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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 8, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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and then i realize this applies to me too would have been thousand years ago. >> it's been a tremendous success you can check it out at the thank you. thank you for watching fox news tonight have a great evening the great sean hannity takes it over from here. >> hannity: i watched all three season angel is at where i think you can download the third season. you're right it's an amazing series i highly recommend it everybody. great job kelly good to see you. speak to his approval rating is already at an 80 year record low he is losing to both donald trump and desantis in a head-to-head matchup. most americans don't even think that joe biden is mentally fit to serve most democrats they want else to be president and out joe biden's primary
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challenger robert kennedy jr. is already pulling and 19 and 20% and 2 separate polls in just a moment by the way he would join us live right here on this program we will ask him about joe biden why he won't debate him we will also ask him about this take a look. >> do you believe that they murdered or involved in the murder of your uncle? what if you come to personally? >> yes, they were deftly involved in the murder. >> robert kennedy jr. will be ahead joe biden's bad week is not because of bad polling or a strong chance of rk jr. it also has doesn't have anything to do with the insanity at the southern border, now said to expire this thursday the situation as we all know is completely out of control. we have waves of illegal immigrants now lined up as far as the eye can see. just waiting to cross over the weekend border patrol they process a whopping 26,000
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apprehensions documented 7,400 got a ways arrested a wanted felon, three sex offenders and a gang member and also confiscated hundreds of pounds of drugs including meth, cocaine, fentanyl, and heroin. joe biden, he says the border is secure he does not care at all about any of that? could care less about the border and said this week he is more worried about his wonderful son hunter who might soon be headed to prison joe is now beside himself he can't believe it in fact the big guy he told that hunter has done absolutely, positively nothing wrong he never had a conversation with hunter ever about his foreign business dealing so how would he know customer take a look. >> my son is done nothing wrong. i trust him to my faith in him. and impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him. >> this is where it gets very interesting federal officials
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now reportedly even the mainstream media mob reporting they are now near an indictment on felony tax evasion charges and a felony gun crime the house oversight committee chairman james is pleading with the doj to wait according joe biden's doj is scraping the surface take a look at this. >> my message to the department of justice is very loud and clear. do not indict hunter biden before wednesday when you had the opportunity to see the evidence that the house oversight committee would produce with respect to the web of llcs with respect to the number of adversarial countries that this family influence. this is not just about the president's son. at this about the entire joe biden family including the president of the united states. so we believe that there is a whole lot of accounts that the
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irs and the doj don't know about because we don't believe that they have done a whole lot of digging in this and we have. >> hannity: he will be with us on wednesday with all the details from that major announcement, but so far it appears that the investigation is focused on allegations against the president himself and get this. according to a new report from john solomon we are now learning that he respected former attorney approached the doj in 2018 on behalf of a foreign witness who claim to have evidence that joe biden exercised influence to protect his son's employer in ukraine in return for money to his family. the allegation states that secretary of state exercise influence to protect holdings in exchange for payments to hunter biden his business partner kevin archer and joe biden. that's true it might expand my hunter and his business partner
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or receiving huge monthly payments in exchange for sitting on the board about ukrainian oil and gas giant without any experience in ukraine, energy, oil, gas you name it. might also expand why joe is vice president he pushed so hard he leveraged 1 billion u.s. tax dollars to get ukrainian prosecutor fired in six hours prosecutor was investigating and his son for corruption. by the way son of a be they fire the guy. he was subpoenaed in fbi and doj document detailing a possible criminal bribery scheme involving then vice president joe biden after it was brought to the attention by whistle-blower. make the mistake these are very, very serious allegations against the big guy himself would justice ever be served? we have reached out to the white house for comment they don't seem to like us we never hear back from them. we are very nice people too.
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here were the very latest editor in chief investigator reporter john solomon are john what you expect on wednesday? and what can we report about last week's whistle-blower that says certain acts were taken in exchange for money according to this document that they believe that the doj and the fbi have? >> it would start with what they're gonna do a 9:00 on wednesday morning he is going to release a report that the influence peddling and farm business dealings of the joe biden family or for more extensive from any more countries many more millions many more llcs many more members are involved close to a dozen now so we will see a large map of every word that the joe biden family name as we intruded on overseas many of them adversarial countries and then we will take a look at those and see what areas did joe biden have policy responsibilities what actions did he take? he took actions that sometimes
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are favorable to the business interest of the joe biden family and i think that is a pattern he wants to lay out early before we get this information from all of these whistle-blowers now that whistle-blowers who about the fbi whistle-blower that allegation at the fyi whistle-blower has brought any attention that there was a confidential human source it comes in in 2020 june 2020 some of the fbi trusted as a source provides detailed information that joe biden is involved to be paid to play bribery scheme involving ukraine that allegation very closely matches the story of us were in two years earlier former u.s. attorney for the justice department's own guys who used to be top prosecutor in little rock he goes to the justice department's is listen i've ukraine prosecutor whom come to united states and provide you not only evidence and knowledge of what he knows to john dill witnesses it is joe biden who was involved in a play to play bribery scheme through different approaches intruded from years apart of the same general thing in both cases
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congress believes they never looked into it they didn't investigate it so we don't know if they are true that is the pattern that deeply troubles people like senator punishment jordan is seen numerous overtures to authorities and never gets investigated joe biden as a political protection racket cost of the stopping allegations from being looked at. >> telling the doj again part of the executive branch of joe biden don't indict hunter until after wednesday any indication of when this is gonna go? it seems like it's can be about you suspicious for activity reports and the llcs which they found many and where the money went to i'm assuming has to be about that right? >> i think about it for three years told us something look at here there's nothing you absolutely show why there some to look at serious things to look up at the final ultimate question is what to joe biden what did you do christmas did he
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benefit from anything you did? i think that information relies on the whistle-blowers coming forward including 1-2 of the former business partners of hunter biden. trent would not fight to people who are very important kevin archer business partner who play between joe biden and hunter biden he is a guy who arranges the deal for hunter he is many would joe biden he is in some of the famous photo so we now know about and eric a guy who helped joe biden protect his taxes in the ceiling with hunter biden hunter biden he did not pay their taxes a lot of that charisma ukraine money those two former business associates cooperated providing evidence to bring the investigation far closer to joe biden himself. >> we know he lied when he said he never spoke to his former business dealings what they do know and when did you know it? data profit from a question like those of the main questions. john solomon thank you sir.
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"the new york post" tried to report the truth about the hunter biden joe biden the laptop from it was censored by the rest the media by the help of the fbi warning them this may be misinformation but today with possible charges now looming against hunter the post was barred from the only event. this comes as a "new york post" columnist best selling author is reporting that the x business partner kevin archer was been conviction of fraud is not making one last ditch effort to avoid prison. according to devon or miranda devine that fronts with knowledge of hunter's thinking are telling archer to accept that the bidens have thrown them under the bus in a last-minute presidential pardon has been ruled out she continues that they've urged him to save himself by using the only currency that he has left and that is his knowledge of the joe biden family and influence peddling scheme from which they had a front row seat for four
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years during joe biden's vice presidency alpha reference this is devon archer golfing with hunter and joe in that emerged after joe biden's' were over, and over again during the 2020 campaign he never spoke to a son about former business dealings. in reality joe met in person at least 14 of hunter biden's form business associates. now with more from a near post fox news contributor miranda devine i'm sure your feelings are really hurt about being kept out of the pressure today. >> i just think it's appalling we have odyssey hit a nerve with the joe biden administration it's not there pressroom is not joe biden's pressroom is the people's pressroom administration that is probably the most untransparent of any in recent memory and most opaque
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and the president who's the least accessible to do this. it shouldn't be causing an outrage with the rest the media you should boycott that pressroom and i think that they're just quite happy to be sick of it he saw that the white house correspondents' dinner. it's embarrassing the width of your journalists in washington who just suck up to this president they never ask him hard questions friday night you would stephanie on msnbc. the interview would joe biden again. this is what we see over and over i don't know what is wrong with them. they're supposed be doing the job and they don't journalists who do their jobs like a very good respondent stephen nelson good she is appallingly vague thrown and get excluded unable to ask questions and frankly the joe biden administration wants to destroy fox news wants to
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destroy "the new york post" is the way they go and it's because we are the only mainstream media organizations are really speaking truth to power. >> almost 35 years in media and i'm very proud of my record i've never been to a single white house correspondents center and that record will never, it only get larger because i'm never going. aren't let's talk about it. >> i've been to a couple, i've been to a couple. >> hannity: you have my sympathy they don't like me and i don't like them let's be honest about it. it's fairly straightforward. let's talk about devon archer's back is now against the wall is yet one more shot as i understand it in terms of making an appeal the only out for him will be to cooperate that's if they even allowed to happen i'm suspicious of that only because the justice department and justice in america have a dual system some not even sure if that deal would be available to
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them give any indication he might flip? >> look come all i know is that on tuesday he has his last ditch effort in these arguments for its appeal it's the same judge, judge sullivan was part of this panel who reversed his previous exoneration by judge abrams it really is a long shot that he would give him any relief here. i believe i'm told that he is feeling despondent and really feels betrayed by the joe biden's. i think it some hope up until now that he would get a pardon because after all he really is taken the brunt of the punishment for a business that hunter was involved in as well. hunter and devon were joined at the hip. throughout jo's vice presidency presidency and the charisma and
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so on. i think the devon things it's quite unfair that he is the one going to jail having to pay $42 million in restitution hunter biden as usual gets off scot-free. so he felt that he had been loyal and that the bidens should be little in return. let's see what happens i think he does have information that certainly would be as john solomon says it be material to any attempt to investigate joe biden for his role in this peddling scheme because he is seen it all is seen joe biden meet the business partners for overseas seen joe biden talk to him on the phone could do a lot and seen it from the start through the original china de deals. >> hannity: great reporting as always. here now with reaction author of the soon to be release trial of
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the century fox news legal analysts, narrowness with with us greg will start with you on the legal side of this very specifically about how to interpret jim's remarks don't indict hunter he is telling the doj until you hear from you on wednesday and what we have discovered in the oversight committee. >> they're claiming that he is the goods including joe biden i hope come wednesday we'll find out that he oversold it. of that he brings with him flowcharts, visual aids because that's the only way anybody is going to understand vast intricate influence peddling schemes of web deceit. i think the key to it may in the end be devon archer who could bury the joe biden's as miranda was saying including the president's hunter's powell he had intimate knowledge of all of the bite peddling schemes was
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present for meetings where joe biden was meeting with foreign policy pollsters. he knows when the tens of millions came from and where and how it was distributed i do think house investigators might be missing a golden opportunity here. the bidens have a banded archer and the house should subpoena him as a witness to open pandora's box and if anybody can expose the rampant corruption it's archer there are others rob walker of course what about belinsky is willing to see a lot altogether hunter's visited joe biden in the white house when he was vp where than 80 times and shawn they were just talking about the weather. speedy last week you reporting that they had a credible witness on-site whistle-blower that will show direct actions taken in exchange for money when joe biden was vice president now if that is a credible witness
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james comer came that be called bribery. that happen that means that he would be impeached whether he is convicted or not that's a different story so when you have these two issues converging witnesses week look like for the bidens in your interview? >> if the media wasn't running cover for the bite and will be having this information years ago i think we have a present joe biden single white house right now but unfortunately journalists turn activists as i call them have not been doing the legwork if not by doing the work of estimates present questions we played the clip from msnbc when he sits down for the supple interviews everybody is that joe biden is on the cognitive decline's of to real journalists that was killing him i mean really hammering him on this thing i think that he would sing like a canary because i think you have the mental acuity not too obvious question over and over that's why he ran a basement campaign that's why is gearing up to run another basement campaign because he
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knows the intelligence agencies at large are all running cover for him so we can sit back what really bothers me because immediate is already shaven it's up to be about hunter. there's no ties to you. quickly made sure that they put joe in the clear already even though we have this evidence for the whistle-blower the falsity be subpoenaed to an actual legwork on this. hopefully we'll see that someone state if the media already prepping to make this once again just about hunter biden, just about the crackhead and not about the big guy in the big guy is the one that likely was selling out our national security we deserve to know. >> hannity: that's what will hopefully find out in the days and weeks ahead. great analysis thank you when we come back robert kennedy jr. he will join us for the very first time to discuss his primary run he's got 20 points in the polls also programming note this week
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♪ ♪ speed to an unexpected from inside his own party recent fox news poll shows nearly 30% of democratic primary voters are abandoning joe biden for his opponents robert kennedy jr. and marianne williamson pulling a whopping 20% was rfk jr. made headlines with the comments about the cia's alleged involvement in the assassination of his uncle before
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president john f. kennedy take a look. >> do you believe that they murdered or involved in the murder of your uncle? what if you come through personally? >> yes, they were deftly involved in the murder and the six your cover-up there still not releasing the papers that legally they have to release. i don't think that there's any doubt if you look at this huge chino mountain monumental fountain some people have confessed their involvement. >> hannity: great to have you baxter how are you? >> it's good to be back. >> hannity: use of the evidence is overwhelming and beyond any reasonable doubt the cia was involved in the killing of your uncle u.s. president was the evidence? >> while there are millions of
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pages of documents of seagate documents and transcripts and recorded conversations. from the cuban embassy in mexico city just to summarize the evidence as i said in that podcast. there are confessions of people who were directly involved in the plot or involved in the planning of the plot for peripheral to the plot there was a six your cover-up. the warren commission was run by was ahead of the cia my uncle fired. and then insinuated himself onto the commission actually ran the warren commission and cap this evidence from the four commissioners by the way when congress ten years later investigated the crime with much more evidence than the commission had at the disposal
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it found that yeah it was a plot, it was a conspiracy there multiple people involved in most the people in that investigation believe that it was the cia those behind it. because the evidence was so overwhelming to them. >> the magic bullet never made any sense to me at say that. >> none of it even when i was a little boy shot i was in the white house my uncle was at rest in the east room being waked i was standing at the main floor the white house with my aunt jackie and my father and my mother. and president johnson came in and told us that lee harvey oswald had been killed. the jack ruby. i said to my mom at that point i turned to her and i said why did
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he kill deal of our family? well that is a lingering question which i could be doing their chris rock when he investigated jack ruby he founded the jack ruby been deeply involved with carlos marcello's mob and all the people all those mob leaders who are ahead of casino owners been recruited by the cia in the castro murder they were all working together and coach the ca by the way today that my uncle was killed also picked up at for a friend school and brought home the first phone call that my father made of the jager hoover told me that his brother been shot. was at the desk officer in langley is only a mile from our house. my father said to him did you people do this?
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the next call was to harry ruiz who is the cuban bay of pigs leader would remain very, very close to my family and my father. he asked him the same question. then my father called it was ahead of ca. and asked him to come to the house he came over when i came home from my friend school my father was walking in the yard my father was posing the same question was are people who do this to my brother? it was my father's first the agency. >> hannity: we could spend a whole show on it let's go to your campaign you are now pulling a very respectable 19%, 20% in another. the polling against joe biden is horrible 60% things that is too old and 60% think that is not mentally fit. do you agree with me that i do
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not believe that joe biden is cognitively strong enough to be president? >> i don't have enough information about that because i am not seeing joe biden. >> hannity: do you think he has a together? , be honest. does he seem like he has a together? >> you know, you know i have questions. i believed other people i think joe biden the reason i'm running is because i don't like what joe biden is doing with this country. i don't like the war in ukraine that we should've settled out a long time ago. we are sending a hundred and $13 billion over there the entire budget is 12 billion budget of cvc is 12 billion to 57% of americans who cannot put their hand on a thousand dollars if they had an emergency.
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we have a quarter of americans are going to bed hungry. food stamps last month when we announced we topped off these huge payments ukraine. and at the same time 300 billion silicon valley bank. we had food stamps by 90% to 30 million americans. we cut medicaid to 15 million. there is an imbalance in this country there's this idea that we should be the policeman of the world and by the way, what we are doing in ukraine is not good for the ukrainian people, we've killed 300,000 ukrainian troops, 14,000 civilians. geopolitical imagination. in our own to try to get rid of vladimir putin and try to exhaust the russian army we are sacrificing the ukrainian people in the vanity.
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>> hannity: europe is not stepped up i think they should and is putting on handcuffs before we ever send a penny. there are couple of issues you and i would found agreement. we should've close the borders you said that. one position you've taken has resonated with conservatives that has to do with covid vaccines you take the issue a little bit further in terms of vaccinations in general i'm not a scientist i'm not gonna debate you on the medical merits of it but i know on covid vaccines they told the american people that if they got that vaccine it would never get covid and they would never transmit covid. that turned out to be false. >> sean, they knew it was false at the time, they said it because in may of 2 2025 to post on its grandma at the time they remove me in may of 2020 the
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announce the monkey studies where they'd given the vaccines to the macaca monkeys and in the expose him to cope it and there was equal amount of covid in the nasopharynx is of the vaccinated in the unvaccinated monkeys. their own animal studies. they're showing that this vaccine no possible barrier against transmission. during the pfizer studies they never studied whether or not if it was going to block transmission because he only knew from the animal studies it would not but they went ahead until the american people some and they knew it was not true. if you get the vaccine you won't get covid, you will not spread cope with other people. that simply was deceitful. >> hannity: the positions that we agree on i agree with you about the covid vaccine in particular i'm not sure if you agree another once we should've close the borders, very outspoken against the covid
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vaccine which had emergency authorization you don't believe that biological men should be playing women sports, one last question you might recall you are on an addition of hannity you admitted, you are a big environmentalists we were getting on a private jet. have you given up all use of private jets because your environmental? [laughter] >> are you really going after this? >> hannity: have you given up the use of private jets? >> sean, i don't fly on private jets and a regularly fly private jets. i'm never objected to people flying on them. >> hannity: i think this climate alarmist up as a bunch of i don't care if you do or not but if you're claiming to be a big environmentalists should not be flying in a private jet ri
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right? >> i'm not that kind of environmentalists. i believe listen i've been fighting against pollution on the rivers and water against all pollution, against carbon pollution because of the toxicity. i never told people they shouldn't fly on jets. >> listen we love to have you back for a longer discussion i think your 20% in the polls is very respectable i think joe is more vulnerable than people think and i think he should debate you out of fairness. if you want to bet you we will give you our time as often as you want to write? >> thank you. >> hannity: straight ahead joe biden's basement campaign is off to a disastrous start as the poll numbers hit an all new low the great one mark live in when we come back he has fired up straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> hannity: joe biden's basement campaign is off to a disastrous start according to a new abc poll 60% of americans say that joe will turn 82 after election day is tooled for another term. meanwhile his approval rating and another new low at just 36% that is lowest first-term number in the history of approval poll's and it gets worse. because according to the same polls, 63% of americans do not believe that he has the mental fitness required to serve as a president but the bad news for joe as it doesn't stop there according to the ap is no hemorrhaging support among one of his key demographics that helped elect emma going to a new survey just 41% of african american adults even
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want joe biden to run again. these numbers are so bad that even the media mob is raising the alarm bells. take a look. >> this is brutal i can only imagine what it's like inside the white house now looking at the numbers in our poll. >> hannity: radio host and host of life liberty, the top-rated sean that the weekend here at fox. the great one mark. i think it's gonna get challenged and i think the challenge is to be beyond robert f. kennedy jr. i would not be shocked if gavin newsom jumps in. thoughts? >> will my first thought is i don't plan private jets but it's only one of my goals in life to do that. let me tell you something sean, his poll numbers should be zero i want to get something off my chest. this guy has a granddaughter, his own flesh and blood we pretends he doesn't have.
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this guy is no class, he's got no character he never did. he will kiss other babies he'll make like he cares about other kids he will attack republicans front supporting this program or that program. single woman on and on and on. it's on to say something biden own check on her to act like a father and grandfather? once you tell that son of yours to take care of his daughter? it as a matter how we came to the world that's your flesh and blood. somebody asked your wife how many grandkids you have and she says six? that's a sin. this little 4-year-old girl he is and know any of that except for the grandfather's famous and ignores her. would he she feels? you've all kinds of events at that white house joe an easter easter egg rolls christmas very, very big with all these events and all be strangers.
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on 4-year-old little granddaughter. the mother wouldn't have an abortion euclid to be about single women and women. and you attack republicans relentlessly don't care about women you don't even care about that single woman. you don't even care about the mother of a grandchild. you've no class enunciate your son look you take care that little girl if you can afford it i'm a millionaire you are. i'll give you some money to do it you step up and you do the right thing not you imagine what that 4-year-old little girl feels like. this guy should be getting a zero in the polls. as well as his mental capacity we ought to be talking about his character. he has no character. he has no soul, he does not give a darn about his own family. do you think he gives a doughnut bout strangers? would ask the audience he think
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he cares about you and your kids? would you turn your back on little girl like that? it doesn't matter how she came to be. she is an his son had a role in it. he's proud of his son. it's one thing to defend your son, it's another thing to be proud of this kid who was a drug addict, who came for and purchased a gun and lied to his form. didn't play his taxes. who got a woman pregnant and then walks away from the baby? you are proud of that? honestly sir you are sick and the fact that you don't step up and take care of business of your own family tells me plenty. so as far as the polls go at 36% i could tell you in my family it's a big zero. i think you will need to have the complete lack of character of this man there's a reason why they don't discuss this on cnn and msnbc. there reason that they don't
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write about it and opinion columns in "the new york times" and "the washington post." there is a reason they don't discuss this on cbs nbc and abc. because it's putrid it's revolting. as a shuffle around from place to place. pretends that he cares about other people. is doing a bad imitation of franklin roosevelt. the fact of the matter is this a bad family. whether it comes to their financial corruption, consider treatment of women are comes to even treatment of a little baby like this. as far as i'm concerned is a bad dude he has no class he's got no character. one of the thing i want to say. i want to see some into the reporters and the hosts in the opinion people on the other networks and in newspapers. i want to see some into their bosses. and i'm speaking for myself or my heart.
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when you release all your emails and all your text messages and all your documents. voluntarily i assume otherwise screw off. i'm done. >> hannity: may be your best yet it's a great one. thank you sir. when we come back riley gaines continues her fight to save women sports, she is now calling on all female athletes to boycott if competing against transgender women riley is with us next straight ahead. ♪ ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa.
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♪ ♪ >> hannity: now taken a bold stance against biological men that competed women sports one
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female cyclists and former olympian three-time olympian is now calling on her fellow competitors to boycott races featuring trans women saying that they should take any at the starting line rather than compete and former ncaa summer riley gaines is also calling on female athletes a sub to compete against transgender women. future women sports is at stake she joins us now you know riley all the years i've been doing this i've resisted any call or firing, cancellation, boycotts, however in this particular case and especially you've it firsthand i don't know what else would work obviously unfair competitive advantage a biological male to be competing in women sports because identifies woman so i don't know any other option in this case. tim and what thinking.
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>> i don't know another option either i been dedicated traveling to state-by-state getting in front of state legislature same thing at the federal level i want to echo what mark levin said don't care about women we are seeing that with the push that they are proposing for title ix when he was house representative voted on this and every single democrat voted in opposition of protecting women and girls in sports that's when i knew a boycott is what's gonna have to be effective to make change we have seen in the past boycotts are such they are effective it's what's going to work and it's unfortunate of course to ask girls to do this but we have to start making sacrifices of they want to protect the integrity of women sports. >> hannity: my daughter as an athlete that you are at the idea that biological men become transgender they be competing in her sport it be virtually impossible for any girl to compete on that level as caitlyn
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jenner said is not the testosterone level in college on the pros, what was at puberty? that's when it really matters and anything prior to that as far as i'm concerned a child will be way too young to make such a life changing decision. do you agree with that? >> that's we are seeing which the international governing body for assuming which is equal and for and field. they released new guidelines that say if you have gone through mail puberty you cannot compete with the women but caveat there is if you've taken home or in suppressors before the age of 12 i think is a standard level then you're allowed to complete with women. it's almost encouraging someone to transition by that age is abysmal that's criminal. >> hannity: no one is mature enough to make the decision. the idea that you have kids in school the entire gender identity classes without parental consent that's a whole
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separate issue to me or having story our with this person or that person about reading and writing with computers when you talk to other athletes are the all supporting you? female athletes. >> absolutely they are. absolutely i private conversations all the time with ncaa athletes very renowned world-class athletes that when we have conversations about this both male and female, they all unanimously agree with me athletic directors, coaches, parents i get messages all the time for people who feel the exact same way i do. they are confident enough or scared. >> hannity: aren't they afraid of what avenue when you try to give a speech in san francisco? >> absolutely that social pressure of some of that have
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someone like myself whether it's being on social media being in san francisco that terrifies these people and understandably so. they don't put themselves in position there probably ostracized over they are jeopardizing their chances to get grad school there job at they are the breadwinner their family. they are not willing to do so but that's exactly how we have gotten here and that's way think it's time that we do make sacrifices and that it's time that both for female and male athletes honestly need to start boycotting and needed to take any not swim not start that sorting blocker when the gun goes off. >> hannity: don't go ten seconds left would you support another category male athletes, female athletes? transgender athletes? >> i don't know if it's overly feasible i think an ideal world this is some everyone can compete there be equal opportunity and all the things an ideal world yes. >> hannity: you've been very
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courageous we appreciate you back on the show thank you. more hannity just ahead. ♪ ♪ sometimes you're so busy taking care of everyone else you don't do enough for yourself, or your mouth. but eventually, it will remind you. when it does, aspen dental is here for you. we offer the custom dental treatments you need, all under one roof, right nearby. so we can bring more life to your smile... and more smile to your life... affordably. new patients without insurance can get a free complete exam and x-rays, and 20 percent off treatment plans. schedule your appointment today.
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>> sean: programming note, we have audience shows wednesday and thursday night this week. if you want to be a part of it go to, for information. the tickets are free. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode. in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. there she is laura ingraham. how are you? >> laura: is there an e-mail address i have to e-mail to get my free ticket? how do i do that? >> sean: all you have to do is walk in the studio. >> laura: i didn't get it down. okay. >> sean: you have a fox news press credential. >> laura: i lost that years ago. >> sean: you can walk in sit down next to me and take over like you did last time. >> laura: i lost that credential years ago, i guess they sometimes let me in the building that remains to be seen where that continues. all right sawn have a great time tonight i'll pick up where you left off