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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 20, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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what's it going to take to stop this us team faster xi more precision in the sky. good luck with that. oh, we're out of time. e. it out paid for. go see joe derosa catch him by studio ♪ ♪ >> laura: welcome to the ingraham angle, i'm laura ingraham reporting from washington. thank you for spending time with us ton >> laura: welcome to thes "the ingraham angle," i'm laura ingraham. investigating the hunter biden scandal, the second whistleblower revealed himself to the public for the first time. >> in coming forward, i'm risking my career, reputation and casework outside the investigation we are here to discuss. people are saying i must be more credible because i'm a democrat
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that is married to a man. i am no more credible than the man sitting next to me. the truth is my credibility comes today from my job experience with the irs, although i have supporters, others have said i'm a traitor to the democratic party and causing more division in our society. >> laura: no wonder the democrats did their best to change the subject back to their favorite distraction don. >> the real criminal and actual threat to our democratic institution is donald trump. >> i welcome also a hearing on the former president history on tax evasion and how long it took to see his tax returns. we are here today because donald trump is exerting a campaign to the united states. >> laura: she actually thinks
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americans are that stupid to disregard what they saw with their own eyes and heard with their own ears. pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, we have spoken. >> laura: it was the men behind the curtain, articulate and steadfast. after hearing them speak for hours, obvious conclusion, someone way up in doj, ashley wolf, attorney general himself, was protecting hunter biden. >> david weiss told us he was not the person to upon decline charges and if california decline, he would have to -- i understood gravity of the admissions. >> laura: yeah, if hunter was
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treated like anyone else, he would be going to jail and that would hurt president biden politically. yes, we learned a lot today despite democratses attempt tos distract us, we got clarity on the question i've been asking for months. how did the biden family get so rich. >> approximate transfers would have been 3.1 to everyone. how much did hunter biden and his -- through robbinson walker llcare? >> 3 million. 3.7 million, burisma paid million. >> played a law firm hundreds of thousands bringing payments to $7 million, is that correct? >> corrects, 7.3. >> 2014-2019, total amount of
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foreign income stream approximately $17 million, correct? >> that is correct employing >> laura: 17 million. man, i thought hunter biden was just an expert in doing eight balls of coke off the stomach of prostitutes. he must be really smart to be paid $17 million by foreign businesses while daddy was in office. anyone who cams to be a political reporter in this unto, in washington, who didn't watch this hearing and who didn't really report on it, should turn in their press credentials. same for anyone who claims to care about democracy and the bidens put our government up for jail. a bunch of journalistic fraud. >> allow the political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge biden. david weiss said he was not the
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deciding person on whether charges were filed. >> laura: entire day mr. shapley and ziegler laid out the facts. >> i thought the phony charges were well supported. federal prosecution drafted a memorandum recommended for approval felony and misdemeanor charges. that did not happen here and i'm not sure why. >> laura: well, we know why, to protect the president. it is clear as day, someone higher up in the doj steppeds in for the biden assist and u.s. attorney in delaware did not have the final say in this matter. the few time the democrats tried to lay a glove on the whistleblower failed. political times, but couldn't get his exhibits right. >> page 23, i remember there
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were always times where we were always on an impending election cycle. >> i don't see where you reference it -- >> page 23, you are talking about how the election cycle is delays decisions. >> i'm sorry, that is special agent ziegler's transcripts, that is why i couldn't find it. >> mr. ziegler and you shared concerns, at that time, joe biden was not the president. >> i believe he was nominee for president. >> i'm confused about the questions, talking about election to which president biden was part of. he didn't have to be the president to have election meddling. >> the question is was he president in april of 2020. asked and answered, no -- >> thank you, i wield back. mr. chairman, may i finish?
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>> please, you may answer the question. >> it is clear he was not the president, election is for the purpose of electing a president and joe biden at the time was a nominee. >> laura: this is just embarrassing. it was another liberal swing and miss and left wing whips kept coming. seems a lot of your testimony is about the problem of prosecutorial discretion and traditional tug of wash between investigators and prosecuteoses who are attune to rigor of the courtroom. not just investigators agreed with the charges. in exhibit two, shows prosecution recommendation report that says in the document, that assistant attorney general agreed with recommended charges. >> laura: can i buy a vowel? look, what the bidens have done here, what the doj did to save the president's son, it is more
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evidence of how little any of them care about america, rule of law or international reputation. because now every foreign country, every foreign ambassador, everyone knows that the u.s. government is up for sale, except maybe the americans who rely on the regime media to tell them the truth. the other networks didn't even cover this are hadding, passing mention. it is not important. for them, only thing that matters is preventing trump or anyone like him from being elected again. now to our panel. joining me is jason smith, chairman of ways anden moos committee, who conducted the first interview with the whistleblowers and congressman byron donald, who was in today's hearing. as jonathan turley noted earlier today, i think the most damming moment of the proceeding may have been courtesy,
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unintentional goal by the democrat defense. it came from congressman goldman. joe biden has repeatedly denied and it is completely not credible, he never discussed his son's business dealings. watch this exchange. >> hunter told his dad, according to rob walker, i may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys. that doesn't sound like joe biden was involved in whatever hunter biden was doing with the cdfc. he told his father he was trying to do business. >> laura: congressman donald, pompous goldman just dragged the president into this. sworn testimony by the whistleblower now on the record. >> i totally agree with you, that did occur. it was multiple instances in this hearing.
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one thing that came out, the famous what's app message where hunter is next to his dad and wants more money and you better give it to us or we will remember or we will stop everything you are doing. that text message, investigators at the irs wanted location data to show hunter biden was where we thought he was, at the beach house with joe biden. the ausa did not allow them to get the location data, this is simple investigative stuff. i'm not an attorney, i'm a finance guy, this is simple common sense. if you try to track down the flow of money, you simply get the location data. the doj stopped investigators from doing that. there is more information that came out of this hearing that not only did joe biden know what was going on, but joe biden was benefiting from what was going
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on. >> laura: congressman smiths, one point, goldmanned, he might have been there, there was no sense he was involved in the business. he might have been sitting next to them, it was so pathetic. they didn't really try to impeach the witnesses at all. another key moment that struck us. >> transition team is political operation set up to help elect cabinet employees, work on inauguration, any special investigative powers? >> not that i know of. >> your entire history, of working with irs, you worked to set up interview with a subject of a criminal investigation. >> i did not. did you ever get to interview hunter biden? >> we did not. >> laura: why is the transition team, political team of the president, involved in trying to
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prevent the normal course of this investigation. they shouldn't be. look at numerous examples both whistleblowers laid outer, they gave countless examples, where doj, biden's doj delayed a lot of the investigations, they divulged a lot of information to the transition team, to hunter biden's lawyers in the northern virginia storage unit and denied prosecution. these people try to bring up the fact that had the tax years of 2014 and 2015, 2016, when joe biden was vice president. why wasn't their charges brought by trump? they were gathering information, the statute of limitations ran under president biden for tax years of 2014 and 2015, some of
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the most horrendous crimes according to the investigators. >> laura: the chinese energy bank sending millions of dollars. congressman donalds, ziegler, the whistleblower, describing the intimidation that not just he, other agents experienced in this investigation. there was environment, when we were interviewing witnesses, where you were afraid to ask questions, questions that could lead to the presidential campaign. this is after the campaign is over. so questions like that, it was restricted and things like that we were limited to talking about. >> laura: congressman donalds, how do democrats, with a straight face, deny this is a problem? with the facts that are laid out. >> laura, let me tell you, first, what mr. ziegler said,
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those are the facts, through his testimony and in the deposition he took with the ways and means committee, but let me go further, in the hearing today, the democrats didn't bother going at the credibility of mr. ziegler, and mr. shapley, they knew that would be utterly ridiculous. they focused on donald trump and it was disgusting. no talk about the money that hunter biden, jim biden and joe biden were taking from foreign countries and didn't acknowledge the fact there was international pay for play scheme going on with the biden family. they only want to focus on donald trump and i think it is indicative of what is going on with jack smith and merrick garland right now, it is funny these two whistleblowers come forward today and all of a sudden there is a new indictment with donald trump going on. there are serious problems at the department of justice and it will take house republicans to
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get to the bottom of it. >> laura: one moment jamie raskin was trying to argue that hunter biden actually received -- i was howling when i watched this, actually received tougher treatment from the irs. i think we have the sound bite. >> the fact hunter biden faced a four-year criminal probe involving dozens of agents and prosecutors from irs, fbi, u.s. attorney office, doj tax demonstrates he received no special treatment, but selectively tougher treatment than millions who never face criminal investigation for doing the same thing. >> laura: these are millions and millions of dollars in payments that were documented today and how in this universe would that not be something that our irs would want to understand and track. >> if any normal american,
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without the last name biden, had beaten the government out of more than a million dollars in taxes that they owed, they would serve jail time and in facts, mr. shapley, during the hearing today, highlighted exhibit two he provided to the ways and means committee, which was an exhibit of what they should bring charges against hunter biden and it outlined several felonies, several misdemeanors from tax years 2014 to 2019 issue but to all charges and even wolf, the assistant prosecutor agreed with the charges. he was not charged with one felony, plea agreement is two misdemeanors, slapped on the wrist, won't be serving jail time, average american would be serving jail time temperature is unfortunate this administration is truly, truly treating the
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wealthy and those politically connected to biden different than the average american. >> laura: somebody stepped in here and said, this will kill biden, destroy his presidential campaign or political future. >> that is what we'll try to find out, we have asked for several peep toll come before us, they are trying to stop it, we will not stop. >> laura: you will hear from the attorney of gary shapley and senator josh hawley how this hearing resets gop priorities for reforming the doj and the fbi. stay there. fbi stay attention... are you suffering from hearing loss? the fda has finally approved hearing aids to be sold over the counter direct from the manufacturer... no prescriptions needed! without doctors or middlemen that means you can pay thousands less for superior quality digital hearing aids and now, world leader in sound, rca, introduces their revolutionary otc hearing aids starting as low as $99 delivered, free right to your door.
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all the way down the government with everything that we found out just in the last two and a half years or so? >> well he ought to maybe look in a mirror and look around his fellow democratic colleagues and talk to let's say hillary clinton's campaign who used the fbi though launder russian disinformation as the left says to try and influence the presidential campaign of 2016, they used the fbi to try to interfere in 2020. and now you have got joe biden using the fbi once again to try to take out his leading political opponent. what we found out today, laura, is that the fbi and the irs have become incredibly corrupt at the top. you've got influence at the top trying to shut down investigations into the president and his son and i will tell you what the number one thing we need right now is an independent special counsel who will go after this and get the facts and do justice. >> laura: clearly that was the sentiment we heard today repeated from at least one of the whistleblowers. i want to play a moment from
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congressman gary palmer from alabama who again was getting at the issue of what was exactly being road blocked in this process, again, an irs investigation into what looked like felonious activities on the part of hunter biden watch. >> was there other evidence in this investigation that you were denied access to? >> yes, there was. one piece was the hunter biden laptop. united states attorney leslie wolf told us on that day, i think it was september 3rd of 2020, and that's that they had information from the laptop that they were not providing to the investigators. >> laura: they had information from the laptop they weren't providing to investigators a couple months before the presidential election and the democrats are going on and on about election interference and the russians? come on. >> yeah. this is at exactly the same time, laura, that the fbi was
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actively telling the big tech companies that the laptop was, in fact, russian misinformation that all you had all of those former intelligence officials signing a letter that now we know is totally false saying that we know that it's russian disinformation when, in fact, it was totally true. the fbi knew it was true. knew the information was accurate on the laptop. not only did they do nothing to correct the record. they went out and urged the tech companies to censor it. this is a pattern for multiple presidential elections and running the democrats and the fbi and the intelligence agencies have in one form or another tried to interfere in the election. i look now at what they are doing, continuing to interfere in the efforts to find out is the president of the united states a crook? that's what we're after here. is he a crook? did he get rich off of foreign bribes and foreign money? the american people deserve to know. >> laura: we heard the list of the payments that went to hunter biden. i think anyone who has been a casual observer of hunter biden, they know that he has no
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financial acumen that would give him $17 million payments from all these foreign interests including, you know, a chinese entity. what was he being paid for but for influence, you know, with his father should he become president of the united states or be in office again, which a lot of people thought he would be? >> one of the most shocking things i think that's emerged, laura, from these hearings is confirmation that there is evidence, multiple pieces of evidence that joe biden discussed this business -- these business dealings with hunter, that hunter actively leveraged his father in order to get this money. if that is true, and now we have got multiple pieces of evidence that it is, we're talking about one of the biggest scandals in american history, maybe the biggest involving an american president. this is foreign bribery we're talking about. we have got to get the facts here. the american people deserve. this that means we have got to have a special counsel and there has got to be house cleaning at the department of justice. >> laura: and does the senate intend to do that.
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if you guys get the majority back, will the leadership actually really drain the swamp at the fbi and the doj? >> well, will the leadership? i don't know, laura, will i do my part? you bet. and not just now. not just later we need to do it now. we need to push for accountability right now. we need a special counsel now. we need garland on the hook now. we need mayorkas impeached now. let's not wait. let's do it now. >> laura: all right, senator. thank you. now one of the biggest unanswered questions we have is how involved was the president in hunter's shakedown of a particular chinese businessman? now joe says he wasn't -- that what happewhat's app. worse shapely revealed that investigators weren't allowed to even follow up on it. >> investigators were not allowed to follow up on what's app. messages from icloud backup where he suggested he was
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sitting next to his father. assistant united states attorney leslie wolf cited the optics of executing a search warrant at president biden's residence as a deciding factor for not allowing it, even though she agreed that probable cause existed. prosecutors instructed investigators to not ask about the big guy or dad when conducting interviews. >> laura: don't ask about who this person was referenced in the what's app. message the big guy don't ask, don't tell. joining me now is tristen left, the irs whistleblower, gary shapley's attorney. saw saw him sitting behind the whistleblowers today. it was a long day. tristen, i know you just wrapped up. this was all said under oath. criminal theft of lying to congress. that's a big, big no-no. so, what would any whistleblower at this point, given what's happened, gain from exaggerating or telling untruths before congress? given everything that we have seen happen to any whistleblower who doesn't happen to be, you
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know, trying to go after trump? >> absolutely nothing. and the crazy thing for gary particularly is, again, he is the head of this elite unit, 12 agents report to him from the around the country. credit swiss. he has zero reason to try to risk his career other than the truth and his conscience. >> laura: what one democrat congressman said about your client. >> what they are basically saying is that david weiss is a had liar. david weiss will have to defend himself. but i think we would find it very odd that these are the guys telling the truth and david weiss, someone who had to go through the u.s. senate somehow not telling the truth as a prosecutor. >> laura: oh, the u.s. senate. because they never get it wrong. your response? >> i think he represented himself very well today. i think the american public could see for himself who gary and joe zeigler were and i think it was impressive. >> laura: to you what was the most impressive part of today, i mean one moment? >> for them to talk about quo
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imperative to them goal to the to tank any particular plea deal or anything else equal justice under the law. >> laura: americans who care about the system. >> that's right. >> ro khanna tried to smear your clients today, their credibility. watch. >> is it true that you have often disagreed, your recommendations have often been disregarded before when it comes to charging decisions? is that true? >> i don't think disregardside accurate representation. >> they have -- people in your own irs have disagreed often with your decisions before is that being a rat? >> that's not accurate. >> laura: tristen, weren't those individuals only acting in advisory capacity. >> absolutely. >> what gary didn't point out to point out it's it not just his team. everyone, all these international investigations ct council disagrees with that's why they are not respected by prosecutors. >> laura: they are the ones that have the credibility problem the people disagreeing with the whistleblowers. >> yeah. it's important down to the weeds to understand their role which
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is they want to highlight these can be difficult prosecutions. any time internationally, it could be. it's hard. >> laura: would a bureaucrat ever want to work no. tristan, thank you. good to see you. we get his thoughts on today's bombshell testimony coming up. no fle
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>> laura: all right. you heard it here first sending the famously inept john kerry to woo the chinese on climate change. that's an embarrassment in the making. everyone knows that the chinese communist party is not going to play ball on climate. it's a dream come true for xi and, of course, he has no intention of abiding by any kerry approved climate rules. never. >> it will continue to do what -- economic and strategic interest. >> laura: i think kerry should keep that mask on. i hate to say we told you so but. >> we had very frank
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conversations but we came here to break new ground, which we think is important at this stage and it is clear that we are going to need a little bit more work to be able to complete that task. >> laura: just a little more work. joining me now newt gingrich fox news contributor, former speaker of the house and author of march to the majority. newt, he needs a little more time. we had frank conversations, you were around washington for decades, what were those, just interpret that for us, decode those comments. >> well, first of all, an administration that has kamala harris and john kerry may have the lowest practical iq of any administration in american history. i mean, these people are unbelievable. kerry always has been around the planet going from four star
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thottle four star thottle elegant meetings in five star restaurants and accomplished nothing except strengthening iran and weakening the united states, now is he back in the same business. he has no clue about the real world. and to think that the chinese communist dictatorship is going to be impressed by john kerry's, you know, his whole belief in a green world that's going to magically occur is nuts. the chinese are building more coal plants. the chinese are building more polluting industries. the chinese are committed to you economic growth, and they're not going to give up any of that to make john kerry and the sierra club feel better. so this was a fool's errand carried out by a fool. and he achieved exactly what you could expect. >> laura: newt, i like you earlier in the east coast you are even more cutting earlier. this is great for us. [laughter]
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>> laura: xi is saying that a missions cut should be determined by china and not by the sway of others. but here is how kerry responded. watch this. >> we all agree that nobody should be, quote, dictated to and we are not doing that. that's why we had three days of intensive discussions. there was no dictation here. there was clear exchange of ideas. if anything is dictating it is the silence. not ding tailgating anything in a conversation about china. is he very charitable to china on the topic of climate change when it comes to dealing with the republicans, forget it, we are out of luck. >> of course, look, you have to expect that. the biden team is afraid of the chinese. they consistently kowtow. when the sent a to the treasury literally cow toweled not prime
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minister as an act of indicating who the superior person was. i'm not sure she knew that because i'm not sure she is much more in touch with reality than kerry is, the chinese communist dictatorship is pretty straightforward. it's interested in china. it wants to be the dominant country in the world. it's investing heavily in science and technology and military capability. and it's not going to deviate from that one inch just because john kerry shows up and has a -- i would be very curious what the recipes on the menus were. i'm sure they will elegant. i'm sure he had terrific dinners, wonderful lunches, interesting breakfast so he can go home a happy man. >> laura: and his hair looks great. >> world traveler in government office. >> laura: newt, great to see you don't. great to have you back. up next jason aldean is under fire for daring to try that in a small town and barbie as a radical feminist heads to siena plexus everywhere. the democrats seen and
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♪ >> time for seen and unseen segment where we explore the cultural stories of the day and for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. everybody is talking about it country star jason aldean's
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video for his song try that in a small town. it's been removed from country music television after complaints from some on the left. here is some of this video. ♪ cop spit in his face ♪ stomp on a flag and light up ♪ yeah, you think you're tough ♪ well, try that in a small town ♪ see how far you make it down the road >> laura: okay. what's wrong with that video? >> nothing is wrong with that video, laura. bear in mind, this song premiered back in may. it's an homage to small town values, care for community. but the fact that features riots and looting has offended some. aldean is now responding in writing he said in the past 24 hours i have been accused of releasing a pro-lynching song and was subject to a comparison that i direct, quote, was not too pleased with the nationwide blm protest. these references are not only
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meritless but dangerous. sheryl crow and others have accused aldean of promoting violence. it's not promoting violence, laura. yes, he talks about gun ownership but he does so as a hedge against public violence and attacks on innocent citizens. >> laura: all i can say about sheryl crow is thank goodness for her co-writers. okay? that's all i'm going to say. sheryl crow? i mean, go back to 19 -- what? ridiculous. >> aldean now number one song on itunes. luke combs was attacked earlier in the week by singing a song by a lesbian who loved it. morgan wahlen they tried to cancel him he has had the number one album and song 14 weeks plus on the charts. so audience decide if it sticks or not. we have seen enduring and beloved brands, laura destroyed this year. it seems barbie is next. if you believe these reviews, the new barbie movie takes america's favorite ball from
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barbie to harpy. the "new york post" declares it lousy. sarah vine writes at the daily mail it's a deeply antiman movie an extension of all the tiktok feminism that paints any form of masculinity as fulks and predatory. every male character is either an idiot, a big ten or sad rather pathetic loser. laura, could you imagine if james mayor gold had told indiana jones. >> martha: io movie how dumb women were. there would have been pickeringtons in the theaters people should react similarly here. >> they don't want real men they want pajama boys to sit around waiting for the government to send them a check as they get ready for pay late class and leggings and wait for the next door dash order to come in. real men are a threat to them. >> this is insidious because feminists are taking over a doll they never really liked in the first place and using it as a
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trojan horse to teach girls daddy is really a dummy or domineering idiot. finally lauer u. laura as long as we are talking about going against brand a liberal ad liberal group in ohio. meant to discourage people for voting for a measure that would make it more difficult to amend the state constitution. >> do you have a condom? >> yeah. >> sorry, you can't use those. >> what are you talking about? who are you? >> i'm your republican congressman now that we're in charge, we're banning birth control. >> laura, the amazing thing is the ballot measure has nothing to do with contraception but this canard that somehow the senate or the supreme court has banned contraceptives or abortion. again, the man is an idiot or a domineering patriarch. there's that narrative again. >> laura: they are so desperate
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because they can't run the record. they have to run on this. but not surprising. i hope everybody goes out there and gets the jason aldean song on itunes and supports him. raymond, great to see you. thanks so much. all right. an exclusive angle -- an exclusive from the angle, a generous donor has given arizona state millions over the years but he just decided to pull back his latest 6-figure check over the university's refusal to treat conservative speakers with respect. now that donor is here exclusively next. ♪
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>> laura: for the last 20 years, tom lewis and his foundation donated millions to arizona state university, even creating a center with his name on it. in february, the center post of a health, wealth, and happiness event. you can imagine what happened next. the faculty freaked out. they claim to the speakers were
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purveyors of hate and the school later fire the executive director who organize the event. on june 30, tom lewis pulled his nearly $400,000 donation. tom joins us discursively now. he's also the author of "solid ground." tom, it's great to see you tonight. why did you pull the donation? >> well, laura, i have been a big fan of colleges for 20 years. i had a great express myself in college back in the early '70s that it meant a lot to me. i got a scholarship to go to college at the university of kentucky and it changed my life. i have been a big fan of universities in general and a big donor for 20 years. but i finally just kind of had enough. i have seen what's really happening there and it's not a pretty picture. i would be happy to go into it with you. >> laura: very quickly. faculty were completely up in arms. the person who actually
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organized this event, was terminated. >> right. and atkinson is a wonderful executive director for that program. but he's a conservative lady. she was pushing some conservative speakers to come to the university. there weren't many of them. but the university is intolerable of the voice from the right. we learned that when we put on this event with charlie kirk and dennis prager and it drove them crazy. they don't want donors to metal with the classroom and they don't want conservative speakers to speak on campus and if they do, they try to limit what they say and they don't want them to say anythingd offend some of their students. >> jesse: but they want your money. they want your money no questions asked, no strings attached. officially, the official that you talked about addressed arizona state lawmakers yesterday about how bad it really was at this school.
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>> the barrett faculty took their condemnation campaign. the faculty viciously and publicly attacked lewis center donors. the barrett dean censored speech. >> laura: tom, censored speech, attacked the donor. that's you. >> that's right. having a problem that we have here is that the faculty at most public universities are given a complete free rein in the classroom and a lot of them are radical. a lot of them don't really want to teach. but they've also redefined academic freedom. that used to mean faculty's right to pursue truth in their discipline without opposition. but they change the definition of that do whatever they want whenever they want to whomever they want. they think they have the superior freedom that they can intimidate students and other people they don't agree with.
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>> laura: unaccountable. i want you to see what asu posted yesterday about free speech. >> it can be noisy and uncomfortable but in a free society, universities must be safe places that encourage civil public discourse. the heart of asu's charter is a commitment to inclusion. that means everybody. >> laura: tom, i have heard from friends that asu had been doing a good job but what happened? >> they talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion and i think the lgbt movement has really chilled students are not of that thinking. they want to include the lgbt students but they want to exclude anybody that doesn't embrace and love that concept. so there including 10% of the students and excluding, you know, 80%. that is the nonsense it's
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happening. it's time people speak out. it's time people raise their hand and say -- >> laura: you are leading the way because i think it's time for donors to do exactly what you did. thank you for doing what you did after coming along tonight. that is it for us tonight. don't forget, set your dvr so you never miss us at our new time slot, & >> todd: another busy day on the hill, presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. gears up to testify. democrats demanded republicans cut him from the hearing, but the majority refused and now president biden's biggest 2024 challenger heads to the mic. >> carley: plus, the barbie movie hits after a marketing blitz captured the attention of the country. it is not pink out fits people are talking about. >> this is designed for the eyes of t


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