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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  September 19, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> jesse: 8:00, that's me. >> greg: wow. >> jesse: i'll explain later. >> greg: tonight we have freight show jamie lissow and tom shillue. more dan ortegas and kat timpf. it's going to be a barn burner. i don't mean that literally because i don't want anyone go out and burn barnes. barnes are important part to our nature's infrastructure. >> jesse: save our barnes. >> greg: s.o.b.? >> harold: did you go, barn. [laughter] >> greg: i'm going to shut up. i had a celebrity sight but i didn't think we would have enough time to do it. >> jesse: we have time. >> greg: all right. hey, did you hear that theview had a picnic? huh? i guess we did have time for that jesse watters always has good news. he takes it from here. >> welcome to "jesse watters
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primetime." >> i believe their fight is our fight. it is really important not to push them to negotiate. >> the clinton's ukraine reconstruction, cha ching. >> how are we going to rename the clubs statue. >> new york tackleing the real crisis, christopher columbus. >> i feel like i'm being attacked and plainly they're working very closely together. >> rust e-brand me too and canceled? plus, tarzan. >> hunter biden's attorneys have requested that the president's son plead not guilty to the gun charges over zoom.
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hunter's attorney in a letter to the judge says there is no reason why he cannot utter those two words, not guilty, by videoconference. hunter doesn't want to show up to a federal courthouse which our sources tell us would be unheard of. donald trump has had to fly across the country for his indictment but hunter can't fly to del wainwright we are also learning that hunter biden has a mug shot. back in july when hunter first appeared in court his lawyers say he was photographed and fingerprinted. now primetime sources tell us that federal inmates rarely have their mug shot released to the public open in the case where the inmate escapes and a leak would be unlikely. the u.s. marshals have a rigorous digital foot print. what is so special about a mug shot they don't want to us see? did he sniel? did he look defiant?
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you this mug shot must be released. primetime has put out a freedom of information act request to have hunter biden's mug shot released. the true winner in any war is the war machine. war profiteers. >> the goal is not to completely conquer afghanistan. the goal is to wash money out of the tax bases of the united states out of the tax bases of the european countries out of afghanistan. that is the goal, i.e. the goal to have endless war, not a
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successful war. >> war can be noble but also a business opportunity. so topped ukranian president zelenskyy told the united nations what it wanted to hear. >> humanity is failing on its climate policy objectives. this means that extreme weather will still impact the formal global life and some evil state will also weaponize its outcomes then countries disappear underwater and fade owes and deserts are spreading into new territories and then all of this is happening one unnatural disaster in moscow decided to launch a big war. >> what country is disappearing underwater? his country is getting shelled to death and he's begging to us buy electric cars? sounds like he's trying to consolidate western support by
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speaking their language. joe biden approves this message. >> i ask united states congress for additional funds to expand world bank financing by $25 billion to allow ukraine to be carved up is the independence of any nation's security. i would respectfully say the answer is no. it's not only an investment in ukraine's future but every country. >> save the world by staifg ukraine. that's the message. save democracy the environment and the children and once you say those magic words the clinton's appear. the clinton global initiative announced their very own program to rebuild ukraine. in other words the clintons have found their new haiti. >> do we really believe we can make the future better for ourselves and others or not? doesn't mat fur i'm rich and famous and powerful i can still
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make a difference and i can't let anything stand in my way into then came hillary one-two punch. >> i believe their safety our fight. their fight for freedom. so we have to stay with the ukranians and it is really important not to push them to negotiate when number 1 the person you negotiate with is not trust worthy. you can't trust anything he says. >> diplomat hillary doesn't want a peace summit. why rebuild half the country when can you rebuild whole country years later? they're calling it the clinton global initiative network. early vectors include gnat damon liz schreiber and airbnb. the world bank is in bed with the clinton action network so what did joe biden just tell us in the u.s. is sending the world bank $25 billion and the world
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bank is sending the money to the clinton's and the clinton's are sending it to ukraine. if you think the clinton's are the on the profiteers you're wrong. >> we are pleased to extend a former welcome to penny pritzker who was named as special representative for ukraine economic recovery. >> how is pritzker qualified to rebuild? she's a billionaire heiress of the family who founded highlight hotels and in return named commerce secretary where she happened to travel to ukraine three tiles hand delivering the billion dollar loans that biden ledged to get the prosecutor fired. guess who she brought with you to ukraine? highlight hotel executives, the
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duponts. this gravy chain doesn't stop there. head of the teachers's union randy weingartener has taken a keen minute the war zone. >> in the last year i've been in ukraine three times. i and several of my officers sand what we have attempted to do is to supported children's education and democratic principles because at the end of the day, if we do not do that in ukraine, what happens to the rest of the world? >> your children's schools are crumbling. why has the teachers president been to ukraine more than chicago? we will never know what penny and hillary are doing. we are not allowed to ask where the aid went. the ukraine armey disinformation
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czar says asking questions is treasonous. ohio senator vance asked the pentagon if she was an intelligent officer. vance asked because sarah fled our country to fight in ukraine so is she on the cia payroll or what? simple question, why is an american trans man spokesman for ukranian military? is this a psyop to rattle the russians or just transgender misinformation the perfect person to execute the propagand american serving as combat me
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medic. speculation surrounding me is difficulties pointing. why in ukraine we are fighting for global liberty and the ideology of victory too many in moscow and across the world are focusing on gender chaos. i only answer to three groups of people my ukranian commanders the ukranian people and the american taxpayer. >> oh the american taxpayer so we are paying sarah's salary. last time i checked if you're doing that you get to ask whatever you want. when sarah hillary randi and penny get together we have questions. i bring in ohio senator, j.d. vance. you've been scolded by the transgender disinformation czar senator. do you feel rightfully humbled? >> well, jesse my first reaction
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when i saw this video was that s & l had gotten funny again. i was sure it was a comedy skit and wasn't in on the joke and i shockingly learned this is a real person who does purport to represent the ukranian military which is almost entirely funded by the american taxpayer. the original video i was responsibilitying to this person this ukranian spokesperson says that anybody who engages in russian propaganda is going to be hunted down literally threat minimum violence against anybody who engages in quote russian propaganda but as you know jesse multiple american journalist have been accused of engaging in propaganda and multiple members of the united states senate. are we really funding a military that is threatening the free speech rights of people who disagree with the ukranian war effort? that is preposterous and gives lie to the idea this is all about freedom and democracy.
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if it were all about freedom and democracy why are our paid guns threatening the rights of americans? >> senator when you see this news about the clinton global initiative ukraine action network and we got airbnb we got famous hollywood actors now involved and the world bank is kind of laundering american taxpayers through the clinton's into ukraine it could be a noble cause yes but it also seems a little suspicious considering what the clintons have been known for their entire career. do you agree? >> i certainly agree. i think we are going to find out that clinton equity firms and hyper global corporation you're going to find people have gotten rich from this and it's sad and despicable because the ukranians didn't invite the war on themselves and i have disagreements with their leadership and not the people
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but you can almost see the elites of washington and new york city salivating over acquiring more power and more money for themselves on the backs of the ukranian war effort. anybody who doesn't see this for what it is is blind to reality. it's one of the reasons jesse we have to start asking tough questions about how long this is going to go on. to your point are we going to let the entire country be destroyed encourage american investors and politicians to get rich and powerful in ukraine? this is really weird stuff. the video. the investors. the fact that these people are salivating over another distressed country they can go should ring a lot of alarm bells and raise a lot of red flags. does for me. >> ghoulish considering the war is not over and they're lining up donors and investors to do reconstruction. doesn't smell good to me.
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we will continue to investigate. hope you guys do too in the senate. thanks so much senator. >> thanks yes. >> i russell brand fighting for his life and primetime defends columbus. >> doesn't this sound crazy removing the statue? >> i don't know if it sounds crazy. people really care about this. there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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>> fox news alert, commercial interests have continued to act against russell brand after sexual assault allegation broke thoumtd weekend three separate british news organizations published allegations of rape
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and sexual assault between 2006 and 2013 but the london police say they're looking into another report of sexual assault from 2003. brand has been dropped by his talent agency and his publisher. now youtube is the latest to take action. brand has had considerable impact and made a considerable amount of money broadcasting on youtube where his commentary excuse against the mainstream. youtube has suspended brand and his inability to make money saying he violated its policy. the allegations against brand are extremely serious and need to be investigated but youtube statement seems to forego any presumption of innocence. bbc has pulled some of his work from streaming.
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brand alleges this is just a coordinated attack for his anti-establishment views. we will keep you posted as the story progresses. new york city has had ugly run. covid policy sent it back to the dark arjs and people left florida because of the crime wave. now new york is taken expensive tourist trap. you think crises would sharpen our focus. not yet. primetime has obtained footage from todayed city council meeting weather politicians were tackling real problems, removing statues of some of america's most important figures, christopher columbus george washington thomas jefferson are apparent threw most important threat we face. >> this bill allows new york to
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confront the deep reported foundation of slavery we are acknowledging and recollect fighting historical wrongs. >> the council would love to remove these statues but they're going to offer an olive branch. they'll install a plaque on the statue saying they're despicable. >> they still haven't put up a plaque context actualizing a truly despicable guy, christopher columbus who introduced chattel slavely to the hemisphere. >> what is viewing assessing or thinking about whether to remove something or put up a plaque? >> in terms of plaque's we currently also review them and we approve them. >> each plaque costs between $5,000-10,000. >> to tell you columbus was racist. good thing johnny was there. >> doesn't this sound crazy removing the statues? >> i don't know if it sounds
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crazy. people really care about there. >> do you want to remove the statues? >> it against. >> criticize columbus. >> it depends. i'm about truth telling. >> he discovered america. >> there are people who did many harms. >> the italians are going to be very upset. >> i'm sure. >> have you ever been to the columbus day parade? they love him there. >> i heard he wasn't italian. >> you want to remove the statue and rae name it. >> to amirigo vespucci. >> so you're just saying they looked the same? >> no, i'm not saying that columbus was a bad guy. >> what about corn bob? >> who? founder clay travis joins us.
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of all the stupid things this might be dumbest. >> i'm actually wondering if they can make a statue of me because if all white guys look the same i'm without law probably the greatest human who has ever lived in the 21st century and since 1979 when ways born i will take the bullet here. this is absolutely crazy also i wrote about this in my book and this is one that donald trump got one billion per cent right remember everybody was fired up about comments in charlottesville and he said it's nothing ending with robert e. lee or stone wall jackson or with the connecticut soldiers and sooner they're going to come and i'm paraphrasing for jefferson and washington and lincoln and you live in new york city. the city is about to go burbank
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erupt. this remind ghee the san francisco school board during covid weren't open and wouldn't let kids go because they were terrified that most of them would get covid and be fine. you're more dangerous driving to and from school in a school bus than actually get covid and have an wish your kid but they tried to rename every school in san francisco and even left wing people there were like this is bonkers, i have to believe that there still are enough sane people saying we are going to have 10s of thousands of illegal immigrants flooding in. >> let's put up a statue of the illegal immigrant who just committed six felonies last week. that should be the priority of the new york city council and the woman who was talking to johnny didn't know columbus was taltdian. he sailed under the spanish crown.
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these are the people who want to tear down the statue. >> you know what, jesse while they're focusing on this, i've got and i'd. i'm going read you a quote and tell you do you think johnny should be interview everybody and share this quote. a famous american was asked about young guy did advice column who had issues with being gay and he said that you should see a sigh kai fridays. he said that that was probably not an innate tendency but something that's been culturally acquired. that's why you need to get a psychiatrist to get healed of your interest in being gay. do you know who gave that advice? >> who? >> martin luther king, jr. in an advice column in ebony. >> so a $10,000 plaque to say he was a homophobe. >> mlk was a homophobe by modern
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standards. i'm not going to rest or be able to sleep until new york city acknowledges that dr. king was a homophobe or tail down every reference to mlk in the city. this is satire. i graduated from martin luther king high school in nashville. all historical figures are imperfect. >> you graduated from high school? >> i did. >> that's the news. >> i was president of the student body at martin luther king high school. not to brag again. >> here's something you shouldn't be bragging back. the blazer you wore the other day reminded me of one i worry. i'm not saying i wore it first, who wore it better clay or jesse. text us your answers and we will read them end of the show. >> next week for you jesse i've got a brand new pink jacket that
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is going to destroy both those jackets and i'm going to wear it in honor of mlk because i'm not a homophobe. >> you're my favorite lesbian. >> best lesbian in america. >> democrats are jig erring around with voting in pennsylvania ahead of time. we caught them. we go inside the tarza so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces
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so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here.
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>> my message to the ceos is $74 million collectively earning that. how many yachts do they need to sacrame ski behind it? >> propping up fetterman showing how little they care about the quality of their so-called leaders. all they want to do is win at
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any cost and looks like that's going to get easier in the keystone state. >> when you go the dmv to get a drives license or renew it you'll be automaticly get registered to vote unless you choose to opt out. there's about 1.7 million pennsylvanians who are eligible to vote but not registered. secretary of state believes they'll have 10s of thousands of new registrants the next year. >> you know who is up in pennsylvania by one votes? the new process by pennsylvania will automatically add hundreds of thousands of low information voters to the rolls each year and automatically send hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots out into the counties each year. now this is the covid strategy and kamala harris knows it. >> today, they have announced
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that when you renew or ply for your drivers license or state i.d. our automatically registered to vote. [applause] >> that we let everybody know. >> kaylin is cohost of outnumbered and former white house press secretary. do you see problems with this new system? >> i see a huge glaring problem. you know the left you just had president biden come out celebrating this yay we are franchising voters and one problem, jesse. pennsylvania is a state where illegal immigrants can get drivers licenses so what is stopping an illegal immigrant from checking the box yes, i registered to vote? >> it's the honor system. >> the honor system. we have already see them try to enfranchise illegal voters in
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new york but why now? one day ago the "new york times" reported dave mccormick going to announce his senate run. he's the guy who almost bead oz wouldn't be john fetterman he announces he's going to run then this happens. i spoke to the rnc. republicans are outregistering democrats in that statement democrats are winning overall but last month republicans added 3,000 new registrants democrats lost 500 so what hps? republicans start taking the lead. we got to change the rule and sound familiar? >> they say the illegals have to prove they're from the united states but if they have a system where they're checking signatures nothing is going to be enforced. you look at fetterman and i don't know what he said something about water skiing behind a yacht and billionaires are bad guys. how is he doing, in your
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estimation? >> we look at 1600 pennsylvania avenue and all you feed was an empty suit to win the election. in pennsylvania all they needed in 2022 was an empty sweatshirt an empty hoodie. that is what fetterman. he makes no sense. he has no logic. he does nothing good for the people of pennsylvania. he's one. least popular senators by the way in united states senate but this is the guy who wins because when you've got mass mail outs you have to vote mail in. donald trump is saying kevin mccarthy j.d. vance all in the party say we must mail out vote. that's what the democrats do. we can never win an election until we do what do mail in vote. >> all right. i'll be voting not just wants. >> i'm can iing. >> kaley thanks so much. >> i want to know who you're voting for. >> i'll tell you at the water
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cooler. >> i can't wait. >> see you later. we have a major update on the mexican aliens.
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>> mexican aliens, there's been a page or development. trace gallagher fox news anchor has the latest. >> these two mummified bodies are called clara and mauricio. the body were dug up in in 2017 and studied by ufo experts but a mexican doctor josé benitez says i can confirm those bodies have no relation to human beings. he also said they were not assembled or manipulated and one of them was gestating possibly carrying eggs at the time of death and believes each of them is made of a single skeleton. now that's important because a lot of other scientists and experts including some from the
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u.s. believe the mexican doctors and the ufo enthusiasts are wrong and that the bodies are made up of a combination of human and animal parts and they also say that testing proves that some of the mummified parts didn't even die at the same time. both sides agree the bodies weren't recovered from a ufo crash site, the mexican researchers say they were found in algae mines and fossilized. countries trying to lift the veil on history of unidentified phenomena and the last thing ufo experts want is to get caught up in phony information. photo that mexican politician are considering a law that would make mexico the first country in the world to acknowledge the presence of aliens and many of them lawmakers found that clara
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and mauricio were compelling evidence. >> clara and mauricio. what do you have on the show tonight trace? >> we are going to look at migrant crisis through the eyes of americans impacted by it. don't want to mix it. fox news at night 11:00 eastern. no phone no wallet no problem amazon is letting them pay with your palm. looks like this. >> i got my fruit my yogurt and now it's time to pay. because we are in silicon valley i'm going to pay with my palm. there's this new technology that lets you connect your credit card and your i.d. to your palm so you don't have to carry any credit cards with you anymore or have your phone with you. this is my total. this is my palm. this is me scanning it.
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>> i'm going to do the amazon palm. i'll report what helps next. next on the show though the tarzan movement.
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>> remember tarzan the man raised by apes? >> he's tarzan?
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you're jane? [hollering] >> there's been dozens of films and novels about tarzan living like an ape but our next guest that is created the tarzan movement a cultural and fitness movement to embrace their inner gorilla. >> it's important to not forget you are an animal. we come from the ape family and i think it's time to recognize the animal side. >> founder of the movement
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victor calls it a play ground and types people to walk on all fours swing on trees and live like an ape. victor joins us now. why do human beings need to reconnect to their animal roots? >> well, it is something not to be missed in my opinion. i mean it's such an amazing part of our self. there is a driven energy from that something to awake, something to keep functional something that we have lost in the modern life. so that's my opinion, something. it's a way to reconnect with that strength, with that and be able to be functional but have fun at the same time to make it together to make it in nature. so it's basically that's the main character of the movement based on those three needs. >> describe the feeling
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emotionally spiritual that you derive from running and on all fours? >> when i see monkeys it's pretty much the feeling i have inside. it's this feeling of to the being concerned about what the fear process is. so basically you are into this rush of presence. so this rush of presence for me is what makes me feel that i'm just connecting with something else that allows me to interact with this ecosystem that allows knee to integrate my mobility there and it just works amazing. >> you're reconnecting with the animal kingdom. would you suggest this for someone that recent i had back
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surgery? >> oh, of course not. >> what if you are maybe 45 years old? okay. this does look a little intimidating. >> yes, yes, but as every sport, you have the elite workout and then you have progressions for level bases. so it's not like everyone should do things like that. this is what we do after 30 years of training, so it's coming all the way from childhood. you grow up doing this. so it's the same in every sport. you have a moment when you reach tricks and things that can you do and you manifest a way of moving that it is the result of all these years and this experience but there is progressions and that's what we teach. that's why we teach. otherwise it would be just about imitating ourselves. >> here's what i'm going to do.
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i don't have vines on pie property but i'm going to climb from a tree swing from a branch and run around on all 4's in my grass barefoot probably no shirt and report tomorrow night how i felt afterwards and hopefully i feel reconnected to the monkeys. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> if i get hurt i'm going to sue the hell out you. >> all right. >> be safe. thank you. so i'm having second thoughts about amazon palm. i'm giving bezos my print. that means i can't commit any felonies because the fbi can knock on his door and he will give every print to the feds. reconsidering this. let's do some text messages.
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penny from prescott, arizona, why was president trump's mug shot released yet hunter biden's mug shot can't be released? well, trump had a state mug shot. so they're saying this is federal and it's different. but our freedom of information act request may say otherwise. or if you're a patriotic u.s. marshall could you hand it to us and bill from virginia. why do we keep dumbing billions of dollars into foreign countries when we are not able to take care of our own citizens? citizens have to take care of themselves. we have been plowing money into san francisco and new york. i don't know if money is the answer. kerry from connecticut. didn't the clintons play the same game with the people of haiti? how did that work out? hatesi still the same. the money is missing but the clintons seem to be doing pretty well. dale from new jersey. how come clintons aren't saying
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at a maui foundation? don't hear anything about maui anymore. you know i don't really hear much about maui. i know oprah were concerned people were mad at her for turning night a filming opportunity. scott from arizona bill and hillary sound like a lot of lying dog face pony soldiers. thank you joe. tim from new york, hunter will undoetdly be on the board of the ukranian reconstruction effort. i don't know if leaving the country is something his probation officer would advise and ashley rhode island christopher columbus george washington what's next the statue of liberty? put a little plaque on it, say she hates men. jamie from new york. i thought new york city was a sanctuary city. i guess to the for christopher columbus. that's a good one. paul from fort lauderdale, huge props for johnny.
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that guy had nothing. doug from ohio, what's the probability that the mexican alien will register for a pennsylvania drivers license and mail the ballot to vote? i see bad things happening in pennsylvania. i heard dna investigations on the alien were related to gutfeld, just taller. maria from new york. jesse if you're going to do your palm for amazon why don't you get ahead send them your fingerprints and your dna too? that way they can share it with the government. usually apple doesn't usually share stuff with the feds when they come asking when it's a terrorist but if i committed a crime jesse watters theme hand it over. dawn from new jersey. paying with your palm means the people mugging you will now have to cut off your hand.
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you know what, i'm back on amazon prime. i love that idea. i don't plan on commit a double homicide anyway so do i worry about the feds knocking on bezos's door? i'm mug proof. robert from mauricias new york. that's impossible to pronounce thanks but i'll pay with my mild finger. that's not nice. john from queens, jesse you work better. clay's jacket looks dirty. i think that was the style. i notice some window pane. gary from indiana. are you making these up? clay looks like he's wearing the cushion from a trail or sofa. oh man. that was wrote that. always remember i'm jesse watters and this is my world


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