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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 11, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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to the democrats want to go that direction? the second he starting about options beyond him. the first name that has to come up is hers and a woman of color. in the play clips like we just did open the segment. it's like well in expletive. >> joe biden has talk with, and the mets were to see great. all right. over to sean hannity. >> hannity: a group of people have a message for you what is it? ♪ ♪ >> love it. >> hannity: we are back with a great rowdy live audience tonight. i know get allowed okay. we have mayhem tonight in the southern border we are going to take it their life is title 42 now set to expire in less than three short hours. also manhattan d.a. is out yet again.
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near city prosecutor under lots of pressure and now reportedly will charge daniel penny with manslaughter after he restrained a violent abusive mentally ill criminal on a new york city subway protecting fellow passengers which would be threatened as a case of self-defense? if so self-defense no legal? right here new york city the only normal people in the city are right here in this room. but first if you listen very, very closely you can almost hear i'm enjoying this way too much you can almost hear the faint sound, the whimpering and the total complete other freak out in chaos and mass that is at cnn fake news headquarters across town. now, in case you missed it. they hosted a town hall with former president donald trump it did not go well for fake news cnn. now of course the moderator in
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this case collins she tried her best to make donald trump look bad and appease a color the blue check mark media called the script and only talks with themselves and the mob in the media. they hate any of all things donald trump so instead of focusing on important issues like the economy, or policy and et cetera. he spent most of the town hall hitting them with old gotcha questions and questions answered a hundred times before. mostly on these old issues debated and discussed to death take a look. >> do you have any regrets on your actions on january 6? and manhattan jury found that you sexually abused east jean carroll and defamed her you've denied this but what you say to voters it disqualifies you from being president? there was a deposition of you from october you defended the comments he made on that axis hollywood tape you standby those comments? they criticize you for not
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fulfilling the campaign trail like finishing the border wall how do voters know what you'd get those done if you're reelected? can you state that you want ukraine or russia to win the work? in declassified documents out front mar-a-lago what did you take those documents with you? >> i'd every right to. >> hannity: she seems a good big of donald trump's. here's work it's very interesting cnn was surprised that he came prepared in the audience well, they responded in a big way in his favor take a look. >> why did it take you three hours to tell them to go home? [cheers and applause] >> a manhattan jury found that you sexually abused the writer and defamed her you've denied this for what you say to voters who say it disqualifies you from being president? >> there aren't too many of them because my poll numbers just came out and they just went up.
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>> if elected president again would be the first thing you would do to help bring down the cost to make things more affordable. >> drill, baby drill. [applause] we had no inflation come with the lowest energy crisis we've had in decades. this country was rocking and rolling and by the way with the most secure border in history. we have a very big mental health problem in this country. again it's not the gun that pulls the trigger is the person who pulls the trigger. and we have to protect our second amendment. our country is dying, our country is being destroyed by stupid people, very stupid people. >> you said that using the debt ceiling as a negotiating widget can don happen. he said that when you are in the oval office so i said in a different now that you're out of office? >> because i'm not president. [laughter and applause] >> hannity: donald trump was great he got his point across he
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was actually funny the crowd loved him. not the anchor. in other words a nightmare come to life in the producers and contributors fake news cnn invited donald trump to the town hall and what a shock donald trump showed up and they were not ready for donald trump. now immediately following the debate fake news cnn they had their on air powell panel spending hours and hours in shock and some looked close to tears even behind the scenes there is a parent revolt among faint news cnn emotionally fragile employees especially the left-wing woke anchors by the way most of whom themselves wide for three long years of a collusion that never happened. and as we speak an all-out temper tantrum is underway and set a company from top to bottom. he believe this? a leading presidential candidate, a former president able to voice his opinions on
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the air all the horror of such a thing. now one highly emotional reporter i called him a humpty dumpty want to be. attacked his own network posting this on his weird cnn blog and nobody really reads. it's hard to see how america will serve with the spectacle of lies that aired on cnn wednesday evening. a spectacle of lies on big news cnn? that something an average night. not according to the humpty dumpty jr. cnn and the new network there who might be fired over this and see what happens. they are facing a fury of criticism both internally and externally. they did not censor donald trump all for a whole hour and not cnn is about to be punished needless to say it's been a rough 24 hours in the media mob of the democratic party with at least one comparison to january 6 take a look. >> we are in a break now for the
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presidential town hall with cnn and whatever the belief that they thought they were going to get out of this they instead have set a match democracy once again. >> i saw a bad stand-up comedian with people in his call to love him. and that is non-american as far as i'm concerned. it's non-american. >> this is a lie, this is a lie, this is a lie. >> i thought it was a profoundly irresponsible decision i don't think that i would be doing my job if i did not say that. >> he declared war on the truth i'm not sure that if he didn't win. >> won have the media mob get this crazy and that triggered? for starters they didn't really have contact with people from different political persp perspectives. because they live in our ultraliberal areas of the bubble in new york city the d.c. swamp and was ultraliberal schools they liberal professors. her colleagues or friends.
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they live in a liberal bubble. the singing liberal kumbaya songs. they exist in one big far left echo chamber so hearing from any conservative is drawing to them and triggering to them especially if that conservative is not only politically correct and not easily intimidated or silenced by their insults or accusations and as we all know by now donald trump is can be donald trump. here is what really makes the so-called journalists so mad. despite all of their dire predictions donald trump was a very successful president way, way, way more confident than this guy who was present today. that does not know it's thursday night. that's why joe biden is not losing by large amount and a brand-new pole as it turns out when your livelihood and your retirement in your safety and security is at risk in china is taking on america's role as the world leader with their
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alliances with russia a ran and others. i guess the guy with the mean tweets or comments that might be politically correct does not really seem to matter all that much. maybe fake news cnn should really be thinking congressman byron donalds for bringing them a dose of reality last night. look at this. >> town halls are for the voters not for the press. not for the person was the moderator. spending more time interjecting her own viewpoints on the situation. are you guys i can interject customer dwight a chance? with a second, would a second. the town hall is for the president to speak to the voters of new hampshire. not for this back-and-forth media that's all you want. >> hannity: byron donalds is with us. great to have you. good to be with you. i get to see some clips of you
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later you are up against 4-5 liberals all at once psych 4-5 on one. you get your point across what is it about donald trump or any conservative for that matter that seems to trigger the mob in the media? >> it's because when you have conservatives who are committed to the facts and frankly who are not afraid to dish those facts out left and right you mention last night it was 4-5-6, tenant does not matter when you're preparing with the right information on the truth and were not afraid to dish it out they do not know how to respond to that. so the immediate thing is that they typically lash out last night i'm not try to make a comment and already 3-4-5 of them are try to jump in but you have to stay focused because at the end of the day the truth of what is happening in this country is what matters more than anything that silly reporters try to talk about i'm a look current president this
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guy has three bank failures and is lost three embassies on his watch that's a disaster for america. so it requires republicans and conservatives to be strong in this decision, be armed with the facts and go into any situation and don't take the bait come with the facts and push back hard. >> this network is been lying and been wrong about so-called collusion that never happened. we got a ride on this program thankfully we have been vindicated now many times starting with the report. let me ask you specifically about what town hall should be about. because if a lake qeelin consuls really doing a job for her fellow journalists that are not journalists care talk show host like me they are not honest. and not for the people. because i think if you ask somebody a candidate a question whether you agree with the answer or don't agree with it. why don't you let them finish the answer and then do a
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follow-up question and say hey, then why did, b, or see happen? what she feel like she had to be the special for all things left wing? >> personally i think it was her own look she has been doing this a long time i've done interviews with her on the network i think this was her time in the spotlight being opposite number one guy in our party being donald trump. i think that's part of it number two it was clear that cnn's position was to do anything they could to keep bringing up all of the old stuff all the narratives they continue to push to ignore the realities of what is happening in america today humanist composure with this onslaught from her being focus on things that matter to the voters of our country and not to the political class not for the punditry that frankly has got it wrong so much more than it's got
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it right. >> hannity: has we not litigated january 6th to death? the 2020 election to death. aren't elections about the future? we now have an economy, we are 60 of our fellow americans living paycheck to paycheck. do not see china on the march? no consequences for a spy balloon that flew all around our country. no consequences for russia taking out one of her drones. no active response by joe biden when you have an alliance with china russia, or ran. that should scare every american in my view. >> the press especially the liberal press they can't focus on the present, likable we brought out for the oversight committee under the leadership of james we documented that joe biden and his family have taken money from the chinese and from romania. we have document at that. they don't want to talk about
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that they only want to talk about the southern border, all the things that we've talked about the only thing that will keep their agenda alive at the end of the day in america, it's about the radical left agenda for the press. it's about that agenda. the only thing that keeps it agenda alive is a talk about the past, talk about these other things, these american voters they understand what happens on january 6th it really was a really tough day for our country but they are looking at what's going on now and they are looking towards the future and we need a commander in chief who is focused on getting america back on track. >> hannity: congressman thank you. he'll reaction fox news contributor onset with us tonight tomi lahren with us. our eight jolin tsai with you. you're the media expert here at the network. you should have your own show by the way. [laughter] in all seriousness you know people who work at cnn on a people that were there. they said was a complete total
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unmitigated meltdown going on all day long today which by the way i have to admit the competitive side of me makes me very happy. [laughter] >> a hot mess in a dumpster fire and make a mistake this is not a town hall dedicated to what was billed for. to republican voters and independent voters. this is meant to appeal to cnn's audience. which is still firmly on the left. and to appeal to a potential media critics. >> he wants and it worked to be more balanced. at this was an opportunity to hear from a top rated for toppling presidential candidate to get answers. they did not let that happen. >> kaylyn collins first story told a question story just about the 2020 election she also approached january 6 as you mention in the mar-a-lago documents and then the trial. of those things top of mind for public and voters question they are not. the question should have been
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about mr. trump, inflation was 1.4% when you left office it's now nearly three times that how do you plan on bringing that down while bringing wages back up? what about the crime crisis question michael we have x put us york and chicago florida and texas what would you do to reverse that? what will you do as far as the border? it's issues that impact every american deal agree with that? completely. there time of the border with a but education or scores at a 30-year low and china may be moving on taiwan soon. and about her trade deals with countries like that in ukraine russia were set a complete standstill and the look the nine euro question are you rooting for ukraine to win my? no that's not the point. the point is a way out of this because five years from now to be talk about the stalemate that is ukraine and russia and all the millions overspent. >> do you agree with my analysis
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that she was hosting that for an audience to fill media mob members only? >> high sean i'm assuming really big last night in the scene in town hall and that is that the people who never stopped to learn the 74 million donald trump voters have not stopped on donald trump's children know how to beat him or had outrun him. i think the level of disrespect always interrogating and insulting rather than looking for insights caitlin collins is a smart woman she is part of reporters that's for sure including cnn. she was not clever these were printable questions we didn't really learn anything new from the questions because they did not ask anything new at was to try to nail him much the way they did in 2016 when he was running seven have an eight times out there a day on his behalf and they never got past a couple of facts. the mainstream media gave us in 2016 approximately 5 billion
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with a become a billion dollars worth of free media coverage's culture and media. it will never get that back, they'll never get back the fact that they won that time. but sean they should stop and learn. what is perplexing 2 million people who voted in 2020. instead they're trying to embarrass and harass them. so scene anger criticized for doing what they should do. which is given audience in a platform to the front runner from when the parties about the do the same for joe biden but we don't see and we don't understand him he does not understand us he's woke but not awake. he does not meet the press little into a whole hour's worth of the town hall. i think this is gonna cost the press there so condescending. they're so unanimous not unified. it is not unity we have unity means you keep that monopoly going. you do not divert need not give donald trump a platform or any respect. as a former perhaps future
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president the organ look silly all again we are less than 18 months the next presidential election they do not know how to stop the sky. look 60% of americans say that they have great faith in the mainstream media 74% of americans say that they think the media are currently polarizing and dividing this country and you saw front center exactly why that is. >> hannity: is about the contempt for donald trump also extensible 74 made americans who voted for him in 2020? 's i believe it does extend to that. >> sure does just as they rightly pointed out they do not want to get to know us. they do not want to speak to us they don't want to acknowledge us they want us to remain the forgotten americans i will tell you this. that man, donald trump is a warrior they come after him time, and time again and what does he do? he walks into the lion's den and he sits down and he answers
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every single question. he does it with ease, he does it with his classic humor that we all love. and he said that audience the cnn audience exactly donald trump is made of must not forget the left, big government, big tech they've been trying to censor and silence this man for years. they kicked them off all the platforms so it cannot connect with voters, he couldn't connect with independents or even democrats but you gave him a chance and that's why it does at cnn are melting down and out. that's why aoc is melting down. they don't want independence and maybe even some liberals to see donald trump and some may be just may be like donald trump. that is why they are freaking out today. >> hannity: will they invite him back? >> i wonder for not only cnn but abc, cbs, nbc, member 2016 donald trump just hosted "saturday night live" is on with colbert. all these places will be petrified now to extend an invite because they are free to the boycotts, the airfreight of
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the backlash, again, this is the leading candidate for the g.o.p. nomination and juergen have the media organization scared of their own audiences for putting him on and putting it on his perspective. >> hannity: i love joe biden i'll give him five full hours of he can handle it. [applause] >> i'll be respectful but i will ask hard questions and give them a chance to answer. >> i don't forget handle your live audience to be honest with you. [laughter] it's so funny about cnn cnn and abc and some of these other networks the only people that have on right will generally be called a republican or anti-donald trump and particularly cnn they had this woman on who work for donald trump and the only thing that really qualifies on beyond is that they are now against donald trump and pretty, am i on because i'm so smart? your on because you work for him and now you're against him and so particularly embarrassing to
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them. because they figured this is home now another fighting them i think it's go the other way. these networks are gonna have to sit down and interview donald trump. my point is they don't know how. because folks take to the bank we never truly deeply examine that which we truly deeply distain. >> let him answer. have a follow-up if you don't like some of what he said. you the last word. >> exactly and as we said we wish joe biden would answer some questions and may be of joe biden was already asleep he could've watched that cnn town hall with donald trump. i could've taken some notes on some lessons. i would really like to see that. >> hannity: thank you so good to see you coming up in less than three hours into title 42 expires is absolute chaos unfolding at our southern border we have a live update straight ahead as we continue, glad that you are with us.
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[applause] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> hannity: the chaos is already engulfing the entire southern border and of course the white house according to "the washington post" president joe biden has been lashing out he is very angry at his staff over his own border crisis that started since he came in office anyway meanwhile the border patrol chief is not authorized department to start releasing illegals into the country to put overcrowding border facilities
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in order we can see it all the means of thousands of people will go free to wherever want without any monitoring no registration no nothing there simply asked to check in with ice nice office within 60 days or how many will check and probably none. vegas was starting tonight joe biden's water crisis is now coming to his city or town are you. it's about who worsen ever our very own sara carter set the border tonight and she spoke with a group of republican senators have gathered to witness this chaos for themselves. take a look. >> senator as you can see we are watching this flood of immigrants come in what patrol obviously is trying to keep the buses from actually seeing it themselves. what is going to your mind as you see this? >> we are hearing that homeland security they're moving people out of here so he wouldn't see
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them our job here is to hold them accountable. the hold the joe biden administration, were trying to avoid that they been unaccountable for two and half years if not prepared for this moment. when title 42 ads. we've known for a long time that this would be the end not only is the end of the pandemic it's the end of title 42 with seamless pressure, they were not prepared for it there same when you gonna do? we have solutions. every republican senator has offered solutions in combination individually. we need them to come to the table and start beginning to discuss the solutions because we can fix these problems a strong nation has to have strong borders and from what you can see here they are not doing that is about weakness not about american strength. >> hannity: investigative reporter and fox news contributor sara carter along with the national brandon good to see you both. joe biden said all this could be chaos this week there's been nothing but chaos we have over six plain people, about six and a half million when you counted
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that of already come into this country illegally. with the help of joe biden, he is aiding and abetting the lawbreaking. without any consequences at all and out's worse? >> you're right sean and it's already worse. and what they've done is they are trying to hide this from the american people, they're trying to keep this on the american people even today when i was interviewing senator they'd requested that i turn the camera and asking the questions so that the audience cannot see the people that were lining up to gum the buses even the buses themselves. of course darkened windows, i can say this we have football fields, football fields of people lining up coming into this country. and tens of thousands more over the other side of the border and brandon and i have both been witnessing how many children also how many male age males military age males does come across the border feeling
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busloads this is what is happening right now the joe biden administration we are now witnessing probably one of the worst in our modern history situations here at the u.s. southern border. >> hannity: we now see these massive crowds coming in is there any documentation for example we doing any background checks? we have six and a half lean people entering this country in the middle of a pandemic nobody had a health check there's no vaccine mandates the background check to heretical associations. no check to see if there would be a financial burden on the american people at a time when we cannot afford to pay for schooling and health care et cetera. with $31 trillion in debt's or any of that going on at all? >> absolutely not we see if they've grown a record here in the united states we also look to see if they've an interpol hit and that's it we cannot
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shake anything that's not if they have a criminal record in the country we are never going to know about it. when you look at what the administration is done they've completely and totally turned upside down what we've always done as far as enforcement aspect of it. we can get this under control tomorrow. we have to do is go back joe biden stovall's policies from us. he still every single one of our enforcement tools that would allow us to get this kind of control. we can keep the american public saved but the only way we can do it is if we re-implement the rules without that the american public is going to suffer. >> let me ask you this was joe biden early in his presidency told people illegal immigrants that if you're feeling fling oppression you should come to our border now he is saying in the lead up to this that the border will be chaotic this week. it we have alejandra dhs secretary and joe biden repeatedly lying to us by saying oh, no, no with the border is
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secure. don't believe your lying eyes we are seeing literally millions of people enter this country he is aiding emma and abetting these people. if i went down to the border and i picked up people in a truck and i drove them to another state what i be guilty of human trafficking? >> you would and you should go to prison shows should joe biden if he wasn't the president i would arrest him but he is the president so is not held accountable. the other main problem is is the media, the media does not hold him accountable. all this chaos could go away tomorrow i hate political rhetoric i hate listening to the secretary because he never offered any evidence. he does not give any facts. he glosses over this. he does, he does. >> hannity: he tells us over and over again the border is secured it is not been secured they've done everything to make it wide open. that's what's happening. >> and sean, sean, the reason that i know he lives is before
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he was even confirmed i spoke with him, i told him exactly what he needs to do. i spoke with the joe biden transition team before he took office i told him what they needed to do. they completely ignored everything. and he allowed this chaos to happen because they wanted to happen. it is by design. >> hannity: were talking about human trafficking and young women being sexually abused you've cover that story and you've shown us evidence never mind fennel meth, cocaine opioids and heroin. also cross the border killing her children. >> sean, our children are dying, are citizens are dying obscene from counterfeit pills and fennel. but migrant children are dying, they're being abused, the input into work camps, are being used by sexual predators in schools even our own country. it's by the joe biden to administration and president joe biden who is perpetuating this. you're making the cartel stronger in the human trafficking organization stronger because there aiding
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and abetting this organizations that's what's happening and somebody has to tell the truth and someone he has to put a stop to it. >> hannity: thank you both would appreciate it. or should had today they did a good job. alvin bragg is now charging a marine veteran for protecting subway riders from a homeless man that is mental illness who died after being placed in a choke hold very own brian has the very latest and will check in with leo 2.0 terrell. [applause] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> hannity: bavette placing a
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mentally disturbed homeless men and a choke hold on new york city's subway last week will soon be charged with second-degree manslaughter with a man d.a. alvin bragg live in a new york city newsroom with more brian what's going on? >> daniel penny is expected to turn himself in tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. he'll be arraigned on second-degree manslaughter charges for the choke hold death of 30-year-old homeless man jordan neely. a grand jury has to be convened to indict but it is interesting that the manhattan district alvin bragg chose not to put that decision to follow church charges to a grand jury choosing on his own to file these cha charges. this comes after days of protests in new york city pressuring him to press charges against penny the protests led to clashes with police and it doesn't arrest ten days ago he put them in a choke hold reportedly for several minutes on the f subway train after witnesses said he was
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aggressively screaming and threatening passengers had a history of mental illness and have been arrested dozens of times including for assault on subway riders. in a statement tonight. the riders said that he risked his own life and safety for the good of his fellow passengers the fortunate result was the unintended and unforeseen death mr. neely we are confident that mr. penny will be fully absolved of any wrongdoing. if sean guilty he could receive three and a half to 15 years from prison. >> hannity: the victim in this case jordan is not the homeless michael jackson impersonator at the left want you to believe. this is a person very sadly very tragically who was seriously mentally ill. he had 42 prior arrests including a kidnapping charge after he abducted a 7-year-old girl, he also racked up multiple violent assaults against elderly new yorkers and just prior to
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his death witnesses told police that he was making violent threats on the subway and demands saying that he didn't care if he went to jail hitting care if he got killed. here with reaction are new york city curtis fox news contributor leo 2.0 terrell good to have you both. [applause] it was not just the marina got involved the sky was threatening to people on this train hitting care about going to jail he did not care peace died. 42 arrests sally a long history untreated mental health issues. even a violent arrest this guy clearly was a danger that motivated people to get involved to protect innocent people was a mean innocent people will be protected going forward? >> he was rated one of the 50 most dangerous persons living in the subway system. we see the marine corps for the
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halls of montezuma to the shorts of tripoli the subways of new york city the surgeon in the united states marine corps came to the aid of all the citizens there he could've walked away like most people done or observe we call nyu will be, mind your business which paralyze her city. he gets involved, to other good samaritans jump and they didn't know. they hold him down they restrain him. he is telling the passengers call 911 they did. it took 50 minutes for the cops to come because we don't have enough cops. all we can long all the officials saying we are not doing enough to be emotionally disturbed, for the schizophrenic we need to do more. now all of a sudden now he gets a call from two people. i'll soon's lady i want them indicted for murder and what the two good samaritans indicted for murder. ready mine? and then all of her crazy cortez scores a trifecta. day one she says he murdered him. day two he lynched him.
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day three, he executed them. so you have this game of influential new yorkers ringing the phone of alvin bragg who should not be taken the calls he should not be influenced by anybody. and he has decided not to put in front of a grand jury because grand jury on subway riders they looked at sky go so he's them arrested tomorrow and prosecuting them. >> hannity: there is a rumor that you're running against aoc for congress is any truth to that? [cheers and applause] >> should i take them on? let's do it. >> hannity: leo 2.0 terrell i feel sorry for the mentally ill i really do. but this guy has a history of violence. obviously was enough or three people to get involved the police, curtis is right they did not show up on time he was begging call 911, call 911. considering it's a subway a 15 minute response time is hor horrific. so had they gotten earlier and
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had they not been involved to defund or have they not alienated police may be the would be alive because of what gone there sooner and sing care of it. >> out to be very clear i do not want to mix any words this is a racially charged prosecution it's because the defendant is black and the marina's white i would be clear about that. the individual was people of color. so i think this case can go nowhere but the motivation is based on race. the left always wants a black victim, white but this marine was trying to save as individuals on that subway and i guarantee everyone knows individuals are not testify on his behalf and that's the issue here. this is all publicly motivated based on race is the ultimate insulting use of the race card.
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>> hannity: curtis is right who is over and want to stand up and up defend the innocent on the subway train knowing that they may be prosecuted in the end. write leo thank you you're deafly running against aoc? >> you keep pumping it by the way this marine is a hero right? this marine is a hero. [applause] >> hannity: the cops should've been there will be come back to bite them in an awkward joke of thin walls of his childhood home, okay. gender-neutral genes are coming to a store near you join me on set as we continue. ♪ ♪ [applause] there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> hannity: creepy joe can't help in westchester yesterday hit a very bizarre comment about how thin his parents walls were when he was growing up. take a look. >> president biden: we lived in a three bedroom home a housing develop meant a nice area. development suburbia with 4 kids and a grandparent with us. i can look back on and wonder how thin those walls were for my mom and dad. >> hannity: that's really creepy at least he wasn't sniffing children's hair. sadly this is not the first time he's made the off-putting comment with reaction of the bottom line fox across america good to see you. [applause] was he suggesting there? they her mom and dad?
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kissing customer. >> kind of weirdo's listening to the parents of the walls? and over thought it say this but he might have read your stuff on his laptop and hunter does. [laughter] i thought hunter had the title but really we don't know what he was trying to say is a dirty joke? summing up a poverty? you can get so rich. that's what i mean. >> i am a scholar of grifters and cons both long and short. the thinwall is joe biden's t tail. so this reveals his fixation on accumulation and maintaining of wealth and status. his dad, his daddy boom and bust. he was well-off and they went broke when he was a little kid and they had to move back to scranton. so the thin walls as a reference to never wanting to return.
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to that level of lifestyle. for himself and his family. so he will -- he will make sure he never returns to those thin walls by any means necessary. >> hannity: very clever. >> our budget is from ukraine. [laughter] ukraine russia and china. our grandkids will ask to be paying you for some reason we don't know why. it's really weird i don't actually have the forensic psychology degree that dagan does but i'll just say this. someone can just get so rich selling a joe biden to english dictionary. you know i'm saying? you pitched on "shark tank" was mark what is he saying? >> they were obsessed with real estate the use of sneak in to houses when they were younger and houses and mansions they
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were for sale. when joe biden was there. >> hannity: would you think it was weird when he married his brother's ex-wife? >> no they lived in a house with a ballroom. who has a ballroom? [laughter] >> hannity: when they do need to recognize acknowledge and accept their own grant. that's repulsive. first of all that's disgusting. >> the such lack of parental in the house or not. this kid deserves a present and ownership from the family. even on a social superficial level imagine your joe biden's grandkid and i are missing on all the fun things like hiding classified documents in the garage. you know you could to teach the one grandkid who gets to teach grandpa how to ride a bike. it's only the other way around. >> i thought we are gonna write the vegan roast the nasty email is a barbecuing extra. [laughter] >> i was a vegan for two years.
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>> i did not take any advice. if you want to cancel the words. chubby. all right don, eat the cheeseburger. [laughter] >> can i just say that the emissions from someone who eats and all vegetable diet are much more offensive than the smell of a sizzling state. [laughter] >> it's funny, it's probably true and stake leaders you need knives so the mess. >> would have been here was vegan australian woman rode a letter to a neighbor complaining that they had a barbecue i'm just amazed that a vegan had the energy to write a letter. as i wow. >> hannity: to be have any vegans? everybody is normal. thank you both more "hannity" straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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[narrator] why is aaron happy? well, just days ago, his old wheels gave out. but he knew carvana had his back. that's because carvana had tens of thousands of cars under $20,000. so aaron's folks could help him out with a sweet ride. [aaron] no way. [narrator] yes way. with the most cars under $20,000 and our car vending machines, we'll drive you happy at carvana.
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♪ ♪ >> hannity: we will have more audience shows is on wednesday and thursday you want to be part of the show just go to tickets for $1 million apiece. no kidding. tickets are free, with all the time we have left thing for being with us at your dvr sue never, ever miss an episode of "hannity" not let your heart be troubled laura ingraham is here would have to say laura? [applause] >> laura: right back at you. you decided to go without a tie right question mike you're tieless now. last night i had a jacket, last night i had a jacket on and look like i was a bandleader. so take that off it looks like something from the music man last night. yeah