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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  February 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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>> we should fly south and we'll do so with consumer cellular . >> greg: we're out of time. i love you, america. *. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 in new york city and this is "america's late news." fox news at night. in a border crisis filled with
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chaos we're hitting new lows. are illegal migrants not only entering and crossing there is word they are setting up their own organized crime outfits filled with phony documents, and in new york city, a migrant accused of badly beating a new york city police officer, as you can see, gives a message to the world, and his cohorts who were arrested and let go, now might be headed to california. bill is in california. he's live with the break information on. this bill, good evening. >> trace, it keeps getting worse. they have identified a ring that was targeting -- the cook county sheriff's office says these three mexican nationals had directed illegal immigrants from venezuela to steal items from magnificent mile stores all in exchange for fraudulent i.d. cards that would allow them to get jocks. the sheriff there says they uncovered the fraud after talking to dozens of migrants with nearly identical stories,
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all after an explosion of retail thefts in certain areas. >> they were being either told to steal things, to get money, or specifically directed to steal specific things, all of which were then taken back to individuals where they were then able to either buy or trade for social security number cards, or america permanent residency cards. >> trace, most of the migrants were released after being arrested and some were caught doing it multiple times. they confiscated close to 500 fake i.d.'s, and they have no illusions that this is the only ring doing this. in the big apple several illegal immigrants charged and released in times square over the weekend were seen flipping off the cameras, smiling and blowing kisses to the media as they left court yesterday. these images are going viral today. it led to bipartisan outrage
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including from new york's democratic governor. >> get them all and send them back. you don't touch police officers, you don't touch anybody. >>. >> trace: "the new york post" is reporting police believe a handful of those illegal immigrants have fled the state and possibly boarded buses heading right here to california after giving fake names to a nonprofit group helping them with travel. >> and when there are no consequences, bill, you tend to get bolder and bolder and bolder. bill live for us in los angeles. bill, thank you. let's bring in florida attorney general ashley moody along with former fbi special agent and fox news contributor nicole parker. welcome to you both. i mean, it's kind of amazing here. you look at this. you look at the totality of what's going on and you have illegal immigrants that are coming into the country, crossing the country, and now literally starting their own crime organizations with fake documents, and the like. i want to play one more sound bite from the cook county
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sheriff. that's about -- that's the chicago area and i'll get your response on this and the attorney general. >> you can have all the debate in the world about whether they should be here or not here, but if they are here we shouldn't be closing our eyes and saying let's just see what happens. >> trace: but they are closing their eyes country-wide and seeing what happens and it's not pretty. ashley, your thoughts. >> what happens when your asylum seekers are actually the persecutors? i know everybody is saying these guys should be deported, biden on day one said he would stop deporting people that were here illegally committing crimes. florida sued them because they said, we don't care if it's a felony. we don't care if they are breaking into things. traffickers, we're not deporting those people anymore. that's what they directed to ice, so biden neutered ice. if you couple biden with one of these radical prosecutors that doesn't think anybody should be
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in jail then this is what's going to happen. those illegal immigrants that wish to do you harm will be arrested, and they will get right back out and they won't be deported even though republicans and democratic presidents, in the history of the u.s., have agreed we should deport those here illegally committing crimes. >> and even if they are deported they will be back because it's a revolving door, they will be back in the country within five or six days doing the very same thing. here's the new york governor talk about let's get rid of them. it's a very quick sound bite. read the bottom because it's tough to understand. watch. >> get them all and send them back. >> all right. >> you don't touch our police officers. you don't touch anybody. >> trace: yes. get them all and send them back, nicole, but we all know what the problem is. they are not going to get them all. they aren't going to send them back. they aren't going to prosecute them. they are going to incentivize
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them. >> if anyone is shocked by what they are seeing, this smug facial expression and flipping these, you know, cameras off, after they have assaulted police officers is absolutely abhorrent. as a former law enforcement officer, and supporter of law enforcement and backing the blue and backing the nypd, this is reprehensible and are you really shocked? individuals entered the country illegally. they have no regard for americans or the law or law enforcement. are you shocked that they are assaulting police officers? we're giving them everything they could possibly want. free housing, free food, everything. look, they are in control right now and it is not okay. >> trace: i want to go back to texas because that razor wire apparently is working and here's the thing. because you can put up this here, cbp, apprehensions in the last week of january, over 70% of illegal crossings now in arizona and california. they are simply moving. it's kind of amazing what happens when you put up barrier. >> well, you know, it is shocking what happens when you actually enforce the law, put up
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barriers, and what's the main thing that's changed here, right? they have kept border patrol from interfering with that in that area. when i was at the border with governor desantis we stood there and watched as border patrol would come and cut down the barriers. biden fought in court to keep the ability. texas said no more. we enforce the law here and florida is supporting they will. >> now, your final thoughts because now they are moving to california, and that's really more territory where, you know, doors are own wider open. >> yes. you know, what just happened in new york is -- >> i'm sorry, nicole. >> come on in. >> i'm sorry, nicole, i meant nicole. sorry, ashley. >> you're good, look, as y'all know i'm a native texan and there is a saying we have here and it's called don't mess with texas and they take it very seriously here. do you not just let people into your border.
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we have a right to defend our state and country. california, on the other hand, they have a different approach than texas. to each their own, but you know what? i stand behind texas, i stand behind our country and i stand behind the american citizens and protecting our law enforcement and keeping us safe. this is a national security threat. the border security equals national security. no border security, we're at high threat levels right now. >> live in california. i don't see any signs don't mess with california. they are just coming in and doing whatever they want. >> trace: it's great to have you on, thank you. biden was in battleground michigan today and brand-new fox polling shows that in a head-to-head match-up in michigan biden and former president trump, they are deadlocked. here's tonight's 2024 report. >> now national poll is showing biden enjoying a six-point lead in a hypothetical head-to-head rematch-up with trump but when you zoom in on the battleground
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states we can see where the former president is actually gaining ground. fox news polling out of georgia, a state biden won by just one point, gives trump an eight-point edge due in part to large support from rural and independent voters. trump also holds a seven-point advantage with younger voters in the peach state. in wisconsin they are running even. biden squeaked out a win by less than a pointt in the meantime biden was in michigan today fresh off an endorsement from the united autoworkers union. this critical battleground state actually has the nation's highest density of arab americans and many of them are displeased with how the president has handled the war in the missile. across the pond, a london judge dismissing trump's lawsuit, the ex-british secret agent paid by democrats to compile research into any ties trump had with russia, christopher wray. unverified allegations in the now infamous dossier were used
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in part by the fbi to form the agency's trump-russia investigation. back here at home we've learned tonight that the washington, d.c. january 6 case has been delayed. a federal appeals court is considering trump's claim of presidential immunity and a ruling can come at any time. >> trace: a lot of rulings coming down the pike. thank you. let's bring in fox news contributor joe concha and caroline downey. thanks for both coming on. georgia is kind of the canary in the coal line. let's put up this. all of a sudden you have trump who lost by a point in 2020, less than a point but he lost georgia in 2020 and now the polls say he's up 51-43, we don't have the poll bring he says 51-43, and you think, that's a pretty big swing, in three plus years. >> trace, trump is getting really competitive in certain
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swing states, and i think this indicates that independents are gravitating towards him, it's like 20 points. another massive margin, and, trace, i think it's because we have now the benefit of lived experience under both administrations. trump's presidency at its peek was marked by domestic tranquility. peace abroad, you know, a booming economy, and now we have a malaise sweeping the nation. >> trace: we just showed the chaos up and down across the country is quite incredible. nice to see you, democratic media got their marching orders apparently. biden says it's the best economy, best economy in the world, and msnbc said something similar. watch. >> this is the best recovery in the world. so for any republicans who want to continue to try to keep battering the economy, yes, life is expensive, you can't argue
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that, this is a strong economy. that's one of the reasons you see them pivoting so hard on immigration. they just can't keep beating on the economy. >> trace: are they sending out the talking memo in the morning and you say, okay, today's line this is the best economy in the world. >> stephanie certainly got that memo, trace, and she's reportedly worth millions, by the watch it she's typical of so many elitists who work in this business who don't understand that an overwhelming majority of americans still feel, food, gas, rent, are still far too high. credit card debt is also at an all-time high. more than one trillion dollars. the rule says don't believe your own bank and credit card statements and what you're feeling every day. this is a great economy, damn it and we'll make sure you know it. >> if you don't believe us, listen to the president. he'll tell you again tomorrow. but if you look at the numbers on, is this economy working for your family's financial future.
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put these up. the question here is, are you getting ahead? 12% say yes. holding steady, 43%. falling behind, 44%. so you've got 87% who are either falling behind or holding on for dear life. not exactly the best recovery in the world, caroline. >> trace, the stock market may be robust and inflation moderating but financial insecurity, deep financial insecurity is still fact, a major fact. the job market feels jinxed for a lot of americans and the cost of commodities and cost of living is uncomfortably high. that's the lived reality. >> trace: here's the dearborn, michigan, mayor, who did not want to meet with the president. he kind of dissed him. watch. >> this president ran on bringing back decency and good moral consciousness to the white house. he ran on the idea that he had world policy experience and that's second-degree not what we're seeing.
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>> trace: a democrat in michigan, joe, for your answer because that's one of those things that the pollsters do not like to see if you're a democrat. >> exactly. look, trace, it all comes down to a handful of states that will decide this election and if joe biden can't win michigan quinnipiac has him down six points. say goodbye to the presidency because he's also down 12 points in sievers. trump is up eight -- if all those numbers hold you're looking at a landslide. never pay attention to the national polls. it's six states that decide elections, georgia, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. keep an eye on those. if those hold it will be big problems for joe biden. joe concha and caroline downey, thank you both. >> thanks, trace. >> thank you. >> as we're checking out the woman says, oh, he's just walking out. he didn't pay for that. i said why aren't you stopping him? she goes, oh, the governor.
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a true story. the governor lowered the threshold. there is no accountability. i said that's just not true. why am i spending $380, everyone can walk the hell out. >> first up in tonight's real news roundup in new video obtained by our los angeles fox affiliate, california governor gavin newsom shared a story on zoom about a brazen shoplifting incident that he witnessed at a target store. when he asked an employee why she didn't stop the thief she blamed him, governor, for lowering the threshold for serious crimes. the employee didn't realize she was talking to the governor and we'll have more on that with our panel. california legislators in the meantime introducing the first in the nation slavery reparations proposals which includes restoring property taken during race-based uses of eminent domain and requiring a formal apology for the state's role in human rights violations, none of the 14 measures would result in direct cash payments, but would require many billions in property turnbacks.
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squad member congressman elon o'mar is facing an ethics investigation when republicans say she stated her allegiance to somalia over the united states. o'mar said the clip was not an accurate translation and some have backed her up on that. >> the common sense department, as you know, is a big fan of dissent and robust debate. we need to stir up different opinions because conformity is the end of democracy but conform and an norm, not the same. for example, two democratic congresswoman, members of the far left squad, just voted no. the vote would ban anyone involved in the october 7 attacks and the palestinian liberation organization. common sense the bill is unlikely to keep terrorists out
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because right now we can't keep anyone out. but for talib and bush to vote in favor for terrorists to come in seems to lack common sense. they believe the bill would be used to incite anti-arab, anti-muslim hate. this is hate? does that mean allowing them in to kill us is love? is it an act of bravery and kindness? and what if these terrorists do get into the u.s.? what then? common sense thinks bush has -- we're apparently on our own. let's bring in seattle talk radio host. and the host of emily saves america podcast, emily wilson. thank you both for coming on. very much appreciate it. i don't know if you saw that jason or you heard that but it's
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amazing to me that they would vote no, and say, you know what? i think it's a good thing to allow some of these terrorists into the country. it's saves us from being called haters. >> yes. like as the jew here, i'm a little uncomfortable with those folks coming into this country. and, i like your point. cory bush has very expensive campaign money going specifically into getting protection and i don't necessarily have that. you have to have a special disdain not just for the rule of law but a special type of hatred for jews in order to take a position like she just took. this whole idea that this is going to inspire some sort of incitement against hamas, sure, i certainly hope we do not like hamas. we're not all squad members, i suppose, i feel like this is something that all of us can get behind but if you're systematically trying to kill jews, raping women, taking -- like maybe we should actually judge those people and not have some sort of fondness for them. >> trace: you just leave them
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out. shut the door on them. emily, to you, because you're in california, we just played some of gavin newsom recounting this going into a target store and saw a brazen theft and he had the argument, and the sound bite, watch it, and i'll get your response. >> as we're checking out the woman says, oh he's just walking out, he didn't pay nor that why aren't you stopping him? she goes, oh, the governor. sort of got -- true story, the governor lowered the threshold, there is no accountability. i said that's just not true. and she -- i said, we have the 10th toughest in america. $950. she didn't know what i was talking about. it's the 10th toughest in america. look it up. >> trace: true. swear to god, it's just amazing, emily that he goes on and he starts arguing with this clerk about the laws in california being tougher than 10 other places. >> first of all, it's hilarious, the fact they didn't even know
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he was the governor, which means he's clearly doing an incredible job. second of all, i believe he was the one that passed the threshold that in every single store you can steal up to, i believe, it might be higher, around $950 from every sickle store and they don't prosecute it. they don't even call the cops. >> trace: exactly right. jason, i want your take on reparations in california. they are passing this whole thing, it won't cost you cash but reimburse people for property they lost, eminent domain. thoughts? >> i love this because it going to cause some significant problems for the democrats in california. number one, this is a political issue that they have turned it into. they won't follow through with anything that they do because if they do you're simply going to turn california -- it's just going to go into a bigger tail spin. at some point you have to understand it's going to create all of this resentment. it's picking and choosing who now they are pretending are victims of racism for historical sins that the people are going to pay for this, had nothing to
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do with. so it will just create more division. frankly when they don't fall through with a lot of what they are promising they are creating problems for black voters who they are only doing this for, to get their support. >> trace: more reparations, it back on the front burner. >> this is just a complete joke to gents. this is like, no one right now is being affected by this? it's just -- no one agrees with this. it's ridiculous. at this point it's like, okay what about the irish? what about women? we could go on forever. how about we headache the state better and get people better jobs and we start with things that are practical. no one has a logical response. >> trace: swear to god on my mother's grave it's true, come on, governor, really? do you have to convince us like that it's great to see you both. coming up, hundreds of pro-palestinian protestors disrupting traffic across d.c., and later, a miracle rescue off the coast of maine.
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a local lobster man braves rough terrain to rescue a man stranded on an island surrounded by icy waters. that lobster man joins fox news at night live. exclusively coming up, and in the night cap, a 12-year-old australian girl seen on video swinging a large snake several times because it had her guinea pig in its mouth. if you saw a snake eating one of your pets what would you do? would you grab the snake and then what would you do? swing it, slam it, fight it, let us know on x and instagram. we'll read the best responses in the night cap. we're coming right back. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms.
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>> trace: breaking tonight fox digital has confirmed that police received the toxicology report from the investigation into the deaths of the three chiefs fans found frozen outside a friend's home. police have been in contact with the families of the victims and the case remains an ongoing death investigation but now sources are telling our fox four affiliate that the results of the report detail several substances being found in the systems of the deceased but there is no word on exactly what they mean by the substances. you will recall that drugs and alcohol has been a big focus on this entire thing. in fact, there were stories as of yesterday that the person who actually lived in the house, that hosted the party, went into rehab. we'll find out what the substances were and what the toxicology report said and bring that to you. we've covered the score closely and will continue to do so. in the meantime hundreds of pro-palestinian demonstrators blocked five major roadways
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during rush-hour in the nation's capitol today. a protest against u.s. support for israel. the protests continued at an intersection just blocks from the capitol building where the national prayer breakfast was taking place. capital metro in washington, d.c. stopped them from getting closer to capitol hill. but we're still waiting for the white house response to the deadly drone strike by iranian backed militants that killed three u.s. service members earlier this week. bill is back live with brand-new information about this. bill? >> trace, defense secretary loyalty austin hinted that the u.s. is preparing for significant retaliatory action against iran and its proxies this after the killing of three american soldiers in jordan over the weekend. secretary austin made the comments during his very first public appearance, and press conference since being hospitalized, he apologized for lack of transpapers during his absence.
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here's what he had to say. >> they risked their lives and lost their lives to keep their fellow americans safe from global terrorism. the president will not tolerate attacks on american troops. and neither will i. >> for days the u.s. has hinted that strikes are imminent and there have been isolated reports of some militant groups saying they would be stopping hostilities. today, they fired a missile at a container ship in the red sea. >> the president believes that it is important to respond in an appropriate way. now that three american soldiers have been killed and what's appropriate? well, you know, it depends on what your response is going to look like. and what you're going to go after. and as i said earlier, we will respond in a time and in a manner of our choosing on our
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schedule. >> there have now been at least 165 attacks on american troops in the middle east since october 7. that's when israel was attacked by hamas. the u.s. currently has the dwight d. eisenhower carrier strike group in the area along with at least half a dozen other warships. you can count on the fact that the ike will be involved in whatever happens next. back to you. >> trace: indeed. bill live for us in l.a. thank you. let's bring in former army reserve captain and intelligence officer. great you have to on. kind of what bill was talking about, we're hearing that these retaliatory attacks could last weeks. they could go after multiple targets including some iranian property but not in iran proper. is that kind of what you're hearing? is that an assessment that you think is fair? >> trace, if there is one word to describe this administration's foreign policy, it's total incompetence. right now the biden administration seems to be advertising the our enemies what
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their plans are but as bill said there have been over 165 attacks on u.s. service members and it seems like now the biden administration want to escalate it. what about when the first attack happened? last week he had two navy seals go missing in the red sea and were declared dead and now we have three soldiers that are killed. i'm very concerned this administration does not know what it doing. anthony blinken is failing diplomatically. lloyd austin is mia and the biden administration is nowhere to be seen. what this administration has done is alien natured our allies, emboldened our enemies and put americans in harm's way. >> trace: i'm wondering because there are reports about these iranian proxies including the houthis who have fled their bases in anticipation of these american strike may be coming. are we giving too much of our hand away here? is this something that we think might be taking a little too long and giving too much information to get people time to get ready? >> absolutely. that's why i'm so astounded by the incompetence of this
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administration. trace, the whole point of war is the art of surprise but it seems like this administration is so determined not to instigate iran, but iran is at war with the united states. it's very clear. when they have the houthis attacking our ships and our ally ships, you have their proxies killing our soldiers, you're having hamas and hezbollah, iran knows we're at war. i'm not sure this administration knows that we are, and i think this is a big wake-up call but we need a disproportionate response to the deaths of these americans or else we have no deterrence right now, trace. that's what scares me. it's really hard to gain back deterrence when nobody fears you anymore so i think, the rest of the world understands, there are 10 months left in this administration, until president trump might come back and that's when they will be feared again. >> trace: "the new york post" says quoting, the headline is bet that biden never truly answers the attack that kills three u.s. soldiers. it goes on to say proxies have launched 150 plus attacks on
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u.s. forces these last few months with month let-up. despite biden's responses and supposed private messages and empty public don't to iran, why didn't the white house have a response planned in advance or did it have a plan namely, to do as little as possible. that's kind of the feeling, maybe they just do these multiple attacks in various tar ghosts the next 15 weeks and call it a day. >> exactly right, trace. the houthis have been firing missiles since october. it took them how long until they decided to reclassify themselves as a foreign terrorist organization? it took them about three months. so i'm not sure what this administration is doing. it's just incompetent, and i believe all of the administration officials really need to get their act together because the rest of the world is looking at us as very weak and it's going to put americans in harm's way. remember, we still have american hostages held in gaza right now. it very scary, trace. >> trace: yes. great to have you on as always.
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thank you, sir. coming up, lobster man now being hailed as a hero for his daring rescue of a man trapped on an island in rough waters. he joins us live with his story that you need to hear and it's next. still ahead, this snake, no match for a 12-year-old girl trying to protect her guinea pig. she swung it a couple of times, and why did the tumbleweeds cross the road? the days's best videos are next, bethlehem, virginia, nickname the christmas city since the town got its name christmas eve 1741. coming back with the hero, midnight hero. my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people
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of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations.
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do you shop for vitamins at walgreens? force factor products powerfully improve your health, but they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling superfoods brand in america. unleash your potential with force factor at walgreens. >> trace: breaking news coming into fox news. look at these pictures out of clearwater, florida, we're hearing a small plane, there are reports it was a bonanza
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beechcraft, a small plane crashed into a mobile home park in clearwater, florida. you can see the flames there. this caused multiple homes to go up in flames. the trash, apparently the result of engine failure because we're told that the pilot of the beechcraft, we're told, beechcraft bonanza b-35 actually called in that he had engine failure and if we can get back to the pictures, you can see the pictures here, they crashed in apparently do not make the airport. we do not know how many people were on-board the plane, and we also don't know if the people on the ground in this mobile home park were given fair warning or not. we have no idea if they had any warning at all, and we have no idea how many mobile homes and how many people inside might have been injured or killed. we're still working with the officials on the scene, the fire department, and the ntsb trying to get some of the information here.
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we're showing you the pictures. as we get more information of this disaster in clearwater, florida, we'll get back to you. it happened just minutes ago. the pictures just into fox news at night. as we get more information we'll bring you more details. in the meantime a story of bad luck, good luck, and a lot of heroism. a man was fishing off the coast of maine when somehow his boat capsized. he swam to a small island and when he didn't show up at the dock his wife called 911 but 25 responders couldn't find him. a lobster man heard the chatter, heard him screaming on the island, and then heard the radio chatter, they joined the search, somehow heard faint desperate cries for help that lobster man is ryan miller. he joins us now, and i want to know, how did you first hear the radio chatter, and then how you heard the man. take us through what happened there, ryan. >> so, i got a friend, that was on the fire department, called me on my way in from hauling and asked me if i could head to where the man was presumed to go
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to. and we were headed that way, got another phone call back, and he said that they heard help cries from northern island. and the guy was walking his dog, i believe, on southern island, and heard it. so he told me to go to the northern island and we pulled in there and we found the skiff overturned within a minute. try true say it was rocky terrain where you were so you couldn't go in to rescue him but you're the one that handled the whole rescue. what happened at that point? >> basically, when we found the boat overturned, the crew started searching the shoreline for him. after we saw the boat overturned. within 10 seconds, we could hear him hollering for help. so we couldn't really hear him with my boat running so we turned it off and we had verbal
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contact with him from there. and told him that i was on the phone with my friend from the fire doesn't. they were sending out a crew. we told them our position, and that they were going to be there within a few minutes and he said he was freezing and wanted off the island. >> trace: that was my next question. he had to be freezing. he couldn't -- that's the whole thing, in the summer you think, okay, he could last a few hours or several hours, but in the winter, he didn't have long. this thing had to happen, right? >> yes. my temperature gauge on my fathom meter was saying 36 degrees. >> trace: wow! coming out of the water soaking wet. how long do you think it took, ryan, before the actual rescue happened? >> i heard that it was -- he went in the water around 2:00 and we arrived on the scene to find him around 5:30. 3 1/2 hours.
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he's very lucky to have you listening to the radio, and then come to his aid. and did you get a chance to follow up and hear about his condition at all? we were kind of doing that ourselves. we want to know if you heard anything about this. >> i haven't, no, i haven't. >> is this your first experience in something like this and do you know how the boat or skiff capsized? >> this is my second time in a search like this. first time i've actually found the person, and alive at the same time. so it was quite an experience actually. >> trace: yes, that's amazing. ryan miller, you're a hero. a good man. thank you for coming on and i'm sure there is something in a hospital or at home tonight who would also like to thank you for your help. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> trace: we want to just go back if i can, can we just go back if we can to clearwater, florida. i want to see some of these pictures because this is kind of important. we're getting word, if you didn't hear it, we have a plane
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crash in clearwater, florida. it was a small plane, a beechcraft and we're trying to get some information on exactly what happened. we're told the pilot here, this is in clearwater, the pilot called in a mayday, that he was having engine trouble, and did not make it and crashed into a mobile home park in clearwater, florida, and several mobile homes have now gone up in flames. again, like we said, the information is just now coming in. the pictures are just now coming in. so we don't really know exactly how many people were on-board the plane. we don't know if it was just the pilot. we think the plane holds up to four passengers but we don't know how many were on-board and we also do not know what's happening in the actual mobile home park. remember, clearwater is the home to a lot of senior citizens. te live in some of these mobile home parks and it's unclear if
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they had any warning, for them to be able to get out. so we're kind of looking for information on what angle this plane came in. did it come in and drop? or did it come in head first? because there are numerous mobile homes that have gone up in flames but we don't know if there were people inside the homes, if they got any type of warning at all, and we also do not know exactly how many people might have been hurt or injured or killed in this kind of a tragedy but we'll keep up to speed on this, and bring you the video, pictures, and the information as it comes in to fox news at night. in the meantime, coming up, a heroic animal tale. we showed you this video of a woman who jumped on a moving car to save her dog from being stolen. well, now, a 12-year-old girl took on a snake that was trying to eat her pet guinea pig. swinging the snake by the tail until her father jumped in to help. the pet was eventually freed from what we believe was an
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eight foot long python. would you challenge an eight fool python to save your guinea pig and if you went after the snake what would you do? still time to weigh in. the night cap crew following breaking news and handling this story next. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options.
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♪ >> trace: we're back with the night cap true. bill and mary ane rafferty, emily wilson, tonight's top pick, fight or flight. a 12-year-old australian girl had the fright of her life when she found her pet guinea pig being attacked by a snake and she started swinging it around until it let go of the guinea pig. would you grab the snake and once you got it what then would you do, jason? you got the guinea pig in the mouth. ate pickle. >> i cannot be the only one who wonders whether or not it was safe for the guinea pig to do what that girl did. i mean, guinea pig hit that little thing on the corner there multiple times and the dog look like it was going after the guinea pig. i think the guinea pig would have been better off left alone, guinea pig versus the snake. >> they let him flew for
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himself. the guinea pig flew flew like 200 yards. it was unfortunate. >> she kind of turned the guinea pig into a lasso. i would have tried to rescue it, i probably would have stepped on the snake's head or done something differently than swinging it into the concrete. >> what do you think, emily about the guinea pig and the snake? >> i think she did a fantastic job. we should give her a job at the border with those kinds of skills. >> trace: for the snake, just swing people around the border. okay, i get it. caroline. >> i would never have found myself in these circumstances because i would never have been on this cursed continent of australia. those people are built different. daily existence is haunted by deadly species. there are 60 poisonous snakes in australia.
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>> if it was a rattlesnake i wouldn't be swinging it around. i would be shopping for a new guinea pig. >> instagram 72%, and what would you do once you grabbed it? how about this kathleen is that kathleen, kathleen, i would smack with it a spade. i don't think i would be able to grab it. karen, probably throw it over the fence into my neighbor's yard. i know, not nice, right, not nice. julie hammel, launch it. nancy drew, this is an investigative piece, slam it to the ground until it lets go, and dee says squeeze its head until it drops, and that's how you get rid of an eight foot python. thank you all for joining the night cap. thank you for watching the night cap. thank you for watching america's late news. back in new york for friday night. we'll see you then. for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain.
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