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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 31, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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common anger. no consensus what to do about it. that's what mollie is talking about. you have all these different proposals, none of them has the likelihood of passing congress. we are going to see a lot of anger and a lot of grid lock. >> bret: all right, panel. thank you. tomorrow on "special report," our "common ground" segment features two congressman, both military veterans, discussing bipartisan approach to iran, also raising some questions about the defense secretary. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. >> laura: good evening, everyone i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. pro-life activists are facing over a decade behind bars for a peaceful protest. and, tonight, one of them is here to speak out against biden's doj.
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but, first, trump, trump, trump. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: oh, some major depolling for liberals today. bloomberg morning consult poll showing that trump is leading biden handily in seven key swing states. and in four states that trump lost in 2020 he is now winning in 2024. wisconsin, where billionaires are spending huge for joe, trump is up by five. pennsylvania look out, he is up by 3. nevada, a state run by democrats, for democrats, trump trouncing biden by 8 points. ditto in georgia. trump's got north carolina by 10 points. and michigan by 5. in arizona, he is up by 3. well, turns out that overwhelming the country with millions of demanding, ungrateful and dangerous migrants isn't such a good campaign strategy after all. who would have thought that? now, remember when democrats used to cry about how he had to
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help all the poor migrants hiding in the shadows bring them out of the shadows and give them jobs. they aren't hiding anymore. instead brutally attacking new york cops doing their jobs. we will have more on this later in the show. look at this. now, no one is blaming republicans for this, joe. and most people are smart enough to see right through the phony border bill hooked up in the senate to give you political cover. none of it is working. >> have you done everything you can do with executive authority. was there more you could do after -- >> -- i have done all i can do. just give me the power. i have asked from the very day i have got in office. give me the border patrol. give me the people -- give me the people, the judges, give me the people who can stop this and make it work. >> laura: give me the border patrol. what do you think doing down there. they don't deceive us. we all see what has happened to america in just three short
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years under biden. the drug crisis is ripping through liberal pro-legalization states. check out these tragic statistics. in 2019280 people died of drug overdoses in oregon. fatalities rose every year after, more than tripling by 2022 when 956 people died. the state is still compiling data for 2023. if the trends continue, there is no reason to doubt they aren't. the total would reach 1250 deaths from an overdose. now, biden's people are supposedly negotiating a deal with china to stop killing our citizens with fentanyl. well, wait for those details of course know about increase of psychosis young users in marijuana. look what happened with the california woman who went on a stabbing rampage crazy on weed. and biden's answer to this? isn't to toughen the laws it's to deschedule marijuana as a less dangerous drug.
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nice-going. just what we need more slackers, more street zombies more deaths and oh and bidenomics, well people prefer trump. all the polls show it. and so all of the -- all but the most diehard leftists know that with joe biden as our figure head president, we're going down the tubes fast. and rather than do what was required to turn things around democrats taking talking points from losers like liz cheney. >> do you believe if donald trump were elected next year that he would try to stay in office beyond a second term? he would never leave office? >> there's no question. >> do you think he would try to stay in power forever? >> absolutely. >> laura: never. never leave. rather than changing policies, democrats are banking on nikki haley. >> how has trump changed politics for the good and the bad? >> he has made it chaotic. he has made it self-absorbed. he has made people dislike and
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judge each other. and he is just toxic. >> laura: what's the windshield wiper mode. that's very profound nikki. did you learn that all those u.n. breakout sessions. rather than demanding biden fire his incompetent staff like secretaries austin and mayorkas. democrats are putting their faith in lawfare. and, of course, the media is caught cheerleading, not reporting on the sham civil and criminal cases against trump. >> new polling shows donald trump is leading president biden in every closely watched swing state. but the former president has one major achilles heel. he loses the majority of voters in those key states if he is found guilty of the multitude of charges against him. >> laura: that headline about swing state voters is all they got. we will see about that. well, here's the bottom line, as of today trump remains the dominant figure in american politics. in fact, he holds the largest lead of any republican
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presidential contender since 2004, 20 years. biden, schumer and mcconnell cooked up that bogus immigration deal to fund ukraine and help biden. but it's trump's view of it that will ultimately carry the day. because he actually did have the border under control by the end of his term. >> i hope the republicans don't and the democrats don't make a bad border deal because a bad border deal would be worse than no deal at all. you don't need a deal to tighten up the border and to make it secure. i had the most secure border in history. i didn't have a deal. i didn't have a bill. >> laura: yeah. but he has credibility on that. so, look, we have a choice. we can continue to stagger with biden down this path of decline or we can begin to move confidently and proudly toward policies that will deliver more prosperity and more security for all of us. after more than three years now, it's obvious that biden and his allies are better at complaining
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and doing skits on snl than actually governing. so let's get the real grown-ups back in charge. let's fix the economy, stand up to china, secure the border yeah, why not, make america great again. that's the angle. we have scott squared. joining me now is south carolina senator tim scott and florida senator rick scott. all right. let's start with congressman-i i'm losing it senator rick scott. look, you have kyrsten sinema out there today really trying to push back on the criticisms many of them launched on "the ingraham angle" against this bill that nobody can see. she said well, even without the concern about the 5,000 migrants a day, that can come in before the trigger. they are going to have to have 90 days to show that they meet the asylum standard once they are here. what happened to them in that 90 days, senator? >> they are come in. they will probably give them work permits. you never know. think about this. this can't be a good deal;
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otherwise, show it to us. where is the text? why can't they put out the text? mcconnell has said we cannot tie border security to ukraine aid. so we got a lawless administration. biden is not going to comply with anything. so we don't tie it to something he wants, nothing is going to happen. he will violate the law just like he has done. we don't need a bill. because trump secured the border without a new bill. >> laura: they know that. they are lying to the american people. they know senator scott from south carolina that we don't need a bill. we need a president who actually wants a border. >> we were better off with trump. our border was secure under president trump. it is wide open, unsafe, insecure under joe biden. here's the worst of it. last month, laura, just arrest month, as many people crossed our border illegally as were born in america. as many people crossed our border illegally, 10,000 a day as were born in our country. 10,000 a day. we are having as many illegal
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immigrants cross our border as we are legally born americans. this invasion is insane. we need four more years of donald trump to secure our border. he has done it once. he will do it again. >> laura: day one. >> let's get it started. >> laura: we need massive deportations of people. it costs a lot? no it costs a lot more to keep 10 million people here that shouldn't be here. >> secure the border. if you are not he will here legally go home. you got to go home. we can't continue opening the border. we can't pass a bill that possibly would make it harder for trump to do his job. >> laura: you know that's what the language is going to be. this is how it's always written. it was written by schumer's people, i understand. it's been written for four months. why did they refuse to share the text of the bill, anything about the bill are meet with the speaker of the house. why did they not do that. >> they want to try to cram this down. i have been up here five years. this is how it works. since biden took office. schumer and mcconnell get together. they decide a bill.
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they don't give us any time to review it. right? they give it to us and expect us to vote on it that day. if you don't vote on it you don't care about the issue. no amendments nothing. >> laura: 48 hours to read 1200 pages. >> look at the omnibus three times the size of the bible. 1.7 trillion. they wanted to vote on it that day they gave it to us at 1:30 the morning. >> remember obamacare you got to pass the bill to know what's in it? not again. every single republican should be absolutely positively, unequivocally a no because you can't read something you don't have. >> laura: mitch mcconnell saying he wants to separate ukraine and the border, basically he said that today. >> but even. >> laura: we have the soundbite. let's play it. >> we have had a lot of discussion about the border around here. it's important to focus on the other rationale for the supplemental. hopefully we can work this border issue out in a way that is satisfactory but these bipartisan support here in the
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senate for both israel and ukraine. >> laura: that's what it is really about, is it not? about the money for ukraine. >> we have a majority in the house. why are we passing things when we know they won't pass it. >> laura: it's a sham. they know it won't pass. >> there is no doubt it won't pass. number two, why would they be more concerned about securing ukraine's border than america's border? if there is no america the city on the hill dies. the whole world suffers. we have to secure our own border, protect our own people, and create an economy the world marvels at. >> laura: senator scott, president biden is going to east palestine, ohio. >> finally. >> laura: a year after that train derailment, he is looking at the polls that i discussed in the angle, he is in deep -- we didn't get into ohio he is down 12 points in ohio. >> you can't beat trump. the biggest issue is the border. he secured the border. next issue is the economy. we had a great economy. third issue we don't want to be in war all over the world.
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look at the world, a disaster right now, all because it's biden's plan. it's not working. >> laura, the mayor of east palestine said joe biden can come and january 2025 when he is no longer president. >> laura: well, i can say, senator scott, the attempt to bail out joe biden by the plutocrats and a lot of the people you know, big money donors and may be friends of yours, friends of mine, shoveling money to nikki haley to keep this charade going and she is just trying to savage trump every stop she gets. i don't believe president trump should mention her name going forward. i wouldn't even talk about her. >> is he going to win. is he way ahead. it's not even close. evidence did this. you can't beat him. he did this. he is easily going to win the primary. i don't know why she is staying in the race. is he going to easily win the presidency because he has a plan. he did it. biden -- biden is a disaster. everything he has done is a disaster. trump is going to win big. >> laura: we're doing a town hall on february 20th with president trump in south
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carolina. >> my home state. >> laura: your home state. >> am i invited? >> laura: of course you are invited. >> i look forward to being there. >> laura: what is going to happen in south carolina is that her waterloo. >> it's simple. it's my state. i love south carolina. god bless the great state of south carolina. trump by 25 in her home state. listen, if you secure the border, you protect social security, she suggested that you should means test social security. he, our man, trump will protect our seniors social security. >> laura: she said people in their 20's. >> if you start anywhere you start everywhere. every single senior citizen wants to be secure in their retirement. trump does that we want to be safe in our homes. we had law and order. we want a biden economy? ha, no way in the world do we want a biden economy. we want trump, tax cuts, opportunity zones and more opportunities for every american. >> laura: senators scott, thank you both for being with us.
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great to see you. you should have been -- i'm putting you back in the house. i don't know why. senate majority leaderboard soon, i hope. thank you for joining us. >> brother from another mother. >> laura: great to see you both. a u.s. official telling fox news the u.s. has carried out a self-defense strike targeting and destroying multiple projectiles that the houthis were preparing to launch at commercial ships just in the last hour. now this is a 12-time the just has conducted strikes against the houthis in yemen since january 1 11th, second in 24 hours. completely separate from the looming response to the drone attack that killed the three soldiers and injured 40 others in jordan on sunday. this was a unilateral u.s. strike. we're staying on it. we'll bring you any developments. now, coming up, migrants attacking police officers in times square and six bodies turn up in a california desert in what looks like a cartel killing. it's time to ask have biden's open border policies turned america into a narco-state?
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former fbi assistant director chris swecker is here next. chris swecker is here next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: from a wild mob of migrants attacking police officers in new york.
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did you see that? kicking, kicking them in the head scattering the officers venezuelan migrants. as if that wasn't bad enough. out west, six bose were found in the california desert in a murder that authorities say centered around drugs police are investigating any convictions to cartels and think some of the victims are from honduras. former fbi assistant director chris swecker spent 10 years investigating the cartels and joins us now. chris, i know you and other former fbi officials sent a letter to congress this week warning about the dangers coming across the southern border. but the gangs that used to be operating south of the border are now openly it seems operating here and with impunity in many cases. >> no doubt about it, laura. the mexican cartels have always controlled their side of the border. they call them the plazas.
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and each cartel group would control three or four plazas. they divided them up. now they consolidated their strength. we have made them mono -- >> morgan: polylineed criminal organizations. and what i mean boo that they are pushing drugs across the border, with all the people queuing up at the border with the huge volume at our open borders. they have now become extortionists, exacting taxes, smuggling people. in it's a whole new line of business for them and we have made them more powerful than they have ever been. and now they control both sides of the border. i mean, they are not talking about it down there on the border. they don't want to scare people and scare tourists away and business away. they are on both sides of the border now. >> laura: these venezuelans beating up the police officers, they are examining they're connections. but they were, you know, engaged in robbing random tourists.
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i'm sure stealing jewelry and, you know, other valuables on them. but, we're seeing these venezuelan and chilean gangs, chris, operate across the united states. but in the d.c. northern virginia-maryland area and now in new york and boston as well. they are very organized. and they involve illegal aliens and connections already here in the country. what can you tell us about that? >> yeah, the chinese are very, very organized in their facilitating people coming across. but the cartels, they have inroads in chicago. they have a strong presence there. new york, philadelphia, all the major cities. and the result of that is huge increases in crime. we're going to be living with this for decades. much like the mary elle boat lift when castro emptied his prisons on us. we are not getting the best
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people here. we are getting cartel members. people engaged in all types of criminal activity. and, gosh, the fentanyl problem that we have now. heroin still coming across, cocaine. we have made these cartels immensely more powerful. >> laura: this is a legacy of joe biden. this is his jobs program. giving jobs to the drug dealers, the narcotics traffickers, the mules. they all have jobs in the united states. they all get paid a lot. and we have a lot of americans dead and canadians dead because some of the drugs are going up through california to canada as we learned this week with that federal indictment. chris, thank you so much. great to see you, as always. and then random acts of violence are now paralyzing and terrifying people in our nation's capital. usually safe and vibrant dupont circle was thrown into chaos after a shooting and in a separate incident two men were randomly stabbed outside of a southwest d.c. safeway. and moving from stabbings to cash jackings which is a major
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problem in d.c., adding to a string of them one deadly happened in a span of less than 10 hours including a former trump official who was shot in the head in broad daylight. but d.c.'s attorney general says enforcing the law he, well, not the answer. >> we as a city and a community need to be much more focused on prevention and surrounding young people and their families with resources. if we want to be safer in the long run. we cannot prosecute and arrest our way out of it. >> laura: guy wearing the mask on the left keeping himself safe. joining me the founder of detroit urban survival training threat management center. commander, you teach people have to protect themselves. this former trump official and this is such a heart breaking story. he was driving on k street, very busy, well traveled, seemingly safe area of d.c. on ninth street and k street. ninth and k. stopped to pick up his wife.
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someone jumped in his car, shot him in the head. to take the car. what's your piece of advice for people who just happen to be, you know, going to pick up their family members in a city like d.c.? >> well, this can happen in any city or any place that's not a city because there are violent people that are amongst us. and in some cases, these people are mentally challenged and other places other situations they are just confused and think they are attacking a certain person when they have got the wrong person. either way, the problem is that we, the people that would be the victims, we tend to not think that our safety is our own concern and it's our own responsibility when in reality we are our own body guard. it's vital that every one of us takes every opportunity to learn how to create safety for ourselves and our families. >> well, what does that mean? i mean, specifically, what do you do? like keep your car doors locked, i would imagine. don't leave your car doors unlocked or unlock them for anybody who is not, you know,
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your passenger? >> well, i mean, in a situation it's very important to your environment. in that case clearly the person was in the environment. so, they would need to see that person ahead of time reading their body language and avoid that point of contact. and that means you have to be totally aware of your area. >> laura: yeah. and look around. dale, "the washington post" published some carjacking tips. i would like to get your reaction to them. they said to drive in the center lane, keep your doors locked while you are driving. try to travel with someone else. and don't give up your car. what are your thoughts? >> well, those are definitely some good things you can do. some of the things can you do is to make sure that you have tinted windows so if you have that legally in your state. also, again, main obtaining what is called an exit point. that means when you look over the front of your car, you can see the concrete behind the tires of the vehicle in front of you accelerate out of position very
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quickly if people begin to rush you. again you have to pay ar deposition to your environment as well. you may want to drive in the far left lane since the key to stopping a vehicle is stopping the driver. so you want to keep the driver as safe as possible. keep him away from the ways in which other people can take advantage of them and shoot them. that's one of the key things that you need to do as a driver is to make sure that the driver is as safe as possible at all times. >> laura: well, dale, i know a lot of people in d.c. since the supreme court decision on the matter after many years of trying to get conceal carry permits, a lot of people in d.c., who aren't really big gun people, are getting trained and armed to be able to defend themselves and a lot of them are women because people feel very unsafe in this city. >> yes. and firearms are definitely a part of your safety plan; however, what's more important than that is having an understanding of psychology. understanding laws, and having the skills necessary to keep you and your family safe. essentially, you become your own
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body guard. when we are aware that in reality that's what we have to do. and so that's what we teach psychology, law, and skill in that order. read body language ahead the time,en ahead of the decision making of the criminal element. and also understanding the laws of protecting yourself and your family. this is very important. knowing the law of the land that you live. in violate no matter where you live in the world, especially here in the united states. laws are very different in each area. >> laura: you bet. >> understanding how to defend yourself is very important. >> laura: don't bring a gun in a federal property zone you go five years in jail automatically. dale, thank you very much. scary times. biden's doj throwing the book at conservatives while giving left wing fanatics a free pass. pro-life activists facing a decade behind bars for a peaceful protest. we're going to talk to one of them, next. ♪
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lure lawyer protests. and now biden's doj has convicted six peaceful pro-life protesters on federal charges after they staged a sit-in at an abortion clinic back in 2021. they now face up to 11 years in prison for doing this. [singing] ♪ praise the king of kings ♪ you are my everything >> laura: yeah, singing hymns and he is pressing your traditional christian beliefs can get you thrown behind bars. remember when the activists swarmed the homes of supreme court justices, disturbing a residential neighborhood, the biden doj didn't really care
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about that. certainly didn't care much about those pro-hamas radicals who attacked police officers and tried to breakthrough the white house security fence. no arrests whatsoever. no dramatic manhunt. no one got arrested. period. paul vaughn is one of those pro-life defendants who was just convicted. set joined by his lawyer steve cramton, paul, maximum penalty of 11 years? you must be a threat to society my friend. >> it seems so. >> laura: what's -- you know, what is this really all about? was it trespassing? are you guilty of a hate crime? tell us. >> >> yeah, well, apparently, laura, i'm guilty of talking with police officers and not getting arrested the day of the event. that makes you a felon and joe biden's department of justice. >> so the others were singing their assault hymns, violent
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hymns worshiping god and i could see where that would be intimidating for people like joe biden and kamala harris and kristin clark and others at the reproductive task force there. >> laura: steve fers, as his attorney, tell us about these charges and as we think about what happened to this country in the summer of 2020 and the devastation and the depth and the property damage damage caused all in the name of george floyd. arrests a lot of people didn't get arrested. what does it mean for our country? >> it doesn't look too good for the future, does it, laura? obviously we have got an election coming up. but the fact of the matter is we never should have had a federal law that prohibits a peaceful sit-in to begin with. it was all about abortion back in the clinton, but after dobbs. the whole purpose for a face act, which was to support the
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so-called federal right to abortion has disappeared. really what you have now is the kind of lipstick on a pig calling them reproductive health services like birth control or ultrasound or something of that nature. obviously these people weren't there to protest birth control. it was abortion. peaceful undertaking as you note. it was handled locally. they prosecuted locally. and a year and a half later the biden doj comes sweeping down after dobbs had been announced and now throws the book at them and tags on to a misdemeanor crime, the face act violation, the felony conspiracy charge that carries up to 10 years in prison. >> absolutely outrageous. >> laura: paul, conspiracy to commit a violation of the faith
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act to deprive women i imagine of their nonconstitutional right to abort their own off spring. am i understanding this correctly, paul? >> that's right and not to be missed there is two conspiracy options on the table for the department of justice. someone a misdemeanor like the charge the under lying face charge is a misdemeanor. one that makes you a felon with a 10-year sentencing over your head. it's interesting. this law they used in the 180s for the kkk. it's just an utterly ridiculous attempt at the doj just to criminalize christian beliefs and christian actions in our culture. >> laura: steve what do you think the sentence is going to be. >> hard to say. people with no criminal history whatsoever.
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peaceful undertaking occurring in the city of nashville, right downtown, where the civil rights monuments abound for those conducted sit-ins. heroes on one hand and those making martyrs on the other. >> laura: next time tear down a statue of christopher columbus or -- you will get off scot-free. paul and steve thank you. good luck. do big tech ceos care about the damage their products are doing to our kids. the tech titans came to capitol hill today and, boy, were there fireworks, next. ♪ by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund.
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>> would you please explain to me and to all these parents while explicit predatory content does not violate your platform's terms of service or your community standards. >> it does violate our standards. we work very harvard to take it down. >> didn't take it down. didn't take it down until a congressional staffer brought it up. >> it may be in this case we made a mistake and missed something. >> i think you make a lot of mistakes. >> laura: billionaire tech ceos taken to the wood shed on capitol hill today for failing to protect our kids online. so, zuckerberg was pressed for
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instagram's lack of parental control. >> 37% of teenage girls between 13 and 15 were exposed to unwanted nudity in a week on instagram. you knew about it. who did you fire? >> senator, this is why we are building all the tools. >> who did you fire? >> senator, i don't think that that's. >> who did you fire? >> i'm not going to answer that. >> senator, i view my job and the job of our company is building the best tools that we can to keep our community safe. >> you are failing at that. >> senator, we are doing an industry leading effort. >> oh, nonsense. your product is killing people. >> >> laura: in a surprising moment senator hawley was actually kind of able to get an apology out of zuckerberg? >> would you like now to apologize to the victims harmed by your product? show him the pictures. would you like to apologize to what have you done to these good people. >> no one should have to go through the things that have your families have suffered and this is why we invested so much in our streaming efforts to make
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sure that no one has to go through the things that your families have had to suffer. >> laura: joining me now is emma linky. emma is a college movement but is a tray blazer in covering these issues. did you buy what you just heard from zuckerberg? >> you know, laura, what i think zuckerberg did best is what he has always been doing. a lot of talking and little action. these tech ceos came in and they said that they are doing adequate steps, they are taking. >> protocols, emma. >> protocols to ensure young kids are protected. what happened to me when i was a young kid? what happened to all of those laura bush lawyer what happened to you as a young kid? >> i was struggling with social media, i was one in three that collier one of the senators talked about, one in three girls feel worse about their body image on social media. i felt horrible about myself. i was constantly not the resources there to pull me out
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tech companies cost of my well-being. and these companies, when called upon, claim that they have initiatives. they have projects. they have things that they are working on to help protect kids a lot of gobleggably gook. >> that's all it's been. take microsteps to appease congressional members. it's not substantive. kids are still being harmed. those pictures of the kids that died. >> laura: heart breaking. >> still going to be put up. >> laura: zuckerberg out of the gate made a bizarre assertion. >> so much of our lives spent on devices and social media. important to look into the effects of teen mental health and well-being. i take this very seriously. mental health is a complex issue and the existing body of scientific work has not shown a causal link between using social media and young people having worse mental health outcomes. >> laura: is that true? have no link thought of a leak
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against social media saturation of a teen and mental health. >> what i would say to him is look behind you again, mark. look at all of those parents who lost their child. what would you say to them? what would you say to all the kids out there who claim that they feel more anxious, more stressed. there is a clear. >> laura: but the sexual content. >> oh, yeah. >> laura: predatory sexual content. the shaming, all of that is part of this as well. >> absolutely. there are so many disastrous layers and consequences of inaction. and yet, again, these tech ceos have done so little to actually protect kids from harmful content from material, things like that from mental health crises. >> laura: they should have be sued. they have to tear this corporate vale. emma, thank you so much. immigrants storming our beaches literally. bill melugin obtained the video beach in la jolla, california.
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a group of suspected illegal immigrants approached the shore, beaching itself on the sand. the group jumped tonight sand and ran off into the residential area. i know that area very well. i used to stay right around the corner from there. this is america today. up next, puppets, deep fakes and flying lawsuits? raymond arroyo has it. "seen and unseen" is next. ♪ israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children.
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in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and
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families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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[music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain.
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you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting.
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it's time for "seen and unseen" where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. raymond arroyo, yesterday elmo or whoever runs the x account posted an and oculus message. elmo is just checking in. how is everybody doing? >> then it got dark from there. more than 100 million people viewed this thing and they unloaded. elmo, i'm going to be real. i met my f'ing limit. another said elmo, have you been
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to the grocery store lately. stop gas lighting us. you know it's real. it's unbelievable to me. i found it sad when you read these messages. this is where america is going. you see adults pouring out their hearts to a puppet created for preschoolers and it speaks to the arrested development that you see throughout the culture. >> or maybe people just need hugs and they think of elmo as don't you need a hug? >> an outlet. >> it was just out of the blue that he decides to check in? does he do this regularly? i must confess i don't follow elmo on x. >> even by then had to get in on the act of riding i know how hard it is some days to sweep the clouds away and get to sunnier days. this is a man who just announced a year later that he's finally going to visit the poor people in palestine, ohio after that
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horrible train derailment but he has time to talk back and forth and respond to elmo. come on! >> that's probably the level that biden is most comfortable conversing. i think there may be two syllables at most for every word. >> laurel, i felt bad when i read this that he felt he has to talk to a puppet. surely elmo knows somebody else he could confer with. not just joe biden. >> rey, biden never went to sesame street, but his wife did and i think she was there to teach the kids about things that are lost. >> its dr. jill on sesame street. >> i'm on my way to your school to talk about jobs. let's go. >> actually, the school is this way. >> you learn something new every day. >> we are going to do our transgender protocol now. >> it is catchy. now jill doesn't know which way to exit or where to go.
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it's all right. i want you to be at peace. they are keeping biden busy at the white house with a procession of visiting mayors, kind of like the muppets. >> we are going from this to this. so we are on our way to having a low emission transit flight. >> biden doesn't look like he is alive there. >> he fell asleep. the white house is releasing this and it's all these little quick videos with mayors and they are touting the trillion dollar infrastructure boondoggle. this is kind of like the showcase showdown at the end of the price is right where they talk about all the cash and prizes they got. here's the problem. they are all selling the electric buses. i found this out today. do you know in philadelphia they have entirely banned, thrown out, the entire fleet of 25 electric buses because they don't work. they've done the same in
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asheville, north carolina and colorado springs. half of those buses don't work. they are a boondoggle costing millions at a pop and they are phasing them out while biden is shoveling out more cash for them. some important far-reaching court cases i need to share with you. after an ai generated george carlin comedy special showed up online 15 years after his death, the carlin estate has filed suit. they alleged this violates their right to publicity and that carlin's name and likeness was used without their position. this could be one of the most far-reaching cases in this ai realm. it comes not too late, i hope. >> just think, we could have joe and jill and mayorkas and secretary austin and jennifer granholm, have them decades from now still doing such a good job for america. we could have their holograms. they could go on tour. it could be joe unplugged with jill.
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maybe we could get a musical trio to back them up. >> don't give us ideas. after saying this needs to be outlawed and there is a house bill, no ai fraud act, that will outlaw these deep fakes without permission of the people involved or their estates. >> it's a complete scam and i support that. i guess disney executives are not exactly the happiest people on earth tonight. your favorite place. >> those little mouse ears have fallen. a federal judge today throughout disney's lawsuit against governor ron desantis. disney claimed desantis targeted the company by taking over that special tax district, it was really like a free-floating county, that they had full dominion over. desantis said it violated state law. so he replaced all the board members and took it back from disney's control. the judge said he is within his constitutional rights.
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whether he was being attributed against their political statements or not, he was acting constitutionally. >> raymond, i think it's time to confess right now. you need to make a confession. how many times have you been to disney? >> laura i have been going since i was a child but i haven't been in recent years. i try not to. >> you are such a liar. you were there a week ago. >> i said i am trying not to go. my children drag me. >> you are a disney addict. your children are adults. you drag your kids there. i know that for a fact. >> they take you where you don't want to go. >> love you. up next, jesse watters. welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight, there is families of victims here today. have you apologized to the victims? would you like to do so now? they are here. you are on national television. >> hopin


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