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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 12, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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famous in a waagy that noa much american will ever be again, because it was a much muc more united country then. we don't knoouw too much about her life. aftefe ar childhood because shes lived it privately. but what we do know suggests a pretty effervescent life.n. >> at one point, she was>> she i married to michael jackson's she is gone tonight. lisa marie presley, four year. >> that's it for us tonight. we'll be back tomorrow. hope that you have the best night with the ones you love. ti >> and welcome to hannity.we and tonight, we begin with a sad fox news alert. sad news to report as tucker was just mentioning, singer songwriter lisa marie presley, daughter of elvis presley, has. passed away from cardiac arrest. she wa 5s only fifty four years old. >> our prayers are with they fai entire presleyly family tonight we'll continue to follow this story. and we also haveo have another s right now. a >> we have thi foxs fox is big s from the chairman of the house b oversight committee. that would be james comey, according to john solomon, who will join us in just
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a moment. coma is now planning to extend his committee's critical investigatiol n into joe biden and his family's lucrative employment at penn biden center that mysteriously coincided with upends lucrative relationship with the communis t party of china during biden's employment at loop in tendste and tens of millions of dollars, we believe. sixty seven up to date fromersiy china pouring into.t the university at the very same time, hunter biden wasit the beneficiary of a very lucrative deal with a chinese energy company. and can you believe it.?at biden's private office upend the biden center made possible. by the communist party of tha china. you can't make that up. thatou is exactly whereed top secret classified obama era documents turned up.mplete but years later, we have full, complete details. grea at specificity. breaking news coming up now. tonight, we are witnessing a white house in full crisis mode.
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they are panicking in the westk wing tonight. biden visibly shaken after the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the classifiede top secret obaa era documents that recently turned at three now separate unsecured locations. that includes joe biden's garage in delaware next to his don't worry, the garag vintage corvette. but don't worry, the garage wast locked. well, at least most of the mostf the time. take a look. there's the garage right there. anyway, the scandathl gets worse by the day. now, coming up, we'll take you through a shocking timelinebothj that is very for bothoejustic joe biden and the department of justice. his department of justice will follow the money all the way back to china and also back again. and we have a special report, breaking news just about. 10 minutes ago from john solomon. also tonight, the great one ,s. mark levin. he will weigh in on all of be it this. geraldhe hannityo may be in the hot seat tonight to offer his defense of his good friend joe biden. well, frankly, there is no defense. former intel chairman, alsous tn devin nunes, he will join
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us tonight with reaction to what was released today, the latest batch of twitter ly y involves ectl the former chairman and adam schiff and everybody in between. and it will prove that we werevi vindicated on all ofs to the our reporting as it relates to the russia hoax. athoaxbut let's begin tonight in wilmington, delaware, at joe biden's long's time private residence. wow for more than two decades, joe , joe and hunter have called this house a home. bus t as iout, bt turns out, bim mansion also was housingop numerous classifie secred top st thcuments from his time as vice president . thate appare he apparently stold the obama white house when he left in early. r 2017. now, the documents were recently located in biden's hisg tarsonal library, even his garage. again, take a look ake a loot the picture wide open.e he said, well, the door was locked. not all the apparently said thataign in a twenty 20 campaign video. don now, presumably, the documents acco located in those cardboard
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boxes pictured right there. but according to joe biden, b it's notiden a big deal because people know he takes classified material seriously. sly.really take a look at classified material next year. >> quarterback, what were you thinking? get >> let me get a chance to speak on all this, god willing, soon. but as i said earlier this week, people, by the way, my korvettes in a locked garage. okay, so it'sitts noing you're sitting on the street. but anyway, real life. c ass. as well as my corvette. but as i said earlier this week, people know i take class classified documents of classified material seriously. >> okay, that's laughable. seriousl people that take classifiedh material seriously, they don't stash secret documentsthem iragt a garage for years. a private garage that has been accessed by one guy named hunter biden and god knows who else during joe biden's and four years as a private citizen. and then during his many visitst as presidents.
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we have no idea at t this time who entered that house. there are no visitor logs, noog. security logs, nothing. he they've been hiding that for two years from the american people sinceeen pres he's beenus president . according to a visibly nervous karine jean-pierre, the biden white house is the most transparent administration in history. st transnti think not, but thats their claim. >> take a look. when will the white house release a log of visitors to the wilmington house? >> you know, peter , you've asked this question or if your colleagues have asked this question before. let's not forgethat we d what wn here in this white house. we instituted something thattint the last administration got rid of, which is putting out the white putting making suretev that there was a white housee he long, extensive white house lo g . so the american people got to see the house where but again, unsecured classifiedmatei material. again, i am tellinalg you, we dd something that the last administration got rid of, which is institutingot rid the e house logs. dirad yotionu ask the lastt? administration why they got rid
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of the white house logs? okay, let's go . let's go . well, fox, go ahead. go ahead. go ahead. you have the to tell delawareenm residents. an oh, i'm sorry.ask a questi i was calling the gentleman who wanted to ask a question that was not related to this guy. >> that's not true b becauseecan of his time as president has the been outside of the white house and they have never released. any of the visitor logs. now, the biden white house cares so much aboutatte transparency. they attempted to hide this classified the hid document scandal.. now for months and for a while, biden's dodge. that's right. his doj from the executive branch, his executive branch, were more than happy to oblige. let's take a look at thisst timeline. let's start last august after president trump invited federal officials to his home to review presidential document. they went in the very room where they later found document storing a raid. they had itat thatke day. they could have taken itd and sa with them that they called and said, would you put a padlock on the room that weth went into with these, quote,
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documents that existed thatk on request was granted. they put a padlock on it. the fbi then instead of just knocking on the door and saying, can we go back in the room? no, they raideom, d mar-a-lago. they seized the documents by force. they had unfettered access previously in that room. no need for that. s in september, biden berated former president trump, called him irresponsible on "60 minutes", then novemberr6 2nd, six days before the allthe important midterms, a trove of i top secret classified documents. they were found to biden's thofficeprivate office and the s notified. then it wawas no subsequent raid at biden's private offices or home. and biden and garland and biden's doj said nothing t to you. the american people, information you should have had before the election. two weeks later, november 18 , merrick garland appoints a special counsel to onlynot jo investigate donald trump, not joe biden. it wasn't until today that garland appointed a special counsel to investigate biden.esn
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now the white house continues to claim that the president had no idea classified documentsd li were housed in multiple unsecured locations. donald trump has we pointe by the way, donald trump, as we pointed out yesterday, he hadren every right to declassify. there's no process.ewif there's no therees legal proces. means that he has to follow. that is not something a viceturl president has. as jonathan turleyoint points o, the claim is probably a bald faced lie, at least some ofeonem those documents were removed multiple times. so we'll find ouovs. we will fit in time. that's because the upton bidennw center, where muchhe of the materials, quote, turned up, didn't open their doors. that means ove until 2018. after so that means over a year aftee biden left the obama white house. ored so where were the documents stored before then and who moved themand who around and w, have saw them? now, speaking of which, joe the political center named after joe biden was probably bide of scret dt place on earth to store a top secretoc document. according to these new reports tonight from john solomon, the university of pennsylvaniae
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,get this pay very closelected attention to the money a they collected a whopping sixty seven million dollars between 2013ee and twentym a nineteen from a vast majority that moneyney. nearly 50 million dollars, forty seven point seven million flow in during biden's lucrative reign at the u. penn biden center. in and get this in a twenty sixteen email uncovered on the very real laptop of hunter biden hunter'laptop os a references the creation of the penn center whilwhile ale ao discussing hunter's plans for wealth creation. now,n mi keep in mind, on his laptop also revealed a plan for the bidens to share office space at the penn biden centercs with individuals from the chinese communist partyionas and an email that was even. a request to get keys made for these chinese nationals. priornow, remember, just prioro to this, hunter was raking if n millions and millions of dollars from chinese foreign bankonals, including pro seeds
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from the multi billion dollar deal inked with the bank of china. a ten 10 days after hunter joins father, the vice president , on a trip to beijing on air force two. thd , of course, anothercourse massive deal with the chinese energy conglomerate. don't forget the five million dollar, no interest, forgivable loan. don' one hundred thousand dollars. chinese national shopping spree . if of this isn't enough, in february of 2020 two, after getting millions in donations from china, the universitys ssfl pennsylvania successfully lobbied the biden justice department to end a counter espionage program against m beijing's growing influence over academia. ag garland ended the program in february of 2020 two.n mind keep in mind, china is our country, america's number one geopolitical foe and nowcome the chairman of the house oversight committee, james comey. he is tonigh is callingt callii deeper investigations into biden's special relationshipnt with china. >> cou
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>> take a look. they encourage the pennsylvania where his biden center is ,mone where all the chinese money goes to fund all these biden initiatives. they encourage the fbi to dropw that china initiativet ch investigatioina n. e th what else are they influencing this administratiothisn to do?ts what else is china influencing this administration? and the biden family? i mean, this is very concerning. so we're sendingwa a lettes sen to penn requesting documents related to the chinese donation relateds. we want a list of individuals involved. whoever was involved in soliciting donations from china. we want our communications. all right. so the fact that top secret classified compartmentedred in documents were discovered in t the upand biden center is morenr than a little strange. the fact that hunter bidenen could have easily accessed allsr those documents is more thanittl a little concerned. a ho and the fact that we have no idea how many classified documents remain in biden's o house garage office is beyond troubling, to say the least.
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>> the fact that china, russia,e ukraine and malta of otherd that countries paid haunter and themy family syndicate millions without any experience is beyond anybody's imagination. and by the way, we need answerse becausn e it was joe biden himself. i never once talkei d to hunten about my foreign businessde dealings. there's garland, chris there's really only onree way to know if all the classifiedtu material has been turned over w to you.hat it is a. and you know what it is , don't you? i'll give you a hint. u haand mod no problem doing th at mar-a-lago. now, if thisths is really a serious investigation, itr is time for all of biden's private properties to be raided. properties to be rprobably tomod be a good time and searched otherwise. a two tiered system of justice will have reared its ugly head yet again. and the investigations o by jordan and colmer now takew on massive new urgency. joining us now with a full report, he is investigativer- reporter, editor in chiein-cf oi the, john solomon,er
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by the way, this is getting deeper by the why don't you bring us up to speed what you know, follow the money and james coma's new development. >> and that's the key thing.he'c first off, the chairmaann has announced tonight he's going to include the universe and in the flow of money from chinaun to the university of hiring. to keep in mind, the opening ofer the station to drop the fbi's main counter espionage program going after chinese spies.s the key here is that you have t to understand the timeline.nive forsitr most people, it's complicated, but this university takes in a loe monetf chinese money that it hiresen joe biden and it sets up its center. theny is joe biden's family is o getting at the exact same time r entrees fromom a chinese energy company. they get a five million dollarra interest frete e, forgivable lon that pads their pockets. china is comin g in and joeocations and biden in multiple locations. and then later, this universityw turns around and does something that most people would consider favorable to china. togo to the justice department, pressure them, shut down the fbi's counter espionage program that's trying to root out chinese spies in academia in america. >> when you when you look at
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the two investigations, they couldn't come at a worse time for biden, but it couldn'to come at a better time for people seeking the truth. john solomon and i like to remind people, when it came to the russia hoax, youmulcas and greg jarrett and sarah carter and our ensemble cast, i can't t mention everybody. you know, we ended up getting it. all right. the mob, the media got it allile wrong. it seems like this will be unpeeling the layers of the onion once again. >> that's where we're headed.ri. >> that's exactly right.e follow the money. follow the facts. s. don't get distracted by all the disinformation that was put ou we let and we learned today t twitter. nunez was being portrayed as a disinformation kne artist when they knew that wasn't the case. keeping our eyes on the facts, we're going to use this onion back , follow the money, the china money, follow omjoe bide on for a reason. >> we're going to get to the bottom of it. john solomon, thank yolomon jou joining us now, fox news legal analyst greg jarrett, former florida attorney general pame
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bondi. pam, get your thoughts first on the legal aspect of all o th . sean, the most important thingar cases criminal investigatiopron as a prosecutor is to treat alln cases the same meaning if needs something is similarly situated, it needs to bebe t happted with uniformre. clearly, we know that didn't happen here. it's already been established. it didn't happen here. as you said, president trumpto had the power to declassif decly joe biden never did. moreover, the documents that ntry president trump took from the white house, the most secure place in the country,orrc tomorrow, long ago, one of the most secure places in the country, guarded constantly by secret service joe biden's documente bides. we have no idea where they floated around for at least a year. before some went to the biden pen center, before some wentthe to his house in delaware. so, you know, the playbooks already been written by merrick garland. if youm wanwitht to treat them with uniformity, do the search a warrant. inteou said at. all, the biden residence is that's important
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interview anyone who could have touched those document cs, including the chinese who wanted keys and paid millionsaid mill. his re one hunter, biden, hunter biden, as you said, that was his residence. he could hit a garage door butto button and access those documents. so anyone who could have comee near those documents needs to be interviewed. king about i >> the amount of money greg jarrett we're talking about is breathtaking.. merrick garland sat on merrick garland sat on that news he had this november 2nd. he did not tell the american people that in and of itself needs to be investigated. now, we have not one , not two, but three separate locations where these top secret and classified documents were were found. bu fot the money is the most disturbing. you know, the money to the penne biden center, the overwhelming of i of it came when biden was there. he was being paid by the university. the university then had
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their professors request from merrick garland that they droppe an espionage case with china. he dropped it.r meet i'm worried about everything i'm reading here. yeah, it looks lik e a quid pro quo, doesn't it?lent of a were the equivalent of bribery . >> you britney know, joe biden s the new britney spears. oops. i did it again and againd and again. three different locations with classified information incb it. was you can maybe rationalize. it was in inadvertent once mad. the accident twice, three times . three tim remember the criminaes?l statute says that the storing, removalry and storing of classified information is a crime if it's either intentional or reckless. this now appears to be the definite notion of recklessness under the criminal statute. and joe biden is at greater risk than donald trump because t trumromp ap is a former president says he declassified
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the documents before he left office. jo thate doesn't have defense available to him as vice president .e than >> 4 and his defense today, i mean, look, i've been a lawyer for more than 40 years . towas a defense lawyerin t.he i think i've heard every excuse in the book today. >> i heard a new one .. it's the it's the corvette o oh, it's okay to haves beca classified documentsus. >> you're sitting in a corvette, by the way. >>. sure rush look, does that look there is there's a picture right there that's not how manyd acce people had how many people had access to that? they didn't have security clearance? well, they won't give us the visitor logs. and so, you know, joe bidenf biden is at greater risk than donald trump here. tearing out aty the way, is a bad choice of corvettes. >> he can keep a stingray. r i'll take the new 06 if i can ever find one , which you can. i all right. greg jarrett, thank you. pam bondi, thank you. joining us now, former national
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intelligence director john ratcliffe. john , let's get your broad overviewyou a ll of of all of . but i want to focus especiallykn on the amount of money that we know that the biden family was getting through. hunter biden. and we know that joe lied when he said he never discussedne foreign businessss dea deals with hunter. we have photographic evidence. ev we know of specific meetingside that he attended with hisss partners, his foreign business partners. bupa t the amount of money from all these countries, but especially our number one geopolitical foe, and that is china, the money is is staggering in terms of its magnitude. >> it sure is shocking when you talk about tens of million the ars coming from china, you ,our number one adversary, and the folks that were benefiting from that. the circum as we're finding outs the circumstances around this penn biden center include not just joe biden, but hunterwho biden, who emails show negociat show nee, at least in
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that deal , current secretary of stateof bli anthony blinken, current white house counselor steve ricchetti, who are boththa employed there at an office that, as you have pointed out, chinese business associates may have hadssociate access to . but we do know classifiedke documents were keppt t that joe biden was not authorized to keep. so you incredibly >> my my overall take, as i as i watch this, john , is ,edee you know, as we watch thisd raid unprecedented raid of donald trump's home last august,t wher i think we alle knew that where they intended that to go wasn of unprecedented prosecution of president trump for conduct that other presidents had previously engaged in. but that would be prosecution just hit a massive roadblock. and the roadblock is named joe biden. i don't think that the biden department of justice ever anticipated that joe biden was going to be the one to screw up their prosecution against i . veent trump if they ever
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i don't i don't think they ever thought, john , they'd be sitting around as they have for the last probably two sayin months, saying how are wg eo prs ecpossibly going to prosecute donald trump now for an offense that we know joe biden so clearly committed and hillary clinton is probably as bad as all. let me ask youth this.em.ty o the majority, the money fromt china came after biden left office wheas settin setting up t center nearly 50 million dollars. merrick garlanewd knew about ths on november 2nd. should he e have tolde th the american people beforend wea the midterm election? and we have one government gove group said this.n center c there's this penn biden center. he called it a patra mill.dark that was a dark money nightmare. ounds abthat sounds about right. why would china give all thisd e inney and then, b , be lobbying to get an investigation? into their espionage againstus p us ? stop.nd and merrick garlan garland d, stop it. >> so, sean.people w
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>> exactly right. and all of the people that we talked about from joe biden to his advisors like blinken and machete, have been so softa on china for so many, you know, on so many issues for the last two years. and it raises the question ofyo why. and now you founout d outhatt tt the money trail goes directlyy t to this specific issue, something that the american people deserve to know about. i th certainlystice is the biden department of justice is not going to explore this. i do think that a newan-con republican controlled house oftu representatives with numerous committees now set up to look into these and to investigate, a is really, you know,people the opportunity for the american people to get answers and accountabilitycount all right, john ratcliffe, great to have you on the program and your insight . very keen.r club i very important. when we come back , the great one , mark levin, he returns for the new year to weigh in on all of this. that's straight ahead. and don't forget, last call tonight. you get to grade the sho w. i
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,finish your diploma, doug , to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. >> and tonight, as predictable, the media mob is having a full on meltdown one after another amid classified biden documents now being left in multipleto locations. here to join join us and give s take, he is the host oft the number one show on the weekends lifeered liberti levin, also nationally syndicated radio show host h, number one , best selling author all around. good guy. i call himk me the great g one d thank me. god bless us .lot to mark, i know s you've got a lot to say on this. i want to start with yourmoney thoughts overall on the money part of which is breathtaking to me. well, the money part of ith
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is is the name of the game's with the bidens, isn't it? did you see those homes that the biden ha s on a senator's salary? it's incredible. it's going an oceanfront homewag wi delaware has got this bigot mansion in wilmington. he's got tens ofillions million whe bank on a senator's salary. >> that's pretty good.atin butot what i want to get into is what's taking place here. this is a major scandal. why? because the department of r two monthsit o to cover this up.'s wha that's what yot u see inm th the timeline. nothing leaked from the fbi, nothing to prosecutors, nothinge got to the media until monday.ds this week. and i'll tell you why in a minute. so they find the documents november two. s.o finds them? the private lawyers. so's tha bt is everybody says so and they're right. what's the magic date about november two? and why are lawyers going and looking for documents? asses then we know novembemer 9th, the fbi begins an assessment. well, wh pothe fbi go in from that point and search thatice? office, go into those homes
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and search his homes, issue subpoenas? they did none of that. then we have november 14 ,r garland signs. john laws, the u.s. attorney in chicago, is on his way out to perform an initial investigation. now, he does ihet awfully fast. >> did he give him a timeline? did he say 30 days, 40 days,? 50 days?what was it? they what was it?idterm >> meanwhile, they muscled through the midterm elections without a leak during the coveri up. four days later,nt they appoint a special counsel, this,th thisu democrat who prosecutetes genocidal war criminals. they appoint him as the special i his family is als loadedl loadee with politics up to their eyeballs on the democrat side. >>yeat side. and of course, theg without ever mentioning that g into this bideny. situation with the us attorney. what next decemberwhat, twenty , almost seven weeks after e inith is found, they find another batch of documents in joe biden's garage
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. how the hell did that to happen? why didn't the fbi investigate and look at his house, forere in god's sakes? they're in plainin sight. then what happens january 5th, last week, one week ago, the u.s. attorney excuse me, is the us attorney, january fifth. he has this report all done for america, arlen. so it sits there for a weekot whether or not to appoint a special counsel. merrick garland didn't neeot udt this us attorney to do any kind of preliminary review. >> so january 12th, one week today, he appoints a specialcoue counsel. why? because now they find another document, the the private lawyerthbring s bring up anothec document. this was a cover kno and you knowgot how it got bloc because the republicans got elected and they stillan are going to do a cover up. was a and i'll tel l you, when it ended monday, when there was a leak, a intentional planted leakle about about documents, ty mentioned the office building.
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then tuesday, nbc mentioned,mens as they put it out well, there is another batch of documents. it's because on sunday, mr. colmer, the incoming chairman o of the house oversightmy committee, sunday night on my show, when i asked himbout t specifically about the nationahl archives, you have oversight.yo aru e you going to dig into thi and see? i said every president , every vice president , every state attorney general and secretary of state, unless they can demonstrate otherwise, has take hn documents, including classified documents, home pro and not return them. ifve i'm wrong, prove me wrong. and they should all be lookedsh at, whether it's obama or bush or cheney or gore or clinton, because they've all done it. e a now, that said, he said, yes,lok we're going to look atwant disparate treatment. well, they didn't want the republicans to fin the repuo they had to put outnt some information. so it's no accident that tha
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20 hours later they leaked thiss stuff. now, the national archives. , when donald trump specifically accused obama of taking secretah information and other information, they came to obama'sto obamadefens defens what didd they say? no, no, no, no. 30 million. they've turned everything over c to us. we're in charge. we own it.k an kelock and key and everything out. >> they lied. these documents are obama administration documents, the documents they have indocumt the office, the documents, the garage, the documents and biden's library, the nationalbidens l archives dt have those. we have no i idedea how manyclai classified documents to this day that biden has. >> what about the unclassified documents? did he only take t classified documents with them? to this moment? the fbi hai s not investigatedsd all these properties to look for information that we'reit n aware of, not to thiots moment. why? because garland wantedhi to keee this hidden. he wanted to sweepr it under the rug until it got hot . the republicans are calling
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hearings. they were going to callga witnesses and then garlandrland reluctantly today appoints a special counsel. the ri who does he appoint?gh he appoints the right hand man to fbi director christopher wray. that's hardl.y the same kind of special counsel that donald trump is facing. so this whole thing stinks to high heaven. now it's rope a dope. of people who visitedwhere the biden homehe in wilmington, where he kind of hung out most of his most of his vice presidency and beyond. no, no lists that coulding to be useful. nothing. now it's going to be the whiteti house spokesman said, we take this very seriously. we take this very seriously. very swe hnow we have a speciall investigation. i'm sorry, we can' loot look ino anything. >> i'm going to tell you this. fo to they dare to charge donald trump for whatok took place and there was no obstruction of justice by trump or his people, they were negotiating the fbi,
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cut it off, criminalizean the process and went after. >> if they do that, that nation will be furious. done. that's it. all. that's why we call himu. the great one . mark levin, thank you. an straight ahead, annight update on the tragic death earlier tonight of lisa mariofe presley. at the young agef o f fifty four , we have explosive o details from the twitter files. devin nunes, steven miller, they weigh in straight ahead as we continue. people told me not to run for republican leader against mitch mcconnell. >> he said i wouldn't win. i knew it was going to be hard ,but we got to start somewhere. look, we're on the road to work. socialism and republicans are just a speed bump. we can't keep doing this same old thing. it's time for republicans to be bold, speak the truth and stop caving in. >> help us change our party. lan join us and rescue america.ur .comance, i'm rick scott.o 85,
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bought and paid for a dirty dossier. now, according to reporting from matt taibbi, while democrats repeatedly pushedvon u a totally false narrative that devin nunes hasne twenty eight memo laying outuses widespread spying abuses was being pushedy by russian bots on twitter, even twittereven officials, they said they found no evidence that newnes report was being promoted by russian bots, nor was there any significant twitter activity sia. y januo russi buart specifically in january of 2018, the congenital liar adam schiff and senator dianne feinstein, they liedei repeatedy and claiming that the release, the memo hashtag was being boosted by russian trolls. sayiver, tha.t is a complete lie. that was false. and even twitter is now saying so, according to these new documents and by the way, but it didn't stop the democrats from doubling down on their russia gate lies. why? al to push the biggest hoax inup fr american political history and for the record, this show with its ensemble cast got that
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story completely right. while 99% of the media mob wasel dead wrong and lie just like what i supported donald trump very ohyi, i gong tt the data made by people saying i'm not. a conservative. okay, here with reaction, former chairman of the househern intel committee, devin nunes, ft along with america first legal founde or steven miller.ith welcome , both of you. devin, let's start with you. this was your you were right. the congenital liar lied. we were right the whole kni wish we knew at the time at which we found out earlier. >> this went on for, what, nearly three years? yeahstill , and it's still goiny and i think ifou you were to actually have adam schiff on your show, he probably wouldn't show up, sean, but het would continue to say it because no one calls out on it.e i'll give him four n hours. i'll give him three hours. on radio and one on tv. >> yeah, i don't think i don't think he'll show up. but look, remember whatdonald happened here in 2016? donald trump t caught everybodyal by surprise by using social media successfully to win
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the election. after that point, obamant, ob specifically wenam to t to zuckerberg. they went to twitter. an so this was part of an ongoinghh process through 17 and 18 . they all knew the russia hoaxtlt was exactly that, a hoax. eir gl thd their goal was not to just delirol the fake news, but to control the delivery of the fake news which poisonedtoda the american people. wod i bet if you did a poll today, i bet you would still have half of america, maybe more . they would think that trump and republicans had something to do with russia. >> and it's a shame.a that is really a shame.time steven miller, you were there the whole time. you followed this daily, as went did, and we all knew it was a lie. there was no evidence that backed up what they said. but the congenital liar,a mob, the democrats, the media mob, they pushed that phony conspiracy theory and rammed it down the throats. rammed i throatsof every americ. >> that i think devon is right. people would believe it. are expl >> well, these twitter files are positively explosive. >> they document how after devin nunes, courageous step
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forward and published this memo, documents illegal spying on the president, documenting russia hoax after he bravely stepped forward. this memo, people like adamne fi schiff and dianne feinstein and senator blumenthalnshe concocted and pushed a phony story suggesting that russian bots, russian bots were promote tois to try to taint the memo to try to taint this congress. so what we see here is an where systematic pattern, or the people who point and say russia collusion, russia collusion, they are the ones interfering in our democracy. they are the ones that aret po spreading lies that poison the well, the american ones wh republic. they are the ones who must be helo mustd accountable. that and i am so gratified to see, for example, that adam schiff, lying liar that he is , hasoote been bootefrd fromdevon as the intelligence committee. >> you know, devin, as ik at asi
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look at this, you go back to twenty sixteen . the only people buying bought and paid for russiane on misinformation. that was hillary, the only that one that talked to a russian that said they had compromising materials on trump. the naked pics, naked pictures.ital that would lia be a congenital liar. adam schiff, ioof yok atu look t where the money went from the communist chinese, our number one geopolitical foe thatm the cothat wen into the bt the ukraine, i'm withholding anbillion until you fire a prosecutor investigating my son who admits he has no experio hen in oil. the one doing a big oil deal with china is hunter, mili the family that's getting a five million dollar, no interest, forgiveablonivablee. that's the biden's, the ones getting the money from russia, kazakhstan, ukraine, china.e vet that's all them. devon, the very thin tg they accuse republicans of, they're guilty of. yeah, look, that's exactly right here. and the question is now, what's?
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going to happen? i mean, look, president trumpt and trump i werei were very supf elon musk buying this company and i think we've been surprised that elon has been willing to put all of thisand t . and i think the new republican congress should actually subpoena a requesto thy from twitter, this information t so that they can go through it . it's been great that matt taibbi and others have gone through it and they're putting out these report s. iceb but also, this is only the tipgt of the iceberg. we're only looking at twitter. med twitter is a small piece of the pie. metat out which is, which is fak and instagram. they're the big boyon on the block. here, sean. they've been shadow banking. they've been doing nasty things. trumthey spent remember, they spent after donald trumpp s uses facebook successfully fay r to get elected in 2016, did it the right way before they were shadow banking. then they turn around,ound and they start to shadow business. they put pressure on these tech companies, and then zuckerberg puts in over four hundred million dollars and it gets four thousand twenty election. >> they have an fbi guy thats writes a thesis in college
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about how trump colluded with russia. he heads uhe had set up a groupi agents talking to big techs ev companieery s every single week, mirning them that might be a misinformation campaign. si campaign 2020 race. and it might be about hunter, at least according to the integrity head at twitter. mcque this guy, mr. roth, we gotll a roll. s >> devin, you've been vindicated. steve miller. so of you.have and so is this show. that thank you. thank you all. the all right. well, more to come with that. also, when we come back , a sade ,tragic death. h lisa marie presley. we hav e geraldo rivera and thent he'll sit in the hannity hot seat and then you'll get the last word tonight. straight ahead. an unthinkable took the livesgol to a of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. comfort, e comfort my people
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ninety eight to three and today . >> and a fox news alert as wea reported earlier, a tragic news tonight. lisa marie presley, she hay s passed away at the very young
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age of fifty four years of age. here with reaction, co-host of the five geraldo rivera mar-a-lago. >>. i look at i look at her dad, one of the most gifted talent, unbelievable performers of all time. it had to be very hard for her growing up in his shadow. and we don't know.way too i guess cardiac arrest is the cause of death way too young for my for my feelings. your thoughts? >> oh, it's just awful. i send my condolences to priscilla, her mom. thu know, it is a terrible tragedy. you knowe , the awful, gutaw wrenching thing is that it was just on tuesday night ather mo the golden globe, she was with her mom and they were celebrating austin butler, the gu elvisy who played elvis n that biopic. they were alive and vibrantand and opening night. and the excitementnight an and l the rest of it. and a couple of days later,it'ss she's dead. it is staggering. lisag unexunexpected, i guess.
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lisa marie had written extensively about her problemson with addiction. you know, i think it would be well, we'll withhold withh examhold judgment until we hear the facts from the medical examiner. but, you know, il.t is here'stle gi a little girl who s born, you know, she's born into a hurricane. she later married. sor she's thema daughter of the king of rock and roll.e king she later marries michaelpo jackson, the king of pop. g ofyou know, my goodness.s the king of pop, the king of rock and roll.find her and there's lisa marie trying to find her way in the world. her own son killed himself itght years ago is just just awful. 's trai feel for this family. elvis was a magnificent performer. i loved his music. i was honored to meet him a couple of times, thankscouple to jerry weintraub, my agent. i mean, he was he was he was so special. and he loved eric .
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he named airpl the airplane lish marie. her he fleerw he near know. "new york times" tells a storybs . he flee haw her up to idaho bece she had never seen snow before. it was hee hee hee. s just he he loved her.. and this is just just awful. she later married nick cage, the the actor. tet just terrible, terrible. i , i feel feemilyl for this fa. and priscilla are our thoughts and prayers are with you. i'm so sorry thipenes and god rest her soul. all right. time up with reason we originally had you on the time for the reason we wereity o originally had you on that. >> a hannity hotseatts and i only have one question tonight. >> only one. they'v >> nowe you have the biden family, geraldo, they got all this money, millions, hundreds of millions of dollars, a billion,n five five with the l of china, five million dollars,o no interest, forgivable loan. china, one hundred thousand dollars. shopping spree, china, ukrainecs you're not getting a billionoser taxpayer dollars unless you
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inre the prosecuto investigating my son. m they got paiillid millionson wio experience. experiadmittedly, then kazakhst, then the ton of money from russian oligarchs. ney fo here's my question. with all that money for china, you say this is no big deal toal martha maccallum. umi don't believe that this is any more or less significantt than that awful raid mar-a-lago ,which i have criticized, where they send in the waves of fbi agents. >> the doesn't trump takenny penny frm these countries? >> when did donald trump ever take a cent? ? >> let's let's separate the document story from the thes issues that you raise legitimate issues that will be sorted out by the prosecutor in delaware or in the variouswe congressional committees. i have no doubt and we'll be hearing ad nauseum about all of hunter biden and all the rest of the dealings. but i am absolutely consistent. i have opposed i thought it was
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awful misuse of federaldi resources and disrespectsrespe the equal of the former president to raid his home because of some type of home raid. and here again, and trump>> he didn't get money. he you know, he he admitted president biden admitted that he had about half of the documents in his garage and so forth. oh, yeah. he admitted that out here. all right. you. mar-a-lago thank you. when we come back , you get the last word. straight ahead, did you know that every time you drive in traffic, you're likely sharing the road with a sleepy driver? that is incredibly dangerous. sleep deprivation and insomnia affect up to 70 million people per year. and it's about time that we bring that number down with relaxium sleep. after years of watching patients struggle, i developed the formula for relaxium sleep relaxium sleep addresses. the root of the problem
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a guest host in in one day when you called me.. >> okay, now wait a minute. you say, mo, that i believe ittn is danny. >> you call me the most dangerous person in the country ?wants you are the mostrica dangerous man in america. >> i that's been my mo. >> i've been calling you for, dd what, fifteen years when you were like, how did you get through? why didn't i need to start asking ahead of time. all right.hat hi give me the grade.erstan i can take the hit.d a it's not a big deal . a+understand what a d or an f, it's not going to be anything higher. >> i don't know, eight plus. ar >> i heard my buddy milo. you're such a liar. you are such a liar. moe is never agreed with the word i said, but i'm gladeopl you're watching. you know, a lot ofe people hate watch. that's that's still good enoughm for me. when i get the calluc on the radio show. john , thank you so much. for having me.apprecia >> all right. my radi
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thank you so much. we appreciate it. 3-6 you can call my radio show 3:00e to 6:00 eastern, 1-800- nine for one show and hopefullry you get to great to show. tell us what you like, what you don't like, what we can do thatmprove are open to all suggestions. but unfortunately, that's allll the time the te le we have lefts evening. thank you for joining us , making this show possible. please set your dv show po nevr. your h never miss aean episode. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura is going to kill it. >> she's up next.d straight ahead, i'm laura ingra ingram and this is them in "ingraham angle" frome wi washington tonight. thanks for joining us . now, in moments, we'rell talk f to talk to country music legendr and former collaborator with elvisator, larry gatlin, a. the shocking death of lisa marie presley. but first, drip, drip, drip, sil that's the focus of tonight'se. angle. now, at this point, it'sasical basicalllyy 10:00 eastern time. do we really know that therenowr aren't m