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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 16, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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reverse the decline of this country and give us new birth of freedom. >> laura: time to restore it. governor, great to see you tonight. thank you so much. thank you all for washing, it is america, now and forever and pete hegseth in for jesse watters and he is next, so tune in. >> todd: a fox news alert, 106 people confirmed dead in the devastating maui wildfire and president bidens he's planning to visit maui, some americans are shocked and outraged over the money the white house is contributing to this disaster in our homeland compared to u.s. taxpayer dollars sent to ukraine. >> carley: homelessness in america is up this year, we are live outside an encampment in los angeles. >> todd: and president and vice
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president taking victory lap on the economy before biden clocks out for another vacation. >> president joe biden, y'all. [cheering] >> uh-oh. well, i'm a little overwhelmed, aren't you all? i think i messed up. >> in case you haven't noticed, inflation is down and going lower. it is clear, the clock is not just ticking, it is banging. >> todd: that clears it up, most clear and concise statements i've ever seen. wow. >> carley: we'll get to a lot more later in the show, explain what happened there. >> todd: you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. lawmakers on right and left
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criticizing biden administration as record number of migrant cases are filed in know wo of the hottest months of the year. >> todd: griff jenkins with more. hi, griff. >> griff: administrative statements, the administration is insisting the border is secure. that video was shot by bill melugin, tells a different story. rather than dhs turning away migrants, they are waving them into the country in record numbers using cbp 1 app, where migrants are released into the u.s. according to axis clearing house, the track database, issued in the month of july, 4800 everyday in july. go deeper into the numbers and you can see on this chart here top five months for new immigration court processings
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since the year 2000 are the last five months of this year. add it up, 640,000, that is population eshg 85 lent to las vegas, nevada. sounding the alarm, watch. >> we are talking about bidenomics, i'm looking at 12,000 mouths to feed that they have forgotten about. >> as unfair this city continue to evolve that a national crisis and humanitarian crisis of level that has never been experienced before is dropped into the lap of this city with no support. >> i'm delivering urgent and formal appeal to the federal government for intervention andac. >> griff: a crisis they call it? gop candidates are making securing the border a priority. we need a secure border.
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>> the way i say it in south carolina, if you don't control your backdoor, it is not your house. if we don't control our southern border, it might not be our country for very long. >> griff: looking at the border patrol union tweet, guys, they say they are on pace for 181,000 apprehension this month with 70% being released. todd and carley. >> carley: there is headline in "new york post" that says biden phony claim of just 45,000 migrants let in monthly is off by 334%. what happened is after title 42 expired, president biden said he would set up special parole program where migrants from venezuela, haiti and nicaragua can use the cbp app, but was
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going to cap the number at 45,000. how have 150,000 migrants been allowed to stay in just this one month alone. >> griff: let me give you data just six months ago, when i was across from eagle pass reporting for you guys, i was in the migrant shelter where the pastor there, hector silva was helping migrants use the cbp app. the four individuals applying were from kerzigstan. it was clear migrants from all over the world, like nicaragua, venezuela and the like. you now have entire world applying in overwhelming numbers. they are being released and be
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ins coming on the cbp app are separate from those that cross illegally and you have no numbers officials constantly talk about. >> todd: to democrats just coming around, they should not be let off the hook. you have been interviewing experts, not for months, for years, who predicted how this would transpire and democrats were naive to it, even though we've been talking about it for years. great work by you, we appreciate it and thanks for the latest update. >> carley: thanks, turning to weather, 71,000 households waking up in north carolina without power. the southeast has been pounds, slow-moving storms hover over the eastern seaboard. there is a bit of rain in the forecast for hawaii, but it is
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unlikely to fall in the area scorched by the deadly wildfire on maui. >> todd: senior meteorologist janice dean is here. >> janice: death toll continues to rise. we will get some rain, look at areas in maui, north of lahaina and parts of the eastern section of the island, not the areas that need to see it to help with firefighters which continue for parts of maui. lahaina, next couple days, temperatures are warm, winds 15 to 20 mile per hour, parts of maui will get wind gusts in excess of 30 miles per hour. wish we could get more rain in the lahaina area. in terms of tropics, greg is not going to impact maui, but the
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income storm fernanda, could bring much needed moisture to the big island and the island chain westward, that is something we'll monitor over next couple days. we'll see heat persist for parts of the south and northwest, stronger thunderstorms for upper midwest. we have a lot of rain in new york city area this morning. we could potentially see thunderstorms along the east coast today and summer strikes back. we have a heat dome persistent over the last couple months. the weekend and early next week, hottest temperatures so far this season for the rest of the u.s. >> todd: summer is not done. >> janice: heat has been record breaking for the south. >> carley: somebody tell dunkin donuts summer is not done, they already have pumpkin spice lattes.
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>> janice: don't get me started. too soon. >> carley: i love pumpkin spice, just in september. >> janice: agree. >> todd: what former president trump is facing and the democratic governor of critical 2024 swing state wants even more. >> carley: that is right, attorney ron kennedy is running for senate in nevada, she will talk about how this is impacting races like hers.
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>> carley: former president trump taking a swipe at president biden as he lashes out over his fourth indictment in five months. >> todd: faces 91 charges in
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four cases, that is not enough for some democrats. brooke singman has more. hi, brooke. >> brooke: president trump is turning up the heat on the first family, he said it is 100% the biden family received $20 million. i believe we have a compromised president. trump is facing 91 charges in four separate criminal cases all likely to head to court before election day 2024. cameras will be allowed in the courtroom in georgia, setting the stage for a spectacle unlike anything we have seen before. da fani willis is accusing trump and others for trying to overturn the election in the peach state. this indictment unfolded in unusual way afterdocket was posted on the fulton county
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court website. the court acknowledging and writing unfortunately, the sample working document led to docketing of what appeared to be indictment, it was a if fictiti docket sheet. the document was unofficial and a test sample only. >> carley: brooke, indictments, one, two, three, four that is correct is not all. what about arizona? >> brooke: hobbs was asked if trump should face charges there. here is her response. >> i hold folks involved in the 2020 election accountable and this is part of that. >> brooke: we'll wait to see what happens there. >> carley: no time like the
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present. >> todd: it has been 48 hours since we've had another trump indictment. i'm joking, of course. bring in civil rights attorney, senate candidate ronna kennedy. disparity between trump and biden and how they are treated by the justice system grows more egregious by the day. if you were trump's attorney, because you are an attorney, how would you defend him in this georgia case? >> i would defend him by showing there was voter fraud. they are making grave mistake issue the da is because trump is now entitled to discovery. once and for all, we'll get evidence there was irregularities and voter fraud going on. that is trump's number one defense, to show every single allegation they are accusing him
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of is false and there is nothing illegal about challenging an election. >> todd: is prosecuting donald trump in the best interest of fulton county, which has seen incredible rise in crime. da supposed to protect citizens from that crime, looks like they are protecting him from fear of donald trump. you are running for senate in nevada, 44% say the economy is top issue. 57% disapprove of president biden handling of the economy. ronna, how will you convince voters you can help improve their financial lives? >> well, by showing them i have their interest in mind. i will be here for people of nevada and quite frankly, everyday people, we don't care about what is going on in georgia and this legal lynching
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of president trump. nevadanetwork n are worried about feeding their family. i have triplets issue the cost of eggs, that is what americans care about, and rising gas prices and democrats aren't doing anything about it. they are talking to masses in regard to donald trump. they think donald trump talking badly about him is going to get them votes. no, looking at the economy and the horrible job joe biden is doing is noose around the democrat's neck. >> todd: god bless you on the triplets, carley looked up. we have three kids between the two of you, and you are handling 10-year-old triplets. presidential race in 2016 and 2020 went to democrats, it was close. the 2024 nevada senate race decided by less than 1%.
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do republicans flip their state for the republican in the 2024 presidential race? and do you flip the seat that you are running for on the senate side? >> absolutely. one thing i've done, i appeal to all voters. i have democrats here in nevada that are switching their voter registration to republican just to vote for me. at the end of the day, nevadans care about the bottom line and taking care of their family and about jobs and safety. they care about the economy. i am that candidate, it doesn't matter if i have r behind my name, they know that ronda will work for them. >> todd: rondakennedy, we appreciate it. an activist confronting vivek ramaswamy, watch how he quickly
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turns the table. >> should be free to dress how they want, that issin foo. you don't become oppressive by hoisting that on others. >> todd: we have more of the exchange, don't miss it. >> carley: and story of the american dream, the country has seen record increase in homelessness under his watch. live from the homeless camp, he's been begging city leaders to deal with, he'll give us first-hand look right after this.
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga.
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like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at >> todd: 2024 presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy going viral for this exchange with an lgbtq activist at the iowa state fair. watch. >> i was wondering why your view on same-sex couples? >> i don't have a negative view of same-sex couples, we live in a country where free adults should behave how they want,
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that is fine, don't hoist it on others and that includes kids, kids are not the same as adults. i respect you have a different opinion, that makes it the united states. >> todd: the video has 13 million views on social media, vivek ramaswamy qualified for the first republican debate one week from today only on fox. parents rallying outside a new jersey courthouse as judge weighs their right to know their kid's gender identity. in june, three school districts adopted policy to alert pains if their child uses names, pronoun or bathroom that contradicts their gender. the state attorney general claims there will be harm if policy is implemented. once a school outs a student,
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the harm is irreversible. he said parents have constitutional right to oversee upbringing of their child. >> carley: "wall street journal" reporting homelessness is up 11% with 577,000 people homeless in the united states. paul is live in los angeles, where he owns a business and joins me now. paul, good morning to you, you are a small business owner, a taxpayer, hard worker with strong voice and fed up with los angeles homeless crisis. you are near a homeless encampment, it is off camera, we can't see it, but you can. explain what you are looking at? >> good morning, carley and todd. right now, i'm in the cvs boulevard at venturra at a growing encampment.
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maybe so far 1500 square feet of a vacant building. it is tragic because every thursday morning at 9:00, business owners have a meeting with the council office and mayor and the lapd and every week they say something is going to happen and nothing happens. it grows. video of edna street and soon it will become gigantic encampment. i'm watching behind my back right now because just it mestafticizing all over the neighborhood and there are people all over the place and it is dangerous now. >> carley: it has become a dangerous situation for you. i remember first time you came on our show, it was after a homeless man through a bag of
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feces at you in front of your small business. you said it is not end of civilization when someone goes to the bathroom on the street, it is end of civilization when the government looks past it. looks lieb the government still is looking past this crisis, it is impacting so many people. why is that? >> it is not even looking past the crisis, it is encouraging it. it is growing it and building it, the entire culture, it is combin agszation of dei, urban planning, social justice and giving away everything good that we've worked so hard for. it is giving it all away. culture is the thing gone the most. you can't down the street anymore, you can't let your kid go to the 7-11 or splay
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playground anymore. it is sad that we're giving this away, especially los angeles. i've been here more than half my life, i'm from los angeles now. and built a business, i don't sleep much, i'm not home much. >> carley: you have a vested interest in keeping los angeles safe and prosperous and this issue is not happening. when you hear the united states just experienced the biggest spike in homelessness, up 11% now. who do you blame? >> at the fed level, title 42 and the whole situation at the border. i was told by lapd chief, see difference overnight as result of title 42 and i did. the homeless count here is ridiculous, they say 75,000, the homeless count rules are
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ridiculous. i would say at least 150,000, maybe 200,000, not 75,000. it is underreported, i think by design. build housing for them. the mall is getting robbed every single day, that will close issue turn that into housing and it will be eliminate middle class people, the strong employers and it will be super rich they depend on and the super poor that depend on them. >> carley: federal, state, local level. absolutely. you are right, a lot of people are leaving california and los angeles, you built several small businesses in the area and have a vested interest in it. paul, thank you for waking up early or staying up late and joining us this morning. we appreciate you speaking out, it is a growing issue and you have a strong and powerful voice
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on it. thank you. >> thank you. >> carley: there is also this. entire minnesota police force is resigning because they are fed up with being underpaid and understaffed. we'll show you their fiery message to politicians coming up. >> todd: and karine jean-pierre post something that was clearly meant to be posted by joe biden. oops, joe concha here next. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene. yup. most health insurance companies see us all the same: smiley seniors golfing, hiking... don't forget antiquing. that's why i chose humana. they see me, not a stereotypical senior. i'm pre-diabetic, so i talked one-on-one with a humana health educator who really helped me. now i'm taking free cooking and meditation classes. not aqua-aerobics? better care begins with listening. humana. a more human way to healthcare.
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>> carley: fox news alert, 106 people confirmed dead in the maui wildfire. >> todd: max gordon is on the ground. >> so much heartbreak and the death tell continues to climb. a mobile morgue has been brought in. only five have been identified at this hour. it will be slow process of identifying the dead. people are encouraged to give d.n.a. samples to help identify loved ones. they continue to work through the rubble. the majority of the destruction is homes.
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hawaii's governor is considering moratorium on land sale in the aftermath of the fire. >> some people took out of context what i made about purchasing land, that is to protect it for our people. this is the people's land and the people will decide what to do with lahaina. >> resources and volunteers continue to pour on to the island. payment of $700. presidential visit to maui is in the works. >> jill and i will travel to hawaii as soon as i can. i don't want to get in the way, i've been to too many disaster areas. i want to go and make sure they have everything they need. i don't want to disrupt the recovery effort. >> the road behind me to lahaina has opened up to all hours
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access for residents here, just a small sign of norm alsy returning to an island that is grieving. >> carley: long road to recovery. live in maui, thank you. president biden speaking publicly about the maui wildfire after telling reporters no comment this week. he seemed to forget the name of the island. >> i apologize, i try to keep my speeches between 15 and 18 minutes, but i have to talk about hawaii. army helicopters suppression on the big island because there is still some burning on the big island, not the one you see on television all the time. >> todd: columnist joe concha joins us now. i know we've been talking about joe biden's decline on this show for months now. even then, are you shocked he's missed so many layups on a story
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that requires a few lines of empathy. we pray for these people. yet we get no comment and stumbles. >> joe: he is supposed to be the consoler in chief. what did we see over the weekend? he made no public comment. he's lounging on a beach 5000 miles from maui and on multiple occasions when reporters ask about the response on maui or any comment, he could have said our hearts are with the people of maui. he responds no comment and smiles weirdly. he is detached, apathetic or not with it anymore. you hear, jill and i as in first lady, plan to travel to maui. we don't want to get in the way
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of recovery efforts and he said the same about east palestinian disaster. he will see if he goes. but optics are horrible. we mentioned no comment and he was on vacation and where is he going now? lake tahoe for another vacation. >> carley: he said he would go to east palestine but he hasn't gone yet. there visit been response, local, state. here is a professional surfer on this. >> we are sitting back, waiting for help to arrive and nothing was happening. we were in shock. it was like day after day, where are they? i haven't seen one state, one county, one federal official at any one of the donation hub where people are suffering.
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people are sleeping in cars. >> carley: the president announced victims will be getsing money from the federal government, i believe $700. he said he will go to hawaii. does that make up for this initial lack of response? >> joe: this is joe biden's katrina, i don't think that is hyperbole. you saw what happened to george w bush, that famous video where he flew over coming back from vacation and he never recovered. death toll offen 106 dead. this is deadliest fire in u.s. history and the president is mia. this is something you don't recover from. this is forced error on joe
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biden's part and his handlers. >> todd: democrats are the party of big government. if not utilized when needed most, only time government is truly needed in a time of tragedy like this. especially, joe, if you are trying to pay back the people that voted for you. hawaii is very democratic island. we shouldn't get political, but all the signs are there. leave it there, joe. sad time for folks in hawaii. >> carley: now to this, today is one year anniversary of the inflation reduction act and joe biden hit the trail to celebrate. here is how it went. >> president joe biden, y'all. [cheering] >> uh-oh. >> todd: how is your bank account doing?
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i'm sure people are saying uh-oh. we have a reality check. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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>> todd: president biden and vp harris marking today's inflation
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reduction act anniversary with cringe worthy moments. >> carley: happy anniversary, lauren is here with the highlight reel. >> i hope i am not cringe worthy. the president and vice president celebrate one year of inflation reduction act and it did not kickoff with the strongest start. >> president joe biden, y'all. [cheering] >> uh-oh. well, i'm a little underwhelmed, aren't you all? i think i messed up. [cheering] >> y'all please vote for me, okay. >> president biden: unemployment is down. in case you haven't noticed inflation is down and going lower. >> wages are growing faster than
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inflation, folks, that is bidenomics. >> it is clear the clock is not just ticking, it is banging, electricity from wind and solar farms in the arizona desert delivered to people millions of miles away, certainly thousands of miles away. >> yeah, major spending bill called inflation reduction act, it has not reduced anything yet. your electric bill up from last year, gas prices 3.87 nationally today, up more than 30%. when you compare to last year, you are about a dime shy. all in, inflation at the consumer level when you go to the store is up 3.2%. take out cost of gas and food, inflation 4.7%.
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average age to buy a home is now all-time high of 36 years old because cost of shelter and rent up 7.7%. this pressures your pocketbook. we have gone through savings and swiping the credit card, 1 trillion in credit card debt and folks are tapping 401(k). hardship withdrawal to make ends meet, to get by in biden's america. >> todd: biden said i shouldn't have called this inflation reduction act. you think? >> carley: he was late to the podium or they announced him too early. >> todd: i love when people spell out what is said. >> he wants to say something important, he whispers. >> todd: nice and creepy. entire police force is out, what is the deal? >> it is a town of 1200 in wisconsin and all seven of the
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police officers resigned. they want $30 an hour, they are only getting paid $22. the police chief warned that is a problem. we have zero applicants and i have zero prospects. i have called around looking for people getting into the game, nobody is getting in the game. >> that was minnesota, i said wisconsin. the town is quaint and safe, not sure why the mayor would be blind sided. >> i think we're all a little bit blind sided by it, but we're re resilient and we'll move forward. yeah, and pray no one from out of town comes into town to do bad stuff, there will be no police officers to help. >> carley: if you call 911 after the police officers resign later this month, what is going to
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happen? you can't get recruits if you are just paying $22. something is wrong. >> todd: it will be longer response time, that is not good. glenn youngkin for president? new poll shows virginia would vote for him over president biden. talking with jason miyarngs ares next. >> carley: good morning, >> steve:. >> steve: coming up on "fox and friends" in nine minutes a52 seconds, the approximate president is planning to release a big report that could exonerate him in the georgia case. while republican presidential candidates in some cases rush to his defense, how it could impact the debate, which is one week from today, here on fox.
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plus, hunter biden's headaches continue as his top criminal attorney asking a federal judge to withdraw him from the case involving taxing gun offenses. he could be a new witness in the gun proceedings. and imagine living in a town without a police force? the police force quit. joining us, winsome sears, newt gingrich and lewis and lee bryce. do not miss it. busy morning on "fox and friends" and latest idea innic taking your kids school lunches to the next level. phase two. coming up about an hour from now here on the channel you trust for your morning news.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: youngkin for president? that is the question. turns out virginia voters would opt to elect their governor over biden in a hypocritical 2024 matchup by a whopping 7 percentage points. >> todd: jason joins us now that same poll virginians prefer biden over three points and desantis and biden are tied in the state. looking at youngkin's numbers in your great state, do you see that popularity translating nationally in order to put mr. youngkin in the position where he says, you know what? i'm going to jump in to 2024. what say you, jason? >> well, all i know is what you are seeing is virginians are recognizing that we're having the virginia renaissance. that governor youngkin has come in and he changed a lot of the antibusiness, anti-parent, anti-law enforcement policies.
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and we are seeing just an explosion of virginia for being the bottom third in the pandemic recovery to now the top third. more virginians are working than really ever before. we're having a record surplus. he's putting more money back in the pockets of taxpayers and so glenn youngkin is literally at the forefront of both standing with cops, with parents, and with our small business entrepreneurs. that's why you are seeing that he is so popular here in virginia. and i think is he a remarkable leader and remarkable governor. >> carley: attorney general we understand all of that but youngkin cannot run for virginia of virginia next election cycle because in virginia you can't run two times in a row. he hasn't publicly ruled out a presidential run so is he going to run? >> well, he is zeroed in, focused right now on our state legislative races both state house and state senate are up this fall. and so much of what he wants to do,which is providing relief for taxpayers but also standing with law enforcement over drug
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dealers. a lot of those issues that he is wanting to get done are going stymied on partisan gridlock in the state senate. we have a record surplus in virginia over $5 billion. and right now, even though the governor wants to give a portion of that back to the taxpayers of virginia. you have partisan gridlock where you have senate democrats in richmond saying not one dime. not one dime for pay raises for pay raises for cops or not one dime infusion mental health not one dime into the taxpayers of virginians that are clearly paying a lot in taxes. that's why we have surplus and he wants to provide relief. all i know right now what his focus is on is virginia and his his remarks are remarkable. glenn youngkin has two remarkable traits. he has a steel spine, he knows how to make very, very hard decisions with incredible judgment but decent. i am reminded what ronald reagan said in first inaugural how can you love your country if you don't first love your fellow
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countryman. that's why he has such high approval ratings in virginia. i think is he a remarkable governor for our state. to have haded to we'll be watching. meantime, before we let you go get your thoughts on this. d.c. targeted pro-life protesters no 2021. listen to this ruling. judge says the protesters covered streets, sidewalk and store fronts with paint and chalk, yet, none of the protesters arrested. curing of the same summer district police officers arrested two pro-life advocates in a smaller protest for chalking black preborn lives matter on a public sidewalk by making no arrest the police effectively exempted advocates of the black lives matter message from the requirements of the ordinance. what message does a unanimous decision like this, including some democratic appointed judges send to cities who try to treat the constitution as merely a suggestion and not the law. we have about 20 seconds to you. >> well, i think the first amendment is the bedrock principle of who we are as a people and i think you have seen both -- we have also seen
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attacks on crisis pregnancy centers. you can't have a free pluralistic sewed society if you don't allow people to express those. grateful for the ruling. >> carley: difference between bleartsd protesters vs. pro-life protesters. and it's all laid out in something that just came down yesterday. attorney general miyares. we appreciate. with that "fox & friends" begins right now have. a good day, everybody. ♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. it's 6:00 in the east on this wednesday, august 1st, 2023, and we start this "fox & friends" with this: former president donald trump is taking a swipe at president biden and his family as he claims to have evidence that will exonerate himself, donald trump after his fourth indictment in five months down in georgia. >> ainsley: stay tuned. he says he has the evidence that will clear him. the former presi


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