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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 9, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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maybe there's hope now they actually gets worse. washer dryers and refrigerators are reportedly washe on target next. nothing is safe. cascade won't help you .e prod none of those products areucou going to help you . do i do it by up we never had a dishwasher l growing up. that's life in americaife >> todd: we begin with a fox news alert, the biden white house bracing for potential indictment of the president's son, hunter, who could be charged by the doj any moment now. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. here of a formal update into the biden family tomorrow. urging the dod to wait to indict hunter until they hear what he has to say. >> todd: brooke singman has
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more. >> brooke: the white house banned the media from president biden yesterday. row of empty seats that reporters from the post were not able to acontinued. we are unable to accommodate your credential invests to attend the remarks on may 8th. thank you for understanding. the -- october of 2020 reportod files from hunter's laptop falsely characterized as russian disinformation by the president. miranda devine slamming the white house over the ban. >> it is appalling, we've hit a nerve with the biden administration, but it is not
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their press room, not joe biden's press room. it is the people's press room. for administration that is probably the most untransparent of any in recent memory and the mosts opaque and the president who is the least accessible to do this, should be causing an outrage with the rest of the media. they should boycott that press room. >> brooke: chairman james comer is expected to release major findings in the having of hunter biden foreign business dealings and the year-long investigation into hunter biden, the department of justice could charge the president's son with tax fraud, as well as falsely claiming he had never used drugs when buying a gun in 2018, among other possible charges. president biden insisted his son did nothing wrong, as recently as last week.
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>> there is something personal affecting you. your son could be charged by your doj, how would that impact your presidency? >> president biden: my son has done nothing wrong, i trust him, have faith in him and impacts my p presidency making me feel proud of him. >> brooke: there will be a press occurrence tomorrow morning to update the investigation. >> todd: stephanie rhule said no connection. thank you. buck sexton says hunter's fate has more to do with his father's ability to hold on to power. >> a corrupt system doesn't care how clear the evidence is or how bright line the violation is of law thchl is politics and power and democrats will make sure this system protects those who are important to it.
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the question is can hunter biden be considered above the law based on the need for biden. people are asking a lot of questions about the bidens in general. >> todd: bring in house oversight committee chair james comer. your big day is tomorrow, what you give us a hint what you will tell us? >> we will present the facts about what the biden family has been doing. one thing we learned when we had access to treasury suspicious activity accounts. there are many biden family members in on the pedalling scheme. we will present bank records tomorrow and talk about the different people they were taking money from, their ties to foreign nationals in some of the worst countries on the planet
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and i think the american people will have a lot of questions for joe biden. we'll see if the mainstream media has questions for joe biden. >> ashley: we'll see about that. are you saying if the doj waits to indict hunter until you release this information there are other biden family members or people that may be indicted, as well? >> james: the doj would have a lot of questions for some biden family members as to why they received wire transfers from entities linked to the chinese communist party. these family members do not have any business experience. it didn't apeer the businesses they were laundering money through are legitimate businesses. we have questions for the bidens. from every report with respect to the doj investigation of hunter biden, it is focused on
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the president's son not paying taxes and lying on a gun application, that is a drop in the bucket on what we found on hunter biden. i don't know if the department of justice is aware of all the llc's that we're aware of in different countries and we'll present that tomorrow. you can't have a credible case against the president's son and just indict him for not paying taxes for a couple of years. this is an individual who probably could get indicted for mo money laundering, possible racketeering, not being registered foreign agent and the list goes on and on and on. we hope the department of justice will sit down tomorrow and watch our press conference and read our memo, we are presenting a memo to the american people and media on the website, the american people to
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see the exact transactions, countries and family members involved in the influence pedalling scheme and see names of some people in other countries that have been convicted in other countries of crimes. they were dealing with bad actors in very bad countries. >> todd: understood, this is the reason you asked the doj to hold off on any indictment until you release this information tomorrow. ashley and i were wondering, why is james comer waiting until wednesday. if he is worry body charging today or yesterday, why wait until wednesday to release the results of the investigation? >> james: we were not in session yesterday, today the speaker is meeting with the president on the debt ceiling and i'll have the opportunity to meet with committee members and brief them
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and get them up to date. we got more information in at the end of last week and it takes a long time to go through the bank records. no one else is investigating the biden family. we are going through bank records and have discovered different biden family members and llc's that were hidden and are trying to unravel this web that the biden family created to try to disguise the sender of the payments and deceive the irs on the amount of revenue they were getting. this is taking a long time, but i haven't had subpoena power 100 days and we've uncovered more than any congressional committee uncovered. you are working with the media, but we're on our own, having to fight the mainstream media. what we'll present to the american people will be
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astonishing, but going to present it in form so people can actually see the bank statements and bank wires and get an idea of the dollar amount we're talking about. that is another thing, we've disclosed $1.3 million from china wired into three or four biden family member names. that number is going to be a whole lot higher tomorrow morning. >> ashley: no doubt as soon as you took control, you hit the ground running with the investigation, hats off to the committee for that. tomorrow is also the deadline for the fbi to provide documents to your committee relating to an alleged bribery scandal involving then vice president joe biden. do you think they will comply by that deadline? >> james: i sure hope so. they need to be scratching their head wondering what we know. we want to know what they know.
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this whistleblower is very credible and this is the key to this whole thing. what the whistleblower is alleging is consistent with what we discovered from bank records and bank violations that the biden family is receiving millions and millions of dollars from adversaries around the world and we want to know what exactly these biden family members have done to provide a return on the investment for bad actors around the world. we believe it is policy that joe biden has passed when he was vice president and while he's president now. this is why we're investigating the biden family, we're concerned that this white house is compromised, that this president is compromised and our national security is compromised because of the millions our adversaries have wired the president's family over the past five years. >> todd: here is what the white
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house is saying, spokesperson pushing back on the allegations. republicans in congress have been lobbying politically motivated attacks against the president and his family without evidence, amplified by megaphone of allies in rit-wing media to get attention. it seems like tomorrow you will provide a lot of evidence, congressman. >> james: tomorrow will be a bad day for the white house and interesting to see what joe biden has to say. he lied about the laptop, he lied about his knowledge of his family's shady business dealings and about involvement in his family's shady business dealings. he lies when he says his son has done nothing wrong. it is judgment day for the white house tomorrow. they are used to congressional investigation that never provide
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evidence or have evidence like the steele dossier, which we later learned was false. you can't lie on bank records and one thing the different banks have said, this family was involved in money laundering schemes. these are serious charges and any other american family would have been indicted and probably gone to prison for some things the biden family has done. tomorrow is judgement day and interesting to see what karine jean-pierre and ian sams has to say when presented with evidence. >> todd: and interesting to see if the non-partisan fbi fights your subpoena request and how they fight it. let's leave it here, welcome to comer week in washington, d.c., thanks for getting up early to preview it all. we appreciate it. congressman james comer. authorities have identified all eight people killed in the mass shooting at a texas mall.
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a horrific story. an 11-year-old and an eight- eight-year-old, christian lacour and elio, killed saturday and seven other hurt. the cho's family six-year-old son william survived and is out . the officer sprinted tomorrow high-powered rifle fire as everyone else ran away. he is a brave servant that embodies the best law enforcement has to offer. garcia served in the army and was terminated without completing entry training. >> ashley: less than 48 hours from the end of title 42 and border towns preparing for migrant surge with little help
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from the federal government. >> todd: doug luzader joins us. >> doug: federal officials are bracing for what will happen in title 42 comes to an end. numbers are spiking with fox drone team catching huge lines of immigrants crossing into texas. thousands per day. the chief of border patrol broke down the numbers and they are staggering. 26000 apprehensions, 7000 gotaways, big seizure of drugs ranging from marijuana, to meths, to cocaine and fentanyl. the council says the white house let this happen. they have had quite a while to get a handle on this, especially when it was one or two areas in texas we were dealing with and now spread across the southern border and to the northern
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border and to some coastal areas like miami. it is not going to take long for us to breech the 100,000 mark after may 11. >> the white house blames congress. >> since day one, what we're seeing from officials and republicans in congress, they want to play politics, they want to play politics and not deal with an issue that we -- that has challenged us for decades. this is nothing new, but challenged us for decades and the president is doing everything in his power, but he needs congress to act. >> doug: while the administration claims the border is closed and secure, we've heard again and again, white house efforts to loosen rules put in place during the trump administration led to this surge and immigrantses know the rules will change again on thursday.
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>> there wasn't a crisis until now, i think title 42 is causing a crisis because it is sending the wrong message, letting people think the border is open and everybody can come. because of that, we're starting to see a crisis. it is not something before there wasn't. >> doug: department of homeland security will launch an operation in el paso to target immigrants who pose a risk. border patrol union says by announcing this crackdown in advance, it is a pannedoring pr stunt. back to you. >> todd: they know how this is going down and do not like it. thank you. new york city mayor eric adams facing fierce backlash. rockland county declaring state of emergency to block adams from transporting migrants for 30
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days and not real happy with the mayor. >> how dare you, you have no krel over this county, i can't dm to new york city and bring people and say, i will fill a hotel up in new york city because i want to. utter nonsense. the mayor of new york decided he wanted a sanctuary county and he got it. he wants to dump these poor folks, this is a disaster. sending in e 3240 people now is about as cruel as it can get, there is nothing here for these folks. >> todd: county executives say residents are outraged over the plan and officials are also all against it. >> ashley: president biden will meet house speak kevin mccarthy and other leaders to address the debt ceiling. the treasury secretary warned we could be just a week from
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running -- weeks from running out of cash and defaulting on the national debt. neither side is expected to reach a final agreement. three think tanks in washington calling on biden to drop his stubborn views and cooperate saying, "in 2011, he criticized those taking position my way or no way, that is not governing, no way to governor, mr. president, you made the statements and we agree with them." >> todd: lsu women's basketball team will visit the white house despite the first lady controversial invite to the second place team. joe biden said this, we hope lsu will come, i think i will tell joe, i think iowa should come, too, because they played such a good game. statement lsu star angel reese was not happy about. she said, i know my teammates
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and coaches want to go, i will do what is best for the team and we've decided we're going to go. there you have it. running for reelection and part of the platform is tax hike, not controversial there, except it only applies to one group of people. >> you could be collecting extra taxes from white-led businesses all over the city and redistributed them to black and brown owned businesses. >> todd: tax hike on white businesses to pay for reparations, taking a closer look. >> ashley: and clay travis conducting a free beer experiment fo see what bud light is doing, we'll tell you what he found out, here it here on "fox and friends first."
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>> ashley: t-mobile is latest to abandon downtown san francisco over crime. the cell phone carrier moving out of its flagship location, a
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building that sold for 50 million in 2013. whole foods, gap, walgreens have left or planning to close this year. >> todd: where do you go when you need to go shopping? denver councilwoman wants to tax white owned businesses as part of reporation program to support minorities. >> capitalism was built on stolen land, labor and resources. you could be collecting extra taxes from white-led businesses and redistributing them to black and brown-owned businesses. >> todd: a denver radio host joins me. putting aside the unconstitutionality of this, day one law school, you can't discriminate basised upon race. what do people in denver think about her idea? >> she represents a particular
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district that is very left-leaning district and none of this is new about her, which is interesting. before she was elected the first time, she said similar stuff with less racism involved, but this woman is a true committed communist and i don't mean that as hyperbole, i don't mean she is liberal, she is an actual communist. she has a credible challenger, there is a good chance she might lose. >> todd: based on the assumption white-owned businesses are doing well. not every business is doing well and you have to assume not all white businesses are doing well by analogy. struggling white business owner would pay this fee regardless and could go out of business, right? >> that is true and i talked on my show yesterday and i have a lot of white business owners in denver saying things i can't say
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on tv or radio, but saying i'm a white business owner and i can't afford more of this. and it is funny, she is saying she has been taken out of context and she hasn't been at all. >> todd: when you look at her previous proposal, you can see it is not taken out of context. she wants to replace the police department with a peace force and she fought against aur ban camping ban, bans blocking homeless camps. she representing a specific part of the city, but if her version of denver was adopted throughout the entire city of denver, what would happen to that once great city? >> there would be no denver left. she was talking yesterday, if we
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don't do enough, we'll lose the black and brown residents of the city. if we do what she wants, then we'll lose the white residents. racism is a no-win thing, that is the lane she's taking. i've never seen a candidate for city council whose opponent is getting endorsement of current mechanics. people are endorsing her challenger and i've never seen it. >> todd: will the woman known as the aoc of done verissue not my words, will she win this run-off or will the ultimate public pressure be too much to overcome? >> if you make me bet on it, i bet she loses. i wouldn't bet a lot. the first round was very close.
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so if you make me put a few bucks on it, i'll bet she loses to darrell watson. >> todd: we'll see, this is a wild race. we all thought aoc had no shot and we saw how that turned out. in new york city, protest over jordan neely choke-hold death turned chaotic and violent with the nypd finding a molotov cocktail. >> ashley: florida standing up to china, and ronna mcdaniel ban banning china from buying land in the upstate. we have the bizarre backlash next.
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>> todd: protest turns violent in new york city over the death of jordan neely. authorities arrest nearly a dozen demonstrators. >> ashley: police discovering a
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molotov cocktail. jackie ibanez joins us live. >> jack: good morning, here is a look at that molotov cocktail recovered by the police department and stressed bringing dangerous weapons like this will not be tolerated. no one has been arrested for the molotov cocktail yet. this is outside the subway station where jordan neely was killed a week ago. 11 demonstrators face charges of disorderly conduct and blocking government administration by using amplified microphone without a permit. two suspected of jumping on subway tracks at saturday's protest were arrested after being recognized by police. mayor eric adams implying those at fault in the protest are from new york city, telling reporters, agitators from outside the city with molotov
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cocktails, we should be concerned about that and adams revealed he's reached out to the jordan neely family. family speakers spoke out against the veteran. it is clear he is the one who acted with indifference at the time he killed jordan and now in his first public admission. the lar for the maen radio veteran maintains he never intended to harm jordan neely. >> todd: shocking footage from jacksonville, florida shows the moment a sheriff's deputy was shot in the throat. the have we are about to show is very graphic. [shots fired] >> shot. i've been shot.
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i've been shot. i've been shot in the throat. >> todd: that deputy in the hospital in critical, but stable condition. he and his team responding to suspicious driver outside a hospital. the suspect was killed on the scene and investigators found an ak-47 with loaded mag zoons in the suspect's car. >> ashley: florida governor ron desantis celebrating the bill as national security victory. >> the legislation sb-264 will prohibit the purchase of farmland in florida by the ccp and other foreign countries of concern because we believe protecting our food supply is a security issue and we want to make sure that our agriculture land is not compromised by ccp influence. >> ashley: catherine walden,
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florida state representative, cosponsor the bill and join me now. thank you for getting up with us now. tell us how this bill protecting americans and those who immigrated here. this bill does not discriminate, people testified that said it does. what is your message to them? >> thank you for having me, ashley. this bill certainly does not discriminate against any resident or citizen who is here and we have made this clear in the text of the bill, first and foremost. this protects floridians, we can see in new york there were two who were arrested and charged for conspiring to act as agents of the ccp and spying and harassing chinese residents over here lawfully for speaking out against anything that would undermine the ccp. this bill is protecting
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residents in florida. >> ashley: a part of this bill bans is thes of russia, iran, syria, and venezuela from owning land within 10 miles of a military base and airports and power plants, are these just preventative measures are are there concern confirmed instances of people buying up land close to the sites? >> what this bill does is more proactive approach to get in front of things. we see things happening in other states like my colleague mentioned in new york. this is sort of us getting ahead of that and staying ahead of that so we're not trying to play catch up. sorry, go ahead. i want to ub is stantiate what representative borrero said,
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this is to protect our citizens and protecting personal information and electronic health records of the citizens. it is pretty comprehensive piece of l legislation. >> ashley: is it consequence that texas is considering this, as well. they are in crisis mode from open border policies and we've seen what's happened there and heard governor desantis talk about people who are kayaking in the florida keys and seeing that happen there. is it a coincidence to you? >> we are a nation where in many places we don't know who is coming over here, don't know who is were approximating land, we are not vetting these things and
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make us vulnerable to foreign countries of concern. the fact that texas and florida are advancie legislation and protecting from these sorts of influences, it speaks to the fact people are waking up and beginning to do something about it and florida is taking a lead on the issues. >> ashley: the fact it is bipartisan is huge, we interviewed oklahoma bureau of narcotics on thursday and what he said was startling, it is mexican cartel, and he said the chinese mafia as they refer to it, was buying up the land in groups and getting licensed and purchasing land and doing illegal operation on open fields, places like florida, oklahoma, texas, a lot of land they can buy up. it is dangerous and necessary in
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situations like this. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you for having us. >> todd: president biden, mispronouncing the name of asian producer for the second time in two months, listen. >> earlier this year, i honored a group of trailblazing artives, including groundbreaking asian artists like vera wang and joan shegang -- excuse me, shanga cawawa, she can call me joe bidden. >> todd: that is in -- i got a pronouncer on the name, it is not an easy name.
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maybe he could practice the names and not botch them over 25-second sound byte like you just saw. school issues and parent rights top issues and voters are zeroing in on school board election. two candidates vowing to eliminate wokeness in the classroom. >> ashley: bill maher facing off on -- >> he is different than joe biden, come on, doc. >> ashley: we'll show you the rest right after this.
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>> ashley: things got heated between dr. phil and bill maher, over the weekend after the doctor refused to say president trump is worse than biden on maher's pod cast. listen. >> one is much more of a threat to the republic and that would be the 45th, would you not agree?
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>> well -- >> come on, threat to the republic, joe biden? trump, you got to be on the page he's worse than joe biden and different than joe biden. come on, doc. >> i'm particularly concerned about this woke agenda being pushed right now. >> agreed. >> i'm concerned about what is happening in american colleges right now. >> ashley: this comes as dr. phil's talk show is set to end later this year. >> todd: speaks of issues in wokeness, debate in education is a key issue heading into the presidential election and beyond. book bans, transgender policy and amount of say in education. school board at large davis and candidate trout join me now. thank you for being here. we popped up the full screen with the numbers, book banning came in as number one issue that parents are concerned about. followed by too much focus on
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race, transgender policy, parents not enough say. what we have on the screen is dual-full screen, i'm talking overall number. 56% want book bans, how is that issue playing in your race? >> so when i'm out at community events, farmers markets, festivals, that is number one thing people ask about and the language and using the word banning doesn't really capture what people are concerned about, age appropriate and developmentally appropriate materials. >> todd: what is your response when a potential constituent comes up and says, i hear republicans want to ban books, what is your response? >> it is not a republican issue only issue the color of my campaign is purple, party is the parent and you don't have to be a certain political party or
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persuasion to be concerned about things happening. i carry examples of books in a backpack issue not something i started out with, i have examples and even the most -- once you see the images, you can't unsee them. >> todd: sure. a lot of meat to discuss with your potential constituents. what are they telling you? >> the same thing here, parents really are not aware of materials being brought into the schools. i've been outspoken about them. once you show them what we're talking about, it is not hulk -- we are not asking for books to not be published, not asking to
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get rid of them off the faith of the earth, we're trying to discern what is appropriate in public schools and given to children. >> todd: poll reveals republicans fighting wokeness in schools is more important to voters than social security cuts. 55 to 27%. what message does that sunday to republican candidates, not just in your race, throughout the country, who are running and trying to win votes? >> the education matters. people want schools to focus on educating our students. we may not agree on everything politically, but one thing we can agree on, we all want successful, intelligent, young adults coming out of our schools and our schools are not turning those out. only one in three proficient in
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english and only one in four in math. >> todd: this is beyond party, this involves kids. i live in a democratic state and they are scared what is happening in schools. interesting to see if the purple party can get voters, they put kids above party and all else. keep us posted, we appreciate your time. >> ashley: outkick founder clay travis held a beer poll and it wasn't good for bud light. he left beer in the cooler for people to take, there was a lot left inside. travis said no one would take the bud light all night long. big issue is many do not want to be seen with the product, they pick another brand. bud light sales are down after
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the controversial promotion with dylan mulvaney. >> todd: n.b.a. wrap, knicks lose, people are not happy, jimmy butler leading the way. miami leads as both head to the big apple for game five tomorrow night and los angeles lakers taking down the dubs, golden state warriors despite steph curry, lone walker is the x-factor scoring 15 in the fourth. >> lone walker guarded by curry. walker a pull-up and hits another one. it is the walker game. >> todd: lakers, the play-in team have a chance to eshg eliminate the warriors in game five tomorrow night. as lakers fan issue i did not see this coming. less than 48 hours from the end of title 42 and border towns are
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preparing for a potentially historic migrant surge. texas looking like a war zone, we will bring you stunning images next. >> james: i don't know if the doj is aware of the different llcs and different countries we're aware of and we will present the facts tomorrow. >> ashley: hunter biden could be indicted any day now, james comer says the justice department is ignoring hunter's more serious crimes, we have preview of comer's announcement about the biden family's investigation. don't go anywhere.
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>> todd: fox news alert. shocking video shows endless stream of migrants with title 42 set to expire less than 48 hours. texas governor greg abbott wiring shut part of the border and not stopping there. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier. fellow democrats are criticizing the white house for ignoring their concerns. >> we cannot imagine this influx alone, without more robust action from the government, the current situation will only get worse. i've sent letters to president


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