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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 14, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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i love this idea. >> piers: americans need to be less slovenly. let that be my final word. thank you for watching me this week. i will be back one day. have a good evening. sean hannity is next. >> welcome to a special friday night addition of hannity. the atlantic is calling for joe to step aside. he was slammed for being a deadbeat granddad and here is cnn, the slow pace of the reelection campaign feeds democrats 2024 anxiety. axios' exposed his volatile temper, referring to him as old
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yeller. whistle-blowers allege serious crimes including bribery, money laundering, and let's not forget cocaine and other drugs were discovered in the west wing of his white house but they have not found the culprit and they are not looking any more. his trip abroad was a disaster. this was in finland. joe trying to kiss a terrified looking toddler. jill biden has always been creepy, weird, and not smart. his decline has now rendered him totally, completely inept. you decide. >> would you like to join nato? >> one hour and 20 minutes.
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>> mr. zelinski and i talked about the kind of guarantees we can make in the meantime. the daughter of iceland and i want to say, i think we have had a productive summit. nato will have 32 freestanding members. >> ceasing his inhumane attacks on -- by russia on ukraine. >> how embarrassing. joe, he is not vladimir putin. here we go, once again, there it
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is, a week where the president was lost, confused, dazed while leaders were looking on with embarrassment. joe biden is not fit to be your commander in chief right now, much less another term. he is one major fall away from what will be a massive push by democrats to get him off the ticket. everyone on the planet realizes this except maybe joe biden. even the president's staffers see the handwriting on the wall. they are running the country into the ground. biden is recuperating in delaware and at camp david. can we get a list of the visitors that go to see him? how many doctors might be on that list. he took no questions and forgot to salute the marines. that is an important thing to
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do. you are the commander in chief. he is such a terrible excuse for a president, democrats who were mocked and ridiculed by their own party, they are all gaining what is serious traction in the primary polls. if i had to make a bet, i would guess gavin newsom is receiving an endless stream of texts. begging him to enter this race. >> how many times does your phone paying a day saying you need to get in this race? >> i see where you are going. >> i am asking. >> i am not answering. >> how embarrassing for joe biden. they are ready to send him out to pasture. it is not just his cognitive decline.
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his sketchy foreign business deals are a massive problem. we are going to learn more next week, his refusal to recognize his 4-year-old granddaughter is reprehensible and immoral and cruel. his history of plagiarism and the nonstop lying and storytelling is a cause for concern to everybody in this country. he tells provable lies regularly. the media has been protecting him. his behavior around young women and small children, it is creepy and it is weird. if you are a democrat watching, would you hire joe biden in any job in the real world? would you hire him to work at mcdonald's or home depot. would you let joe biden represent you in a court of law, argue your case before a judge
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and jury? would you be comfortable with your life in his hands? would you trust him with any task big or small? if the answer is no, you have an obligation to replace them on the ticket and as president was someone aware, articulate, competent. this is a constitutional republic. you don't have to rubber-stamp his reelection bid. his phone numbers are bad. there is a chance he loses come november 2024. tonight, there is a chance democrats will be the ones to move on from joe biden before the election and replace him. that is why the walls are closing in on the biden white house. we have to break down his scandals in detail. with reaction, charlie, lisa, miranda. good to see you.
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lisa, let's get your take. when you look at the leaks coming from the white house, which we have not had a lot since he has been president, but about his temper. when marlene writes a scathing piece about him not recognizing his grandchild, that is significant. publications calling for him to be removed. i see this as the media mob and the democratic establishment mob turning against him. am i seeing it clearly? >> it seems like the knives are out. i would be terrified if i were that toddler. i don't blame her for trying to get away from joe biden. the oldest president in american history looks like the oldest president in american history. age is a factor. 70% of americans worry about his
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health. 40 list his age as a reason why they are less likely to support him. his biggest vulnerability is the fact that he broke he promises to the american people. he promised stability and unity. and ever since his withdrawal from afghanistan, all we have seen his instability and chaos. he labeled 75 million americans, including us, as enemies of the state. he is in for a world of trouble right now. >> let's get your take on it through the prism of your investigation into the syndicate and we know these irs whistle-blowers will testify next week. i have a little bit of a preview from some sources. it is going to be pretty
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blockbuster. will that be a huge contributing factor in democrats turning against joe? >> it is not just the irs whistle-blowers. devon archer will be testifying on the 26th of july. there are other whistle-blowers that are as good as the irs whistle-blowers. these people will point the finger at joe biden's involvement in the influence peddling scheme and the republicans in the house, those three committees, that is what they are zeroing in on and that is what they are getting close to and so they should, because this is a president who is compromised, the extent of that, we don't know. that is in terms of the amount of money his family has received from china and ukraine and russia. he is compromised in his
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cognitive deficits and physically, he is feeble. the fact that he just went to nato and was bumbling and tripping and having to be led around by other world leaders, it is not noticed as much here because it is so commonplace. when he is doing it on the world stage, this is the man who holds the nuclear codes, we are the closest to a nuclear war than we have been in 60 years. it is really concerning to everybody. of course people should be looking at replacing him. >> when i watched him all week abroad, meeting with our allies and every instance, we have only chronicled an monologue a few of
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them, i find it embarrassing for our country. these are our allies. china is watching, ram is watching, the world is watching, north korea is watching. that is where it gets scary to me as a country. >> the important thing is the fact we are showing a few of the clips here and if you watch all of it, it is hard to watch. miranda is right, we have be become -- to it because we see it so often and we know how feeble he is and how, what a difficult time he has, thinking straight and getting ideas across and saying things. on the world stage, they look at this and if they haven't been seeing it, they are shocked by
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it and the most important thing is our adversaries, whether it is vladimir putin or she shooting pain, they shake their head. the only reason we are in the war in the first place is the policies that joe biden embraces and also because vladimir putin took a look at him and realize this was the weakest moment in modern american times and china sees the exact same thing and whatever they have other shopping lists, you know they are eyeing to move on it now. >> we just showed the incident with king charles. i looked at his face. there was shock on his face and he was clinging to him for a minute.
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i can only imagine what is going through their minds. >> to charlie's point, if you are our enemies, you are taking advantage of this moment. we have the oldest president in office and probably the weakest. i would caution the audience, they have joe biden elected from his basement. whoever the republican nominee is, they have to be outside the margin of error. we have an arm behind our back heading into 2024.
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this is key. republicans have to get rid of any resistance to mail in loading and they better match the legal ballot harvesting efforts that democrats use in swing states. how real and dangerous is the syndicate reaching joe? these two committees are getting very close to tying him to the money. they seem to be getting close. i am sitting here with my father was pretty revealing. >> there will be more coming
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forward about joe biden. it reaches a tipping point where even "the new york times" and "washington post" and the rest of that democrat aligned media is going to have to start reporting this, treating it seriously. they have covered for him. they always say when they are dragged report anything about the hunter biden scandals, they put in that boilerplate paragraph with this has nothing to do with joe biden. that is going to be impossible to keep up. they are toughing it out. they have an enormous legal team, which is not just protecting hunter. they are protecting joe biden and the people who covered for him. they may keep on toughing it out and lying and gaslighting to the american people. >> charlie, we will start with
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you on this. what are the odds joe biden is the democratic nominee for november 2024? >> 50/50 at this point. they believe donald trump is going to be the republican nominee and they think joe biden is their best shot at beating him. honestly, i would hate to put it like this, i don't know if he is going to, like you say, whether he is one fall away or what ever. i don't know that he can physically do this. >> sean: what are the odds? >> i hate being wrong. i am going to say 60% he is going to be the nominee. >> sean: what are the odds? >> i agree. it is 60 plus. it depends on who wins the republican primary. i think they think they can drag
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joe biden across the finish line and they don't have to deal with that, love paris problem. -- don't have to deal with the kamala harris problem. case closed in the cocaine at the white house cocaine scandal. next tuesday, we will be hosting a town hall with donald trump in cedar rapids, iowa, followed by shows in new york city on wednesday and thursday. tickets for all three events are free. go to to register. mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day
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>> welcome to fox news live. dangerous heat continues to scorch the south and southwest. this weekend is expected to get worse. more than 90 million people are under her feet alerts. las vegas could see record highs pushing 117 and the hottest place on the planet, death valley, could reach high temperatures near 130 degrees. the man accused of murdering multiple people in long island is pleading not guilty. he faced a judge today hours after being arrested. he killed at least 3 of 11 people and was known as gilgo the beach murders. police linked the architect to the crimes using dna from pizza crusts. i will send you back to hannity.
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>> sean: welcome back. when the secret service shut down their investigation into the joe biden white house cocaine scandal yesterday, many couldn't help but notice this is far from the first time they have been gifted a free pass. here is what kevin mccarthy told mark mccallum yesterday. >> when the laptop became public, what did the biden family do? they used our secretary of state to go out, call people who had been cia directors, call people in the intel community to tell the american people it was false when they knew it was true. when it comes to the biden family, they are treated different than every other american family. >> sean: here with us, our legal analyst and a former
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congressman. ten days, they spent ten days on this investigation. that is not a long enough time. we have footage of every person in the days leading up to and the day of an day after of people going into the white house. what if it was anthrax? what if it was cocaine laced with sentinel? this is the president of the united states. that is not a strong enough effort and that seems like a cover-up. >> this was not a serious investigation. they didn't want to find out who did it. there is a silver lining. now that it is a case closed, there is no excuse for them to hold out and give all the information to congress. the secret service already said
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no. >> they have to issue a sub subpoena. kimberly cheadle, the head of the secret service, she is not off to a good start. she used to work at pepsi. she had 20 plus years at the secret service, but she reports to a secretary. they had jake sullivan's residence. somebody broke into the national security advisor and had an encounter with them. she is not off to a good start. they need to have that. she needed to see pictures. they needed to know exactly where it is. i have been there. it is secure. they know who did this. >> sean: i believe that is the truth and there are people, sources, i cannot report it because i haven't confirmed it with another source.
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in the process of this, we learned there were two other drug incidences in the biden white house. they never bothered to tell us about that. >> they are good at covering things up. their account of what happened is ludicrous. it is inconceivable there were no fingerprints on the baggie of coke. you touch it and it sticks and stays there. i can see four of my own fingerprints. if it was dusted, you would find more latent fingerprints. none of this makes sense. we are supposed to believe there is no video evidence?
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the white house has more surveillance. this is the important point. the secret service keeps shifting the location. the original site is the one that is most reliable. the east wing library below the family residence because that is where the hazmat team was directed to go. >> sean: one thing that will happen next week and i want you both to comment on this, james coomer is going to have another whistle-blower. my sources tell me this is going to be a huge day next wednesday. your thoughts on what is coming? >> you are going to hear from not only the irs whistle-blower but someone else we haven't heard from. you are going to hear the
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specifics of the flow of information. what was the method they used, who accepted the money, how did they spend the money >> sean: the walls are closing in. >> credit goes to the congressional committees. the u.s. attorney's office in delaware signed off on serious felony charges against hunter biden. those whistle-blowers will tell us what happened to those felony charges. >> thank you. when we come back, the only
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person more unpopular in washington, d.c., he has his own vice president. we will show you her latest bizarre remarks. next tuesday, a town hall in cedar rapids, iowa, with shows in new york city wednesday and thursday. tickets are free. you just need to go to you just need to go to and register. to reel in the fun and savor every bite. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. don't miss enjoying a moment, with our onsite labs to help you, fast, and 20% off your denture care. so, whether you need a new look or a quick fix, you can celebrate with a smile all season— always at aspen dental. book today. hi, i'm todd. i'm a veteran of 23 years. i served three overseas tours.
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>> sean: as the oldest president in american history runs for reelection, there is interest in the vice president. is she ready to step up and be commander in chief as we have a very weak, frail, cognitive mess
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as a president? we report. you decide. >> i want to thank the secretary for your work, this issue is about making sure people have the ability to get where they need to go. and is that basic. >> the first part of this issue that should be articulated. ai is a fancy thing. ultimately it is about machine learning. >> fancy, two letters, i get people where they need to go. she announced she is leading the charge on the biggest civil rights issue of our time, adding accessible bathrooms to commercial airplanes. she was mocked online and she currently has the lowest
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approval rating of any vice president in history. ricky is with us. the host of just listen to yourself. keira davis, i don't like to listen to myself. why do i have to listen to myself again? i know what happened and how it ends. >> sometimes people need to listen to what they are saying. are you even hearing what is coming out of your mouth? > >> sean: people asked me all the time if i listen to my own radio show. i was there. i know how it ends. look at this line here, the issue of transportation is about making sure people have the ability to get where they need to go. ai is a fancy thing. first of all, it is two letters and means artificial intelligence but ultimately it
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is about machine learning. why does everything she say seems like it is geared towards a kindergartner? >> it is condescending. as a young person worried about the economy, ai is not two letters to me. it is the most fundamental question about the future as a country and her rhetoric of giggling her way through it, -- >> sean: the passage of time is about time that is passing and we are all passing through time which is why the passage of time is imperative and impo important. why does she have this strange speaking pattern? do you remember the sitcom?
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veep? it is exactly like the character. >> that is what i said when she got elected. i am starting to think she is the ai because the things that come out of her mouth, it is first generation ai. >> that would be predicated on the idea that there was intelligence there. she doesn't come off as the smartest person. >> they are working on all the bugs, the computer understands english words but it doesn't understand sentence structure or human thought so it is mimicking human thought. that is what we are getting, but this is what you get from california politicians. they fail upwards. what happens is a federal politician retires or dies, the
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governor appoints their replacement and they don't have to run for reelection again. they are not challenged. this is what you get when you are never challenged. >> not every company has learned from the bud light fiasco. they were the number one beer cellar and they are now number 14. maybelline is under fire for extreme woke advertising. it features a fully bearded nonbinary influence are wearing their makeup. good idea or bad idea? i think it is bad and companies ought to be about delivering products and not being involved in politics. >> clearly they are not learning from history.
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the scandal just happened. it seems like they did their focus group and portland. the american public is on a different page from american corporations at this time and i wouldn't be surprised if there was another boycott around the corner. >> bud light goes from number one to number 14, the market share, tens of billions of dollars they are losing. why are these companies not learning from bud light and target? >> they are still attached to the esg model. it will take a while to even out. the other reason, they think it is trending. they have marketing leaders and they are young people with not a
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lot of real-world experience. they are getting their ideas from tick-tock and twitter and they live in these bubbles. a drag queen doing makeup makes more sense than i transgendered guy with bud light. the market will respond. we will wait to see what the market does. if america doesn't like it, we will not buy it. >> sean: i am going to start listening to myself. ricky, thank you. straight ahead, scandals, questions around the bidens former business deals. next tuesday we are hitting the road and will be in cedar rapids, iowa, with donald trump.
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hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent thousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight.
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you're not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is.
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>> sean: despite strong resistance from bidens allies, republicans are looking for answers, irs whistle-blowers alleging bias in the probe. this is going to be blockbuster and senior officials at the doj, the irs, secret service are in talks with house republicans about them sitting for interviews. the doj confirmed the lead attorney is willing to meet with the house judiciary committee at an appropriate time. here with reaction, matt whitaker and john levine. matz, they have been reluctant, resistant, uncooperative. they didn't want to hand over
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the preform. witnesses have been not forthcoming. we can look at christopher ray yesterday, earlier this week and what do we see? he ducks, dodges, and weaves. they have not been cooperative with the doj at all. >> they have not. just like the hunter biden case taking five years to investigate before these charges and a throwaway agreement was made, this truth, they don't want it to come out. they are going to testify this investigation was spiked by the highest level of officials and they don't want that story to get out. >> this judge should not sign off on this sweetheart deal.
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the court needs to give time for this to percolate and that has to be reconfigured. >> that is a wrench in the machinery that not a lot of people are talking about it. part of his plea deal requires he stay clean and off of drugs. it raises new questions about the drugs found in the white house and we don't know who brought them but we know an active cocaine addict has been staying at the white house. there is a political imperative to finding the culprit. >> sean: we know the spokesperson lied to the country when they said the bidens weren't there when they found
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the cocaine. whitaker, when you hear about all of this being covered up and david rice, john solomon reported this week, approved of the indictment tax felony charges on hunter and his own department improved it and they lowered it to misdemeanor charges and the charge is a joke from the people who lecture americans about second amendment rights. >> as a senior doj official, i see a designer plea deal and i know that is what happened. they let the statute run so they let it run and they have these misdemeanor charges coupled with this to not offend again. this plea deal, if approved, is going to require a higher hunter
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biden to be drug tested and we will see if it follows through with that and if he can comply with those terms going forward. >> sean: how do you see this ending? >> paper. they can generate reams and reams of paper. if david weiss tried to become a special counsel, there will be a paper trail. that is going to be the only objective way to suss out who is telling the truth and who is not. >> sean: at a future date, i don't think the doj wants him to testify. that would be a perjury trap potential if you were right. thank you both. biden refuses to acknowledge his seventh grandchild. how heartless. some democrats remain unfazed.
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we have the tape and victor weighs in as we continue., get your free tickets to our town hall, cedar rapids, iowa, next tuesday. audience shows on wednesday and thursday night. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid.
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♪ . >> sean: all right, welcome back to this special edition of hannity, one of the many scandals surrounding the biden family is joe biden's refusal to acknowledge what is his 7th grandchild, which is finally making headlines. the media's finally caught up to us. but still being ignored by many on the left. here's what congressman eric swalwell told fox news digital when asked about the scandal. listen. >> do you think the president should acknowledge his 7th grandchild. >> i will aleve your personal family matters to you and i'll leave the president's family matters to him. >> just family matters. i'm sure he would say the same thing about trump. anyway here with reaction senior fellow at the hoover institution victor davis hanson.
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i know in light of cocaine at the white house and i know in light of the biden family syndicate and all the revelations we're finding out about and the sweetheart deal hunter got, maybe this doesn't seem like a big deal for people. victor davis hanson, it's a big deal. this 4-year-old little girl, the circumstances surrounding her birth should mean nothing. this is her biological grandfather's the president. to me it's just cruel. your take. >> yeah. i agree with you. i mean, usually we leave these to be private matters, but the bidens were very different with hunter biden, sean. when you had a dawn nixon or roger clinton or malik obama who had these problems they were kept away from the white house. hunter was not kept away, he was brought into the inner circle and therefore his own problems became part of the presidency. and then the biden trademark, as we hear from joe, was the biden
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family solidarity. that if you were -- remember we were told the word of a biden is solid gold. so we heard biden family, biden family, biden family. this poor girl is a member of the biden family. so they brought this issue into the white house by bringing hunter in and then we have the other element that the left always lectures on the children. nancy pelosi couldn't finish a sentence, we're doing this for the children. we're the party who cares about the innocent and vulnerable children. well, this is our type of case. there's a girl who didn't choose her father or her mother. she came into this world as a human being and she's got a father. and it's time for joe biden to acknowledge that fact and to extend the supposedly traditional biden support, the biden family solidarity should include a granddaughter. >> sean: yeah. you know, and the same guy that said they're all our kids, talking about kids, and, actually, no, parents are the
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lead for -- in terms of instilling moral values in their children, values that they believe in, in my view, that's their role. so we've been watching and it's a theme i brought up all week. now we're hearing from staffers and leaks about biden's vicious interpreter, maureen dowd usa today write about the child and the outrage of it but only within the last week. then we hear the story about drugs in the white house. but there were two prior to incidents. my question is, i'm beginning to see a pattern emerge of democrats wanting to p you shall this man out and not have him run in 2024. am i wrong? >> no, you're absolutely right, and that would solve a lot of problems because it gets rid of the kamala harris problem. but i would add one qualifier, sean. they're leaking things that are pretty much impeachable offenses if they were true, in the case of the corruption, and they're
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leaking things about the cognitive disabilities that would naturally warrant a 25th amendment investigation, but notice they stop there and they stop there because these leaks are intended to ensure that joe biden is not going to run and imperil their chances in 2024. but they want him to finish out this term because they do not want kamala harris. so a lot of this is aimed at kamala harris. tell us the down side of joe biden so he doesn't run and we get somebody besides kamala harris in 2024 but not to the extent that they're actionable worries that would a ten wait the biden term and give us kamala harris. so i think that's what's behind it. >> sean: exit question. what are the odds joe and kamala harris are on the ticket for the democrats in november of 2024? >> i would say about 25%.
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>> sean: wow. >> tops. he's declining, sean, at a gee metric rate, . he's one fall, one slip away from ending his presidency so i don't see how he's going to be able to do that and i think the harris factor is of course the multiplier of that reality. >> sean: to have victor davis hanson say what i've been saying, he's one major fall away from being kicked off, i feel really good about myself because you're one of the smartest guys i know. victor we love having you. thank you my friend >> all right, two quick programming notes before we go. next tuesday we have our exclusive town hall, former president donald j. trump in cedar rapids iowa. if you want tickets just go to we also have live studio audience shows in new york next wednesday and thursday. tickets go fast. they're absolutely free. again to register. we hope you'll all join us, we would love to see you. unfortunately that's all the
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time we have left this friday evening. thank you for tuning in, thank you for making this show possible. this is our last toss to laura but because of re-air times, we call it no toss friday so let not your heart be troubled, laura's next and laura, yes i will miss our nightly tosses, but there is an announcement on that coming soon. thanks for being with us. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is a special and final 10:00 p.m. edition of the ingraham angle from washington tonight. all right, in the biden world view, any random trump voter is far more dangerous to man kind than dispotted regime in china ever could be. now they'd much rather deal with president xi and his top brass than say with speaker mccarthy or senator tom cotton. they'll travel around the globe to work with and glad ha