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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 10, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> i'm taking a look at book city down in florida. looks like today's daytime high will be 88 degrees. good day to go out on that body of water and go fishing. >> a fountain in the middle of the body of water. >> dana: is that natural or did someone do that? >> i think someone did that. have a great day. see you tomorrow. >> bill: good morning, everybody. we've been waiting for this. what will they prove? republicans investigating president biden and his family about to unveil what they say is evidence of financial wrongdoing. that news conference begins any moment. let's get right to it. i'm bill hemmer midweek. we'll see what we get. >> dana: sorry about the bengals. we'll get it going. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." this is news a lot of people have been waiting for. house oversight republicans say the bidens concealed millions in payments from foreign sources
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and they say they have the bank records to prove it. it is thousands of pages. comer says he and his investigators are following the money. >> there is a lot of money and thus far we've only presented $1.3 million. as if that wasn't enough, that went to 3 or 4 biden family members. after this press conference that number will be significantly higher. question arises what were these family members doing to receive this money? >> dana: andy mccarthy, john deconvenience and jason chaffetz are standing by. let's go to david spunt at the justice department to. >> comer called today judgment day, says it will be a bad day for the white house. we'll see what he has to say in a moment. i may be cut off depending what time this begins. the team released an embargoed memo. 36 pages which lays out house republicans case that alleges the biden family & associates created more than 20 companies and made more than $10 million
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from those companies with foreign ties. there is a recurring theme. allegations that money went through multiple accounts before landing in biden family accounts. hunter biden is also a recurring theme. the memo includes financial transaction information as a result of four bank subpoenas. his critics say hunter biden had no trouble making money off his father's name and received money from foreign countries. the white house pushed back. congressman comer has a history of playing fast and loose with the facts and spreading baseless charges. he has hidden information from the public to selectively leak and promote his own hand wicked narratives as part of his effort to lob personal attacks at the president and his family. separately the "washington post" reporting federal prosecutors here at the department of justice are very close to making a decision about potential charges in a courtroom relating to hunter biden's overseas
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business dealings, taxes and form he filled out to purchase a firearm. also on capitol hill today the f.b.i. is facing a deadline from some of these same congressional republicans by noon today. they want in hand a form they claim may show then vice president biden accepted money for a policy decision. the form in question is called a 1023. f.b.i. form that records an interview with a source. comer and iowa senator chuck grassley haven't personal seen it but want it. f.b.i. director chris wray is on capitol hill testifying about the budget later this afternoon. likely he will be asked about this form. dana and bill. >> dana: david spunt, thank you. >> bill: watching the room as we await. andy mccarthy, let's begin with you. what are you listening for from james comer and others? >> i want to see how we've advanced the story in the last year or so. a lot of this, bill, is based on, i think, investigative work
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that was done by senators grassley and johnson going back to 2019, 2020. so there was a lot already that was done on the basis of bank reports, suspicious activity reports, electronic fund transfers and the like. representative comer, chairman comer talked about 1.3 million that they've highlighted so far. that's true. i would also point out that on the basis of what we knew already, there was $6 million that went into biden family coffers just from one chinese, i believe, intelligence operation, the cefc transaction between 2017 and 2018. so obviously there is a lot of money involved here and important to understand what did these foreign regimes, many corrupt, many hostile to the united states, what did they think they were buying by transferring all this money to the biden family? >> dana: jason chaffetz take you back to your days on the hill
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for a moment and tell me what sort of bar does comer and the other house republicans today, what kind of bar do they need to clear today? >> well, they need to provide concrete evidence. what chairman comer has been able to unearth in the last four months will look at those sars reports, the 175 suspicious activity reports, plus he was able to subpoena bank records. you combine that with the good work that senator grassley and johnson did with phone records and what not and you also have hunter biden's laptop. if you can couple that together and show the flow of money, why did $1 hundred thousand get deposited into the grandkids' account? what did they do to get $1 hundred thousand coming out of romania? i think you'll see it is broader than china. one other key thing i'm looking for is vhr. one of the biggest investment and deals.
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joe biden goes with hunter biden to china in 2013. less than two weeks later they get a billion dollar deal. the white house is saying that hunter biden has di vested himself from that deal where they own 10% of it but no paperwork to that. no evidence that they actually did that. and how much was that worth? if he did dif vest, how money dd he get? >> bill: earlier today james comer said we've only presented $1.3 million. there will be many more biden family members higher than the 3 or 4 so far and the amount of money taken in from around the world. that being said, here is what joe biden has said about conversations he may or may not have had with his own son. watch. >> how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings
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>> president biden: never. i have never discussed with my son, brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. >> do you think it was wrong for him to take that position because that company wanted access to you? >> president biden: that's not true. you are saying things you don't know what you are talking. no one said that, who said that? >> incredible. we can't have an honest conversation about this because president biden continues to deny the central premise which has been proven six ways from sunday he was involved in his son's overseas business dealings and that's the heart of this whole probe. as james comer says, this is not a probe of hunter biden but a probe of joe biden and whether or not he as president is now compromised. what you just heard there is part of a whole pattern of deception from the president about everything surrounding this issue. you will recall that he called the hunter biden laptop russian disinformation and also said on the campaign trail his family never took money from china,
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which we now know is false. these are all issues i expect will come back in the 2024 presidential campaign and hit him like a ton of bricks. >> dana: earlier this week on monday chairman comer told the justice department hold off if you think of indicting hunter biden before we present this evidence on wednesday. from the justice department's point of view would they even listen to that and would anything that is presented here today feed into or be of interest to the justice department? are they listening to this press conference as intently as we are? >> dana, it should be of interest to them if, as we've heard from these in the context of these whistleblower allegations, they haven't pursued normal investigative avenues. if those avenues were available to congress and they haven't been pursued by the criminal investigators, obviously this would be of great interest to investigators. i would also point out that
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ethically speaking from the moment that attorney general garland was confirmed, i don't understand how on earth he has not appointed a special counsel in connection with this investigation. how can the biden justice department investigate the bidens? >> dana: we have comer and other republicans going to the podium now. we'll listen. thank you, guys. >> thank you all for coming today. since taking the gavel in january, the committee on oversight and accountability has accelerated its investigation of the biden family's domestic and international business practices that we began last congress.
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i want to be clear. this committee is investigating president biden and his family's shady business deals that capitalized on joe biden's public office and risked our country's national security. this committee has a duty to ask questions and pursue the facts no matter where they take us. through the committee's investigation we intend to provide transparency to the american people and reach legislative solutions. in only four months since obtaining subpoena authority, we have made astonishing progress. today we'll talk about that progress. first, we want to discuss information the committee has learned since our last press conference in november. new information investigators have uncovered regarding the transfer of money from foreign entities to the biden family. many of the wire payments occurred while joe biden was
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vice president. and leading the united states' efforts in these countries. first instance, while vice president biden was lecturing romania on anti-corruption policies, in reality he was a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money. hunter biden and his associates capitalized on a lucrative financial relationship with a romanian national under investigation for and later convicted of corruption in romania. the bidens received over $1 million for the deal. 16 of the 17 payments to their associates' account that funneled the biden's money occurred while joe biden was vice president. in fact, the money stops flowing from the romanian national soon after joe biden leaves the presidency. this is a pattern of influence
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peddling. this appears separate from any payment hunter received from his work connecting this individual to a u.s. law firm. we'll also provide further information regarding the bidens' relationship with china. this includes two individuals the committee is particularly concerned about, one of them had close ties to the highest levels of the chinese communist party and operated a multi-billion dollar energy company with access to large sums of money. we'll discuss how the bidens received millions of dollars from this individual through the use of shell companies and wire transfers. in march, the committee released its first bank records memorandum that showed rob walker used his company to funnel money from the chinese to various biden family members. democrats dismissed the evidence. even though it was based on bank
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records directly from the bank. the democrats received the same records as the republicans and they were able to verify the information. democrats said all the bank records showed were papa johns and starbucks receipts. they deliberately chose to misconstrue and deny what was clearly in front of them. hunter biden's representatives claim the money was, quote, good faith seed funds. but could not explain why those funds had to go through an intermedia in what appears to hide the transfers from the chinese. they also couldn't explain why the bidens received over $1 million in 16 different wire transfers over a period of three months to at least five different banks. the president, when confronted with this information, said it wasn't true. instead of being honest with the american people, president biden has claimed since the 2020 election that his family has not received money from china.
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that was a lie in 2020 and he continues to lie to the american people now. the bidens have received millions of dollars from china. it is inconceivable that the president did not know it. the white house refuses to correct the president's statements showing the president is now using the federal government to run interference for his family's and own role in these schemes. i want to say a few remarks about the developments last week. a week ago i sent a subpoena to the f.b.i. for a form that a whistleblower has alleged is in the f.b.i.'s possession. we hope the f.b.i. will be transparent and forthcoming and provide the oversight committee with the 1023 form we have subpoenaed. if they do the committee will assess the form from the f.b.i. and has been my practice, we will report to you only facts when they are verified and indisputable. this committee will not pursue
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witch hunts or string the american people along for years with false promises of evidence that is beyond circumstantial evidence as representative adam schiff and the democrats did for years. i trust the whistleblower. a subpoena from this committee is a powerful tool that i don't take lightly. the level of detail provided to senator grassley led me to conclude a subpoena was warranted and i stand by that assessment. i will say this. when senator grassley approached me with the information the whistleblower provided, it was because of the information we had learned through this committee's own investigation that indicated to me the whistleblower's allegations are consistent with our independent findings. those findings are what i called you here today to discuss. the committee has reviewed thousands of bank records from individuals and companies affiliated with the bidens and their associates. it has received these bank
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records because of four subpoenas i have issued to different banks. targeted and specific subpoenas and each was different based on the information we believed the banks possessed. every one of those subpoenas returned valuable information that had been unreported and that contributed to this committee's understanding of how the bidens conducted their businesses. the committee is concerned by the complicated, suspicious network of over 20 companies we have identified the bidens and their associates used to enrich themselves. most of these companies were limited liability companies formed during joe biden's vice president see. they show that the biden family and their associates and companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies. some of that money came from a chinese company and went to hunter biden's company. other transfers occurred with
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the help of rob walker, who then sent it on to different biden family members. this is not how lawful businesses operate. chinese nationals affiliated with the bidens created limited liability companies in the united states and then in a short period of time transferred their interests to a chinese company that sent money to the bidens. this is not normal. hunter biden and his associates courted business in countries that correlated directly with joe biden's work as vice president. this is also not normal. it is not ethical. and this is why we need legislative solutions. our purpose is to provide legislative solutions to prevent this from happening again and investigating allegations of corruption and fraud at the highest levels of the federal government. this should be a bipartisan issue. this committee is trying to
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insure these don't continue for democrats or republicans and crafting legislative solutions deficiencies for mead family members of the vice president and the president. these deficiencies place american national security and interests at risk. the committee is considering legislation to strengthen reporting requirements related to certain foreign transactions involving senior elected official's family members. finally the committee is evaluating the bank secrecy bank and anti-money laundering laws to determine if financial institutions can thwart illegal money laundering and foreign corruption activity. as i said i'm pleased with the progress the committee is making in this investigation. due to the information we are releasing today and further developments the committee is aware of, the investigation will enter a new phase now that is armed with information obtained in the bank records. i will soon issue a new round of
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subpoenas to banks for specific, targeted information. i will also provide one more opportunity for certain biden associates, including his art gal erie -- i'm releasing the second bank account's memorandum to the american people so they can see the activities the biden family is engaged in despite the president's statement to the contrary. i want to thank the people and financial institutions that have cooperated with this investigation so far. i also want to encourage more people to come forward and let them know their information will be kept private and confidential. to my democrat colleagues, i want to say this investigation will continue to move forward. do you want to continue covering up the bidens' influence peddling schemes when the evidence is being placed right in front of you? with or without democrat support, we will continue
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working to deliver the answers, transparency and accountability that the american people deserve. i now turn to andy biggs, who will provide some information. >> thank you, chairman comer. we appreciate your leadership on this very, very significant issue to the direction of this country and we appreciate your leadership and appreciate my colleagues who are here today, and also the great staff that has done such incredible work on behalf of this committee in reviewing these records and helping us to obtain them. thank you. and thank you to those of you who are here from the media today. when we talk about the biden family & associates, i think it is important for the american people to understand what we mean when we are talking about these associates.
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what are we really getting at? first, they used them as vehicles to move money directly into biden family accounts. why is that? it's because they were looking to obfuscate and hide where the money was coming from. for example, the bidens used their associate rob walker to bring in millions of dollars from china and romania. walker's limited liability company robinson walker llc paid hunter, james, hali and others in the biden network more than $2 million after foreign money hit his account. 1/3 to the bidens was the pattern. on march 1, 2017. two months after joe biden left office they received a $3 million wire from state energy hk limited, a chinese entity. the next day, 1/3 of that money, $1 million 65,000 went to the
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bank account of the company eeig which was controlled by another biden associate. over the next three months, robinson walker llc sent 16 incremental payments to more than -- to over five different biden accounts totaling 1,065,692 including payments to james biden who received fire wires and over $50,000, who did no discernible work to earn that money. a third to the bidens. what was state energy hk limited? a second class of biden associates. the people from whom the bidens conducted business. state energy hk limited was a company controlled by ming. yi was a chinese billionaire reportedly the former secretary
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council for an international arm for the people's liberation army called the china association for international friendly contact. according to a u.s. agency that organization is a platform for deploying undercover intelligence gotherers. he started an energy company started cefc, china. yi explained in a speech to the committee that the committee obtained and translated to english that cefc china's vision is very simple, it is to obtain overseas resources and serve the national strategy. not u.s. national strategy, chinese national strategy. it's the communist party's strategy. yi was close to xi and welcomed at least one foreign president to beijing with xi.
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the d.o.j. has referenced yi and cefc bribing african leaders. the other chinese national i'll mention now is gong who did work for yi in america. when yi needed to do business in america he often looked to gong. the amount of money was strayingering. june through august of 2017 alone, yi transferred to gong in america more than $130 million. yi met with hunter biden in february 2017 and gave him a diamond worth tens of thousands of dollars as a gift. in august of 2017 yi through gong opened up a business with hunter and james biden called hudson west three based here in washington, d.c. hunter wanted to get joe biden's keys to the office and they could all share office space together according to an email
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verified by the "washington post." things didn't go as planned because the chinese detained yi in march of 2018 for fraud. in an email to gong and another associate hunter tried to explain away the last year of doing business together. this is in the email that has been verified. he wrote and i quote. i am not in a joint venture with cefc or partners with them and i'm not employed nor funded by cefc, close quote. hunter was funded by cefc as mismace will explain. i'm extremely concerned about the president's connection to these individuals. he was supposedly meant to share office space with and denied knowing anything about these transactions and these business dealings and also has denied receiving any money for himself or his family from chinese connections. that has been proven to be a lie. i will yield back, mr. chairman, thank you. >> next one up miss mace.
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>> thank you, chairman comer for your leadership. in less than 100 days of subpoena power this has been one of the most in depth investigations the house oversight committee has ever had in recent history and i would hope that the media here today would put as much attention and interest and focus on this as they have a former president. for years the left has said no one is above the law. put your money where your mouth is and prove that. because the american people do not trust the federal government. they don't trust congress. they don't even trust current presidents because of the kind of possible and alleged corruption we see at every level of government and no one is ever held to account. i tried to call the balls and strikes regardless whether or not you have an r or d by your name. we've all been accused over this particular issue that we're conspiracy theorists, we're not. what we're proving today is showing actual evidence of shell companies and businesses and more businesses and more bidens
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involved than we knew of and you issue more subpoenas. every time we turn over a rock there is more information. more possible corruption and more possible allegations that need to be investigated. this is what we know today. money flowed from the chinese communist party aligned with individuals into american shell companies and then that money was wired and transferred to biden family members. this could be the most corrupt scheme in american politics where a sitting vice president, where we saw members of his family, nine members so far, there may be more, that were enriched from countries all over the world and we're providing for information about romania today. the president continues to deny it to this day. we want everyone held accountable if they violated their oath of office. we van't have people in office betraying their country if they are paying loads of cash to
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family members from adversaries of ours awrong the world it's wrong whether you have a republican or democrat by your name. intentionally taking steps to hide the money coming from china through a series of financial gymnastics. joe biden's political career was winding down at the time and one of the biden family's last chances to cash in on the name. we have evidence of chairman yi who believed to be affiliated with the chinese communist party intelligence organizations and accused of gathering intel for communist china, yi started cefc in china. his agent in america gong, which andy biggs mentioned earlier, formed cefc investment u.s. in 2017. may 18, 2017 he used one of his chinese company trying to hide the source of the money. you see this pattern repeated
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over and over and over again. on june 30th of 2017 another person sent 10 million from china to cefc infrastructure. then years later they wired $1 hundred thousand to hunter's corporation. it also received half a million from another entity. state energy hk appears to be part of yi's personal slush fund to commit bribery and launder money. they may have bought influence with the bidens they couldn't get otherwise and for good reason. these alleged layering schemes are repetitive. they knew what they were doing and knew how to do it and they did it multiple times all over the world. if it looks complicated and sounds complicated it was intentional made to be complicated so you couldn't follow the money. what we are doing today is show you how to follow the money.
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we need to pursue the chinese relationship with a serbian politician who inintroduced yi to the bidens. later there was $3 million paid and when -- it appears he turned to hunter biden. on june 16, 2016, the man wrote to hunter asking if he could meet with the security advisor related to elections for u.n. security general. the meeting appears to have happened because on july 2, 2016, he informed hunter that my meeting with colin did not last very long but it didn't go too bad i think. what is the office of the vice president seems to be outside the decision making loop on the u.n. security general elections issue. these people didn't come to hunter biden because he understood world politics or experienced in it or understood
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chinese businesses. they wanted him for the access his last name gave them. access the chinese communist party they couldn't otherwise get. in march of 2017 the same chinese company that sent $3 million to jar mic sent 3 million to 1 of biden's associates who siphoned off 30% or a million dollars to hunter biden, james biden, hali biden, why she would need that and an unknown biden bank account. the committee has written to share mic and walker but both refused to cooperate with the oversight committee. the biden family needs to answer for this. and the d.o.j. needs to get off its ass and investigate. we've done the work for them so they can't screw it up now. if any allegations are proven true someone from the last name biden needs to be charged, prosecuted and spend a little time in prison for the actions
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they've taken today. also as mentioned by the chairman. i want to thank you. this is not a witch hunt or conspiracy theory. they are anti-corruption laws that need to be made stronger and we'll do that. appreciate your time today. thank you, mr. chairman. >> representative armstrong next. >> thank you, chairman comer and thanks everybody for all the hard work. one of the common responses we hear about this investigation is that it all happened after joe biden left office. that is not true. i'm going to detail a specific set of payments made to members of the biden family during joe biden's time as vice president. the committee obtained the bank records for one of the companies of a close biden associate, rob walker. walker used his company to receive money from foreign companies and sent the money to various bidens including hunter biden, james biden, hali biden and another biden account.
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walker's llc received 17 payments from blah den enterprises limited. the last payment happened in may of 2017. 16 of the 17 payments occurred while joe biden was vice president. blatant enterprises is affiliated with romanian businessman popovich. he is a romanian businessman at the time of these payments a was subject of a corruption investigation. he was convicted of one such obstruction charge in 2016. popovich's company paid walker llc over $3 million and like clockwork walker disbursed $1 million to the bidens. if that sounds familiar it should. it is essentially the same structure walker and the biden family had with the chinese money, a 1/3 cut. so what were the vice president's duties related to romania at this time? in may of 2014 vice president biden visited romania and
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delivered a speech about corruption saying it can represent a clear and present danger not only to a nation's economy but to its very national security. in september of 2015, vice president biden welcomed the romanian president to the white house and they spoke about anti-corruption policies. five weeks later the white house -- after the white house meeting rob walker's company's bank accounts began receiving payments from popovich's company. walker then sent a portion of each installment payment to hunter biden's business and another company eeig which was owned by close hunter biden association gilyard, another biden bank account that hunter claims is his and in one case $10,000 to hali biden. the 3 million sent to rob walker and disbursed to the biden family is separate and distinct from legal work performed by the law firm associated with hunter biden. not how legal fees are paid. nobody would pay or receive
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payments this way. it makes no sense. the structure is the same as the chinese payments. if it is for legal fees why are the deals the same? in fact, it's hard to come up with any legitimate business reason to conduct transactions in this type of complex way. why would a separate payments go to hunter biden's business and himself individually and why would walker transfer money from his business to personal account before distributing the money? why are other biden family receiving any payments? we need to understand more than about the $3 million deal. it's clear the pattern shows two separate foreign countries paid millions of dollars through walker which the biden family received a 1/3 cut. these payments, their timing, complexity of the money transactions all warrant further investigation into a possible influencing peddling scheme. this is simply not how legitimate business is conducted. the fact that vice president joe biden was lecturing the romanian people about corruption while his family was being paid over a million dollars from a romanian
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businessman being prosecuted for corruption would be laughable if it wasn't so troubling. a long time ago i had a client got stopped, a bunch of pawnshop money tickets in his car. when he came to see me and i took him as a client i said you have a problem. that's easy to understand. financial transactions among 17 different shell companies, banks all over the world are complex. we get it. but the pattern is emerging and there is no reason that legitimate business is ever conducted in this manner. with that -- >> thank you. next we have representative donald. >> thank you, chairman. thanks for being here, everybody. a couple of things. first what we're seeing here and witnessing with the biden family frankly is just a web of concealment, of deception, a lot of people would say corruption.
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let's be clear, you have this many companies involved with this velocity of transactions, size of transactions, this is not how normal businesses operate. i had the ability with chairman comer and other members of the committee to go over to the treasury building and review documents. and having read those documents, one thing became pretty crystal clear, there were many people who had serious questions about the transactions and about the velocity of these transactions and they either get very deep into concealment, hiding money, shifting money, and for the purpose we don't know because one thing everybody in this room and the american people definitely know the biden family doesn't have a business. there is no business structure around this family except politics. and since joe biden has spent decades in the senate, served eight years as vice president, and is now president of the
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united states, and the family is getting money from various countries and foreign businesses through various shell companies and this web of llcs, i mean, guys, you in the press, this is easy pickings. i'm giving you pulitzer stuff here. look at our memo and see the level of detail upon which they've created this. it is very frustrating. we have now been able to clearly see that the biden associates like rob walker and eric sherman created 16 companies while joe biden was vice president of the united states. 16 companies created while he was vice president. now the list is 20 and as we continue our investigation, that list is growing. like i said before the question is to serve what purpose? and the purpose of all these companies being created is to conceal money that the biden family has been gaining because joe biden has been sitting at
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the upper echelon of our politics for almost five decades. that's the entire purpose here. here is an example of what i mean. you have rose mont sin ca partners and advisors. rstw2 alpha and bravo. r rose -- the list goes on and on. cycling through this many companies serves no legitimate purpose. as somebody who worked in banking, i did it long before i came here, whenever there was this many companies just laying all over the place and you see wire transfers and cashier checks over here going to random members of the family for no apparent purpose at the size and velocity it was being conducted the only logical conclusion of a
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financial professional is you are concealing money. let me restate this, you are concealing money from either the i.r.s. or from credit agencies or from other people in general. that's the only reason you set up a structure like this. some of these companies were connected to hunter's personal professional company, or skinny at last, scale atless, however you want to pronounce it. mr. biggs talked about hudson west three and other issues going on as well. one thing i want to make sure is that all of this has happened and joe biden is aware. nobody in this room can logically sit here and say that the president of the united states had no idea that these companies were being formed while he was vice president of the united states, and i will add he was probably in better mental shape then than today.
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i'll throw that out there. what this committee will do is pursue this investigation and continue to document and provide that information to all of you in the press. so to help you and like congressman mace said and probably helped the d.o.j. along with their investigation. it's interesting the department of justice has been investigating hunter biden for quite some time and we seem to never really get anywhere. so i think that's also interesting as well. i wonder what's going on at the department of justice. with that being said the bottom line is there is no real business here, none. let me also say this because i know there are many in this room who wanted to go down all the various schemes that our colleagues on the other side of the aisle accuse of former president of. be clear. the former president actually had a business. very big business. you can say it was his name and buildings and wine and branding and say it was the apprentice. he had a very big and legitimate
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business that everybody in the room clearly knows and understands and can point to and say that thing over there. joe biden has no business except his position in politics. and it is the requirement of this committee to investigate that and we'll continue to do that and let the facts speak for themselves. thank you, mr. chairman. >> lastly we'll have representative jordan. >> suspicious activity reports. the key word in that phrase is the word suspicious. there are 170 of those reports, many of them put together by the treasury department of our government in the obama/biden administration. 170 of those that the committee has reviewed, thousands of pages of bank reports the committee has reviewed and that has told us that there are now multiple, as mr. donalds said, multiple llcs receiving money from foreign entities and paying that money out to multiple members of
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the biden family. the fundamental question is the one biden raised, for what? what did they do? what was the business? what service did they provide? what value did they add? what did they do to warrant receipt of the money? no one seems to have an answer. mr. comer, chairman comer and the team that's what we are trying to get. i would say this, too, why not come clean. why not just be honest with us? why not tell us the truth? i think is it a pattern with this administration. they haven't been straight with the american people about anything. they tell us the border is secure. we know it isn't. they tell us the debt creeling bill will hurt veterans, no it doesn't. joe biden said during the campaign the letter from 51 former intel officials he portrayed it as if it was organic. we know through another investigation that we're working on that it was coordinated. that letter from 51 former intel officials was could order
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naivetyed with biden campaign. they told mike morrell here are the journalists you want you to tell first. why not be straight with us and come clean? why not tell us the truth? tell the american people the truth? they deserve that from their government. again, the fundamental question is what did they do to warrant the receipt of millions and millions of dollars? why did joe biden's brother, sister-in-law, son, why did so many family members get the money? what did they do to warrant receipt of that money? that's the fundamental question chairman comer and the team have done great work and determined to get answers to those fundamental questions. >> want to thank the committee and staff for all the time pouring through these documents. now we would like to entertain questions and i want to begin with the fourth largest newspaper in the state, who i read somewhere was banned from the white house. we'll start with the "new york
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post." >> thank you, chairman comer. it's good to have an opportunity to ask questions, too. i would like to ask you two questions. first about the investigative next steps and secondly about the f.b.i. informant file you are seeking. regarding the next steps, you produced significant amount of information so far about foreign income to the president's family. no doubt there will be more to come. are you going to be able to prove the central pieces that president biden was directly involved with corruption without getting bank records for either president biden, james biden, hunter biden showing the transfer of money or the payments of expenses that president biden picked up himself? secondly on the f.b.i. inform ant file can you provide us any more information on that. which country it pertains to and is there any evidence that president biden has off shore bank accounts? >> first of all with respect to president biden i don't think anyone in america watching c
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span or any other network covering this would think that it is just a coincidence that nine biden family members have received money for this influence peddling scheme. as representative jordan and the other speakers, what business is there? the media has always said two things. they said many in the media said that no transactions happened while joe biden was vice president. we've proven that wrong. joe biden said during 2020 his family never took any money from china. today we've proven it wrong and you have it in the memorandum. the bank transfers. so we believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning obviously. we are going to continue to look. there are what we've cited today and updating you today four banks. the results from four banks. we believe there are 12 banks.
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so right now you could say that we're in the beginning stages of this investigation. many of you wrote -- not the "new york post" but many of you wrote we would never get access to bank records. that's what the white house told you. they said we would never have access to the treasury, that's what the white house told you. but we have the bank records and get more bank records. we just got the bank records going through the associates we knew that there were people that were wiring money and accepting the initial payments from our adversaries around the world and then they were funneling the money to the bidens through various llcs. we got the bank records through the back door. and we can tell you from the people that we're meeting with that were involved with many of the schemes that we're pretty confident that the president was very knowledgeable of what his family was doing. you have seen pictures with these people. you have seen meetings and
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instances where the president took his son on trips during the last year of his vice presidentsy, every account said none of those transactions happened while he was vice president. we just laid out that 16 of the 17 payments to the bidens from romania occurred while joe biden was vice president. the second question with respect to the f.b.i., this is senator grassley's whistleblower. i have reviewed the transcript. we have given the f.b.i. until noon today to provide that document, that very specific document. we are going to let the ball be in the f.b.i.'s court and then senator grassley and i, if the f.b.i. for some reason does not comply with our subpoena we'll discuss the next step. next question. >> there have been a number of scandals in our country, the
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grant administration, you just said you are in the beginning stages of this. but i wonder if you or perhaps one of your colleagues can put this into an historical context. >> yeah. look, i think we've already provided, despite a few articles saying this committee -- first i hate to be critical of the media, but a lot of you honestly deserve it. but with respect -- they say this began in november. we had a press conference here and at that time i think associated press and other outlets were saying the laptop was russian disinformation still at that point saying it was conspiracy theories and none of the money ever happened while joe biden was vice president. we have dismissed all of that. we have evidence that something again. i don't think a lot of you are used to with respect to congressional investigations. we have evidence. you look at the congressional scandals of the past. you look at watergate.
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congressional committees didn't find out about the watergate. the press found out about it. and instead of the press asking joe biden, when we disclosed a month ago that through the robinson walker account 3 or 4 biden family members received $1.3 million somebody yelled out what do you think about your family receiving money from china? he said that's not true. nobody pressed him again. i don't think the media is playing the same role it used to play with respect to investigative reporting. and it has been very difficult. we are fighting the biden attorneys, the d.o.j., the f.b.i., a lot of the media. we're just trying to be transparent. the white house said today this was a political stunt by comer. a press conference? a political stunt? we're giving you a memorandum with evidence.
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we're trying to be transparent and leading a credible investigation as miss mace said. i think that from a historical standpoint we have never seen a presidential family receive these sums of money from adversaries around the world. we're just talking about a couple of countries today. if you look at the countries that this family was influence peddling in china is probably the most reputable country on the list if that says anything. i think we're making a lot of progress in less than 100 days. one difference between us and the work the senate did we have subpoena power and we got the bank records and we'll get more bank records and have more whistleblowers come forward. last thing i will say to answer your question. i mentioned whistleblowers and jamie raskin said there were none. two have come forward now, one with the i.r.s. and one with the d.o.j. >> it sounds like you are trying
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to prove president biden's direct involvement here and you spoke a little bit i know congressman donald spoke about the policy aspect. if you could speak more to the policy aspect of it. how can you discount hunter biden just used his father's name to get this money without any direct involvement from president biden himself? can you speak a little bit to your -- >> it is hard for me to believe that hunter biden was so charismatic that he could convince foreign nationals to wire millions of dollars and not just his account but eight of his family member's accounts. we believe there was a return on the investment for the investment that these countries were wiring money to the various biden family members. as representative donald said, why would you create all these companies? i don't think a lot of people understand the complexity of these businesses. if you are doing something legitimate and providing something of value, why not just
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get the payment directly from the payer? why do you have to funnel it through 3 or 4 different bank accounts? so that's what -- there is an odd pattern that is developing here. >> policy peddling. what policy are you referring to? the i.p. policy that biden took away whenever he took office? what specific policies are you talking about? >> we know the vice president during the last year of the biden administration traveled around the world and talked about foreign aid in different countries, talked a lot about american policy, american assistance, and these are part of the types of policies. you look at some of the decisions that joe biden made as president, there are many decisions that we would make a strong argument that put china first and america last. these are the types of decisions. we'll get into more of those later. yes. >> you had mentioned a little bit about how -- i'm trying to
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find all the numbers. about $10 million or more, is that what we're thinking so far? and of course the white house is putting us off, playing this off as trying to downplay it. what message would you have for the president himself? >> if these are legitimate payments and those are legitimate businesses that your family created, then i would assume you have invoices, i would assume that you would have books and business models and things like that to tell us what the businesses actually were. and i think that's something, instead of just attacking us for having the audacity to investigate this and be as transparent as we can possibly be with the media, then maybe he should answer questions as to what exactly his family did to receive this money and why so many of his family members
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received money. i don't think -- i don't think the person watching this on c span who is struggling to work over 40 hours a week, pay their bills, i don't think their family members get wires from adversaries around the world. so i think the american people understand that this stinks and i think they appreciate what we're doing here. >> chairman comer, you said there is a legislative purpose to what you are doing here and that you want to insure that anyone sitting in the highest office or family doesn't benefit from these kinds of business dealings. former president trump running for president has him and his family benefited from a number of countries. are you investigating those business dealings as well?
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>> we will look at everything when we get ready to introduce the legislation to ban influence peddling. if you go back to jimmy carter's brother, billy carter receiving money from libya. this has been a pattern for a long time. republicans and democrats have both complained about presidents families receiving money. but the way that the bidens have set this up, there is no business. president carter's brother got the money directly from libya. i have reviewed that. joe biden was on the committee that investigated president carter's brother when that took place. the former president trump's son-in-law had some business deals, right? as byron said we know what his businesses were. i'm not saying i agree with what he did or not but i actually know what his businesses are. what are the biden businesses? what business?
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we read they were legitimate business deals after joe biden was president. that's not true. they were set up when joe biden was vice president. and what is the business, annie? what business are they in? >> can a follow up? in the lead-up to the press conference you said there are at least nine biden family individuals you brought up today. the memo today only includes three. who are the other six? >> since you asked, i will tell you. joe biden's son, joe biden's brother, joe biden's brother's wife, hunter biden's girlfriend or beau biden's widow, hunter biden's ex-wife and current wife. and three children of the president's son and the
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president's brother. we are talking about a grandchild, that's odd. most people that work hard every day grandchild doesn't get a wire from a foreign national or anything like that. that will conclude our question and answers. we're accessible. feel free to come up to any member on the committee and answer any questions you have. i want to thank congressman jordan for his work that they're doing with respect to the weaponization of the federal government and i am sure that everyone will be able to answer your questions today. thank you. >> bill: that was something. that was 50 minutes of a lot laying out there right now between the members of the house oversight committee. a few headlines here. they claim that joe biden and his family took in $10 million plus while vice president. the comment was this is not normal. they allege that over 20 companies that bidens seemed to enrich themselves, the quote as
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well. jim jordan says there are 170 suspicious activity reports during this time. you heard james comer at the end say it involves nine members of the biden family. he mentioned there are four banks involved, ultimately we believe there are 12. and then an f.b.i. deadline of noon today of a subpoena to obtain more information. it was a lot. we'll go through it and break it down. >> dana: we kept our panel around for all of us and following this closely. we have andy mccarthy, john levine and jason chaffetz. you have been covering this story before the "new york post" was banned from twitter for having the audacity to put up this story, john levine. ian sams said the republicans
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haven't shown -- because they can't. also saying that there is no -- they are not able to say there are payments that were directed directly to joe biden himself, the president. so you've covered the story. i know you talked to the white house and tried to get them to answer your questions. what did you hear today that was new, different or that advances this story in your mind? >> i hear them. >> what's incredible to me the "new york post" reported that hunter biden was taking in millions of dollars from the romanians a year ago. it is a lot of it was based on information from anonymous sources and information we had from the laptop. in one sense it's good we're being vindicated by the financial records. hunter biden is not always the most reliable narrator. something i was surprised the committee didn't mention was all the meetingsun


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