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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 10, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> harris: welcome, this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner here with my cohost, emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany. also joining us, the host of "kennedy saves the world podcast," kennedy, the world to saver. former white house secretary, ari fleischer. can't wait to --
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we will begin with the latest in the white house, cocaine investigation. it's now been over a week since the illegal drug was found in a common area of the west wing, and the secret service has been sweeping the area for any clues leading to a potential culprit, and that investigation could conclude as early as today. the contradictions in the location of the cocaine, the white house's timeline of events, and the incident has raised serious congressional concerns about the level of security be maintained at the white house. but, president biden does not appear to be at all concerned. he spent the weekend sunbathing near his delaware beach house. and, he has since headed off for meetings in europe, without publicly addressing that bombshell discovery, of who left the coke out. meanwhile, his press secretary -- think it's irresponsible to ask.
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>> secretary>> reporter: one fo, whether the white house want to the president. >> secretary jean-pierre: this question has been asked for the last two days exhaustively. there has been some irresponsible reporting about the family, and so, a call back out here, as you know, and media outlets reported this, the biden family was not here. they were not here. they were at camp david friday, they were not here saturday, they were not here someday, they were not even here monday. they came back on tuesday, so to ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible. >> harris: lecture from the lectern! [laughter] i can call that out right here. you know what i'm calling out? either her pants are on fire or she does not know -- >> ari: or she does not know the president's son. when somebody is a self acknowledged crack head, regularly acknowledging it in his own book that he regularly abused cocaine, and then cocaine is found in his father's house, it's not surprising that people
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might say "who's cocaine was it? was it hunter's"? it's a logical question, not an irresponsible question. now, it's just a question, and i think you do have to be fair to everybody, say who's was it, and that's when a law enforcement investigation goes. in that press room, it was an entirely legitimate question, and she is just so defensive about it, as if you cannot acknowledge that a biden would ever do wrong, and that's not always in the press secretary's interest. >> harris: kayleigh, or defensiveness, reflexively, who's who she is pure jeff marks out there, i don't know if they talk about this stuff. >> kayleigh: it's a fair question, to ari's point. now, she can point out that they were gone for that 48 hour period. >> harris: they were gone. >> kayleigh: they were gone friday, all day saturday, gone until monday. she can point to that, but to your point, she did not clarify the situation. she added confusion by saying they're gone all day friday, and to the full report, know they weren't. they want until 6:30 --
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>> harris: 4:00 p.m. >> kayleigh: -- exactly. she added to confusion. if you don't believe it's the biden family, why don't you look at the camera, instead of being defensive, just clearly say "i have no reason to believe that the biden family is involved." why can't you say that? why the day before -- i don't know why she can't. that's a question for karine jean-pierre, and the press did not press her in that briefing. she got one question about it, jake sullivan got one, but where's the question about the change in stories? first is in the library, then the situation room. where -- the deputy pointing to the hatch act. if i'm president biden and i know this is not me, i'm very angry. they just added fuel to the fire. >> ari: i get a kick out of the fact that her best answer was "joe biden doesn't work here." [laughter] >> harris: kennedy, just in terms of the hatch act and who knows what, a good dictionary will clear that right up, so that was probably a two second fix, but being there all day long friday and having witnessed
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thes the press court, and -- that this person was there or that family was there, the first lady, hunter biden, br baby bo, they were all there. >> i hope it's not the baby. >> harris: stop it. i'm just saying -- >> if they were all there -- >> kennedy: if they were all there, someone in the white house likes to party. that's obvious. it's in the situation room, the money room. >> harris: like a game show -- >> kennedy: cocaine can be everywhere. somebody knows how to have a good time with the colombian marching powder. regardless of how you feel about whether drugs should be illegal in this country, you know they are federally illegal, and you also know that the secret service is there with their giant dogs who are really good at sniffing and biting when they have to, so i personally would not bring the devils dandruff into the white house if i valued my job there, and -- if it were a junior staffer, karine jean-pierre would be like
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"we have a zero-tolerance policy for this. we have protocols, we have expectations, everyone has signed an agreement as to what they will and will not do in the white house, and they will be terminated and never brought back in here ever again." but, if it's the ever protected first son, they cannot display those rules because they would have to be applied -- don't know if it is hunter's bolivian bulgur sugar. >> you have a lot of names for cocaine. >> kennedy: i was not at the white house so don't put fingers at me. >> harris: known as pointing fingers at you. you have a rich vocabulary. i -- what kennedy said, though, because it is problematic. this speaks to the issue that the senator, the republican from new jersey said, about how locked down the white house is with security. plus, you have those dogs. those dogs should have been barking and not the ones on o our -- >> emily: and respectfully, ari, it's not his father's house, it's the people's house. that's the whole problem with this, is that someone had the
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audacity to bring in illicit substance into the people's house, because apparently, they knew they could get away with it, because accountability doesn't exist in this white house. >> harris: how did they get away with it? >> emily: we talk about all these different locations like it's one big game of "clue." in the library, with the rope, it's in the cubbies or whatever. it's been sort of mocked, right. mockery has been made of this, and the greatest mockery is karine jean-pierre's response. to your point, if she came out unequivocally and said "there's zero tolerance in this white house for illicit substances and we absolutely support our in-house law enforcement, the law enforcement that you, people of america, pay for with your tax dollars, we are going to find out who it is and get back to you. "but, for her to gaslight the fourth estate by daring to ask about it, calling them irresponsible, shaming them for asking about it when 50% of americans already feel that hunter has gotten preferential treatment from the department of justice, and then we see him at
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a state dinner sitting next to the attorney general. so, there are logical questions that we have that, by her defensiveness, all i'm left to conclude is she's falling into that same protective, defective position that the president of the united states continues to occupy two -- the democratic party, his advisors, and his legal team to stop doing. at the end of the day, we better learn who this was, and better learn that they did not get away with it. >> harris: i want to know how it got in there. i want to know how it was not detected, and i want to talk to you about the security that representative drew was talking about. this isn't just about cocaine. what else is going on that they white house is not being protected? this is a serious situation, because it is an illicit drug, because of the history of the president's son, but also because of the vulnerability around those members of the family, of the staff, of, of friends going into the white house, to possible bribery, to a lot of things that
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we have been looking at hunter about. >> ari: the reason i take this issue so seriously is because i am very antidrug. this is just me. i'm old school, traditional. i don't like drugs, i don't believe in drugs or illicit drug use, especially at the white house, what should be sacred ground. but, i also want to point out -- be careful about what you think the secret service's job is. their job is physical protection of the president appeared to talk about dogs, the dogs are trained mostly for explosives. they are going to be trained mostly to detect things that can create harm inside the white house. the job of the secret service is not to be the drug enforcement agency, and the idea -- think about this. how many predecessors never had a cocaine issue at the white house? cocaine did not show up. so, the secret service's job -- >> harris: are you saying because it recently never happened before, how do they even -- yeah. >> ari: the secret service, that's not the training. >> harris: think people change something? >> kayleigh: it should.
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speaking of, there's no cameras in the west wing either. for that reason, they focused on the exterior. we don't want people getting in horror bad actors. we don't necessarily -- >> harris: there are cameras all over walmart. >> kayleigh: that's not the west wing. >> harris: and we can't get hammers inside the white house customer and >> ari: they don't want them. >> harris: the people. all right, coming up, president biden likes to smile and crack jokes when out in public, but a new report is pulling back the curtain on the president's fiery temper.
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>> kayleigh: series of brutal ss about president biden, revealing that he may not actually be the person the media and supporters have made him out to be publicly. the latest is a new report, revealing the president's fiery temper, seen only behind closed doors.
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the axios' piece cites several biden aides, current and former, who have witnessed or been on the receiving end of the president's angry outburst. the headline describes it as "president biden's private fury." "the president's admissions include "how the f don't you know this, don't f-angie bs me, and get the f out of here." i find these -- because of biden's day one promise that we will remind viewers of right n now. >> president biden: i'm not joking when i say this: if you are ever working with me and i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, i promise you i will fire you on the spot, on the spot. no if and's or but's. everybody, everybody has the right to be treated with decency and dignity. >> kayleigh: do as i say, not
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as i do. >> harris: medical news today has research on this. there's not an actual angry stage, but as you age, particularly up into your octogenarian years, which he is already in, there is a pronouncement of emotion, and usually, it is negative. so, anger and that tend to go together. we saw him cus out peter doocy. we've seen him abuse reporters. her member of the woman, he was driving a corvette or something, he was test driving a car couple of years ago, he kind of joked about running over the press? it is pronounced emotion. it is out of boundaries sort of humor that is almost like gallows type stuff. it's weird, but sometimes, it can come with age. sometimes -- it doesn't happen for everybody, but it is part of what they look at. >> kayleigh: it's interesting. the reporter wanted axios to note in a time when he was a senator in 2008 when a staffer gotten the car with him and said
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"you have to do some fund-raising calls," and the president snapped back "get the f out of the car." [laughter] it seems to be a trend. some hot john mcbride and aides said they said that -- some biden aides said that there be more comfortable with him displaying it in public. i don't know about that. >> ari: a month they had their beep machine standing by. i think joe biden has i was been weird. remember when joe biden -- >> harris: weird, angry, off-color. >> ari: -- add them all up. he had a constituents once who he challenged to a push-up contest. he challenges people to go behind the gym and fight. >> harris: he whispers to people. >> ari: biden has got this quirky way, always has, of acting tough, but the private stuff that he says -- kayleigh made the point about it contradicts his opening day promise. i was going to say that i'm fine with it, i don't care, everybody has their boss with corks. some people have tempers. as long as the staff can still
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speak bluntly to the president and not fear that if i say something "he will chop my head off." the joy of being a white house aide, a psychic income is telling the president what you think and taking him on. unless he is intimidating the staff that they are too afraid of him, i have no problem with bad language. i don't use it, but if my boss did, that's my boss paid >> harris: did you say sidekick income? i like money better, but okay. [laughter] >> kayleigh: this reporting is part of a trend we are seeing. i was stunned when i woke up and saw maureen dowd had written this piece in "the new york times" saying "it's seven grandkids, mr. president." it was an op-ed, she went on to say that the president cannot defend hunter on his massives and accept one little girl, cannot punish her for something she had no choice about. he biden should embrace the life that hunter brought to this world, even if he did not consider her mother "the dating type." the cold shoulder "every message he has done for decades and is
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out of sync with the america he wants to continue to lead." that's in the pages of "the new york times." >> emily: 60% of americans think that he has been "a good dad" by his unwavering and unconditional standing by hunter. we have seen a surge recently of hunter's accompaniment on official trips, everything from the fourth of july to the state dinner i mentioned in the last block, et cetera, but the reality is that rings so hollow when the president continues to deny the existence of a seventh grandchild being admonished, and reminded by the press of her existence. having his son fly out on probably either the president's or our tax dollar dimes, given their appropriation of funds, to hearings in alabama or arkansas, i'm not remembering. to say "no, i deny this," to try to argue against supporting this child, and this is a president that claims that he has had the books written about his catholic faith that have been award-winning authorship.
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it is just a sham! to have, as well, this, in my opinion, the worst-kept secret. we all know he has this temper. a part of a million different dinners in the city include where he has made outbursts like that all the time, so to me, it also shows in public when he has some sort of bellicose remarks. "not on my watch," this will happen about putin and the like, but he clearly foldeds after. to me, it's been a homelike of his personality for many decades, that while he rings himself out to bring this affable union guy, average joe, he is sort of a jerk, and this type of bellowing outcome of the outbursts, the swearing, none of it is likable whatsoever. this puts them back in the bottom of the barrel for, low for likability. a continued denial of his grandchild. >> kayleigh: when i think about my former boss, president trump, the guy in meetings is the guy you see, similarity's between public and private persona. with joe biden, he has curated
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this careful image of the affable grandfather in aviators, but he appears to be nothing of the sort. it's a fraud. >> kennedy: he is not amtrak joe. emily points out a important different spirit swearing at people is a court, turned me on when the president gets angry and volatile, i'm not going to lie. [laughter] i'm disappointed in just about every single thing he has done as president. i think he has just -- of the economy is wobbling, and that is a kind way of putting it. his foreign policy is a disaster. he has no idea what he's doing, in terms of china and ukraine, so if he's throwing a few f-bombs here and there, i don't mind, but what he's doing with this child, it is reprehensible, excusable. the only thing i can think is may be, it's not just seven grandkids. >> kayleigh: kennedy, one last point, the number of pieces attacking him, "the new york times" -- it was not just the op-ed. it was katie rogers, a reporter who had a critical family: "the tale of two families chemicals was she called it.
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the atlantic, a piece about joe biden. >> kennedy: they are trying to create a mass so the president steps aside. he has lost the faith of the voting public. democrats and independents know that he has tanked his goodwill on the economy, and they don't have faith in his competency, and that bears out and pulls over and over again -- and in that bears out in poll portal is over and over again. they want someone else, they don't want him to run again. >> kayleigh: interesting, paving the way for gavin, maybe. we will see. the liberal media taking their attacks on casey desantis to a whole new level, calling florida's first lady a racist and sexist slur. that's next. veteran homeowners, need to lower your monthly expenses and get cash? here's a great way to do it.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> emily: the liberal media just won't let up on casey desantis. we have seen hits piece criticize florida's first lady over the last few months, hitting her over her wardrobe and her marriage, but this moment on msnbc may be one of the ugliest attacks thus far. watch. >> casey desantis is a fairly compelling political figure in florida and now nationally. for many, she is the brighter side to florida's angry governor. for others, she has become america's karen, and i think that's the ultimate disconnect here with the campaign that needs to embrace more constituencies to get to the white house. >> america's karen. >> i called her this, serena waterford wannabe needs to cut it out. we see you. [laughter] there's all kinds of names for her. she needs to stop trying to measure the great drapes in the
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white house and think she is some kind of jackie o incarnated. casey desantis, keep an eye on her, though. she's a wiley figure. >> emily: kt, to say that this is shocking and unacceptable is an understatement, especially with the word karen, which is a pejorative that has racist stereotypes and for them to mock a woman that's been an incredible figure in government as well as socio-politically in this country, has done so much including beat breast cancer, that was an ugly mockery. it has no place on mainstream media, but apparently because she is conservative, all bets are off and everybody can get to the arena and have a go at a gladiator style. >> kennedy: support all women! yeah, this stuff rings really hollow. it is acts of jealousy. they are incredibly envious of her position. what she has accomplished and what she continues to accomplish as a mother, and she takes that part of her life incredibly
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seriously. she has a close relationship with her husband, which is an enviable thing for anyone in a marriage, and what she is saying "watch out for this one, she is wiley." what does that mean? like that is an attack, that makes no sense. they are desperately trying to grasp at anything they can to bring her down, because for them, her husband poses a big political threat, and they are essentially having to invent things to attack her for. >> emily: kayleigh, it speaks to me about the elitism from the left, that if you dare to shop at walmart, there to enjoy a dinner with your husband every night, there to represent america's values in a way that is simple and puts family first, that you are less than, and it is approved by the left and social media. clearly on mainstream media, for you to be attacked, mocked, ridiculed. you will never be good enough for them. >> kayleigh: the people you watch, let's be clear, these were people who, at one time, identified as republicans, four
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still do identify as republicans. this is the voice that nbc uses two rivers of the other side. neither of those two coats unlike republicans are professed conservatism in any type of way. what is surprising to me is exactly what you said, kennedy. this is because they view ron desantis as a threat, and his wife is effective as a surrogate, survived breast cancer, a mom, smart as a whip. they go on to say in the comments "as i like to say, doesn't matter if it is presented in heels and boots, the desantis doctrine is a losing one. they are -- culture was to terrify voters." losing agenda. did they go to sleep during the midterm elections? did they not see desantis win miami, day, broward county, palm beach county? plus 13 for hispanic voters, plus 15 for women, plus 13 for suburban. did they miss that? i don't know. >> emily: and that is the point, ari, that she represents so much bigger than herself, which is why the attacks are deeply personal to millions of americans who feel the same way,
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and it flies in the face of all of us who have the same president, when his wife is protected by such fawning from the media. "dr. jill biden, a dresser appropriately." they would never even come close to the amount of ugly insulting, rooted in absolutely nothing types of attacks that they would for someone that i guess has a d before her name. >> ari: my history or experience, the only first lady i remember whoever got attacked was hillary clinton in the campaign, when she attacked moms to stay at home and bake for their children, then inserted herself into policy with health care. she made herself a subject of attack. other than that, first ladies have always been treated properly and deferentially. when you start to lose this, you are losing another piece of americana, where things were we thought were out-of-bounds, or criticism should be lobbied at the people who are running, not their families, not their spouses certainly, but here, we can do it to ron desantis' wife? why, because she is smart,
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accomplished, sharp, supports her husband's politics? that's what this is about, and the left just thinks they can do these things, and i am for the deference, and for the old traditions. to make the country better and stronger, and the democrats need to be called out. >> emily: melania was hideously ripped to shreds as well. your thoughts. >> harris: to your credit, the desantis' are holding together. they are staying very focused. of course, democrats don't want to point out anything on the right side, in terms of what polling is or anything, because they don't want to have to give any oomph to either desantis or trump. they don't want to talk about the ticket unless they can tear it down, so now they are going after the wives, but this is not their first rodeo. he's one of the most popular governors in u.s. history with his second term win. my question -- and many of the counties -- my question would be is the left prepared for somebody else being called a karen? i hate that word. it's a racial slur.
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it is awful. it is awful. it lumps everybody together. it is just terrible. you can make a case for a woman who sits next to a man in the white house who talks about people of color in terms of how we vote, and how if we don't vote for him, we are not really black, who calls grown men muslim and other people of color "boys." those in his administration, grown men. there have been moments where you could question "republicans will put you back in chains." he is just dripping with points of bigotry! if she is sitting next to him, what is her name? now, that could be a political pushback. i have not seen republicans go there, but it's hanging like low fruit for them. >> emily: that's right. well, the only thing lower than those insults to casey desantis are the ratings for that show. [laughter] coming up, a new study at one elite college shows that the number of students who identify as lgbtq at that school has tripled in just 13 years.
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details, next. ♪ ♪ this is spring semester at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. ( ♪ ) what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> kayleigh: a shocking new service from brown university's student newspaper finds that nearly 40% of the school's student body do not identify asa straight, and the percentage of students that identify as lgbtq+ has nearly tripled in 13 years. it's now five times the national rate for americans. the school paper in the brown daily herald has been acting students the same survey -- daily herald has been asking students the same survey questions since 2010, and the number of students who do not see themselves as straight has risen sharply in recent years. take a look.
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the yellow color represents students who identify as heterosexual. that number has been shrinking, and has done so significantly. of the other colors represents the various groups of students who don't consider themselves straight. that number is now at 38%. ari, last hour i interviewed charlie a -- she said that the google searches on this matter particularly for people under 18 has gone up 1300% in recent months. >> ari: i knew brown university in high school, kids would apply there. i think brown has always led the league in these categories. that is brown's culture. i think what happens is kids who want to be surrounded by similar kids look up online "what colleges have the highest percentage of gay population"? it becomes a magnet. they are comfortable, have kids who are like them. i don't know that i would take anything one way or another about this. there will be schools that have
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a very small percentage of kids who identify like this. i think it's much more people want to go to schools with kids who are similar, and that's what brown is about. >> harris: i was try to look for something positive in something like this, and i think what you were pointing out his people are finding like-minded people, and perhaps -- more accepted, that sort of thing. >> e>> emily: i grew up in berkeley. same thing, so i am aware of and subscribe to what you are saying when you go where you feel comfortable, and there are pockets of the country where there are certain statistical percentage s of -- i feel now ad our media, social climate for youth, that identifying as anything other than cisgender or heterosexual is rewarded in many ways. it's rewarded by lines at target, where they have greeting cards "i'm glad you came out" and t-shirts and the like, people pay for this and it results in millions of dollars of profit that celebrate people
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coming out and exploring their sexuality and representing their sexuality in those ways. kids are so impressionable. they do what their friends are doing, identifies what their friends are identifying as. notwithstanding the point that there are higher concentrations in certain areas, think right now, we are seeing a massive spike in this because it's cool, because it's popular, because it's rewarded, because there are rainbow flags everywhere and children are being distracted from a true education and exploring their true identities, and simply making sure that they are not cast out for being too normal, which is unacceptable in today's america. >> harris: what i appreciate about what emily is saying is that they are looking for answers. my concern is they are not going to get the answers to what are the long-term effects of puberty blockers and gender surgeries by -- together question rick we have to use real science and information into the conversations to make people safe. >> kayleigh: i think narrowing this down, because i do agree
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with what ari said, narrowing this town specifically to talk about the transgender issue among young people, that is what worries me. i heard from a mother who said in the classroom that her daughter has said people are changing their pronouns daily, it's a fad among young kids in elementary school, and they think it's cool to change their pronouns. i worry about that. when you have nih studies, i will cite it exactly. the international -- of psychiatry, 2016, found that 85% of people with gender-dysphoric people limited around her after puberty. to make a decision to have a vasectomy or castrate yourself at a young age one potentially those feelings change later in life, that comment to me, is the singular focus. >> harris: kennedy? >> kennedy: i hope some of the people at brown identify as academic. [laughter] i would love it if they identified as freethinkers who engaged in free speech. i hope that number goes up over the years. that's what worries me about a lot of these schools, is there
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so much focus on everything other than churning out thinkers and doctors and philosophers and lawyers and people whose expertise might better humanity. i still hope there are plenty like that. i fear their numbers are dwindling, but i'm always hopeful. [laughter] >> harris: all right. a new film exposing the horrors of human trafficking is connecting in a big way with moviegoers. breaking in a lot of cash at the box office. but, the left-wing media are writing it off as extremist propaganda. more on that when we come back.
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>> president biden touching down in lithuania for the nato summit, but what to do about ukraine, and why was janet yellen -- chatting with china's deputy? secretary mike pompeo will be here. we will also talk to senator tim scott about his run for the presidency. charle dominic charles payne is here about joe biden and has problems with unions. leo terrel, a proposed california law that would require judges to take race into consideration when sentencing criminals. the head of moms for liberty will be here to answer attacks from the left, that her group
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for parental rights is a toxic presence in schools. i'm john roberts per the holiday weekend is behind us, time to push full steam into the latest news and sandra and i will see you at the top of the hour. >> emily: the sound of freedom had another big box office weekend. the hit film exposes the horror of child trafficking, and it is based on the true story of former dhs special agent tim ballard who left the agency to start his own operation to save traffic kids. here's a look. >> i will never -- -- giving a child his freedom. >> go do it. >> been at this for 12 years. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ my country tis of the ♪ >> why are you doing it? >> ♪ ♪ freedom and liberty ♪
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>> because god's children are not for sale. >> it's the fastest growing international crime network that the world has ever seen. >> homeland security, we cannot go off rescuing honduran kids in columbia. >> this job tears you two pi pieces. >> this job tears you to pieces, and this is my one chance to put those pieces back together. ♪ ♪ >> somehow, you have failed to bring me one real world lead. >> it's over ten. goes up, they come back home. >> so, you quit your job and you go and rescue those kids? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ let freedom ring ♪ >> emily: putt, liberal media is trashing this movie as alt-right extremist propaganda.
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a rolling stone writing ""the sound of freedom" is a superhero movie for dads with brain worms. ." cnn accused of -- fearmongering with fake facts. >> these films are created out of moral panics, out of bogus statistics, created out of fear. with something like "the sound of freedom," it specifically is looking at qanon concept of child trafficking rings that are run by the high level elites. >> emily: bogus facts, kayleigh customer >> kayleigh: tim ballard is a real-life hero. cbs profiled him just a few years ago, essentially applauding the guy who saves vulnerable children. that's all he does. my parents saw the movie, said it was packed, had not been in a theater that packed in a long time. they applauded when the kids were safe, people stayed through the credits to try to figure out how to help these kids. i had the privilege of interviewing eduardo -- the producer of this, who talked to
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me about kids having their organs harvested. that's what this is about. i asked him about the qanon headlines. here's what he had to say. >> a lot of people don't know that this is real. they think this is also so far for them. this is happening next-door behind your house. there's a lot of destructions out there. they are trying to take this movie away from theaters. i made this film five years ago. for three years, everybody past, netflix, amazon. over but he said "this is not for us." finally, i was waiting for an angel to rescue this film, angel studios came. because of them, millions of people are watching this film. >> kayleigh: why did the media pass on this? it's a great question. instead of calling it qanon, won't you listen to how to help vulnerable children? it's confounding. >> emily: even more disturbing, harris, is the notion that they are trying to actively remove it now from theaters and suppress it. i could understand if you give the benefit of the doubt of projects, "we will pass on this, not sure." once the proof is in the pudding, the millions that it is
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incurring, and the fact that it affects all americans were gardens of political persuasion, why are they trying to stamp this out customer >> harris: we saw at the beginning when disney bought the entertainment parts of a fox, and the moviemaking parts. they shelved the scum of that they wanted to stop its journey then they shelved this, they decided they wanted to shop its journey then. i do find it interesting that widespread legacy mainstream liberal media doesn't want to jump in and cover the issues of this film, the same way that they didn't a few weeks ago when merrick garland -- excuse me -- yeah, the dhs homeland security secretary sat at a hearing and testified that he didn't know where 85,000 migrantses were, in this united states of america, just a few weeks ago, on their watch they have lost that many children coming into the cou country. i am heartbroken that there's not more coverage. i am just passionate
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i am just passionate to any sort of "oh, my goodness, let's suddenly care if the government were to lean in." they have 85,000 children they need to go find right now. we don't know how many of them need to be rescued, and that's on their watch. that is on our souls. how dare you. >> emily: harris hit the nail on the head, ari, but apparently, should everybody watch this movie, give it the acclaim and discussion and attention it deserves, they have to admit that the southern border is open, they have to admit that their compassionate policies are cruel, the children are being destroyed over this, and fats, apparently, they can't -- >> ari: of course that's going to be the case. let me give some advice to the cultural left. it's bad enough that the cultural left over the past several decades has -- it's bad enough that they have made the word "patriotism" something that does not have universal appeal. don't do this to the issues of child abuse and sexual trafficking. those are real issues and everybody should care. forget politics: these are all
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issues that we should be united on as a nation. their reaction is reprehensible. >> emily: i fear it's a little bit too late, kennedy. at this point if you search anything involving child pornography or child trafficking, it automatically assures you into a crafted narrative that it's a right wing conspiracy theory. confounding way, it's not based on logic. you do not have to overflow the statistics to know that children are abducted, and people make a lot of money through human trafficking, especially with children, and it is something that a lot of people don't want to talk about, because it's so heartbreaking. it is god-awful to think about what is really happening to these children, but there are some incredible agentses and formal special operators who create organizations like this, because t they know that the government has failed so many of these people. it's private individuals who have formally served who are going out, and they really are doing the lords work. >> emily: that's right, they are the true heroes.
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♪♪ >> last but not least, president biden claims his meeting with king charles went well, but some awkward moments from today's events are now going viral online. the british king was spotted pulling president biden along before slowly walking up a set of stairs and he lost his patience with a royal guardsman while trying to direct a distracted president biden. ♪♪ >> i mean, in fairness, biden did not have the note card that said one foot in front of the other, walk to the door, etc.>> i love violations of royal protocol and like our president
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is never going to do well in these situations. god save the queen, man. >> god save the queen. do you think that came up, emily? >> so embarrassed watching that, so embarrassing. >> it really is when it happens on the world stage. anyway, glad to have you back, harris. >> thank you, glad to be back. >> thanks to everyone, here is "america reports." >> my former running mate likes to talk about solving it in a day, the only way you would solve this war in a day is if you gave vladimir putin what he wanted. >> not somebody fighting for the american people and their future, it's all about ego. three-time loser. >> leading in texas 50 points, ron, you are gone. >> state by state contest. we have worked really hard to build the type of organization in places like iowa, new hampshire, south carolina that you need to actually be able to win these early contests. >> john: 44 days until the republic p


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