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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 10, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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representative comer are going it reveal as they say then you will see something that has to do with -- i really hope we get to the bottom of 10% for the big guy. >> todd: that's what we're waiting for. sohrab omari, thank you for being here. keep your channel locked to fox news as we bring all the latest from james comer coming up in a few hours. >> ashley: "fox & friends" coming up right now have. a good day. >> todd: republicans are calling it judgment day. >> hunter could face charges of tax evasion and illegal gun ownership. >> entire family has been putting millions and millions of dollars in their back pocket. >> it's going to be chaotic for a while. >> title 42 expire at midnight. >> pretty much on. the troopers know border patrol. >> does the president then want to go back to the border. >> i don't have any trips to preview. >> i didn't find progress. >> president biden's meeting with speaker kevin mccarthy over raising the debt ceiling. >> america is not a deadbeat nation. >> he treated the debt limit just like he treated the border.
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he ignored it. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> chachi wants out. scott baio is the latest celebrity leaving california. >> i watched california -- southern california evolve into a third world country. >> can see the dog's gate properly. this is it right here right now. >> best in show tonight is the. >> gorgeous shot of new york city, can you see the sun trying to pop up there at the bottom. and it was a beautiful day yesterday. 77 yesterday? >> steve: it was gorgeous. it was a beautiful day monday and tuesday. i would tell you the exact weather but brian is using my phone to order coffee. [laughter] >> steve: ainsley, my watch says today zero chance of rain. currently where we are sitting midtown, manhattan it's
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49 degrees. daytime high of 72 on this wednesday, may 10th. that is room temperature. >> brian: let me tell you something my watch scared me over the weekend. >> ainsley: why? >> steve: why? >> brian: decided to run on the track to will cross environment. i go to set my watch. my watch says it looks like you are on the track. what lane will you be in? how crazy is that? >> steve: how did you set up your watch. >> brian: i hit the little running man. i hit the little running man to time me i lose track of the laps because i fun for 26 miles. hit looks like you are on the track what lane are you in? why are you wearing those outfit? those socks don't match your shirt. >> steve: hit the running man you have got to specify whether you are running outdoors, indoors. >> brian: you are right. i said outdoors. how does it know i'm on the track. six fields only one with a track. >> steve: you are always talking to your connected devices. your entire life is through
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alexa. alexa told your watch. >> brian: kind of scared me. >> ainsley: talk about a product and get the advertisement. >> brian: i thought i had an extra power like a six sense. >> ainsley: algorithms send you anything you do at the moment and some of your interest. that's what i'm hoping. not like some guy in his mom's basement. >> brian: lie location shows me on a track while i'm sitting on the infield? >> steve: because of apple maps. >> brian: looks like you are on a track what lane are you in i don't want to pick a lane. >> ainsley: pick a lane. >> brian: that's all. sorry about that. >> steve: so we are going to get you the owner's manual for that watch. >> brian: pretty bad when my watch knows more about me than anybody else in my life. >> ainsley: i thought you were going to tell a horrible story. >> steve: technology. >> ainsley: technology knows where you are. >> steve: right. here's where we are. >> ainsley: welcome back,
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ainsley. >> steve: that's right. welcome back. three hours from the house oversight committee. james comer said today is judgment day bidens. because apparently the republicans in the house oversight committee are going to release a memo that summarizes their investigation into the biden family's foreign income, they have issued four subpoenas for suspicious activity reports. they have got them and now they are going to try explain how money from foreigners wound up in various biden family bank accounts. >> ainsley: so much has come out recently. we are also learning more about the cia acting director michael morell in that letter that he sent saying that this was russian disinformation. 51 people in the intel community signed that letter. and, according to the post, michael morell wrote that he drafted the letter because, a, he believed the russians were involved in hunter's laptop story and, b, they thought that trump was going to attack biden
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with the issue on the debate that week. he said we want to give the vice president a talking point to use in response. he asked everyone to sign that letter to highlight russian work in their signatures. then they went to the cias -- to the board, the publication review board to get their please blessing to blush i pl publish. >> gina haspel would say a little problem with this or anybody in the intel business. about what is going to happen today. james comer put himself out there saying all weekend. coming out saying today is the day. the biden family better pay attention and mass media. i'm not just saying hunter biden had a problem with drugs and hookers his international business deals directly benefited the entire family former senator, vice president and current president.
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keep people off their trail, how these bank records benefited the family and maybe affected foreign policy. here's comer. >> the american people are going to see actual bank records that show wire transfers from adversaries around the world into web of llcs that were owned or controlled by the bidens and then those transfers were made back into the biden family account. so, this was one reason the biden family received some of the bank violations that are known as suspicious activity reports because the banks knew that this wasn't normal business activity. we're going it see tomorrow whether or not joe biden knew about his family's business dealings, which we know that he said several times that he didn't. so i think tomorrow is going to be judgment day for the biden administration. the biden white house. and i'm anxious to see how the
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mainstream media covers it. >> brian: how could they not? >> ainsley: there is also that whistleblower that we found out about last week that says the doj and the fbi, they have this document, which describes a criminal scheme involving joe biden like you were saying, brian, with a foreign national exchange for money and exchange for policy decisions and that letter is due or that document is due today. the fbi has to produce that for oversight today. >> steve: right. noon is the deadline for the fbi. but, as we detailed last week, that is something where in normal current events is undiscoverable. it's raw work data and we said. >> ainsley: does that still exist though in the original file? >> brian: he has a story to tell. >> steve: somebody came into the fbi and told them a story. we don't know anything about the person who told them the story. we don't know if they had an ax to grind. reliable or trustworthy even if the fbi or doj looked into it. we know the house wants it. now, here's the thing. so comer has made it very clear,
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we got all these numbers, we are going to show you what we think the story is. but they really got to show is whether or not the bidens broke any rules. whether or not they broke any laws. we know that hunter did not pay some taxes on income. were there other biden family members who did not pay income tax as well? keep in mind, it is not against the law to do business with foreign countries. it's not against the law to do business with china. that's what apple does, nike does, under armor. it will be interesting to see what he has got. because of the republicans have really built this up. there better be a smoking gun otherwise people are going to go okay, went into that account, and went into that account and somebody wound up with it in the biden family. he better be pretty good at explaining how they profited illegally from that. >> ainsley: illegal to influence peddle hunter biden getting money and dad policy because his dad is president is that
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illegal? >> brian: cataclysmic for the country. >> ainsley: is that illegal. >> brian: unethical at the very least. i will say, this one of the things that i think every voter should care about, if hunter biden is part of a scheme with a chinese energy company to deliver lithium mines and help the belt and road program of china against the interest of the united states, if that is not disturbing to you, you're not paying attention. you're hopelessly partisan. ian samsz the pushback on the precurls sr. to the presser said this with the white house. congressman comer has a history of playing fast and loose with the facts and spreading baseless innuendo while refusing to conduct the so-called investigations with legitimacy. instead of another political stunt should do their job and avoid default without conditions. is he talking about raising the debt ceiling. that's not what the oversight committee is tasked to do. that has nothing to do with this. among the people going to be there today backing these conclusions all the members of
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the committee, byron donalds, jim jordan, nancy mace, kelly armstrong and comer leading it up. we have already seen various ones of them who seem incensed and determine to bring out what they have been able to discover since they moved into the majority a couple of months ago. >> steve: that will be good to see. just about 80 minutes from right now, james comer himself is going to be joining us live from capitol hill to give us a preview of what he's going to say at 9:00. so we are going to find out how much there is there. >> ainsley: plenty of time. get the kids fed. get some coffee. get them out the door and you can watch that. >> brian: even they have nowhere to go put them out the door. james comer is on. get busy. go play in the street. >> steve: which kid is interested in that. >> ainsley: please do not do that. >> brian: that's what they used to do in the 70s. go play. lights will be on when the dinner is ready. >> steve: whistle. >> ainsley: my dad's fingers in his mouth whistling. >> steve: that's cool.
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happy days star scott baio is bailing on california. >> i've watched california -- southern california evolve into a third world country. i'm afraid to go to the mall. my wife and kid are afraid to go to the mall. >> steve: so what freedom state is he headed to next. we already told you. we will tell you again. >> brian: this buddy is best in show meet westminster's award-winning dog. plus the famous country singer behind this year's best new breed. ♪ (psst psst)
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when i was his age, we had to be inside to watch live sports. but with xfinity, we get the fastest mobile service and can stream down the street or around the block!
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hey, can you be less sister, more car? all right, let's get this over with. switch to xfinity mobile and get the best price for 2 lines of unlimited. just $30 a line per month. i should get paid more for this. you get paid when you win. from xfinity. home of the 10g network. >> back with your headlines starting with a fox news alert. house rules committee advancing a bill overnight to enhance border security. final house vote is scheduled for tomorrow with title 42 set to expire in less than 24 hours. texas congressman tony gonzales telling fox news that the president of guatemala told him that he knows of at least 80,000 predominantly venezuela nationals who are making their way to the u.s. border ahead of the drop of title 42. president biden stopping just short of calling the situation an all-out crisis. >> i spent close to an hour with
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the mexican president today. we're doing all we can. it's going to be chaotic for a while. >> the white house says it has no plans for the president to visit the border once title 42 is lifted. now to a fox weather alert. houston bracing for another round of wet weather after heavy rain causing flash flooding in parts of the city yesterday. one woman was killed while driving through the storm after a tree fell on our car. a flood watch is in effect until tonight as a powerful storm is expected to soak up to 40 states this week. a new top dog making history with budenbuddy holly. best in show tonight is t buddy
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wasn't the only winner with italiano taking home ribbon for debut. country singer tim mcgraw excited for the wins a the co-owner of lepshi. buddy holy and his owner will join us today. >> >> brian: will the dog come to the white house? >> >> steve: going to be in the dog house. thank you, ashley. first time a p.b.g.b. has won. a petite basset griffon vendeen. now you know the rest of the story good day. >> brian: first and last name buddy holly where are you. >> ainsley: if you are looking at buddy holly you can't say
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buddy. >> steve: many dogs are buddy. but this is buddy holly. >> steve: we'll have to ask the dog people when they get there. meanwhile we told you about this a couple days ago. sounds like california has been home for scott baio the tv star for something like 40 years. now he is leaving, apparently, all that beautiful behind. all that homelessness that you see in l.a. he cited homelessness. he cited safety. and instead he is moving to -- from california he is going to the west coast of florida. certainly because it's better for his daughter. many reasons homeless crime, taxes also our daughter needs a great place to play golf it's warm. and west coast of florida is where they are moving. very conservative area. >> traffic used to be the biggest problem. those were the good old days scott baio says goodbye-o to
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california-o. >> i have been there for 45 years, jesse and i have watched california, southern california evolve into a third world country between the homeless defecating on the sidewalk doing drugs on the sidewalk in the middle of the day. illegal aliens all over the place laws mean nothing. crime is out of control graffiti on everything all my tax dollars i don't know what they go for. i'm afraid to go to the mall. my wife and kid are afraid to go to the mall. >> brian: more people live in california second to new york or maybe new york moved to first. >> ainsley: how many people that you know lived in new jersey or new york eventually we are moving we have plans to. even though the exodus has been big, you know, over the last few years since the pandemic. i think it's going to continue.
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a lot of our friends are retiring in five years. >> brian: don't we have to write a million dollars check for reparations if you are in california? >> steve: gavin newsom is not for that he said yesterday. so many people went during the covid pandemic and others are like well, when i retire in 10 years i'm going to wind up down there because of taxes. >> ainsley: if you leave like scott baio and you have been gone for a while you might have to pay a tax. >> brian: do you believe that? i don't even think -- that's can't be constitutional can it have a tax for leaving? >> steve: no. >> ainsley: pretty scary. >> steve: you would still owe state tax for the period of time you lived there. right, exactly. that's the way those states work. >> brian: like paying alimony to a state that you broke up with. >> ainsley: totally, yes. >> steve: just live there less than six months and then you would pay the new state in which case if you go to a no tax state like texas, tennessee or florida, then you wouldn't have to pay it.
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scott is going to love florida because of taxes and pickleball. they are moving for their daughter bailey who apparently, because the wife renee tweeted out a picture of the daughter's ranking bailey with the hurricane junior golf tour. apparently she is a phenomenon golfer and easier to do it in florida. >> ainsley: it cracks it up that people have a big problem with this. let him go. if he wants to go, he can go. people on social media are so rude to him about it. >> brian: right. they don't like that he is a conservative republican. but this is his second wife. his first one was joany, right? >> steve: that was chachi's. >> brian: that means fictional character they weren't married. some spin offs laverne and shirley, morning and mindy. >> ainsley: would you count charles in charge? >> brian: eventually in the family tree. that's garry marshall. >> ainsley: coming up. judgment day for the white house as we await house oversight
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republicans they are going to expose their new findings into the biden family business schemes. i think their press conference is at 9:00 this morning. jonathan turley going to break down the case for a possible hunter biden indictment next. >> brian: i'm so glad we paid his retainer. don't miss a big announcement from football star and fox sports lead analyst greg olson regarding the nfl. i won't give it away. try not to ♪ good time american daughter ♪ redneck ♪ blue collar ♪ and i'll party down to my last dollar ♪ i work hardcal ♪ i work hardnea. ♪ i play harder ♪but that works inside the body. there's no reason to keep struggling. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care.
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that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. >> ashley: we're back with a few headlines starting with this new york city grocers begging for stricter laws as shoplifting surged by 81% in the first quarter of 2023. group representing store owners
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pleaded with lawmakers yesterday the crime of assaulting a supermarket employee offense. we are part of your community. we need to you support us. albany please wake up. california governor gavin newsom says he won't support reparations checks for black residents as part of a push to compensate them for generations of discrimination, the democratic governor claimed the program is more than just cash payments. this as striking oakland teachers demand reparations for black students and housing for 1500 homeless students. the nfl will announce its international games today with a full new season schedule coming tomorrow. and jets fans should be excited. their new super star gunslinger aaron rodgers could land the team the maximum of six prime time games. before that big reveal fox sports nfl analyst greg olsen will join us in the 8:00 hour for exclusive game announcement,
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stay tuned for that those are your headlines arcly, over to you. >> ashley: as prosecutors close in on possible indictment of hunter biden house republicans are preparing to release shocking new evidence ons biden family's disdeals this morning. joining us now george washington university law school professor and fox news contributor jonathan turley. good morning, jonathan. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: thanks for coming on. what do you think will happen when it comes to hunter biden this week as we hear indictments, we also have the oversight of the committee looking into this and then they have the big press conference today at 9:00 a.m. >> well, there's been a great concern on capitol hill with the narrowness of the reported criminal investigation out of delaware. they are just looking at tax and gun violations according to leaks. that doesn't mean that those are accurate. but the most notable omission is any farrah violation. that is the law that says you have to register as a foreign agent. just a few years ago the department of justice was
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handing out fa fara charges like they were candy during the trump administration. many people don't know how paul manafort could be indicted under fara but not hebdo be hunter biden. what are the connections to the transaction? the detail is going to make a lot of people uncomfortable, particularly in the media. it's been a competition of how long you could keep your eyes closed and hold your breath whether it came to the hunter biden scandal. at some point the media is going to have to cover this influence peddling scandal. >> ainsley: okay. let's also talk about the jury finding trump libel e. jean carroll. he says this is a disgrace. verdict is a disgrace. he will appeal. she says it's a win for every
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woman of achievement i'm going to play a soundbite of his deposition. this is a year automobile. he was confusing. he looked at a picture of e. jean carroll he said that's marla maples his ex-wife. i want to find out from you how big of a part this played? listen to this soundbite? >> you say marla is in this photo? >> that's marchla, yeah. that's my wife. >> which woman are you pointing to? >> here. >> that's carroll. >> okay. >> the photo you pointed to is e. jean carroll. >> your wife. >> woman on the right is your then wife. >> this is the picture i assume that's john johnson is that carroll? because it's very blurry. >> ainsley: jonathan? >> yeah. that was pretty devastating. it doesn't show his counsel who is likely in a tight fetal position. when he was doing that i mean, he had just said he wasn't attracted to someone like this and confused her with his wife. that's going to be obviously devastating. that was only one of the
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devastating moments in the courtroom when they showed that tape. this judge could face some appellate scrutiny and even some skepticism over the range of evidence allowed at trial. that included the access hollywood tape which was very prejudicial and a number of us were surprised the court allowed that in. >> also allowed in live testimony from women who say that they were assaulted by the former president. that's the most promising area of appeal for trump. it's going to be a very difficult challenge for him. these types of fact-based decisions, these verdicts go up to the court of appeals and sort of iron plated. the court of appeals doesn't overturn fact determinations by the jury. there's a lot of evidence here to support what they are suggesting. remember, they have to be clearly erroneous. it's not just that i disagree with them. it's really they don't have a
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basis for that his best shot is to say that the whole trial was an error because of the range of evidence allowed by the court. >> ainsley: or what about the fact that she didn't remember when this happened the year that it happened and he said something to the effect of why didn't you scream? and she said how dare you ask me that? they were in a department store according to her report. we will have to see where this goes. >> yeah. >> ainsley: real quickly, jonathan, his not being at the trial had a devastating impact on that jury. >> ainsley: really? thank you so much. always so good to have you weigh in. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: just 24 hours until title 42 edges piracy. laying out the troubling border as thousands more illegal immigrants preparing to cross into the country. bud light sales drop after collaboration with a trans influencer is now spilling over into other bud brands. we're going to tell you about it coming up. ♪ all you have to say waited a
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second ♪ your hand on mine. ♪
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genesys works is a national nonprofit that works with top companies, to provide opportunity for underserved youth from communities
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around the country. i didn't really expect to go into an internship my senior year, let alone a paid internship with a big organization. comcast■s commitment to digital equity, aligns very closely to ours. funding through red nose day and comcast directly funds our technical training. we can make a difference in the lives of one person and future generations to come. i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c in the lives of one person call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> brian: title 42 expirgs tomorrow. it's in the a border problem an america problem we are being overwhelmed. check out the clock. we are counting down.
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1 point encounters this year. we had 2.7 million last year. the last year of donald trump 450,000 for the entire year. we are only in may. just beginning may. we see over here the got-aways. those are people we see the back of their heads. so we estimate roughly how many people missed had no interest in being caught and you wonder how that's linked to fentanyl streaming across. border patrol agents. the men and women out there to stop this from happening actually less than there were in 2019. talk about calm before the storm? these who are cueing up waiting for title 42 to disappear. they watch the news with more intensity than anybody else. they know exactly what is happening in america. over in tijuana, walls don't work? they're effective. they have to go into the ocean if they don't work. 16,000 ready to come into california. gavin newsom says no problem we're broke anyway. in el paso, this is what scares them because what is over the border in juarez. already there are signs in el paso. basically saying use bathrooms. stop going in the middle of the street. it's been totally overwhelmed.
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but sanitized when president biden went to visit. and then, of course, you have what is happening in brownsville, arguably this is the epicenter, 150,000 waiting outside the border take me i'm yours. give me a ticket. i'll be back in 10 years and tell you how much i like your country. and finally what is queuing up now and how far deep are they? take a look, in central and south america, in tapachula 60,000 migrants reportedly being held ready to come here. 3,000 migrant caravan is heading over here and what i find most disturb something guatemala. so concerned is the guatemalan president he called the white house and said listen, i've got a problem 08,000 migrants coming your direction. i can't really stop them. do you know what? he got a dial tone. please return to sender. he got voice mail. he could not get anyone on the phone. please don't tell me this administration is engaged or even cares. this is all coming to a city near you. especially this city. especially in chicago and los angeles. let's talk about this man real
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expert ken cuccinelli had a key position with donald trump. brought those numbers down. a lot of people fired and hired because they were not answering and not producing. ken, you have seen a lot of problems in the past. a lot of challenges at our border. put this in perspective for people watching at home what is going to happen as early as thursday? >> well, brian, there's nothing to compare to historically ever at any point. this is blowing the doors off it. and just taking title 42 off a lot of our folks don't realize that even the biden administration was returning about half of the people they were catching invading our country setting aside the got-aways. half of them going back. no change in the flow, come midnight on thursday, they're going to double the number they let stay in this country and, as you have reported, the flow is going to increase.
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i mean, there is -- the border as much as people are coming through it now, is also a bit of a dam where people are building up on the other side. and that dam is going to intentionally be broken by the president of the united states on midnight on thursday. >> brian: ken, do you know what the president said yesterday? i was on the phone with the mexican president for an hour. we have their cooperation. it will be a little chaotic. excuse me, you were on the phone with the mexican president? how about 20,000 marines on your southern border. how about if you don't control the amount of people coming to our southern border, in come of the tariffs? talk about the conversation that should have taken place. >> yeah. this is pretty outrageous. how far can he demand mexico secure its southern border when he doesn't secure ours? i mean, you do have to lead by example first and then the demand is legitimate. but, look, what you and i look at as a disaster, brian. this is intentional policy. their only concern in the white
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house is optics. they want the flood of illegals coming. >> brian: let me challenge you on that. why is katie hobbs, a democratic governor in arizona, seemingly outraged that she can't even get a response from the white house? why is senator sinema doing an hour on cbs talking about how inadequate the preparation was and how bad the communication is? why is henry cuellar saying the same thing and we saw to a degree not enough but senator kelly same thing over in arizona? there are democrats who can't figure it out. >> yeah. i'm happy to answer that. this administration has been defying democrat voters on immigration policy since biden got. in he has been under water with democrat voters. not just everybody. just democrat voters since march of 2021. these policies are that radical. but he ran on this. he said he was going to do this. i don't think anybody really
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believed him. i was scared to death of it and here is he doing it. yes, there are some democrats, not surprisingly, the ones who are most affected by. this including lori lightfoot, eric adams and others. but they are the ones who say hey, i have got to deal with this problem. you got to help me. because they look bad. that's why they're complaining. not because they are seriously oppose this policy. they look bad. people want to. >> brian: good point. i should have also brought to you eric adams, too. the governors and what is going on. real quick, kentucky, i interviewed governor abbott this week it frustrated you. you said i let him off the hook. >> you did. >> brian: how did i let him off the hook? >> he is saying things like we are repelling people at the border. look, that is b.s. greg and i served as attorneys general together. he was an aggressive attorney general. and he is laying back with the authority -- he is laying back with the authority to stop this
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over 1200 miles of this border and he's not doing it. article 1 section 10 says. >> brian: operation lone star and this new program is not effective? using c-130 transport plan fanning out soldiers and national guard that's not effective? >> no. sending soldiered to the border to watch people cross is a photo op. it is not repelling the invasion. >> brian: he says he is sending people back. he is not. >> he is absolutely not. absolutely not. you're showing the footage, they can put texas personnel on that border and stop the flow between the legal ports of entry and they're not doing it and. >> brian: you are saying border patrol could say go ahead and operating lone star could say no, i'm turning it around? we have watched border patrol pull down the fence and trump local authorities? >> okay. but you have got a 1200-mile
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border and the crossings are overwhelming. border patrol agents will stay out of the way of state officials who are actually repelling people at the border. at the river. >> brian: i'm going to play this clip. i'm out of time but i'm going to play this clip for the governor and see what he has to say thanks, ken, appreciate it? >> thank you. >> brian: go up to steve. >> steve: thanks, brian. a couple headlines to start with on this wednesday morning. the university of idaho is set to honor the four students killed in an off campus house in november. you remember that. vanna kerr a model maddy cull vets and east an chapin will be awarded certificates and degrees that coincide with their majors at the school's commencement on saturday. congressional leaders are told another debt ceiling meeting on friday as democrats and republicans remain at odds over
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spending cuts. calling out president biden after yesterday's sit down at the white house. >> unfortunately, in this meeting, i heard nothing new. i literally asked the president personally, do you believe there's any place in government we could find. any kind progress in this meeting. >> steve: the current debt ceiling stands at $34.4 trillion. democrats are seeking increase but only with spending cuts in n order to curb inflation. another read on inflation 8:30 eastern time. we will bring it here. bud light sales continue to drop after the brand's controversial partnership with trans ticktocker dylan mulvaney. other brands sold by anheuser-busch. bud light and budweiser only top 10 bothers down more than 20% in the last week of april. while r50eu68 brands like miller
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lite and coors light soar by more than 20% over the same time. and those are some of your headlines. meanwhile, what a day look like ahead weatherize? adam has got that from the streets of new york. >> good morning there, steve. beautiful out here on the streets of new york as we are dealing with warmer temperatures insd kind of building. we will continue to see that at least on the eastern half of the country. little rain in the middle of the country. begin with early morning temperatures. spots there 50, 60 degrees in the middle of the country. largely low 50's. feeling really pleasant and really cool. the one rainy spot i was telling you about in the middle of the country. we have seen rounds of showers. the heaviest rain continues to be in harris county. houston the largest in the entire country. last 24 hours, some areas as much as inches of rain. that rain is not going anywhere. do expect some flooding. if you live there, you are familiar with this. more is on the way. otherwise, heat building across the east. forecasted high for wednesday.
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a lot of spots climbing up in the 80's. continues to drifted off toward the easts that kind of warm air, 80, 85 degrees. more as you get into friday and saturday. that's going to be feeling more and more like summer here at least eastern half of the country for the back half of the week. steve, those are your weather headlines. toss it back into you. >> steve: thank you, adam. take the better weather. i will not raise my son here. a chicago prosecutor quits his job over the far left policies endanger his family in chicago as he says gunfire and drug dealings surround his 5-year-old. his scathing letter top of the hour. but, first, the godfather of artificial intelligence warns this technology is a more urgent threat to humanity than climate change. a former microsoft and google software engineer on the rising risk that you have got hear about coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪
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>> brian: sports headlines now let's talk about the nba playoffs. denver nuggets one game away from advancing to the western conference final beat phoenix 118-102 with kevin durant on the court. things getting chippy with durant getting called for a toke pushing nicholai jokic the nuggets star shaking off the shove to neat double. >> they lead the best of seven three games to two.
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that could be an upset in the making. let's talk hockey. carolina hurricanes depress ted. commanding three games to one lead best of seven over the devils. five goal outburst in the second. close out the series thursday night in raleigh, north carolina. dallas stars tie up the series kraken by game four 6-3 bin on the road. the series now a best of two of three to decide who heads to the western conference final. and that's all i have to read. steve, talk a.i. >> steve: that was plenty. thank you. the godfather of a.i., artificial intelligence is now warning that the threat of artificial intelligence is more urgent than climate change. dr. jeffrey hinton telling rioters,reuters this may end upg more urgent than climate what you should do for this is not at all clear what you should do. all right. well, here with reaction is technologist and software
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engineer david our balk. good morning to you. >> good morning. do you worry about the same stuff as dr. hinton with a.i. >> we may have slightly different takes on the urgency. when he talks about a.i. generating incredible amounts of deep fakes, false information, and causing massive economic disruption by replacing humans in jobs. those are things we are going things sky destroying humanity further away from that get out ahead of it a.i. in its nature is hard to control. >> steve: i'm glad to hear you say the part where a.i. takes over the planet and kills all of us is farther away because there have been some like elon musk, elon musk has said you know what? a.i. should take a pause for six
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months just so it can figure things out. at this point, one of the things i know you are concerned about is a.i. as it is today, is just kind of hard to control. >> it is. and we see this already. a.i. is already deployed in more subtle forms everywhere. we use it whenever we talk to alexa or serrie. we use it whenever images are identified and tagged with our faces. those are the same kind of a.i. algorithms that are put into chatgpt. already we see that they make mistakes and there is so much data going on that we can't even catch all the mistakes they make. if you keep multiplying that. if you keep accelerating that? what do you do with those all those mistakes? >> steve: sure, one of the concerns or one of the, you know, fables at this point is that a.i. can think for itself. we are not to the point whereby a.i. can think on it own. is that day inevitable?
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>> inevitable? no. no. we could wipe ourselves out with nukes before we get there i think we are pretty far away from it, actually. >> steve: good. >> this is something that even people within the a.i. community disagree on. some people say we are getting quite close. but, you know, people in 1955 said that computers were already thinking. i'm not saying it's not possible. but what i see in this new generation of a.i. is machines, technologies that are much better at convincing people they're human. >> steve: yeah. >> don't actually think at the level of humans. >> steve: sure. >> if you want virtual pets, that you will have. they will be convincing if you want them to be convincing. but, as far as it having will. as far as it actually thinking like a human, i don't see it. >> steve: okay. well, with a peek at the future david auerbach, thank you very much for joining us today. interesting stuff.
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>> thanks for having me. >> steve: at least i'm thinking you are a person. could he be a deep fake? >> maybe. >> steve: no. we haven't figured that out yet. all right. hour two of "fox & friends" starts right now. it's 7:00 in new york city. ♪ ♪ >> it will be chaos tickle for a while. >> title 42 will expire at midnight. >> pretty much on. no troopers. no border patrol. >> does the president then want to go back to the border? >> come midnight, they are going to double the number they let stay in this country. >> republicans are calling it judgment day. >> hunter could face charges and tax evasion and illegal gun ownership. >> the media is going to have to cover this influence peddling scandal. [siren] >> a veteran chicago prosecutor quitting his job, quote: my son, who is only 5, hears gunfire while playing at our neighborhood park, i will not raise my son here. ♪ pack it up and walk away. >> got some bad news they told


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