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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 27, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> these were wonderful young ladies volunteering their time to try and make their neighborhood better. it was inspiring but i'll continue to bring more of my "angle" investigation to minneapolis three years later per jesse watters and the whole gang take it from here. so enjoy. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters prime time." tonight. >> one more word out of you and i hold you in contempt. >> i hold myself in contempt! >> jesse: the hunter biden plea. a dynasty doomed. >> a lot of people look at you and see bernie made off. yeah. >> i do not think that's who i am at all. >> many made >> inside pedophile village bid
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viewer warning. and our are puerto ricans too ? >> jesse: prime time has just discovered that the biden family possibly, joe biden himself has offshore bank accounts. here is james comer. >> with joe, i suspect there are offshore accounts. the irs whistle-blowers confirmed when i asked if they had documents pertaining to foreign accounts and they said that they did. >> wow. >> then have to go through that process to turn it over to the ways and means committee and i respect that they do that and they said they would. >> jesse: let that sink in. irs whistle-blowers have documents suggesting the biden family, possibly joe biden
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themselves are hiding money offshore. these whistle-blowers have been asked to produce the documents relating to biden's offshore bank accounts rating to the house and ways committee. these documents cannot go to comber. have to go to house ways and means because of the only committee minutes to see it. sources told "prime time" they have not seen the documents. it goes to a vote and the documents will be released. put this in perspective. mitt romney was eviscerated for having offshore bank accounts in the 2012 election. he disclosed them. took a hit period. but mitt ram the ran bain capital. international leveraged buyout shop with a worldwide clientele and business. joe biden bragged for decades he is the poorest man in the senate. joe biden has never had a job in the private sector. number one, why would joe biden receive money through shell companies from his son and why would joe biden have an offshore bank account?
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we are talking about paying their fair share. amtrak joe, the kid from scranton has a full foreign bank accounts? that doesn't seem like the kind of thing that good old joe biden would have going on. i would any biden family members have offshore bank accounts. how did the prosecutor in delaware not touch that? >> he didn't touch the laptop or $10 million bribe either. or interview a single member of the biden family. of course he didn't touch the offshore accounts. is this where they are holding for their big guy? is this the offshore account jimmy biden may be, the brother? or do they keep the offshore account in the name of the granddaughter. a phenomenal international business consultant getting paid by the chinese, ukrainians and the romanians. >> might explain why biden's legal team tried so hard to push through his sleazy plea deal that gave hunter immunity. for every crime he committed for
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six years. they want the plea deal tapered because once you start zeroing in on "foreign," foreign bank accounts, foreign lobbying, foreign business partners, foreign policy, foreign deals, that's further grounds for impeachment. that's when you get into conspiracy and money laundering. even treason. and that's why this looks more and more like a primary ring. remember eighth, bribery is named specifically as an impeachable offense in the constitution. it's not quid pro quo, like they try to get trump four. this is why the plea deal was a containment operation. that's why most of the deal wasn't written down. democrats better than anybody understand politics. the politics are moving from a hunter problem to a joe problem and when it is a joe problem it becomes their problem. the media is ignoring all of the facts of the case and they are framing this politically
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poisonous scandal as... republicans are criminalizing love. >> they are going to try to indict a father for loving his son who has been addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. and without evidence of the father doing anything other than loving that son. >> he has a son who clearly has a drug addiction. that's why he was offered a diversion program. it shows that no one is above the law and so he's pleading guilty but that still isn't enough for the republican. jesse: i plead not guilty, your honor. i love crack. they teach that in law school, right? the crack cocaine defense? i'm not going to pay taxes, i'm just going to hit the pipe. they even say who cares of the president's son can commit crimes you can go to jail for. he's the president's son! you can do whatever he wants. >> hunter biden, the son of
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president joe biden who was a former, let's call it what it is. yes, he was on a crack! >> he's not going to jail. he's a gentleman. the republicans want to be apoplectic because, my god! he was the son of the president of the united states of america! why the hell would and preferential treatment be accorded to the son of the president of the united states. if i'm the commander in chief, i'm in charge of law enforcement to either country. why wouldn't i have an inside track? >> i agree with stephen. i get it. that's not the point. the president is trying to keep himself out of trouble. biden made his son the fall guy. his son should've been in rehab. but his father is applying him all over the world in air force two so he gets graced by foreign agents so we can put it in the family bank account. one of the family bank accounts
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can be offshore. is that why the ukrainians took ten years to find joe's $10 million? maybe. biden may let his son. but this is more than love. this is about political survival. hunter has to get the sleazy immunity deal because if he doesn't, and this investigation continues, joe biden is going to get impeached if you follow the money. that's why this wasn't a plea deal at all. it was a full pardon attempt. the deal broke every sentencing guideline on the books. i wonder hunter walked into court with a smile on his face according to "the new york times," he even shook the hands of the prosecutors who spent five years investigating him. what defendant reaches across the table and shake the hands of the prosecution. "prime time" got their hands on the court hearing transcript. this judge, maryellen noreika, who has donated republicans and democrats and whose appointment was signed off by both democrat
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senators and delaware was shocked when she probed the plea deal. this judge asked the prosecutor's five times if there was any precedent here for a plea deal that gave hunter full immunity from any charges in his past or arising from any investigation going forward and the delaware prosecutors said "no, your honor. this was crafted to suit the facts and circumstances. yes. the circumstances. the circumstances being that his father could end up in prison too. what's done to the judge even more was that the defense and the prosecution. the details of the deal from her. "i do not understand how you have an agreement not to pursue other charges in the case, a misdemeanor case, and you say that it is not part of his plea agreement. and you won't believe the prosecutor's answer. because the plea agreement does not include that.
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>> hunter's legal team was afraid that if trump was elected in 2024, he charge hunter biden. so they wrote into this deal only this judge could judge hunter biden. and this judge looks at the prosecutor and hunter and says, i can't prosecute people. i'm the judge! this is like in football when they run a trick play appear they get sniffed out and turn the ball over. the judge ordered hunter to get a job and knock off the drugs alcohol. no wonder hunter stormed out of the courtroom angry. hunter, you said this would work out! >> hunter biden appeared increasingly upset. >> axios reporting that hunters whole legal team was fuming at the dasher member lance ito for losing control of the courtroom?
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the take away from the plea deal catastrophe was this. joe biden is innocent. >> federal prosecutors in that hearing yesterday saying that their investigation continues important to keep in mind will republicans believe there is a guide between the president himself, they've yet to provide any hard evidence. >> the only way anyone can say there is no evidence is if they haven't looked at the evidence. if you never look at the laptop, listen to the whi whistle-blowe, yeah. there's deftly no evidence that joe biden help hunter biden's business. the only reason china and ukraine are paying me is they want access to my dad, you can consider that hard evidence. but if you do not read that. you are right, there is none. if you do not acknowledge that joe biden flew his son in on air force two, we took business partners 100 times.
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encouraging that hunter put his dad on the phone dozens of times, or acknowledge that hunter setting up meetings with lunches and dinners with his business partners, his dad thousands of times or acknowledge all the pictures with his son's business pictures or read the emails where hunter is paying with dirty bribes, yeah. you are right. joe is totally clean. so i'm waiting to see what democrats are going to say when the hunter's business partner devon archer testifies and when james comer releases more bank records showing more dirty money and when whistle-blowers turn over more documents to congress showing the biden family, maybe joe himself, had an offshore bank account. this media is guilty of voter suppression. but in this election? it's not going to stick. let's turn it over to former federal prosecutor will scharf. he's running for attorney general in missouri. before we get to the shenanigans that we saw yesterday, the fact
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that there could be offshore bank accounts connected to the biden family, what does that mean? >> it certainly raises an awful lot of suspicion. i think the fact that this crooked pleat agreement they were trying to enter into court yesterday, the fact that it covered hunter's relationship with burisma, the fact that it covered the potential for f.a.r.a. charges against biden. it seems like hunter biden's legal team and the biden department of justice are deeply concerned about the ramifications of hunter's foreign contacts abroad. they were trying to slip this through while nobody noticed and effectively immunized not just hunter biden but effectively the entire biden family from accountability for all of the things that we now know hunter and the big guy were up to. >> can they put the deal back together where they can get the immunity and just lock down this
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entire scandal in delaware? >> that's the million-dollar question. the core of the blowup yesterday was not putting this nonprosecution agreement into the plea agreement as any prosecutor would in any other case, they try to hide the nonprosecution agreement which granted essentially blanket immunity to hunter or his decade of criminality. they try to hide that in a separate document that they never expected would see the light of day. that's how you know that they are worried about how the judge is going to treat the kind of deal that they struck. at the end of the day a federal district court judge sitting in supervision over a plea agreement has a duty to make sure that the ends of justice are satisfied. at the plea agreement doesn't do violence to the cause of justice. in my view that's the kind of plea agreement that they struck and they were terrified, rightfully so. she wasn't going to put up with that in her courtroom and we all
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saw how this case blew up because you had a fair-minded judge who wasn't willing to sign off on what i believe was a really cook down the crooked plea agreement. >> jesse: if you wear this judge and i was this judge and they try to pull this on me and they came back on september 1st with more this garbage? i'd be personally insulted that they would disrespect my robe and my courtroom like that and i wouldn't let them get away with any of this garbage. thank you very much and great analysis. we appreciate it. >> great to be with you, jessie. thank you for having me. >> jesse: fox news alert. biden's department of justice just hit donald trump with new charges in the mar-a-lago document case. national correspondent griff jenkins has the latest. >> good evening. special counsel jack smith bringing three new felony charges against trump's in that classified documents case in florida. one of them with the retention of national defense information. the other two, jesse, are counts
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of obstruction of justice, more specific we accusing trump of asking an employee of mar-a-lago to delete security camera footage in this superseded indictment that also charges a third person in addition to trump. that guy is carlos talavera facingobstruction charges relato the attempted deletion of that surveillance footage and charges of lying to the fbi. has been summoned to report to the miami federal courthouse. that trump was arraigned in on july 31st in an exclusive interview tonight with fox digital, trump is firing back at smith accusing the doj of a few abuse saying "if i wasn't going to be the republican nominee this wouldn't be happening." we watched the bad court all day in d.c. after trump's attorney met with jack smith's team here in d.c. an additional indictment could
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be coming but that did not happen from this january 6 grand jury. we'll be watching it again tomorrow. >> jesse: griff, thank you so much. coming up. charges dropped aga. joe >> sending puerto rico to fight toxic masculinity. their . the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... the manager deposited a check. magic. and the snack dad? he's getting paid back. orange slicesss. because this team all has chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> remember mini-madoff, the bitcoin boy king who scammed investors of billions and used it to buy the midterms for the democrats?
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biden looked the other away, took the money, after the election cuffed him? got charged with conspiracy, charge, violating campaign finance laws. this week joe biden's prosecutor dropped campaign finance charges against biden, gave the democrats $40 million. some of it through straw donors. this was enough for democrats to barely hang onto the senate. this was the biggest campaign finance scandal since the '90s and biden's prosecutor just took the charge off the table. took it off. who is the biden prosecutor? u.s. attorney damian williams worked on john kerry's campaigns. worked for the dnc. his wife works for obama. proof, he removes the one charge linking mini-madoff to the democrats. and you are not going to believe what biden's prosecutor's excuse was. are you ready? the prosecutor claimed the
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bahamas. follow me. said that they were in the bahamas, that's where he stole his -- when he got pinched, we needed to extradite him. guess what the extradition terms were. the only way biden was able to extradite mini was if we promise not to charge him with funneling stolen money to the democrats. we actually signed those terms. now we do not want to anger the bahamas and break the terms. we wouldn't want to upset the bahamas. the place where americans get drunk and sunburned. you know. the tiny island the british colonized and turned into a taxx haven. the bahamas by the place with no army or navy. when the bahamas say something, joe biden listens. we haven't seen a deal is corrupt, well, since yesterday. clay travis is the founder of out cake. so no campaign finance scandal just like that? >> i'm actually surprised,
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jesse, they didn't go ahead and charge donald trump with mini-madoff's campaign finance cancel. this is a reality. having this conversation in real time, trying to put donald trump in prison the rest of his life. associated with joe biden at all whether it is his son or this serial fellow down in the bahamas out of prison for the rest of their life were far more serious violations of the law. i keep waiting for the light bulb to go off in independent america, rational readable america to recognize what's going on. we are doing things that even the bahamas justice system... i don't know if i can just buy this!
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>> jesse: they are trying to say that the only way we could ever even bring him back was if we agreed not to indict him on campaign finance charges. >> the bahamas! what are they getting there? >> j>> jesse: ? i asked my kids what they wanted for dinner and they are like, we took care of it. we ordered doordash and i was like, well, that was pretty convenient for you. i do not know that dad would've signed off on that. i did not know if you're actually doing me any favors we have lots of food already in the house. the bahamas, why do they care whether mini-madoff gets charged with campaign finance viol violations? >> jesse: biden is pretending he got rolled by the bahamas and things we are going to believe that. the bahamas are like? this is a great way to get more money from joe biden? we'll demand that we "drop all
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the things is extradition campaign finance." i want to check the next funding bill i guarantee you there's $100 million going to the bahamas. guarantee it. >> maybe they need to worry about the toxic masculinity in the bahamas too. i saw they were worried about toxic masculinity in puert puerto rico. no telling how rugged and tough those how many and men >> no one is more toxic than clay and his purple plaid blazer. thank you so much, clay travis. >> this is blue! >you move to a time slot? you need to get new colors going. >> all talk to the wardrobe department about that. >> appreciate it. have a good night. >> jesse: up next, an inside look at florida's pedophile village. and what is going on with
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>> jesse: senator dianne feinstein had a troubling moment on the senate floor today. fox business reporter hillary vaughn is here with the latest. hillary? >> the senate is the oldest in u.s. history and for some age may just be a number but this week the senate is starting to act its age. the latest scare exposing cracks in the aging senate class from a democratic senator dianne feinstein who is 90 years old and the oldest sitting senator had the senior moment today during a vote for the spending bill to vote for the funding department. when her name was called yea or nay she started to give a speech until her staff had to cut her off and asked her to vote aye. >> pardon me?
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yeah. i would like to support a "yes" vote on this and it funds priorities submitted. just say aye, aye. >> telling fox in a statement that this was not a senior moment at all. it was a committed meeting market and she was busy saying this, the senator was preoccupied, didn't realize debate had just ended and a vote was called. started to give a statement. was informed it was a vote and casted her vote. this episode follows the incident where senate for the look and later mitch mcconnell who had to be helped away from the podium yesterday after freezing up at the mic unable to speak for a moment. there is no age cap to serve in congress. one of the few places where you could retire at 65, run for office and have a three decade long career ahead of you.
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jesse? >> jesse: if you listen to the media, everyone in america is gay. if not, they are trans and the rest are nonbinary. in new york city, the most liberal place in the world, they did a survey by students. only .01% of the students in new york city are nonbinary. are we really turning the world upside down for a statistical anomaly? because there is some harm pushing gender fluid ideology on children. sending messages like this. we have a generation of kids doing harm to themselves. watch. >> i speak to you today as a victim of one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the united states of america. doctors with their theories on gender, i thought all my problems would go as i was surgically transformed into something that looked like a
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boy. i don't wish this were a child to have the same result as i did. i do not wish for anybody to regret transition or do transition because it incredibly difficult. >> that was a 19-year-old former trans gender who testify before congress this morning. big transit is taking advantage of confused kids and they have created a billion-dollar industry that preys on minors and all of this flies in the face of science because even doctors admit that you can't change your. >> there is a 100% failure rate because it's not possible to change your? >> that's right. 's big 100% failure rate. >> you cannot change your. >> next guest says her fifth-grade daughter was secretly transitioned behind her back. how did this happen and you didn't know about it? >> she was part of an arts and
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crafts group at after school she reached out to her guidance counselor and told her that she felt like a boy and the counselor walked her to class and transition her immediately behind h to my back. she is a boy, called herself a boy, people called her he, no one at the school told you that this was happening? >> should change very quickly. she was sleeping a lot. i would not look back and say depressed. and unfortunately identifies back to herhappy beautiful selft was a very hard time and what was really hard about it is that they never had a conversation with me about what was going on with my daughter at school. if they had opened up and just said that she's a little bit confused, i could've talked to her at home, we could work through it as a family. i could indulge to them that our
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family was going through a lot at that time. i was battling breast cancer at this time and my dad had recently passed away. i kind of feel like she was at a loss emotionally and just grab onto this idea of wanting to be trans and thought that it would make her feel better. >> jesse: when you confront of the school of ministry it is and say, why didn't you say anything to me, how do you respond? >> they told me it was a law, which is incredible false. it is a policy. they said they did not have a parental secrecy policy but then later the school board actually voted to keep the policy in place here in california. california. >> jesse: okay. a parental secrecy policy. like they know the your child better than you. that's illegal and probably going to get hit with a ton of lawsuits. i'm sorry to hear about your family situation and i hope you're doing better. thank you so much so much.
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>> jesse: thank you. >> next, an update on t >> jesse: on >>thank you. >> jesse: next up, an update on the death of obama's chef.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. the daily mail reporting that there is something strange going on with the police call logs on the night obama's chef drowned. in the section where the cops are supposed to write the reason for the call, it was left blank. could be a mistake. but every other call that night was properly filled out. police haven't released on 911 call yet or said who made the call but the logs also state that the call came from an address to go miles away the obama home 2 miles away from the obama home but we were told that it came from the obama property. but we are also finding out the 911 call was made by a woman and we'll keep you updated on the story and give you answers as soon as we have them. creeping into all corners of society. mandatory minimum sentences are the only way you can protect children from these beasts. but what happens when they are
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released? since they are still a danger to society, sex offenders face restrictions about where they reside. this essays away from schools, parks, playgrounds are specified for it so where do some of them end up? pedophile village. >> miracle village, a town in the middle of nowhere florida founded by a sex offender to house other sex offenders once they get out of prison. how many sex offenders live here? do they think what they did wrong and what do people of the closest neighboring town think of living next to a village of sex offenders? >> jesse: this is miracle village, florida. a community made by a pedophile for pedophiles. 80% of the people who live here are registered sex offenders. the other 20%? i don't really know what is wrong with them. once you are registered sex offender, that designation stays with you. were you working where you live can be challenging. as it should be. investigative gel of journalist tyler olivia roth crossed the border into pedophile village
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and talk to them. >> are you a sex offender? what your story? >> i live here for 21 years were the only place that he give me a chance. whether of person is guilty or innocent and i'm guilty. i screwed a young girl. >> do you know how old she was? >> she was under age. >> usually your life is ruined for that. did you lose job opportunities and stuff? >> i lost everything. i lost my job. i lost people who i thought were friends. and family. we are more of a family here. we try to watch out for each other, take care of each other. and you get out of jail with nothing. >> jesse: on the one hand he feels strategic to put all the in one place so they are not randomly littered all over residents on major herds around children. it's like a child molester quarantine. you do not need to scan the map to know where they are. on the other hand, this is like
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a pedophile summit. they swap stories, they share ideas. is this incubating more of their desires? what happens to the town next door adjacent to pedophile village? what are the people of pahokee think? >> when they first moved here they were walking all along the road. they used to keep little day care kids. sending me a paper as they were moving in. sex offenders. >> do you feel concerned as a father that they are so close question mike quigley asked. that's why i don't let my daughter walk anywhere. >> you really don't know who is who. >> i don't want no parts of it. that's sick. >> tyler olivia roth is a youtube return in by creative during a , investigative journalistwho ju think it's a good idea to put all the sex offenders in one place or good to scatter them all around. >> we are jumping straight into it but did not expect to be on prime time television talking about sex offenders.
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but i am not probably the best professional to note on this. but i do think the people who live next to miracle village do not like the fact that they live there and it's important to note that pahokee is one of the poorest towns in florida. a lot of these people don't have the financial means or b.s. but simple to where they live so they are kind of stuck there and a lot of the 20% that you noted at at why they live there? those people are there because they may have worked in a sugar refinery that is local to pahokee and that miracle village. i'm not sure what the best strategy where a convicted sex offender should live exactly. but i do know that the people there struggle with the fact that they are so close. 5-6 minute drives from the sanctuary almost of convicted sex offenders. >> jesse: they are held hostage because they do not have the means to get out. when you talk to these convicted sex offenders, they've served their sentence. is there remorse at all about what they did?
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do they still have urges to reoffend? >> jesse: this is a tough question. >> can't speak whether or not anyone would have an urge to reoffend. i will know on that's tough for me to grapple with as i asked these questions was the prevailing lack of it seem like discussed with the action. they were legally convicted of committing and a lot of these people admitted to the thing that happened. but they made the system the villain, they were the victim -- >> jesse: the system. of course. it seem like obviously there are a lot of stories be people ranging from they downloaded something off the website. child pornography website to had sex with a 13 year old down the street. that same range of moral evil or not. that's not for me to say. it didn't seem like a lot of people are particularly frustrated with doing the thing
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itself but getting caught doing the thing. which was a sex offense. allegedly convicted, right? >> most criminals are usually mad that they got caught. not mad at they did. you are a brave man for venturing into that territory. thanks for opening that whirled up to us and i'd like for us to shut that door now so we don't ever have to think about it again. we are going to have you back because we are going to do more investigative reporting on these homeless encampments. >> jesse: will make >> i do not have suicidal thoughts. a five open pandora's box see you next week. thank you. >> joe biden in puerto rico. toxic masculinity?
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>> jesse: we told you about joe biden's wasteful spending at home from jersey to antiracist hiking trails in connecticut. but joe isn't wasting money here. he's wasting it in other places too. we just found out that joe spent $2 million over in puerto rico despite toxic masculinity. is this a good use of our money? we sent johnny to east harlem to see what puerto ricans here in new york think. >> joe biden is sending $2 million to puerto rico. >> cool. >> nice. >> it's about time. >> hallelujah! >> why do you think he sending money to puerto rico russian mark >> food. >> picks up the place. big medical housing, schools. >> to the people in the islands were still suffering from an area maria.>> sending 2 million to by
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toxic masculinity. >> toxic what? >> what? >> what is it? are we speaking a different language? >> toxic masculinity, what are you talking about? >> that's bull [bleep]. >> that's weird. >> does puerto rico have a toxic masculinity problem? >> no way, jose. puerto rico is a loving violin. the man is like really flamboyant now. you know what you are talking about i don't think you know what you're talking about. >> what's wrong with puerto rican men. they hand some. >> there something wrong with joe biden. hopefully he gets impeached. >> i thought puerto rican women like masculine men. >> that's the reason i like puerto rican girls. >> those girls, they love me, trust me. >> you have eight women? i spend money every day.
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>> why would a woman want to skinny man? >> there's nothing wrong with skinny men. >> women like muscles. >> i should head to the gym? >> you look all right. >> is a deep burn! >> since when is a crime to be masculine? >> never. you've got to have a man, woman, whatever. lock them up. >> joe biden saying he's puerto rican. if he's puerto rican, i'm irish. >> he and puerto rican. >> may be his man is puerto rican. >> hunter? >> who? >> that's his son. >> i don't know. >> does that mean joe biden is a toxic man? >> joe biden is 100% garbage. >> does joe biden deserve a second term? >> he didn't deserve the first. he only got lucky.
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>> between biden and trump i'd rather go with trump. >> thank you, darling, that's so nice. >> jesse watters a fox news channel, what do you want to tell him? >> stay strong. we are going to be all right. this joe biden dude, we've got a better person coming, will be all right. >> i'm ready to go. >> thank you. >> jesse: would like to say thank you, sincerely, to our summer intern sarah, caroline, you guys were great been very enthusiastic, very bright, great sense of humor. hardworking. you're always welcome back. great job this summer. let's do some text messages. i want to know why hunter didn't bring his red backpack to court. i think you should bring the coke in the courthouse. justin from new hampshire, no idea the most important line in our legal system was what would the bahamas do?
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tom, michigan. when i was in school i couldn't miss one assignment without my parents find out. now they are letting parents find out on their own. my parents knew everything i did in school. nick, howard beach. i'm puerto rican, can i get some of that two mil? they are giving it to a woman's group to tell men they are toxic. if there is life out there, dogs will know first. dogs always know. scott, columbus, ohio. jessie, you're a man of your word. i got my sink or swim happy i'd also like to thank caroline. she was nice. did she send it out? i'm the one who actually got it to you. boyd from myrtle beach, south carolina. jesse my sent over 100 texts to you and that one has appeared on your show. if you show this when i will
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quit bothering you. thank you. you've been texting us a lot. that's all for tonight. we have a major announcement tomorrow involving the hunter biden art dealer scandal. it's going to be big. again, dvr. always a member, this is my world. >> sean: what a great crowd. thank you all for being here. welcome to "hannity," the only normal people in new york city. we start with a fox news alert. joe biden's weaponize doj is added again. moments ago they now officially piled on three more charges against former president donald j. trump all related to the document case in florida. this includes another counts tied to the willful retention of


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