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tv   The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton  FOX News  February 12, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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the world legally and making success of themselves or not, but being free, to pursue that which motivates them. that is what we're all about here. folks. i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin." >> breaking tonight yes another one the senior pentagon official says yet another ufo has been shot down by the us military this time over lake huron in michigan. the pentagon says it is likely that not yet confirmed that the latest object is the same one they shut down yesterday picking up on radar over montana. the michigan congressman said it had the octagonal structure flying at 15000 feet.
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and only have got from the attending on a briefing moments ago that the military is not currently monitoring any other suspicious it on —- specific object that is reassuring. and that is a problem it is a total chaotic way. days ago biden was telling us the giants by balloon wandering around is sucking up sensitive secrets is no big deal not a major breach but now all these others have to be shot down on site the explanation to what they are doing and why is all over the place like the chinese by balloon first they say it's not a threat but then they say it is to protect our military bases then they were worried about hitting something on the ground and exactly the same
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kind of place now they shut down three more in the last two days. it is a total joke and questions there refusing to answer. are they hostile attacks from china or not? i understand from today's but has been two days since they shut down the one over alaska does it take two days to find something they shut down in our own country that we have bigger problems than we thought. why do they hide this from the public until a local newspaper reported that and why wouldn't our military prepared? the defense department budget is over $800 billion per year and they keep demanding more who is in charge over there? useless defense secretary this is an attack by china why hasn't biden spoken to the american people about it? and why hasn't he spoken to us about that?
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with that inflammatory speculation we can just say we don't know what they are if we don't know what they are then why are they shooting them to? so what this tells us about biden and the administration a rhetoric and indecisive and weak not encouraging. joining us now for analysis congressman rogers. thank you for joining us this looks like a shambles. >> clearly our adversaries are probing so they sense of weakness in the biden administration and are ramping this up candidly why are you sending something that may get shot done with a high likelihood to be shot down? the reason is there is valuable intelligence to see how we react —- signals that you want to notify our pilots.
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there is value in that but also to show there is no apprehension for them to do what they are doing now. and that is because they detect a weakness in the biden administration. it never seen anything quite like this at the scaler tempo and there is a reason. steve: are you assuming the last three that they have shot down our chinese spy whatever flying objects? >> no. i am not i am interested to see more information on what is described as a cylinder or an octagon but also the russians have an interest. we cooperate with the ccc p-letter given whether their actions in ukraine. i am not convinced they are all chinese. but i will guess certainly the balloons were chinese.
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but these new objects it would be interesting to see i think i need more data to discern that. steve: but that is that point it has been days in the briefing they are shooting it down and here is another one but absolutely nothing one way or the other to say by the way these are just random things but just with an abundance of caution with threats to civilian aircraft but that is just days and days when people speculate that it was just a complete jo joke. why are they saying anything? they must know more than they are letting on. >> i hope they know more than they are leading on but when you find something at 20000 feet that is provocative and i will tell you why we
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have commercial airliners all through that spectrum of airspace and that becomes dangerous this is not a high altitude 60000-foot according to the information the government was giving us that is provocative they know the you will see it in the intelligence they get they are calculating whatever provocation value that they get a number two whatever short-term intelligence they get on signals intelligence about how the us reacts including radar signals including the signals coming off an aircraft of f-22 when they engage all of those signals are valuable intelligence. they are making the calculation they will get intercepted flying at
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20000 feet which they know will jeopardize the us civilian aircraft or canadian aircraft. my argument is we better stand back to understand exactly what message they are sending. this is bigger than us intercepting the spy craft in our airspace. they are trying to tell us something we need to understand what that is and we need to be very resolute and not tolerate this. steve: what i would like to understand is why this is suddenly coming on the radar? with all of the billions of dollars that they have? now suddenly it is a surprise now they're trying to shoot everything down? we are out of time we appreciate you joining at short notice. thank you.
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after the state of the union but before this new policy of shooting down everything in the sky biden said this. >> that a balloon could traverse the great american airs airspace, anyway it's not a major breach. steve: it is more like. >> a minor incursion. steve: after he heard that last year putin invaded ukraine and what about this
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quick. >> inflation is coming down and inflation is falling every month the last six months. steve: he didn't bring down inflation he pushed it up with his insane spending and not coming down because of anything he did but the fed jacked up interest rates still putting us into recession. >> jobs are coming back. because choices we made the last several years. we created with the help of many people in this room , 12 million new jobs more created than two years in any president created in four years. steve: the jobs are coming back despite his policies. actually it's a bounce back to be they anti- justified that even with that inevitable bounce back still at a lower level than before much lower the labor participation rate
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from working age americans the lowest in nearly 50 years. even closest to the highest we have seen even 10 million more americans know under half of americans say they were than a year ago that is a last time biden was in office. to say that he was feisty and even high-energy not the mumbling but you have to wait until the day after normal biden service was resumed. >> they have for informed me to prejudice the investigation. >> i think it is a number issue and number one, i think
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people just have to watch. steve: [laughter] but the real biden he is just senile. that is disturbing not the angry biden that pops up out of nowhere. we have seen that before. >> think about what you think about. fewer, not more. >> i'm sick and tired of smart guys. steve: and mr. weird angry guy was back now and again. >> name me a world leader going against presidency. steve: take it easy grandpa things will be fine just like the lunatic outburst that he push throughout the speech
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that was exactly the wrong lesson from the state of the union they said yes he did well to run in 2024 but that is the problem. tell us what you think of the state of the union and share this message when we post it. tammy bruce is here with reaction what you make of the state of the union in the state of biden? >> obviously what is happening since the state of the union after the large chinese balloon i don't know what they need right now but it has been quite surreal the entire experience since this election in 2020 has been bizarre and one of the reasons why many people are feeling disturbed
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is because we are getting information and that is what you mentioned i think the earlier interview was right on target we have a state of the union that was gibberish i normally watch that because you are supposed to hear about the state of the union. not hear about a wish fantasy social justice campaign speech that is it rooted in the day-to-day reality. so what makes americans concerned about who is in charge and what else we are lied to about does it mention what occurred? that was bad enough and then we can presume it's from china because a similar effort was made by the canadian defense minister yesterday said the
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object was cylindrical and there were some earlier reports they did not know what to think because there was no obvious propulsion that means it was not attached. so we take bits and pieces from media and no one in the american government is stepping up to say and i said this on twitter one hour ago people were irritated by a donald trump vocabulary and him being transparent right now he would be telling us what was going on this would not have happened in the trump presidency because afghanistan would not have been that catastrophe any enemies would be too afraid to be this daring. steve: in the context of the one-year anniversary that would not have happened. >> some people may have said
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that she is harsh and it's a fantasy know the data back see what 70 percent of the country things are going in the wrong direction the economic disapproval is incredibly high so what i found is the contrast between the pundits and the elite because there is a feisty performance but it is really disconnected. >> and that is our issue. americans choose their own words to describe about the present in the future and the word disaster comes up most often. we are living our lives with the daily experience of inflation then he thinks because he is worried about
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resort fees then the vacation fees that we hate but we know the irs's talking about a rule to take your tips. so this is a remarkable time we hear one thing and experience another. steve: no matter how much we can mock him the fact is the message was an attempt to give a strong blue-collar pitch timeout the middle class and it's no use just complaining that the actual policies are more socialist which they are the gop makes a huge mistake with republicans want to actually win elections if they
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are serious about being the pro- worker party they need to up the game on pro- worker policy to tell the story. your thoughts and what the gop needs to do in response that was a strong pitch. >> as you said biden is using the right words especially at the beginning of the speech and from the republican party it's not at all clear what they stand for and i think we have seen that in the mccarthy speakership with that presidential agenda to run on the midterms and there's so much they could be talking about a have a very strong story on trade and immigration which are incredibly important
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the biden administration's policy on immigration at the southern border is a disaster for america on —- that's not something the democrats will do anything about and they have to talk in terms for wages for americans. education is another hugely important one in the biden administration is spending half a trillion dollars for student debt for college students then turning around to shovel more money into colleges they are sending a message if that's what you're talking about then that proves completely broken the higher education system is and that's more of non- college pathways enable make it successfully into the workforce. steve: in skills training invocation. so what are the specific policy areas and recommendations you would have for the gop?
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>> immigration is very important. skills training is important. and one huge opportunities sitting out there is to talk about labor. organized labor the way we do it in this country is a disaster. we see that even with all of the noise over the past year those who are a part of the union keeps coming down and we have done survey showing we don't want to be part of unions as they are today which are these political enterprises with political social justice. there is a huge transfer for republicans to say we want workers to have representation to have power and speak up for themselves. that cannot work anything like big labor so let's just talk about how it can work out and
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give workers a voice for the workplace. steve: what you are doing is incredibly important. much more to come including larry elder on a possible 2024 presidential run and also the new school choice plan. (jennifer) the reason why golo customers have such long term success is because the golo plan takes a holistic approach to weight loss. we focus on real foods in the right balance so you get the results you want.
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>> in the state of the union response sarah huckabee sanders said she's rolling out education reform and laid out the details. but then to enroll their kids whatever is most appropriate for their family whether public, private, parochial or homeschool whenever subject our kids to indoctrination and we will never expose her young children to inappropriate material and most importantly the legislation ensures everyone graduates with the education they need to succeed in life. and a new career ready diploma
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to provide high school students the opportunity to choose a pathway. >> 120 literacy coaches and increase for teachers raising the starting salary of 50000. the cofounder of the charter school in california and formally the democratic leader of the state senate good to see was always. >> the smartest thing for any governor right now is to enact and pass a school choice initiative it makes sense in terms of politics and education policy. steve: it's interesting because we had kim reynolds on , she signed the bill in iowa
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now sarah pushes it forward in arkansas and both are correct to say the big part of the package with a pay increase for teac teachers. it's interesting the way they put it together they tried to signal be support teachers. we are not anti- teacher it is anti- teacher union perhaps but not teacher. >> absolutely. and now the parents can step forward to say this is ultimately putting kids first letting them be the architects of their kids future it is not anti- teacher in fact i believe many teachers when exposed to what the school choice initiative really strives to achieve, nobody wants to see kids feeling in schools and over and over here in california, we find it during black history month 70 percent of african-american
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kids are not even a standard when it comes to reading. 80 percent are not proficient in mathematics. so anybody in the education profession should be willing to try a new option. >> so presumably the benefit of the freedom you get through the school choice process is freedom for teachers and with that public school on —- public bureaucracy. >> and there is a break between the rank-and-file teachers from the executive boards from the talking heads and the rank-and-file teachers they want to do their job they are professionals and want to be treated as such and they want to have choice in the development of their curriculum.
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so more and more as the programs are rolled out and the inevitability of school choice happening in america, teachers will be on board the talking heads won't like it that even then randi weingarten should not be afraid to have schools succeed because it shows the rank-and-file teachers are succeeding and that's what we should all want. >> very beautifully put in the new charter schools we will see later in the shell. so last week i was blasted on instagram for telling the truth about that instagram tried to do dodge accountability by blaming the fact checking process of "usa today" so outrageously until
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we talked about it on the show last sunday and now directly to the editor-in-chief now miraculously the very next day we did get a response from the fact check editor thank you for reaching out we will deny your appeal for the following reasons. stating the biden administration wants to ban gas stoves but they were on the record directly contradicting this proposed or enacted bands of gas does from local governments that the biden administration wants to ban a gas stove. >> so the on the record statements contradicting it so that is the fact check? there are on the record statements from republican leaders contradicting biden's claims the gop wants to cut medicare and social security but instagram doesn't censor that. or the climate zealots to ban
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gas stoves and then on instagram. it is clear they want to ban gas does and for that evidence we laid out last week instagram in "usa today" have the talking points is not a fact check it is propaganda instagram and "usa today" are trying to silence one side of a perfectly legitimate debate anti- democratic we are not giving up on this and neither should you. tell mark zuckerberg what you think there was just too many people trying to sign the petition but try again until zuckerberg we will not be silent for the gassed of ban or anything else. we will b're har right back.
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[female narrator] alcoholics anonymous. we're here to help. [woman] we're about to start the meeting. welcome to anyone new. [narrator] for more information, visit aa dot org and download the meeting guide app. steve: the last six months ago i saw an amazing article about america's economic history. it turns out the foundation of the economics is protectionist pro america trade barriers put in place by our founders.
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wanted to speak for the author now the president and ceo, johnny great to see you. your face was un-american compass. so tell us about your argument. >> and it's important to identify the fundamental goals of the political economy. and george washington made this better than anybody else with his first address to congress that economic matters. and with that military supply is more true today with a threat that we face from the republic with people republic of china and the chinese communist party. there is a myth we can offshore and innovation
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happens with that is made. and with a broad-based prosperity and economic growth that can be shared with america's middle and working class. we are not an oligarchy but we are dangerously close. and with abraham lincoln and to develop a system that can truly make america the great manufacturing power integrate independent middle-class that made it so successful. >> and what about protectionist quick. >> at the time the united states was caught in the british colonial system introducing raw materials and we sent it back to the mother country they added value and sold it back to us. the founding fathers with the
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political and economic independence making the 13 colonies the world greatest free trade zone for the benefit of americans. and with the infrastructure investments with the creation of a national bank to establish as a manufacturing power but not until the 18 thirties with that system of slavery which depended on slave labor and then they started to rebel from the consensus of patriotism. and then to colluded with the enemies of the british to keep them in that position. but then abraham lincoln and the republican party and with
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those infrastructure projects. or without logic of the confederacy. and 4 percent per year from the time of the civil war all the way up through world war i. and then to become greatest manufacturer power. steve: i love the way you lay that out so coherently and i urge you to check it out. great to see you. we will be back after this short break 2024 presidential candidate. where will they take you? ♪ ♪ (dog barks) ♪
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steve: you know when you seen these graphics on the 2024 presidential on —- presidential race trump has declared and nikki haley is announcing next week and pompeo and hence seem like a the others you barely heard of but then the media is ignoring a big name and is serious about running for president. >> so you mentioned the midterms earlier so how do you assess the political strength and prospect of the gop right now quick. >> keep in mind you're talking to somebody very likely he will run for president and if i do i will announce earlier mid april. steve: i thought i would have to tease that out if you with a trick question. [laughter] >> the volcano erupted i have not made a decision yet but the odds are i will do this.
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>> that what you think is missing from the republican lineup that might persuade you that you have a role to play quick. >> a couple of things. we know the issues we need to be tough on china but so the centrality of what i said earlier the biggest problem domestically 40 percent of all kids in america today enter rolled without the father married to the mother. and then ask yourself what the hell is going on? it is the welfare state. and barack obama once had a kid and there are more likely to be poor. it is far and away the biggest
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domestic problem and almost anybody else can we were an industry we came here to her for worked two full-time jobs as a small entrepreneur had a small café and then could retire in comfort i know it's a lie that america is systemic racist and i know it is a lie that the death of tyree nichols indicates we have a real problem with systemic racism in america. cops are more hesitant and reluctant and cops killed more unarmed whites than unarmed black sand to say otherwise is called the ferguson or george floyd affect not engaging in proactive policing there is someone we fired for this for this report and he found
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excess deaths in just five cities that would not have done on —- taken place if the police just had done their jobs it is a lie that is getting people killed so biden and the democrats in all the media going around with the narrative have blood on their hands i can talk about that in a more effective way than the other candidates can. that's what they bring to the table. steve: a really interesting conversation to listen to the whole thing follow my new podcast. you have to resubscribe to the steve hilton show. don't go away.
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steve: there they are tammy and gary are back as this week's closers if you think the state of the union speech was basely the 2024 launchpad there is a different idea this morning. >> the president doesn't need to announce his reelection in town late fall for the strategic states. steve: late fall? and she thinks he might not run at all that guess who she guarantees will be the democratic nominee? >> although they may not reflect her true popularity i
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can guarantee that kamala harris will not be replaced on the party ticket and i can also guarantee you that if joe biden decides not to run kamala harris will become the next nominee to the democratic party. steve: it's very upsetting for gavin newsom that it seems others have their doubts about him he was a former obama strategist david axelrod said cool it with the self-congratulatory criticism of the democrats dialed down the moralizing of people's lack of courage when you do it the other way the coded message is why can't they be more like me that is unappealing and not how to make friends a very talented performer and a very powerful story but it is whether or not he commutes that. what do you think of donna brazils idea the vice
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president's poll ratings reflect her true popularity in gavin newsom has a problem? >> the last thing that democratic voters want to hear that this is a suggestion of a rigged election. it is infuriating to be guaranteed as the democratic party nominee. and whoever it may be that what gavin has going for him he is not part of the biden/harris administration and voters will remember that. it seems there is a head fake going on to push joe out that just means they are trying to run the clock. steve. that's right. they do that it is a long time between now and late fall the
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polite word is to put his foot in it. >> but also keeps the donors from taking steps so the longer joe biden takes the less donors will know where they should go so keeps others from others to get and spend money. also with gavin newsom as part of the nancy pelosi pipeline and now she is no longer the speaker that means she doesn't have as much influence being third in line that gavin newsom has the pipeline and that means next in line but i like donna brazil that she is wrong but she is right in this instance but when she says the poll numbers don't reflect the true popularity she is right about that as well.
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these polls make it seem 30 percent really like, light enough they have not had their medication if they are locked up i think it is lower americans will have a choice it is an opportunity for the democrats. do you know who represents the democratic base? joe manchin and kyrsten sinema she cannot be a democrat anymore who knows what senator manchin will do so it could be a devolution of the democratic party. steve: you are in california like im but you worked alongside many of them. but her problem is not as far left as she feels that she needs to be in and that's what
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comes across. >> and the biggest challenges there is a question about what has she done? all of them ran to say i am ready to be president. and in the bigger crisis when she assumed office that is what the voters were to look at. and women are judged more harshly. she is not doing her job and ready to assume the mantle.
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>> what we saw this last week with china and the unidentified flying craft whoever is the nominee for both parties has to be trusted by the american people to be a good commander-in-chief. no democrats it's in that position right now. steve: thank you for watching. we will see you next sunday when "the next revolution" will be televised. ♪ ♪ >> hello. welcome to the special edition of big sunday show, big story is the big game. super bowl 57, philadelphia eagles face kansas city chiefs in glendale, arizona. a dangling super bowl halftime show capping off the excitement at state farm stadium. that is where we fin


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