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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 26, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> what if. ? all right. out as i say on shark tank, for i that reason, i'm out. always that's i st for us tonight. don't forget, always set your dvr so you always stay connected with us. thanks for watching. remember i t >> todd: trump and desantis setting their sights on iowa, taking their campaign to the hawkeye state next week. you're watching fox news alert, we kickoff memorial day weekend, i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier, in for carley shimkus. the former president is ahead of the governor and is ahead of
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biden. alexandria hoff is live with more. good morning. >> alexandria: good morning. the financials are different. fox news have been speaking with desantis donors, waiting on the sidelines to infuse this campaign with cash. in the 24 hours following desantis announcement, the presidential candidate raised 8.2 million. desantis campaign manager said this historic fundraising hall shows grassroots republicans are united behienemy governor desantis's vision for our great america. it will be a near miss with former president trump who arrives in des moines the following day and will head to new hampshire and south carolina. in iowa then desantis will travel and make up for lost
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time, while in iowa, desantis has to do work, former president trump holds 3-1 advantage with republicans signalling they would pick the former president as the party nominee. similar margin on the other side of this cnn poll showing whopping majority opted for kennedy over president biden. here is kennedy. we're living in a time in this country, when so many americans feel like the whole system, the economic and political system are rigged against them and elections are rig. i think it is really important that the democratic party make its a template for democracy. we have to go into a nail parlors and diners and get questioned by the public and understand, that is the way you
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understands desperation americans are living in today. >> alexandria: only 26% of independent voters approve of president biden's performance, that is a nine-point drop since december. >> ashley: thank you. doug schoen says the polls speak for themselves and not looking good for president biden. watch. >> i see profound worry, the approval is getting perilously close to 40% or high 30s, which is almost very, very difficult to get re-elected with those numbers. the economy, the top issue, his ratings are decidedly negative and in the primary, only 62% are voting against him against two nonserious candidates. i think robert f. kennedy, based
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on his name and alienation from the incumbent could get as much as 30%. >> ashley: fox news poll shows half of voters think former president trump is corrupt and 44% say the same thing about president biden. >> todd: brooke singman will break it down, what is with the numbers? >> brooke: isn't that stunning after what we've seen going on in the biden family and what the house oversight committee has uncovered. take a look back at the trump administration, clouding former president trump's administration, if is interesting. you have media coverage of president trump, but president biden has investigations into his family and his alleged improper attention to classified records. you never hear about that, you only hear about the special
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counsel investigation into former president trump's classified records. what you see here is a kind of double standard with regard to media coverage. we have a responsibility to bring the facts to the american people. a lot of investigations into trump were closed, there was a resolution. sometimes the media did not return to give the final findings of the investigation which found they were started without a proper purpose. >> todd: we covered all investigations, when trump was being investigated, we covered the mueller report and cover today all. this is death by a thousand cuts. for seven or eight years, the media has been going after trump and when it was proven nothing to see here, they never brought that part of the story. so much so, i look at social media and i look when i post an
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article and people will say, what about trump, he coluluded with russia. no, that was disproven. they are not getting the other side of the story, that bodes poorly for donald trump and for ron desantis they are not getting the true story about how bad joe biden has been. >> ashley: i want to step in. if you remember when we were tying in the media, how many people after the 2016 election, no, with the hunter biden laptop, people didn't know about it, it was just us covering. there is bias in the media with democrats and know ares, especially when it comes to donald trump. >> brooke: absolutely, what don donald trump says about the
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suppression, the house committee is investigating president biden's campaign in 2020 working to get 51 national intelligence signatures to sign off on a letter saying anything related to hunter biden and the laptop was russian disinformation. we know that is fall and knew it was false when the director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe, said this was not russian disinformation campaign. you have a double standard and you had the media breathlessly covering trump investigation, whether had to do with russia or anything, you saw the former president of the united states arraigned in new york city. he has a trial. >> ashley: yet a five-year investigation going on within the biden family business dealings. >> todd: i'll see your john ratcliffe mention and raise you
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a sound bite. former dni. >> when it came to hillary clinton, red light. when it came to donald trump, it was a green light, warp speed, how fast can you go. look at how the russia hoax opened up, compare that where a guy walks into the fbi and says, i was in a bar in london and talked to some guy on the trump campaign and they were talking about russia and 48 hours later, the fbi opens a full field counter intelligence investigation, opens up on four associates and presing to go to the fisa court with a false dossier. now it is biden and it is a cultural problem that is continuing here. >> todd: again, brooke, to your original point, if the american
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people are not watching fox or other certain media and getting this part of the story, does joe biden skate through in 2024? >> brooke: right. we just had the durham report, which the american people heard about everyday for 2-1/2 years, at the end of the 2016 presidential election campaign and into trump's presidency, a special counsel was appointed to investigate if he was colluding with russia. the american people thought the president had been colluding with russia to flans the election. we had a special counsel appointed to investigate this. he investigated for four years and last week we reported there was no collusion or a reason for the investigation to have started in the first place. a lot of media glossed over it. the headline came out, the
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investigation is done, but end of the day, we heard about this everyday for all of trump's presidency and now it is complete. people haven't corrected the record. if you have a larger percent of the american people thinking former president trump is corrupt than president biden, we have a responsibility to bring facts to the american people and come full circle with the stories. we talked about the investigations trump has faced, he was impeached twice. his first impeachment because he had a phone call with ukrainian president zelenskyy, he asked he take a look at why hunter biden was on the board of this burisma holdings and why vice president biden at the time was able to push out a prosecutor who was investigating the burisma holdings. that prosecutor was fired. trump was impeached because he
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asked zelenskyy to take a look at this. at the time, hunter was under federal investigation for suspicious funds from foreign nations, but trump was impeach for asking a question about it. it is stunning when you look back. >> ashley: it goes back to the media, as people in the media, we have a job to inform the american public of what is going on and i feel like the majority, if not all, but us failed as to informing america what was going on. it is unfortunate. >> todd: i find this puts ron desantis in a precarious and interesting position. on one hand, his campaign is clean up washington and do away with the corruption that you see in the fbi and the one-sidedness of the fbi. the other hand, he isun aring against donald trump and he
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can't make donald trump out to be a hero. it is an interesting lane, is he up to the task? rein mas to be seen. if you look at numbers he brought in yesterday, a number of american people think he is. we are in for a wild ride and brooke singman will be here for it. thank you. new survey shows majority of americans think fbi officials should be held responsible for russia-gate. >> ashley: 59% of likely voters think the fbi officials who promoted the false russia-trump claims should be criminally prosecute said with 23 rs disagreeing and 18% unsure. the chairman of speak georgia joins us. kelvin, 6-10 people want the people investigated with russia gate prosecuted. that ties to donald trump, who is ahead in the polls by a
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landslide ahead of ron desantis, who is second in line. how do you think that will affect the election in 2024? >> i think it will help the trump candidacy and campaign. the people of america distrust things happening with the fbi. and then candidate trump and president trump eventually agreed and continued to say fbi is coming down on him. it is unfair. now we're seeing it is true. we have seen the media colluded with the democrats and biden administration to suppress information that the american people need and need to make a good decision from. what i see is that this fbi information is coming out now going to help the trump campaign going forward. >> todd: survey finds 63% of voters believe trump was the target of hillary clinton orchestrated hit during the 2016 campaign, with only 30%
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disagreeing. you looked through the trump lens, now look through the desantis lens. how does desantis play this, he is trying to beat trump, but needs to win trump voters who feel wronged by hillary clinton and the fbi? >> right now those core voters think that president trump is the only person that can carry out their concerns and their disagreements. if candidate desantis can show, i understand those concerns and i will fight to make sure right is right and that the fbi is held accountable for these misdeeds, i believe a few of those supporters will leak over to the desantis campaign. however, desantis is running toward, he wants to pull the folks independent and understand there are misdeeds within our government. most people don't agree with the
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extreme nature of the core trump supporters. there is more folks in the middle and that is where desantis will make his move. >> ashley: we'll see what happens, we keep saying there is time, but when you look at it, there is not that much time. interesting to see what happens. we have to get your take on this. senator schumer -- basically biden wanted to use vague ways to irk caize bodies of water in order to regulate them. the senator tweeted this maga supreme court is continuing to erode our country's environmental laws. this ruling will mean more polluted water and more destruction of wetlands, we're fighting to protect our waters. what stood out to me, this maga supreme court. what is he talking about? >> is this surprising to anyone? when you hear a democrat like chuck schumer attack the rights
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of people in order to encourage and grow the impact of our government, they are going to get onboard. they want to grow government and want government to control people. i have a small business in georgia, i'm a general contractor and i fought with the epa and they threatened me the same as they threatened these folks with tens of thousands of fees per day, that would shut down any medium to small business. the federal government and epa and agencies weaponized by the democratic party wants to stymie the growth and intellect and dreams and goals of businesses, it needs to be pushed back and controlled. i'm excited about this supreme court decision, clearly the government should not be able to control private people's land, water and access to the water. i applaud what is happening with
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our supreme court decision. >> todd: what stood out to me, the democratic party is unhinged when it comes to wanting to control your private property and your private life, so much so, somebody like chuck schumer calls all nine maga, and you remember seeing -- schumer is off his rocker. we appreciate your time, thank you, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> todd: awkward moment for first lady jill biden when her applause line falls flat in washington. watch. >> i've visited red states, blue states and found the common values that unite us are deeper than our divisions. and i thought you might clap for that. [applause] >> todd: awkward.
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first lady's pleas for applause reminding of this viral campaign moment for jeb bush in 2016. >> i think the next president needs to be a lot quieter, to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world. please clap. [applause] >> todd: if i had a nickel for every time that happened to me trying to get applause. joe biden to address the awkward moment, this is not the first for her, she had to tell the audience to clap in 2019. you are giving me a look, todd, i've seen that before. >> ashley: wonder if people at home are clapping for you right now. airlines are expecting a travel nightmare over memorial day weekend. airport officials blame staffing shortages of air traffic controllers claiming they are
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struggling to handle flight demand. the number is at 30-year low according to the faa. triple a is expected this to be the third busiest holiday weekend for travel since 2000. issued a warning in march that of staing shortage could cause delays throughout the summer for special destinations like new york, like new york? i was thinking florida. >> todd: we are acknowledging the problem, instead of it was rain that delayed air travel for a month southwest. >> ashley: in 2010, we would fly in severe storms. a conservative group is issuing travel advisory for california and minnesota, warning parents both states declared themselves a trans refuge for kids. a california mom who is worried her rights as a parent is at risk is joining us next. >> todd: is this happening another week? watch. >> got it over the tree and
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looks good. get up. oh, come on now. just add to the legend. >> todd: what is happening? golfer michael block pulling off another insane shot a week after his incredible hole in kone. the highlights right after this. ♪
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>> todd: parents in l.a. county planning to boycott a pride assembly next week when teachers will talk with elementary school students and show a video that talks about having two mommies and two daddies. outraged parents say we are parents of elementary schoolchildren who have a right to introduce sexually related topics to our children. l.a. unified released a statement saying parents can decide if their kid attends this event. >> ashley: travel advisories to parents give minors access to sex change drugs or surgical procedure without parent permission. the president terry shilling
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said to prevent harm coming to your child is any family's nightmare. families are at risk for that scenario playing out, losing custody of their kid to industry that aims to sterilize and mutilate their body. a california mom joins us now. erin, what do you think of this advisory? do you think it is warranted? >> i do, if someone has a gender questioning child, i would stay out of california and minnesota. if that gender-confused child gets into these states, that child can run away and the state of california or minnesota will then decide the fate of that child. we know that the judges here in california are being trained by trans-activists to put the child in foster care, claim the parents are abusive if they
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won't subject their children to gender interventions, which increase suicidality, sterilize these kids and permanently maim their body. >> ashley: when you say the judges in the state, parents can't get ahold of these kids? do they not know where they are? >> well, an example, mom and dad have a gender-questioning child and they come to california and that child runs away while on vacation. the california courts will then be in charge of what happens to that child. as opposed to what normally would happen, the child would be returned to the state where the child lives with the parents and that state would decide. instead, once that child is in california, california judges will take jurisdiction and decide what happens with that kid. of course here in california, we
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are so progressive in minnesota, the judge deems the parents being abusive. >> ashley: it is dangerous for kids and inner pas in california and minnesota, but states allow kids to come in from other states. what do parents need to know about the safety and security of their kids? this has to concern a lot of people, especially if their kid has come home saying they were questioning who they were. >> yeah, i would tell parents who are together and have a gender-questioning child to not come to the states and tell parents who are in a divorce station to not let the spouse who is affirming the child to travel to those places because the parent who has half custody or partial custody, once they get to california or minnesota, they can stay there and get that
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gender affirmative care euphemism, they can get that without the other parent consenting to it. it is super dangerous. california is -- >> ashley: what are you seeing in your state? >> california is so insane, what they are trying to do now is deem a parent who refuses to subject their child to experimental treatments as being abusive and in fact, wendy correlo is pushing a bill right now that would let 12 year olds run away and go into a facility and let's change that to be all related to lgbtq because that is what it is. 12 year olds could run away, permitted by the state and once
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they are 12 and go into foster care in california, they get to dictate their own gender intervention. >> ashley: 12 year old, i was outside playing with bugs, that was the cognitive function 10 to 12 year old, that was insane. what is happening in the two states is out of control. erin friday, thank you. >> thank you. >> ashley: if you thought bud light controversy was bad, target says hold my beer and wait until you hear the amount of money the retailer lost in just one week. >> todd: literally hold my beer and might be worse news for president biden. >> horrible news for joe biden in the cnn poll, 66% say biden victory would be setback or disaster for the united states. >> todd: even cnn can't believe how bad joe's poll numbers are,
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majesty of americans think it would be a disaster or setback. media expert beverly halberg here next.
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>> ashley: china denying claims -- despite conferming the attack earlier this week. chinese embassy spokesperson flipping the allegations on the united states saying the united states must take seriously and stop using cyber weapons to carry out espionage around the world. microsoft analyst claims there are likely capabilities that could disrupt communication
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between the united states and asia. guam is home for bases and communications. and vivek ramaswamy says he was locked out of his linkedin account and posts deemed offensive by the platform. >> i got an e-mail noting my linksed in account was shut down. your account was restricted for sharing content that contains misleading information. they said, one was a video where i said, the ccp is playing the bidenad min stragz like a chinese mandolin. i'm bringing it up, if they can do it to me, they can do it to anybody. >> ashley: i was shocked about linksin, as well. your account was restricted for containing misleading information. the social media company said it
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was restricted in error and is backing up. >> todd: always an error. blistering cnn poll sending clear message to president biden about how bad people think another four years of his leadership would be for this country and the network could not spin this. >> democratic competitors, two thirds of all american people, 66% of the public say a biden victory would be a setback or a disaster for the united states. >> todd: beverly hallberg, with independent women's forum, joins me now. thank you for being here. if you were not getting what jake topper was saying, americans called biden a disaster and 26% said it would be a setback, 66 to 67% do not
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want joe. of all the bad polls for joe biden, is this one the worst for his chance of re-election, especially in fact of the fact he just lost cnn. >> beverly: it was painful for him to have to say this. this is extremely bad, should anyone be surprised? we know to put it mildly and kindly, joe biden is not at the top of his game, we have seen him struggle and we know he is in his late 80'ses, should he get into second term and able to complete it. there are many people looking at this for what it is, mental acuity and this other side, looking at whether or not you feel like your life is better now than before the current president's presidency. we had covid, definitely outlier. i think most people look at the
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economy and say, foreign policy, we're concerned about what is going on with russia and china. so many problems, people are saying this guy, if he's not up to it, what is going to happen? >> todd: president biden approval sitting at 35% -- disapprove. good job going over policy failure of joe biden. putting all the policy to the side for a moment and looking at the numbers from the cnn poll and numbers i just mentioned, how the heck can he win in 2024 if those are the numbers? i understand electorial college is tricky and you don't care about the overall percentage, those numbers are really low, how does he win? >> beverly: i think they are hoping he will be running against donald trump, democrats feel strongly they can beat donald trump, that is why donald trump or january 6 was a big focus of the campaign launch joe biden had for the next term and
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he hopes to get. i think they think he is the best option for that. one thing i believe is his a achilles heel. if he is not able to complete a second term, kamala harris is the number two and she's had a lot of trouble, as well. her poll numbers are down, as well. she has word salad speeches all the time, that is another thing people are looking at. i think it is sad democrats who claim to be for young people have a candidate that is this old. democrats get some young blood in there, i think it is a fair question to ask. >> todd: very fair question. i have a lot of questions when it comes to corporate america. they seem to have forgotten about memorial day and skipping to pride month with controversial ads, target losing 9 billion in market value in one
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week. bud light since that woke ad campaign, parent company anheuser-busch lost a whopping 15.7 billion in market value and competitors coors and heinekken saw increase. that is not stopping north face. >> i'm pattie gonia, come out in nature with us. >> todd: beverly, why are they doing this and ignoring a holiday in memorial day that is a slam dunk from marketing perspective. you have america, saluting american heroes who fought and died for our country and less importantly, the start of summer, that seems like a marketing slam dunk, they are doing this stuff and jumping to june. >> beverly: i looked at target's website, the only thing i saw, they are going to be memorial day sales, did not see images of
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flags or paper plates. i went to children's clothing section, you cannot buy shirt or pants with anything americana on it, pride logos, plenty of options. seems we're bypassing this holiday. moving to north face, what is interesting about this company, they seem to be doubling down on those who want to boycott them and saying hold my beer bud light, we'll take this on because they do have the summer of pride campaign. they are going to cities across the country as they say, going to gay sashay across the country and released statement saying they are not backing down. they are unlike anheuser-busch and target, which had to backtrack quite a bit, seems north face is saying this is our
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business model. we will have to see. >> todd: in the face of what shareholders want. beverly hallberg, thank you. today is national poppy day, annual tradition honoring sacrifices of america's veterans. >> ashley: we have a very special tribute for america's heroes, right after this. ♪
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>> ashley: today is national poppy day and every year on the friday before memorial day, americans wear these red poppies as a reminder of sacrifices made by our veterans. >> todd: standing here are 30 members of the american legion family and representing them are larry bishop, department executive, committee of the american legion of new jersey, mark natali, and colline lopez. thanks to everybody for being here, awesome to have you bright and early on the friday before
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memorial day. larry, the big question, what is the significance of the poppy? >> remembrance of the fallen soldiers that have gone before us. everybody wears it. we ask for donation, it is all about the fallen, it is remembrance is what it is. >> ashley: mark, tell us what this day means to you? >> very true, emotional day. we should honor and remember our fallen veterans and all veterans on this day. it is very important. >> todd: it is a weekend approach, remember there is a reason we are here, a reason you are off on monday. get more into how the poppy itself derivated. colline? >> 19tw20, that is when the
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american legion got the flower and 1924, they started to distribute them and started giving for the military, active, the families and fallen, the veterans, families, it is for medical and finance purposes. >> ashley: larry, i asked mark what this day means to him, memorial day is special to a lot of people. these poppies are worn the friday before memorial day to honor fallen vets. we love and appreciate them. for someone wanting more in depth or more personal feel for the poppies, what does it mean to put this on every friday before memorial day? >> it's complete honor to be able to wear it knowing everybody before us, the fallen, it started in world war i, after the war, they found the poppies in the field from the remnants
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of the war, made the poppies grow. then the poem came by this lieutenant co col. john mccabe. remembering those is what it is all about. >> ashley: gave me chills hearing that. >> todd: in a time when service above self is lacking in our country in way it wasn't when many of you fine folks were growing up. mark, why is american legion so important to fill that void that is lacking in america right now? >> we try to promote all the great programs of the american legion, help veterans. we help the community. we support all the great programs of the american legion and the poppy being one of them, we promote it all year round, we
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get closer to memorial day, the legion family kicks into high gear to get the word out. >> ashley: colline, personal aspect, what does this mean for you and the poppies? >> it is an honor, i have from my family, i have people in the military branches, except space force and coast guard. i was brought up doing this since i was little. it is honoring my uncles, my father and my son that is in serving right now. >> ashley: you said you have done this since you were little, have you known you wanted to be involved? >> yes, i wanted to be part of the american legion auxiliary, it is an honor and i worked up to this position because it an honor to be here for new jersey, for national everyone because it is so important to get patriotism back, americanism back into our country.
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>> ashley: shout out to purple heart gentleman here, thank you. without further adieu, you mentioned the poem, we want to do something special and welcome robert magio to read in flanders fields. gentlemen, take it away. >> in flanders field, the poppies blow between the crosses, row on row, that mark our place and in the sky, the lark still bravely singing fly. heard among the guns below, we are the dead. short days ago, we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, love and were loved and now we lie in flanders fields. >> pick up our quarrel with the flow, the torch is yours and holden eye, if we break with face for those who die, we shall
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not sleep through the poppies grow in flanders field.
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it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that ** >> todd: intense viollins mean one thing. it is getting serious when you go to iowa. that means it is on. you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, it's on here, too, i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. current president is dominating in the latest caucus poll. he maintains a double-digit lead ahead of biden. alexandria hoff is live in


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