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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 11, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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anything that puts off talks would be greeted negatively. i was following up on something that we pursued on fox business earlier. if the talks broke off for the wrong reasons, the two sides are far apart, that would not be greeted favorably. given the nasty comments that we heard on both sides, that appears to be very much the case. "the five" is now. >> hello, everyone. i am judge it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." it is the liberals worst nightmare. former president donald trump participating in a cnn town hall where he bashed joe biden, clashed with the moderator, and even got cheers from the
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audience. >> we had no inflation. we had the lowest energy prices we've had in decades. this country was rocking and rolling. if i am president, i will have that war settled in one day. 24 hours. >> what's the first thing you would do to help bring down the cost to make things more affordable. >> drill, baby, and drill. there's never been anything that's happened to our country right now. >> 52 miles of new wall. >> this is what she does. i have built of miles. joe biden has 1800 boxes and nobody even knows where they are. 1800. nobody talks about him. they put -- it's very simple to answer. >> that's why i asked it. >> you are a nasty person, i'll tell you. >> despite the fact that trump is leading the republican field, democrats and the partisan press are completely losing their minds at cnn forgiving the
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former president platform. >> i don't really understand why they didn't just cut him off. think of what i didn't know was that the audience would be filled with his cult. i would like to know if cnn was passing out kool-aid before the event started. >> i think it was a profoundly irresponsible decision. there's no sense in fact-checking or replaying the highlights. >> i'm sure going to have more fact checks for us because there were more lies than i can count. >> i think we needed a chyron. this is a lie. this is a lie. this is a lie. >> judge jeanine: republican lawmaker taking a shot at cnn for not being interested in the issues that voters care about. >> town halls are for the voters, not the press. not for the person who is the moderator. caitlin spent more time interjecting her own viewpoints or views on the situation. >> those are facts. >> are you going to interject your --
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do i get a chance to speak? talk about inflation, the border, fentanyl, debt ceiling, foreign policy. >> judge jeanine: dana, what's interesting about it is we just saw byron donalds, the congressman, get interrupted by cnn on that panel just the way trump was interrupted constantly when he was trying to answer a question. it's not only about the questions that were asked but how they were being asked. >> dana: well, yeah, that's their choice. the thing that's interesting to me that i've been thinking about all day is does cnn or anybody else think there's an actual g.o.p. primary going on right now? or do they think donald trump has the nomination? what happened last night was basically saying here is the former president. he has the stage to himself. he has a friendly audience with a moderator. we know he goes after the media and people whether it's in the friendly audience is going to love it so they will go after her. all the things republicans might
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talk about their primary debate like covid responses, inflation, taxes, crime, maybe even gun control. none of that comes on. they want to talk about all the things that you're going to talk about in a general election. were they basically said is there is no g.o.p. primary. the g.o.p. primary candidates of which there are several and some who say they are going to announce soon apparently. do they think there is a g.o.p. primary? they don't say anything about donald trump either. unless you're going to have someone like desantis come out and say okay, i'll take him on. here's what you have. the democrats are not going to win back against trump by having caitlin collins ask him the questions. if you want to actually see donald trump have an argument, you might add vivek ramaswamy or nikki haley or somebody else like that. i feel like we have jumped ahead like there is no g.o.p. primary. it could turn out there might not be one at all. i think that part is weird.
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for all the liberals complaining that cnn held his town hall with donald trump, i'm sure that cnn would love to have joe biden come up and do a town hall. we can schedule that for next wednesday. >> judge jeanine: jesse, what do you think the chances are of joe biden doing a cnn town hall. what about the fact that caitlin collins did the -- traditional democrat, january 6, georgia, all the things we know they are interested in but that the public really isn't interested in. >> jesse: your first question, joe will eventually do a town hall and it will be boring. they will not interrupt or fact-check him once even though he will lie constantly. your other question is caitlin. dana is right, it's the perfect format for donald trump. your to put president trump live in the middle of a little arena surrounded by fans up against a 30-year-old cnn anchor?
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oh, my god. that was not fair last night. that's what everybody wants to see. cnn i think did well because cnn is making a business decision. they are going to pivot and say we are going to play in this political game, the primary meaning. and were going to chase ratings. they got a good number last night. we're going to try to be normal again like we used too. now the rest of the media is hysterical because their strategy was to censure and scandalize the president. don't let him talk. ignore him. treat him like a disease. the media only works in a mob and if cnn breaks, then trump just broke them. cnn helped them break it. trump was good just by showing up. trump has been out in the wilderness for a while. now he is coming back to the
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mainstream. he has reentered and become more commercially viable and that's what he has wanted. when he started off, and relaxed, that was smart. they wanted to go out him thrashing around and he didn't but he built up a crescendo and then at the end he called her nasty and it was the best part. he loves conflict. the media hates conflict because the media wants 100% agreement. trump and the media don't mix. they are going to have to wrap their heads around this because he is going to be appearing on some of their programs and the way that they conducted that did not work for them and that's why the media is so scared because they see how powerful he is once he gets his message out. >> judge jeanine: jessica, the truth is that cnn knew that donald trump would be saying things that they didn't agree with. obviously. they made a business decision. they got a viewership of what we got every day. they got 3 million. and yet people are saying they
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should've cut him off and they should have turned it off. they should say that that's alive. where do you stand on this? >> jessica: i stand on the part that feels like we are stuck between a rock and hard place which everyone has been with donald trump since he came down the gold staircase. you can ignore him. he's likely to be the g.o.p. nominee again. he ended up president of the united states of america and was the candidate in 2020. you have a responsibility as newspeople talk about what's going on in one of the two major political parties. i can only imagine that donald trump orchestrated every single second of how that town hall played out. that he was able to get a completely friendly audience. they are on a college campus. >> judge jeanine: republican primary candidates. sorry, republican primary voters. >> jessica: they didn't even have an undecided voter. they didn't throw an independent or someone who said i voted for you in 2016 but i didn't and 2020 because of xyz reason. how are you going to win my
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vote. it was a fan boy and girl session the entire time. which does benefit him. to the point about the fact-checking, i think it's important to make sure the people at least here's some pushback whether they actually process what it is that you said in response. the truth does have to get out there. there was such an incredible cascade of lies flowing out of his mouth from the border wall. he said that i secured the whole thing. it's 1900 miles long. he did 52 new miles. the documents, obama took documents. didn't happen. joe biden didn't comply. joe biden didn't comply. perfect phone calls. the democrats support infanticide. caitlin collins let that one go and that was a major losing moment. if you want to make jobs a full point which it will be and you hear the former president saint democrats support abortion up until nine months even after the
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baby is born. complete dereliction of duty. on the day after he gets a ruling that he sexually abused and defamed e. jean carroll and he calls her a whack job and the audiences laughing. it was appalling. i think that's what a lot of the commentators that were on afterwards were reflecting on but you are the network that fired don lemon for misogyny? and then you have donald trump up there going after a victim of his in such a way? >> you are arguing against yourself. you are seeing how good it was that they had him on and then you are shocked that donald trump was trump. >> jessica: no, i said you are between a rock and a hard place and i think that's the truth. he needs to be heard but it's repellent to listen to him. see fark if he was asked about an accusation of rape that they said didn't happen. he has every reason to respond. he was accused of defamation for saying that he didn't do it and then they asked him about it and he did it again.
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>> jessica: told a story. >> greg: it's like seeing a john wick sequel and complaining about the gunfire. it's like going to the opera. why is there so much singing? how did these naked women get into the strip club. this is the problem with the media meltdown. i get it. cnn is bad for your health if you're liberal. because they force you to relive a problem rather than move past it. they never talked about the future, like you said. they just went back. every liberal has despair. it's like they have to relive something that happened in their pass and they don't want to. meanwhile for people like me it's awesome. it's so much fun. you know that. it's great for my mental health because nothing is more entertaining than watching trump speak and caitlin under speak. it was great for watching the cnn panel was so funny. it's like a new breed of urban miserables. all politics, all complaints are
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universally unhappy. perennially unsatisfied carb borderline mental. is there none of this ever happened before. this is all new, right? god, i missed him. he showed you one thing that's really important. he hasn't aged. biden is aging. he is aging like a sliced apple in the sun. it's like you notice that, half his age. caitlin. but he was a rabbit and she was a slug. meanwhile eating stephanie to spain food the questions. imagine if they put biden in that kind of interrogation how hilarious that would be. but we've got to go back. the media either has learned
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nothing which might be contagious. or they are doing this on purpose, which is not fair to jessica. what i am saying is jessica is upset. we could've watched this together. would've had so much fun. instead you watched it -- >> jessica: i'm sure he's going to be asking for another one so we can do that. >> greg: come to fox. >> jessica: trump? >> judge jeanine: are you concerned about crime? too bad. liberals say your fear is all in your head. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis keeps flaring, put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable, i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. and left bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc got in my way, i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when my gastro saw damage,
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>> dana: this just in.
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the marine who put jordan neely in a fatal choke hold on the new york city subway is expected to be charged tomorrow with second-degree manslaughter. he is 24 years old. his name is daniel penney. he will surrender to the nypd in the morning. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg is bringing the charges here's a statement. we can confirm daniel penney will be arrested on the charge of manslaughter in the second degree. we cannot provide any additional information until he has been arraigned in manhattan criminal court which we expect a take place tomorrow." judge, what does this mean? >> judge jeanine: we thought the case was being pre presenteo a grand jury in manhattan. that wasn't happening. alvin bragg made the decision he would file a felony complaint. the fact that he is, daniel penny is charged with manslaughter in the second degree, it is reckless homicide. it has a minimum of one to three
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and maximum of five to 15. if he pleads guilty or is found guilty. i want to be clear on something. he is turning himself in. that means he's not being arrested. i don't understand that. but more importantly. that felony complaint that apparently is going to be used tomorrow is not necessarily the end of the story. if a decision is made subsequent to this to presented to a grand jury which i think would be the smart thing to do. it would daniel penny's attorneys the opportunity to at least have daniel penny going to testify or have witnesses go in and testify they could find those people who are on the train who are making those phone calls them the case may not end up even being a manslaughter in the second degree. but this is a decision by bragg. it kind of feels to me like a political decision. kind of holding off the forces out there.
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since he is this progressive liberal. he could very easily put it to the grand jury. i think in the end it may be resolved by a grand jury and not by this move by alvin bragg. >> dana: was it in his jurisdiction to not charge at all? >> judge jeanine: sure. he could've said based upon the facts as we see them we are not going to present this to a grand jury. but he's making a decision doesn't mean he can't go forward with a grand jury which i think would be the smart thing to do. i think the public would feel more comfortable with that and i think they would be more of a analysis of what happened and i respect for the process. >> jessica: that's what you want would've done if you were the d.a.? >> judge jeanine: i would've put it to the grand jury. >> jessica: i was saying to my mom i felt like the story disappeared for 48 hours and i didn't know what that meant.
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it wasn't going to go away forever. this feels like a something, sucked back in to the tundra of this incredibly complicated and sad story. i trust the judges opinion about a grand jury being the best way to address this. i hope this marine is given the chance to represent exactly what happened, his thought process to talk about the elements we have seen including moving jordan neely into the recovery position and that all of those people who were involved. i hope they are part of this so that we have the totality of the experience of what went on on the subway and the neely family also feels like they've been heard. >> judge jeanine: let me say one thing. the idea of the neely family be able to present their side even before a grand jury is important. the representatives of the neely family is a prosecutor that
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worked in my office. he's externally competent, very prepared. he will do exactly what you're doing. he will turn over every stone to make sure that they have every possible witness. he is represented by excellent counsel. >> dana: greg gutfeld. >> greg: i agree with the judge. this is political. pro-criminal. antihero. it will be the case of the summer or whatever happens. this is going to be a very important point for this city, state, country. it's time for us to get this progressive pro-crime ideology to walk the plank. i am a hermit, right? people know that. i don't do anything. i had four friends of mine victims of crime this month. one major break-in, one a violent attack on the subway when he was intervening. the homeless guy was threatening people. he told the guy to knock it off and he was attacked. a couple people that i won't bring up. indecent exposure this morning. we might have all heard about
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that. i had my life threatened. about three weeks ago. i didn't talk about it. these are all anecdotal stories that are actually the mosaic that becomes statistics. so you can sit there and say oh, my god. what he did. you don't know how you would react. everybody has to face the fact this could happen to them. you could be in this marine's shoes. you know what, those shoes right now belong to a hero. >> dana: or it could be that something like this makes people who would be in a position to be able to help to decide against doing that for their own future. >> jesse: you're going to see a lot of strongmen sit back and watch women get attacked, kids get attacked, innocent bystanders get coldcocked on the subway. sorry. no one is going to stick their neck out if that happens. these liberal politicians unleashed this criminal
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hurricane onto the city. and then the one guy that steps in and saves somebody from potential disc destruction, he'd accountable. judges, d.a.s, all of these stupid politicians that allow this guy to roam free and punch four people in the face, two of them on the subway. he's in trouble. how do you know this guy wasn't about to knock some woman's teeth out? you don't. he has done it before. he would have done it again. >> dana: judge, will we hear from him in the morning? >> judge jeanine: i imagine you'll hear from his lawyer. i believe in the system. i'm still a believer after all the disappointments that we see every day and discussed every day. i'm still a believer. you know what, jesse, the guy who sits there and just watch as a woman get attacked, i think kyle rittenhouse and i say to myself, you know what, and juries are not stupid. they know we're living in a time when we don't have the
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protection we need we are forced to act. there may be a positive end to this. >> jesse: it might be at wisconsin jury. this is a new york jury. could be different. >> dana: thank you. we will bring you updates. up next, president biden is dumping a prominent black drummer kat mayer his campaign. ♪ they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass.
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>> [bleep] >> jesse: nobody blanks with a biden. mayor eric madams had to learn that the hard way. mayor adams dared to criticize him over the border crisis. >> there is a crisis that should be coordinate by the national government. we are directly speaking to the biden administration. the national government has turned its back on
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new york city. this is in the lap of the president of the united states. >> this year responsibility at the white house for not addressing the problem. biden punishing adams by yanking his name off the advisory board. the mayor had made somewhere between in artful to the stupid comments and were kind of out-of-bounds, interesting that biden is booting a prominent black democrat while his administration goes hard-core on diversity. he might consider himself lucky getting to dodge being in an lame biden campaign ad. >> joe biden rocks. >> reelecting president biden. >> joe biden? he's ready. >> jesse: do you think adams may have dodged a bullet, jessica? doesn't have to go up there and be so political purity can work
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for the city. >> jessica: no. every politician. if i guess once you become president, it stops but they want the next thing. they are never content with whatever it is they are doing. no, i don't think it is not a good thing for mayor adams. i think it's a mistake on the part of the administration. he should have as many diverse voices. not just talking about the color of his skin but the tone of his method. eric adams has the same message as keisha lance bottoms who went on to join the administration when she declared to be the mayor of atlanta. during the summer of 202020, it sounds just like eric adams. this is looting. it isn't about peaceful protests. new york city matters. it's one of the most important cities in the country. you should want the mayor of this city on your task force. >> jesse: they used to call trump petty.
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>> judge jeanine: the amazing part of it is, it is so consistent with the total totalitarian. talk the way we want you to talk, say what we want you to say or we are going to cut you off. he is getting kicked to the curb but the truth is that adams is right. there's another piece to it. new york is sanctuary city. goes to show you how they are all talk. put the pedal to the metal. they talk the talk but when it comes to walking the walk the democrat can't do it. trying to send them to rocklin. rockman got a restraining order and apparently now they are trying -- they are bringing out the state police, there's so much going on. everybody is running to court to change. the biden administration had two years to prepare for this. everyone is running to court to try to get in order to overturn his order to not with them into my county. this is lunacy.
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>> jesse: does attend a broader message to all the democrats questioning >> dana: it's a great thing for eric adams. if he has aspirations for higher office this gives him a great path to be more independent person. i would be like, thank you. i don't have to go to that meeting. i can go handout fruit to migrants. the main error, any mayor of a city, they are on the front lines, more than any president will be. they looked their constituent in the face. president biden is of the white house. he doesn't see anybody. mayor adams is saying i don't -- lori lightfoot, the new guy, brandon? >> judge jeanine: johnson. >> dana: whatever his name is. i will get your name when you get sworn in. but i do think it's going to cascade because it's not going to be just new york city. you see with happening in
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denver, colorado, it's atrocious. they are thinking of putting homeless camps and migraine camps all over the city because they don't have enough shelter space. it's not going to be just border towns. it's everywhere. if i were eric adams, i would say excellent. thank you. i'm glad my schedule just freedom. >> greg: if joe was an old white republican he would be called racist. that's all i've got. this is of a feather in the mayor's cap. when joe biden doesn't want to work with you, that's like alec baldwin not wanting to direct you in her western. [laughter] you dodged a bullet. figuratively. someone had asked joe if he thinks mayor adams is black. he probably wouldn't get the joke because he wouldn't remember it. this countdown to the end of title 42, it feels like new year's eve for rich white liberals who need their hedges
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trimmed and leaves blown. >> jesse: they have no more openings in the landscaping industry. i've talked to account tractors. they are full. >> greg: really? what are you going to do this summer? [laughter] >> jesse: i cut a nice lawn. coming up next, angry vegans are trying to bully the rest of us into submission. ♪ ♪ missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: self-righteous vegans are hell-bent on global domination. just kidding. but they are more annoying than ever. an upset herbivore leaving this note for a neighbor. "could you please shut your side window when cooking. my family is vegan. we eat only plant-based foods. the smell of them meet you cook makes us feel sick and upset. "deacons ramble on about how they love all living things, it
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turns out they're never ending craving for fake protein could doom the planet more. a new study found that lab grown meat is 25 times worse on the claimant then good old-fashioned beef. so jesse looks like the people that are proenvironment want the environment to die. you do see that coming? >> jesse: no. [laughter] so is organic. organic is not as good for the environment either. they don't care about the environment. they care how they feel. they feel better than you. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: and they look better than you. >> greg: i wouldn't go that far. >> jesse: they think they look better than you really think they know more than you and they always want to tell you how much the animals suffer in these cages. what they do to make veal. you don't even know what veal is. >> greg: i don't. >> jesse: thank you. i am always under the assumption that ignorance is bliss. put a burger in front of me, i'll wolf it down. i don't need to know how the
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catalyst raised. there you go. you have vegan tendencies. she is the weak link. >> greg: i have never met an unlikable vegetarian. they get a bad rap. the extreme elements, the judgmental ones. dagen mcdowell, vegetarian. did you know that? >> jesse: i did. >> jessica: she is like three-quarter vegan. there are a couple things that she -- like for energy will eat. >> greg: raw hamburger? >> jessica: she is right out there. >> judge jeanine: if you are three-quarter vegan? >> jessica: i made up that proportion. i agree. the ones that i have dealt with keep to themselves about it. they go wherever you're going and order with are going to warner and that's it. they are not staring at you.
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do you know dad vegetarians questioning >> dana: i'm usually pretty nice to people. but when it comes to this, it makes me want to eat more meat. it makes me want to cook more meat so my neighbors get sick. [laughter] it's a weird visceral reaction. >> jesse: and you don't even cook. >> dana: i know. i make peter to it. >> greg: they act like the smell of beef is a moral fai failing. see five when i love about the whole story is the woman who wrote the letter actually sued. she sued in court in australia. to get to the highest court in australia. soon as people heard about it, do you know what they did. the neighbor said here is to you. going to have a big barbecue. 9,000 people were scheduled. the supreme court in australia said wait a minute. you can't sue because you don't like the smell of a barbecue. in the end, they said you can't
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deny people reasonable enjoyment of their property. so be quiet. >> greg: the highest court in australia, kangaroo court. >> jesse: go like this again. >> jessica: you know what that was. >> greg: fastest seven up next. kangaroo court. has this happened to you? at&t and verizon rope you in with phone offers, then bind you to a 3-year device contract. break free with t-mobile! introducing go5g plus, the first plan that always gives new and existing customers the same great device deals, and you're upgrade ready a year earlier. right now, bring your phone to t-mobile and get one of the latest 5g smart phones free! hello? yes, i'm free. and so are you... no, i'm not tied up at all. surely this is too many rope jokes. break free with go5g plus at t-mobile.
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>> jessica: welcome back. it's time for the fastest. to -- two oklahoma police -- no fun thing? >> jesse: not for you. >> jessica: responding heroically to a distressing cry for help. >> i think it's a person. that's a person. is it a goat? it is. >> i don't know if it's an animal or person. >> from long distance it sounds like help. >> jessica: it was a very upset goat crying for help, not a human. the pure two poor thing had been separated from one of his friends. >> dana: poor thing.
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i like those guys. probably the easiest call they had all day and they deserved one. >> judge jeanine: well said, dana. that was wonderful. i have nothing to say. that was perfect. >> greg: you can't just say that, judge. you have to say something. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: i love goats. i wanted to buy a goat. their eyes are on the side of their head. they eat cans. i don't mind them eating the bushes. >> jesse: what about eyes on the side of their head? >> judge jeanine: they are. not predators. you are a predator. like a pedophile. not that you're a pedophile. >> jesse: that is defamation. >> judge jeanine: a predator has eyes in front of them. >> dana: that's why vegans make no sense. >> judge jeanine: exactly. i don't know what that meant. >> greg: i thought goats sounded like the cnn panel last night. help, help, help.
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>> dana: here come the police. it's just cnn. we are all right. >> jessica: up next, bromance's are going beyond the bro code of beers and the big game. >> i love you, man. >> i love you too. >> i love you, dude. >> i love you, bro montana. >> jessica: research shows dudes are forming tight bonds, having heartfelt conversations and especially your feelings like never before. one participant says i hug him and kissed him and tell him i love him. >> greg: shut up. not you. >> jessica: i hope everyone heard that. >> greg: like i am at home just going "shut up. that is so fake. there is no study. guys don't say that to each other unless they are so wasted." >> jessica: to that point. i think we have discussed this before. it's irritating when you want your partner to get information from their guy friends.
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they are going out there going to do something and they come back and they have nothing to say. "we ate wings." what about his divorce? i don't know anything. >> jesse: we watched the game. >> jessica: are you crying? >> jesse: no, i was laughing at greg. i love greg. i love you, man. >> greg: i wish i could feel the same way. >> jesse: kissed me. >> greg: you have the most punchable feasted >> dana: i think it's a fake study but i think it is good for men to form strong bonds. you need friends in life. if they want to have close feelings. >> greg: i have three sisters. teenage girls. they do not keep friendships at all. they will turn on each other on a dime. >> judge jeanine: because they are girls? is that your point? >> greg: that's my point, sexist would say. >> jesse: guys can punch
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someone in the face and they are cool later. >> greg: sometimes in order to be cool later, you have to fight. >> g>> judge jeanine: none of it made sense. >> jesse: fighting for you. whoever wins gets you. >> jessica: sorry to all of you speed demons out there. his city is testing out a traffic light that turns green for the good drivers who go the speed limit. >> jesse: i heard that they are putting that in westchester. [laughter] >> jessica: judge? >> judge jeanine: i've got nothing to say. >> jesse: two times in one segment. >> greg: how does it know? >> judge jeanine: it recognizes you. >> dana: in china they have the social credit score. if you have credit card debt or something. they will make you sit on the back of the bus or whatever. this i think is a little bit of a step towards that. it's interesting. i don't think it's a good idea. >> judge jeanine: is it based on the car or the driver?
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how do they know the difference? when i drive my car it's different than when somebody else drives my car. >> jessica: they would go too fast. >> jesse: who else is driving your car? >> judge jeanine: nobody. >> greg: i think we should get rid of all traffic lights. >> judge jeanine: that would be fun. bumper cars. >> jesse: we need traffic lights. what about in europe. they have the roundabouts. >> greg: pro round about. >> dana: i am pro-roundabout for people who know how to use them. >> jesse: no one knows how to use them. >> judge jeanine: you know who doesn't know how? navigation. you've gone around and you are lost. >> jesse: well if you know how to read a map. >> jessica: a sexist would say. okay, "one more thing" is up next. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack!
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so, we scheduled at .ar ri.
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♪ >> it's time now for "one more
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thing" and jesse goes first. >> jesse: check this out. this is a sea lion trained by the u.s. navy to play video games. do you know the navy deploys 180 sea lynns and dolphins trained to recover explosives and chinese spy balloon and play video games for some reason? i bet china doesn't have sea lions that can play games. america's military on top of the food chain. keep it up. dennis quaid, jeanine pirro and congressman jim jordan 7:00. >> dana: that's a good lineup. >> judge jeanine: quick update one more thing from yesterday the man who taught the cop how to clog dance. he was not drunk and he was not arrested. we wanted to clarify that. >> dana: oh my gosh. >> judge jeanine: yea. 74-year-old woman fulfill lifelong dream of graduating from college this weekend. she decided to go back to school in 2019 all while working full-time she says all the hard work pays off and once she finally got that diploma she hopes to be an example for other
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seniors who didn't finish school. and i'm on jesse's show tonight, in case you weren't listening to jesse. okay, greg. >> greg: gut just quick correction that 74-year-old woman is actually a man. she didn't go to school criminal wanted for triple homicide. tonight, guy benson, mollie hemingway and kat timpf, tyrus tonight 11:00 p.m. watch it. let's do, this america. greg's colonoscopy pay highlights. i wanted to share the video with you. >> jesse: viewer warning. >> greg: you should get your colonies scope when you are over 45. at least what the hell is that my goodness. i definitely eat too many reptiles. >> judge jeanine: that's why you always say your stomach hurts. >> greg: florida storm water pipe. >> dana: culvert. >> greg: yes. >> judge jeanine: jessica? >> jesse: an a.'s outfielder
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leaped in the air to catch a ball launched by bader when a fan with a glove snatched it from him. according to the rules it would be an out by reaching over the railing. upon review that wasn't the case. yankees got a run and a fan got a souvenir and great story to go with it. all right, dana. now to play who is more annoying? jesse's staff or this kid who can do this on his desk? watch him here. ♪ [laughter] >> jesse: my staff is more annoying than that. >> dana: anyway. is he not annoying at all. 24-year-old lenny is he a musical prodigy and take anything and turn it into a music started sixth grade and evolved from there. you are not that annoying johnny. i did short questions with dana
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perino up kayleigh mcenany; >> greg: podium vs. podium. >> judge jeanine: does that guy actually play a musical too? >> dana: is he actually a musical prodigy. judge, if you want more le fns trumental. >> judge jeanine: one of those. that's it for us. "special report" is up next. are you there? >> jesse >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. we are fewer than six hours away from the end of pandemic related asylum rules at the southern border. a massive influx is expected. in fact, it's already started in some places. we have exclusive new images of the chaos along the border. we will talk to three border mayors in our "common ground" segment a little bit later president biden's homeland security secretary insists the border will not be open. even president biden himself says he expects chaos there for a little while. we have fox team


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