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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  May 1, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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no injuries have been reported. amazing video, trace. >> it's not the wind. it's the stuff that gets in the wind. great to be with you. thanks for having me. >> sandra: thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> i'm trace gallagher. "the story" with martha maccallum starts right now. >> martha: thanks. sandra, we'll see you here in a little while. we'll speak with house majority leader, steve scalise here in moments. we begin with the fox news alert. we learn the man opportunity is intensifying for this man, francisco orapesa considered armed and dangerous. he's on the run suspected of walking into his neighbor's home and shooting and killing five innocent people. ice sources now telling fox that he's a mexican national. he's been deported several times
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according to the reports that we're hearing. it's unbelievable. these are the five victims. they include sonya guzman and her boy, daniel. 9 years old. watch. ♪ this poor man. that is wilson garcia. he's been the most unimaginable ordeal. there he is sobbing at a service that was held in memory of these individuals. he lost his wife and his son, daniel. he went out the window. it's an extraordinary story. casey stegall joins us now live from dallas as this man hunt in tax really heats up this afternoon. hi there >> hi, martha. so sad that texas father says he's trying to be strong for his surviving daughter after his
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loyal by, daniel and his 25-year-old wife, sonya, were both killed in friday night's attack with three other family friends that were at the home north of houston for a church retreat. that is when eye witnesses say the neighbor next door appeared with an ar-15 and opened fire. >> that's when the suspect shot at me. he shot at me five times. when he didn't catch me, he returned to gun them down and shot them in the head. >> police have identified the suspect at 38-year-old francisco orapesa. he's at large right now. >> i'm scared because he could come back and look for us. we're hoping that police do their job and arrest him. >> so police say this gunman had a prior history of firing shot guns in his front yard. things escalated quickly on friday evening when the man was asked to keep the noise down.
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meantime, friends, family and members of that community still in shock attending a vigil there over the weekend. federal agents tell fox that their suspect was not in the country legally and as you said, martha, ice is saying that he's been deported four, five times. that number a little unclear at this point. >> martha: thanks, casey. here's our homeland security secretary when he was asked what is going on in our southern border and what will it look like ten days from news when too comes to an end. mayorkas insists that our border is closed when clearly it's not admitted this. >> we're seeing a level of migration not just at the southern border but throughout the hemisphere that is unprecedented. it's the greatest migration since world war ii. the president on day one delivered a solution.
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he delivered immigration reform legislation that we had hoped congress would act on swiftly. they haven't. >> now republicans have a majority in the house of representatives, they are about to vote on a bill that would among other things return to building the wall. house majority leader steve scalise just unveiled it. he joins us in a second. first to mark meredith with the back story from the white house. hi, mark. >> good afternoon to you. homeland security 60s alejandro mayorkas says a lot of people will pay attention on what's going on at the border in the days ahead with the end of title 42. and republicans say the secretary has filed to do his job. the secretary sat down sunday and faced a lot of questions on immigration policies and why so many have called for a change in leadership. the secretary says while the border is challenge, he believes the real responsibility rests with congress. >> within the constraineds of a
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broken immigration system, we are doing so much. our approach is to build lawful pathways, cut out the ruthless smugglers, delivered lawful pathways so people can access humanitarian relief without having to take the dangerous journey. >> congressional republicans say the biden administration has encouraged more people to take that dangerous juriry and those cut crossing illegally face weak consequences. >> congress has a role to play here. like any good poll situation, mayorkas just punted it to somebody else. the administration is starting to do different things. but they're only adding capacity. you need to have adjudication, you need to have judges at the border that get cases heard in days, not years. >> the white house insists they're taking steps to speed up processing times and in the weeks ahead they plan to increase the number of flights to transport migrants out of the united states to other
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countries. martha? >> martha: thanks, mark. with that we bring in steve scalise, republican from louisiana. thanks for joining us. it's kind of extraordinary to listen to the homeland security secretary say this is happening a lot of places. it's unprecedented what we're seeing. they've had several years now to figure out the ideas that he is trying to put into motion now ahead of title 42 lifting. >> we have seen complete incompetence from secretary mayorkas from president buy down. it started with president biden on day one. president biden sent a message the very first day that america's border is open. they know it's open. mayorkas, biden, kamala harris, the border czar, says the border is not open. everybody sees this.
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they're disgusted by it. the deaths are heart breaking and unnecessary. >> martha: he said -- sorry. he talked about how the president came in and essentially on day one put forth and immigration reform plan and he's blaming the gop for shooting the plan down. what was in it? why didn't you like it? >> well, first of all, president biden opened the border day one. republicans were not in charge his first two years. nancy pelosi ran the house. chuck schumer is still running the senate. they never brought a single bill to congress, martha. anybody should ask the president or mayorkas what was your bill that nancy pelosi shot down for two years when they were running the congress? because they never had a bill. >> martha: great question. >> their approach was open the border and send everybody in illegally. millions heeded that call. we have a bill and we're bringing legislation to the
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house floor. i hope the president supports this package. unfortunately, he's opposing it because he wants an open border. just think about the fentanyl. ya'll have reported on this. very few networks have. every single day in america since president biden has opened our border, we're seeing 300 young people die every day because of drugs like fentanyl. we've got to build that wall and fix it. >> your bill is coming forward may 11th as i understand it. you know, i guess part -- returning to building the wall is part of this bill. tell me what you think you can get through and what do you think the senate will do? i'm assuming the gop plan is to pass things that are there and force it to the senate and the white house and say what's wrong with this plan. >> right.
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if they have a better idea, show the plan. they have never tried to bring the bill forward and they had the senate and the house for two years. we ended catch and release. we fixed the asylum program that is not working. why give tools to our border patrol agents. one of things that secretary mayorkas has done that is the most disappointing, he turneded the border patrol against him. they know that mayorkas doesn't have the border patrol agents' back. they're risking their lives. we're seeing one out of everyone,000 border patrol agents commit suicide. those numbers are alarming. we're giving our border patrol agents the tools that they need to do their jobs safely. >> their numbers are down, they put their lives on the line every day and that are overrun at that border, which is very clear. before i let you go, i want to ask you about the debt ceiling vote. obviously a big victory last week for kevin mccarthy and all of you that helped to get that
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through for your side. where do you think it goes from here and how difficult is it politically to keep both sides of your own caucus behind this bill? >> well, you saw everybody coming together and saying we're willing to vote to address the debt ceiling and also addressing the spending problems in washington that got us here. now the pressure is on president biden to do his job, to sit down with the speaker. you're seeing a drum beat of democrats in the house and senate finally starting to call on the president to go negotiate with speaker mccarthy. a few of them like chuck schumer still want to demagogue this and create a debt crisis. >> martha: you think there's enough to get this through to make to it the president's desk? >> well, i'd like to see the senate take this bill up and pass it to the president. it will solve the problem not just with the debt ceiling, it will solve the spending problem and the inflation problem that got us here. let them pass that bill. >> martha: it's interesting. there's a hunger for fiscal
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responsibility on both sides. 50% of americans don't want to raise the debt ceiling, which is an interesting number that you don't hear a lot about. thanks very much, steve scalise. good to have you here, sir. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so ahead this hour, karl rove takes a look at the latest shaping up of 2024, a couple of new elements emerging in the field that we'll talk about. sandra smith live right here from new york with us as another bank goes down. is your money safe? owners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> martha: not a pretty picture. three u.s. bank collapses in the past two months. the latest over the weekend was first republic. the feds took it over and then they sold it very quickly to
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j.p. morgan chase. it tops the failures of silicon valley and signature in march. sandra smith is here. i want to play this a short time ago. this is what the president said. watch this. >> let me be very clear. while depositors are being protected, shareholders are losing investments. taxpayers are not the ones on the hook. i called on congress to give regulators the tools to hold bank executives accountable and i called on regulators to strengthen regulations and supervision of large and regional banks. >> martha: what do you think what he said? >> sandra: i don't know how the taxpayer is not on the hook. he will have to explain that. jamie dimon has been smart about this. j.p. morgan is paying $10.6
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billion to the regulator. the fdic is providing a $50 billion five-year fixed rate loan. this deal will cost the insurance fund $13 billion. that is the taxpayer on the hook for this. so i don't know how you can look at it any other way. if you don't see it that way, the taxpayer is on the hook in the form of higher lending standards. it's going to be tougher and tougher, this is the third major bank failure in weeks. it means you'll see tighter lending standards and higher rates, this is already happening. we know the federal reserve has another big decision this week. the rates will keep going on. so for the average borrower in this country, you bet you you're paying for this. >> first republic had a lot of wealthy investors got deals with lower interest rates to have ininsured loans coming out of that bank because of their own record. then the rates started to creep up, right? >> sandra: they didn't prepare for it. >> martha: the bank had to pass
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the rates along. that is what helped to cause the demise of first republic. this is jamie dimon. as you say, this is somebody that everybody looks to in these situations. reminds me of j.p. morgan himself who stepped in during the huge crisis in the early 1900s. here's what he had to say about this. >> there's only so many banks. there may be another smaller one, this resolves them all. this part of the crisis is over. there's not -- down the looked, rates are going way up, real estate, recession, that's a different issue. but for now, everybody just take a deep breath. >> martha: tell me if i'm right. he said the regional crisis is over. but he says there's a lot of recessionary pressures in the economy. >> sandra: but he said this has not changed the odds of a recession. the odds are that we can still be entering a recession.
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that can still happen. this doesn't change anything. he did say this is very different than the 2008 crisis era deals. that is really important. so many of us that lived through that, reported on it. we get this feeling of what is happening here, is this another major financial crisis. >> sandra: i just got off the phone with the manager director at ubs. he basically said to me, the easiest comparison you can make for anybody that feels like oh, boy, is this another big financial meltdown? not the case. the banking crisis would be different today for this reason. the banks are a third leveraged now than they were during the banking crisis and they have double the amount of capitol. lessons were learned. banks changed their behavior. they're better off, more sound now. your deposits are safe. what happened in the case of this particular bank, martha,
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this was mismanagement. this was misrisk management. the rates went up. they didn't prepare for that situation. >> martha: so the people that failed, did a terrible job with this bank. are they out? >> sandra: we're basically bailing them out. yeah. j.p. morgan gobbles them up. j.p. morgan stock went up 2%. >> martha: they don't get a golden parachute? >> sandra: they had high end customers at the bank and those that were putting money at the bank, their limits were over $250,000. they able the ability to go elsewhere. they did. look at the exodus of funds following the other bank failures. their customers said we'll go somewhere bigger. >> martha: now j.p. morgan has the whole thing. >> sandra:s that what happened. >> martha: thanks, sandra. >> sandra: thank you. >> martha: so coming up, benjamin hall with an exclusive preview of the interview that he just did moments ago at the state department with secretary of state antony blinken.
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>> martha: a child support battle involving hunter biden paving the way for potentially a closer look at his finances as he has to let the judge in this case understand exactly how much money he has and how much support he's able to pay. so we're keeping a close eye on that. that was in arkansas earlier
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today. this is the video a that we got in. this is london roberts, the mom of this 4-year-old child. so she's contesting how much money she's getting on a monthly basis. the hunter biden side says that they basically had an agreement and that he has fulfilled those agreements. she says they have not. one of the attorneys showed up with a team of attorneys there earlier today. as i said, one of the big questions here is how much discovery will happen in this case. how much will he have to turn over about his sources of income, where the money comes from, how much he made from the paintings that he's been selling, who the buyers of those paintings were. all of this is obviously of great interest because it goes to his sources of income over the last several years, which is obviously a big question that james comer and the oversight committee has about a number of issues related to his overseas business dealings. that's why this little case in batesville, arkansas. pretty interesting.
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stay tuned for more on that. and moments ago, there was a standing ovation and a very warm welcome for our correspondent benjamin hall at the state department when he returned there for the first time to the briefing room. ben joins us now to tell us a little bit about -- let's watch this. hold on. [applause] ben hall joins us now from our d.c. bureau. great to see you, ben. give us a sense of what it was like to go back home. you were working at the state department before you covered to left the war in ukraine. this is the first time you've been back in the building. >> it was quite emotional today. one of the things that you go through with the injuries you had, for me, it was getting back
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to work and the things i was doing before. so today back at the state department, felt like that. about returning. you know, the state department was so helpful to get me out of ukraine, to get me back to the u.s. so it was a warm welcome today. of course, i got a chance to interview secretary blinken today. that was certainly very interesting indeed. >> martha: i know in your book you talk about getting a phone call from antony blinken when you were still overseas right after the attack. so today you went back to work. you're back at the state department as a correspondent for fox news. you sat down with him to talk to him about tough subjects, ben. i think we have a sound bite of one of them. the whole interview will be on "special report." let's watch this clip and you can tell us about it. >> i want to ask about the letter written concerning hunter
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biden's laptop. can you explain your role in that? >> one of the great benefits of this job is i don't do politics and i don't engage in it. with regard to that letter, i didn't -- it wasn't my idea. i didn't ask for it. didn't solicit it. the testimony that the former deputy director of the cia put forward confirms that. >> martha: what did you think of that response, ben? >> the first clear indication from blinken that he was not behind the letter, a lot of people said that morrel suggested it did come from him. a lot of questions. the first time we heard him say that he had no involvement in that. it's interesting to get that from him. >> martha: very interesting. obviously it's a question that a lot of reporters have wanted to put to him. it's great that you had the opportunity to ask him and get his response on the record to
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that really important question of what happened during that period before the election in 2020 when 51 former intelligence officials said it was russian disinformation on the laptop. so that's a great question obviously. ukraine, china, other big issues that i'm sure you addressed with him, ben? >> absolutely. china, of course, we spoke about the growing rise in the threat from china. we spoke about ukraine. what his hopes were, now looking at the war, whether or not it was a stalemate. we spoke about evan gershkovich being held by russians as well. a lot of push back on that. when you speak to secretary blinken, he's going to go to the talking points. we had do ask why russians continue to take americans and why they continue to do so. interestingly enough, he said he was open for china coming in to ukraine and playing the role of peace maker. they recently reached out to
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zelensky who spoke to president xi. that was an interesting take on the ukraine war from him. so it was an interesting look at how secretary blinken sees the world and how he sees the u.s. interest at the moment. i was keen to push him for example on how a lot of country that were once firmly on the u.s. side are now drifting over to china. he pushed back. he said firmly that he thought there was a unity that we can continue to use against china. so a lot of back and forth in the interview. you'll hear more of it tonight. >> martha: those are the important questions right there. so we look forward to seeing the whole thing on "special report" tonight and what a nice welcome you got to the state department. i'm sure they were very happy to have you back on the john, ben. great to see you. we'll watch "special report" tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> martha: i talked about this story moments ago against hunter biden's child support battle.
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let's check in with david spunt who is in arkansas with a first hand account of what happened today. hi, david. >> hi, martha. good afternoon. this is about child support payments. essentially it has a bigger theme looking at the president's son's finances. we learned today in court publicly for the first time his attorney, hunter biden is paying the money of his 4-year-old daughter, london roberts is the name of the mother paying her $20,000 a month. however, hunter biden is trying to get those payments lowered citing a drop in income. this is a case that began as a paternity case, but dna showed that it's scientifically likely that hunter biden is the father. he agreed to pay child support. he says now there's a drop in income but now wants to lower the payments.
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the president's son left the courthouse after two hours after he walked in. london roberts says that he's not holding up to his end of the bargain. he's not involved in his little girl's life. today in court we learned in addition to paying $20,000 a month, we know her attorneys want to find out about his art values, his salary and employment the past five years. they want to see documents related to his business with a chinese firm. hunter's finance is a big ticket in the federal investigation that has encircled him for five years now, since at least 2018. the u.s. attorney in delaware is looking at his tax affairs and oversee business dealings. as we reported, huntser's attorneys were at the doj head quarters in washington for a status update. it's a meeting they requested. the meeting could signal a ploy negotiation or sign charges may be imminent.
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it's also possible that hunter biden walks away with no charges. london robert's attorney told me here on a the courthouse steps that london roberts appeared before a delaware grand jurorly last year, wouldn't give more details about that. that just shows that a case here in rural arkansas has big implications for this federal case involving hunter biden. martha. >> martha: very interesting the door it cracks up to his finances, sinces that the issue at the heart of the child support payments. thanks, david. david spunt. in batesville, arkansas today. so we're waiting to see if the white house answers questions about this london roberts case today. hunter biden's finances. everybody filing in to the room. they're behind schedule for this white house press conference. a lot of big questions for the president today. we'll keep a close eye on that as that gets underway moments
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from now. attention also turned to the senate after a big win on the house side for them, for the gop. there you can see senator mcconnell rising to speak. now it's in his side of the fence, how are they going to get this debt limit and spenting cut across the line. here's kevin mccarthy in jerusalem right now. take a look at this. >> the president still hasn't talked to me. >> martha: so we will talk to karl rove about whether republicans can force spending cuts through the senate and potentially get them signed by the president. a long way from there right now. that's the question that hangs over this whole situation as we look at this debt limit. scle heh versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein.
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>> martha: think about this.
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50% of americans say they don't think we should raise the debt ceiling. showing at least half of the country favors putting in place some cuts and fiscal responsibility. so now it's the senate's turn to take on the bill that kevin mccarthy got through the house. some political peril on all sides on this. karl rove is standing by with more. first to aishah hasnie on the hill. hi, aishah. >> hi, martha. good afternoon to you. senator schumer, leader schumer, just spoke on the floor. he said this gop bill has really no future in the senate. he is not going to bring it to a vote. he will, however, put it through a committee and the whole purpose of that is to really rip it apart and poke holes in it and continue to say this is a maga wish list. right now house democrats and republicans are in a fight. they're bashing each other.
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republicans attack being democrats for not voting with them on this 1.5 trillion mccarthy bill. democrats saying that the spending cuts are way too much. despite a growing number of democrats calling for the president to sit down with mccarthy. the number 2 democrat says the president should not budge on what they might talk about. listen. >> certainly there would be a discussion but clear that this discussion is of the budget and appropriation bills. >> now what is really important here, martha, something to keep in mind, democrats say they want to pass a clean debt limit bill, right? it's not clear that leader schumer has the votes to do that because if he did, he might bring that to the floor and he hasn't yet. speaker mccarthy, as you mentioned, awhile ago, in israel, took a swing at the president saying that the president still hasn't talked to me. i'm a little like netanyahu. martha? >> thank you very much, aishah. so let's bring in karl rove.
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former deputy chief of staff for george w. bush. great to have you here today, karl. who do you think will blink on this one? >> well, i don't know. i know this. the democrats are on the wrong side of this issue. american viewpoints poll in 87 marginal house districts, these are districts democrat and republican that are up for grabs, found that 37% believe that we ought to raise the debt ceiling without cutting spending. that's the democrat position. clean debt ceilings. 50% said we ought to raise the debt ceiling but match it with spending cuts. the problem for the democrats is, the spending cuts contained in the house bill are popular by a margin of 77 to 14, they believe we ought to recover the unspent covid dollars. that emergency is over. billions upon billions of dollars is unspent that ought to be recovered. we ought to require people
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getting benefits from the government, social service been if it's, welfare, et cetera, to be working or looking for work. that's a 62 to 27 winner. it will save billions. by 55-35, to reduce the nondefense spending to the preinflation levels and then go up by 1% year. that's a winner. senator schumer is on the wrong side of this issue. he will put members in jeopardy by doing what he's going to try to do, block the consideration of this. look who he's calling to defend his approach. the environmental defense fund and the solar energy industry association are there to defend the green energy subsidies in the government spending that would be repealed by the house bill. this is about all that he's named as coming to his aid of defense in the senate. >> martha: there's no do you live looking at the polls that you showed and other pollses that americans are on the side
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of clawing back the covid money that was not spent and not even to mention the billions that was fraudulently used -- >> hundreds of billions. >> martha: i don't know where the pursuit of these thieves that stole the money and didn't use it properly and didn't return it. so it just blows my mind. i want to ask you a quick question about the republican field. sounds like tim scott is going to get in on may 22. what do you think about how this is developing? >> well, look, we're relatively early. i was in a presidential campaign where the candidate didn't announce until june. so we're in a relatively early period for this. we're likely to have a field be sort of rambunctious at the big, but though not as big as 2016 with 17 candidates. we'll see after the debates in august, september, november, the field will consolidate. i think if we start voting in january in the four early states, iowa, new hampshire,
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nevada and south carolina, by the end of february, i think we're likely to have a field that is collapsed down to two or three or four serious candidates. >> martha: we'll see. as you say, we're now in may. it's may 1. the next eight weeks we'll get a good sense of this field as people either tell us they're not getting in or they throw their hat in the ring. it's interesting. talking a lot, karl. >> you bet. >> martha: thank you. so elon musk raising red flags about attacks on free speech in a huge interview. >> i think we need to be cautious about anything that is anti-american and anything that is -- that results in the suppression of free speech. so you know, those are two of the aspects of my work that i think are very dangerous. and the payments high. consolidate that car
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trinet. people matter.
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>> martha: you're going live this even if you're not a baseball fan. watch this. >> that ball comes out. it's off of his head and shoulder. i don't know in it touched the ground. >> that's an out. >> martha: it's like it's on its own. looped around his head and lands in his met. pretty incredible. that's the university of missouri. that catch was unbelievable. mizzou did not win friday's game against the florida gators. but he may have just made the catch of the year. i got send that by my friend. so if you've seen an amazing catch, an amazing play, send it to us and we'll pull it on "the story." nicely done. all right. a woke mind virus.
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that's what elon calls the biggest threat to american society. it's leading to a tax on free speech and infiltrating the classrooms. >> the amount of indoctrination that is happening in schools and universities is i think far beyond what parents realize. i'll give you an example that a friend of mine told me. his daughters go to high school in the bay area. and he was asking them like well, so who are the first few president of the united states. they could name washington. i said what do you know about him? well, he was a slave owner. what else? >> nothing. >> that is so true. outkick founder clay travis joins us now. clay, what do you think about that comment off the bat? >> first of all, it was a fantastic conversation. it was 21 minutes long. i watched the whole thing between elon musk and bill
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maher. elon is right. that's why i've been encouraged by his decision to buy twitter for $44 million. what he recognizes, we can't actually reach real results in this country when cancel culture and identity politics disallow real debate to happen. we get asked this question a lot, martha. what is cancel culture? that's the difference between i disagree with you and here's why. you lay out an argument. cancel culture is i disagree with you and you do not deserve to have a job based on that opinion that you are sharing, right? so when elon musk and people say what is woke culture? it is the idea that you are only defined by your race, by your gender and we're in a constant war of the oppression olympics. that's a good example of that. also, we can't contextualize
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people in history. yes, george washington owned slaves. also the father of the country. >> martha: and that's the problem. students are not learning civics. they don't understand the founding fathers. every one should say which is your favorite and why. which is compelling to you and why? these are really important questions. i'll never forget talking to someone at a small liberal arts college that don't allow students to talk about trump on campus because it's hate speech. so i said there's no freedom of speech. they looked at me like i had three heads. that's the bottom line. this is about the fear of a.i. and the future. this is stephen hawking in 2014. i want a quick thought from you. watch this. >> i think a development of full artificial intelligence could spend the end of the human race.
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it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever increasing rate. humans limited by slow biological evolution couldn't compete with the superseded. >> martha: now we're hearing from scientists today is that its happening so much faster than hawking or anyone thought. quick thought on that, if you would. >> it's like terminator come to life. this was the entire premise of the terminator movie. skynet came to life. there's many things that i fear more china invading taiwan in the short term, but this is alarming i think in the long-term, martha. thanks for having me. >> martha: thanks very much. coming up, gerri willis joins us on a very promising story with the potential to save women's lives.
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>> martha: good story here. a historic step in the fight against cancer.
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pennsylvania requiring understand companies to expand the screenings that they covered for free. fox business correspondent gerri willis is here. she's a breast cancer survivor. she looks great. governor josh is a hero signing a bill into law to provide the tests that are needed. right, gerri? >> absolutely. that's big for folks with breast cancer. they'll also get counselling for everybody considered high risk for breast cancer all for free. since 2015, the state has required free 3 mammograms for all women whether or not they were high risk. today the state taking the presentative care a step further. listen. >> this bill is critically important. it's going to save the lives of women across pennsylvania. i hope other states do follow suit. it's common sense. it's bipartisan. we know that it can have a meetingful impact on women across this country. >> this first in the nation
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legislation was sponsored by breast cancer survivor kim ward. she was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer two weeks after assuming her senate leadership position. she was denied insurance coverage for genetic testing even though her grandmother had breast cancer. listen. >> even know that i had a bracogene, i would have the mastectomy several years ago. >> state legislators, democrats and republicans all voted unanimously on this bill. they hope other states will follow their lead. ward says early testing makes sense because it saves dollars, cents and lives. insurers are finally on board. they didn't want to do this thing. they see in the long run, it saves them money. >> absolutely. we have a lot of breast cancer in my family as well. the screenings are so important. the checkups, a couple times a
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year for all of us. thanks, gerri. josh shapiro is somebody to watch. that's "the story" for may 1. hopefully we'll get sunshine now. 2023. we head into the spring. we'll see candidates jumping in the ring soon, too, as karl said. stick around. "your world" starts now. have a great afternoon. >> neil: ladies and gentlemen, may we present to you bank rescue number 4. j.p. morgan chase taking control of first republic. it is the latest bank takeover. some suspect it won't be the last. i'm neil cavuto. thanks my colleagues and friends, sonda smith and charles payne doing a great job in my absence which motivated me to return fast and to cover this story. yet another big bank failure. this one so far with a happy ending. a fed sponsore


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