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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 18, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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ncial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. can't do that by yourself. (voya mnemonic.) voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. >> john: new at 2:00, if a fellow democrat's criticism over the border crisis had the biden administration feeling a little bruised the other day, new york mayor eric adams' latest comments on the border must be like landing a knockout punch. how the mayor brutally called out the administration's failure to act without knowing what he was saying. >> sandra: struggling economy has a vegas chef coming up goose
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eggs. his restaurant chain doubled down on going sunny side up but with eye popping price hikes. he's learning the hard way what can happen putting all your eggs in one basket. oh, wait, the puns are still coming. he's making the best of the tough times, viva las eggas. picking up what i'm laying down there? >> john: "america reports" rolls into a second hour. a busy show so far. >> sandra: jam packed, and continuing into a new hour. sandra smith in new york. >> it's not a political discussion. this is national security. >> crime rates in these towns have skyrocketed because the cartel has taken over. >> 100% dangerous, no way we are tracking all the people across the border and plenty want to do
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some damage, it's a ticking time bomb. >> john: border residents sounding the alarm as cartels spread devastation across america. >> sandra: troopers escorting 15 illegal immigrants out of a car trailer in uvalde county. >> john: and another six illegal immigrants in the back of a van on their way to an unknown location. the migrants say they paid $8,000 to cross into the united states. >> sandra: now the cartels' violence is moving hundreds of miles north to tulare county in california, a small farming town in shock after a shooting left six people dead, including a 16-year-old mother and her 10-month-old baby. the county sheriff telling us he believes they were killed in a targeted attack. >> i do believe the cartel is involved, i believe there is
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high ranking gang structure involved in this, and it's not your normal. you have a 16-year-old young mother killed alongside her 10-month-old son shot in the dead. >> john: our next guest is a former special federal agent whose partner was killed by a drug cartel a decade ago. he continues to seek justice for his death. victor avilla joins us on that in just moments. >> sandra: but first to national correspondent griff jenkins live in eagle pass, texas this hour. hi, griff. >> hi, sandra, good afternoon, you can see examples of cartel control every single day down here on the border, and we have to warn our viewers this one is a bit graphic. this is a picture we can show you tweeted out this morning by the border patrol sector chief, jason owens in del rio, a migrant was shot, suffered a gunshot wound while crossing the river into this sector last
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week. fortunately he was okay, but the cartel taking a shot at him for reasons unknown. now, we talked to the eagle pass police chief here, fredricco garza. >> you worry you have cartel people here? >> darn right i do, darn right i do, i do worry, and it's all quiet and peaceful sometimes, well heck, if you are a criminal organization that's going on you want to kind of hide in with the citizens and that nobody is paying attention to, darn right i am. >> take a look at these images. texas dps elite brush unit here in maverick county arresting these two criminal aliens, believed to be gang members, covered in tattoos. and this sector, over 400 criminal aliens.
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now, let me also show you the border patrol chief overall, putting out in the last 72 hours, three-day report, you can see agents have encountered over 12,000 migrants, seized more than 1,000 pounds of narcotics, arrested six sex offenders and confiscated some six firearms. so, it's a daily occurrence to see the cartels' hand in all of this, and it is frightening the residents here in the local border communities. back to you. >> sandra: and has been for quite some time. griff jenkins, thank you. john. >> john: bring in victor avilla, he was looking into human trafficking when he was based in mexico. stories like this we should point out are personal for him after he survived an ambush by cartel members ten years ago. his partner jamie zapata did
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not. we want to put up the picture again, gives you the heinous nature -- i'm sorry, the one of alissa paraz, 16 years old and her son nicholas, shot in the head, six people killed in the home in goshen, california. what do you believe police are looking at here? >> john, i investigated cartels along with human trafficking and i agree with law enforcement it has the indicators of a cartel hit. this is what the cartel does, and i lived it, they executed my partner next to me, i got shot three times, they have no regard for human life, and these are the indicators, they'll shoot and kill a 10-month-old child that is not a threat to them, a mother, and so, a 72-year-old man, this is definitely a retaliation or something for that law enforcement activity
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that has taken place in that home just a few days before. but the indicator here and what we need to pay attention is that we have been saying and i've been saying for a long time the cartels are present in our country, and i go around the country speaking with the america project and the local law enforcement people tell us and tell me, we are starting to see these crimes and in chicago, minneapolis, in st. louis, are connected to the cartel, to the open border that we are seeing right now. >> john: i'm thinking about this little community, a farming community of about 3,000 people, 30 miles south of fresno, and about 30 or 40 north of bakersfield. why are the cartels there? >> oh, they are everywhere, listen, cartels are not just moving the fentanyl and the methamphetamine, but they are also in the farming business. remember, they have infiltrated the lime trade, avocado trade from mexico all the way to the
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u.s. and they have their presence, their representatives in those communities to make sure that they get their money back, and a lot of the times they are exploiting a lot of these individuals whether they are selling drugs for them, whether they are trafficking them for forced labor or sexual exploitation, something i investigated, they have turned this into a global money maker. hsi, homeland security investigations put out that last year the cartels made $13 billion just on the human smuggling alone. we are not even talking about the drugs. so this is an completely game changer that we need to look and continue to force this administration to take a look at the cartels in a different light. they are not drug gangs anymore, these are foreign terrorist organizations that must be dealt with differently. >> john: you mentioned, victor, a police activity in that house about a week ago. there was a raid on that house, drugs and weapons and ammunition
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were all found. with the exception of one person, all the last names of the victims was paraz. was this a family operation that was connected to the cartels, how do you -- what do you think the connection is here? >> definitely could be -- i investigated a lot of these criminal organizations and you would be surprised, the mother is involved, the children are involved, it's a family organized crime, extension of the cartels from mexico. but this is definitely a hit here, retaliation hit, it has all the indicators where they took them all out. something went wrong with a deal and this is the way the cartels operate. this is why they are terrorizing not just the country of mexico but seeing it here in our own country, when are we going to do something, hold biden and mayorkas accountable for the open borders. this is partly blood on their hands -- by the way, cartel members, a lot of them are
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illegally present in the country as well. >> john: we are just about out of time, ask you about your continued pursuit of justice for your former partner, five people went to jail in the united states, extradited from mexico for his murders but they were let go because the murder was not committed on u.s. soil. what are you doing to try to get justice for your partner? >> thank you. march 3rd is the resentencing of two of the individuals, they dropped and vacated the murder charge so we have to go back to court on friday march 3rd at 2:00 p.m. in washington, d.c. to beg the judge to resentence them to life. now they are not looking at mandatory life, but a sentence up to life, and we hope that the judge listens to us and the zapata family and i will be there, i hope fox news can join us to be there. we still need to continue to get justice for jaime and his
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family, the 12th year anniversary coming up next month. >> john: victor avilla, good luck in march. they'll be watching. >> sandra: and calling out the biden administration for what he is calling an absolute disaster. >> john: a comment he made in new york city could be the biggest knock against the white house and did not realize what he was saying at the time. listen here. >> el paso is a beautiful city. visually it's a beautiful place. the city was overrun, it was unbelievable how we undermined the foundation of the city as they are grappling like many of us are with real problems. there must be a national czar, the lack of coordination is really causing this to be hit by
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certain cities. >> john: the new york mayor insisting the problem is so bad there should be a national border czar, and if he was embarrassed to later learn there already is one. >> sandra: imagine the embarrassment for vice president kamala harris after two years producing so little, she has only to the border since her role as border czar. >> john: today the border patrol union went after the v.p. poor performance on twitter saying if you were given a job two years ago with the explicit goal of reducing illegal immigration and then you sit around and do nothing while illegal immigration explodes to levels never seen before, you should be fired and replaced. period. >> sandra: there was a time, john, right after she was named the border czar, we used to keep track of the number of days it had been since she had been
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given that role and that title, and all of a sudden we were into day 100, day 150, day 200 and you were not seeing any action at the border. you were not seeing any policies that were going to change what was happening there. and here we are today. >> john: remember when you were a kid and your parents told you to clean your room and thought if you ignored it and kept the door closed they would never notice? >> sandra: i was the sixth child, they didn't notice. >> john: kind of what's going on here. >> sandra: i've got you, though. we'll keep>> sandra: brand-new from america's crime crisis, new jersey mayor is fighting back against his own state, he claims for car thefts fueled by new jersey's bail laws. crime wave having brazen thieves even targeting quiet suburban neighborhoods and driving away blatantly with people's cars. alexis mcadams is here with the
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details and how bad is this carjacking becoming in the garden state? >> it's wild to see the videos, talking about thousands of stolen cars every year, and now the mayor of one new jersey town tells me the dangerous trend is part of a statewide car theft ring. check it out here, white range rover backing out of the driveway as it's stolen from the garage of a home from middletown, new jersey. you can see it trying not to hit before it quickly pulls out of the driveway. happened in may of 2020, and you can see as soon as he's able to make the turn, the homeowner tries to chase after his luxury vehicle and the criminal is able to get away. officials say stolen cars are up and heading up into chop shops, even shipped overseas. now the mayor of middletown is suing the state, blaming the bail reform policy. says it's costing big bucks and
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peace of mind, now asking for tougher sentences and big charges that could help deter criminals. >> they eliminated cash bail, so in essence, our judicial system has become a customer service business in a lot of states. >> according to crime data, less than 140 car thefts in 2017. the same year the new jersey bail reform law was enacted. last year, more than 600 stolen cars, that's up more than 300% in a five-year period. the mayor is asking for federal authorities to investigate the car theft ring in his state as local officials on both sides of the aisle are calling on the state to make changes to the policy they say is failing big. >> bail reform is to blame because we have created a culture, a sense that when you do commit a crime you could go years without ever seeing a trial. >> so how big is this problem,
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sandra? it's such a large issue that the new jersey governor allocated $10 million to add automated license plate readers and more resources to curb crime thefts. >> sandra: interesting stuff. i cannot imagine what it's like to have it happen to you and this is all over the country right now. thank you very much. we'll stay on that. john. >> john: don't punish the criminals, they do what they do. higher interest rates and inflation putting a damper on the davos crowd. why the economic outlook is not looking bright. >> sandra: plus, john kerry drawing some backlash for out of this world comments. >> so almost extra terrestrial to think about "saving the planet." >> sandra: he really said that. larry kudlow is here to react. ♪♪
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crowding davos and not sporting smiles with cashmere coats this year. dire mood at the world economic event in switzerland. leaders say countries are strained by high inflation and soaring interest rates. and how is this for a troubling sign, a growing number of americans now say they are spending more than they make, 28% make less than $50,000 a year said expenses outweighed their income in the month of
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december. 9% who make more than $100,000 said the same. bring in larry kudlow now, host of "kudlow on fox business," looking forward to joining you on the town hall tomorrow, sir. >> yes, you are our lead. >> sandra: i can't wait. put this all in perspective. a sour mood for what is to come this year, with the american economy, the global economy, and now all the elites are out in davos dining over their cavier, sharing concerns over where things are headed. >> i never went to davos before trump, and i won't go after trump. >> sandra: you sound like elon musk. >> unelected world government the people never asked for and don't want. let me echo that. how just -- pound the table, elon is always right, smartest guy on the planet. the trouble is the numbers we got today on key indicators for
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our economy were just awful, ok. i hate to say it, because i was kind of hoping for a soft landing. atlanta fed has a gdp now, they came into the numbers with 4% or 3.5%, they have to be marked down. key indicators, retail sales collapsed last month, revised down also. so december, minus 1.1, november minus 1.0, that's a revision. the last three months, sales minus 4.3%. >> sandra: you are always an optimist. >> i hate it. we should be cutting taxes and spending in washington, prosperity agenda which we are going to talk about in the town hall tomorrow. industrial production, sandra, you know, you have to produce in order to consume. the jobs are in production, the income comes from production, terrible numbers. manufacturing fell 1.3% in
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december. november marked down, minus 1.1%. minus 8%. >> sandra: is your message to buckle down to the american consumer? i mean -- i want to move on to davos. >> work -- work where you can work, and put your shoulder through this. >> sandra: while the jobs market is still pretty good. >> jobs are the only thing that's working, and that hopefully will continue, but work where you can work. there may be a storm ahead. hate to say it. >> sandra: and we are watching the stock market, a pretty big selloff, dow jones industrial off 433, obviously markets are wait and see what happens next with all the economic news as well. >> no politics, just giving you the numbers, that's what it is. >> sandra: i can't let you go until we get reaction, i teased to the audience, john kerry in davos, you can play dave rubin out of it. >> i think it's so -- almost extraterrestrial to think about "saving the planet."
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if you said that to most people, they think you are just a crazy tree hugging lefty liberal, you know, do-gooder or whatever, no relationship. >> dana, for the record i think john kerry is a crazy lefty hippie do-gooder, he thinks because he sits in the room and talks about us, it makes him extraterrestrial or extended clip, god-like. these people are completely out of control. >> sandra: and out of touch. you know how all the climate alarmists activists, whatever you want to call them, got there, put it on the screen. 1,040 private jets in and out of nearby airports during the week of the 2022 world economic forum. 53% were short haul flights below 466 miles, equivalent of co2 emissions from 350,000
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average cars. reaction. >> and the american revolution in fracking and natural gas, a clean burning fuel has caused us, u.s.a., to be the largest reduction in carbon emissions of any of the economies of the big economies. in other words, we are winning the war, not losing it. so don't listen to jan kerry. kerry said some very bad things, he's extraterrestrial, i don't get any of that stuff. he said growth is bad and the only solution to climate is money, money, money. we have spent ten fortunes, all right, 5, 6, $7 trillion around the world and the needle on climate and carbon hasn't moved and we have bjorn on the show tonight, and you know what the solution, growth, growth, technology advances will solve the problem.
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storing the paper a day or two, sequestration, capture the carbon and push it underground, new technologies making it easier and more comprehensive. >> sandra: right now, throw money at it and push bad technology, and bad solutions, it's not working. >> you are destroying the environment, by the way, with all these wind farms, for example, ok, killing whales, killing birds, killing everything. he does not understand economics. he's attacking growth yesterday and today it's money, money, money, let's give more foreign aid to governments, it's the stupidest thinking thing i've ever seen. fiscal dementia, biden accused the republicans of fiscal dementia, that was crazy. mr. kerry is accused of climate dementia. >> sandra: i promised the audience you would react to that. >> you can't do this. carnegie and rockefeller and boosted the economy in the 19th, 20th century, he's just wrong, with all due respect to mr. kerry, he is wrong.
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let the marketplace invent solutions to climate. that's not hard to do. >> sandra: larry, you always tell us what's on your mind. we love it. see you at 4:00. >> john: the husband of missing massachusetts mother ana walshe entering a not guilty plea after he was arraigned on her murder. prosecutors unveiling the charges against brian walshe and revealing a long list of damning google searches he made on his son's ipad, including how to clean up blood and which tool was the best to dismember a human body. bryan llenas live outside the courthouse in quincy, massachusetts. a rather graphic presentation from the prosecution. >> graphic indeed, gruesome and frankly just sad. prosecutors laid out what they believe is compelling evidence that brian walshe murdered his wife ana, including compelling dna evidence and a series of
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incriminating google searches he allegedly made on his son's ipad. brian walshe sat in court -- stood in court, stone faced mostly, did shake his head once as prosecutors detailed the google searches, like how long until the body decomposes, can you be charged with murder without a body. notably he allegedly also searched this five days before her disappearance. >> december 27th, what's the best state for divorce for a man, it was believed brian walshe dismembered ana walshe and discarded her body. >> investigators have not recovered a body but located ten trash bags discarded at a dumpster outside of brian's mother's home, containing bloodstained items including a tyvek suit, dna matched ana,
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contained her covid vaccine card, hupter boots, part of her necklace. brian's demeanor was in stark contrast after smiling when he was arrested more than a week ago. i asked the police chief about that smile. >> what did you make of that moment? >> he was in handcuffs in our custody, his children were in state custody, and his wife was missing. there's nothing to be smiling about. >> that was a pretty big indicator for you guys? >> the detectives doubled down at that point to get to the bottom of things. >> it really was a turning point. >> yes. >> all eyes now, and really all thoughts are with their three children, ages 2, 4, 6, 3 sons now without both parents. >> john: bryan, thank you.
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sandra. >> sandra: another chilling mystery has peoplecalifornia la celebrating his first wedding anniversary in mexico. his family wants the truth. elliot fell from a fourth floor balcony, but his loved ones say no way. christina coleman is live in los angeles with what we are learning on this. christina. >> sandra, the lawyer's family says they are devastated by the lack of communication from mexican authorities on this case. they say 33-year-old orange county public defender elliott blare was at the las rocos resort and spa south of tijuana over the weekend to celebrate his first wedding anniversary with his wife. mexican media reported blare was intoxicated and died after falling from a balcony but the lawyer's family is not buying that. his loved ones say they have extensive legal training in criminal law, and that they whole heartedly believe blare was a victim of a brutal crime,
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and newly released family statement they said blare was not intoxicated during the incident, don't believe it happened on any balcony, but a walkway outside the front door of the couple's room. they are also suspicious of what mexican authorities have told his wife. they say officials have giving his loving wife multiple versions of what happened. the lawyer's family will use a private firm and independent pathologist to get answers. and an investigator raised concerns of his own who used to work with blare on cases. >> i'm highly suspect of mexican police work. i just hope that whoever did the initial investigation was honest, objective, and they maintained the evidence. >> blare's family also noted that this couple stayed at the resort multiple times within the past five years, so perhaps somebody was familiar with them. blare's body was found on
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january 14th, his family says a liaison to the local coroner's office says the case has been given to the d.a.'s office for a possible homicide investigation. >> john: the daily white house briefing expected to start soon as fallout from president biden's document dilemma continues to grow. the white house struggling to deliver any meaningful answers on the matter, and that could be starting to catch up with the president, among his closest allies. kellyanne conway, a former counsel to president trump and a fox news contributor and she joins us now. remember back right after the inauguration and a little while after that when president biden promised to be the most transparent administration in this nation's history. let's roll the tape. >> the vice president harris and i and our entire administration will always be honest and trans parent with you about both the good news and the bad.
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>> as long as i'g to stick to tn that we are open, accountable, and transparent. and i think that's important message to send the world. >> john: kellyanne, when you listen to the briefingses, the nonanswers, the deflection, what do you make of what the president said not so long ago? >> of course it's a lie, as were the 18 nonresponses that karine gave to the press corps on friday, asked 18 different ways are there more documents. what else do we need to know and she said the search is complete, that is false and either she's lying or they are purposely keeping her in the dark. but when you are representing the united states of america, when you are speaking on behalf of the president, and i've been in this position where people are telling you things, experts in the white house who don't have the courage i think or the skills to go out and face the
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press, are telling you things you are believing that, i think in this case they are purposely excluding her. the white house counsel office spokesman just had his first on the record briefing i've read since they have been there two years and he's trying to answer questions. i thought his answers showed culpability also. the reckless handling of the classified documents you are already culpable. this is a press corps that believed hook, line and sinker, there was russia collusion, looked for it for three years, could not find it, they believed the 50 intelligence and military experts who said hunter biden's laptop is russian disinformation, and now they don't want to be -- they don't want to take the white house's word as gospel and of course these are national security matters so everybody is very concerned and look, chairman comer, house oversight chairman
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sent a letter to the university of pennsylvania president and told her we are focusings on the penn center because the biden center at penn because this is -- these are where the documents were and because he was the vice president, not the president, we know he could not declassify them. they went there in 2018, they were moved a few times, not just one time from when he was vice president. >> john: still don't know what the genesis was on the search on november 2nd, but what you deposited about karine jean-pierre out of the loop, ari fleischer said she is not in the meetings and needs the statements to answer or not answer questions. quinnipiac took a new poll, 60% of people responded saying they do not think the biden appropriately handled the documents, 22% said that he did handle them appropriately. but the media, and you brought
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this up, seems to be now holding the white house's feet to the fire in large degree for the very first time in the last two years. howard kurtz observed this, the media have turned on biden, not just the story is out in dribs and drabs but the president and his people sat on the damaging information for two months and have not explained why. a tutorial how to not handle a scandal-tinged story. you handle your share of those in the administration, what do you think of the idea of them fumbling the whole thing? >> well, they have. and it seems they would not have been forthcoming at all, john, had the media not been ready to drop these stories. looked like cbs and some others came out with the facts before the white house was caught flatfooted and needed to respond. and this november 2nd date really concerns me. because now we have the second consecutive election where the public did not have full access to information. it was being concealed from them
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so that people would vote a certain way perhaps, and if that's not true, let's say you say as john roberts, a voter in virginia, i don't really care about any of that, that's fine. but somebody else may care and not only have you promised to be transparent and accountable, but we know that you have not been even when there are simple questions like did your son from an advantage because he was son flying on air force 2 and going to countries we hear in the news, ukraine, china, did he have an advantage, did he do business, look, nobody is under oath in a presidential debate but joe biden denied that. i think it comes from that, if you look back not that far a guy who has had a casual relationship with the truth, two years into what i believe will be his only term in office and they are handling the worst scandal, nonafghanistan scandal, not diminish that, that's where i really get mad at joe biden not that he shakes hands with
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the air and how they are handling documents, but the point being, i think this is the worst scandal, it's a man-made scandal, they screwed up and the cover-up is as bad as the crime. >> john: certainly does seem to shine new light on the investigation of classified documents that president trump had and whether he could be prosecuted for that. we don't know if this is the end of it, but we do know they are probably running out of places to look, we'll see. kellyanne, thank you for joining us. >> we don't know. thank you, thanks. >> sandra: thank you, john. several states are following california's lead and banning gas powered car sales by 2035, but now one of the largest oil producing states in the country is trying to do the exact opposite. lawmakers in wyoming are pushing to phase out electric vehicle sales to protect the oil and gas industry. our next guest co-sponsored the bill, wyoming senator is joining
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us now. thank you for joining us. explain how this would work. you know as well as everybody else listening the e.v.s are growing in popularity to the point a headline in the wall street journal, e.v.s now make up 10% of all cars sold last year, china, europe, driving e.v. expansion as u.s. gains traction. so, how can you push against this growing trend to try to save the oil and gas industry in your state>> thanks for having me, sandra, i appreciate the opportunity to show our perspective in wyoming. wyoming is an energy producing state, not just oil and gas but with coal, uranium for the nuclear plants, natural gas. as much as we love and support our industries, especially the oil and gas industry, this is as much about making sure we have a good discussion about the physical realities of making sure when you transition from internal combustion engine all the way to having all of your
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cars on the same grid we have our houses and our businesses on, it's kind of a big deal to make that transition. so we are coming at a practical perspective, how do you make this work and i don't see a plan out of states like california. so the reality is we produce a lot of electricity in addition to oil and gas in the state, and we do have some regulatory oversight over power plants and the transmission lines that lead to places like california. i hope we can have a realistic discussion about the so-called transition to make sure it happens in a way that does not affect the quality of life. >> sandra: really interesting perspective. and sometimes the decisions are made and pushes are made without thinking about the real world consequence of that. would there be enough electricity in the state if more and more people were driving the vehicles. so, you have started the conversation, this is the e.v. bill and a quote from it. wyoming's vast stretches of highway coupled with the lack of electric vehicle charging infrastructure make the
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widespread use of e.v.s impractical for the state and batteries used in electric vehicles contain critical minerals whose supply is limited and at risk for disruption. a lot of the materials come from china. you are trying to save the oil and gas industry with all of this, you are looking at the electric grid and also saying hey, let's worry about where a lot of our jobs are in this state. the energy jobs in wyoming, 18,031, transmission distribution and storage, 11,700, energy efficiency, almost 7,000, motor vehicles, 3500. i mean, this is a great concern for your state if you were to move to more and more e.v. sales. you are trying to protect that. >> yes, absolutely. unfortunately we deal one intended consequences of poorly thought out decisions all the time in wyoming. we are a public land state,
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dealing with the energy policy schizophrenia that has happened between this administration and the previous administration and look at oil and gas lease sales on federal land or federal minerals in the state of wyoming. 90% drop in the leases due to the biden administration policies, even as the price of gas has hit an all-time high. so when we see something like this, we see a policy meant to produce a certain outcome, we are sensitive, given our expertise producing the bedrock resource the economy needs to thrive, we will say something about it even if it's a slightly glib poke in the eye for a state like california. >> sandra: we hear you and quick, up on the screen, why you care. wyoming's energy sector jobs account for 16% of total sait employment, and that is a really big deal. as a state senator you are speaking up about this, and we appreciate you joining us. thank you very much, sir.
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>> thank you, sandra, appreciate it. >> john: sandra, overall inflation is down but americans probably don't notice because food prices are still through the roof, and expensive eggs are the main culprit. >> sandra: after we have been doing the story day after day, everybody is sending messages about their egg prices. cost of a carton is up nearly 60% just in the past year alone, and for restaurants who need the eggs for almost every dish they make it's hard to not pass those costs on to their customers. >> john: daniel, a top chef at egg works dining group. you were supposed to be with us yesterday but unfortunately some breaking news. i hope you have remade the dishes there as an example for us yesterday and did not just go in the fridge, because they look delicious. i wanted to ask you about the impact on you as a restaurant group owner, on your customers as well, because we have whose a perfect storm here.
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we have inflation, which is driving the price of food up, we've got an outbreak of avian flu, caused the destruction of some 58 million chickens, and the same time, more people are eating eggs because they were a less costly alternative for protein than beef and other meats were. so, how is this overall playing into the price of eggs and how is it affecting you? >> yes, good afternoon, thank you for having me. well, with the cost and everything going up it has affected our restaurants a lot, and all breakfast restaurants in the morning, our cost has gone up probably like 60% in the last year. eggs are really crazy to get right now. >> sandra: daniel, we are showing some of the pictures of the meals you make, you have some in front of you. almost all of them use eggs in some way.
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and are you charging more to your customers? looks like you have some happy customers behind you. >> yes, unfortunately over the last year we have had to increase our pricing for about 20%. we have tried to keep our costs down due to we do have a warehouse and are able to buy in big bulks. but the cost has gone up and it's affecting not only us but our customers. >> john: so the egg works dining group goes between 7,510,500 dozen eggs every week. the price of a case of eggs. >> every week. >> 15 dozen has tripled, it was $30, now over $100. how long does it look like this is going to last before surprises come back down a bit? eggs used to be a bargain. >> i've been told for now it's another six months we are looking at increases on eggs, but like i said, we are able to
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keep our costs down, we are able to buy in bulk, so we are hoping this goes down between three months to six months. >> sandra: you know, john was just lamenting on our team call yesterday that you were in studio, because he was going to see this food and naturally we are all just hungry, but it seems like you are keeping your spirits up. what do customers say? i'm sure you have regular customers that come through there. are they complaining about the higher prices or pay them when they show up and not ask questions? >> we have had a couple complaints on our pricing going up and everything, but overall we are trying to keep the cost down and customers happy and everyone happy. >> john: i've been a big fan of breakfast as long as i can remember, back when i lived in toronto we would go out to the local irish pub and about 1:30 in the morning drop by a place that had breakfast 24 hours a day and ordering eggs at 2:00 in
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the morning and nothing tasted better than an egg then. it's obviously just not eggs here, daniel, that are the problem. i mean, everything costs more. one of my favorite things in the whole world is home fries, and potato prices are going through the roof, too. >> yes, potato prices just in the last three months have doubled in pricing. and it's really hard for us to get potatoes. there's a lot of companies that are not being able to keep up with the produce and stuff. >> sandra: daniel, you know i think that we all see small businesses all over this country, restaurants that have struggled through this inflation crisis. we know it's tough on you, and you are keeping a smile on your face. i know you are trying to manage your way through this, it's not easy, thanks so much for telling your story here, appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> john: i hope you find somebody who appreciates what you've made there and they gobble it up. i know i would if you were here. >> thank you, thank you.
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>> sandra: looks like he's got some happy customers behind there. john, we have some breaking news on this kohberger search warrant. it has been unsealed now, we are just starting to get a peek at what is in it. >> john: one of the things i found, they are looking for -- it's basically the four corners of the search warrant in terms of what they should be looking for here, and one of the things that really caught my eye here, a quick cursory eye look, looking for evidence, this is in his apartment in washington, of use of a device to conduct internet searches relating to a review of other murders or violent assaults, stabbings or cutting of people, as well as how to avoid detection after the commission of such crimes. as we know, he was a student in criminology at the university of washington, in fact he was a ph.d. candidate, and one of the things he had offered up was some help to local police officers there in idaho on how to develop technical evidence.
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and it looks like police believe at the same time as he was offering them advice on how to do it, he may have been doing it himself. >> sandra: john, helping us break this down is senior correspondent laura, looks like it's a 49-50 page document, what are we learning in this? >> we are trying to get through these pages just unsealed, and as we are here in our newsroom going through the unsealed search warrant, we are looking at, like you said, at some of the things these investigators went into bryan kohberger's rental apartment in the state of washington, things they were looking for, that could tie him to the crimes. they were looking for any kind of trace dna evidence, any kind of signs of blood, any weapon, any digital images of the victims looking for anything at all, and as we get through this, we do have some reports that blood was found in the
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apartment, at least traces of it. we are hearing that looks like they may have sound some hairs that some might have been an animal. now remember, kaylee goncalves had a dog in the home, her dog murphy, that is great interest as we have moved through watching this investigation and what the investigators are looking for. there was long thought that this search warrant was not going to be released until much later, so this comes as a bit of a surprise today as we move through these documents looking to see exactly what they found. >> john: yeah, you know, i was curious when i brought up there, evidence, they were looking for digital evidence that he had looked up, researched other stabbings or killings in a way that would give him some indication of how to conceal his potential role in these murders. >> right. and we have heard that before, that he had made these social
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online postings, both in the past and in the recent last few months leading up to these murders, talking about, you know, if you were going to do something in a criminal fashion, how would you do it, those sort of things. those have not been able to be independently confirmed, and then yesterday a report out of "people" magazine that he reportedly tried to direct message, dm one of the victims. i've been trying to independently confirm that, but there is a gag order right now, so any of the participants cannot tell us if that is true. but "people" magazine is quoting an investigative source that he tried to say something like hey, how are you, and that those messages may not have been received or even viewed by the victim that he was trying to talk to and we understand it might have been one of the females. >> sandra: all right, laura, if you could stand by with us on the breaking news. bring back phil holloway with us on the phone.
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learning a computer, hair, glove and dna items were received from bryan kohberger, the idaho murder suspect's home. one of the item found at the nearby washington state university, a possible animal hair strand we are learning but disposable glove, hair strands, items with red and brown stains and a computer, according to the newly concealed search warrant. what are you taking away from this so far? >> great to be back with you, we are trying to digest in realtime and i have not completely done that, but what i can tell looking into the warrant and the affidavit used to get the search warrant, it's very interesting to me they are searching for images, whether digital or paper or any other format that basically would link kohberger with any of these victims and we now can combine that with the earlier reports that we were talking about earlier today
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where it was disclosed he may have been sending direct messages through instagram, right. so, this is -- this is drilling down on a specific connection between the accused defendant and the victims in the case. in addition to that, they are looking for blood, they are looking for other items of physical or trace evidence that will directly tie him more closely than ever than we have so far to these victims and this crime. >> john: so what do you think, phil, and i know you are looking at it in realtime along with us. does this look like standard stuff or some clues here that suggest this is different than other murder cases that you are familiar with? >> a lot of it is standard. they always want to look for this type, you know, trace evidence. but you know, combined with what we know that was taken, to me it's spelling out a case where there is some actual connection, even if it's electronic, but
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nevertheless, that was not something random and this is showing me why they initially called this maybe a targeted-type crime. it's starting to show this general picture of a defendant who did have some, even if digital, had a connection with at least one of these victims. >> john: all right, phil, thank you for sticking around. mercedes coleman, one of the things i thought was very curious is that they are looking to see if kohberger had any internet searches to review other murders or violent assaults, stabbing of other people and how to avoid detection after the commission of such crimes. the indications are this was premeditated. is this a standard thing police do with a search warrant or specifically keyed to some information that they may have about kohberger?
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>> that's a great question, john. first it really is about what they are used to routinely doing in these types of cases. they are going to look for digital evidence. there is a treasure trove that exists. direct messaging to any of the victims. there had been reports early on that he had already been connected to at least kaylee goncalves, that's what her father said early on, and that connection could be through social media, direct messaging it can happen on various platforms there. looking at the digital evidence, if it is a connection he has some with some criminal case in the background, we know he has an extensive background in criminology, a lot of that he has probably done, studied in school. but mostly focusing in on and whether or not disposing of evidence, concealing of evidence, the butchery was so
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extreme and must have been a significant clean-up after the murders, we know how these four individuals, these kids were murdered, just devastating to think about it, it was such extreme butchery, so they are looking for digital evidence about what do you do, how do you clean your car. the fact he left there and drove in his car and by all accounts, all the experts say he must have been covered in the victims' blood. he's now driving allegedly driving back to his home, if he is indeed the killer. how do you clean up the car? that digital evidence is perfect. you and i and the rest who have not committed these horrendous crimes would never think about looking up that information in the digital airwaves but someone who has committed the butchery could conceivably start to look into that. so we have to see where it goes from there. >> sandra: perhaps this is repeating what we had, but some further detail, this application says that his home had a significant amount of blood from
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the victims, including spatter and cast-off blood, a direct quote. investigator believe it was likely that the killer would have had blood evidence on his body or clothing, and they had hoped to find this trace evidence in kohberger's apartment. your thoughts on that. >> well, i mean, that's such key evidence because there's no conceiveable way the blood of these poor victims will be found in his home, so they are looking for that, even a dog hair. we had a dog that was present during the killing of kernodle, if that dog hair exists in that home, that is key evidence that can be used against him. >> john: anything to connect him to actually being in the apartment because at the moment what we have is a tremendous amount of circumstantial evidence that as we have seen in the past some high profile cases that seem to have a preponderence of circumstantial evidence fall apart when they get to the jury. well, sandra, another jam packed
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couple hours here on the "america reports" sets, both here in washington, d.c. and in new york. didn't seem like it was going to be such a busy day. >> sandra: jam packed couple hours, and good to get the last couple guests as well. our restaurant tour guest was eggs-cellent. i'm sandra smith. >> john: hope the price of eggs come down soon, i love 'em. >> good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum in new york. the white house press briefing is about to get underway. this will be must-see viewing. we expect today's breaking report about the doj's involvement and in some cases at only stages of this why they were not involved with the search for these classified documents at biden's home and office will be front and center. why would the department of justice, according to these reports, basically stand back and say to


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