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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  May 7, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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program, all of the interviews on the fox news sunday podcast. you can download and subscribe. that is at four today. we thank you so much for joining us. have a safe week and we will see you next fox news sunday. ♪ [laughter] ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining me this morning. welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. today, repalins unite ahead of a major week on debt as joe biden digs in. >> i'm happy to the meet with mccarthy but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended. that's not negotiable. maria: and that may no longer be possible. utah senator mike lee rallies up senate republicans to get behind
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house speaker kevin mccarthy on a debt deal to counter joe biden who now not be able to the raise the debt limit without spending limits. coming up, senator lee will be here live with breaking news on this week's negotiations. then, the most serious influence peddling charges ever leveled against a president. but the mainstream media will not cover it. house oversight committee chairman james comer demanding fbi turn over a document in their possession that the a whistleblower says shows joe biden took money from foreign adversaries in exchange for policy decisions. the kentucky congressman and oversight chairman will join us live with new information on his investigation into president biden's money-making deal. plus, former white house adviser and america first legal president stephen miller with new records on biden's big money transactions with communist china. then, one crisis after ooh another. before the country runs out of
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money in just three weeks' time, the u.s. will lose its ability to keep illegal migrants at bay. this week the democrats' kerr application of duty as title 42 the goes away this thursday and 1500 u.s. troops head to the southern border to prepare for hundreds of house of foreigners at u.s.' doorstep in the coming months. texas congresswoman monica de la cruz on the reality on the ground, enriching and empowering dangerous drug cartels because of joe biden and the democrats' wide open border. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with the very serious allegations leveled at a sitting president of the united states, a deep dive and breaking news this morning into claims of influence peddling and selling out america while pocketing cash for himself and his family. and the impact to u.s. national security. here's house oversight committee
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chairman congressman james comer with me on friday morning on fox business' "mornings with maria." watch. >> based on the pact that nine different biden family members have been receiving payments from a weapon of hlcs -- web of llcs that are receiving payments from adversaries around the world, the fits a pattern of questionable behavior that the biden family members have been doing to the receive funds. so we take this whistleblower claim very seriously. we know it exists. we know fbi has the document. i can tell you this, the biden family have received a lot of payment from the i chinese communist party, from entities that are state-owned entities. maria: chairman comer sending a subpoena to fbi director christopher wray to testify and to produce a document in the fbi's possession that, quote, describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-vice president biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions. this comes as secretary of state
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antony blinken conditions he pushed for 51 intelligence officials to sign a letter calling the biden laptop russian disinformation right around the -- before the election and lied about it under oath as senator ron johnson told us last week. >> antony blinken finally did the come in for aing voluntary, transscribed interview in december of 2020 because he wanted to be secretary of state. we know that he lied boldface to congress about never e-mailing hunter biden. my guess is he told a bunch of other lies that, hopefully, we'll be able to bring him and his wife back in, tell them to preserve their records. >> it wasn't my idea, it was solicited, and i think the testimony that the former deputy correcter of the cia, mike morrell, put forward confirms that. maria: joining me right now with more on all of this in this sunday morning exclusive interview is house oversight committee chairman, kentucky
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republican james comer. mr. chairman, thanks very much for joining us. >> good morning. maria: what can you tell the us about this latest investigation of influence peddling on a sitting president? i know you're planning a press conference this wednesday. what will we learn who? well, senator grassley and i received a tip on a whistleblower, senator grassley was the lead on this. we reviewed documents from the legally-protected whistleblower, highly credible whistleblower that would implicate biden in a pay for play scheme in trying to set up a deal to receive funds to he and his family in exchange for foreign policy decisions. now, that fits a pattern, maria, of what we've seen with these bank records. and on wednesday we're going to present the american people all the information that we've received thus far per indiana thing to bank records. we're -- pertain thing to bank records. we're going to disclose many of
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the different llcs, many of the different transactions that all these biden family members have gotten from our adversaries around the world. now, we don't believe this was just a coincidence that all these biden family members were receiving money from this web of llcs into their personal bank accounts. we believe this was done in the exchange for something that then-vice president biden and now-president biden would have done. so this whistleblower is going to provide some very crucial information to our investigation, and we've given the fbi until may the 10th to produce this dock unit. so -- document. so the ball is in the fbi's court with respect to this whistleblower. maria: you are sure that this document exists? >> 100%. maria: what if hay don't release the document by may 10th somewhat if they decide to indict hunter biden for having a gun illegally before your press conference? >> my message to the department of justice is very loud and
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clear: do not indict hunter biden before wednesday when you had the opportunity to see -- you have the opportunity to see the evidence that the house oversight committee will produce with respect ott web of llcs, with respect to the number of adversarial countries that this family influence peddled in. this is not just about the president's son, this is about the entire biden family including president of the united states. so we believe there are a whole lot of accounts that the irs and the doj don't know about because we don't believe heavy done a whole lot of digging in this, and we have. we've spent the past hundred days poring over bank documents. i've used subpoena power to get these documents. we've been meeting with former associates of the bidens in their different influence-peddling schemes. we've been meeting with whistleblowers. we know exactly what this family
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was doing. and by all accounts from the media reports that we're getting, what they're looking at charging hunter biden on is a slap on the wrist. it's a crop in the bucket. crop in the bucket. so wednesday will be a very big day for the american people in getting the facts presented to them so that they can know the truth. and then the department of justice can finally do what they should have done years ago. maria: what? >> well, obviously the president's son's committed many crimes, many crimes. i mean, you're looking at potential money laundering. jonathan turley comes on fox all the i'm and talks about he was -- all the time and talks about he was essentially a foreign agent for countries like china. he's an unregistered foreign agent. these are serious crimes. you've got possible racketeer thing. i mean, the list goes on and on. and again, maria it's not just the president's son. and we don't believe these countries were paying the biden family for nothing. if we believe they were getting
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a return on their investment, and the return on investment would have been policy decisions for then-vice president joe biden and current president joe biden. maria: how much money do you believe the biden family has taken in? how much money have you been able to identify of cash going to biden family members? >> well, we're going to the dive into that on wednesday, but it's millions and millions of dollars, i can say that. hopefully, people will pay attention on wednesday when we have this press conference, and they can see actual bank records. if so, you know, another thing that's important to note with this investigation, maria, and i think it will make it even more interesting on wednesday, more and more evidence is pointing towards joe biden. obviously, joe biden was involved in all these things despite the fact that he's lied to the american people, despite the fact that his press secretary continues to lie about it. we've already produced one liar from one llc totaling over a million dollars to four
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different biden family members, and now we're going to produce an additional five biden family members. more countries, more llcs, more bank accounts. i mean, this thing is much bigger than anyone would have ever predicted. and it all points towards joe biden, the big guy. maria: this is just incredible. so is this money laundering? is this racketeering? what concern they were just taking money and changing policy decisions and announcing policy decisions on behalf of america and pocketing the cash. >> yeah. the llcs were set up to disguise the sender of the money and to deceive the irs. so they wouldn't have to the pay taxes. or else the countries would have just wired the money directly to the bidens. but hay tried to do it through a web of hlcs. i was the director of a bank for over a decade. there's a term that banks use for that. it's called money laundering. and, obviously, the bank violations that we looked at
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treasury. many banks suspected the same thing. so the department of justice has a whole menu of options to go after this family on, not just the president's son, but this family. and it's not going to be lying on a gun application or not paying taxes for one or two calendar years. i don't think they realize how many different ll lc and how much different money the bidens laundered into their personal accounts. so there's a whole lot of information here for the department of justice to use, and by all accounts i don't think they're aware of the majority of it. maria: one of the critical decisions that that this president made during the first couple of weeks of his presidency was to cancel the china initiative. this is a trump-era initiative which was actually indicting those people who were getting paid by communist china to send intellectual property and information from america back to the china. secretary pompeo closed down the pyre houston embassy -- the
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entire houston embassy over the surveillance, that as well as others. is the china initiative cancellation one of those decisions that joe biden got paid for? >> well, it's the very suspicious why he did it. i mean, this is, this is one of the worst decisions with respect to national security that joe biden made as president. and he did it right off the bat, and the person that he had at the time that was making pitch to the fbi to crop the china initiative -- drop the china initiative because they said it was the racially profiling asian students was the then-president of the united states of pennsylvania who is now widing's appointee as ambassador to the germany. and remember, the university of pennsylvania was getting tens of millions of dollars from anonymous donations from china. maria, this stinks to the high heaven, the amount of money that china has sent biden and biden a family entities has apparently impacted many decisions that this administration has made
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that were adversarial to every american. our national security is at risk because of bad policy decisions that joe biden made that put china first and america last. and for me to see all these bank records and all these deposits from the chinese communist party directly to the biden family members, i mean, it's pretty disgusting. and i can't wait until wednesday to present this to the american people. and i'm anxious to see how the main stream media covers the, because "the new york post" -- "the new york times," washington post, msnbc, nbc, abc, i don't even think they covered the whistleblower that senator grassley and i presented. maria: extraordinary. >> i mean, that's a pretty big story, a credible whistleblower. maria: yeah, that's extraordinary. >> the vice president of the united states was trying to shake down a foreign national in exchange for foreign policy decisions. maria: another decision that we've discussed in the past was that memorandum of understanding that biden signed as vice
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president backing in 20 the 13. that -- 2013. that allowed hundreds of chinese companies to trade on u.s. exchanges and not follow any u.s. auditing rules. that enabled these companies to enter america and get huge money raising from u.s. investors. was that one of the decisions? >> well, i mean, that's ooh another very bad decision that put china first and america last. you know this, maria, i used to watch you on cnbc all the time. i mean, a publicly-traded company has to go through so many compliance requirements, so many auditing requirements, and he just9 with the stroke of a pen allows chinese companies to go in and bypass all of. it puts china at another competitive advantage over the united states in attracting american capital. maria: unbelievable. >> this president has always put america last and china first, and i think the wall withs are coming in on this family. and wednesday's going to be a big day with respect to the transparency and with respect to credibility of congressional
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investigations. maria: real quick before you go, i'll be focused on wednesday, and we certainly want to the get you back after that press conference. but what if they do not a here to this? -- adhere to this? what if they refuse to turn over that memo? what are you going another the about merrick or garland, the head of the doj? what about chris -- christopher wray at the fbi? what can you do? what levers do you have if they say, no, we're not giving you any documentsesome. >> senator grassley and i have a plan b. we hope to to not have to employ plan b, but we will. so i'm still -- i've still got a little bit of confidence in the majority of the employees at the fbi and the the doj. not the top, i lost confidence in the top a long time ago. but floip there will be enough -- hopefully there will be enough people that will put pressure on the leadership to do the right thing and be transparent with the house oversight committee and the american people. maria: okay. we will leave it there.
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mr. chairman, thanks very much. we will be waiting for your news on wednesday. house oversight committee chairman congressman james comer. thank you, sir. a lot of news broken right there in that very important interview. quick break, then high stakes negotiations over raising the debt ceiling between president biden and house speaker ken america -- kevin mccarthy set for this coming tuesday. the gop is looking to cut spending while the president digs in on no strings attached to raising the ceiling. then his budget committee blame game. they actually blamed kevin mccarthy for taking a trip to israel this week. >> i don't know where the speaker is and what his schedule is, so i won't speak trying to get the leaders of the country into the same room. maria: former white house senior adviser and president of america first legal is here, stephen miller on the stalemate, next. ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health.
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>> a debt ceiling is like giving your child a credit card, and you hit the limit. would you automatically just raise the limit, or would you first look at how they spent their money? we're raising the limit responsibly, but we're looking at our fiscal house and curving the waste, limiting the growth in the future, saving taxpayer money but also growing the economy by making us energy
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independent and getting us, cutting red tape so we can build things in america. maria: yeah. and that was house speaker kevin mccarthy on this program two weeks ago as house republicans are seeking to the raise the debt limit by $1.5 trillion while also rolling back spending and imposing a 1% cap on future spending for the next decade. president biden has finally agreed to the meet with congressional leadership this upcoming week. the meeting will happen this tuesday. but the president has said any call to cut spending is a non-starter. treasury secretary janet yellen told congress last week hat the federal government will run out of money anytime after june 1st, and without raising the debt limit the u.s. could default on its debt obligations. joining me right now with his take and what's at stake is former white house senior adviser and the president of america first legal, stephen miller is here. stephen, your reaction to this uponly coming meeting.. -- upcoming meeting. mike lee has been working
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morning, noon and night to rally republican senator, he's going to join us coming up after you to discuss his work on this. how do you see this playing out? >> well, take the second thing first. mike lee's let letter with 43 senators changes the game because now you have a situation where the house has passed a debt ceiling bill that cuts spending, and you have more than 40 senators who have said they will not support any conditions-free increase in the debt ceiling. in other words, the debt ceiling increase must be paired with some kind of spending reform. that means there is no unconditional, no strings attached debt ceiling increase that can pass either chamber. so biden's whole strategy and that of his advisers is that they want to break the will, break the spirit, break the backs of republicans in the senate and republicans in the house. this is a true test of willpower, of resolve. the only circumstance in which
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biden will be allowed by his advisers to make a deal, the only circumstance, is if he knows with absolute certainty that 40 republicans won't bend and kevin mccarthy's conference won't bend. as long as those two two facts hold true, there will be a deal. but if the white house believes they can get past the deadline and that several republicans either in that group of 43 that mike lee has or the 218 that mccarthy has buckle and join the democrats and they get a deal, then there will be no negotiation if biden thinks that can happen. so this is all about who is going to hang tough. maria: well, i mean, look, the president has his advisers around him telling him it's a nonstarter, be off. is he going to do a unilateral deal with mccarthy in. >> no. his advisers are not going to let president biden do a unilateral anything. my personal advice is i would say, i would open the meeting by saying i want every single staff ther out of the the room --
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staffer out of this this room, every staffer out of here. i'm not negotiating with staff, with subordinates, with function theirs. the only person i'm talking to, old and addled though he may be, is joe biden. and i'm not leaving this room until i hear something out of joe biden's mouth about what kind of deal we're going to get because i don't want to talk to advisers. they're not elect by anybody. they don't have any purpose in that that room other than obstructing a deal from being made. and if it means we're going to have to go past this limit, then kevin mccarthy is going to be clear, and i know that mike lee and the senate republicans are going to be clear in saying that that is biden's fault alone because he would not negotiate. maria: let me get your take on the other major story that is happening this week, and that is james comer's press conference on wednesday. america first legal released records showing deals between communist china and the biden family. what can you tell us about these
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records that america first legal has been getting through the freedom of information act? >> yeah. so we filed a freedom of informing act request for for vice president biden's records pertaining to all things hunter and rosemont seneca, hunter firm. and we've now received since we filed that foia and since we filed a lawsuit to compel document production, we've now received three tranches of e-mails that have been stunning whether it's been showing the vice president's use of personal e-mail which is, of course, forbidden, but also showing extensive, continuous collaboration and communication between the vice president's government office and hunter biden and his advisers. you cannot tell where hunter biden's consulting firm ends and where joe biden's office begins. they communicated and coordinated on press statements, on official foreign travel and foreign visits. you had hunter biden meeting with and talking with tony
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blinken before major foreign trips abroad. and you have to ask yourselves, what were they talking about? what were they discussing? what is hunter biden discussing with joe biden's advisers? and that's something that's going to have to be determined if the house is able to get these individuals under oath, in a deposition to the ask those questions. but clearly these conversations were not about the weather, they were not about childcaring or they were not about -- childcare, they were nobt about vacation plans. this is about the biden a family using the power of the state. maria: well, there were certain men -- memos that were shielded from you because the government said they were about government business. so how ironic -- >> yes. that's very shocking. maria: -- if it's about hunter biden's business? >> that's exactly right. so one of the documents that we got back specifically said we cannot -- it was all blacked out. we cannot give you any of the materials in these e-mails because these hunter biden discussions pertain to the
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official business of government and add advice and counsel provided by the president or the vice president can and and his advisers at the highest levels of government. this is official activity, we can't share it. that, that shield is an admission that what they are doing is using the biden business to conduct foreign affairs. that is a complete betrayal of the american people. and you combine that with the shocking revelations that that james comer's put forward about the web of llcs that has apparently been used to get around u.s. tax law -- hello, irs -- and that has been use quite clearly to enrich the biden a family, 10% for the big guy. you combine the money-making scheme with what we have uncovered in these e-mails, we've put them all out there, and what you may have is the single biggest foreign corruption scandal in american history that now reaches all the
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way to the oval office. maria: wow. what if the doj does not comply? he's doing this press conference on wednesday. what if they indict hunter biden on tuesday and then everything is frozen, off limits? you know, comer says then we'll with go to plan b. what is plan b, do you think? >> real quick, first of all, there's a very real chance that hunter biden will be indicted on very low-level, insignificant charges as a distraction play both to shield hunter and to also, more importantly, to shield joe biden from accountability. don't put that past can doj. as to the second point, heir going to have to, in my view, pursue impeachment against the attorney general of the united states if he does not fully cooperate and comply. and the context of that impeachment would give you enormous powers to bring people in for depositions and to compel discovery. maria: yeah. >> and the courts will give the house enormous discretion to come compel -- compel document discovery in the context of
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impeachment. that would be a very effective and powerful tool. maria: the border is the other crisis playing out this week, title 42 going away on thursday. how do you see it playing out? >> my sources are telling me we are beginning to the e approach 10,000 apprehensions a day, plus. >> just a week almost 20,000 gotaways. these are apocalyptic levels. i'll just say there's one way you could potentially address both which is thatten kevin could go or senate republicans could go to biden and they could say if you want a short-term say 12-week extension in the debt ceiling so we can continue negotiating, 12 weeks only, fully resume title 42, we'll keep negotiating. that's a potential option that you could head off both crises that we are barreling towards at light sood speed. maria: okay. we'll talk with monica de la cruz about this coming up. former white house senior adviser stephen miller. thank you, sir. a smear campaign against justice clarence thomas has been underway for months as democrats and the mainstream media claim
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they question his ethics while disdo regarding questionable issues around the liberal justices. utah republican senator mike lee is here with reaction. he is also leading an effort in the senate to do a debt deal this upcoming week. stay with us. ♪ all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. has this happened to you? at&t and verizon rope you in with phone offers, then bind you to a 3-year device contract. break free with t-mobile! introducing go5g plus, the first plan that always gives new and existing customers
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>> many of the liberal icons, ruth braider ginsburg took over -- ruth bader ginsburg took over a hundred trips and all of the media, all of the democrats who are attacking justice thomas, they're not looking at any of the democrat justices, any other judges. this is a political smear job directed at clarence thomas because he is an extraordinary constitutionalist, and the left hates him for it. maria: well, that was texas republican senator ted cruz who sits on the senate judiciary committee with me here last weekend on supreme court justice
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clarence thomas and the scrutiny he faces from democrats and the mainstream media. this comes as house judiciary chairman, congressman jim jordan, is looking into why the u.s. marshal service were toll to avoid arresting -- told to avoid arresting protesters in front of the private homes of conservative supreme court justices. for more on this and the debt ceiling negotiations, we welcome back to the program utah senator senator mike lee, a member of the senate judiciary committee. lee's father, by the way, served as the solicitor general under president reagan from 1981-1985. senator lee, great to see you the morning, thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. maria: i'm going to get to clarence thomas in a moment, but we have to talk about the breaking news on the debt ceiling. republicans are standing united thanks to your efforts in the senate. tell us how many votes you have and what you're expecting this upcoming week. >> okay. so as kevin mccarthy, speaker of the house, meets with the
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white house, it's imperative that he arrive in a position of negotiating power. and to that end, we've got not only the republican conference in the senate backing what the republicans in the house passed week before last, we've also now got a soll bloc of republican -- solid bloc of republicans, more than enough to block any so-called clean debt ceiling bill from moving forward, anything that raises the debt ceiling without sub santative spending and budgetary reforms. we've got 43 republicans who have signed a letter, 2 more who have said they would stand with us while not signing the letter to refuse to bring debate to a close on any clean debt ceiling increase bill. ing what that means, martha, is that they can't do this. whenever you've got 41 senators who are unwilling to bring debate to a close on any legislation, it cannot pass. we've now got more than enough to stop exactly the kind of legislation that joe biden wants. what that means is that the white house is going to come to the table and enter into real
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talks with the house republicans senatorring with speaker kevin mccarthy. maria: how confident are you that those 40 republicans stick together and is hang you have tough on this? i mean, are you sure mitch mcconnell is going to go along with this? >> well, senator mcconnell, as the senate minority leader, the republican leader in the senate, has signed the letter. he's with us. so, again, we've got 43 republican senators who have signed this letter pledging to do exactly as i just described and two more who for strategic reasons can't want to sign but indicated they will stand with us in the votes, a couple of others who may yet decide to join us yet. so that's more than enough even if we lost own -- one or two, or we'd still be fine, and i don't think we're going to the lose any of them. maria: let me get your take on what's in this bill that you want to make sure to see materialize, in particular you've talked a lot about the raines act. why do you think this is so
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critical to be in this bill? >> okay. so the raines act, maria, is absolutely essential. it's essential because it puts congress back in charge of making law. for decades, shul decades -- absolutely decades,es you've had congress outsourcing authority to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. those bureaucrats have in turn adopted major rules, massive regulations that have hundreds of billions of collars of economic -- dollars of economic impact on the american economy costing hard working americans more for everything they buy. and all of this comes about as a result of things that congress never gets to weighing in on. the raines act would say none of that legislation, none of those laws which theyfect ily are could take effect without both houses of congress affirmatively enacting them into law. here's why that matters as part of the debt ceiling keel. this would bring about a massive period of economic growth if we passed this, because there would
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be fewer regulations that are unduly oppressive on the american economy. this would mean more jobs, more revenue, it'd mean something better for the american people at every end of the economic spruk spectrum but especially at the low end. hard working americans would be better off because of the reins act. maria: so you believe we will have a bill to raise the debt ceiling passed in the senate with also limitations on future spending. do you believe that this will happen this upcoming week? >> so i don't know exactly what the timing will be. but it should happen soon. we should act on very, very quickly with the so-called x candidate approaching. i would love it if we got it done this week. but it needs to include reforms like the reins act because this will bring about exactly the kind of change we need in order to the crawl out of this massive, burdensome debt that we're facing. and, maria, i can't emphasize enough how wonderful it was to
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have the house of representatives pass this as part of the package, showing that they're willing to attack this not only from the spending side, or but also from the economic growth side. maria: and again, i can ask you about unity within the republican party, will it stick. it may stick going into this meeting, but you do believe you've got 41 votes or kid you say 43 votes? >> yeah. so all we have to have is 41 opposing cloture, opposing bringing debate to a close because it takes 60 votes to bring it to a close. all we had to have was 41 signatures, we got 43, 2 more on top of that who said they would vote with us while not joining the letter. so, yeah, this is going to stuck, maria. maria: let me switch gears and get your take on these attacks on clarence thomas and the supreme court. you heard what ted cruz said earlier and last week with me. your reaction to what's taking place to the supreme court. >> this is absolutely dreadful. this is an an attack on justice thomas, a good man, a good man
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who has risen from poverty in the jim crow south who is one of the most p respected jurists in our nation's history. they don't like that. they don't like the fact that he has the a awe daddy to be the -- audacity to be a conservative as a black man. it's been going opinion if -- on for 31 years. heir doing this to attack him, to attack the legitimacy of the supreme court so they can reimage the supreme court according to their own preferences. this is wrong. it's destructive to our constitutional system, and it's got to stop. look, there's not one allegation they've raised against him that reveals any impropriety, any wrongdoing, any violation of law, rule or ethical principle. they are wrong. maria: well, at the same time, you've got attacks around the election interference given the fact that antony blinken apparently, according to michael morrell, organized that letter for 51 intelligence officials to sign. what are you doing about that in the judiciary committee?
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blinken is denying it. he was running the penn biden center which, of course, received money from china. we are abe potential for an administration -- talking about the potential for an administration that is compromisedded along with the biden family. >> yeah, look, we've got to get to the bottom of that, and i'm sure we will. it's harder for us because we don't control the hearing schedule in the senate because the democrats are in charge. i know that jim jordan and the house republicans will be looking into that as well. the bottom line is it makes you wonder why the american media establishment was so complicit, was so determined, in fact, to bury the hunter biden family, to buy into this notion that these 50 national security experts couldn't possibly be wrong. they apply a different standard here as they do with conservatives on the supreme court. we've got to continue to call them out on it lest they take control by deceit. maria: all right. senator, it's good to have you this morning. thanks very much. congrats on all your work on the debt ceiling bill.
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we will keep watching all of that ahead of this tuesday meeting. >> thank you, maria. maria: be sure to check out the senator's new book many in paperback on the supreme court, "saving nine," available everywhere beginning up june 6th. thank you so much, senator mike lee. quick break and then the calm before the storm at the southern border as border patrol agents are preparing for a massive surge in illegal crossings when title 42 the goes away this upcoming thursday. texas republican congresswoman monica de la cruz here with her firsthand account of the humanitarian crisis at the border under president biden. stay with us. ♪ muck [♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back with scotts turf builder triple action! gets three jobs done at once -
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sam was 8 when we got him. giving him fresh food where you know the ingredients and you know what's in it has absolutely helped him. taking care of him is really important... because even if sam lives to 20, it won't be long enough. maria: welcome back. title 42 is set to expire this upcoming thursday at the southern border as 15 is 00 u.s. troops head to the border. border patrol agents are gearing up for a massive surge this migrants crossing illegally once the successful trump-era border policy is lifted by president
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biden on thursday. fox news' bill melugin reports from the border that in a single week almost 55,000 migrants were apprehended, and an additional 18,000 are listed as gotaways. the highest weekly totals that have ever been seen. this comes as white house estimates that when title 42 is lifted on thursday, as many as 13-14,000 or more migrants a day will illegally cross the southern border which is about double what is happening right now. joining me right now this sunday morning on the unfolding humanitarian crisis at the border is texas republican congresswoman monica de la cruz whose district involves the rio grande valley. thanks very much for being here. what can you tell the us about the happenings on the ground right now ahead of title 42 going away? >> well, i can tell you this, i'm talking to the men and women in green every day. what's about to happen is going to be a catastrophe of epic proportion toes. -- proportions. just in the last two weeks of
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april we had in the rio grande valley sector which is just one of nine sectors, 30,000 illegal immigrants cross our border. 20,000 just in brownsville. now, comes in an area of just two football fields. so we are stressed with manpower, we are stressed with technology, and this lifting of title 42 will be a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions here in the create -- in the rio grande valley. maria: you think people understand that now's the time to get there, they won't have to go back and wait in mexico. >> well, look, over the last who years joe biden has shown that he has an open border policy. so he has basically invited people from all over the world to come to our border. with title title 42 lifting on may 11th, this is just another
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sign that the border is open. with the message across the world is that 30,000 illegal immigrants can cross in just one sector alone is terrifying. and so we await title 42, are preparing with both county officials, city officials and border patrol in order to orchestrate this as best as we can. maria: i want to get your take on how this has changed your town, the rio grande valley and what the environment is right there in texas. let's slip in a short break. we also want to get to the child trafficking news that we keep hearing about. we're talking with texas congresswoman monica de la cruz, and we'll be right back. don't forget to join us next sunday on "sunday morning futures," we've got an exclusive interview can with congressman mike urn ther along with the exiled crown prince of iran back with us next sunday live.
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maria: welcome back. we are back with texas congresswoman monica dela cruz. give us a sense of how things have changed on the ground in your town, the rio grande area, as a result of all of these
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illegals breaching the country every day. >> well, what i want your viewers to know is that the rio grande valley is a pass-through area. it stresses our local law enforcement as well as our hospitals. and what these immigrants do is just travel through here. this is a national security issue because these immigrants are allege then all -- are taken all over this country, and we know that over a hundred terrorist lists on the terror watch list have been caught and released into america. so our local officials work very closely with border patrol to make sure that it is a smooth process but that we get people in and out of this area. but it does stress law enforcement resources ask medical resources as well. maria: well, we've also seen stash houses broken down in texas, so what are they doing? the drug cartels are enabling people to come in and then
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setting up operation here in america? >> we do find stash houses here but not only in the rio grande valley, but in the big cities like houston, san own owe and austin. maria: wow. >> what they do is they bring these illegal immigrants into homes and hold them there until this can take them -- until they can take them small groups at a time through the border patrol checkpoints. and this is important to note, because the cartel are available to -- are able to human traffic and sex traffic both women and children during this time. maria: really just such a catastrophe, you're right. we're going to be focused on it this week as title 42 goes away. congresswoman, thank you. good to see you. thanks, everybody, for joining us. it is an enormous week this week, stay with fox business, we ♪ the all-new chevy colorado is made for more. bring more. ♪ do more.
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if our child to divulge near the southern border in texas. a driver has bought into a group walking along the road and brownsville today killing seven people and sending 11 others to the hospital. police networking to identify all those victims. some of whom we are told our migrants rent raise the question if this was an intentional attack to mow down migrants along the side of the rope or an accident. hello everyone welcome to fox's life i merrick sean. molly: i am molly light and for arthel nevil


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