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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 16, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> scrambles eggs, whatever. >> steve: what is your latest album people can download? >> we have say the roses, new single, about a very personal situation, i hope it touches people. >> steve: thank you very much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: we love >> bill: hot off the press today, new fox news power rankings and what they reveal about the state of the race right now about the first debate fast approaching one week from today as we say good morning midweek. i'm bill hemmer. hello to you at home. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." when it's power rankings day i think we get the special music. really gets me in the mood for a big debate and that happens just a week from today in milwaukee. power rankings show former president trump keeping a firm grip on the party. >> bill: he is far and away the
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frontrunner. ron desantis, tim scott in contention. you have five others in the conversation and the rest are on the outside looking in. >> dana: former president is dominating on endorsements and racked up more than 80. the rest of the field is splitting a dozen between them. >> bill: ron desantis has billed himself as the one candidate best equipped. they side with the former president trump. >> dana: the first debate giving candidates a chance to turn the tide. this is what voters want to hear. >> we have to fix the border. this migrant situation is insane. if somebody doesn't address and really fix the situation i think we're really seeing a lot of america in decline. >> we're so divided right now. the person that can communicate that message to say i'm going to lift everybody. >> we need a stable economy, immigration is a big issue, put
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our veterans first. common sense policy. a president with strong business sense to be able to negligent for america. >> dana: josh holmes has analysis. we begin with alexis mcadams in iowa. hi. >> that's right. feeling right at home here in iowa. we can tell you that this morning senator tim scott breaking into the top three in those fox news power rankings just released. we caught up with him and asked him why he thinks he is moving up in the polls. because of his common sense conservative policies. listen. >> do you think you will be able to move up in the rankings? >> the good news is we continue to move up. more importantly i don't spend time watching polls. i spend all my time watching people. polls don't vote, people do. i want to spend my time getting to know the average person in the state even better and so far, so good. our momentum will continue to increase every day. >> this morning donald trump remaining the clear frontrunner.
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the former president leading by 30 to 40 points in most national polls followed by ron desantis in second place. the florida governor remains the main alternative to trump and in most national polls tim scott is a distant third but the only candidate to pull double digit support in more than one state according to the fox poll. campaign fundraising is key to win this race. trump reigns supreme on that, too. desantis getting money from large individual donors and racking that up but also spending a lot with his campaign. one of the major donors is now getting cold feet. that was a different story for tim scott with more than 53,000 unique donors who gave smaller sums. scott has just moved over $22 million from the senate campaign. lots of cash on hand and using it to focus spending big money on tv ads in iowa and new hampshire and seen him on the ground. vivek ramaswamy and nikki haley
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and mike pence are in the conversation. a busy campaign for everyone at the state fair in iowa. trump, desantis and scott worked the crowds to win over the voters this weekend. they are playing close attention. >> i think these voters take it really seriously. they pay attention to what's going on in the campaigns and polls. >> every candidate, bill and dana, accept donald trump wants voters to know it's early in the campaign and national polls for the 2024 republican primary but not that early for long. the caucus in iowa is on january 15th. back to you. >> dana: all right, thank you. >> bill: want to show you a little bit where the republican base is right now with donald trump. this is from "the new york times." third week of july, okay? a little less than a month ago. the maga base, those within the party who will never leave donald trump was listed at 37%. the persuadeables is 37%.
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you have 76% of the party who would be with donald trump. the non-trump was 25%, a full quarter of republican voters that they surveyed found they would not vote for him. let's go back in time and see how that relates to the polling that we had done. go back 7 or 8 years. this is august of 2015. this is cleveland, ohio. the night of the first republican debate where donald trump was on stage and 25 million americans tuned in. we found would you vote for trump? 33% said never on our fox polling. five months later iowa caucus this is where we are. refuse to vote for trump. that number is cut in half in january of 2016. so how did he do as president? did he persuade republican voters who might have been suburban voters on the fence? october 2019, well into his term prior to covid now, that number
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was down to 15% as well. who refused to vote for him. josh holmes walks the halls of capitol hill is with us now, good morning to you. where do you think this republican party is today as they reflect on donald trump's potential candidacy? >> you guys did a terrific job laying out the numbers. i love the historical look back on where we're at with republican voters who said they wouldn't vote for trump. that's an important number. also that 60 plus% of voters out there on the republican party say they are still sort of open for business. there is no question that donald trump has a very, very big lead here but i spent the week in iowa and talked to a ton of people. if there will be something that disrupts where this thing looks like it is headed today, ground 0 starts in iowa. i think what i found there is that there is an awful lot of voters still shopping around.
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they want to see the debate next week. they hope donald trump shows up to it. they want to see these candidates in action presenting their views. we're still relatively early on here. so i think there is a lot of road in front of us when it comes to determining who the republican nominee is. >> dana: a couple more numbers here, josh. call for number two is power ranking favorability shows president trump at 60% favorability with moderates. 88% approval with conservatives. it goes down from there for the others. but strong maga president trump at 99%. you have the other candidates saying what about us? we're likable, too. wanted to ask you about the question we opened with, which is desantis has been saying i'm the strongest general election candidate. for the viewers -- the voters that you spoke to this week in iowa, are they thinking about the general or are there -- are they really focused on the primary? >> people in iowa are definitely focused on it.
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i'm not sure that is nationwide. there is an a.p. poll out this morning that i think sort of illustrates the dill emma the republican party is in. 70% of voters who have a favorable view of donald trump. but overall it's in the low 30s. the number that stuck out to me this morning is 64% of the american electorate when you combine people who say they will never vote for donald trump and probably not going to vote for him. that's a massive number for somebody who is known and known well and is a former president. so i think this is what the republican party needs to grapple with. whether ron desantis, tim scott, nikki haley or somebody else, they will have to make that case to republican voters. i think the numbers bear out that case whether they personally are the alternative or not is where this thing needs to be settled in the primaries. >> bill: one last question, josh. if you pick up the "wall street journal" today, you will see a quote in there from a retired
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woman in iowa who ran a beauty salon. you see the quote? i'll read it to you. she said i will vote for the guy with the most indictments. i thought it was clever. which leads to the question as to trump's strategy. that's really the point of the piece. how does he fold these court cases into his campaign and can he ultimately, as the piece points out, use it to be effective for him? >> i think donald trump benefits from republican anxiety about the way that the justice department has handled everything from russiagate through the hunter biden situation and the indictments of donald trump. people are looking for way to fight back and not getting it out of the department of justice or biden administration. right now donald trump is that vehicle. you heard that quote. it's so perfectly illustrates exactly where a large number of
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republican voters are. they say you know what? the heck with it. if you will have two systems of justice i will support the guy on the conservative side who is the target of your ire and that's where i think you've seen since the first bragg indictment donald trump's numbers spike. whether or not that holds and whether that water gets too heavy for voters to carry closer to iowa in january remains to be seen. >> dana: could some of these candidates benefit in milwaukee next week if president trump doesn't show up? >> no question. it will provide more time. i think we always forget because we're political junkies and listened to the stump speeches. this is the first big prime time opportunity for all these candidates with a much wider audience and somebody is going to take advantage of it. i guess we'll have to tune in and find out who. >> dana: we'll see you there in milwaukee. great to see you in the great state of wisconsin.
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talk to the mayor of milwaukee soon as well. thank you. >> thank you. >> dana: let's say one more time. the first republican debate is one week from today august 23rd in milwaukee 9:00 p.m. eastern. martha maccallum and bret baier are the moderators and we'll be there too. "america's newsroom" is going on the road in milwaukee august 23rd and 24 and do the pre-show before the debate and more on this coming up with milwaukee mayor johnson. he is a democrat and welcoming republicans to town. we'll talk to him about it. >> bill: then we wanted to figure out how is this candidacy determined, right? the big nomination that is about to really -- with the state fair and the debate and we're off and running. over the next six months if you go back to 2020 by super tuesday more than 80% of the democratic field had dropped out. it was bernie sanders and joe biden still standing at that point. in 2016 more than 70% of the republican field had dropped out. that is super tuesday. it's early march. that's the forecast over the
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next six months. >> dana: did mayor pete drop out before super tuesday? good trivia on the fly. can he answer? >> bill: i'm not sure. >> dana: i think he stayed in. we'll check on that. >> bill: which republican was still in in 2016 other than trump? >> pass. i don't know. >> bill: stay with us and we'll get you answers coming up. we want to go to hawaii. the death toll there is rising again. growing criticism rises as well. that criticism is about the government's response. when will the president visit. the most deadly wildfire to hit the u.s. in more than 100 years. wide open question as we see the devastation yet again. plus there is this, roll it. >> president biden is out there saying prices are high and your 401k is crashing because the economy is so good. that's why he is polling up there right up there with -- i don't know, with a fungal
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infection. >> dana: the growing backlash against bidenomics. how your money is buying less and less since the president took office. >> bill: a stunning allegation from the family that was depicted in the oscar winning movie the blind side. what a film and story. why they are accusing the former nfl starmichael oher of a shakedown. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. which hotel? ah! did somebody say “which hotel?” i'm great at this. dance to your faves in the spa-like bathroom! or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. veteran homeowners. prices are going up fast. the grocery store and the gas station alone are taking a big chunk out of our paychecks. fortunately, you've earned
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>> what we've been doing is trying to help as many people as we can with the vessel we have. the government really isn't doing their part at all. it has been a local effort. community effort just trying to help people is extremely difficult to do. we run into all types of headaches from the government which is all over the place. we need federal funding. >> bill: that's will cain with a resident in maui. devastated area there. wildfire victims in urgent need of help. president biden will visit on monday. the death toll now at 106 and hundreds of others still missing. fox weather correspondent max gordon is live in maui. what are we looking at now local time 3:19 a.m. i do believe. good morning. >> good morning. so much heartbreak on this island. still no official word to why these fires started. new cell phone video shot the
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morning of the fire might shed some light. >> heads-up. it is on the ground right there. >> downed power lines in lahaina, a fire burning and winds whipping. this was a scene earlier on the same day a wildfire ravaged the town of lahaina. they allege the utility company ignored weather warnings and kept their lines electric try filed in high fire danger. the death toll is soaring into the triple digits. biden administration announcing one-time payments to $7 hundred to families impacted by the fires. volunteers continue to step up to help the fire victims at food, water, other supplies arrive on the island. many people now have no homes or jobs. one group has created a list of 900 gofundme accounts so people can donate to families impacted by the fires directly. >> it is really beautiful to
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just see hawaii come together. if there is anything that hawaii knows how to do is how to show up for their community. >> they've lost everything. they've lost their house, they haven't found most of their families. it is really sad. >> it hits all of us emotionally. >> the road behind me the road to lahaina is opened up to residents. one small sign of normalcy returning to an island that has dealt with so much heartbreak. >> bill: we'll see you again another day as the sun rises in a few hours. thank you, max, nice to have you on the ground there. north korea giving its first public comments on travis king. according to state media king said he wanted to seek refuge in the communist country and admitted to illegally crossing into north korea because of racial discrimination within the u.s. army. a lot more we need to learn about his story. hopefully we will in time.
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21 past now. >> dana: a new jersey judge says he will rule shortly whether teachers must tell parents if their kids are asking to change gender identity. nate foye following the story from new york city. you were on the story all day yesterday. how did it turn out? >> we're still waiting right now. parents are awaiting the ruling which could come at any moment and could stretch out for a few days. the vice president of the new jersey board of education tells fox news this morning this case is only scratching the surface of the state's concerning education agenda. another policy passed two weeks ago divides students into sex education courses, not based on their biological sex, but based on their gender identity. >> if you have a young boy that's expressing as a girl, he would go into the girl's class and poor young girls. a sensitive topic enough. they will sit there and talk in front of a boy about these
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sensitive things? it doesn't seem right. >> again, teachers are not required to tell parents if their child changes gender identities. that's why we saw 100 parents turn out at yesterday's hearing. the parents told me they elected school board members to represent their values. but the state maintains its guidelines are misunderstood. a statement from the new jersey attorney general's office reads in part quote, to be clear, the state has never sought and never will seek a ban on parental notification. what the state won't do is require it. that is something the attorney for the school board brought up yesterday in court. listen to this. >> notification and involvement is certainly not discriminatory under the circumstances here. >> the judge's ruling will have an immediate impact with schools set to start in new jersey in just three weeks. send it back to you. >> dana: nate foye, thank you. >> president biden: if case you haven't noticed inflation is
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down and going lower. we have the strongest economy in the world. you are looking at me scopically. i promise you, check it out. >> bill: there was a president yesterday in milwaukee. boastful about bidenomics on the stump. americans aren't buying what he is selling. in reality they're paying for it with an extra $709 a month compared to two years ago. look at inflation. when biden took office it was at 1.4%. wow. after hitting a 40-year high of 9% on his watch it is back down to 3.2. still above the fed's 2% target. gas prices, though, watch this story. they are creeping up again. the highest in ten months time. i was in chicago over the weekend talking to a driver. saw the sign. i said what's going on here? he was paying $4.022 weeks ago and now paying 4.68.
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>> dana: when president biden was saying inflation is lower and going lower than that. he said someone in the audience looked at him skepticly. there is a possibility inflation could go back up. a possibility it might given some of the economists and what they've been saying this week. imagine that ad in the 2024 election with president biden right there saying everything is going to be great. >> bill: fair point. we'll do our own polling today and tomorrow. you'll see results for what you think is the biggest issue in your life today. stay tuned for that. >> dana: a controversial nonprofit facing a lawsuit from families of covid victims over the organization's funding research at the wuhan lab where the virus may have originated. tell you more about that case. plus president biden has stayed silence on the special counsel investigating his son, hunter. a live report on the biden family's legal issues right after this. and struggle with cpap.
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>> dana: president biden is keeping a vow of silence on the mounting legal issues swirling around his son, hunter and possible 2024 challenger donald trump. peter doocy is live at the white house. the cat has got his tongue. >> somebody does, dana. although they do have a cat. that's a good point. since the special counsel announcement we've seen president biden go to the beach. come back to wisconsin and sticking to the scripts on topic. no comment about his son's legal problems or donald trump's legal problems and they say they'll keep it that way. >> with respect to the cases that are underway with respect to ongoing criminal cases it's why he continues to conserve the independence of the d.o.j. and respect that and make sure we don't weigh in and overstep. >> even though republicans on capitol hill accuse the d.o.j.
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of giving hunter biden a sweetheart deal. that deal fell apart. on sunday hunter's attorney said the parties have a valid and binding bilateral diversion agreement. then the special counsel said now withdrawn diversion agreement by its own terms is not in effect. however, republicans say that federal and state justice departments are more actively targeting donald trump. >> what i do here at my town halls as i'm going county to county in iowa is that iowans say there were two systems of justice. there is one if your name is trump and one if your name is biden. but again, it seems to be politically motivated so much that iowans just throw up their hands anymore. >> karine jean-pierre has said the president will not pardon his son but that's a little early. hunter biden has not been convicted of anything yet, even though when he went in for that
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plea deal hearing he did plead guilty to those federal charges before they called everything off, dana. >> dana: peter doocy. thank you, beautiful day at the white house. >> bill: mounting indictments not moving the needle apparently. former president donald trump keeping an iron grip on the party. some fear if he is not the nominee the republican base won't turn out to vote on election day. brian robinson was a spokesman for former georgia governor diehl. good morning to you. people have fought back against election outcomes in the past. you have a woman in your state who did it twice. this is stacey abrams on camera making her claims repeatedly. watch. >> this is not a speech of concession. it was not a free and fair election. the machinery had broken. thousands of georgiaance had their voices stolen. i didn't lose, i got the votes.
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we won't know exactly how many because of how they cheated. i do have one very affirmative statement to make, we won. >> bill: that was on and on. those are the clips we found today. among our power rankings, brian. this is what we find among republicans about donald trump today. has not committed serious crime, 71%. has committed serious crimes, 17. that number is up there. don't know category is 12. you believe this case should not be tried in georgia. do you think it's a federal case? how come. >> that's right. the phone call that began all this. the call to secretary of state raffensperger was a multi-state phone call. people in other states and washington, d.c. if you go through the criminal complaint, it is talking about actions in maricopa county, arizona, pennsylvania, michigan. it is alleging a national
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criminal conspiracy. it even talks about the issue in south georgia where some trump affiliated folks went in and took apart the voting machines in an attempt to show how the machines were flipping votes. that should never have happened. they should never have done that in that county. why is the fulton county d.a. looking into actions that happened in another part of the state and in other states? that is by definition in my view a federal issue that belongs in the jurisdiction of the d.o.j. >> bill: mark meadows is pushing for it. willis, you mentioned her. what do we need to understand about how she does her job? >> she is experienced in rico cases, which is what this is. the only one of these cases that is a rico case. she successfully prosecuted some atlanta public school teachers several years ago in a cheating scandal and got much acclaim. really set her up to run for
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d.a. against her old boss and win in 2020. so she has succeeded at this. look, i think she is sincere. i think she believes she is doing the right thing. this is not a soft on crime liberal prosecutor. i just think she is wrong on this. there are other things she should be doing. >> bill: she is a serious person. see how it unwinds. big backlog in fulton county coming out of covid. one case where a young thug, rapper, is on trial and charged with the rico-related crime. you've been trying to seat a jury there for eight months. it is remarkable. here is my query to you. i don't know the answer and why i ask you. grand juries are secret, right? supposed to be. the other day you had this leak online that has been called a mistake on behalf of someone who worked in the clerk's office of fulton county. you had a cable outlet that night hours before the
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announcement was made that had on the screen jury now voting. i thought that was supposed to be secret. and then you had a camera in the courtroom which is allowed in georgia but there was a camera awaiting the announcement. if all of this is secret, did fulton county follow their own rules, brian? >> we have a saying here fulton going to fulton. it is only fulton county we're waiting on election night. that became well-known in 2020 case. state farm arena ballots were being counted. this sort of stuff with fulton county is not a surprise or shock to anyone in the state of georgia who followed the news here. there are several problems with the way things went monday. obviously a fictitious document put online that mirrored the charges against donald trump. we'll hear about that again as this case already being cooked. then, of course, having an
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11:40 p.m. news conference as if they did not know the day was coming. >> bill: "washington post" writes is this indictment a trump one too many? that's something that we'll debate in the months to come as well. nice to have you, brian. we'll lien on you to help us go through it, okay? brian robinson in atlanta. thank you. >> thanks, bill. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: i like this guy, messi scores another beautiful goal for intermiami. watch. >> messi and he scores! >> dana: that's his ninth goal in six games since he moved to miami. his team advanced to the league's cup final with a win over philly. they will face nashville in the championship match on sunday. >> bill: he has really helped that team. he seems to be scoring.
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>> dana: it is almost like should there be a mercy rule because of messi? >> bill: from miami to new york city. >> it's unfair as this city continued to evolve that a national crisis, humanitarian crisis is now dropped into the lap of this city. >> bill: well, he is not getting much for his arguments. mayor eric adams pleading for federal aid. new york city's migrant crisis could impact the city's school system about to go to class very soon now. plus the forensic report from the scene of the rust movie shooting that could have alec baldwin facing even more charges. oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!!
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>> bill: new york city official bracing for an influx of migrant children in their schools. with the school year starting next month, education officials scrambling to find a solution. september 7th is the school date. eric shawn is live outside the roosevelt hotel in new york city's mid town manhattan which has become the epicenter for story in this town. hello. >> good morning. migrants are here at the hotel. we've seen them and have blankets over their head sleeping in chairs inside a restaurant. as far as the children scrambling is the word. school districts in the state scrambling as parents are
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worried about the expected student migrant surge. right now the public school in new york city has enrolled 18,000 migrant children and more are expected because many do not speak english, more staffing is needed and there is expected to have a crushing financial burden. the nonprofit empire center says outside the five largest city the cost will be $32,000 per my grant student. for new york city more than half a billion dollars. >> it will be hundreds of millions of dollars of local taxpayers cost that they were not prepared for that will be in place now because they decided to kick the can down the road and use these individuals as pawns on a chess board. >> one school district trying to prepare for the influx is three hours north of new york city north of albany.
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it currently enrolls just under 3,000 students and is expecting 70 migrant children who are living in local motels. the district is hiring new teacher assistants. those who can teach english as a second language. the superintendent told fox news that he wants to reassure parents who are concerned about class size, immunizations and the effect of migrant classmates on parents' kids. >> they run the gambit from are class sizes going to go up? will any services be reduced for my child? then there are questions about what is going on with immunizations? could there be communicable diseases? >> even though the school year starts in just a few weeks, bill, officials still don't know exactly how many migrant students are expected in the state's public school systems. >> bill: the mayor want to get on the train and head to the
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white house. he might have better luck meeting one-on-one. we'll see. eric shawn, thank you live in mid town. >> dana: no one is home there. you are looking live here at milwaukee where one week from today republicans will gather for the first debate of the 2024 election cycle. we're excited to have milwaukee mayor johnson. a democrat welcoming the rnc to town. what do you have in store for all of us? >> dana and bill, it is great to have you guys here in town, great to have the debate coming to milwaukee next week. it will be an incredible opportunity to showcase our city not on the national stage but global stage. you will enjoy milwaukee and come back for more. not just for the convention but in years to come as well. >> bill: wisconsin will be a battleground. 3 million plus voted in 2020 and the difference in the margin was about 20,000 to 25,000 votes both times. you are really a battleground.
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we'll see you this year for the debate and next year for the convention. republicans are really putting the focus on the state of wisconsin. go to call for number three, guys. this was the result in milwaukee county where you are, joe biden got about 70% of the vote. donald trump picked up less than 30%. what are you hearing in terms of turnout and in terms of the potential for protests? i understand that not a single permit application has been filed for a protest. what does that tell us? >> there have been no permits filed for protests, at least not yet. there is still some time before the debate gets started next week. we'll see what happens there. you are right about those numbers here in milwaukee where overwhelmingly it is a democratically-held community. president biden did extremely well here. the former president, president donald trump did not fare so
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well here. i expect in milwaukee next year the votes in this city and county will again go to president biden. and it is a battleground state, though, you are absolutely right. 20,000 votes separate the two. we'll have to continue to work very diligently on both sides, both parties will to make sure their candidate is successful in this state. >> dana: one thing i ask mayors. a tough job, that local politics is tough. that's where the rubber meets the road. what is the biggest problem that you are trying to solve in milwaukee right now? >> so in milwaukee we have a lot of great things going for us. we're seeing a number of businesses that are investing in our community. we have cranes in the sky with projects happening all over the city. that's great. we do face challenges and have faced challenges historically like many large cities have in terms of public safety. i am a public safety mayor. i ran on that and been working to increase the number of police
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officers, prevention efforts. mentorship opportunities for kids in milwaukee. it continues to be an issue we have to work on to address right here in our community, like other cities across the united states. >> bill: you say you will be a gracious host and we look forward to that. if we have a spare hour what should we do? >> oh my gosh, if you have a spare hour in milwaukee there are so many things to do. the bronzeville, lakefront, you can go down to bayville, third -- check out great places such as a cafe. great places all over milwaukee. garden district. there is not enough time for me to say all the great places. >> bill: we need a day to do all that. look forward to seeing you. >> dana: thanks for having us. see you in a week. >> thank you. >> dana: take care.
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>> respect you have an opinion. part of what makes our country great is that you and i can be civil and have this conversation. >> bill: that was vivek ramaswamy making waves after an exchange with a lgbtq plus activist. will it help lift him in the polls? a big and rare legal in for a group of young environmental activists in the state of montana. what it might mean for green energy programs and what comes next? ♪ veteran homeowners. if you're on a fixed income, inflation can hit you extra hard, especially if you're using high rate credit cards to take care of your family's expenses. even minimum payments are tough. it's too much and it's time to hit back. with a newday 100 va loan, you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to pay off
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>> dana: young environmental activists winning a climate lawsuit in monday monday. they argue a state policy of fossil fuels violates a clause
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in montana's constitution promising them the right to a clean and healthy environment. it could lead to more lawsuits about climate change. founder of the american conservative coalition is here. some of the reaction to this lawsuit. a lot of it getting panned saying the judge missed the point on a couple of things. how did you see it? >> well, first and foremost whether the lawsuit was done in the right way or not, young people care a lot about this issue. that's not going to change over the course of the next couple of decades. so states like montana and other states presidential candidates they all have to have their own approach to this issue. i think in a state like montana where fossil fuels are a lifeblood of the economy having a plan for what the cleaner energy future looks like is so important. more of these lawsuits and young voters will push the state in a cleaner direction and the state has to listen. just like the presidential candidates in 2024 have to listen. >> dana: on this good point. an excerpt from the monday monday state constitution that the judge ruled it was in
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violation of. call for number one. environment and natural resources, the state and each person shall maintain and improve a clean and healthy environment for other generations. there is a long way to go. the state will appeal. look for call for number two. climate lawsuits in the u.s. have doubled in five years. this is coming. if you look at call for three. look at the headlines. this is what you see every day. there is no wonder there are many people who are concerned about it. i would say i'm not concerned about it in that regard but i think it is an issue that has to be dealt with. but these lawsuits is not going to get them to the clean future they desire. one of the kids even said that climate change bothered his allergies and affected his performance in his theater group. are we to expect more of this across the country? >> i think we deserve a clean, healthy environment. we have agreed on that.
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where the rubber meets the road is young people are scared about the future and honestly as a fellow young person, conservative young person, i'm not willing to gamble our future. there are serious things happening between the wildfires in canada. warmest month on record last month. how much are we gambling it has nothing to do with human activity? does it mean we need to take drastic action or ruin our economy? no. there is a better approach to take. until sensible people come to the table with solutions we'll keep getting radical solutions and push young people in a more scared position because of what they are saying and more radical results like young activists pushing for drastic action . we need a healthy environment. some environmental disasters we don't want to head towards. >> dana: i would like for young people to know about better forest management to help prevent the spread of wildfires and know that most of these
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wildfires are caused by people, arsonists and that is fueling a lot of this and causing the problems. there is no doubt it is very interesting. i know you do a great job trying to get everybody to the table. get reasonable people there. i wish you luck in that and glad you came on the show. thank you. take care. republicans uncover a text message from hunter biden claiming he paid his father's bills for more than a decade while money was flowing into hunter's accounts from china, romania, russia and kazakhstan. house republicans are calling this further evidence of the first family's corruption. there is that to start off the brand-new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good morning again. >> bill: love the pink. >> dana: barbie fan. >> bill: perfect. i'm bill hemmer. republicans follow the money trail. hunter biden's plea deal on federal tax and gun charges fell apart and now becoming a legal land mine. who knows whicwa


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