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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 6, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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i am going to hand it over to my colleague, jon scott. stay with the fox news channel are we'll be covering all of this tonight. there is another major breaking news story at new york city. on, over to you, buddy. we saw sparks flying, right in front of us so we ran into the store, they want the door. that's where we stayed in the back. jon: i am jon scott a day of shopping turned tragedy at an outlet mall in allen, texas. fox news alert. multiple people shot including the gunman but police are not sharing the exact number. it's 10:00 p.m. in new york,
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9:00 p.m. in allen, texas. the allen fire department confirming the transport of nine victims to the hospital. the extent of their injuries not known at this time. after the shooting, hundreds of people, perhaps thousands could be seen streaming out of the whole area holding up their hands in the air as police cleared the scene. we are waiting to hear from law enforcement in allen, texas. we will take you there live as soon as a news conference begins. we go live to casey stegall live on the ground near where the shooting took place. >> we are moments from that press conference scheduled to start over at the city hall. council chambers, city officials are going to be involved. we understand in addition to police and fire and other
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emergency management officials, officials at an area hospital tell us nine of the victims of the shooting are currently being treated for their injuries and they range in age from five years old to 61 years old. how many fatalities there have been, that's still not being reported as of right now. we do know some people lost their lives at this shooting incident this afternoon but how many, still unclear. perhaps an item that will be addressed moment from now when the press conference is scheduled to begin. we do know the gunman himself was killed by a police officer. that police officer so happened to be here at the allen premium outlets on another unrelated call. then the gunshots rang out and the officer responded and
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neutralized the suspect. that's where things stand at this time. it's still very much an active crime scene, this many hours later. this happened just before 3:30 p.m. local time so 4:30 p.m. eastern. this is one of the giant outdoor space malls were you park your car in a separate parking lot and you can go to various stores. more than 120 different stores and restaurants here though this is a saturday, a very busy day, lots of people here in broad daylight when the suspect showed up here for unknown reasons and opened fire. thank god there was that officer here able to stop things before any more people could have been hurt but we are waiting for this press conference to happen. we hope to learn a lot more.
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we are standing by and monitoring it. jon: casey stegall live from allen, texas. thanks, casey. we are going to check in once again with lawrence jones, the host of lawrence jones cross country. he grew up close to where the place, he's shopped at that mall and knows the area very well. give us some sense of feeling of the people in allen tonight. >> it's heartbreaking. you don't expect this in allen. allen is mostly safe environment. the people there are very wealthy. the mall, people from all over dallas county come to the mall and drop their children off because it's a safe environment. if you want a nice deal in the area, you go to the allen mall there. you expect nothing to happen because there's strong law
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enforcement presence and people, not a lot of criminals are doing violent crimes in allen, texas so the mood is just somber right now especially when you hear young people lost their life. obviously we don't know the exact count but our report shows not only people with fatalities but also in the hospital right now in critical i think, we always come together in the fight through it and obviously we give them and kudos and respect and honor to law enforcement officer that was on the scene for something that wasn't related and heard gunfire and ran straight to the suspect and neutralized them but our hearts are morning because this is just not the texas way and the fact that this happened in a safe environment makes it that
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much worse. jon: there's video and you've probably seen it, the gunman apparently pulls up in a silver sedan, hops out of the driver seat, leaves the door open and start spraying the area with what seems to be gunfire from a semi automatic. it's not the usual situation. it's not apparently who had a beef with somebody, didn't appear to be a handgun. it's just very different and out there. >> it's even more strange because in texas we have what you call constitutional carry so we are always armed and prepared for different situations like this. you don't normally see someone do this because they know they will be met with other texans carrying so to see this so
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brazen, i'm curious, not that anything would justify something like this but as law enforcement prepares to take the podium, i'd love to hear the motive because it's not something you see in the great state of texas and definitely not in allen. jon: and as you say, hats off to the police officer willing to run into the face of terrible danger if this guy did have a semi automatic rifle, a cop carrying a pistol, sidearm is going to be outgunned so the fact that this officer was able to neutralize the suspect in the way he or she did is an absolute tribute to training encourage. >> that's what they do and i covered uvalde, it was heartbreaking. the mixed messages of what actually went down and now that
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we have the official report, it showed some officers decided they weren't going to go in and waited for the swat team, it was a stain not only on the state of texas but on law enforcement and the fact that you have these officers who did it the right way. it's a tragedy, we are heartbroken but we also honor the law enforcement officer who went in there because this could have been much worse. just to give people some sense of allen as well as this mall, it's an outdoor mall, it's massive. people walk all over the place, so many different stores. just imagine law enforcement going to the scene. we know there wasn't a second shooter but there were reports early on that may have suggested there was so you've got law enforcement from different federal agencies and i think we
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have a news conference coming up right now. jon: some of the city officials and police chief and fire chief i recognize there. other city officials from allen, texas. >> the state representative also their coming to the podium. jon: they are filing in, give us more information we help about what transpired today, this terrible mall shooting. this is coming to you live from allen, texas, we've been waiting for the information, we hope, about to receive. >> thank you all very much for coming. we have a press briefing here for our speakers if you don't mind for media to say and spell your name and title. i'm going to turn it over to our first fire chief. >> my name is jonathan boyd,
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fire chief for the allen fire department. i'm going to speak to the medical part of our response. when we received the call, we activated our active attack integrated response rescue task force teams. found seven deceased individuals on scene. we transported nine individuals to the hospital to area trauma facilities. of those we transported, to have since died. 3r in vertical surgery and for our stable. i'll now turn it over to police chief harvey. >> [inaudible question] >> the total would then be nine. >> my name is brian harvey, chief of police in allen.
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we are all saddened by this event, this tragic event today. 3:36 p.m., our officer was at an unrelated call. he heard gunshots located the gunshot located the shooter and neutralized the shooter, neutralize the threat. we believe at this time the shooter acted alone. we are asking for the public's help if you were a witness, if you have any video, please call 1800 call fbi. 1800 call fbi. this is an ongoing active investigation. we've had tremendous local county and state and federal support and we appreciate that. i will turn it over to congressman keith -- >> thank you, chief. first and foremost, we need to keep families impacted by this tragedy in our prayers. we will never know how many
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lives were saved by the swift actions of our first responders. what we do know is we owe a debt of gratitude to first responders who ran toward the gunfire and acted swiftly to neutralize the threat. i'll be followed by state representative -- [inaudible] >> i'm state representative jeff leach from 67, president of allen. my family and i reside a mile from where this shooting took place. this community is home for us and our hearts are devastated and broken tonight. no law enforcement official, no elected official ever imagines or plans to or hopes to speak in front of a press conference like this but here we are and our
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resolute and our commitment -- are hurting, whose lives have been shattered and who need and deserve our collective prayers and they have them, tonight there people of faith all over our community ministering to those families and they of course have our prayers in this moment. tomorrow on sunday 5:00 p.m., we will hold a vigil at ironwood baptist creek church here in alvin. just got off the phone with pastor john and his church which does a wonderful job with so many others in the faith community rubbing their arms around this community and living
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on and supporting people in their time of need, tomorrow will be a great night of healing, much needed night of healing and hope. i was on scene today, constant communication with governor abbott and our speaker who offered full support of state government. i've been on the phone with the director of the texas department of public safety. the state government stands ready to assist our wonderful police chief brian harvey and local officials, law enforcement agencies at all levels and responding to this tragedy. they are true heroes and i saw that firsthand today. we main committed to praying for the victims and their families and our community. i have no doubt will come together and respond in the right way to this horrific tragedy. with that, i am honored to introduce my friend and our great county judge, chris.
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>> i'm chris hill, the county judge. like representative beach, i reside near the outlet malls. like all in our community, my family and i shopped there often and know this community and know the area well. my family and i are broken and devastated for the loss of life we experienced today in our community and we are angry about those that would do evil in our community and backyard. but we are proud of what's been a truly countywide response today on scene, we saw all of our municipal police department and fire departments, county agencies and sheriff's office and constable deputies and our state partners and national partners and i appreciate from governor abbott on down we've already received calls from all of our partners across the state and our senators and we appreciate that they stand with us and i'm proud men and women of our law enforcement agencies, ems agencies there immediately
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today and stood so rudely and courageously to protect our neighborhood, neighborhood and community and as a community we will respond and get past this together. we will hear next from our mayor of the city of allen, can. >> my name is ken fault, i'm here to read the briefing statement for the city of allen. today is a tragic day for the city of allen. our citizens, our friends and visitors at the allen premium outlets today. we are a strong caring community and we all want the victims and their families impacted by this tragedy to know we will wrap our arms around you and we are here for you. the city of allen pledges to offer complete support. we know you are grieving, we are grieving. rest assured, the nation and the world are also grieving. allen is a proud and safe city
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which makes today's senseless act of violence even worse. however, i want to commend our police and fire departments for their quick response. thorough training, not to hesitate to move toward the threat likely saved more lives today than what we could imagine. we also want to thank all of our surrounding municipalities and law enforcement agencies were offering their assistance at the scene. this collective effort is what makes our north texas communities united. we know the days ahead will be difficult and somber. while we remember the victims of today's shooting, we look to convey appreciation for the condolences and note we are receiving from all over the world. i have received calls from the white house, governor abbott and many other national state and county officials who have reached out to the city of allen to express their support and desire to help the allen
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community in any way possible. on behalf of our city council, law enforcement personnel, first responders and city employees, we will remain strong and stand united. please keep the victims and families of the victims in your prayers. with that, thank you for being here and that concludes our briefing. i'm going to turn it back over shane. >> thank you all very much for coming. this is a briefing, there's no more information, they are not going to take any questions at this time so we want to thank you for coming and if any more information becomes available over the weekend or tomorrow, we will certainly share that with you as well so thanks again for coming out. jon: there you have it from the
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city official and other local officials in allen, texas. , nine people -- nine people have been killed. let's go now live senior correspondent casey stegall on the ground in texas. casey. >> my heart sank when i heard that number. behind the scenes since we been here not long after this happened this afternoon we were hearing information, some rumblings the number of dead was at four. five if you encounter or include themselves so to hear nine took me by surprise. one life too many but a bit surprising. five of the victims hospitalized and three in critical condition
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so they are not out of the woods just yet. we do know the shooter acted alone and it's making things very complicated in the early goings of all of this. initially there was a belief there were possibly two shooters involved and not just one but police came out in the earlier press briefing and said they'd not found any evidence to support that so they are confirming the shooter did act alone. then they also talk about outreach, multifaith community groups that are going to be coming together. he noted tomorrow there will be a worship memorial service 5:00 p.m. here at the cottonwood baptist church locally and allen so this is again a relatively small community.
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a suburb of dallas, fort worth and it is something that she can the community. people as we been saying like a broken record, did not think something like that would happen here. this is a relatively safe place to live and this particular shopping outlet is so popular, it's visited by thousands and thousands of people and tonight it's a crime scene and eatery to sit here and see all of the cars still parked in the lot because police won't let the people bring them out because still a crime scene and they are going to have to come through with a fine tooth comb so again, nine people dead here in texas tonight and the gunman also neutralized by a police officer who happened to be here responding to another call and heard the gunfire and acted f fast. we have yet another mass
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shooting in america in a community trying to get answers and trying to make sense of it all tonight. jon: trying to get answers, that's a big part of this aftermath. casey stegall, thank you. we will check back with you later. joining us now by phone, keith self represents the district where the tragedy unfold this afternoon. we watched the news conference, we learned a little bit of new information but we didn't learn anything about the gunman or his motive. have you been briefed on that at all? >> i have been briefed on the gunman. i'm not at liberty to share t that. local law enforcement will get to that when they decide. we do not know a motive it. i wish i had a better answer on
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the motive but we know that a man came into this safe community, not a citizen of this community and took innocent lives. that we do know and we also know the first responders were on site and they have done enhanced training for this type of situation and what we will never know is how many lives they saved with their quick action. obviously many because of the situation unfolding. jon: this all apparently took place outside in between the parking lot and the mall if this guy had been able to get inside one of the stores, it could easily have been a whole lot worse. >> maybe. there were a lot of people in this mall. a very popular mall and i don't know how many people were inside
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by southside but it's a very popular mall. today was a great day. i suspect there were many people in the mall, inside and out. jon: you say he came from outside the community. that raises all kinds of questions but are you able to say where he's from? >> i am not. i will say he was not a citizen of allen and i'll leave it at that and that law enforcement expound on that as they choose. jon: all right. some thoughts for your constituents and evil of allen tonight as they grieve this terrible tragedy. >> first and foremost as i said in the conference, we need to keep them in our prayers because there lives have been dramatically changed by this
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tragedy. we cannot underestimate that. their lives have been changed forever and that's what crime does, that's what violent crime does. we need to surround them with prayers and help them through this time that going to linger with them for a while. jon: again, our things to the police officer who heard the sound of the gunshots and ran to the shooter and took him down. that is absolutely the finest of police work. >> that's what they do, run toward the gunfire. never forget that, they run toward the gunfire. jon: thanks very much. >> thank you. jon: live to fox news correspondent cv on, she's been covering the story as it unfolded throughout the afternoon. >> great to get that update from police. the last thing we wanted to hear with these death tolls.
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i'm going to recap, local authorities there in allen, texas, seven people were found dead on scene. nine people taken to the hospital, two of those nine people died after being transported. there are three currently in critical surgery and for in stable condition. that's a lot of numbers i through out there but the larger take away is nine people lost their lives today. we did hear from police that after the first call came in at 336 p.m. local time this afternoon, they immediately activated their active attack protocol and that was why we saw that huge response to the scene. we of course learned it was an officer there on an unrelated call that officer located the shooter and neutralized the
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shooter effectively killing the shooter. again, we are told the shooter acted alone but now police say they need the public's help for any video evidence. i want to see, as we learn more about this shooting, there's still a lot that remains uncertain for the witness accounts that are being told to local reporters there, one thing is for certain, the people at this outdoor shopping mall, they had some of the most terrifying moments of their lives. i want to see if we have a video captured by someone there as the shooting unfolded. want to warn our viewers you can hear gunshots in the viewer -- we don't have that video right now but again, we are seeing horrible witness accounts, out of this scene. people there were captured, you can video, you can hear gunshots, see shattered glass. the latest update from officials
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there in allen, texas, 30 miles north of dallas, nine people in the tragedy. again, of those taken to the hospital, we know that three are in critical surgery and four are currently in stable condition. we've learned as casey stegall mentioned earlier, there's going to be a visual held tomorrow so next steps will be for law enforcement to continue processing this crime scene but also the community trying to move forward after this type of tragedy as they try to find healing and we know perhaps the first step will begin at the vigil 5:00 p.m. local at the area church. jon: cb cotton, thank you.
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at the top of the hour we had a briefing from local officials in allen, texas regarding the shooting at an outdoor shopping mall earlier today around 3:30 p.m. central time. both the fbi and atf are assisting local police at the scene. we now know there are nine fatalities as a result of this shooting and several other people who are in critical condition and might not survive. joining us now bernard, the former special agent in charge of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. we learned from the congressman that the shooter in this case who's now deceased, the shooter is not from alvin, came in from
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out of the community. not unlike the situation that happened at the buffalo supermarket last winter when a young kid, i think the 19-year-old drove in from several counties away and opened fire. anything that tells you in particular in this case? >> we can look at these events statistically over at least a ten year period and this is not anomalous so the shooters come from different locations and communities and particularly some of the things about allen being a safe community, it is for normal crime. active shooter is abnormal. somebody operating not like a human being but more like a machine, they lack empathy, they lack any type of conscious, they are there for a single purpose, they don't respond like a normal human being. that's why the only valid response law enforcement today,
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was to the shooter with violence. these not necessarily correlation between area safety or crime history in the area turned to being vulnerable, all places where we have people gather in numbers are vulnerable to this type of attack unfortunately. jon: the police officer did the best thing he could have done. hearing those gunshots and responding not waiting for backup, not waiting for the swat team but taking on gunman all by himself. >> it's a process for responding to an active shooter, the first officer team on the scene response to the shooter and the second one falls and third, they have no other objective. they go past the wounded, the
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get to the threat and have to stop it. this protocol was largely developed after the 1998 columbine shooting where at that time, you saw the previous ideology was to wait for a tackle team to resolve it, this was resolved by the officers that respond so both law enforcement agencies across the kat country, this is the respected response to one of these events and the only effective one. jon: i don't know if you've seen some of the video out there but some of this shooting was captured on video. the weapon appears to be a semi automatic rifle, would you agree? >> yes. and of course the effect in t this, people often times in las vegas shooting for example, because there were bump stocks use, it stormed like semiotic weapons, a series of event, those things will fire as rapidly as one can squeeze the trigger and rapidfire is massively overwhelming because
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you are still hearing the recoil of the firing that preceded it so is pretty overwhelming, it sounds like automatic but it's a semi automatic weapon and of course the capability of these things to reload and their ability to carry large-scale magazines gives single person the capability doing a lot of damage so therefore, obviously the only medication is another armed person like law enforcement officer. jon: there again, i had to get all kinds of credit to the officer who, just guessing, was carrying only side arm, a pistol and took on a guy with a semi automatic rifle. >> train prevails and a winning attitude and training combined is what allows somebody to survive at an event like this and be able to execute their objective which is to stop the shooter and thankfully, he prevailed today, thank god.
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jon: absolutely. there are, you can see the number of people who were mystified and perhaps terrified by what was happening, this is a large outdoor mall, some of these folks who were ushered out of there probably didn't even know what had happened, probably didn't even hear the gunshots but those who did could be traumatized for a long, long time. -- >> we are teaching, what we have to do is we are overcoming body's physiological response to hostile gunfire which is to freeze initially and confusion that follows. second, we should be anticipating that we have a large gathering of people, culture, shopping centers, movie theaters we have to have some expectation this is possible so the ability to have say somebody who's train, a law enforcement officer or military veteran, for
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this counter assault purpose is very beneficial. jon: again, that officer did a great job today. we appreciate it. bernard, former special in charge, special agent in charge of the atf, bernard, thank you for your expertise. we will continue to update you on the situation in allen, texas as we learn more, nine people now we know are dead. the identity of the government still not released the motive still not released the motive back with more in just starting with the sound system... curry from deep. [autotune] that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? wooooo, i like it! i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours.
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jon: nine people are dead after gunman pulled in a shopping center parking lot and opens fire this afternoon in allen, texas. live to fox news correspondent cb cotton, she's been covering this story since it broke this afternoon. >> i know we are all astonished at the death toll and even more astonishing for the people there
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on scene witnessed all of this. there are still a lot of unanswered questions about this scenario but again we can say for certain the people who were there at the suburban house shopping mall will have so much trauma to deal with after this incident. i want to show a video i mentioned earlier, it was captured by someone there. i want to warn are yours, you can hear gunshots and it's upsetting. [gun shots] >> we are seeing videos like this come out from this incident and we are hearing from others in father's their own scene, daughters, sons who text their loved ones as they heard gunfire letting their homegrown know there's an active shooter you're telling their loved one something that is happening right now. i want to play it from a family
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member about what unfolded to today. >> my daughter text me to her mom and she said i love you and actor situation, shooting and sound by the police just wait for me went there saw and they told us to let go. >> you can only imagine how scared the father was during those tense moments. hearing these stories out of this shooting, it's absolutely horrific. we are hearing reports of upwards of 30 minutes inside dressing rooms and other orders trying to shield them from gunfire as law enforcement was evacuated the outdoor shopping mall. we are so grateful for their efforts and for that, sir there on an unrelated call who was able to take down the shooter. i'll send it back over to you.
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jon: you know there are a lot of people in allen, texas hugging their loved ones tighter tonight. people at the mall and there are nine families who can't hug their loved ones tonight, so sad. cb cotton, thanks joined by former fbi investigator bill daly. witnesses say this gunman was taken down by the officer was dressed in all black and appeared to be -- was firing semi automatic rifle. all black things could be something, could be nothing but we know he came from
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necessary seismic although it does indicate red flag to me that perhaps this was somebody looking for a product or heavily populated setting, this was not done on a wednesday afternoon or morning when the pedestrian traffic, it was under a specific time when there are many people there. we don't armed citizen or perhaps later on the cost and confronted by police so there are things here that indicate to me this may be more than just someone getting even, employer or not happy, or having a
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dispute with individual or maybe much more than this. jon: always think the fbi local police are going to be looking into those connections right n now. >> absolutely. as we are speaking, we know the drill, looking at computers, social media, a variety of things. the identity isn't the issue, but more of that motive behind it. they are asking for citizens video what happened come forward, it's good to see with the person's demeanor, did he yell something out, was there something that might indicate the reason behind the shooting? all of those things may be coming together as they pull together the investigation going deep into background, going to the home, looking for computer records, any information about
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the gunman or guns, the guns he had with him which i think are important to understand did they buy them legally or illegally, what the conditions were so right now, there are many things going on. of course we all wish we knew the motive, the reason. i know there people who perished but all those people need our prayers and particularly those people who lost someone after they were trying to fight for their life in the hospital. jon: local authorities put out the 1800 call, fbi for anybody who saw anything for has video. i want to turn your attention to another story that's gotten massive coverage across the country and here in new york, the death of a man described as having had mental issues and criminal history. he died on the f train, the subway here in manhattan.
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put into a chokehold by a marine corps veteran. folks in this video are protesting his death by blocking the subways. i want your thoughts on the situation. >> in new york, they know the subways well and many people perhaps have mental issues or pose a threat or risk to people. we don't know the circumstances behind what ensued, why this person, what they were doing before hand. police are asking for anyone who has maybe video, what were they doing that precipitated the response by the individual who put them in the toehold as well as others holding down. we do have political leaders including the governor in new york who spoke about the case
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and in some ways inside it this behavior and if there is prosecution, by the comments by our political leaders so it's an ongoing investigation for police to figure out what exactly happened and what led to this individual having to be strained and what that person did and put a chokehold on them. jon: these protesters are lucky the motive on this subway was able to see them in advance, they were flashing flashlights at them but with people on the tracks, the protest could have been awfully deadly. former fbi investigator and good friend at fox news, thanks. >> thank you, john. jon: we are going to go live to senior correspondent casey
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stegall, he's on the ground in allen, texas outside the mall where the shooting took place this afternoon. >> we are trying to track down where exactly on the property the shooting incident took place because as we've been telling you all night, this is a massive sprawling property, 120 stores plus restaurants and all that. i interviewed a group of women this evening on the scene and they told me they were shopping and they heard nothing. they had no idea anything was going on they'd heard no gunshots or anything, they noticed the crowd started moving and stores started going on lockdown. a number of stores started pulling gate down going into their own emergency protocols. i want to say we don't have any information in terms of the
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suspect. the gunman police were shot and killed here, don't have information about that person in terms of a motive, name, age or any of that. we can tell you nine people are dead. that does include the shooter so he came here this afternoon in the middle of broad daylight around 3:30 p.m. knowing saturday was busy and there would be lots of people here and he did an extreme amount of damage. that's all we really know is police they this is an active and fluid investigation but the gunman acted alone. they been able to rule that out so there are no other suspects they are looking for and they don't believe there's any further danger to the public. i don't know if you can see me in the background, we are getting ready to get a batch of
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unders from strolling through here so if there's any processing of the crime scene and whatnot that's got to be wrapped up here, we need to get that done although there are hundreds of cars abandoned star. jon: congressman, the gunman did not live in allen, came in from outside of allen. it raises all kinds of questions, which perhaps can be answered later tonight or tomorrow as to what the motive
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was. >> a manifesto. unfortunately we have president with these types of things. all too often it seems there are mass shooting events and as we start digging into the background of the suspect, we find interesting information so clearly that would be the case here as we move forward and see what was going on and what that was and especially to the hero police officer who was filling out a report from some other call at
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the mall, heard gunshots, ran to the sound and took down the shooter. otherwise, this horrible event could have been so much worse. nine people dead we know, others critically injured. it could have been worse. brian kilmeade and one nation are next. i am jon scott. thanks for staying with us. special coverage of this attack in texas. ♪
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will look at are just like includes douglas, what's happening in new york city and beyond as well as should men be playing with women on the same team when it comes to sports? richard, six public vernacular putting our country who discussed all that talking about democrat or republican first we can't start with this, the rise of a


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