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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 1, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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1-800 gambler. >> dana: it is the highest rate of suicide with all addictions. one in five people think about suicide. it is important. let's stay in touch. thank you for being willing to tell your story. >> thank you for raising the aw awareness. >> dana: fox news alert. new court action for president biden. he is appearing before a judge right now for a child support hearing in arkansas. the fight could be larger implications for him and the white house when it comes to the federal investigation into the biden family's business dealings. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. we're drying out in the northeast. more on that later. dna has confirmed hunter is the little girl's father.
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today he is trying to lower his monthly child support payments. this could, however, open the door to new revelations about his own financial records as well as complicate the other scandals involving him as the president's son. jonathan turley explaining on "fox & friends" a bit earlier this way. >> his own counsel went into this arkansas court and tried once again to suggest that maybe this isn't his laptop. the irony is this effort could really backfire across the board. he is under investigation in delaware, washington, and he may have just tripped the wire on this one by once again trying to reduce his support for his own child. >> bill: we'll talk to andy mccarthy in a moment. fox news justice correspondent david spunt live in baitsville, arkansas to begin a new hour. >> good morning. this case has implications far
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greater than just this paternity issue or this child support issue, i should say, before the judge here in independence county, arkansas today. we have video of hunter biden entering the courthouse 20 minutes ago or so. before the judge begins two minutes ago at 9:00. this is all about those child support payments. we also got video of london roberts, she is the woman who shares a 4-year-old daughter with hunter and needs more help with child support. dna test showed, bill, with near scientific certainty the child is hunter biden's. biden and roberts originally agreed on childcare payments but she believes he is not living up to his end of bargain and stalling. hunter's attorney accompanied him here today working with both sides of the aisle representing former president bill clinton, also jared kushner, donald
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trump's son-in-law. what sets this story above the child support dispute is we may find out more about hunter's finances. remember as we said he has been under federal investigation since at least 2018. federal prosecutors in delaware looking into overseas business dealings and tax affairs. what happens today may give us a glimpse into that investigation. hunter's attorneys were just at the justice department headquarters in washington, d.c. last week to get a status update on the probe. it could signal possible plea negotiations or a sign charges may be imminent. it is possible after half a decade hunter may face no charges. he is in the courtroom now. we expect it to go an hour or so. updates after that but it could definitely give some insight into hunter biden's finances. london roberts said if he can pay for multiple high-power attorneys he can certainly pay
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those child support payments. >> bill: david spunt, nice to see you in northeastern arkansas. >> dana: more on this with andy mccarthy. the other issue here is just one of character. i don't know if you actually have the money, why you would deny one, the girl has no contact with the biden family. never been able to meet her grand parents or go to the white house or ireland with everybody else or the beach house. she has no -- her grandfather never picked her up and held her and she has a father with no connection with her and claiming he doesn't have enough money to care for her, andy? >> it's very difficult to understand, dana. i don't want to get hyper political when we're talking about something where just the personal loath someness about this position would knock you over. but you know, just a fraction of the money that they got from the chinese communist party, just a
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fraction of the money he spent on his various entertainment could probably have settled this. even if they don't have a conscious about this also girl who is completely innocent in this whole escapade, you would think it would be in their interest to make this go away because a lot of the evidence that already exists in connection with hunter biden's tax problems that were the main thrust of at least the beginning of the justice department investigation, a lot of that is generated by litigation over his divorce from his wife and the financial information that came out of that whole litigation. they know they're playing with fire here. it is very hard to understand. >> bill: see what the judge says here. i believe turley thinks to do a plea deal might be the best option for him and the family. over the weekend ron johnson was talking about antony blinken. under oath he was asked whether
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or not he exchanged emails with hunter biden. under oath he denied that and now we have this evidence that they've been in contact for years. here is ron johnson on sunday with maria. >> he said he did not email hunter biden. now we have those emails. we also know his wife using her private email address when she was an employee of the state department was a conduit between her husband and hunter biden as well. i think there is so much more to uncover here. he needs to be subpoena. they must preserve their personal emails. we need to show how corrupt these individuals are. >> bill: what blinken was talking about sometimes when he was traveling he was i'll get you on my schedule and make sure you speak with my assistant and make sure that's arranged and on and on it went. how do you view this, andy? >> i am very troubled by it.
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troubled by the whole story of how the letter of the 51 former intelligence officials or national security officials came to be. but i want to say the same thing here that i said during the whole russia collusion stuff when i thought adam schiff and his committee were cherry picking what information they leaked to us and keeping other stuff under wraps. i would like it if they would release the transcript of these witness's' testimony to see exactly what they said and the context. what we constantly get is one side says these people gave false statements. and then you see the testimony and you get the full context of it and sometimes it is indeed correct, they have said things that can't be justified but more often than not you get more context from seeing the full testimony. i wish they would just give us
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the evidence. >> dana: what would be the reason that they would not want to release those? they're trying to build a larger case from the congressional standpoint? >> that's what they always say, dana. , but building a case is the job of a grand jury and prosecutors. what congress is supposed to be about in this context is accountability. i don't see that we get accurate accountability without seeing exactly what people said. a lot of this takes place behind closed doors and i'm very sensitive to the idea if it's national security stuff or intelligence information then obviously it has to be behind closed doors but when we talk about investigations about political accountability and they don't do them publicly, at the very least they should release the transcripts to us. >> dana: see if they will. >> bill: thank you. we'll watch how that court case comes out in arkansas. big concern for voters heading
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into 2024. violent crime in their cities. especially in democrat-led cities where it has been a growing problem across the country. memphis, new orleans, baltimore, st. louis and detroit all run by democratic leadership and have the most murders and crime. >> as more candidates officially enter the race and primary season nears we wanted to hear from voters about what they are concerned about going into this election and crime and public safety continues to be a top issue. taking a look at the latest fox news polling, 88% of americans are extremely or very concerned about higher crime rates and the numbers when it comes to crime are exploding nationwide. looking in new york city you see problems with crime continue long after the pandemic. over the last two years overall crime is up over 45%.
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it's not just here in new york. it's coast to coast. chicago total major crime rose 45% just year-over-year and new reporting from the whole foods in downtown san francisco forced to close for safety reasons. at least 14 people were arrested during the 13-months the whole foods in downtown was open. a record of 568 emergency calls were made to that location according to the "new york times." when you hear from people who live in the cities they say crime is on their mind and they need to adjust their life in order to stay safe. listen to what they said to us. >> you feel if you turn down the wrong street you feel like you shouldn't be there. other areas i feel fine. >> we used to feel comfortable walking around at night and we feel less comfortable now than we used to. >> make sure i'm holding everything close to me and my protection on me, mace or anything like that. >> large numbers of police in certain places. we could use some more.
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>> one of the things that we consistently heard is in your major cities in the u.s. you need to stay alert to stay safe. to make matters worse we see police leave at record numbers. in 2022, the nypd lost 3,701 officers from retirement or from leaving early. that is the highest number that we've seen in 20 years. it's more officers than left than in 2020. 2022 is the largest year. >> bill: thanks, madison here in new york. >> bill: 35,000 officers nypd. 10%. that's a lot. >> dana: madison talked to a lot of the people here tourists or citizens who live here. think about the small business owners trying to make ends meet and they are being stymied at every turn in the city. new york is not the only one. you see it in chicago, los angeles, denver, for example. >> bill: big list.
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we could go on. >> dana: on to this. >> we live in a very dangerous world and why all of us on the intelligence committees, everyone in the intelligence agency there is no greater threat. the world and the united states face other than the ccp. >> dana: the threat from china on the president's agenda today meeting with the leader of the philippines. the growing concerns about china's harassment of that country's navy. >> we experience on our most vulnerable in the high schools. >> bill: the latest in the battle over gender-neutral bathrooms in our nation's public schools. how will it turn out. >> dana: seventh grader said he was sent home from school because he refused to change his t-shirt that read there are only two genders. people say he made a protected class feel unsafe. what about his free speech.
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jimmy failla with his reaction next. ♪ veteran homeowners to combat today's rising prices. lower your monthly payments with the three c's: pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. i brought in ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uh... here i'll take that. ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. ♪ this is going to be great. taking the shawl off. ok i did it. is he looking at my hairline? is plaque psoriasis making you rethink your everyday choices? otezla is a pill, not a cream or injection that can help people with plaque psoriasis achieve clearer skin. and no routine blood tests required.
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>> bill: back to this fox news alert now. the court proceeding is underway. hunter biden arrived 30 minutes ago in arkansas. the question before the judge is to whether or not he should be allowed to reduce his monthly payments or whether or not it should stay where it is or even increase. the woman who is bringing the charges is now 32 years old. her name is london roberts and we'll see what the judge has to say. should go about an hour's time. we'll keep you posted on the outcome of that. dana. >> dana: new concerns about the
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safety and privacy of our nation's children. the loudon county virginia school system will convert some bathrooms to gender neutral and cost taxpayers millions of dollars. not the only reason some parents are pushing back. mike emanuel following the story. hi, mike. >> the initial cost is expected to be around $11 million for this experiment of gender-neutral bathrooms for both male and female students. estimated that modifying bathrooms at every loudon county school could cost more than $210 million taxpayer dollars. they have been in the national news since the district was accused of covering up two incidents of sexual assaults in high schools, one occurring in a school bathroom. the teacher says beyond spending the money on the bathrooms there are other issues here. >> the bigger problem is the principle of sending our girls potentially 13 and 14-year-old girls being sent into the same
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bathrooms with high school boys up to 18 and 19-year-old old. experimenting on our most vulnerable in the high schools. >> loudon made national headlines for fiery school board meetings in 2021 when parents were venting their frustration about covid lockdowns and impact on children and curriculum changes. the acting superintendent said about this current bathroom change quote, all students can use the multi-fixture gender specific restrooms in all facilities. we are, however, increasing the number of and access to gender-neutral single use restrooms to offer more privacy. the district is going too far to accommodate a small number of students who identify as transgender is what some people are saying. >> bill: 20 past the hour. middle school student fighting for free speech, liam morrison sent home from school for wearing a t-shirt that reads
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there are only two genders. the school says it made some students feel unsafe. here is liam explaining himself on the microphone. >> made a shirt made people feel unsafe. it felt like i was in trouble. others have a right to their -- actually just the opposite. >> jimmy failla fox across america host has probably been to massachusetts. >> nice so see somebody getting in trouble for their fashion besides me. in that regard it's not me. the story is a scam on so many levels. let me start big box. what's happening in the school is emblematic of the country. the left is using the word tolerance as a shield to hide behind so they can be intolerant, okay? this kid expressed a scientific fact. it is his view as is the
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widely-held view and belief of every biologist in the country. the way they are being intolerant. if you contradict our viewpoint it will lead to violence, people will die if we allow you to freely express your ideas. that's intolerant and also factually incorrect. >> dana: and here is a young man who at that age is an awkward age for everybody in the world when you go through that age and he is learning how to express himself and to be slammed like that and make national news. what that does to him and i think it really got to me when they said because he offended a protected class. what is the protected class? this is a full flung debate that we'll have over the next few years. let the kid express himself and defend himself and not be put in a corner for it. >> the point they made is kids are not the protected class if they don't hold the right views. that was the message.
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this kid gets put in the national spotlight and taking heat as being potentially intolerant or inflammatory. but it is designed to send a message to other kids who might want tst ground. there is no world where in a one in a million chance my son lincoln gets 100 on a biology test that it should be a bad thing. >> bill: he is 12 years old in seventh grade. he showed a lot of guts. >> of course he did. that's the thing. there is so much blowback. no upside to being him in this current conversation. you can only be labeled the worst thing in the world. the fact that he was willing to take that stand and it is a stand that is not anti-trans. it is pro women and pro biology. a dangerous mischaracterization of the conservative viewpoint. we don't want to erase people. >> bill: the idea of pro women is lost. >> dana: you were at the white house correspondents' dinner.
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how did this go? >> fox crew went down to d.c. the bar was empty. we put up good numbers. we like to go on a road as a fox team. when we got out of bed we were still number one in the ratings and take that every time. >> dana: i bet they were glad to have you. president biden set to host the president of the philippines at the white house after the country saw the largest joint military drills. what does it mean with growing tensions with china. plus president biden's new mortgage rules going into effect. what that could inflate your monthly payment to up next. >> play by the rules, pay your bills on time. have a good credit score and rewarded for all that under joe biden you pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars more every month -- every month and every year for your mortgage application. with an affordable home loan from newday usa and save hundreds of dollars every month.
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helps soothe digestive upsets. and support vaginal health. welcome to an align gut. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> dana: attention home buyers with good credit.
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biden administration's controversial new mortgage subsidy program goes into effect today. borrowers with higher credit scores will see higher fees to help covers those with lower scores. how is this fair? fox business jeff flock explains what they are trying to do. hi, jeff. >> hello to you. won't effect the house you see behind me. the fellow buying this one has his mortgage. starting today, yes, you have a higher credit score and pay slightly more than you would have before. it is the government's attempt to try and bring more folks at the lower end of the economic spectrum into the home-owning universe. government says well, it is not going to cost other people. look at their statement. this from the federal housing finance authority. they say higher credit score buyers are not being charged more so lower credit score buyers can pay less. that said, take a look at an example. it's what it looks like is happening. if you have, for example, a 640 credit score now, below average
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score. they put 20% down with a $350,000 mortgage you would have paid about $10,000 in fees. that's before today. now it is more like $7800. if you have a 740 credit score, very good credit. before you would have paid less than $2 thousand in fees. now you will pay $3 thousand. some are questioning the fairness of that. we also talked to a former fannie mae executive who says not only is it not fair, it may hurt lower income home buyers. listen. >> it's going to add to demand from lower income, higher-risk borrowers. that demand will drive up prices in the neighborhoods those buyers are shopping in because the supply of homes in those neighborhoods hasn't changed. if you add more demand and keep the supply the same, the price has to go up. it's economics 101.
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>> a lot of folks think it is a good idea to try to get more folks who make less money into the home-owning universe, way to build wealth. they dispute whether this is the right way to go about it. dana. >> dana: there might have been a better way. jeff flock, thank you. >> bill: thank you. president biden meanwhile will host the president of the philippines at the white house today. chinese aggression sure to be a topic of conversation as the u.s. and philippines come off their largest ever joint military drills. watch this relationship. general jack keane has more now. want to read you a quote from the white house press secretary. during the visit president biden will reaffirm the united states iron clad commitment, she says, to the defense of the philippines and leaders will talk about efforts to strengthen the longstanding u.s./philippines alliance. how do you gauge the strength of this relationship now when it comes to military preparedness?
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>> well first of all, i credit the administration for strengthening the relationship with our allies and partners in the region. it is not a coincidence that this is the second visit this president has made from the philippines. the president of south korea and japan recently. it's because of the threat of china and also we have a mutual defense treaty with all three of them. they have likely have some unstated public concerns about this. that is that they saw what happened in afghanistan when we walked away from a 20-year ally and walked away from european countries who wanted to stay because they saw it in their national interest and see us pushing back on or allies and partners in the middle east, the arabs and the kingdom of saudi arabia and also pushing back to a certain degree on israel.
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so yes, they have -- that is an undercurrent for the visit. what they want face-to-face commitment from president biden that the united states will be there as the guarantor of their security if china's aggression and intimidation turns into conflict. that is the essence of the meeting. >> bill: how is china reacting to this, general? >> they have great concern. one of the things this administration has done despite i've been critical in them in not moving fast enough to solve the problem of an erosion of effective military deterrents, the strengthening of the relationship with allies and partners in the region, these three countries including australia and india have been things that certainly china has noticed and seen the fact the countries are working together more closely than ever. it's all a good thing.
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you cited a military exercise. they're going to be more in the future. allies and partners to help us establish deterrents against china. when china looks at should we take over the south china sea, should we take over taiwan, they look and say we're not just contending with the united states. we're contending with the united states allies and partners in the region who are willing to make a commitment. so yes, step in the right direction here, bill. >> bill: you think about that part of the world. australia, new zealand, philippines, south korea, japan, right? that is essentially our team, general. >> yes, absolutely. to include taiwan also. and we have relationships with vietnam that we have strengthened as a result of china's intimidation and coercion of vietnam. we don't have mutual refence
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treaty that we have with these three other countries but significantly improved because of what china is doing. >> bill: let's talk later in the week. jack keane, appreciate you coming on today. thank you. >> dana: for more on this tonight there will be a special report that you are going the want to see. benjamin hall as an exclusive interview with secretary of state antony blinken at 6:00 p.m.enter >> they'll have much to discuss. hollywood loves a good drama. this is too real. this is hemmer celebrity news. did you know, miss perino, the clock is ticking for hollywood studios and streamers to reach a new deal with a major writers union. responsible for a lot of popular shows that you watch. maybe you don't. the deadline is midnight tonight. a deal looks elusive. if you get no deal writers could go on strike as early as next
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week. it will not effect exclamation point. >> dana: they right their own stuff. this is getting a lot of attention. there are people there making the case saying we're working our butts off. streaming is taking a ton of money and they want a piece of it. looks like they might go on strike. >> bill: what would you do without the hemmer celebrity news. >> dana: let's go to this now, nearly a year after the supreme court roe v. wade leak we still do not know for sure who did it. but justice alito now says he has a pretty good idea about who was behind it. a college professor says he found an easy way to bust students using artificial intelligence to plagiarize their papers. he fills us in next.
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>> dana: congress considering new age limits for social media. the senate is weighing a bipartisan bill banning kids under 13 from having accounts at all. those age 13 to 17 would need to get parent's permission to hop online. the bill is in response to growing concerns about social media's role on kids' minds. >> bill: like the idea, right? >> dana: as tyrus says, you can't blame the kids. it's the pairens. >> bill: they are making devices
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now that help parents safeguard the stuff. pin wheels out of texas, it is good for parents. give it to your kid. it's pre-programmed. >> dana: maybe you need one. called pinwheel. >> bill: another iconic american brand outsourcing to china. >> dana: what? >> for the first time ford motor company is moving production of some lincoln s.u.v.s from canada to china. says made in china is the most practical way to go. u.s. business groups say president biden needs to raise the 25% tariff on china-built cars that president trump put in place. >> dana: this is curious. i will dig deeper to try to understand more about what they are deciding here. that is going to make some people feel a little uncomfortable. why go from canada to china at this point when we're trying to figure out a way to do more
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here? >> i would say they've gotten tax dollars along the way. i wonder what your research turns up. >> dana: i'll report back to you. a mystery, the stunning leak of the supreme court draft opinion on a blockbuster abortion case unleashing protests at justice's owe and across the country. the search for who was behind the leak. now justice samuel alito is telling the "wall street journal" he thinks he knows who was responsible. gillian turner with the details. this must have sent shock waves through capitol hill? >> it was a very rare, extraordinarily candid interview by alito. got real about talking who leaked the infamous dobbs decision draft and he said this. i personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible. that's different from the level of proof needed to name nobody. asked whether the leaker is a
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conservative he says this. that's infuriating to me. this made us targets of assassination. would i do that to myself? would the five of us have done it to ours-- here is the bottom line. if they wanted to find the leaker, they could. the truth is, i don't think they really wanted to and that's what justice alito is getting at there. >> alito says the leak, quote, was part of an effort to prevent the dobbs draft from becoming the decision of the court and that's how it was used for those six weeks by people on the outside as part of the campaign to try to intimidate the court. ted cruz says it's a criminal act. >> given the severity here, invite the f.b.i. to work cooperatively with the marshals.
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get the evidence. the individual who leaked this draft opinion should be prosecuted, should go to jail. if they are a member of the bar they should be disbarred. >> he says overall the leak created suspicion and mistrust in the court and still trying to work through it. he says the damage could hurt the court for a very long time. >> dana: thank you, gillian. >> bill: new york city is turning to big tech to fight the car thieves. what the mayor is calling for next. see whether or not it works. first fox news and america together celebrating asian-american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month. >> celebrated chinese american architect is best known for modernizing the louvre museum in paris. the large glass pyramid is one of the most famous landmarks in
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the city. born and raised in china he moved to the united states when he was 18 to study architecture. during world war ii he worked for the u.s. government before starting his own design firm. in 1964 jackie kennedy chose the relatively unknown man to design the john f. kennedy museum in washington. and the gallery of art in washington. the rock-n-roll hall of fame in cleveland and hong kong's tower. he died at the age of 102 america celebrating him today. to cut your monthly expenses. and the fastest way to do that? pay off your debts and high rate credit cards with a lower payment newday home loan. that can save you hundreds of dollars every month. plus, this newday 100 va loan
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lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value so you can put even more cash in the bank during these uncertain times.
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>> harris: the president was joking about his age this weekend. democratic voters don't think it's funny at all. some are saying they may just not vote on november 5th, 2024. plus hunter biden is in court
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today accused of not paying his child support. all at the same time that his ties to the secretary of state antony blinken are under a red hot spotlight and also fire over the 2024 culture wars. one g.o.p. presidential candidate calling out the dangers of children going through gender transitioning. congressman chip roy, ari fleischer, brian kilmeade. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> this simple device, air tag hidden in a car, location that a person is not aware of is an excellent tracking device. >> bill: that's new york's city mayor eric adams to take on the thefts in carjackings. that's a plan to hand out that free apple air tag to motorists. it is tiny. a little circle. we're live in new york city with more on that. good morning, alexis mcadams. >> good morning.
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the mayor of new york city is hoping these apple air tags that cost $30 could be key to curbing the carjackers coming after a another one that happened in the bronx. it happened on friday. a group surrounded the minivan. guy pulls the driver out of the car, beats him. others jump on the hood and drive off. this case is part of a disturbing trend across all five areas and across the country. the nypd is handing out free apple air tag trackers. each one will be passed out to drivers across new york city. this video posted by the nypd shows the officers can use these air tags to track down the stolen cars pretty quickly encouraging drivers to hide one inside their vehicle. you can log into the app on your apple eye phone and watch in realtime to track your vehicle. mayor adams believes it could be
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key to curbing the car thefts. >> technology to fight crime. protect people and save property is the direction this administration and police department is going in. >> the nypd. shows that auto thefts are driving up crime across new york city. how much so? look at this. car thefts jumped by over 13% this year compared to 2022 and even more startling just in the past month it spiked nearly 40% and counting. back live we can tell you it is important to point out in our reporting these air tags have been used by criminals to commit different types of crimes where they can track people without them knowing or slip into a purse and follow people home. apple has condemned that behavior and says it is supposed to be for the better good and added safeguards to tell you
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when people could be following you. >> bill: nice to see you. we should put it in the our suitcase. >> dana: we spoke to tony gonzalez last hour and what he had to say about president biden's priorities at the border. >> the administration failed. instead of giving people a legal route through work visas, they've doubled down encouraging people to come over illegal. # out of ten people don't qualify for a-- people in my discovery tricked don't feel safe 150 miles from the border don't feel safe. the crisis, like grief pointed out earlier doesn't start on may 11. it has already started. >> dana: it's well underway. 150 miles in. not only that you had the chicago mayor saying to the
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governor of texas please don't send us anymore. we can't handle it. what is texas supposed to do? >> it will be a huge story into the summer months. it gets hot during the summer. usually the numbers drops off. not under these circumstances. if you want to make a break for it and cross that border, you will have a golden opportunity very soon. as if it hasn't been enough already. back to arkansas. hunter biden has arrived and is inside the courtroom in arkansas. he is before the independence county circuit judge holly meyer. at issue is a woman named london roberts who hunter bore a daughter with. she is age 32. he is now 53. hunter biden says he can't afford the payments and she is pushing for the payments to continue and possibly an increase based on hunter's objections over the past several months. >> dana: the judge required
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hunter biden to actually be there. they were trying to do it by remote before. london walked in by herself today. joe biden's son, hunter biden with several members of his security team and lawyers. she says they're expensive lawyers which says he should be able to pay for their daughter. >> bill: a lot of reporters there. does hunter biden take questions? >> dana: i doubt it. we'll pay attention to see if he does. before we go i have something to show you. this happens on the airlines. now uber is asking you to get your lightsaber on the new list of unique lost and found items. go on and see all these different things they've found. a slab of tuna. a toy poodle. who forgets their poodle? an ankle monitor. i don't think they'll come back and get it. a slushy machine, a pet turtle, and a fake tooth. >> bill: roll that again. that was some pretty bizarre
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stuff. >> dana: i lost a pair of -- >> bill: are you ready for this? >> dana: lightsaber. >> bill: you own one. >> dana: i need one. slushy machine. how do you lose that? the pet turtle. he must be so upset about that. i can't imagine why that was left behind. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with the fox news alert as democratic voters are sending out a warning to joe biden. they don't want something that he cannot change. they want him to be younger. i'm harris falker in "the faulkner focus." the president is trying to sell the new 80 calling himself seasoned and wise at the white house correspondents dinner over the weekend. our president is the nation's oldest president and oldest-ever white house candidate. if he wins re-election


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