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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 24, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ >> we're just learning. there is only one team that is ever going to -- they'll try to be number two. >> we believe in you. good luck. >> three different expeditions. support them. >> bill: i think they got it in. good morning. when higher education turns hostile, a professor who accosted pro-life students a few weeks ago is back in the news, this time for going after a reporter with a machete. we aren't making this up. we say good morning. back together in new york. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino this is "america's newsroom." the machete thing. >> bill: you probably wouldn't believe it. >> dana: these reporters were smart. they had the camera going. the woman is a professor in
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manhattan. you may remember her from this video harassing a group of pro-life students. >> this is propaganda. you don't even know what that is. you don't know what this is. >> bill: that prompted the "new york post" to send the reporter and photographer to her home this week and here is how that went down yesterday. >> get away from my home. >> let's get out of here. you can't do that. >> she did not stop there. video shows her chasing those journalists through the street. the reporter who was threatened with a machete -- >> we just wanted to speak to this woman. we thought we might have a chance given that she is passionate about her beliefs and if she showed up at her door she would be willing to grant us an interview. hoping for interviews.
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this was a first for me. she verbally threatened to chop us up with the machete and pressed it against the side of my neck for about a second. >> bill: who knew she had that? nate foye is live outside hunter college for the latest on this today. good morning. >> good morning, bill. what a wild story this is. she was an assistant art adjunct professor at hunter college initially disciplined after the incident with the pro-life student earlier this month by the school. after the new video with the machete came out from the "new york post" she was let go. watch again. >> let's get out of here. you can't do that. >> get away from my home. >> hunter college put out a statement strongly condemning
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rodriguez's actions after this video was released and announced she would no longer be teaching at the school effective immediately after the pro-life incident earlier this month. watch. the pro-life student in the video patrick ruby tells me being confronted like this is part of being a pro-life student in new york city. after showing him the machete video from the "new york post" i asked him if he ever worries for his own safety. here is what he said. >> we have to be careful. we have to take the proper precautions to keep ourselves as safe as we can. at the end of the day, when the truth becomes the hardest to say, that's when it is most important to say it. >> no statement? >> bill, the union that represents the faculty here at hunter college initially supported the professor after that initial incident. we have reached out to them for an updated statement in light of
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the machete video and reached out to rodriguez herself and we haven't heard back from either. >> bill: more to come on this. nice to see you east side of manhattan, nate foye right there. you want a headline? they are good, aren't they? >> dana: at the "new york post." >> bill: the nutty professor. crazed professor holds machete to reporter's throat. >> dana: paul mauro writes how the post should file a criminal complaint. without that, it can't go forward. and that the student should consider suing her because the union is backing her up. she has been relieved of duties from hunter college the way it works she could show up at a different place within the city college system. >> bill: maybe that happens and they take up the recommendation. it shows intolerance at that school and that was -- >> dana: the pro-life guy had his brochures up there. she could have walked by and
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decided not to say anything. >> bill: you heard on "the five" last night he stayed calm. >> dana: as we are calm. lots of news ahead. watch this. >> they call it faith. in the face of darkness you can see the brighter future, a faith that our best days lay ahead of us. >> dana: the guessing game is finally over after months of speculation florida governor ron desantis is set to launch his presidential bid tonight during a talk with twitter ceo elon musk. mark meredith has a preview from miami. lots of buzz this morning. >> a lot of buzz. a lot of speculation, a lot of political maneuvering and trips to early battleground states. ron desantis is running for the white house starting tonight. the 44-year-old governor is in his second term. he previously served in congress where he was representing the
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daytona beach area. he became a household name nationally during the pandemic pushing back against mask mandates and vowed to reopen schools and businesses much sooner than other governors chose to. a decision is he expected to talk about on the campaign trail. >> the test of leadership is really if you are willing to stand firm when it is not easy to do so. when you have intense criticism. when they are coming after you. sometimes you have to stand all alone. we had to do that during the covid-19 pandemic. >> multiple polls show desantis in a solid second place among gop primary voters only behind former president trump who continues to attack desantis. it is a bitter battle already underway. trump supporting attacking desantis. it is one of the most out of touch campaign launches in history. desantis after party at the four
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seasons resort in miami. democrats also attacking desantis as he launches his campaign seeing him as a threat. the governor spared with president biden on a number of items. education, immigration and vaccine mandates. the governor will launch his campaign tonight and expect paperwork to be filed. he will be in miami to meet with donors privately and we expect him to hold more public events and trips to iowa and new hampshire in the next several days ahead. >> dana: we'll pay attention to all of it. >> bill: dana, on the billboard want to show you what happened five years ago in florida. this was the big coming out party for ron desantis. he beat the democrat andrew gillams in a razor tight. a difference of 32,000 votes in 2018. when he came up for re-election look what he did in there. talk about turning a state red.
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beat charlie crist by 20 points. 1.5 million votes the difference. the race throughout the state of florida and all the counties in florida he only lost five of them, including some -- he lost broward county in the southeast but picking up miami and palm beach. big wins for a republican in florida. a see-saw state for so many years but the race desantis broke through with all the red on the map behind me. approval rating, 625 voters in florida. 60%. good numbers in florida. if you go down that state people will tell you if they voted ron desantis and they love their governor and what he is doing with their state thus far. this is how he stacks in the nomination fight on the republican side. latest polls we have this is from abc news back toward the end of april, donald trump is at 51%. desantis 25. you see the others all down in
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single digits. this means if the numbers don't change you will have a very interesting race between the two leaders here in the republican party fighting for that nomination, cruise here. wore my sneakers today. i have numbers. they want to spend $2 hundred million, all right, especially in the early stages of this race. look at this. in nevada, south carolina and new hampshire they want to knock on the door of every possible desantis voter four times. iowa, they want to do that five times. to do that, you need to hire a lot of people. they want to hire 2600 field organizers by labor day weekend in order to get something like that done. >> dana: there is a lot of question how will he roll this out, but the decision to do a conversation with elon musk
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before doing the interview with trey gowdy tonight at 8:00 p.m.enter here is what musk said. >> this time i don't plan to endorse any particular candidate but i am interested in twitter being somewhat of a public town square. the preference of most americans is to have someone fairly normal in office and representative of the moderate views that i think most of the country holds in reality. >> dana: all eyes will be there and the left going crazy this morning about the musk connection. >> bill: the interview tonight is just audio. he has other things planned later in the week and next week. you can catch the governor's first tv interview as a candidate on the fox news channel. he sits down in trey gowdy at 8:00 eastern time today. make sure you're there to hear him make his case.
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>> dana: i did the pre-tease tease. the agriculture industry is ramping up its fight against green regulations as the white house pushes farmers to spend more of their own money to achieve the climate goal. >> bill: a cyclist deciding to retire. her first tv interview and we'll hear from her in a few minutes. >> dana: new york city fleet week is back in full force. iconic parade of shims is underway. we'll take you on board one of those vessels. ♪ veteran homeowners. inflation is gripping us all. when everything is going up except your income, it's time to cut your monthly expenses. and the fastest way to do that? pay off your debts and high rate credit cards with a lower payment newday home loan.
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>> dana: farmers are fed up with the president's green agenda and calling out the biden administration's tighter and costly restrictions. we're live in illinois with the latest and lydia hu. >> also with the cows, dana. climate envoy john kerry recently said that more than 30% of the world's emissions come from agriculture and he thinks the industry needs to innovate
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now more than ever. i'm pleased the say we have lifetime cattle farmer with us to get reaction here. you were saying farmers are always innovating and you feel like you never get credit for it. >> i wish secretary kerry could come out and see what we're doing. if you look out there in our pastures, we're sequestering carbon. if you look in our fields we're sequestering carbon. you have used all the science we can. scientists are bringing on new forms of research that will let us even do a better job. so i think we're being responsible and trying to do exactly what the secretary is asking of us. >> another concern is costs. what he is hinting at are regulations and mandates. when that happens it squeezes your margins, right? >> it is. it is a tight margin business. and if government wants us to do some of these things, somehow we
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are going to have to have some help funding-wise. otherwise it won't work financially. >> thank you so much for that perspective, allen. we'll send it back to you. some of these cows are getting a little cheeky and about to give me the boot from the pen. >> dana: we're loving watching that. thank you, mr. adams. appreciate it. >> bill: nicely done. meanwhile there are no concerns over beijing getting access to your personal data online through a digital back door. the chinese-owned company tiktok writing a letter to house homeland security chairman mike green saying in part this. tiktok has software engineers throughout the world including the united states and china. that raised the eyebrows that republican congressman mark green is with me now. let me read it for you. call for one. this system provides an unprecedented level of assurance against back doors to our knowledge more comprehensive than what any other peer company
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is committed to doing despite using global engineering workforces. what does that mean to you as to where tiktok is running? >> what it means, bill, is that the source code is coming from all over the world and some of it is coming from china. if it was definitely not coming from china, he would have absolutely said that. so with the source code coming from china, it is very possible that back doors could be written into the source code which would allow them access to the data. we have no guarantees that it doesn't. >> bill: okay. two months ago yesterday the ceo out of singapore said this under question. >> no evidence that the chinese government has access to that data. they have never asked us and not provided. >> i find that actually preposterous. >> i have seen no evidence of this happening. >> bill: point of fact, does the
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ccp have access to the data of those who use the tiktok app around the world, including here at home? >> let me put it this way. there is no way to know that they don't because the back doors -- we need to examine the source code finding a vulnerability that allows them access. but we know that they tried to hide the fact that bytedance owned tiktok. they went through subsidiary names to hide that. we know the 2017 national security law in china that says any company in china has to share data even if it comes outside of china. there is a mandate on bytedance to give information to the ccp if they ask for it. so i don't know why there won't be a back door written into this. we know they have been mining our data through multiple different platforms for decades. they population mapping. they hacked one of our biggest healthcare companies to get the healthcare data. they hacked the u.s. military's
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personnel and in that system for 18 months. they have my security and background check from the army. >> bill: what he said is tiktok headquarters are working out of singapore and the united states. he was pretty public with that information. so if you think about that hearing now, what was the question that was not asked? >> the question that wasn't asked and the reason i sent the letter to the ceo, they never asked where the source code comes from. if you have the source code, you have the back door. we know they hack stuff that we write in the united states. so there is no reason to think that they don't have a back door written into that code. so every young american maybe 20, 30 years from now running for office, the chinese have a video from when they were a kid that maybe they did something they don't want out there now, that is something that the chinese can use as influence. that's just one example. >> bill: this is an interesting point here, sir. explain to our audience why you
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are so hopped up on this, not just for today but for the future. >> it's all about population mapping and understanding how the population can be manipulated. if they understand the books on the bookshelf behind the ballerina dancing that's a cute video and the ballerina is running for president of the united states, they have information that they can use. it is an enemy that has shown it is willing to do that. we know they are using disinformation through social media to influence our elections now. they want to win. they want dominance and we are letting this data just go to china. >> bill: what are you going to do? >> we're going to address this issue with the committee. not my jurisdiction but go to them and try to get another hearing and perhaps get this thing outlawed. it is banned in montana now, other states will step up. the federal government needs to
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act. >> bill: there will be a fight over that ruling in montana as you are aware. see which way it goes. mark green, sir, thank you for your time. the republican from tennessee. we'll speak again, thank you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: you've been away a couple of days. fans went nuts at the yankees game in the bronx last night. here is why. >> then he got loose. look at the faces on the fans. >> in slow motion. don't pick up your phones. you are scared of a squirrel? >> that guy is not scared. >> he has become a flying squirrel. >> dana: not good. he was scurrying along the wall scaring fans before he leapt onto the field just in the third inning. the squirrel may have been good luck. yankees beat the orioles 6-5.
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>> bill: good story. yankees swept three from my reds when i was home in ohio. >> dana: did you see the denver nuggets won? >> bill: i did. did you see their center who also plays point guard, seven footer? he is an extraordinary basketball player. >> dana: i played point guard in seventh guard. we played horse in the driveway with my mom. everybody else grew except me after that. >> bill: target taking heat from customers. tell you what the fussed is about this time. cycling champ calling it quits after losing to a transgender rider. she is speaking out. she will give her first television interview to us in a matter of minutes.
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>> bill: a heartbroken mother
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after her daughter was allegedly murdered and rape by an illegal immigrant. no parent has to go through what she did and her emotional testimony in congress this week. >> kala wasn't doing anything wrong. she didn't deserve to be murdered. i don't want any other parent to live the nightmare that i'm living. i am her voice now and i will fight with everything i have to get her story told and bring awareness of the issue at the border. >> bill: tough to do there. she said her daughter would still be alive if the border were secure. >> dana: our next guest is a former cyclocross champion who retired from the sport after she finished fourth in a national competition last year. she decided to hang up her helmet after losing to a transgender athlete allowed to compete in the women's division. hannah arnessman joins us now
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from her first tv interview. let's walk through it a little bit. tell us about that day when you lost. >> cyclocross nationals. well, definitely had one of the best races of my life. i was on form, did all the training right, been doing this for many years so i've honed in the skills. but it was just not enough. it didn't matter that austin couldn't ride a lot of the sections that were pretty technical. he could run a lot faster than go swimming and it turned out that power won over skill and power honed over many years. >> dana: had you ever competed against a male before? >> yes. i've competed against one when i
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was still a junior, 17 or 18. and on the road. >> dana: did you lose to that person those times as well? >> yeah. i watched them out print an entire lead out. >> dana: question for you. you have now decided to retire. when we think of retirement we think of older people. how old are you now and would you have retired but for this situation? >> i am 25 and there are multiple reasons why i walked away but it is never right to have to end your season that way, to end your season flanked on either side by two guys in the women's field, the elite women's field. i don't want to see any other girls, young or my age or older have to go through that. it is important to get to race a fair sport. >> dana: hannah, in 2012, lance
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armstrong was stripped of all of his tour de france titles and banned from the sport of professional cycling because he had an unfair advantage because he had been doping. do you feel these males have an unfair advantage over females in a sport that you trained for? >> absolutely. biologically men and women are different. men are born with the ability to produce more testosterone and because of that, they can build big muscle, they have bigger skeleton structure. they will develop their heart and bigger lungs. when you can pump more blood through your body quicker and get more air into your lung and cells it provides a lot of
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difference in power. >> dana: i'm curious how hard you work. what your work-out schedule is or was when you were competing and how difficult was it for you to talk. this is your first tv interview. it takes a lot of courage to come out and speak out against this. tell us a little bit about that. >> well, for most cyclists it's six days a week. that's different riding, workouts and some technical workouts. some gym days. you are on and off the bike and you incorporate running and sprint workouts and that for the running as well. so you are doing a mix of different activities. >> dana: it's a ton of work. a little bit about not being -- not feeling like you were free to speak your mind. >> okay.
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so in the sport of cycling, right now the media really wants to push guys racing in the women's field and along with that, a lot of the sponsors feel or seem to feel that if you say anything against that, that you are hurting their brand. so if you decide to speak out, you probably lose sponsorship and lose the spot on your team and you will get a lot of backlash on media. you might lose your job. i know some people who would have loved to speak out but they were afraid to lose their job. a lot of cyclists, they don't make ends meet, with cycling they need a daytime job and train before or after their full-time job and race on the weekends. so it is a whole livelihood at stake. >> dana: thank you for coming on. let's stay in touch and you are
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an incredible athlete. keep at it. we'll see you again. thank you. >> okay. thank you. >> engaging or trying to engage with republicans for months now, for months. he put out his budget on march 9th. republicans passed their budget plan at the end of april. and then days later that's when negotiations started. >> bill: watching the grass grow in dc. concerns for a debt default prompting the white house to say they are trying to negotiate with republicans for months. >> president biden: i said i am not going to negotiate on extending the debt. >> bill: we won't get into negotiations here. that means we'll not sacrifice our values. >> bill: see where it goes. mccarthy's team said they reached out to the white house five times and did not hear back
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one time. so they were 0 for five from february to first part of april. >> dana: the ball was in the white house's court and republicans are on offense here. can you be on offense if the ball is in the other court? i don't think you can. >> bill: unless you have a good team. >> dana: i think you call it off side or something. that debate continues and keep you updated. florida governor ron desantis is ready to launch and supporters are spending big bucks to reach voters across the country. we'll talk to one of the top organizers at the top of this hour. plus unlicensed pot shops are taking over new york city and families say they are opening the door to other illegal activity.
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(funky electronic music) (narrator) benefits. invest in.ompliance. believe in. move in. grow in. build in. thrive in. all in north carolina. ranked america's top state for business. >> bill: last month new york approved dispen sear licenses that would more than double the legal weed shops in the state of new york. in new york city 2,000 illicit shops are operating with no consequence. now one mother is calling for a crackdown on these stores. douglas kennedy checked it out today. what did you find out? >> they said legalizing marijuana would cut crime. this mom says it has done the
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exact opposite. >> these shops popped up a year ago and are everywhere. >> dana: uptown, downtown, every block is covered. >> leslie moved to new york for the city community and to expose her 7-year-old daughter to city culture. instead they found city chaos. she says largely caused by illegal marijuana stores opening daily all around her theater district apartment. so they are bringing addiction, illegal activity, and this is supposed to be a family neighborhood. >> exactly. the doors are wide open begging for people to come in. the smell of the cannabis is rolling out the doors. i'm having to explain to my daughter what the store is. >> there are more than 2,000 illegal pot shops in new york city and police and community leaders say they are powerless to do anything about them. new york state passed a law
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decriminalizing marijuana but it leaves these shops facing nothing more than small fines. >> it is an entire market that is out of control. >> chrissy is the director of the parent action network focusing on addiction prevention. she says the real problem starts with the antisocial nature of smoking pot. >> what is the solution? >> better legislation, better laws surrounding the legal market, let alone eradicating the illegal market. we have to shut down these shops. >> are these illegal shops creating the chaos in new york city? >> absolutely not. they are facilitating a market that exists, not creating zombie hordes. >> david holland is from normal. the group responsible for pot becoming legal in most states. >> cannabis has always been an easy target and tried to blame social ills. >> i am blaming marijuana.
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i dainty want to see it and smell it on every block. and explain it to my child. she needs to grow up and be a normal kid. >> what's becoming normal in new york should not be normal here or anywhere else. >> bill: interesting stuff. see where it goes, right? they are everywhere. thank you, douglas. dana. >> dana: new york city college professor seen confronting a group of pro-life students has been fired over a video that shows her holding a machete to a reporter's throat. tom shillue made a good point in the commercial break. make it here about the firing and video. >> well, it is amazing there is so much in both of these videos. it starts at the table at the campus when they are doing the pro-life very peacefully having a pro-life demonstration and she approaches them and she says this is violence. she points to them peacefully minding their own business and saying this is violence. it shows you the mentality of
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it. she thinks she is entitled to commit violence because she in her philosophy what they are doing is violence so she has every right to lash out. >> bill: she strikes me as being uninhibited. she knows there is a camera at the table. she knows there is a camera outside her apartment door. >> it's a protective bubble when she is on campus she felt free to do that because the campus is protected. she also i think carries a little campus with her everywhere she goes. she says get off my block to the post reporter. i want you off this block, she says. she wants a whole zone of protection around her at all times. >> dana: she -- i imagine that she will get -- she will have the backing of her union and get protected that way. you might say she has anger issues and seek some counseling and pop up at another school. >> hunter fired her because of
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machete. they should have taken action for what she did on campus to these students. they vandalized their pro-life exhibit and she felt entitled to do that. that's what she should have got in trouble with. >> bill: one of the reporters was on with sean and the question whether or not they'll take legal action. listen. >> are you going to press charges? >> i have yet to figure that out. this is my first time ever being in a situation where i've been asked whether or not -- i have never pressed charges before so i'm still sort of wrapping my head around all of this. >> bill: i think we all are. >> dana: without the pressing of the charges, though, she will be able to pop up at one of these other schools. >> i think so. god bless this guy. he knocked on 10,000 doors. nobody answers the door. when reporters come knocking you don't answer the door, even with a machete. >> bill: she did. >> dana: great to have you. >> bill: thank you, tom.
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>> modern day democratic party has become unrecognizable to me and to so many others throughout the state and this country. >> bill: north carolina leaders taking action to protect public education. what would change across that school state system and what about the parents and their say? the state rep is tricia who changed political parties and will join us coming up next hour. fleet week is in new york city. a live look at the parade of ships around the hudson river. look at that sucker rolling into town, perino. and many more just like it. >> dana: a flyover, too. >> bill: good timing. ♪ welcome to new york, new york ♪ ♪ welcome to new york, we've been waiting for you ♪ ♪ take out an average of $70,000, pay off debts and high rate credit cards, and save hundreds every month.
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>> dana: fleet week in full force here. the annual celebration honoring the u.s. navy, coast guard and marines kicks off today in new york city. fox weather is aboard the u.s.s. loft as the parade of ships pull into manhattan's ports. >> perfect weather on the flight deck of the u.s.s. wasp. we have marines and sailors manning the rails to show everybody that it's a friendly ship. nobody is manning the guns. this is jordan. thank you for having us aboard. >> thank you for coming. >> this is a floating city. you have everything, a gym, barbershop. >> 3,000 marines and sailors all living on this boat. >> unbelievable. you have been sailing from
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norfolk, virginia to new york city for fleet week, 35th annual. this is going until the 30th. are you excited? >> we're so excited to be here. thank you for the city of new york for having us all here. >> you guys will be out blowing off some steam is what we'll see after being at sea for a while. do you encourage people to say hi if they see you in your all-white uniforms? >> please come up and say hi to us. we are more than happy to talk to you and talk about our experiences and hear about yours as well. >> i was telling them i don't want the marines to hear but i think they have the coolest uniform, the all white. you can't go wrong. >> dana: i think so. she is very good at her job. thank you for bringing this to us today. fun to watch. thank you. >> this weekend will be a test of the system and i think all of us have airline stories from last summer and the disruptions that took place then,
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cancellation and delay rates were at unacceptable proportions last year. it is important that that not happen again. >> bill: i would say that. double down on that. let's hope not. pete buttigieg hoping travelers pack the patience with nightmares of flight delays and cancellations and lost luggage haunting the administration over the holidays. will airlines pass the test or all hope grounded? senior official scott brenner. thank you for coming back here. they think 42 million americans will go at least 50 miles this weekend. i don't know how they know that. me must be on the overpass counting the cars. why has this been an issue over the past 12 months? >> we have a variety of problems right now. none of it looks good for the consumer. we do have a shortage of air traffic controllers. in the new york airspace alone we have half the controllers we need. so as a result, the department of transportation says while we
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try to get enough controllers here, airlines reduce the number of flights coming into the area. any time you reduce capacity prices will go up. you saw in denver just on sunday because a few controllers called in sick, they had to do a ground stop. halting all flights until they could get enough controllers working to manage those flights. >> bill: you will get almost 3 million more from last year. so we're higher than pre-pandemic levels. pretty remarkable. look at this list here. 2021 supply chain backlog. 2022, the great rail strike. same year major disruptions at southwest. then you have the faa system failure, east palestinian in ohio the train derailment. are we on a bad roll or is it just the way it? >> it is one of those things. he is the secretary of transportation and a lot of things are out of his control.
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at the end of the day he is the secretary of transportation. so you have problems with the faa with legacy systems that aren't performing as they should. not enough controllers, you have railroads trying to do what they think is the right way to do it. so you are having a variety of problems that don't seem related but yet they come back to the second's front step. >> he has the job and the one in charge. a story happening in france. short haul airline flights will be cut. france wants to ban these to reduce emissions, all right? that would mean if you are flying from bordeaux to paris, you drive six hours. if you are flying from leon to paris, you drive five hours. is that coming here? >> what's going on in france is symbolic. i think it is basically five flight routes.
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the rule is if you can take a train that can get you there in less than 2 1/2 hours we'll ban that flight. so i don't know what the impact is other than when the trains go on strike and you can't get where you need to be. it's another thing on safety. i'm always a big proponent of if you make prices of flying so expensive and put people in a car, you will have more fatalities on your roads. it is a symbolic thing. you can still catch a flight to any of those towns if you go through charles de gaulle versus their domestic airport. i don't know how real it is. it probably makes them feel good. >> bill: a lot more developed than ours. see how it goes this weekend. thank you for your time, sir. >> thanks. >> i'm really proud of the work we've done in the de and i space. when you walk in a store and feel at home and it represents
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