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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 27, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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just who pays the price? in her case she said she did. >> bill: what paula scanlon said how the university of pennsylvania told the other female swimmers how to behave and respond. pretty stunning stuff there. we'll see how it goes. great to have you back in new york. we'll roll and harris faulkner will pick up our coverage right now. here is harris. >> harris: fox news alert and just like that hunter biden is in trouble again. next steps is to fight for a new deal. they have to fight to shield hunter from future prosecution. you saw it live this time yesterday. his plea deal crumbling like sand through your fingers. why? the case alleging bribery by hunter, president biden and other members of the biden family members, he wanted immunity from all of that. the judge wanted to take another look at those tax and gun fraud
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charges. i'm harris falker. the judge had major issues with the one she killed yesterday, that deal. repeatedly saying she was not a rubber stamp. she tossed the plea agreement and hunter had to plead not guilty to the original charges against him. republicans and legal experts who said hunter biden was getting a deal from the d.o.j. are applauding the judge's actions. >> number one, hunter biden, if you are watching, no one is above the law. number two, justice is coming for you. >> what got in the way of all that arrogance and deception was just a simple judge asking questions she was supposed to ask and getting to the bottom of this sweetheart deal. >> it is telling that the federal judge ruled as she did. this investigation is far from over. and that the justice department continues to cut sweetheart deals. >> the judge cleared her throat.
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you blow a plea agreement and the justice department says everything goes forward. >> harris: son burned. mark meredith with more from the white house. >> good morning to you. the white house is still going to great lengths to avoid offering any sort of comment on the developments involving first son hunter biden. you have to imagine behind the scenes the developments will impact not only the president's agenda but also his re-election efforts. perhaps the "wall street journal" summed it up best. it has heightened the legal peril for president biden's son and give the president's political opponents -- once the plea agreement fell apart biden entered a plea of not guilty. he could change his plea. the federal judge demanded lawyers from both sides make clear any deal going forward would not convey broad immunity from further investigations and potentially the business dealings overseas and directly
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pressed hunter about his past behavior including sobriety. republicans are cheering the judge's decision in the wake of the testimony of two i.r.s. whistle bloerls who said there were limits placed on who and what they could look into because it was the biden family. one member of congress watching this closely, the chairman of the house ways and means committee. >> i wasn't shocked. it proved what the whistleblowers evidence provided is that this plea agreement was a sweetheart deal of hunter biden and i'm glad that the judge refused it yesterday. it shows that no person is above the law, even if their last name is biden. >> the white house remains tight lipped about all of this. we heard from a top democrat schumer yesterday still has faith in the prosecution and system that he believes it will all play out in a normal fashion. we'll have a chance to see if we can get a shouted question to the president within the next hour. we'll do our best to see if we
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can get clarification. >> harris: shout loudly. thank you. formal federal prosecutor andy mccarthy put this in a brand-new op-ed. if you are trying to pull off a corrupt deal, political theater trying to masquerade as law you better make sure the judge is in on it. when it came to that detail the biden administration dropped the ball. nothing standard about the hunter biden case because the parties are not adversaries. they're in cahoots. wow. fox news contributor and former whitewater deputy independent counsel and a former federal prosecutor. thank you for being with me. saul, i come to you first. you were listening to me read from andy mccarthy's op-ed. your reaction to what he said. >> he is absolutely right. honest brokers, honest people don't operate this way.
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what a shocking plea agreement where the key provision is hidden. not even in the plea agreement. it is paragraph 15 of the separate pre-trial diversion agreement which they don't show to the judge until a few minutes before the hearing. it is just incredible that it would go down this way. and it almost happened until the judge just asked some simple questions. i don't think, by the way, that -- i don't think the judge was particularly affected by the filing that was done by congressman smith or necessarily by the whistleblowers. it is just an unclean deal. >> harris: i was reading yesterday and not too long ago i think it was a year ago this same judge had looked at some drug trafficking charges in a man who had some drugs at the center of his case. and he went behind bars for five years. i wondered if maybe her past
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could tell us about the present in terms of how she looks at cases or would that not have mattered andrew. >> it is an unprecedented deal. when you look at the past, i think the thing that reflects well from that history is that there are no other deals like this. the idea of the diversion of the gun charge really is what ended up sticking things up yesterday. the totality of all of the circumstances put together is not something you can find a good example of. i have think when we heard most legal commentators heard about the gun diversion charges it strikes people who practiced in federal court as something always result in a felony conviction with jail time that goes along with it. for them to have created this scheme to allow the judge to be the decider of future issues with that diversion agreement as opposed to the justice department, which could very well be owned by president trump
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or republican in just a few years down the road, i think that's something that was so unusual that it had the hairs on the back of her neck standing up and why we're in this pause to see if there is a way to save it. >> harris: judge noreika, the president's backyard in delaware. she laid out the conditions for hunter biden's release. here are some of the things on the list. actively seeking employment. not using alcohol or drugs. submitting to drug testing and not processing a firearm. so that's pretty specific, or is that just boilerplate and it happens to be spot on with a man who has got some history here? >> it is pretty boilerplate. we all know he is gainfully employed. he is just a real artist and doing well with the sale of his paintings. he has already got that covered, yeah. >> harris: he is.
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i know there is some sarcasm in what you're saying. he probably had no more, we don't know. we don't have the list of people he sold to. he and the president know who is pieces went to and chunks of cash are huge. andrew, talk to me about the list and some of the things you would maybe want on it. >> i think that there are quite a bit of pieces of information the court needs to gather yet. there is -- there are just so many different aspects of the hunter biden probes that now we know that the federal investigators are still looking into. i think it is a wholesome look at the entirety of the hunter biden investigation that we all want to know the answers on. >> harris: as we sat here for more than three hours yesterday, saul, there was only one person in my recent history who had gotten this right over a week ago. that was civil rights attorney leo terrell. he have could see the judge taking a look at this and saying
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no, go back to the drawing board. were you surprised? >> i was -- i didn't know enough about this particular judge to be surprised. here is the key. we hadn't seen the plea papers. so if we had seen the plea papers which the department of justice had no reason to keep under wraps. if we had seen those i think we all would have said this judge has got to ask questions about this. so i was surprised but once i saw the plea papers my god, it is -- i've never seen anything like this. it is like a rube goldberg operation and you have leo wise, this needs to be pointed out. the prosecutor who was there and he is the one that said yeah, we're looking at other things and we have the right to prosecute him under fara if we find them. he says it is in the last paragraph of the plea agreement. i read it. it doesn't say that at all.
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if you read the pre-trial and diversion agreement together the defense had the better argument on that, that he would be prohibited from bringing it. thank god the judge asked the right questions. >> harris: that is so interesting. last one to you, andrew. what we have been told about that plea agreement, then, was really not what was all in it completely and you didn't see that until you read all those pages and you saw how far down certain items were. >> i think the big question that has been continuing with the house committee meetings last week as well as just the overall outrage that this is a two-tier system of justice is the idea we had the impression this was the end all, be all for hunter biden. go in and take the plea and the investigation would end. i think people who have been calling for additional investigation really should take solace in the idea that david weiss may be legitimately
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continuing an investigation into the serious allegations against hunter biden with his dealings with burisma and china and how those connect back to his father. while the d.o.j. and merrick garland have been pretty quiet on whether that's continuing, i think the solace of hope here is that there is real true investigation continuing into hunter biden and his criminal conduct. >> harris: if the republicans on the hill who are investigating allegations of bribery against hunter biden and eight other members including the president of the biden family, if they wanted to call hunter biden there is nothing in this agreement that would preclude that, correct? yes or no. >> no, but there is -- >> he is not going to talk to them. >> harris: that was my fault. i should have called out a name. you basically both said the same thing. ist is not going to happen. >> we agree. >> andrew, i think is the glass half full kind of guy.
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i think that if weiss was still interested in conducting an investigation that might snag hunter biden, this plea deal would not have been so ambiguous as to whether or not he had broad immunity. i think this was a collusive deal between the prosecution and the defense. >> harris: that's a lot. saul and andrew, thank you. we have gotten the legal lowdown and hunter's blowup plea deal in court yesterday. now onto the political peril for his father's re-election campaign. w which is very real. >> we have a national security crisis and you sit in here looking at us with smiley face it is unacceptable. >> you like to blame other people for your failures. how qualified are you to carry out your mission? >> harris: oh, they came with
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questions. lawmakers giving homeland security secretary mayokas the third degree. if there were a fourth or fith he got that, too. raising more questions on a possible impeachment inquiry. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattress's exclusive gelflex grid draws away heat, relieves pressure, and instantly adapts. sleep better, live purple. visit or a mattress store near you. i was told my small business wouldn't qualify for an erc tax refund. you should get a second opinion from innovation refunds at no upfront cost. sometimes you need a second opinion. [coughs] good to go.
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>> harris: republicans were layering on the tough questions for homeland security secretary mayokas for failing to handle the disaster at our southern border. an indictment from gop lawmakers. >> this administration abandoned seam blans of immigration security and enforcement. americans are paying the price and demand accountability. >> is it your responsibility or
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president biden's to make sure there is operational control? >> congressman -- >> you have taken this app and digitized illegal immigration and scaled it to the move. this app that you have everybody downloading is the disney fast pass into the country. >> we have a national security crisis and you look at us with smiley face it is unacceptable. >> i showed you before when you were hear the lost voices of fentanyl. the hundreds, the thousands of americans that continue to die, 90,000 since you came to this committee and lied to us saying we have operational control. >> harris: there he is there. border staved republican congressman chip roy from the great state of texas member of the rules and budget committees. great to have you in "focus" today. i want the talk with you about the emotion in the room yesterday and how you personally went after mayokas. are you any closer to republicans impeaching him? >> first of all, good to be on,
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harris. this is emotional and personal. i represent texans who have lost family members to fentanyl, moms that i meet with regularly who lost their children to fentanyl. stephanie turner who lost her son tucker two years ago. then started an organization to combat fentanyl in texas. 53 migrants died in a tractor trailer in san antonio. we talked about that before. we're feeling it every day. this administration is now not just leaving us stranded, they are taking part in the human trafficking train that the sound of freedom exposed for everybody to see in the movie and combating governor abbott for daring to try to do what they refuse to do. yesterday's hearing was designed to expose this secretary and this president are both violating their oaths to the constitution, ignoring the laws that they are supposed to faithfully up hold to defend america and doing it knowingly and in the case of mayokas, he
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lied to us under oath in the judiciary committee stating that he had operational control of the border, smirking when he said it. he said it over and over and over again. i showed him that yesterday and read through the testimony. he had no response except to say you didn't give me time. that wasn't true as the record shows. every republican should be on notice that they shouldn't hide behind the constitution but enforce the constitution in this case and use the tools the founders gave us, that james madison wrote about. it is time to remove mayokas. more than that it is now time to not give a single dollar in the appropriationss process or continuing resolution to the department of homeland security until they remove mayokas and pay back texas for the 10 billion we've had to spend because the feds won't do it. >> harris: funding will get their attention.
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are you any closer to impeaching mayokas? >> more republicans have come to the realization that he has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. there are a handful still holding onto an outdated perspective and hiding behind the constitution rather than enforcing it. we'll go numbers. -- i'll go forward. i will stop any continuing resolution and any funding of the department of homeland security. our leadership should be on notice this won't go easily. we'll secure the border or damn well grind this place to a halt until they do. >> harris: part of the fight. you listed it in there in terms of remuneration for the state of texas. getting that money back. the justice department has just filed a request for preliminary injunction against your state.
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they want to look at the river barriers and having them removed within ten days while the case is being litigated. congressman, you and some fellow texas republicans responded earlier this morning. i want my audience to watch. >> i have a message for our governor of the great state of texas. governor abbott, stay the course. stand your ground. >> every texan is sick and tired of the federal government abandoning its duty to secure the border leaving texans exposed to death, destruction. >> i stand behind governor abbott defending the people of texas, period, full stop. >> harris: national border patrol council president who i was with several months ago and here is what he said about the biden administration and how it is making things worse. >> it is really aggravating when the white house decides to do something, it is to go after a state that's trying to do something at the border to pick
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up the slack that the federal government is not doing. >> harris: you have done pretty much everything you could do in your state and the fentanyl, i know you have that lab in one of your cities and doing everything you can and the government does what? >> well, the federal government stands in the way. let me say about john. he is a good man. the border patrol are trying to do their job. it is mayokas and the leadership at the department of homeland security and the president who stand in their way. the governor and department of public safety in texas are trying to go down and do the job that these patriots in border patrol are being prohibited from doing. we'll keep doing it in texas. in congress the texas delegation, my friends here, the freedom caucus, i hope the entire republican conference will stand behind governor abbott and stand behind texas and stand up for the american people and against cartels, stand against this abuse of
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immigrants in the false name of compassion and do it now. that's the marker we have to lay down. enough. we've had it. it is time to win again for this country. >> harris: i will move to the next topic. we will follow up on what we've been talking about now. i see it more than ever in you. you are trying to galvanize people to do the right thing. our sovereignty being given away as representative matt gaetz like a disney free pass. dodge, divert, deflect. democrats dismissing any talk of an impeachment into president biden with regard to hunter biden's foreign deals. republicans pointing to evidence like the i.r.s. whistleblower testimony and bribery scheme and much more. the left still says there is nothing to see here. >> no showing of president biden actually engaged in any
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wrongdoing. why would we want to impeach him when there is no wrongdoing? >> if there was actual evidence, of course. there is no evidence. >> there is no real evidence that the president was involved. >> no reason for an impeachment inquiry. a way to get behind donald trump. >> democrats don't have evidence. republicans don't have evidence. they want to do an impeachment without evidence, that's the problem. >> harris: the white house press secretary dismissing questions. >> is the impeachment inquiry coming. do you think there has been enough evidence to have an inquiry? >> harris: your reaction. >> well, i have to say watching my democratic colleagues who four years ago were all too happy to jump into the water to impeach donald trump over a phone call starting to say wait a minute, there is nothing to see here. there is nothing going on with president biden.
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what evidence is there? let me ask a question for the average american out there. if you make $1 hundred thousand a year for 40 or 50 years how do you have a multi-million dollar mansion in delaware and live among the elite and most wealthy in the country if you are a public servant your whole life? this we know what's going on. the american people's eyes are very clear. we see it and we know what hunter biden has been up to. the whistleblowers are bringing forward evidence and congressman jordan and jamie comer are looking into all of this. i believe we'll be able to present a case to the american people this fall. but i will defer to those two great chairmen in putting that case together. >> harris: congressman chip roy from the great state of texas, great to have you in "focus." thank you very much. >> thank you very much. god bless you. >> harris: new polling shows governor ron desantis has work to do on the ground.
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he is not actually gaining the way he had been on president trump in some states. the desantis campaign making some big moves now to do what it is calling a reset. democrats facing political fallout over hunter biden's plea deal implosion. >> democrats have to be concerned about their nominee for president, president biden. this all stinks to high heaven what we're uncovering. they can't be okay with that. no american can be okay with this. >> harris: the effect it all has on the president's re-election campaign and whether he can mitigate hunter's mess. ♪ . but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ my name is brian delallo.
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i teach ap and honors economics in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. financial well-being to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community.
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lower your monthly payments and get cash? with a home loan from newday, take out an average of $70,000, pay off debts and high rate credit cards, and save hundreds every month. the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? the chookie! manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at life, diabetes. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. >> harris: fox news has confirmed attorneys for former president donald trump are at a special counsel jack smith d.c. offices meeting in anticipation of a possible indictment related
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to a grand jury investigation of the 2020 election interference charges. the d.o.j. sent trump a target letter, as you know, earlier this month indicating he was being investigated by the special counsel in that. the grand jury is meeting today at a federal courthouse in washington, d.c. griff jenkins is following all of it. griff, you had a busy couple of days. >> we have indeed, harris. let me show you where we are now. outside of jack smith's special counsel office. you can see the entrance to the garage. we are getting together. attorneys about the former president are meeting with jack smith's folks building. whether any of the lawyers for the special counsel or mr. trump will speak to the media. the timeline is important.
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july 16th we got confirmation that trump attorneys got the target letter. now we are being confirming that the attorneys for trump are meeting with the special counsel. that's usually the last stop. it is often seen as a courtesy for the attorneys but they will meet for however long. they have been there for over an hour, maybe an hour and a half. we believe they arrived a little after 10:00 a.m. we don't expect anything that the attorneys once they have the courtesy meeting change the special counsel's mind. we don't also know whether or not there are any charges coming. we don't know if it's imminent. we know the target letter and following the way these things routinely happen. should charges come today or coming days we would see a similar pattern as we saw when the grand jury in florida indicted trump. of course, he had then four days to report. so this is all a whole lot of waiting and anticipation. the fact that we know that
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donald trump's attorneys are in here meeting with the special counsel right now has raised the anticipation that something could be coming, like the last time, remember, we did after charges did come, we did hear from special counsel jack smith. we'll see what happens. we're waiting and watching here outside the special counsel's office. >> harris: we heard quite a bit from the former president. he usually will hit his platform of truth social and tell the world what's going on. we'll watch it today. thank you for all your great reporting, griff, thank you. >> i believe if these witnesses come forward and tell the truth i think the american people will be in for a big eye opener with respect to joe biden. >> harris: that's james comer speaking after hunter biden's plea deal fell apart and the effects could reach president biden. the white house shutting down any talk of it. >> this was a personal matter for him.
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as we have said, the president, the first lady, they love their son and they support him as he continues to rebuild his life. i'll repeat this what i said at the top. the president loves his son. i don't have anything to add to that. i don't have anything to share. >> harris: the fallout potentially hurting president biden politically. a new op-ed calls the failed plea deal a nail in the coffin forjoe's campaign. another piece arguing voters may not care about the shady dealings of the son but they will share if president biden lied about his knowledge of the payments to biden family members. ari fleischer. you have been in the white house as some tough and some blissful times. what is it like there now? does this really touch the president? >> karine jean-pierre is on a short leash there, isn't she? i suspect when she said the other day in contradiction by
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the statements of president biden that he never discussed business with his son and she said he has never been in business with his son, i suspect she screwed up. i don't think she was supposed to say that and why she is on a tight leash now. why would the white house change its story in such an embarrassing way? it was a change of story. joe biden appears to have lied to the american people. he certainly has been contradicted by proof of texts and photos and other evidence talked business with his son at least. >> harris: so many times he has denied any knowledge, any conversations with his son about business dealings. and now, i mean, you have seen it. let's take another look at it. some in the liberal media playing defense for the first family. let's watch. >> hunter biden is a favorite target of republicans. what accusations and arguments do you think they'll make given this didn't go exactly as
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planned today? >> doing what they've been doing. they will try to indict a father for loving his son who has been addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and without evidence of the father doing anything other than loving that son. >> harris: of course i think love heals all things in families. we pray that it would. why are they all on the same talking point? how did that happen? love, love, love from kgp. >> they echo what they hear from the white house. republicans should pay attention to this. hunter biden is not the issue and republicans shouldn't go after hunter biden. the only person that matters is the president. the president misled the country, i call it a lie when he said he never discussed business with his son. the other question did president biden financially benefit from the deals?
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we know from texts, records and statements made by former business partners that president biden did financially benefit. so hunter biden equals evidence. he equals texts and phone calls and photos. that is what republicans need to focus on. evidence that ties to joe biden, not the son's behavior, but the son as proof of what is tied to joe biden. that's where this investigation must go. >> harris: it's interesting. why would that plea deal put immunity information so far down? one of my guest said page 15. why would they want to shield him from the phone calls and text messages looking into republicans on the hill, what happened behind the scenes with the president and were we as a country compromised because of any of those deals? on the republican side good news for donald trump even as a third indictment is looming.
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a new poll finds trump holding onto his commanding lead of the republican primary despite indictments previously. he gets 54% of the vote. desantis a distant second with 22%. hypothetical head-to-head match-up desantis trails trump by 20 points. troubles don't end for the desantis campaign. it cut a third of its staff to streamline operations, a trump-aligned pac quick to pounce. team desantis has lit tens of millions dollars on fire and collapsed in the polling. the people left to suffer are some low and mid level staffers. tell me what you think of this. >> this is july and by the time you get to december this race will be trump versus someone. who will that someone be is the magic question? it could still be ron desantis. he has squandered so much of what he came into the race with
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but i don't rule him out. we've seen in previous elections people flair out and come back. it could be tim scott, nikki haley. a small number of people will are emerge and you get to iowa and new hampshire and then it gets real. >> harris: south carolina where two candidates are. nikki haley and tim scott. >> which benefits donald trump. if they are both in south carolina they split a vote that would have more likely gone to either one of them. both of them being in is a big advantage to donald trump. >> harris: interesting. last question. you have seen this play out before. does donald trump do among all the things legally does he do the fox debate, the first gop primary debate? what is your best call? >> politically i don't see why he should. the only reason if i'm donald trump i would do it other than the fear of missing out because he needs to debate joe biden. he wants to get 81-year-old joe biden on stage debating him so
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america can see how old he is. if trump ducks debates can't biden? in terms of when you have a 30-pound lead you don't give your opponents a chance to get at you. >> harris: he usually drives it. thank you. house judiciary subcommittee holding a hearing on the dangers of pushing gender transition surgeries and puberty blockers on children. there was shocking testimony in this. raymond arroyo in "focus" next. s if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. ...aaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. book an exam today at only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement.
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>> my teammates and i were forced to address in the presence of lia, a biological male with male genitalia 18 times per week. we were offered psychological service to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male. to sum up the university's response, we the women were the problem, not the victims. >> harris: silence by the school. former university of pennsylvania swimmer and teammate of lia thomas, that was paula scanlon sharing her story
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on the hill. it is one of fear and repression as she was forced to compete against a biological male. right now at a house hearing republican lawmakers are looking to show how adults are coerceing children into getting life-altering and medically questionable gender transitioning procedures. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is live on the hill. some of the testimony today is really jarring and heartbreaking. >> absolutely. republicans see this as a public policy issue saying it's important to step in to protect kids. >> it should be prohibited by our law. this so-called gender affirm care is anything but affirming and caring. language matters. this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who don't have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. >> there was emotional testimony
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today from chloe cole. she was born female. she was a tom boy and began transitioning to male at age 12. took puberty blockers and testosterone. at age 17 she wanted to retransition. she is forever damaged. >> my jaw line sharper, my nose longer, bone structure permanently masculine. adams apple more prominent. fertility unknown. i look in the mirror sometimes and i feel like a monster. >> she doesn't hold her parents responsible. democrats say republicans are out of line attacking marginalized groups. >> what we are witnessing today is nothing less than a taxpayer funded platform for congressional republicans to bully transgender kids who are already some of the most vulnerable members of our community. >> gop is focusing on social
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issues like transgender care and sports as a wedge for 2024. democrats believe the tactic could backfire on the gop. >> harris: thank you. raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. i know you have strong thoughts about this. please share. >> look, harris, we heard jerry nadler say and i'll quote, he said we're dealing with safe and mainstream care. harris, there is nothing safe or mainstream about this care at all. in fact, our own fda has never approved these cross gender hormones or puberty blockers for young people or anybody. it has never been approved. you have sweden, the u.k., finland all backing off of what they call gender-affirming care meaning use of hormones and sex change therapy, surgeries. they are backing off because they've seen the fallout. our own fda, i want to read
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this, have warned that the sex hormones given to young people could cause intensified psych at trick problems, brain swelling and suppression of immunity. we don't know what the hormones do to young people. it is very concerning. when you have politicians trying to make political hay of this. i heard one democratic members say politicians shouldn't get in the middle of a personal decision of a child. stop. the biden administration was the first mover here endorsing this transformative sexually induced, medically induced sexual changes and having the government pay for it for young people. they are driving the bus on this. all the republicans and others who are concerned are doing and many in the medical establishment is saying wait a moment. we don't know what these therapies to do to the young.
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let's see what the international community can tell us as well. >> harris: dr. marc siegel was on with me a few weeks ago and said the puberty blockers are part of a castration process and it causes brittle bones and other physically degrading effects. we have to take a pause here. he thinks it's permanent. if it is the sort of thing causing brittle bones and goes on for too long and makes you frail, that is incredibly dangerous. you are right. we have to talk a pause and scientifically look at what is happening. let me get to this next part of this please. the trans agenda front and center in southern california. your thoughts on this. the school board president in chino valley she has received death threats that came after the board passed the policy to notify parents if their children start identifying as a different gender. watch this. >> our district got a phone
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call, a lot of things were said. one thing was very clear. this person was going to kill me and they said that they were going to dismember my body parts, my limbs more specifically. we declare war and gave them my address saying we know where you sleep. >> harris: last week she was force evidence to remove a state superintendent after a school board meeting after he refused to leave the podium. he argued the policy put trans children of risk of getting abused at home by unsupportive parents. >> the state, criminalized a parent not accepting the gender identity their child may offer one day or the next day. the school district is trying to just make parents aware of where their child is psychologically. how this puts at child at harm i don't understand. to think that the government cares for a child more than the parent, there is something
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deeply wrong here. we are more concerned about water heaters than we are about children's welfare. these are procedures and medical interventions that transform them forever. not only physically, psychologically and at every step of the way. this has to be monitored closely and parents need to be involved every step of the way, not at the end of the process. sorry. >> harris: always the best words to end with on "the faulkner focus" come from you. thank you, "outnumbered" next. m. with 3 cleaning boosters... not found in traditional dish soaps that help break down, loosen and lift away food and grease... so much faster! my name is joshua florence, and one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. you don't know what you're getting into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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>> harris: you're watching "outnumbered," harris faulkner here with emily compagno and kennedy and ainsley earhardt is here and former biden campaign surrogate kevin walling, who i


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