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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  September 4, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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part of your send it with us. hope you have a great labor day and have a great week ahead. till next week you can find us online at county america or on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from sout ( carolina ♪ ♪ >> you're looking at a live look at jacksonville, florida. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm ashley strohmier, in for carley shimkus. hi, kevin. >> kevin: i'm kevin in for todd piro. good to see you. missouri love up here and we are
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laboring on labor day. great to see you, ash. >> ashley: we usually see each other at night, change of scenery on the east coast. we have a lot this hour. presidential rematch between former president trump and president biden in a dead heat. >> kevin: biden's biographer says it wouldn't be a shock if the president does not run again. >> surprise, not a shock. in 2024 is a 2020 rematch, it does not get closer than this. this is "wall street journal" poll asking about a trump-biden contest, it is a 46-46 split.
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donald trump widened his lead with a commanding 59%, a 46-point gap between trump and his closest competitor. one lower-tier candidates he is seeing a different story on the campaign trail. >> our canvassers have me running second in that state and tell me there is plenty of time between now and the iowa caucus and we will take my message, my lifetime in the conservative movement and offer a fresh vision for republican party and america. and others looking for a rematch between biden and trump suggest it is time for a generational change. >> there should be mental competency test for the entire
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congress. basic test. >> i'm youngest person to run for president as republican, i can tell you what is going on. we are hungry for a cause. we are starved for purpose and meaning and identity. >> and a -- speaking of age, recent biden biographer was asked about the possibility of the president dropping out of the race. >> if joe bidens he is not going to run, how much surprise would it be to you? >> it would be a surprise, wouldn't be a total surprise. >> wouldn't be a total shock? busy day on the campaign trail mike pence and vivek ramaswamy will be in new hampshire and it
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is labor day. ashley and kevin, happy labor day to you. >> kevin: great to see you, my friend. chair of president biden economic advirusor on fox news sunday touting bidenomics. despite stats saying otherwise. >> i have to live in the real world and real wages are beating prices, that is a welcome trend. when someone tells you americans don't like bidenomics, that is false, americans approve above 80's %. >> kevin: okay. share this stat, inflation is up nearly 16% since joe biden took office and cost of food at home risen 20%. >> ashley: i paused the same way
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you did. and homeless population is taking over in wyoming. this shut down motel, casper mayor calling on police to take action saying it is third-world country stuff happening in casper, wyoming. our police need some teeth to start dealing with the squatting. casper mayors his city has 200 homeless people. it's been almost 200 days since president biden said he would visit east palestine. >> president biden: i haven't had the occasion to go, there is a lot going on. i have not had the break. >> kevin: the president found time to break for a pair of
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week-long vacations in lake tahoe and the beach. here is a presidential performance review.
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every day, businesses everywhere are asking: is it possible? with comcast business... it is. is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address operations issues? we can help with that. can we provide health care virtually anywhere? we can help with that, too. is it possible to survey foot traffic across all of our locations? yeah! absolutely. with the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. it's not just possible. it's happening. >> kevin: 10 after the hour. president biden spent 40% of his presidency on vacation, but says he hasn't found time to visit
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east palestine after the train derailment happened seven months ago. >> president biden: i haven't been able to break. i was thinking i would go this week, i have to go literally around the world from washington to india to vietnam. it is going to be wild. >> kevin: former assistant secretary of state for george w bush and intel officer robert charles joins me now. so much here, i want to before we dive into unpacking what the president said share something from friday. this is east palestine resident who joined "fox and friends first" and had this to say about president biden not making his way to the buckeye state. listen to this. >> hard to give somebody a grade
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for a job he didn't start. either he is being lied to about our town or he doesn't know what is going on here. i don't have hope anymore, i think we are forgotten. >> kevin: robert, i don't want to jump on obvious area people could criticize, it is hard cheese to suggest you can't be the comforter in chief when you take vacation at lake tahoe and head to the beach with your shirt off. >> i agree. the presidents i worked for cared deeply about the people and would be anywhere people were in trouble. in east palestine, that was seven months ago and he's had weeks of vacation time in between. 2000 people evacuated, people
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wonder about the future of theirive loos and water. any president should be out there, it telegraphs noncaring andern ms, we are at our best when we care about each other and expect our president and those that work in the public sphere to care about us, that is why we are there and why they are there, very disappointing. >> kevin: i have to say and i covered four administrations. what could possibly be the rationale and reasoning behind something like this, it doesn't make sense, it is ohio, doesn't seem like a far place to get to. what could the thinking be? >> you and i are assuming there is rationale, thoughtful, caring decision-making going on in the white house and there was in reagan and bush 41 and white
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houses since. this is fumbling of the ball. you could say east palestine is red or predominantly republican area. it is missed opportunity to show you care and god knows we need people who care. >> kevin: you nailed it, it is opportunity to show you care. about a minute left. your thoughts on this, you worked for presreagan and presi bush. what are top deciding factors as we approach election 2024. before you dive in, we have a new fox survey that shows top reasons voters disapprove of the president. his handling of the economy, his age, his honesty.
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tell me the top factors looking ahead to 2024? >> the three big process issues the election integrity, who they pick for >> vice president harris: president and whether there is a third-party candidate. federal overreach and the border and collapse of u.s. foreign policy to afghanistan and iran and integrity is a big issue, too. >> kevin: for now, we appreciate your time, have a great weekend. >> thank you, sir. >> kevin: thank you. thousands of people stranded at burning man after flooding leaves them trapped in the nevada desert. one death is under investigation, we'll have the latest coming up. >> ashley: wait until you hear
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rock desert. organizers advising everyone to stay put, all roads remain closed. the gates and airports remain closed. if you are in brc, conserve food and shelter. some escaped the slop. >> we walked to the front gate, had to put bags on our feet to get across some rivers. a lot of people coming out made it luckily, they are running into each other because it is slippery. >> six inches of mud, cars are sinking. . >> the chaos is getting attention from the white house. >> have you heard the burning man news, any reaction to that?
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>> yes, [inaudible] -- >> that reported death is being investigated as burning man ceo says we are pleased and surprised there has been such a fuss over us. there will be an announcement this morning so attendees can get back home. >> ashley: interesting to see biden had a comment about that, when asked about maui, no comment, that is neither here nor there. what about people that got baby sitters for this concert or have to go to work? ceo this face value with the
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video, but there is a lot-clean-up in people's lives. can you imagine not seeing your kids for four or five days, after this concert. kids, i can't get to you. claudia said usually you have thousands coming in and out, this is one way in and one way out. how will they get those people out? >> kevin: i have been there and seen it. the big story, i think people underplay these things, i'm glad we are getting attention. it is a big deal, we don't know the medication circumstances, people may need to get back for jobs and families. this is a real situation, they need to look at how they prepare
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for emergencies and contingency plans going forward. >> ashley: i want to bring in adam klotz. surely this could have been avoidable. >> adam: two months of rain in just two day, it does not happen often temperature is monsoon season, this is time of year you see showers and thunderstorms. this is rain we're talking about. it is drifting off toward the east, we have some flood alerted posting through this morning thachl rain is tracking out and you will get dry days here, allowing the mud to dry up. this is the heavy rain. that rain is lifting up to the northern plains, you are seeing the desert southwest drying off. black rock desert, temperatures in the 70s and 80's with
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sunshine. good news for those folks. labor day forecast, there is rain lifting up into the uber rockies. look across the country, feeling like summer. a lot of sunshine and good beach daysa labor day. over to you. >> ashley: thank you. smash mouth lead singer steve harwell is reportedly on his deathbed suffering from liver failure. a spokesmans steve has struggled with alcohol abuse. he has battled several health issue issues. he is at home on hospice, surround by family and friends. sad news for steve and his family this morning. now to this.
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a would-be thief tries to steal from a los angeles jewelry store. how the workers stood their ground against the criminal >> kevin: in san francisco, a clerk is killed trying to protect his store. his friend is here to explain how you can help. ♪ this new mom ♪ ♪ here i go ♪ ♪ i am strong and brave i know ♪ ♪ with a little time for me ♪ ♪ no doubt i will get through ♪ ♪ loving me is loving you ♪ ♪ new from centrum. the women's choice multivitamin brand.
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>> kevin: 29 after the hour now. attorneys representing convicted killer alex murdaugh pushing for a new trial based on discovered evidence after a jury found murdaugh guilty of killing his wife maggie and youngest son paul in 2021. a judge handed down two life sentences. murdaugh still maintains his innocence. his lawyers will have a press conference tomorrow. >> ashley: a clerk beaten to death for trying to defend a business. community members gathered in front of the business. the clerk was attacked with a baseball bat.
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a family friend joins us now. thank you for being with us. my heart goes out to john's family and you as a family friend. tragic incident that should have never happened. as far as the suspect being on the loose, how do you and his family feel about that, any updates? >> i've been in close contact with the police department in san francisco, they said they can't give any progress on the ongoing investigation. i do appreciate the condolences, this is a terrible tragedy. >> ashley: are you hopeful the suspect will be caught? >> i have complete assurance the
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suspect will be caught. there are many angles of the suspect on different security cameras, including the get-away car he was in. it should just be a matter of time before he is caught. >> ashley: is this something you would have thought would have happened in your area? is it a dangerous area? >> no, i was born and raised in outer richmond, it is a suburb of san francisco. mom and pop stores, i don't remember any violent crime like this that occurred. >> ashley: this is awful, when someone is trying to go out and make an honest living. i know he had just recently had heart surgery and he did not wait to get back to work. tell us about john and the person he was.
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sure. john is an immigrant. he was very hard working, worked seven days a week and for the past three years worked as a clerk at the store. anybody in the neighborhood saw john and john would greet us with a smile, with a how are you and very friendly. just very caring individual. it is very self-evident how much of a good person he was in just the case that this incident unfolded. he was trying to stop a thief in a store he did not own, he just worked as a clerk and he stood his ground to make sure that
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didn't happen. >> ashley: you said there were not violent crime in the neighborhood, but what has it been like lately? has it changed? >> recently crime has been growing into businesses, reverb beration of rising crime in the city as a whole. >> ashley: are people scared? are you scared to leave your house? the suspect is on the loose. >> you know, personally i wasn't scared, i thought more of the neighborhood would be paranoid, would be scared knowing the suspect is still out there. oddly enough, if there is a silver lining from this incident, it is the community has come together even closer
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and we're not scared this man is loose. if we see him, we will catch him. i think that is just been an astonishing and inspiring thing that i've seen from the community members and neighbors. >> ashley: in the video we're showing, you can see he clearly touched lives, people are moved to tears for this man they probably saw every single day. people get in routine, john was probably part of their day every single day tofrm have him taken like that is awful. your big thing is to make sure john's story doesn't get pushed under the rug. how can people help his family out? >> sure. i wanted to make sure john, who has been integral part of the
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community, make sure his story wasn't ignored, it wasn't just another crime that happened. i did my best to reach out to my contacts in whatever capacity to make sure his story came out in the news media and me and a fellow neighbor, tom emory, and another neighbor, marjohn flower, have come together to start a fundraiser for the family, gofund me. we've been trying to raise financial support in these trying times. john was the bread winner for the family. they can use whatever support they can get. i believe we have reached up to $ $85,000 or so. however much more we can is
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matters very much. >> ashley: so sorry for the loss of your friend and i hope they find the man who did this. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> ashley: you're welcome. kevin. >> kevin: thank you, ashley. jewelry store employees caught on camera, stopping a smash and grab in southern california. witnesses say the suspect broke in the store in broad daylight, the employees jumping on the thief and pinning him down as customers step in to help. cops say several suffered minor injuries and the thief was able to get away and is on the loose. we'll watch that story for you as it continues to unfold. the media can't believe the latest polling numbers, have you seen these?
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trump v biden in dead heat. listen. >> it is kind of shocking in a way that despite all of the baggage donald trump carries, he is tied with joe biden right now. >> kevin: shocking for some, not for others. janelle king will respond to critics. >> ashley: and aaron rodgers spent his weekend at the u.s. open and he had a message for novak djokovic about his vaccine status, you don't want to miss it. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene. yup. most health insurance companies see us all the same: smiley seniors golfing, hiking... don't forget antiquing. that's why i chose humana. they see me, not a stereotypical senior. i'm pre-diabetic, so i talked one-on-one
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people who are inside the beltway don't get it. when you get outside of washington, i don't think this is a surprise for folks not here in d.c. what say you? >> i agree with you 100%. this just highlights the major disconnect between this administration and the american people, they are telling everyone we should be concerned about climate change, we have moms and dads who are struggling to make ends meet. they don't understand popularity with president trump, they don't understand we have a bit of distrust, look at the government and don't understand why they pretend to have all the answers. that is the disconnects,
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president trump is doing well not because of what the indictment, not necessarily because he is republican or the individual he presents himself as. people are looking and wondering why does it seem to be two different types of justices? he is bringing it to light and it is being magnified. >> kevin: it is interesting, when you talk to folks, you have data points now. now folks that voted for the former president have data to compare and contrast and people who voted for joe biden can compare economic points and that could be what is happening here. dr. fauci is back in the news and people are getting back in
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the mindset. he was asked about possibility of a mask mandate making a comeback, listen to him and i'll gets your reaction on the backside. >> i am concerned people will not abide for recommendation. >> the lead author, unambiguous, just no evident that masks make a difference. >> other studies show at individual level when talking about the effect on the epidemic or the pandemic as a whole, the data are less strong. >> kevin: okay, interesting to listen to him, those who listen carefully understand he is parsing words. i'm suggesting as i listen to him, i think he's playing fast and loose with language there and there is frustration in the country when you start talking
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about wearing mandated mask wearing, not voluntary. what say you? >> playing with the american people is something dr. fauci has done from the beginning, i saw him for who he was from the beginning. everything he would say, he would say as if it was fact and that was bizarre to me. how do you know so much about a virus you know nothing about. i feel like covid show us what happened when we place our health scare in the hands of the government. people were out of jobs, losing jobs, sitting home with no symptoms when they could be at work. no one trusts him and we'll make decisions for ourselves. >> kevin: you hit the nail on the head, we didn't know as much
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as people projected as if they were the ultimate authority and they were learning like the rest of us. appreciate your time, thank you. ashley. >> ashley: jets quarterback aaron rodgers praising novak djokovic at his u.s. open match yesterday and rodgers posting this picture of the grand slam champ referring to him as nova x djokovic with a goat emoji. rodgers even crossed out the moderna ad in the back ground of the picture. djokovic will play tomorrow in the quarter finals. an illegal immigrant who arrived two months ago, has been arrested and released six times
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and chaos has staten island calling to secede from new york city. >> kevin: griff jenkins has a look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." good morning. >> griff: happy labor day, we have a jam-packed monday morning, new "wall street journal" poll putting donald trump and president biden in a dead heat. trump continues to widen his lead, we'll break down the state of this race and thousands of burning man attendees are trapped after rain hit that festival. and former deputy dhs secretary is joining us as border authorities issue warning on a possible surge on president trump's newest allies in rap community and kathie lee gifford
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is stopping by. in the meantime back toef cannin and ashley, you have 12 minutes left.
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♪ > >> kevin: welcome back, everybody. 52 minutes past the hour. past few months illegal immigrant arrived in new york city from venezuela arrested and released six different times on 14 different charges, which include assault, criminal mischief, weapons possessions, and if that's not enough, another migrant woman was just arrested for slapping a police officer. >> yeah one nypd officer with over 20 years on the job says this is not an isolated incident. these migrants are getting arrested quite often here and we really don't know who they are. some of them are committing some of the most violent crimes here. new york city councilman joe borelli joins us now. good morning to you. when you see that rap sheet and see that he has only been here a couple of weeks it.
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really makes you concerned. even somebody driving in and out of the city. are we just going to have to accept this as a way of life for those people who live in new york city, work in new york city, because you see the mayor and the governor just blaming everybody. they were blaming arizona and texas' governors and now they are blaming the biden administration, is this just a way of life for us now? >> no. certainly people are scared. they are seeing this type of behavior and it's not an isolated inc incident. in one hotel, the roosevelt hotel, there were 41 arrests, documented at that one particular location. mostly for domestic violence but certainly other types of crimes that spill in the street. so we shouldn't be surprised that we see people now protesting, wherever these migrant shelters are popping up. this was going to be a woke experiment by the adams administration here in the city. and we were going to virtue signal and just make everyone feel so good about how well we
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were taking care of these migrants. now we have a situation that's unsustainable, to say the least. and outright dangerous is probably a more accurate description of it. this guy hit the trifecta. he got the benefits of bail reform, sanctuary cities, and open borders. he has hit the lotto of democratic party policy. >> kevin: six times in just two months. by the way, staten island residents, joe, are so aggravated by the migrant crisis, some of them say they want to succeed from the city of new york. values are not line with those of staten island. they haven't been for a long time that people can see that the city is sinking, unless we are okay with sinking, too. there is a need to separate. your thoughts on that? >> he is 100 percent right. staten islanders frustrated new
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york city 1898. voted two thirds overwhelming majority to secede in 1993. i carry the legislation in the city council. my colleagues carry it in the state senate. actually, this is a bipartisan thing. most staten island officials believe we would have a better government no matter which party leads us as long as we have the same person who actually represents our own community making decisions and not sort of the woke trickle down policies from whoever happens to be mayor at the moment. >> ashley: joe, i interviewed a man who lives in staten island. artist from the area. protesting a migrant shelter for single male migrants in his community. here's what he told us last week. listen. >> why is this ground zero in the whole city, the whole country? because this is the first spot they slammed this illegal immigration shelter working
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class neighborhood. >> he is fired up and rightfully so. but, you know, you mentioned something interesting, two thirds voted to secede from new york city in 1993. so do you think this is going to be enough to push it over the edge? what need to happen to get staten island to be able to do that? >> unfortunately, we have to ask permission essentially from the very people we want to leave. we need the state legislature to approve it, overwhelmingly democratic. and we need the city council to approve it as well as the signature of the governor. certainly an uphill fight. you heard from scott right there is 100 percent accurate. this is a block that has about five houses on it. single family houses. all of a sudden to be faced with a shelter that's now going to house up to 300 people is just a radical change for anyone's life who lives in that neighborhood. this is one of those things that is happening without any plan any rhyme or reason. this particular shelter is on staten island. now we have 210 or maybe even
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more -- we don't even actually know how many we have if that's not as bizarro as it is. 200 shelters in new york city just popping up. homeless shelters were always controversial. we used to have public hearings about them. we used to debate them. now overnight we just popped up about 200 in neighborhoods all over the city. >> kevin: in the 15 seconds or so that we have left, joe, even the "new york times" is warning the biden administration to address the new york city migrant crisis ahead of the 2024 race. there is actually an op-ed titled new york's migrant crisis is growing. so are democrats' anxieties. influx of asylum seekers has the potentials of a potential forcenned a republicans are ready to test it in key 2024 house races. 15 seconds or so, your thoughts on that warning by the "new york times" and what do you think that portends perhaps for republicans and democrats ahead of 2024? >> yeah, well the broken clock
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is right twice a day. the "new york times" is right. we saw crime be really motivating rallying cry for republicans in the 2022 elections. all that's happening not just in new york and some of the other cities we just saw some protests in massachusetts again, for example, all of these other parts of the country that are suffering from this migrant crisis are going to be the ralrallying cry for republicansn 2024. we can look back for the trump administration. i mean, we can even look back to the obama administration and say this type of stuff wasn't happening. this is really a motivating thing to get rid of joe biden and all of his allies in congress. >> ashley: it was interesting to see that they said that he needs to get off the sidelines. i would beg to differ that he is stuck in the locker room. is he not even in the game right now. but, you would also think that they would bring in maybe, i don't know, kamala harris, the border czar, this is supposed to be her bread and butter. she is supposed to be the one who takes care of everything border related and ultimately this is border related because they came in under this
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administration. joe borelli, thank you so much for your time today. going to leave it on a nice note. have a very happy labor day. >> and to you both. >> kevin: thank you, joe. >> ashley: search, i d i don't w if you are working the rest of the day if not have a happy labor day. >> i will be here for a bit enjoy. >> ashley: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good day. ♪ ♪ another manic monday ♪ wish it were sunday [. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause


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