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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 31, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> you are awfully quiet. >> i think an i have had a pretty solid show so far, full george constanza, i'm out, everybody. and a "moo ba la la," a children's book. look it up, kids. >> i know the book, i have it. here is "america reports." >> oh. >> i don't like our president, i don't think it has gone well. i think his presidency has failed us. >> i would like to see congress in particular trying to work together rather than throwing barbs at one another and pointing fingers. >> joe biden -- he's destroying this country, he's being played by the far left. >> sandra: a growing number of americans say the country's biggest problem is not inflation or the border crisis, but rather
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a lack of leadership from government. a sentiment that is shared by republicans, democrats, and everyone in between who say they are fed up with the instability in washington and it's effects on the future of this country. >> john: is this a wake-up call for the president and leaders in congress? steve moore and doug holtz eakin, and florida michael waltz. >> conditions are at bad or worse than the randall's island refugee camp, and the men came back and warned the residents of the hotel and told them not to get on the busses. >> how are you going to dump people in such bad conditions? >> sandra: this is the scene outside a three star hotel here in new york city where dozens of migrants are now refusing to leave. president biden, by the way, is just 30 blocks away, but instead
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of taking a look at how his immigration crisis is turning every state into a border state, he's spending the day touting his big infrastructure plans. hello, well come, everyone. i'm sandra smith in new york. and john, great to start another day with you. >> john: good tuesday to you, sandra. this is "america reports." critics are accusing the president of ignoring the growing challenge for new york city mayor adams to find housing for the tens of thousands of migrants residing in the five boroughs. right now, a group of migrants are refusing to leave to go to brooklyn to a shelter. >> sandra: immigration activists have joined migrants t protest the city's move to bus them off to a site they say has inhumane conditions. as today's cover of the new york post puts it, the protests are "insane." >> john: david lee miller is live outside the watson hotel in
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midtown manhattan. any progress in resolving the conflict today? >> there is a possibility of some resolution on the horizon at this hour, john. there are none of those activists here at the hotel that we are aware of. but the standoff does kin between the migrants and city officials. a group of about three dozen migrants, all of them single men, remain living on the street on the west side, refusing to give up their encampment. they have been living in a hotel at the city's expense, but they have been relocated. some rejected the new housing provided by the city, a brooklyn cruise ship terminal, saying it was not comfortable, sanitary and too far from the subway, they want to stay on the street. some boarded busses to brooklyn and the commissioner for immigrant affairs met with some migrants, even boarded a bus
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with them going to that temporary facility telling them not to believe everything they have heard. >> rumors are spreading among migrants on social media that we are getting ready to remove people from the city, deport them, that's not the case. so we are battling misinformation, we want to make sure migrants know we are here to support them. >> the city as you pointed out blames activists for discontent about the brooklyn facility. eric adams toured the temporary housing and released a video on twitter to show it was safe and clean. >> it's warm inside. about the food not being there, healthy food is present, even snacks are healthy. >> mayor adams has repeatedly called for federal money to help foot the bill for the more than 40,000 migrants have have
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arrived since the spring. president biden is this afternoon, as you pointed out, visiting new york city to make an announcement about the infrastructure, both the two democratic leaders will meet a little more than a mile from the migrant encampment. >> john: david lee miller, thank you. it is interesting to point out that the president is facilitating an infrastructure project, gateway tunnel to make it easier to get into new york city, but nothing is happening in terms of making it harder for people to get across the border. when you take a look at the numbers from december, more than 250,000 people crossed the border illegally, and that is an all time record, not just for the month of december, an all time record and yet you see cities like new york, sandra, just drowning in the problems associated with illegal immigration. >> sandra: the border state problems have gone everywhere in the country, and speaking of new york city, john, you look at the migrants and the lack of
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resources for them as this protest continues for them to go to another site. think about those who are already here, residents of the city, in economic peril. on my way in today i saw a line, a couple hundred people long for volunteer medical assistance. this city is already facing really big challenges and this is all in addition to that, john. >> john: and then you have the mayor playing ping pong with a migrant to say see, everything is great here, come on over. >> sandra: yep, yep, more on that coming up. meanwhile, grand new gallup poll revealing americans are more concerned over a lack of leadership in washington than what has been traditionally the top issues. now 21% say that leadership in washington, or that lack thereof, is more important than inflation, immigration, even the economy, and unifying the
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country. joining us to discuss, steve moore and doug holtz eakin. remarkable, steve, and yet another sign that shows people are fed up. >> you better believe it. and i think when you look at the result that says government is the big problem, you know, it's too much government, right. we have added something like 4 to 5 to 6 trillion of debt during covid, spending is out of control, look at the agencies of government that have become politicized, whether it's the state department or the fbi. people are more suspicious of big government than i've seen any time in my 35 years in washington. they think of washington as broken, they think it's bankrupting the country, and a lot of corruption. >> sandra: and for me, doug, you can sort of combine those top two issues. people fed up with lack of leadership from washington or the actual leadership that they are getting. and inflation, because so many of these policies that have come
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from washington have exacerbated an already bad inflation picture and now this is -- this is amazing, i mean, i saw this hit yesterday and thought wow, this is the reality of the economic situation in this country right now. put it up on the screen. 64% of americans coast to coast say that they are living paycheck to paycheck and when you dig through the numbers, 5% of those are making over $100,000 a year. living paycheck to paycheck and making six figures, doug. this is where we are today due to inflation. >> yeah, the inflation is an enormous burden on the american people. every day the federal reserve has attempts to tamp it down, the 2% target but the bigger concern people are waking up to, past control inflation, what's the strategy for growth and prosperity. how is it the average american will get ahead, have the kids get ahead and look to d.c. and
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see no leadership on that front, and indeed they see what they view as failure to get obstacles out of the way. we are seeing the drama where the president is going to sit down with speaker mccarthy and talk about the debt ceiling, the fault on the debt is terrible, no question about it, it's the job of the president to avoid things like that visible and on the horizon, and the white house releases the sophomoreic memo, and third year in a row they have not done the job. the president is supposed to lead on the budget, he doesn't. budget problems, medicare, social security, what are the plans, none. so -- absence of seriousness. >> what's ironic about this, biden, the news releases are saying when biden gives his state of the union, sandra, he's
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going to take a victory lap on the economy. what's he talking about? one of the worst economies we have had in at least a decade. >> sandra: that's a fair point, hearing his campaign team is apparently urging him to lean in on his affect on the economy. let me put this up on the screen, blow your mind again. doug, this is paul krugman in the "new york times," lamenting it's just your perception the economy is not good. will americans even notice an improving economy? most people don't read long form data driven essays on the economic outlook. their sense of the economy is more likely to be shaped by snippets they read and hear and yawning gulp between public perceptions and economic reality. why doesn't it matter how people feel, and that 64% of the country is paycheck to paycheck, and a sampling of some of the
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headlines he's referring to. there's hard economic data behind this. u.s. home prices slide in november, the consumer is starting to freak out. high inflation is not going away, says reuters, and the wall street journal headline, the savings of the american family is getting wiped out, doug. >> the yawning gap between paul krugman and reality. that's all there is to. it's not difficult to look at your paycheck and buys 10% less than the year before. and food, energy, shelter are still going up 8.9%. that's not victory. we have a release this morning, real wages from fallen by 2.5% over the past year. people know that, they are not confused. and that's the core growth issue. how do you get those numbers to go positive, and get bigger over a sustained period. you don't write them checks and pretend everything is fine, that's all the administration
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knows how to do. you let the private sector lead growth, they don't know how to do that. >> sandra: if they lean in on the economy, might not want to post pictures of biden riding around in the expensive electric vehicles. just a hunch. >> the cars sell for 75,000, $80,000, and joe biden is running and the country saying everybody is going to buy an electric vehicle. he's so out of touch with middle class americans, he does not understand people cannot afford a $75,000 car. one other quick point, when you've got a $31 trillion national debt, doug was the head of the cbo so i think he would confirm this. i think americans have an instinct, they understand instinctively it's a train, a locomotive heading over a cliff and joe biden is sitting there, i'm not going to negotiate, keep doing what we are doing. >> sandra: douglas, confirmed?
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>> confirmed. >> john: arctic blast blowing through the central united states bringing with bitterly cold temperatures. a live look at arkansas, snow is lining some roads. this as winter storm and ice warnings remain in effect for millions of people across texas where one death has been reported following a pile-up there. robert ray is in the think of it. if there is bad weather, you know robert will be there, he's in abilene, the current temperature is below freezing. robert, what's the biggest concern on the ground now? >> yeah, sorry, communication issues here. nasty conditions out here, guys. look at this. this is a field with crops in it, it is totally frozen over at this point and if you look in the distance, look at those power trucks out there. they are ready to rock if indeed power goes here in abilene,
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about 180 miles to the west of the dallas metroplex, and we have temps in the single digits with the wind chill, it's nasty. we have had snow, rain, sleet here today, john and sandra, and you take a look at this right here. you wouldn't think, ok, that this is full of ice, but it is. you don't realize it until you drive on it or put your hand on it. any twerk of the wheel of the vehicle you have a spin out. and that's what we have seen. according to governor abbott, over 1800 roads are affected. that may be a conservative number. let's take a look at some video from last night, from dallas fort worth to abilene, 180 miles. photographer ben west and i made our way out, boom, we hit sleet, rain, and that created havoc on the road. i-20 west, we were stuck for two and a half hours as were other
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vehicles and big rigs, and another five hours to abilene. that's what we are seeing. 20 to 25 mile back-ups on interstates. many of the roads in dallas are going through that right now and have been going through it all morning. and down in austin and san antonio, we have seen flurries and ice down there with issues, accidents all over the place. but if we look back here, guys, i have to show you this, i mean, this is what we are dealing with the next 24 hours, we could see a half an inch of ice cover this area, and on the prairie here, the grasses of texas, deep in the heart of texas, iced over, not much to them, and basically a dangerous scenario as millions of people are affected. airlines, thousands of cancellations and delays. roads not passable. could be like this for the next 30 to 48 hours. buckle up. this is winter in texas, john. >> john: sure is. no twerking on the icy roads.
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we will take that under advisement. for continuing coverage, fox weather by downloading the app for free at and also use your phone to scan the q.r. code on the screen if you are quick. >> sandra: tiktok under fire over national security concerns and the effect it can have on our children. and now the company's c.e.o. is set to answer questions from congress as lawmakers look to ban that app nationwide. what can we expect to hear on the hill? >> john: fighting in ukraine is taking a toll on american's defense industry and as global tensions heighten, so do fears the u.s. may not be ready if there is a new conflict like a potential war with china. florida congressman mike waltz serves on the house armed services committee, the chairman on the committee of military readiness. how worried should we be? >> we need a conversation with the american people. are they prepared for a real war where american aircraft carriers
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could be sunk, planes down, ships could be destroyed? u knows looking at their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. see cousin jimmy over there? his girlfriend just caught the bouquet so... he might need a little more help saving. for that engagement ring... the groom's parents. you think they're looking at photos of their handsome boy? they're not! she just saw how much they spent on ballroom dance classes... won't be needing those anymore. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop banking. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we support immune function. supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein. this is going to be great. taking the shawl off. i did it. is he looking at my hairline? my joint pain isn't too bad. well, it wasn't this morning. i hope i can get through this. is plaque psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis
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after years of chasing the big idaho potato truck... i finally caught it. oh man. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl!
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woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck.
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has agreed to answer questions before a house committee, expected to happen in march. all this comes as concerns over national security and effects on our nation's children swirl around the popular chinese-owned social media app. lydia hu from box business is joining us now. what do you expect lawmakers are going to want to know from the tiktok c.e.o.? >> a lot of questions around how this company, this chinese-owned company is using data from american users. they are also going to want to ask whether that data is accessible by the chinese government. the c.e.o.'s testimony comes as the momentum for a nationwide
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ban of the platform is growing. already about half of states have banned access to tiktok on state devices, and a growing number of colleges have now followed. watch. >> this is a two-front issue. it's a security and privacy issue which is why the universities trying to protect their research and access to what students are doing are taking such a strong stance, also a harm issue on our youngest that are still in homes. not just as the attorney general, maria, i'm a mom and banned tiktok in my own home. >> nearly two out of three teens say they use tiktok, and anxiety and depression is a top concern with more parents worried about mental health than they are concerned about kids being bullied, using drugs or alcohol, or even getting shot. >> i think the use of social media in an unsupervised rampant
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manner leads to a lot of issues regarding self-image that can lead to depression, suicide, and drug use. the need for parental supervision should be critical. >> why the u.s. surgeon general says kids should be at least 16 years old before they can use social media. currently they are around 13, but really no meaningful enforcement of that age, and that is subject to a piece of legislation now before congress. some lawmakers want to make it unlawful for social media companies to give access to teens under the age of 16. sandra, i reached out, no comment back. >> sandra: if the kid has a phone and they are 10, 12 years old, i think it asked you to put in the birthday. >> self-verification. >> sandra: i think a lot of people will pay attention to this. so many universities banning it, government agencies banning it on their devices and parents are really concerned about what's happening. >> a lot of students on the college campuses are not happy, they want access to tiktok, it's
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setting up an interesting issue because the young users are typically democratic voters, put an interesting issue there. >> john: and some of the democrats, like adam schiff. growing concern among some experts u.s. support for ukraine could hurt our country's military readiness. a general says we could be at war with china in three years. michael waltz, a member of the house armed services committee and chairs a subcommittee on military readiness. adam smith, former chairman said this on sunday. >> this is a huge problem. we don't have the industrial base and we don't have the ability to ramp up that industrial base. >> john: so you are the chairman of the subcommittee of readiness. what kind of shape are we in? >> i have some concerns and some are not as great concerns. the notion that we are drawing
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down our stocks so much to help ukraine that we won't be able to fight china, i'm not as concerned about. two different types of wars. what you need for a land war in europe, artillery shells, tanks, what have you, very different than what we need in a potential fight with china, torpedos, anti-ship missiles, long range cruise missiles and what have you. to representative smith, my colleague's point, what this has shown is our industrial base is not ready to surge. if we do go into some type of conflict with china we don't have the munitions and the weapons we need and the bigger point i think john our supply chains are exposed and we don't have the raw materials to make the semiconductors, the computer chips, this high-end weaponry is incredibly sophomore indicate, even lithium, maganese and
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cobalt, yes, china is prepared to sink our aircraft carriers and expanding the nuclear arsenal, the real theory is sp choking us off economically, or turn off our pharmaceutical supply, and the soviet union, they said we can't afford to compete anymore. >> john: similar inflection point compared to 1939. and i said to you, looks like war with china, what's the first thing you think china is going to do? cut off all of our supply chain. we are not going to be able to get anything. so, air force general mike minahahn, drafted a memo predicting the united states will be at war with china by 2025. said i hope i'm wrong, my gut tells me we will fight in 2025.
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xi secured his third term, taiwan's presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer xi a reason. united states presidential elections in 2024 and will offer xi a distracted america. pentagon is running away from this guy as fast as it can. you think he's right. >> i think he's right. if you listen to xi, he's telling his military and china to prepare for war. he is talking about the decline of the united states and the west and talking about replacing us as the global superpower. now, we can debate whether it's 2025, 2027, the timeline, but also factored in there is america's economic decline when china believes our budget, our federal budget and our debt will be so heavy that we just can't afford to compete with them anymore and it is refreshing, john, to see a general telling his soldiers to prepare for the looming conflict. bottom line, i think we are in
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1939. we do need to get on a wartime footing, and instead, we see so much of the pentagon worried about checking boxes on black, white, brown, race, gender, socioeconomic background rather than the standards it takes to defend the country and win a potential conflict. >> john: i know you have to go back tore votes, before we do, a gallup poll found out the biggest issue facing the country is government and poor leadership, 21% compared to inflation, immigration, on and on. as a member of the government overwhelming number of people think is the problem, what could be done about it? >> i hear from floridians all the time is they want competence but they want honesty in their leadership and when we had the last few years, the president of the united states saying the afghanistan withdrawal was an outstanding success, inflation, don't worry about it, it's just transitory, the border is completely under control, they are longing for some
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authenticity, and in business and in the military i've always shot everybody straight, you know. you need to tell it like it is, even if it's news that you don't think they are going to want to hear. here is the tough measures, the plan, the leadership to get us to a better place, and that's what people are longing for. >> sandra: house republicans wrapping a closed door meeting with the national archives. this just happened a few moments ago as they push for answers over the many classified documents that were found in president biden's possession. so, what did they learn? >> john: cross examination turning heated at the alec murdaugh trials as his defense attorneys 0 in on a piece of evidence prosecutors claim murdaugh's guilt. whether this could be a turning point. stay tuned. >> the killer was right there in
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there, and when the expert on the stand said it's possible, it's possible that little green men from mars beam down and commit a double murder. but is it probable, no, it's tter future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're providing greater access to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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>> sandra: fbi agents searched the penn biden center in washington some time in mid november. multiple sources familiar with the investigation are telling fox news. it is not clear how many agents were present, but president biden's team was fully aware and consent was given. no search warrant involved and it's not clear if agents took anything from the center. >> john: another layer to that onion. law enforcement special agent doubling down on a stunning claim in the murdaugh murder trial. he says murdaugh blurted out i did him so bad when asked about his son's murder three days after the killings, but some
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disagreement whether murdaugh says i or they in the video taped interview. criminal defense attorney joins us in a moment, but jonathan has more details on what happened in court today. what is so important, jonathan, about what alec murdaugh actually said? >> they are trying to -- the prosecution is trying to show he slipped up the second police interview, alec murdaugh is talking about his deceased son paul. prosecutors want to show he slipped and revealed "i did him so wrong" but the defense suggests he was misquoted and actually said they did him so wrong. and in cross examination, they played the recording at one-third speed to see if the state investigator would hear it any differently. >> so bad.
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>> did you hear they, then? >> no, sir, i did not. >> no change in his testimony. no change in the quote. bodycam video shows agents with the state law enforcement division recovered shells around the hunting lodge that investigators say are consistent with the types of ammunition that killed his wife and son. but murdaugh's attorneys are about to point out key evidence is still missing. >> have you ever found the murder weapons, to your knowledge? >> objection, your honor, outside the scope of his knowledge. >> objection is overruled. >> not that i'm aware of, sir. >> representative from verizon and analyst of cell phone data testified, they are trying to piece together a timeline of the last phone calls and texts of
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the victims in the case. >> john: jonathan, thank you. >> sandra: mark, glad to have you here to bring us up to speed on the trial. so many are watching how it plays out. twists and turns that have boggled those who watch it closely. a.p. asks in the headline this morning, through sobs, did alex murdaugh say he killed his son? >> it's possible, but i assure you his liberty shouldn't hinge upon whether a prosecution witness thinks he heard i or they. that is weak and as much as you don't like this guy and he's very easy to dislike with all that he's done, your own family members' liberty, especially for a case like murder, should never hinge on i or they.
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but on forensic evidence, a motive, even though they don't have to provt should lead to proof beyond a reasonable doubt. >> sandra: we do know there is a lot of evidence so far that we can note and put on the screen to take our viewers through this. we have the 911 call, of course, that was absolutely heart wrenching to hear. that was played out in court. the bodycam footage from the responding officers. there is the recorded statements that murdaugh game to law enforcement. ballistics evidence that suggested it was a family gun that was involved. also g.p.s. locations of the cell phone that he had, the gunshot residue. we have heard a lot from that courtroom. so, what key pieces of evidence are actually missing at this point? >> i'm waiting to hear about whether there was gunpowder residue found on this alleged raincoat that was at his parents' house, the place he
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claims he was when he wasn't killing his precious wife and child. i want to hear more about the bloodstains. is that consistent with someone who went over and rendered aid or is it consistent with someone who used two very significant high powered weapons and got blood splatter on them as a result. that's what i'm looking for. >> sandra: very interesting stuff. real quick, this was nancy grace yesterday on the bombshell that was revealed in that courtroom on the defense claiming evidence was mishandled at the scene. here was her thought on that. >> there was evidence, evidence that was muddled in that dog pen where the victim's blood was found, people were walking around, but that doesn't negate the fact that alex murdaugh was there at the scene, caught in a snapchat video by his son.
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>> sandra: how big of a deal was that to you, mishandling that apparently happened at the scene here. >> it could be a colossal thing. nancy minimizes it in favor of the prosecution, i adore her but i disagree with her. when you are analyzing whether he was there, they look to the forensic evidence and the first thing they do, can we rely upon it and if they can prove, by they, the defense, that somehow it was contaminated in any way like they did in the o.j. case, then you can't rely on it. don't minimize it, it's significant if in fact the scene was contaminated. >> that's a big deal. the day, the week goes on, two counts of murder, two counts of possession of a weapon, and he could face 30 years to live in prison. we'll be watching all of that. mark, thank you. john. >> john: crime ravaging the city of chicago and mayor lori
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lightfoot is in the city streets dancing? is she taking the crisis seriously? chicago alderman raymond lopez has been critical of her in the past. what does he say now about lightfoot's latest dance moves? >> sandra: pro life activist charged for the doj for shoving a planned parenthood escort outside an abortion clinic found not guilty. should he have been on trial in the first place? critics say this was always about politics. >> what we did was win a big victory for the pro life movement against the biden administration. they were trying to scare pro lifers. couldn't use cpap. now i have this. inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with the click of this remote. no mask, no hose, just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at
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let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at >> sandra: pro life advocate
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arrested by the fbi for an incident outside an abortion clinic in pennsylvania has been acquitted. he was facing federal charges after an altercation with a planned parenthood volunteer who he says was harassing his son. david spunt is live at the justice department with this. david, what was he charged with? >> violating the freedom of access to clinic entrances or the face act. it's a federal crime, 28-year-old law. pro life activists and supporters believe this is a major win because the federal government lost this one. his name is mark houck, he lives outside philadelphia, pennsylvania. he was accused and charged with shoving a 72-year-old planned parenthood escort during a clash outside a pennsylvania abortion clinic in 2021. charged with violating the 28-year-old crime, to intimidate or interfere with anyone seeking
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abortion services or pro life services. he was not charged in philly but a year later after this incident doj came knocking on the door in the form of fbi agents a year after the initial incidents. >> full swat gear, armored vests, battering ram, banged on my door. >> last week doj announced charges of two in florida for attacking three pro life pregnancy centers, the phrases your time is up and we are coming for you on the building. fbi offering $25,000 rewards, check out information at >> sandra: david spunt, thank you. >> john: all arrows pointing to president biden for running for re-election. will kamala harris be on the ticket with him? several democrats hope she
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won't. kellyanne conway will be here on that. where does she think we are headed in 2024? >> sandra: schools have been notorious for pushing kids to wear mask, but not with a christian message on it. the mother of a mississippi student forced to remove the mask and how she took action and how the school is responding. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually... well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. what does it mean to veteran homeowners that
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(upbeat music) >> john: in the height of the covid pandemic, third grader lydia booth wore a face mask to school, a comforting quote on it, jesus loves me. what happened next sent her family to court and more than two years later they have won. jennifer booth joins us with the incredible story. jennifer, thanks for being with us. let me take you back, fall of 2020, your daughter lydia wore a mask on it that said jesus loves me. what happened next? >> well, she wore it to school and the school administrators forced her to remove it and replace it because of the message that it had. >> john: because it said jesus loves me on it. now you asked the school principal about it. what did the principal say? >> well, she was trying to say it was against the school policy. initially it was about the obscene gestures and something
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to do with the dress code, but as it progressed up to the superintendent they ended up saying like actually banning religious speech all together. >> john: when you confronted the school board about it, they sent you a policy. you say the policy looked like it had been modified shortly before they sent it to you? >> yes. they -- when they sent it to me i kind of just got curious, i guess the lord i felt was working on me, and i actually found the original document on their district site, it was just archived, and then the lord is like ok, you still got to keep looking, there is something else to this, jennifer, and looked at the meta data on the document that the superintendent had sent me and it said he had modified it 30 minutes prior to sending it to me, and the only -- the
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only difference was -- >> john: that led you o he oh that led you to believe they modified the mask mandate or at least the language regarding masks just for the sole purposes of telling you lydia was not able to do it. so, you and the alliance defending freedom decided you were going to take it to court. why did you take that step, why did you feel it was necessary to take that step? >> i really felt it was necessary because as little as the whole message on a mask seems, you know, right now it's the mask, but next time it's the t-shirt and then essentially eventually we may not even be able to say jesus' name in school and we don't lose our rights depending on our location in america. >> john: the council for the alliance defending freedom said this about the case, public schools have no business discriminating against a 9-month-old for her religious
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expression. others have worn masks with the logos of sports teams or the words black lives matter, yet she was singled out for something that said jesus loves me. you won, the school district has changed its policy now. we are not wearing masks in school but it could potentially apply to the future if we go back to masking, which have been talked about. >> oh, yeah, absolutely, and now that the alliance to defending freedom has done what they have done with this case, our children will be able to express jesus loves me if that's what they want to do. >> john: jennifer booth, congratulations on your victory, and please say hi to lydia for me. she looks like she's a sweet young girl. >> i will. thanks for having me. >> sandra: thank you, john. new at 2:00, utah the latest state to ban sex reassignment surgeries and puberty blockers for minors. is the bill protecting young
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children from making a decision they may soon come to regret? presha mosley underwent surgery at a young age and now regrets her decision. she says this is the only way to save a child's future. nancy mace is here, democratic alderman raymond lopez, and kellyanne conway coming up in a jam packed hour as "america reports" rolls on. helping them achieve financial freedom. we're proud to serve people everywhere, in investing for the retirement they envision. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein.
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