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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 10, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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shows the officers speaking to man outside his vehicle and he ended up giving the officer a clog dancing lesson. the man informed the officer he was on his way back from a night of clog dancing and when the officer said she never heard of it. he decided to show hurt ropes in the middle of the road. and then she arrested him. >> greg: did she? >> jesse: come on. give him a break. >> judge jeanine: why, he is driving drunk. >> judge jeanine: that's illegal. >> greg: i didn't know he was drunk. >>es: howling should we eat into bret's time? because he has been eating a lot of time into my show. >> bret: fine. it's in the bank. >> jesse: "special report" suspect next. >> bret: all right. jesse, thank you. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier, breaking tonight house republicans are taking the gloves off and are now going after president biden over alleged corruption. chairman of the oversight committee says there is evidence of what he calls a complicated
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and suspicious network of companies used to enrich the biden family by more than $10 million. this comes as the g.o.p. presses the fbi for a document that supposedly details a whistleblower's claim that then vice president biden sold his influence for money a document that no one has seen as of yet. the fbi, however, is now responding correspondent david spunt starts us off tonight from the justice department. good evening, david. >> good evening, bret. we know right now that republicans are calling this judgment day for president biden and his family using bank records. they say they are taking their investigation all the way to the oval office. >> this committee is investigating president biden and his family's shady business deals that capitalize on joe biden's public office and risked our country's national security. >> house oversight committee chairman james comer went page by page through new evidence that he says shows the biden
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family and associates made more than $10 million from overseas contacts. republicans say a bulk of the activity happened when joe biden was vice president. according to house republicans, biden family members and associates created more than 20 companies and the money went from account to account before landing in the account of a biden. >> there is no business structure around this family. except politics. >> in addition to hunter biden, house republicans say the president's brother james and daughter-in-law halle biden also received payments. in many cases republicans say the cash came from communist china. but they say other countries were also involved. may 2014, then vice president biden spoke in romania to members of the government. according to house republicans, a company called robinson walker l.l.c., a business established by an associate of hunter biden received $3 million from a company connected to a romanian businessman. the republicans claim they have
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evidence that payments were then funneled from robinson walker to the biden family. if it looks and sounds complicated it was intentionally made to be complicated. >> did not share any evidence that any payments went directly into the pockets of joe biden. the white house, fighting back, spokesman ian sam's tweeting comer has asked for a single joe biden policy they believe has been unduly influenced. he cannot name a single one, incredible. also on capitol hill, the fbi missed a noon deadline to turn over what republicans claim is a document that may show then vice president biden accepted money for a policy decision. the fbi form in question is called a 1023. a form that records an interview with a source. >> i also understand very much, as i think you do, the importance of us protecting sources and methods in ongoing investigations. >> and, bret, the fbi won't even
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acknowledge or deny the existence of this 1023 form. we just got a statement in from the fbi, i want to read it in part. an fd-1023 form is used by fbi agents to record unverified reporting by a confidential human source documenting the information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against any other information verified by the fbi. both republican senator chuck grassley and house oversight chairman james comer admit they have never seen it but just relying on a whistleblower in this situation; however, they say that whistleblower is a good source and the fbi's pledging as you heard director wray say, to work with the committee as much as possible, but they did not turn over that form and it looks like they are not going to, bret. >> bret: david spunt at the justice department. thank you. >> you're welcome. ♪ ♪ >> bret: we are one day away from the end of pandemic-related asylum rules along the southern border, so-called title 42. today, the president's homeland
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security secretary said the crossing is not open but the numbers suggest otherwise. historically high amounts of er the u.s. ahead of what is expected to be a massive surge in coming days. correspondent bill melugin is in brownsville, texas against tonight. >> the lifting of the title 42 public health order does not mean our border is open. >> >> dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas speaking from washington today as title 42 is set to expire tomorrow. >> we are clear-eyed about the challenges we are likely to face in the days and weeks ahead we are already seeing high numbers of encounters in certain sectors. >> not just high, historic cbb forces tell fox border patrol has apprehended more than 10,000 migrants per day the last two days in a row. the highest single day totals ever recorded. fox cameras continue to capture enormous groups of migrants crossing into brownsville
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illegally. it appears texas has had enough. a quick reaction force of texas national guard soldiers with riot gear arrived at a major crossing area in brownsville this afternoon. is here to prevent, deter, and if necessary interdict illegal activity. >> and fort time, texas troopers and soldiers were seen physically blocking migrants from entering the u.s. at the river's edge. and deploying more razor wire, per orders from texas governor greg abbott. who tweeted today in part, quote: biden sent 15,000 troops to the paperwork. trained soldiers to take real action and respond to this crisis. >> and, bret, earlier today, fox did ask secretary mayorkas does he still consider the border to be a challenge instead of a crisis? he declined to answer. we'll send it back to you bill
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melugin along the border. california border where migrant camps just to the south are filled with people waiting to internet u.s. legally. president biden meantime is holding his first real campaign event since declaring his intention to run for a second term. is he participating in a paver fundraisers in new york. earlier today he defended hard line stance against a republican bill that extend the debt ceiling and cut spending. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich joins us from the north lawn with details. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening to you, bret. today congressional aides and white house negotiators continued talks to agree on budget reforms and raise the debt limit but the white house continues to paint a different picture for the public, slamming the republican bill to raise the debt limit as the default on america act, even though it's the only piece of legislation in congress right now that would avoid default. and today the president showed a few times the gap between his own rhetoric and reality.
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>> after telling a new york audience the house passed bill to raise the debt limit and bring federal spending back to last year's levels would be devastating. >> the republican bill would put 21 million people at risk of losing medicaid, including 2.3 million people here in new york state and 78,000 people here in west chester county. it's devastating. it's not right. >> the president admitted the bill doesn't get into appropriations at all. >> they keep saying they only want -- they are going to go back to the 2022 budget. what is it that they are going to cut? what are they going to keep? >> and a second time the president undercut his administration's own messaging extending warm words for the congressman whose district he was. >> in republican congressman mike lawer is here as well. mike is on the other team. is he not one of these imagine maga republicans. >> biden seeming to forget he attacked lauer as a veteran
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twitter account just days ago. this morning the democratic campaign arm wrote mike lauer is a rubber stamp for the g.o.p.'s far right extremist agenda. republicans punched back pointing to biden with simply what he said. despite the rhetoric, there's hope the two sides are nearing a deal. >> joe biden has been talking as though clawing back some of those covid funds that that might be an area of agreement. and then there is news on the hill today that the white house is going to roll out some principles surrounding permitting reform. >> even as the politicking continues. >> there is only one person standing in the way of avoiding default and that's speaker mccarthy. he ought to back off plain and simple. >> the reality is chuck schumer can't pass a clean debt ceiling out of the senate. the only people who have acted so far are house republicans. >> after "the washington post" editorial board said biden's press shyness is hurting him and the country, biden took questions from reporters ahead of two fundraisers tonight and
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he pushed republicans to fully fund defense and veterans benefits even though republicans have already pledged to do just that. despite appearances though, biden expressed confidence that there is time yet to reach a deal without having to consider any short-term options, bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. thanks. consumer prices rose by four tenths of a percentage point from march to april. prices are up almost 5% from a year ago. stocks were mentioned after that news. the dow lost 30. the s&p 500 gained 18. the nasdaq jumped 127. george santos is facing more than a dozen federal charges tonight. he appeared in a courtroom this afternoon and pleaded not guilty. it's just the latest in a series of problems for congressman santos. correspondent alexis mcadams reports tonight from ice lip, new york. >> it's a witch-hunt george man
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toast maintains innocence after long list of charges, theft, money laundering, fraud and making false statements. >> i'm going to keep fighting for what i believe in and keep fighting to represent my district and deliver results and now i have to keep fighting to defend my innocence santos pleading not guilty released on half a million dollars bond. prosecutors say he illegally applied for unemployment benefits during the height of the pandemic and lied to the house of representatives. >> how is he feeling? he looked a little nervous in court today a lot of serious allegations. >> how many times have you been arrested? do you think it's a little nervous and nerve-wracking it's normal. >> according to the 13-count indictment santos stole campaign contributions, quote: spending thousands of dollars of the solicited funds on personal expenses. including luxury designer clothing and credit card payments. >> there are serious charges. he is going to have to go through the legal process. >> democrats are already calling
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for santos to be expelled from the house, even though he has not been convicted of a crime. >> there is one person who can make this change. speaker mccarthy. >> so i think in america, you are innocent until proven guilty. >> i don't understand where the government is getting their information but i will present my facts. >> so where did george santos, bret, go after this hearing at the federal courthouse behind me? straight to twitter, of course, trying to gain support from his followers and fund raise oover this indictment. is he asking for money, telling his supporters on twitter that he is a top target for democrats in 2024. what's next for him he? will be back in court in june and he could face up to 20 years behind bars if convicted, bret. >> bret: alexis, thank you. up next house republicans put the biden family's finances under a microscope but did they lay a hand on the president so far in brit hume joins us live. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 32 in chicago with murder charges in the killing of an off
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duty police officer, four teenagers are accused in the death of ariana preston. they are being held without bail. police say it was a robbery that took a violent turn. and this is a live look at new york from our affiliate there, fox 5. one of the big stories there tonight: the winner of the westminster kennel club dog show is buddy holly, the petit basset griffon vendeen of the hound group captured this year's best in show. it's a first for this rare rabbit hunting breed. congratulations. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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>> hunter biden and his associates courted business in countries that correlated directly with joe biden's work as vice president. >> for years, the left has said no one is above the law. well, put your money where your mouth is, and prove that because the american people do not trust the federal government. >> joe biden has no business except his position in politics. and it is the requirement of this committee to investigate that.
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>> bret: house republicans going after president biden over influence peddling, the allegations of that the white house spokesman for these investigations in sam saying tweeting out house republicans have showed no evidence of any policy decisions influenced by anything other than u.s. national interest, that's because they can't. let's talk about that and more with fox news chief political analyst brit hume. good evening, brit. what's your take on as we see this evolve? >> brit: this web of llcs, of these apparent shell companies whose business is unknown if evan deed there is receiving money from overseas is an interesting new thing. we didn't know about this, bret and there doesn't appear to be any clean reason why all this money would be coming from romania and china and wherever and being passed through these shell companies into the pockets of members of the biden family.
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though not so far as today's evidence suggests to president biden himself. then vice president biden. it is a very suspicious set of events that have been -- set of circumstances that have been laid out here today. one worthy of further investigation. it's not clear how vigorously it's being investigated by the justice department, if at all now, and certainly the mainstream media, which under ordinary circumstances would be licking their chops to pursue a story like this is showing little interest at all. >> bret: to that point, jonathan turley, our friend and colleague tweeted out the committee could produce 8 heads in a duffle bag owned by hunter and the media would still demand a luggage tag referencing the president. the question is what it takes to generate serious media in biden administration influence peddling that is the question, really. it doesn't take, politically, does it if it's a tree falls in a forest then nobody hears it.
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>> brit: well, i think there is obviously more to come here, this committee is not done this is kind of an interim report on what they have uncovered so far. and so it's possible that, you know, more information will be coming out. and, if it does, there will come a point where it's hard to ignore this but, you know, i wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for any justice department indictments on this stuff or anything of the kind. i think that's just the political atmosphere in which we are operating. in which we don't have any real reason to believe that the department of justice is above politics. >> bret: brit, i'm going to take you back a little bit. the first day of "special report." my first day taking over for you. take a listen. >> brit: welcome to washington. i'm brit hume and i will be here at this time each night with a special report on the events that have engulfed the clint presidency. bring you up to date each day. >> bret: i'm extremely honored to have been given opportunity
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to follow my mentor's career path. excited to working with team reporting what promises to be extremely busy and important time for our country. i'm dedicated to keeping the same high standards that brit set for this show. >> bret: amazing to look back there, brit. we wanted to play that. >> brit: it is. >> bret: for me it's a few weight classes ago. but this media research center, bulldog award for lifetime achievement. brit hume has always been the epitome of what true news journalism should be. vote unanimous. brit deserves this lifetime achievement award not just running d.c. bureau but reliable journalist. congratulations to brit for all he has accomplished and all he continues to contribute to the conversation every day. brit, on behalf of all of us, congratulations. >> brit: thank you, it's very generous of them to give me that recognition, at least, that i'm still alive. [laughter] >> bret: and you are here every week. >> brit: thanks, bret. >> bret: we appreciate it. up next we go back to the
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southern border where one mexican city is becoming a staging area for migrants. ♪ in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. financial well-being to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. this is going to be great. taking the shawl off. ok i did it. is he looking at my hairline? is plaque psoriasis making you rethink your everyday choices? otezla is a pill, not a cream or injection that can help people with plaque psoriasis achieve clearer skin. and no routine blood tests required. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it.
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♪ >> bret: hundreds of migrants are just south of the u.s.-mexico border tonight. they're hoping to get across the boundary legally. but it's a long and frustrating effort. once title 42 ends, they may try another way. national correspondent william la jeunesse is in imperial beach, california this evening. >> we have border patrol will come and make contact. >> they wait when n. what is called no mad's land migrants under tarps ordering food delivery from the mexico side as they wait to seek asylum. the migrants scale the primary fence with a ladder but not the second higher fence. some have waited for days for customs and border protection to open the gates. but sources tell us they are out of agents and processing centers
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are full. as are some 30 shelters south of the border in tijuana. the agap pay shelter is overflowing with more than 700 men, women and children we just have faith that they are get across i hope i get an appointment soon. >> so do up to 20,000 migrants around the world many growing frustrated with the cbp one app. used to get asylum appointments and gain legal entry into the u.s. >> we wanted to do that the right way, so we are still waiting. and if we have to wait for a couple of months, we're going to do that. >> some will wait. others won't. the u.s. processes 200 asylum seekers here a day. just a fraction of the demand. officials fear that when title 42 ends, migrants may rush the border, overwhelming agents and closing the ports of entry. the process has been speeding up in the last 10, 12 days.
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i heard that more people are going to start crossing through the cbp one and taking away title 42. >> so the big question is the u.s. going to play hard ball with title 8, enforcing a travel ban and the five year bar on reentry and send people home by plane or does it generously approve asylum claims and get so overwhelmed by the numbers, bret, that they are forced into catch and release, well, those images will say a lot more than anything the administration says. bret? >> bret: william la jeunesse live along the border. the wall right there. william, thank you. staying in california, california governor gavin newsom is declining to endorse a plan to provide up to $1.2 million for individual black residents in california as part of slavery reparations. the democratic governor telling fox dealing with the legacy of slavery is about much more than cash payments. also in california, california democratic senator dianne feinstein is back on capitol hill tonight. she returned after missing
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several months while being treated for shingles. several of her democratic colleagues in congress have called on her to step aside and resign. ♪ >> bret: this evening we continue our series on education in america. by looking at the tug-of-war between public schools and so-called schools of choice such as charter schools or those with religious foundations. here is correspondent alexandria hoff. >> it's about you. it's about what you are doing for our children. >> advocates and educators gathered on capitol hill today to celebrate national charter school week. but the white house may not share that excitement. >> i am not a charter school fan. >> i can see that. that's -- last year the biden administration tightened rules around the opening of new charter schools. that's despite policies first enacted by the obama administration during biden's time as vice president that allowed for steady charter school growth, and it hasn't slowed since.
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according to the national center for education statistics from 2009 to 2016, charter school attendance rose from 1.6 to 2.8 million. it's now at 3.7. >> the fact that we have such huge wait lists connected to many of our charter schools give us a lot of hope and optimism. >> as interest has grown, another debate has emerged. the catholic archdiocese of oklahoma city is proposes the first ever virtual catholic charter schools. >> and public funds also go to religious charter schools? we believe, given the supreme court's recent decisions, the answer to that is a very obvious yes. >> last year the supreme court ruled that the state of maine could not exclude religious private schools from taxpayer funded tuition voucher programs. oklahoma's virtual charter school board has rejected the idea so far. arguing that religion should not be taught in public schools. because that's what charter schools essentially are. taxpayer funded but privately run. they still meet state standards but enrollment is not bound by
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geographical lines. the oklahoma city archdiocese has until may 25th to resubmit their proposal and says they are prepared to take this fight for a catholic charter school, bret, all the way up to the supreme court if they need to. >> bret: fascinating series we will continue it tomorrow. tomorrow we will look at free speech on college campuses in jeopardy in the age of woke learning. up next, our "common ground" segment on keeping children safe from the dangers of the internet. and, later, house republicans said today would be a day of judgment for president biden. our panel on whether they delivered. >> someone with the last name biden needs to be charged, prosecuted, and maybe spend a little time in prison to take to account and responsible for the actions they have taken today. ♪ ♪ whoa. okay. easy does it. we switched to liberty mutual and saved $652. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we thought we'd try electric unicycles.
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♪ >> bret: tonight in our "common ground" segment we talk about bipartisan efforts to make the internet safer for children. joining us our tennessee republican senator marsha blackburn and kentucky democratic senator richard blumenthal. thank you both for being here. senator blumenthal. this is a big effort, why is it important? >> it's important because as parents, we know, i know from my four children, how dangerous and
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damaging the aut toxic. parents need help. the burden should be on the tech companies as a duty of care. not on parents. and they and their kids need the tools to disconnect from those black box algorithms that are driving this toxic content at them and it is supremely important to put the burden on the tech companies, not on parents and to create this responsibility on the part of those tech companies to do better. >> bret: and you see eye to eye on this, obviously? >> yes, indeed. when our children are online, on these platforms. they are the product and the way they are data mined and that data is sold and the way these platforms collect it. and, as we have held hearings,
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we held a series of five hearings, and it is -- bret, it was like we just opened the flood gates. and parents started reaching out to us from all over the country. and saying i want to tell you my story about a child that committed suicide or was cyberbullied or eating disorders or depression and the cdc did a report on mental health in teens. one in three girls, teenage girls, have considered suicide. and the reason that much of this is happening is because of the way social media drives this content, toxic content that promotes self-harm and some of these adverse activities or puts them in touch with a pedophile or you know a drug dealer and there has to be the responsibility on social media to make certain that they are
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designing for safety and that their standard is safety by default. >> bret: i recently talked to the surgeon general about loneliness and this is all a factor in all of this. your bill kids online safety act, protections for personal information, ability to opt out of algorithms. disable new controls to identify harmful behaviors require social media platforms to perform independent audit. what's the counter argument, senator blumenthal? what is your opponent saying to this? seems like it makes sense. >> two groups of opponents the tech companies which unfortunately been less cooperative than maybe we hope. they have armies of lawyers and lobbyists. we have seen them and one reason why i'm so enthusiastic about this partnership between senator blackburn and myself,
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bipartisan, we have attracted 1/3 of the senate to support this bill. 33 senators. evenly divided republican and democrat. but that's one set of opponents. and there are some who want other solutions. some very well-intentioned. but, for example, age verification. we think age verification is unworkable but also creates the danger of a national data base. if the federal government is collecting all of this information about kids in doing the verification, or a gold mine of data for the tech companies. but to put a positive on it, and the surgeon general's warning about an epidemic of loneliness on your show and others, i think, really highlights the urgency of this mental health crisis. our kids are coming out of a pandemic. they are more vulnerable than ever to all this eating disorders.
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and bullying and they can't disconnect from it. it's repetitive. it's addictive. and they take it home with them. you know, it used to be, i think, when we were growing up. bullying was on the playground. you went home and it was a safe place. now, the phone follows them home right to their bedroom. and the bullying continues. i will never forget the moms who came to see senator blackburn and me, having lost children to bullying. i will never forget the eighth graders i saw just a couple of weeks ago, eighth graders, 13-year-olds telling me about their peers who were suffering from eating disorders. and bullying because of the algorithms and so i think there is an urgency here. >> bret: you're optimistic about the bill? >> yes, 33 senators original co-sponsors. there is so much interest. there are hundreds of groups that are supportive of this legislation. they may be child psychiatrists,
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pediatricians, principals, most of your behavioral issues in schools are exacerbated by what is happening on social media. and now people are saying this needs to hand. we have never had that safety by default and that responsibility on social media. people have previously said it's a parent's job. let the parent do it. but the parent can't figure out how in the world to establish this because the black box algorithms keep them from being able to turn that off. >> bret: two quick things. >> sure. >> bret: one is senator mcconnell said this week -- >> ultimately an agreement will be reached between joe biden and kevin mccarthy and the country will not default. >> bret: you find common ground on this legislation is there common ground up on capitol hill on that senator blumenthal? >> there has to be common ground on raising the debt ceiling. this nation cannot default. there has been common ground
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every time we have raised the debt ceiling before. and i think there will be eventually. >> bret: and senator blackburn, this week is end of title 42. it's a big story along the border. >> yes. >> bret: it's a big story in every state really it's not just border states. >> no, every state is a border state, and every town is a border town. while we may not have common ground on how you deal with that, what we do know is for the sovereignty of this nation, we need to make certain that we secure that border and end this influx of illegal immigration. we need to know who is coming in and why they are coming in to the country. >> bret: senators, we appreciate your time. >> you got it. >> thank you. >> bret: thank you. you can see all "common ground" segments on my podcast common ground. you can find that and the all-star panel podcast under the big umbrella the bret baier podcast. fox news spotify or wherever you download podcasts and can you also see the whole extended discussion on fox news youtube page. up next, republicans press
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corruption allegations against president biden. we'll talk to our panel. and, later, the anniversary of the historic transportation project. ♪ (burke) a new car loses about ten percent of its value the minute you drive off the lot. or more. that's why farmers new car replacement pays to replace it with a new one of the same make and model. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good!
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formed during jobe's vice presidency. it's also not normal and ethical. this is why we need legislative solutions. >> why did joe biden's brother. why did joe biden's sister-in-law, why did joe biden's son. why did so many family members get the money. >> guys, you and the press this is easy pickings. i'm giving giving you pulitzer stuff here. >> the question is who is taking it? who is taking it? jamie raskin, congressman reaction to the republican press conference says this: unable to implicate the president directly, committee republicans have resorted to using cherry picked bank records, misrepresentations about confidential and unverified bank reports. known as sars and baseless conspiracy theories to attack the president's family including his grandchildren. with that, let's bring in our panel. mara liasson, national political correspondent of "national public radio." marie harf former spokesperson under president biden and jason riley senior fellow at the manhattan institute. mara, everything coming from
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democrats is you can't make the direct connection. you can't do it. but, if the shoe were on the other foot, i mean, this does raise serious questions. >> it raises questions. maybe the republicans want to pass legislation that no member of a president's family can have any kind of business dealings with foreign nationals. i mean, they could do that. but we're going to have to see what they come up with see what exactly the allegations are. what are the connections? and how close it is to the president. >> bret: politico writes it this way, jason. comer releases biden family probe update without showing link to president. highly anticipated press conference also raised press questions about their ability to ultimately capture the white whale the president himself no. link has publicly emerged and that didn't change at wednesday's press conference. i mean, that's the tone and tenure of most of the press coverage of this as opposed to the substance of the actual events. >> sure you said what if the shoe was on the other foot. it was on the other foot when trump was president. and the democrats wanted to investigate the business dealings of his extended family.
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let's see what happens here. the allegation is that biden's family was using the name to cut deals with foreign nationals. we'll see how much vice president biden at the time knew about it and whether it influenced anything he did in public service. but, we don't know. but it is certainly worthy of investigation. certainly given what we know about the extent to which the biden campaign and its allies in the media and in the intelligence committee wanted to cover up hunter biden's dealings. so, given that track record, that history, i think this is certainly worthy of something for the oversight committee to look into. >> marie? >> well, democrats will say yes, during the trump years, not only were his children benefiting financially, they had jobs in the white house. hunter biden has no government role. he clearly has some personal problems. and nothing the republicans have found links any of this to joe biden. democrats will also tell you if republicans want to have the fight in the next presidential
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election about hunter biden, who, again, no ties to this actual white house, or donald trump who himself was indicted, you know, for multiple criminal counts and was convicted yesterday of sexual assault, if we want to have that debate, i think democrats are happy to have it because they found nothing to tie this to joe biden and republicans in congress only have a limited number of press conferences they can give every week. do they really want to spend their time doing a press conference on this and not the border, not crime? not the debt ceiling? they're making a choice here that i think won't pan out for them in the next elections, bret. >> bret: i will say there are press conferences on all those other issues as well. but they are clearly going down this road. speaking to jason's point, the former cia acting director mike more relevant, this email has now circulated congratulating the laptop letter signatories. this is from the house government weption subcommittee report today. he writes: i think it's the most important election since 1860.
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1864 when the very existence of our country is on the ballot. now it is our democracy and the constitution that are on the ballot. we all, of course, took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution. i think all of you did that yesterday by signing this letter. i mean, clearly pointing that he is beginning up the letter to be used in that debate as a shield. >> yeah. look, these kind of investigations are complicated. they have to boil down to something that the american people can understand. >> bret: but this one is pretty easy to understand. >> if they can come up with the goods that says this -- this helped enrich joe biden or it influenced his policies. >> bret: now i'm talking about the letter; the 51 signers. so, clearly the vice president at the time running for president uses that in the debate. >> yes, yes. that's right. >> bret: as a shield. >> yes, he did. >> bret: jason? >> well, and i think that is why this is a legitimate line of inquiry. we just don't know. but, we do know the lengths to which this intelligence
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community -- they were out there saying this was russian disinformation. those are the lengths to which they were willing to go to protect just one member of joe biden's family. listen, if joe biden has nothing to worry about. if he did nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about here. let the investigation run its court and to appoint previously made, there is a risk here that republicans could overplay their hand if there is nothing here. we will see this. ♪ without risks for republicans as well. >> bret: speaking of mentioning the border, this is the secretary of homeland security, take a listen. >> even after nearly two years of preparation, we expect to see large numbers of encounters at our southern border in the days and weeks after may 11th. i cannot overemphasize that our current situation is the outcome of congress leaving a broken, outdated immigration system in place for over two decades. >> bret: border patrol apprehending over 10,000 migrants a day ahead of tomorrow's title 42 end.
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officials, lawmakers have feared migrants believing they are no likely to be admitted to the u.s. once the order ends will head to the border in numbers not even seeing during the more than two year migrant crisis so far. officials had previously painted a worse case scenario of up to 14 thundershowers edge counts a day, quote the dam is about to break one border patrol source said. is that line going to work politically blaming congress again and again and again as this thing is happening? it's on this president's doorstep. >> it's true, right? congress should pass comprehensive immigration reform or just give them more resources that they are asking for at the border. title 42 was never meant to be a long-term solution. have you seen the biden administration say they will do things like reimplement the transit role. they are reopening in the region to hopefully get people before they get to the border. they are doing things that make a lot of progressives angry by the way. they are trying to get a handle on this by having a policy that is still humane that recognizes
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our legal obligations but that confronts this crisis at the border. congress does need to act but there is zero percent chance that they will. i think the administration will keep trying to find executive ways to do that but they cannot fix this on their own. >> bret: mara? >> yeah. this is what happens when you have a warm welcoming message. joe biden wanted to do two things in contradiction to each other. he wanted to be more humane and welcoming and wanted to sandy a message don't come. it doesn't work like that. that's why you have a big surge at the border. >> bret: jason? >> you're right, mara. it doesn't work that way. and so long as people believe that even if they come illegally there is a good chance they will be able to stay, they are going to keep coming. i think biden's problem is that the progressives that marie mentioned earlier essentially equate border enforcement or enforcing immigration laws with racism now. and that is joe biden's problem. he can't crack down on
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immigration the way he needs to because the progressives won't let him. and it's how it's hurting him politically and he can, yet, continues to do this is quite amazing. poll numbers already job approval already at a new low and job approval on immigration is even lower than that he has democratic mayors, governors complaining about immigration and yet he is staying the course. it's baffling. >> bret: we will see what happens tomorrow. panel, thanks. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, today's throwback 154 years ago the union pacific and central pacific railroads linked up in utah connecting east and west with the completion of the trans continental railroad. ceremonial last spike was driven into the tracks that transformed the once dangerous bound travel nearly 2,000 miles of track cut journeys down by months by wagon to just days by train. there you go a little history. tomorrow on "special report" as
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pandemic era asylum rules expire on the southern border. we will talk to mayors from southern arizona and texas about how their cities specifically will be affected. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts 10 seconds early. >> jesse: thank you very much. i really appreciate every single second, bret. ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert. explosive new evidence that the biden family was taking bribes from corrupt foreign nationals while joe biden was vice president. here's house oversight chairman james comer. >> the committee is concerned by the complicated, suspicious network of over 20 companies. we have identified the bidens and their associates used to enrich themselves. most of these companies were limited liability companies formed during joe biden's vice presidency. the bank records show the biden family, their associates, and their