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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 7, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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have been getting about the spy craft and also tiktok and everything else. the house republicans going down that road significantly. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. hey, jesse. >> jesse: hey, can you believe dana eats a salad with her bare hands? >> bret: at least it wasn't a comb. >> jesse: oh, god. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: every year washington, d.c. looks forward to the state of the union address. it's the one night of the year when the president heads over to the people's house. network television blows out their shows and takes them live. sometimes it's boring to watch. other times we get a little drama. >> and god bless america. thank you very much. [applause] [cheers and applause] >> jesse: we're not sure where biden is going with this address
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tonight, but we do know biden has been working on it since november, that's over three months for one speech. this thing better be good. here's what the binder said the speech was going to be about. >> this is going to be a joe biden speech. and when you hear it, that's what you are going to hear. >> jesse: okay. i can listen to the binder explain biden all day. so much insight. but what is a biden speech? well, a biden speech is a story and that's what you're gonna hear tonight, the greatest story ever told. >> what he needs to do is tell a story. joe biden is an amazing story teller. you can sit in that oval office careen karine can tell you and tell a story for six hours. he needs to tell a story tonight. >> jesse: he may not be a great president he is a great story teller. his stories aren't true. that doesn't matter. old politicians know people
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don't want to hear the truth. the truth hurts. people want to hear a story because a story doesn't have to be true. it's just a story. and biden's built his whole career telling stories that aren't true. so the best story that joe has ever told and "primetime's" producers have been digging through the crates all day was the story of corn pop which might be the greatest bind story of all time. he didn't plagiarize it. didn't exactly happen the way he tells it, but the story has got everything. and we know this because "primetime" just uncovered brand new details about the corn pop story that have never been reported before. this is the speech he should be giving. the story of corn pop tells us everything we need to know about joe biden, the man, the myth, the legend. let us begin. joe biden was the only white lifeguard in wilmington. >> corn pop was a bad dude. and he ran a bunch of bad boys.
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and i did -- and back in those days to show how things have changed, one of the things you will to use if you had to use palm aid in your hair you had to wear a bathing cap. i said hey, esther you, off the board or i will come up and drag you off. he came off and he said i'll meet you outside. my car was mostly -- these were all public housing behind you. my car, there was a gate out here. i parked my car outside the gate. and i -- he said i'll be waiting for you. he was waiting with three other guys in straight razors. not a joke. >> jesse: joe may not be at the delaware pool tonight surrounded by straight ra razors and gangig out to again him. capitol hill instead of razors subpoenas. kevin mccarthy may be joe's new corn pop. if joe doesn't clean out the palm aid out of his hair and pouncing on the crime family
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messy. if not gaetz has greasy hair too. is he mccarthy's under study. joe is feeling the pressure. we know what happens when joe thinks someone is out to get him. >> there is a guy named bill wright mouse. all the white guy he did all the will pools. he was the peck mic cut out a six foot length of chain you walk out with that chain and you walk to the car and say you may cut me man, but i'm going to wrap this chain around your head. i said you're kidding me. he said no, if you don't. don't come back. and he was right. so i walked out with the chain. and i walked up to my car and they had -- in those days remember the straight razor bang them on the curb put them in the rain barrel and get them rusty. >> jesse: who hasn't put a razor in an old rain barrel. we hope joe doesn't show up to the state of the union with an old 6-foot chain. may xi jinping needs to see joe with a chain. maybe sees the chain no more
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balloons. how true is this chain. turns out character witness his name is mouse. >> when joe told corn pop to stop, don't bounce on the board. joe used not only esther but he used a french language. okay? you know me? corn pop went pool came out. so they start instigating joe. they say joe, you're going to get your a -- whipped. he is going to cut you. joe got nervous but he stood his ground. corn pop wasn't after him. corn pop to him. everybody -- chop, brook wiggins all of them put fear into him. >> jesse: joe barely spoke english but he knew french? improvising. corn pop never saw it coming it
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wasn't just corn pop growing up chop and wiggins flanking biden from the sides. doesn't that kind of remind you what is going through joe's head today? you got democrats right now all over joe's job. gavin newsom, liz warren, bernie coming for the lifeguard stand trying to snatch his whistle. not even kamala likes him. she thinks he is racist. and his old boss barack is jealous of him. joe hasn't made a lot of friends in washington. now the fbi is going through his stuff. is he all alone in washington. just like he was at the pool in wilmington. joe knows better than anybody first thing you need to do apologize. sometimes saying sorry is the only thing that fixes it. >> i looked at him but i was smart then. i said, first of all, i said, when i tell you to get off the board, you get off the board and i will kick you out again but i shouldn't have called you esther williams i apologize for that i apologize. i didn't know if that apology was going to work.
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you apologize to me. i apologize not for throwing you out but i apologize for what i said. he said okay, closed the straight razor and my heart began to beat again. >> jesse: joe biden should go out tonight and say sorry. it brought corn pop's temperature down and it's going to work with us. trust me. i'm sorry for calling you ultra maga. i'm sorry about calling you neanderthals. sorry about afghanistan, inflation, the border, am my bad about the balloon. that would send a shock right through washington. just like it did in wilmington, delaware. >> when joe came change, we showed joe that we white people. took joe by the hand took him over to the side. i told joe have a seat. i said now, if a roach come on you, if you get marinade with some kool-aid in it and kids come up and sit in your lap,
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just smile and say everything is going to be all right. >> jesse: that's what we're going to see tonight. joe biden is going to smile and say everything's all right. biden doesn't have many wins to tout tonight. but we give credit where credit is due. he fixed race relations that day in wilmington. he did it as the only white lifeguard at a blackpool. this is one career win he didn't have to apologize for. joe tonight could unite the country like he united the pool in wilmington and it will be something everyone will remember. generations later the folk tale biden's state of the union might even be recreated. >> this pool acts as an inspiration to us. he was basically saying stay woke before millennials were saying stay woke. there was like a leader named popcorn, right? well, in the book, he says popcorn. oh -- mouse corrected it. >> it's corn pop. so corn pop was diving off of that thing. he kept bouncing really hard and
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diving in. and our vice president said you can't do that. and then he said oh, you look like esther williams. so corn pop was going to pop his corn. [laughter] >> jesse: so some of these details are getting a little hazy. but the point is always going to be there. joe biden didn't lie. he told the story the night of the state of the union. everybody will be entertained. at the end of it all. joe may even learn something from it himself. >> by the way you know i sit on the stand get hot i got a lot -- i got hairy legs that turn -- that -- that -- that turn blond in the sun. and the kid use to the come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. they would look at it. so i learned about roaches. i learned about kids jumping on my lap. and i have loved kids jumping on
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my lap. >> jesse: jump on joe's lap, rub his hairy legs, you are safe. he has a story to tell you. just watch out for chop somali. turn it over to louisiana senator john kennedy. all right, senator, you will hear a story tonight. one of the greatest stories ever. are you ready to listen? >> well, what we're going to hear from the president tonight, jesse, are words. that's all they are. words. words on a teleprompter. in washington, you have to watch what people do, not what they say. in washington, what you do is what you believe and everything else is just cottage cheese. after two years, we know what president biden believes because we know what he has done. bigger government, higher taxes, more spending, more debt, more regulation, an open border, a weaker military, criminals are
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the good guys. a drag queen for every school library whether the parents want that or not. now, those aren't words. that's president biden's record. and from where i sit, it is spectacularly awful. we will also hear from the president tonight about the economy. he's requesting to try to -- he's going to try to convince the american people that a pound of hamburger cost 4 bucks. a whole chicken cost 8 bucks. and, their 401(k)s are crashing because the economy is so good. good luck with that. i mean, people are really getting tired of having to sell blood plasma in order to go to
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the grocery store. and from where i sit, looking at president biden's agenda for almost two years now, to paraphrase one commentator, he has been pushing on a door that currently says pull. [laughter] >> and we -- the american people deserve better. and the people of my state in louisiana deserve better. so, keep that in mind when you're listening to the president's words tonight. words on a teleprompter. >> jesse: we'll keep that in mind and we love those people down in louisiana. thank you so much, senator. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: well, the democratic party is officially trying to surgically remove kamala harris from the ticket. ♪
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>> jesse: no one likes it when their friends ditch them. >> i know, i know. you have a phone policy, i understand. this is an emergency because my friend isn't here and i'm worried that he has been abducted. >> no. no. he ditched you, man. i saw him drive away. >> there's no way he ditched me. there's no way that happened. >> jesse: sometimes the truth is hard to hear and someone needs to tell that to our vice president. because every democrat is turning their back on kamala harris. they are ready to ditch her in 2024. joe's the oldest president in u.s. history. so he and kamala are a package deal and joe is setting up 2024 as a succession plan to a vote for joe is a vote for kamala. that's troubling to everybody. not just republicans. pocahontas started to push her out of the way last week.
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remember? >> if he is that old in a second term the vice presidency becomes even more important. should kamala harris be his choice the second time around? >> you know, i really want to defer to what makes biden comfortable on his team. i have known kamala for a long time. i like kamala. i knew her back when she was -- when she was attorney general and i was still teaching. and we worked on the housing crisis together. so we go way back. but, they need -- they have to be a team. >> jesse: that was just the beginning of the avalanche. two days later "the washington post" ran a huge hit piece on kamala interviewing prominent democrats across the country who are fed up with her. you know, like her inaction on the border. >> we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. and i mean. [laughter] i don't understand the point that you're making. >> jesse: she doesn't understand the issues. and democrat leaders told the post this.
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that moment sparked a debate among senior members of the vice president's team about such interviews hurt more than they help. but, after "the washington post" hit piece, the times finished her off with a blistering piece digging her an early grave. and hillary, playing the role of undertaker. the so-called warrior for women made a gutsy move and told the "times" that kamala doesn't have what it takes, quote: two democrats recalled private conversations in which former secretary of state hillary clinton lamented that ms. harris could not win because she does not have the political instincts to clear a primary field. so crooked's claws are out and that sends a signal to women that it's okay to come out against kamala. and then yesterday, congressman jim clyburn, like a third base coach waving in a runner, gave the go ahead to black voters that it wassing okay to go kamala. remember clyburn responsible for
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joe's presidency. joe's campaign on life support in 2020 remember clyburn swung in and handed him a win in south carolina? and biden surged to victory after that. so the man has juice. the democrats are insisting on making south carolina the first primary just to appease big jim. so when jim speaks, democrats listen. and jim spoke. and he trashed kamala. listen. >> do you think kamala harris should still be his running mate? >> well, i am going to leave that up to him. contrary to what people said, i never told him anything about who ought to be on his ticket. >> would have you her on a ticket? >> oh, i like her, yes, i do like her. >> jesse: so the king maker has spoken. he doesn't know if she should be on the ticket and, to be honest, you know what? he really didn't recommend her to be on the ticket in the first place. >> this is a calculated well-coordinated hit.
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you shatter the glass ceiling, girl, now get the hell out of here. karl rove is the former white house deputy chief of staff and he joins me now. this is pretty well done so far. how does this go from here, mr. rove. >> she brought it on herself. she was a dreadful candidate. she was a dreadful pick as vice president. and the american people see it. think about this. this is in the real clear politics average. biden's approval is 44. his vice presidential running mate 37. and it ain't going to get better for her. she is a terrible candidate. she is a terrible office holder. we have got that whenever she gets into difficulty she lets out with that weird laugh, that cackle. and what has she done? this is a woman who is in charge of the border and it's an utter, unmitigated disaster and she defines the problem at the border that she is working on not the problem at the border but something in central america. she is not responsible for anything on the border. that's not what the american
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people are going to hold her to account for. >> jesse: how do democrats pull this off. she is a woman. a woman of color. she is on the ticket. they are going to rip this woman out of the ticket in front of the world to see? >> well, it is requesting to be hard. let's say biden is renominated 82 years old and faces a 41-year-old ron desantis or 51-year-old nikki haley or 50-some odd-year-old mike pompeo or glenn youngkin or a number of others all of them in their 40's, 50's and maybe late 50's at most and suddenly people are looking at god the guy is 82. he expects to be in this job until he is 86. closer to 90 than 80, and if something bad happens to him it's her? and, for once, the vice president will become a very significant consideration in the minds of the american people. look, biden is in terrible shape. think about this. 37% of democrats want him to run
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again. it was 52% in october. "the washington post," abc poll. 37% approval on the economy. cbs, 61% of the american people say the economy is fairly bad or very bad. and 37% in the fox poll say they approve of the president on the economy. is anybody going to look at kamala harris and say wait a minute, i don't care what's happening with biden, we got her. no they're not. they are going to look at it and say another reason to run against him. >> jesse: did you bring two boards. >> i have got three boards. >> jesse: we have seen enough boards like we have seen enough balloons. karl rove the architect. thank you so much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: up next, the biden administration just called china and they hung on us. god. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: fox news alert.
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we have brand new pictures of the navy recovering the chinese spy balloon from the atlanta. still --atlantic. we wouldn't have had this problem if joe had popped it over montana and fallen on dry land. now the white house has a new excuse for not popping the sucker sooner. listen. >> the president handled it effectively and with strength. we were able to capture intelligence on the chinese as the balloon passed across -- across the country. the decision to wait, to shoot it down gave us the opportunity to do that, to gather intelligence on them. >> he has been criticized for not shooting it down sooner so you do not think that was a mistake? >> no. because we were able to gather more intelligence and more information. we were able to collect back on the balloon. we know more about chinese capabilities and trade craft as a result of that decision and then we ultimately shot it down and sent a very direct message to china that it was unacceptable. >> jesse: new line was the balloon wasn't spying on us, biden was spying on the balloon. now we know all the balloon's
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secrets. biden thinks popping the balloon after it completes its mission sends china a message. but xi jinping didn't get the message because hours after we shot down the balloon the biden administration called china and the chinese hung up and sent us to voice mail. so for those keeping track at home, both the saudis and the chinese won't return joe's calls. but what i want to know is this. if biden is claiming he has known about the chinese balloons for years, why has he been covering it up? because not a single senator has been briefed about this. you heard two senators last night tell "primetime" they had never heard of this. no one knows about chinese balloons except joe biden? that's what he is saying? and if biden knows about these chinese balloons? why didn't biden tell xi jinping knock it off. is he always bragging about how he is on the phone with xi for two hours. now, if he is on the phone with xi for two hours and doesn't tell him to stop the balloons, then he is derelict in his duty. or if he did tell him to knock
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it off, and he just floated run onein our face, then china doest respect us and the president has to send a clear message tonight at the state of the union about what the consequences for disrespecting us will be. because not sending blinken to dinner beijing, that's not really what i had in mind for consequences. there has to be serious consequences for violating our airspace and sucking up all our secrets. this makes the whole country look weak, vulnerable, incompetent and we expected to hear from the pentagon today. pentagon scheduled a briefing at 1:00. and then they canceled it. so who told the pentagon to cancel the balloon briefing? why are they lying about chinese balloon flights and then covering them up? i hope it doesn't have anything to do with how the biden family has been making money with the chinese all these years. buck sexton is a former cia analyst and co-host of the "clay
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travis and buck sexton" show. so did they need the entire breath of to supply on this balloon. couldn't they have spied on it in alaska and then shot it down, buck? >> the administration's lies don't even make sense and they can't keep track of them at this point. they keep shifts the narrative because, i remember when this story broke, jesse. people were saying hey, maybe they should just shoot it down and initially the democrat spokespersons out there were all saying oh, no, we can't do that that would be an act of international aggression. that's insane and a few days later biden actually shoots the thing down. and now they are trying to tell us this was happening all the time during the trump administration or multiple times during the trump administration. there's no person that knows anything about donald trump that has any doubt that if there was a chinese spy balloon that was actually in u.s. airspace for any length of time he would have ordered it to be shot down. so, again, they're making stuff up as they go along.
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they can't even keep track of it. none of it makes sense when you add it together. you raise something that's really important is why wouldn't china just keep doing this? what are the consequences? the costs are a delayed dinner with antony blinken? what are we going to do either diplomatically or more importantly on trade and on our economic front so the chinese realize that this is something that will have some cost? rights now it has no cost. so much so that they will slam the phone down effectively on our secretary of defense be like we don't need to talk to you. we are just going to keep flying balloons in biden's airspace and laughings at the inept response of his white house. >> jesse: when we have guys in scuba gear off of south carolina looking for balloon debris, we could have brought it down on dry land, buck. i don't know doing at the bottom of the ocean it. makes no sense to me and it makes no sense to the american people. >> one of the craziest things also is they are saying that they upped the surveillance capabilities and that's why -- biden should get an award because we found this balloon in
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the first place. people could see it. people were actually able to see it with their naked eye at some points. so i think the whole thing is preposterous. we do have to take very seriously china realizes kind of like how russia invaded ukraine while biden was president. china realizes if they want to get aggressive now is the time. >> jesse: yeah. they are coming across the southern border. they are sending into our airspace. russia is hacking our pipelines, remember the gas lines? oh my god. it's unbelievable. all right. maybe he will address the pop tonight. buck sexton, thanks so much. >> we'll see. thanks, jesse. >> jesse: a bunch of transgender insurrectionists stormed the oklahoma state capitol. wow. ♪ oh, that spin class was brutal. well, you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oh. yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. what's your buick's wi-fi password? it's buick envision. that's a really tight spot.
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>> jesse: 2020 was a tough time in newark. covid lockdowns, people were scared. businesses were closing and for what? well, people finally had enough and took it out on democrat governors like gretchen whitmer who wouldn't let up. people wanted whitmer to know they're fed up so they went to the state capitol and made their
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voices heard. remember that? they just wanted freedom. and then they were labeled fascists and insurrectionists but, yesterday, transgender protesters took over the oklahoma state capitol, same idea. waltz into the state capitol, public space. but protests for trans this t time. [chanting trans lives matter.] >> jesse: now the media said if you go into the capitol you are insurrectionist so this must mean there is insurrection in oklahoma. i mean, this looks like an insurrection to me. there is 150 trans lives matters people storming the building. democracy is on the brink. i'm literally shaking. so what are they doing here? well, they are protesting bills banning gender reassignment surgery to people under 26. that means if you are under 26 in oklahoma, this passes, you won't be able to waltz into a doctor's office and chop things
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off or add stuff. you know, stuff that you were born with or without. you're going to have to wait long enough until you can rent a car legally. now, the thinking is that your brain doesn't really finish developing until your mid 20's so they want to give oklahomans enough time to ponder the seriousness of such a life-changing operation. now, i didn't even know there were 150 trans people in oklahoma anyway but power to the people. and michigan, the lockdown protesters were protesting the freedom of 100 percent of the state. these protesters in oklahoma are fighting for less than 1% of the state. and want 11-year-olds to be able to remove their genitals without their parents' consent. one group fighting for the right to go to work. one group was fighting for the right for kindergartens to have sex change operations behind their parent's back. one group has been celebrated in the media and another group has been called domestic terrorists. i think we know which groups we're talking about here.
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i mean, i guess rfk is right. democracy is messy and it's hard. never easy. so why are these insurrectionists getting a free pass? the michigan protesters were vilified. republicans do it? they are terrorists when an oklahoma two spirit insurrectionist comes to the capitol? it's celebrated. one man's democratic protest another man's insurrection. i mean, unbelievable. let's bring in the guest. oklahoma state senator david bollard sponsored the mill stone bill and he joins me now. david, were you there at the state capitol that day when that chaos was going on? were you nervous? >> yeah, we were there -- no, i wasn't nervous. i came in early that morning and some of them were there. i usually get to the capitol pretty early in the morning to work. and they were there. they were loud. >> they were rowdy. their job was to try and get us to react to them and we have been in these situations before so no we weren't nervous but it was definitely loud.
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interesting people. what was the vibe there? what did it smell like? what did it taste like? give us some color. >> yeah. it was a little different, you know. 15-year school teacher and smell reminding of some of my days in the classroom and a cafeteria. to be honest with you when we were looking at them, i will be very honest with you i had a lot of pity and felt pretty sorry for some of these people because we have people who are attempting to argue that they have the right to treat confusion with a knife and it's just wrong and so when i see those people, i have a lot of -- i feel sorry for where they are in their life and the confusion that they are in. but, you know, that was a lot of what i saw. a lot of adam apples address in dresses. >> jesse: why 26 years old to get the transgender surgery? why not like 18 or 21?
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>> yeah, you know, one of the things that we paid attention to, especially in education as a teacher is brain development. cognitive development. and so we looked a lot at it at that point. and at 25, your brain is just now starting to develop the frontal cortex of your brain. actually the part of your brain that is for a reason. imagine that. so what we are looking at is how can we make sure that people before they go make a decision that they cannot take back. that is a permanent decision that has detrimental long-term effects on them, what can we do to make sure that their fully brain fully mature before we allow them to go into that situation. >> jesse: my brain still hasn't fully matured so go figure. david, thank you so much. >> yeah. my pleasure. appreciate you so much being here and having me on. >> jesse: all right. up next, disney says abe lincoln hated black people. ♪ >> so it's true lincoln really didn't care about freeing slave
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last week claimed victory afte african-american history course was laced with crt. they stripped out the racial complications and just addresse history. disney is releasing a crt cartoon. you can watch it on disney plot are on the disney platte joe is the channel. it talks about how abraham lincoln is an evil white guy. >> the emancipation proclamatio only applied to confederate states, union border states wer not required to abolish slavery. >> so it is true, lincoln reall didn't care about freeing slaves . >> actually he wanted to deport us. >> why are we just learning this
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. >> disney is releasing a cartoo that says lincoln doesn't care about freeing slaves. the man who died saving the union, whose emancipation freed every state in the confederate sissy -- emancipating every black soldie in america. >> abraham abraham lincoln wanted to deport black american pay at returning and freeing slaves from africa and the entire country consider blacks and whites, and make a never supported it later in the episode the students ads get into and the black dad scolds the white dad, obviously. >> you understand, don't you. >> no, i do not understand anything. what is that supposed to mean. >> being defensive about race.
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>> that is just beginning. the students tear down a statue up the white dad slave owner ancestor and the cartoon kids were protesting peacefully but then the evil police showed up in riot gear and locked them up. >> they will not stop until tha slave owner comes tumbling down. ♪ audience, no photos, please. >> [chanting] >> that looks fun for a saturda morning. and then the white had realized how fragile and privileged he really was. >> i was so ashamed of the history that i couldn't face that.
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i wanted to pretend it didn't happen sweetheart, pretending something didn't happen that make it go away. >> i know that now you and your friends help me see that and i am eternally grateful. i understand if you can't. >> it's just like every great nation teaches. it's not the biggest lesson if old producers want you to lou -- learned anything, you all their ancestors money. >> slaves built this country. and bleed the descendents of slaves have earned -- [indiscernible] slaves built this country.
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>> did slaves help all-america? of course i did. they worked under brutal and main conditions and if they refuse they would be broken. it wasn't just slaves who built america. slavery ended a long time ago. by 1804 was abolished in the north and slavery never spread to the west and by 1865, it was abolished nationwide. black slaves made 13% of the population at that point in the vast majority of southern white never owned a ingle slave in their lives. yes, slaves produced wealth, immense wealth for plantation owners and their label for its use to build the railroad railroads, ports, and what happened after the 18 '60s and the entire country who built th skyscrapers, the highways, the will roads, who wired the country and tamed the wilderness . everyone did. blacks, english, irish, italians , german, chinese immigrants pay we built the country together know one race
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built the country and building the country takes more than labor when a skyscraper goes up who financed it and built and designed it. who built that, people say trump . they don't say a union 3. these crt cartoons are laid the groundwork for preparation spit that is that. to get a whole generation of black american children thinkin lincoln was evil, america is racist, slaves built the whole country and we'll everybody leaving their family tree aroun to a lawyer that. throughout someone who's fun% lack -- i want to put my own financial interest aside and preemptively declined reparations but it takes a strong person to do tha but it is not that easy for everybody. cooper is the author of -- and project what do one check. so what kind of impact do you think a disney cartoon like thi is going to have?
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>> let me repeat what we have learned from so many others. go woke, go broke. civil war happened 160 years ago , nearly 160 years ago. half people who are trying to stir hostility not heard of reconciliation? that's what we did after the germans committed atrocities come after the japanese committed global atrocities, we buy japanese products and we drive their cars and german cars . we get along. more americans lost their lives in the war among the states, th civil war, that any war we've ever been in. we need reconciliation, not lies , not telling us that the leaders that make this country and kept it together are the people that we should blame. >> do you think it is all about
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money? you think it is about laying th foundation for reparations art you think there is something else going on? >> it is absolutely laying a foundation. folks who have those skills, they can't build, they can't create, they can't design. all they can do is drift, and they have decided that the race graft is the best. as for reparations, one, it is unjustified and does not follow the law but it is never going t happen because it would and the griff. what you have to do is if you demand a chilean today, next time you demand 3 trillion tomorrow. next time you demand 7 trillion you keep raising the amount sit you never can actually reach a resolution. we in america are the greatest opportunity for black americans or white americans or anybody
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that any person could ever imagine, why don't we just encourage more americanism. >> we appreciate it. >> i didn't want to say this an i'm saying this against my will but happy birthday to johnny. we have people coming out of th woodwork forced me to acknowledge johnny's birthday, producers, assistance, not johnny personally. he never asked me to do this bu everybody in johnny's orbit is begging me to acknowledge johnny's birthday. he's 27. i'm not even related to him but happy birthday, johnny. larry from philly, joe should have called corn pops bad boys and slipped the chinese balloon with the razor. that's right. board on the street is that wil be at the state of the union. julian from michigan, what did you get johnny for his birthday
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a job. isn't that enough. and health insurance, doesn't everybody want health insurance. >> feet got special coverage of the state of union tonight but tucker carlson is up next pure always remember i'm jesse watters and this is my world. >> tucker: welcome to tucker carlson tonight. imagine you are joe biden and you are going to give the state stated union address because it's in the constitution it would take a lot of brass to stand up and claimed the us is better off than it was when you took over. could you do that? a little more than an hour, joe biden will do that. if only it were true.


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