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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  May 20, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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you until you have your own and now i know exactly what my dad meant. quickens very, very true break works were very happy for you amazing time in life for. >> thank you so much. i'll be back like i said starting june 1. with fox and friends again too. >> which enjoyed that time with her baby but come back to assume the. >> think i definitely will. >> will see all of you tomorrow. have a great day. ♪ >> president joe biden power among g-7 leaders japan as a debt default is looming here in the united states part of that the president making vagueness by reversing course and given the green light to trained ukrainians on f-16 fighter jets. we'll talk about that. as expected me the cranium president zelenskyy who landed in japan today. but first wears a green light to raise a d on the debt ceiling question default deadline is fast approaching fox is told that that negotiations are
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resuming but they were stalled yesterday, what happened? welcome everyone i am david in for neil cavuto this is cavuto live it edward lawrence is falling brightness of the g7 summit. >> will play right now president joe biden is at a dinner with other g7 leaders. ukrainian president is not at that dinner. gradient president zelenskyy will meet at some point with president biden tomorrow. ukrainian president has already met with the italian prime minister today. that narrative but also the debt ceiling impasse overshadowed this trip, listen. >> a subject of interest. [laughter] here at the g7. countries want to have a sense of how these negotiations are going to play out. the president has expressed confidence he believes we could drive to an outcome will redo avoid default. >> the president meeting countries about two hours going to cancel leg of the trip
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because of the debt ceiling impasse bridging the bilateral meeting with austrian prime minister reverser directly from the president. he talked about the debt cei ceiling. >> and goes in stages. what happens is the first meetings were not all that progressive read the second ones were the third one was and then what happens is the curious >> the principles and say this is what were thinking about. and people put down new claims. i still believe it will be able to avoid a default and get something decent done. >> he thanks it can be done but the house speaker said the president will not acknowledge that he is spending too much money. it is a global issue. so i wanted to know this. >> the fact it is interesting other world leaders. >> not at all.
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she did not like that question at all. on-again off-again debt ceiling talks are back on again with no big movement as of yet but we will keep you updated for. >> your job is not to be mr. nice guy. it is to get the answers good for you. thank you very much former office of management and budget director russell's been through of the situation he joins us now. good to see you, thanks for being here. politically it what think is going on here? just one week ago was sent default, default, default. now is saying he doesn't think there will be a default. his approval rating has been going down it. maybe that had something to do with this change in attitude? >> i have an unsustainable position the president has come to that realization is but a negotiating team that's capable of getting to a deal, not easily within the hard left individuals within the white house. but they have that capability.
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the question is, is he going to instruct them to get a deal? they need one. the president is in a situation where he realizes he has to have a debt limit the house should not budge. it hasn't so far is pleased to see them take a hard line on thursday and friday with regard to the actual spending at play. from a political standpoint the democrats if that is totally unsustainable position for that's coming to the realization to the president at this minute. >> at first the present sink not a dime he can cut out of trillions of dollars of extra spending. that was in a possible claim, wasn't it? >> is one of the things you say everyone realized is not cast the laugh test when the reality of the waist, the woe and the people are seeing in their daily life. whether that is foreign aid is dispensing as we speak for the amount of critical race theory and then coming out of the department of education that is
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the debate the house members need and want to happen. no need to cut spending to guilt inflation they cannot do that if we have a limit that goes without any real changes. david: one key point getting pushback from the left part of the democratic side is required work for welfare. of course it has been very successful in the past. ninety-six president biden was in favor of it. he says look, we do not have to go back and revisit that. in fact both the obama administration in the past three years in the biden administration and cutting back dramatically on those requirements the work requirements for welfare. expanding medicaid. right now we need it again, don't we? it is a perfect time right now to reinstitute work requi requirements. not just in cash, welfare and welfare benefits but medicaid, housing, food stamps.
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much of the work requirement is social safety net instead of being a benefit hammock we have seen in the aftermath of covid. it's a perfect time i'm on the house to put in their bill. i'm glad that's on the table for what should be done. because of nine david house passed a bill there's been amateur hour at the white house and not passing anything and believing they could have a clean debt limit which is a historical event. another back is against the wall but they need to accept the only thing that has passed one of the chambers as the house bill. >> is a bill outstanding on paper. the nuclear option for the so-called nuclear option they would use the 14th amendment. something to deal the civil war problems or problems coming out in the civil war. they claim there is in this 14th amendment when i say they it's most of the left wing of the democratic party doing this.
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they quote something the validity authorized by law including that shall not be questioned. here's the whole section for the 14th on them at the validity of the public data in the united states authorized by likely debts incurred for pension and bounties, for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion shall not be questioned. that was specifically targeted to problems stemming from the civil war. it does not apply here, does it? to know the keywords there's authorized by law. you give the context for the amendment. in terms of authorized by law if you don't have a debt limit that is increase is not authorized by law. the democrats understand that for the one to think they're in the fast know there's a reason i'm not done this before that because it does not apply pretty 14th amendment it's basically a washington way of saying ignore the constitution ignore
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the law. to ignore it the law. talk about the quite eco- for printing more money. again, there is no way out of the situation other than passing the bill has five children dollars in savings. a claim for the president to approve of get the senate if he does. david: and want to put up a quote from janet yellen. even janet yellen, our treasury secretary admits it's a legally questionable whether or not that, meaning the 14th amendment, is a viable strategy. not all democrats are using that line progress, great to see you sir think some attribute here come appreciate it. and if a people revealing a majority of americans want congress to address our debt crisis. most stately limit increased should be paired with deficit reduction. which side has the most to gain and a potential deal? what count usa today white house correspondent francesca cha
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chambers. great to see it, thank you for being here. it appears the white house is now being guided by the polling for the presidents polling was going down but had that note negotiations ever at all. didn't the is change the white house perspective on that? >> the white house still says it's not actually negotiating the debt ceiling. there is a separate process taking place they are negotiation over budget and appropriations think that for what it's worth. it's clear at the white house is engaged in a negotiation with republican over what to cut. the white house was asked about that pole at a briefing took place in japan. the presence currently over these at japan at the g7 meeting. the response was the president also supports cutting spending for he wants to cut the baby's wasteful spending. the difficulty here is their
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definition of what would count as wasteful spending is very different than where republicans are printed two sites seem to have a long ways to go there would to come to an agreement. david: francesca of the larger picture of the presence of us in a polling well economy is not polling well. the real clear average building all of the polls together pushes approval on the economy disapproval way more than that 58%. their fox news poll that came out 35% approval, 63% approval either way it's bad news for the president on economic policy. in a default on his watch would not be good news for the president either. that's part of the reason why you see the president coming back from his trip early on sunday evening for the whites has partnered deal with this exact problem. to be in the review for conversations taking place.
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we saw yesterday there's a pause in conversations two sites could not come to an agreement. then they restarted those talks. we expect of the present again on this issue before he leaves japan he will be holding a news conference which would be early hour time on sunday morning for it already today said the default is not an option in a tweet. talking to the australian prime minister he also said he still has hope reveal. david: meanwhile the progressive side of the party is not too pleased with all of this. there push the possibility of 14th amendment. bowman, raskin and others on that side of the democratic ledger estimate i get the sense they feel left out in these negotiations and takes them off. what do you think? trucks house majority leader hakeem jeffries is in that room for the broader talks alongside republicans and so is chuck schumer. when it comes the 14th amend with the presidents already said that is potentially an option you can use down the line in the future. the white house believes that is something legally will be tight
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at potentially in court they do not see that as an immediate option. david: francesca one word but we do not have much time the president 20 on his camping schedule course was during the pandemic but he spent a lot of time of the basement. you think is going get out and about more going to this campaign? later that is our expectation he will do more campaigning. he is expected to be at nato as wellin july. a few overseas things to you first. >> again i wonder what is going to happen here. by the ghost town to town to town as candidates used to do it. thank you for being here for a chat have a good weekend for a quick thank you. david: new york city schools clearing migrants other gems after parents protested. but, 20 more schools on mayor eric adams rater are the words truly over? >> my message to the mayor is i know your hands are tied but you have to do something eric adams.
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i do not mind giving a helping hand. when it interferes the education of our students, it makes me angry because i do not feel safe having adult males with no health screenings, no criminal background checks around our children. >> this has nothing to do it with the migrant issue. this has with a safety issue for our kids we. >> where these people who come in it will be our children do they know? ask a lot of you elected officials have kids. stop playing with people's kids lives. >> parents in new york city are outraged as migrants and asylum-seekers are being housed under kids school gymnasiums. several schools appearing to clear those migrants effort new york city mayor eric adams is i 20 more city schools as potential shelters we neck republican congresswoman nicole
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represents areas of new york city affected by this but she's also a concerned mom. thank you for being here. and they all been moved out of the schools now? i know the mayor is still looking at other schools as a possibility but have all the migrants been without the schools? >> know it is my understanding they have not been it's only one particular school in brooklyn. these parents are right to be outraged. taxpaying citizens time in school shutdown. interaction suffering with obesity in many cases. and now they've been kicked out up to house migrants. it's a problem the mayor he misinterpreted right to shelter law. he opened up a big can of worms here by insisting new york city right to shelter law which was intended for homeless new yorkers, not citizens of other
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countries should be extended to protect these individuals who cross into our country last week. he created this problem quite frankly he can stop it i stop misinterpreting the slow but also pushing back on the biden administration demanding they hear from democrats will have a lot more success given the most needed reforms to secure this border. proxy has been pushing back on biden specifically by name. i've been awake taking lot of people in the biden administration. saying he is no longer allowed on a certain committee of mayor city had been on. i'm just curious about the parents. they getting any warning in advance of this? they just show up at school with their kids and suddenly find the gym is loaded with migrants? >> at the last minute warning. even us the elected officials were notified and immediately the day before this was going to
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happen. but again the mayor can stop this but he should stop it. we are the only city to be housing individuals it's coming tremendous cost to the taxpayers $5 trillion a year. i also think he can help by putting pressure on senator schumer. as you know the house passed legislation that would stop this flow or reduce the flow at the border but to go back to the trump era policies that were working in stemming the flow it would streamline the asylum process including work visas which is a core immigration issue. but senator schumer and the senate have done absolutely nothing but if you can put pressure on his own u.s. senator needs a senate to take up our bill your own billets reconcile the differences that would be a tremendous help. >> he has a push back on the bite administration. they have responded not in a kind way toward him. he is also asked for a lot more money than he is apparently receiving precast for
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650 million. he got 38 million out of that place of the whole thing is going to cost the city alone 4 billion. by the way it's not just in new york city for the other cities having migrants and bused to them. they're not all in as desperate shape as new york but it's beginning to happen all over america. >> i think the mayor incentivize individuals to be coming to new york city they were receiving the free services. these services amount to more than the average salary for the average new yorker. it is a very, very costly thinking incentivize by keeping new york city a sanctuary city. offering free housing and healthcare and other services but he can stop it today. i believe it she should stop and turbine the right to shelter lie do not believe it's any more money to new york city is a solution here. it will just encourage them to continue to expand and add more shelters, turn hotels into shelters. we cannot afford to do that. we have to stop this medicine in the present the u.s. senate.
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>> congresswoman it comes at a terrible time for new york city it's a terrible time for all cities in america. but new york is the focus of so many crime stories now. everything is built on top of each other but we have a d.a. in manhattan mr. bragg who has a terrible record in terms of downgrading a lot of violent crimes but except if they happen to know somebody is trying to defend the people in his subway car which has happened. but he downgraded 52% of felony cases to misdemeanors compared to 39% in all of 2019 before he became the d.a. i know that mayor and the d.a. art odds on some things. but what can you do about these prosecutors that keep letting violent criminals out? >> i am legislation of the rain and the prosecutors would expose what they are doing give the public transparency so they can recolor fire those districts
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attorneys for the only person who can get rid of bragg in new york as a governor we do not have a recall law. again this is also part of the reasoning to secure our border but we know the drug cartels are pumping fentanyl into new york city and across our country great killing americans but because of the law the governor has in place that you're caught with a tremendous amount of drugs. they're being released back onto the streets we have the mexican drug cartels have this operation going in new york. that is another reason we need to secure the border $13 billion to keep human drug trafficking going for. >> governor vogels too busy turning off her natural gas stoves give time to the d.a. at the moment. the subject for a different day. i got protested this week he joined us in the next area do not want to jump miss that. his hat in the ring with more
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gop hopefuls set to jump it also next week losing this past week have him worried people talk about thatant, next. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. lowe's knows that when you get more savings. you get a lot more summer. that's why we've got fresh new deals so you can heat things up, and chill out, all season long. make the most of your summer now with great savings. shop in-store or online today. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam who make...? ...everyday products... ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more... plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases!
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the fact that these were separate rival endorsements. and around the mantis and of course you, donald trump. you want donald trump to campaign in kentucky for you on your behalf? >> i certainly want president trump to come in. i what governor desantis to come in. i want glenn young again. but at the end of the day, this is about kentuckians in making decision to fire andy beshear.
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>> kentucky republican gubernatorial candidate daniel cameron telling neil is open to any gop support of the trump backed candidate won the republican primary against kellyanne she was endorsed by florida governor desantis. it was one of two losses from an desantis backed candidate this week. it comes ahead of his expected 2024 campaign launch which is that next week is a florida governor plan smith top donors. should these losses were him? politico national correspondent narrative that joins me now. good to see it, thank you for being here. desantis was hoping to launch with a bang. got a couple of things pulling him back a little bit. one is the loss in kentucky of his candidate. the other thing of course is the continuing >> with disney. it's hard to start with a bang when you have these things holding you down. >> yes. the disney news of course was a
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blow for the governor florida. his endorsement there in kentucky was made at the last minute a day before the ele election. i don't have that i would reach into that to say it's a huge loss for him. [inaudible] announcing next week he has called for supporters to come to miami. for a meeting. there is potential he could announce on wednesday of this coming week. yesterday he was in new hampshire holding a policy roundtable in meeting with some of his supporters there had this potential announcement. see six of them out donald trump's lead for the gop nomination is apparently growing. there is a harvard harris poll out this week but shows trump is at 58% desantis at the huge divide. it's probably desantis when you
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think? >> we are seeing more and more republicans in the race we are expecting to see center 10 scott jump in on monday. florida governor desantis. these folks have a lot of ground to make up with donald trump is your pointing out those poles he leads by double digits in new hampshire desantis was just pulling showed donald trump 20 points ahead. these other republicans are going to have to show from trump and try to win over some members of his own base in order to make any significant jump to the bowling here. >> then there is the biggie. for having a little bit of problems with your audio by the way. we may have to call this interview shorts. the same poll i mentioned before the harvard harris poll shows trump beating biden by 47 -- 40. but desantis and biden in a dead heat, ready to -- 42. the standard notion inside the
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beltway is trump would do worse against biden fan desantis would. but it does not look that way right now. >> i'm sorry i missed your last part that. >> the question is who would do better against biden, trump or desantis? >> i think it just depends which polling you look at which day of the week it is. we have seen them both take the lead there going head-to-head against biden. >> again right now it's clear trump is doing a lot better than desantis in that regard. all pocketbook issues are still the key. we had a couple of segments on the border, has the border crisis spills out into the rest of america cities like new york and l.a. et cetera. i may not eclipse the economy but it certainly vying for attention now is an and the presidential race? >> certainly. we have seen this become a
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talking point on the campaign trail for some of these candidates. and for donald trump is talking about some of his border wall, his border security policies that's only going to be more at the forefront of a lot of voters might be. >> that big kahuna of course is always the economy it is the economy. lord knows if we're going going to get into a recession. we've had about 100 different opinions on that part but if we do going into 2024 how does that affect the presidential race? >> that would only work assignment like donald trump's advantage she can run on some the economic policies that he had while he was in office and the economy was better too. >> meredith got to leave it at that. thank you so much survey trouble with your audio but we appreciate coming on today. new revelations coming out on the fbi improperly conducting warrantless searches on get t
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c6 new revelations from a fisa court the above properly conducted over 270,000 warrantless searches in 2020 and 2021. alexandria hoff decembers are staggering alexandria. they agreed with that they cut back they have gone away from such misconduct in the court filing it was revealed yesterday and it shows extensive pass misuse of section 702. part of the only authorized to search the base there is reason to believe to produce evidence before and after crimes but
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usually the suspect is based abroad. from 2022 the end of 2021 the fbi used the warrantless search of powers against u.s. citizens 270,000 times as you mentioned with searches on americans involved in capitol riot. the george even a batch of $19000 heightened restrictions on the year ending 2022 number 702 searches dropped by 94% for the senior fbi official is directorate rate made clear the errors described in the foreign intelligence surveillance court's opinion are completely unacceptable as a result of the audits that revealed these instances of noncompliance. the fbi changes querying procedures to make sure these errors do not happen again. we are committed to continuing this work and provide greater
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transparency into the process to on the trust of the american people. now section 702 is set to expire at the end of this year it does so every six years. it is up to congress, david, to renew a progress or not removed. alexander, thank you very much. let's get the reed on this for deputy assistant attorney law professor jon, great to see you. that use the term unacceptable. i would use the term horrendous. this is extraordinary how many times this has been abused. a lot of people warned us back after 9/11, patriot, pfizer this kind of think might happen. now that it has shouldn't we really take a second look about whether we want to get rid of the fisa courts? >> i share your disappointment. i was there at the justice department on 911 i did work on the patriot act and on some of these exact programs. there is a fundamental deal made
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here between the justice department and congress and the american people which was give the justice department and the fbi the broader search tools which they had not had before which had not been able to stop 911. the deal is they would not be used to search for domestic crime. they would not be used to search for american citizens had nothing to do with terrorism for foreign espionage but it's clear the fbi did this. >> only interrupted by ken. i was on your side and back when the debate was happening all of my libertarian friends say in invariably it is going to be used to spy on americans. and it will beat misuse that is the way the human condition is great that is why we had all these checks and balances in our system that fisa jumped over. the wall that used to exist between fbi and cia was torn down for good reasons initially. but now isn't time to rethink whether you and i were on the wrong side of this issue?
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>> i don't think we were wrong we successfully use the tools to break up al qaeda and to stop attacks on the homeland paid but you are right there's always the urge to use tools for something else for you to use these tools, as the reports show on donor the problem is the powers themselves rather than the fbi. i'm so biased in ways we could not for see we see confirmation in the durham report whistleblower hearing. >> will talk about both of those but regard to the durham report a lot of people are pooh-poohing term the mainstream media saying he did not get anything he took a couple cases to court. he lost sprayed the fact one of the cases that was pled in that investigation is the case of kevin kleinsmith pre-fbi attorney who admitted he had been doctoring evidence to spy
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on america he admitted that there was at least one fbi attorney who willingly admitted he'd been doctoring these reports. it shows two things. one, we really do have to change the whole process. and to comment durham really dig at the bottom of a lot of things in his report. >> i think that is right, david. i think with the report shows is a look, lot of bad things happen at the fbi. only a tiny portion of those involved criminal prosecution. i know a lot of people are angry. i share their disappointing out the fbi. but i don't know whether you can try the people, what did i want to put all this before the american people. how would you put this all before the congress. have hearings, cut off funding. restructure the fbi you are completely right maybe processes
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have to be changed maybe the fbi has to be restructured in the fundamental way. because maybe there is something about the bias at the very top of the leadership of the fbi that causes it to go back to your original question to make >> resolve the bias, we've seen fbi agents leave in the whistleblowers will talk about in the second period a list of the various point durham brought out note basis forncy hf collusion at the time they came out with this whole thing. biased i mentioned kevin kleinsmith. double standards hillary clinton's conflicts of influence or investigated to a phony charge to get on russian collusion was, willful ignorance they ignored evidence it was used by the clinton campaign to execute a political dirty trick. in russian disinformation. the fbi may have begun as a
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russian intel operation. the fbi probe. but is number one no basis for investigation. they were not going after a crime they're going after an individual, donald trump. >> that's the most shocking thing. you strip away that legalese and technical language in the report, the hillary clinton campaign came up with the dirty, dirty political campaigns trick. it only got legs because they were able to convince people who are of their same party. the leadership of the fbi. the leadership of the intelligence agency under the obama frustration under the democratic party to a willingly take it or dupe them into taking and use the vast powers of the government to pursue the candidate of the other political party during a presidential election it's a redline that should never have been crossed. >> i just want to throw in this soundbite from the fbi whistleblowers testimony this weekend. the meat roll tape and get your reaction, go ahead.
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>> the fbi suspended my security clearance accusing me of being disloyal to my country. this outrageous and insulting accusation is based on unsubstantiated accusations. i hold conspiratorial views regarding the events and generate sixth, 2021. i allegedly sympathize with criminal conduct. i do not. david: very quickly, jon, when the democrats criticizing these whistleblowers actually have the audacity to call him or to put him in the notion this was a racist investigation. obviously it was crazy. but quickly, your reaction to this? >> you and i probably memory democrats used to like whistleblowers. people who are in charge should welcome your feedback and understand information about things going wrong in the agency. not dismissing it. david: it got the limit that to see my friend rethink you up. what parents are doing at little league games that has umpire saying they a'm e out.
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david: a better pipe down the batters upright rowdy parents and coaches caught on video yelling even basically attacking umpires a kids little league games. it has a lot to do, a lot of ups and walking off. foxbusiness jeff has more from new jersey. >> statement, here at the little league ball fills in new jersey they are governed by a code of conduct. it is designed to protect the umpires. any acts of violence or unruly behavior will not be tolerated. it could be suspended for a year. but that is not stopped some folks here and elsewhere around the country. from a cost to complete umpire for the little league umpires. these are guys that volunteer to help little league baseball. but sometimes at parents get mad at the call.
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maybe it was wrong, maybe it wasn't. and some cases even get violent with the empires. what they have done here is essay you could be suspended from our facility for a year. or, we will make you an empire and you will see what it's like to be out there with everyone hollering at you. it was your idea, where did you get it? >> i just thought about what don't they want to happen. i knew they did not want to umpire they do not want to volunteer there be out there with us. we are trying this and hopefully it works but we've got to do something. we have good of volunteers walking away pay. >> you were losing umpires. we hear reports and last for five years 20000 umpires at high school and at little league's say they do not want to be part of this. >> that is not fair to the empires also. ours our volunteer break they don't get paid they do this for everyone's children just because they want to volunteer for the little league.
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they are being chased away. >> the big question, since you have implemented this have you had any problems? >> not yet we have not really hoping we don't but if we do we are prepared. >> it would be an eye-opener wouldn't it? i note you umpire game space not as easy as it looks is it? >> is not there's more involved with balls and strikes. when i watch at major league game i think the empires missed a call. going to get big money due on through more about it don't you think? dance parties over too totally tiktok swift legal challenges coming down. cannot keep it up on tennis
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six to montana now. is facing new legal challenges of a panic tiktok but as a first u.s. state to do it. he said it is to protect montana as a private data being harvested by the chinese communist party. a group of tiktok users in his state or arguing the governor's overreaching his authority and infringing on the first amendment rights. montana attorney general austin joins me now for more on this. great to see you, thank you for being here. montanans are wonderfully independent group of people. i know it montana. it is one of the most beautiful places in the world. those who are protesting your
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move they want the freedom to be able to download the app in the state. even if they do not use if it even if they do not like tiktok and agree it is being used by the communist party. what you say to them? >> i have sympathy for them. but there are other applications out there. there are other modes of communicating with the customers for the bottom line, this is about national security. the governor is completely right here is why we broke the bill the way we did. this is about keeping the chinese communist party off of the device in your pocket. they are taking everything off your cell phone for the taking facial recognition data. they are taking a picture of the taking pictures, your videos. they are scanning everything you have on your phone for we openly know they are doing this. that is what is so pernicious about tiktok. that's why we crackdown so hard on them for. >> to set you but it's not me personally. the fact they never had tiktok i'm not going to do because i agree with everything you said
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about the way the chinese commerce party operates. but a lot of people seem to be resigned basically give up because social media can get anything they want anyway. the chinese could probably work their way through some other app besides tiktok. so they do it. to them you say what? >> all the other social media applications can turn the data privacy collection off. instagram facebook all of them. you can toggle those data collections off. with a tiktok you can't. you have no choice for you will provide all that information to the chinese communist party. they will comb through your personal photos, through your personal videos and look for intelligence they can use. that is horrifying. i refuse to resigned to it. think a lot of montanans have too. david: i refused to resigned to it to prevent politicians in
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washington including the vice president and president have submitted to tiktok interviews. for focusing on the politicians we've got to leave it at this is a big issue pretty hope we can get you back to talk more about it, good to see you. thanks for having me. david: a video going viral about parent charging rent into their adult kids living at humber new york city deb protested against a plan to host migrant's daughter's public school actually one and his fight. he is coming up. psych! really? dude, that's a foul! and now you're ready to settle the score. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, well you could end up paying for all this yourself. so get allstate. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you,
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