis reaching beyond the southern border. lawrence jones getting reaction in cities coast to coast and he joins us next. account with qui, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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>> dana: rising crime seen as a liability for democrats from november. some states are trying to correct it. it's getting pushback from the far left. >> here in new york, progressives are already pushing back against democratic governor
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hochul ails proposal to go after shoplift ping proposing creating a couple new police units to go after retail theft to create a tax credit for store owners to boost security and incrow -- increase in penalties. >> a failure of policy. now they are trying to put lipstick on a pig. it is still a pig. the reality is we need to crack down on crime. we need to enforce our laws and hold criminals accountable. >> we've all seen the videos of brazen smash and grabs and organized retail theft. stores forced to closed down. after republicans regained control of the house in 2022 campaigning on the issue of higher crime, democrats are hoping by addressing shoplifting with tougher on crime proposals it will pay off in november. since 2019 new york has seen a
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64% jump in shoplifting. the highest nationwide followed by los angeles with a 61% spike according to the council on criminal justice. california's democratic governor newsom is now proposing increasing felonies and prison time for thieves and in washington, d.c. the democratic city council is considering making it a felony to steal 500 worth of products, down from $1,000. >> republicans have been wrongly calling democrats soft on crime for years. it has been a successful strategy. and democrats didn't do a good job of combating that. >> the big question is whether or not these democrats can convince progressive colleagues to make these ideas law. >> dana: thank you, bryan. >> 40,000 migrants, the highest
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per capita for any city in the country. >> yes. >> at what point does your city reach its breaking point? >> i think our city is very close to its breaking point now. >> i think a lot of cities across this countries once they declare themselves a sanctuary city i don't know if they knew the support we needed to get. >> they invaded chicago. it is an invasion. >> bill: political leaders in denver, boston and chicago democrats sounding the alarm as the growing crisis reaches far beyond that southern border overwhelming u.s. cities. lawrence jones did the work this week. co-host of "fox & friends" with us now. good morning to you. i thought the moment -- well done, by the way, we watched all of it back here with good intent. a woman from massachusetts, they closed down a community center where, mother of four where her kids play and they moved migrants in there.
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i think with a 48-hour notice maybe? >> and they did it in the middle tea night. >> here is what they told you. watch. >> don't get me wrong. it's great they want to help the immigrants. what about the americans that are already here? what about the people that are already here that don't have homes or jobs and that are sleeping on the street already? >> bill: she is not alone. >> it was my favorite interview because it was raw. it reflects the problem joe biden will have in the next election. voters will tolerate a little bit. you showing up at election time and not really delivering when it comes from the economy to education to crime, they will have some stomach to you saying hey, i'm working on it. what really ticks voters off is when you make a promise to them and then you bring illegals in and you take the park and swimming pool and health centers from their children and their community and you devote it to them and i think you see the
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president right now on this tour right now going to different communities right now. it is very manufactured in a way where they pre-interviewed the people and it is close knit. i don't think the president is seeing the frustration that is out there. i go to these communities and been going for years talking about the hopelessness and crime and the stuff that's happening. there is a rage right now going on because they are so hopeless. i always say if the diners in middle america and urban america are saying the same thing, it is a problem for the democrats. we're there now. >> dana: i want to show this iconic photograph. a migrant giving everybody the double bird as he was released from court without having to pay any bail. i don't know if he was one of the ones the skipped town. do images like this stick in people's minds and become the metaphor for what they think is going on? >> for them they don't know who the people are.
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that's the real issue. i was so grateful that the mayor of denver decided to do an interview with me because a lot of democrats don't want to come on. i just really would like for them whether you agree or disagree to make their case to the american people. one of the things i pushed him on is when it comes to the criminals. mr. mayor, i know you have compassion. some of the people. the luck of the draw. you don't know which ones are law abiding citizens. the first act was coming across the border illegally so they're criminals by that definition alone. some of the people have rap sheets. we don't have the information to do the vetting to do that. he said i know some of the people coming across were cops in their own town. that may be one story. i don't disagree with it. that's a story. there is also the stories of these guys as well that are flipping off cops, beating cops. that's the problem. >> bill: this morning you
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started to say i asked them where their policies a mistake? anybody admit that? >> well, the denver mayor said look, he now understands what greg abbott feels. i think that was growth. he was critical of the governor before. the council person in boston says this was not our intention. but maybe we need to review this. to get a politician to outright admit something was a failure, that's a big task. and considering if the number one issue for voters in iowa, new hampshire and nevada and south carolina as well. if democrats admit that they are wrong on this, why would you ever elect them in the next election? we'll see. >> dana: great to have you. >> it has been a while. >> bill: enjoy the weekend. >> dana: is the music you are listening to real or fake? fake songs are going viral on social media. could a.i. kill the music industry? how congress may act.
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>> harris: president biden moments away from heading to an official ceremony welcoming home the soldiers killed this week. many are asking where is the united states' response against the killers? four suspects and the beating of the nypd officers have now fled to another sanctuary state after being released without bail. even the new york governor now wants them deported. she ought to get on that. senator ron johnson of wisconsin, lieutenant colonel darren gob and riley gaines all in "focus" top of the hour. >> bill: artificial intelligence in the music industry will be in question on the hill today. aishah hosni is listening in on that. what's going on? >> good morning to you. this is very important. country music star lainie willson will be headlining this
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panel in l.a. talking about how a.i. can really hurt industry artists out there. last summer scammers used a.i. to make fake weight loss ads using wilson's likeness. we've seen a.i. being used to steal the voices of khanna west and drake to create new song. wilson is already a big supporter of the first in the nation bill to protect musicians by criminalizing cloning the artist's voice or likeness. congress needs to federalize some standards so there isn't a patchwork of laws state by state. >> some states protect only people living, not those deceased. other states protect those deceased. so a lot of what the industry has been focused on and will probably come up in the hearing tomorrow are federal bills to make a nationwide standard to protect the name, image and
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likeness of performers. >> as you know, this hearing is part of a series of different hearings and work that both chambers are doing to figure out how to tackle a.i. >> dana: before we go. >> bill: roll it. >> dana: a toddler got stuck inside a hello kitty claw machine in australia. his dad says he turned his back for a second and he was trapped for 15 minutes. he didn't seem to mind too much. police had him cover his eyes to smash the glass and pull him to safety. they told him he could pick any prize he wants. guess what? he will do it again. the next time he sees one. >> bill: go after ethan with a claw. >> dana: that's what happens more than it should. >> bill: really? >> dana: yes. i'll try it before "the five." >> bill: have a great weekend. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. >> harris: we're waiting for president biden to board


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