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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 25, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> it is not out of reach, we will do whatever we can. >> again, i'm not fair and balanced, to repeat their magical run four years ago. tonight on special report, jennifer griffin talks with defense secretary lloyd austin perry to thank you for inviting us into your home tonight, that is it for special reports. jesse waters is here and he is back ricky think you so much. appreciate it. >> since the beginning of time, people have always used scapegoats, yoko ono, she was the one blamed for the beatles breaking up. bill buckner, blamed for you losing the 86 world series for the red sox after that rolled right through him. my dad is still very upset abou it. and marie antoinette is blamed for causing the french
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revolution. if you've had the misfortune of watching biden bumble through his speeches, you might recognize his scapegoats. uses it anytime he gets a tough question or loses his train of thought. there is always some person behind the curtain who biden ha to answer to and they are not happy any time he literally doe anything. watch. >> they won't let me read it off . >> you guys are bad, i'm not supposed to be answering all these questions. after that really going to be i trouble. >> they won't let me answer questions about the border and. >> when we first heard of they, we weren't really sure if it wa a group of people or just one person who chose they their pronoun. it turns out both those theorie are wrong. they is the easter bunny.
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our president is taking orders from the easter bunny. i thought jimmy carter getting beaten up by a bunny was bad, but taking orders from one? this is a new level of pathetic. joe is finished and the sharks smell the blood in the water. over the weekend, pocahontas as donald trump liked to call her became the first of my mccright in to formally announce her candidacy for 2024. in maine she didn't really say that specifically, but she booked herself on every single sunday show. for the sole purpose of kicking joe while he's down. seriously, watch. >> we have got millions of people across this country who can't fill up on a tank of gas so they will be able to get to
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work this week grade they're paying more when they go to the grocery store, they are paying more when they tried to buy hamburger, it is the job of democrats, it is the job of the party empowered to help make people's lives better the president can do that all by himself. mister president, today would b a great day to cancel $50,000 i student loan debt. we have to get off her rear end and make it happen. >> it's actually fascinating. no matter what show she was on, no matter what question she was asked, she had the same answer. joe biden's terrible, and shoul be free. it sounds like a stump speech t me perch he went on to accuse the republicans of fueling the cultural war even. >> we are up against a party that just wants to fight coats coates over a spread. >> republicans didn't start the culture war, crt, trend stuff for kindergartners, cancel culture, that is what democrats
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started. we finished it. lives warren is the one who pretended to be an indian for half or a wife and now she's lecturing us about identity politics? conservatives care about reducing crime, securing the border, taming inflation, we ar not starting culture wars, and if lives warren actually tries the primary joe biden, the democrats can kiss 2024 goodbye. this would be carter all over again. remember in 1980 he too was challenged by progressive senator from massachusetts. ted kennedy. the only record he has to offer is record inflation, record interest rates, record unemployment, and biggest asic industries such as seals, otters , and record setbacks in foreign policy. >> does that sound familiar?
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he still ultimately won the nomination, the battle for his own party hobbled it enough tha he lost the presidency to a total outsider, ronald reagan. biden is already worse off than carter. carter could at least form a coherent sentence. the new york times says democrats our heading for the lifeboats, quotes, essence of fatalism is heading in among many with discussion centering increasingly on how to limit th parties expected losses rather than how to gain new seats. meanwhile, the washington post is trying to scare people into voting blue. they say the white house has already gotten ready for republican led investigations once republicans take over congress, senior officials have begun strategizing on how the
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various white house departments especially the counsel's office might be restructured to respon to an onslaught of investigativ requests if democrats lose control of the house or the senate in november's midterm election that many and both parties expect. you don't start restructuring unless you got something to hid and i bet this has a lot to do with hunter biden in the big gu and we will have new details about that later on in the show. these upcoming investigations are going to hurt biden's already tattered image terribly. most americans don't even want him to run again. according to a new survey, only 19 percent support him running for a second term. more people want quote not sure to run for president than joe. we're not sure who there's not sure guy is, but he sounds kind of like a smart dude.
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>> we've got this guy not sure. he's got a higher iq than any man alive. he's going to fix everything. >> may be he supports a strong border, may be he is tough on crime, and may beat not sure it knows how up to the easter bunny . whoever not sure is, he's got t be better than the guy we have now. the former counselor to president trump and author of the new book here's the deal. she will be taking orders from the easter bunny in the taliban and pocahontas, she smells blood , kelly and, do you think she's going to do it? >> s. why not. joe biden, the theme of his presidency is no country for ol men. you have elizabeth warren thinking that was as what berni sanders, it's very curious to
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see there were approval ratings and among eight major public figures, trump, pens, the only ones that had 50 percent unfavorably rating elizabeth warren has seen the same number were seen, she is aiming at joe biden she's also aiming at kamala harris for a chinos that she could not do the job. they all delete 13 staffers tha have led this exodus from the vice president's office and jus last week, they don't want to b there. elizabeth warren knows if it wa the can't be held recommit to mantilla rate not enough clinton , the third time would not be a charm and it can't be kamala harris for g can't do th job second-in-command. >> she probably didn't see the sunday shows because you're right, that should make kamala very nervous. gate she had very little on her weekend schedule. if you watch elizabeth warren o the sunday shows. biden has got a big pride now,
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is number one note motivator fo voters could be feared, people are worried, they are not just angry, there 73 percent say tha inflation is worrying them and the choices that they can make. 68 percent say that biden's expected of orders on the order have made the immigration crisi worse. you remember more people say immigration is a top issue than when donald trump was the president. she won six years ago by about 14 percent of the vote. 1600 votes for it you know she' got to vote and the middle of them out on title 42. in think the democrats they'd they see five otother words tru and covid don't know what to do.
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it really is that biden constituency. i don't know who he has around him to tell him that this is no going wild for eight at this point. >> the easter bunny. that's the only person. >> i think by the time december rolls around you've got a big time. and review all of the compliments we've had. >> and the intervention is very thin. taking biden off of her documents about the infrastructure. have a leather all backing away from here, most of them up for reelection this year. >> the new book out, everybody go check it out. >> thank you. >> they are making a break for it. illegals making a mad-for the rio grande. eve got to see this video. the world is ending according t the i don't know what you call
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>> joe biden has got himself an quite the pickle. the new york post is now reporting that hunter biden top business partner visited the white house at least are you ready? 19 times when joe biden was vic president. 19 times. he was meeting with top biden aids and the west wing. and even taking one on ones wit the big guy himself. joe biden. but wait a second.
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the big guy told us he never once got involved in any of his sons deals. i guess his memory has a bunch of gaps. 19 of them to be exact. and it's not like he was just some no-name, he was the one helping his son get filthy rich from the chinese. helping joe file his taxes when he was vp. joe even called the guy about his taxes. there is a record of it. but joe has made an art form ou of playing dumb. he is just so good at it that people can't help, but buy it. or they don't, but they refused to cover it because if they didn't cover it, it would be th end of the biden presidency. they haven't learned a thing about crime, and new task force focusing on illegal gun crimes, just so all their work just got tossed right out the window. after 11 of the 12 criminals, they busted just walked free.
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all but one of them. for them were released with no bail at all. does leading a bunch of black jobs at all scot-free, does thi make any of us feel safer? the answer is obviously no. radical da and prosecutors are making it clear to you there will be no consequences for violence. instead they are just letting toxic gang bangers out into the streets. for younger generations are forced to see criminals not hel accountable, so they just look at the fast money, they glorified the gang life, and eventually they get dragged int these gang wars. and the big guys just give the young guys the guns so they jus get stuffed into jv, they don't even have to serve time. it just keeps everything in ruins and hurts our kids are communities, in most of our, it
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hurts our police officers because they are confronting this crime every day. as soon as they put on the uniform they become targets. whether it's at a traffic stop or just knocking on a door during a domestic call. there is always a risk that som nut job is either on the other side of the door pulling a trigger and ending their life. having to go through stuff like this. watch. >> how america works on foxbusiness and his last latest episode focuses on law enforcement what did you learn, mike when you were investigatin the police culture in this day and age. to keep mostly i was just
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reminded of some things that i hadn't come to learn over the last couple of years, primarily the unintended consequences tha come from talking about a tiny fraction of the 800,000 cops in this country over and over and again and again in the same way day after day after day it form a perception in the public's mind that is wildly inaccurate. it's a very tough to be a cop a you just pointed out, but it also makes it really hard to recruit. part of the reason i'm doing this series for you guys and part of the reason we are back for another season is that we look at industries in this country that we all rely upon, but that we often wind up takin for granted. we've done beef, we've done oil lived in textiles, weaved and most of the big ones, but without law enforcement, none o it works. right now there is not a single police force in this country that isn't affirmatively struggling with recruitment for
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all the reasons you just mentioned, so look, i think there's never been a tougher time to be a cop, i wanted tonight's premiere episode to b an honest look at a real police force, wilmington, north carolina where we just hang out with the guys for week or so in the women, to get a sense of what it means to be a cop in 2022. i don't want to overstate it, but it's a helluva thing. >> you have to understand how much passion in compassion thes officers have two help the community because a lot of this is not just pulling people over with weapons, a lot of this is breaking up domestic violence o saving someone's life that's overdosing or pulling people ou of a car accident, that's what really motivates these people and they're just getting smeared . did anybody when you were in wilmington say anything that they were thinking about retiring because of a heat they get in the media? >> i hear it everywhere i go. of course.
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it's a terrible tragedy to die doing your job, we all know that , we know that first responders of all kinds are pai to run in when sensible people run the other direction. to be targeted and ambushed, christopher ray was on 60 minutes a couple nights ago talking about a story that no one has covered, the fact that 70 some cops died this year, on every five days is killed, and on the one hand nobody is talking about that, but on the other hand, no one's talking about the fact that the vast majority of those 800,000 cops never draw their weapon during the course of their whole caree it's a lot to think about. >> you can't win with statistics , it doesn't process with people. apparently, you've just got to use emotion and there's a lot o emotion. we will be checking that out. thank you for coming on prime time.
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>> hooton's mistress is the key to ending the war in ukraine ou strategy next. ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime.
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♪ >> joe biden has blood on his hands, the crisis he created at the southern border has claimed the lives up a brave texas national guardsmen, bishop evans , his body was recovered today after he dove into the ri grande attempting to save the lives of two illegal aliens, believed to be drug smugglers. the illegals survived, and our texas hero did not. the white house refused to accept responsibility. >> does the white house feel an responsibility for his death given that there is reporting that he lost his life allegedly trying to save two migrants who
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were smuggling drugs? >> of course we are mourning th loss of his life, and we are grateful for the work of every national guardsmen. i would note that natural guard national guard work for the state so he is an employee of the texas national guard and hi efforts in operation we're directed by their, not by the federal government. >> he is a texan, he is not an american he's just a texan. texas is doing the job because the feds won't do it. look at what's happening at our southern border. illegals dodging mexican officials running right into th river. look at her? she's like a world-class sprinter forcing u.s. border patrol agents to go in and save her. what are we doing? >> turning now to another topic. count this as a victory for fre speech. earlier today elon musk completed his takeover of twitter with the world's riches man paying just $44 billion to
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buy the social media giants. musk has been outspoken against spent censorship and has consistently held himself is a free speech absolutist. now he's put his money where hi mouth is saying quote free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy and twitter is the digital times square where matters vital to the future of humanity, twitter has tremendous potential and i look forward to working with th company in community of users t unlock it. the left is not happy. they are big fans of censorship in our freaking out about this. many of them are already announcing that they are going to be leaving twitter just like barbra streisand said she was moving to canada when trump was elected. and entrepreneur investor and author of how significant is this deal by musk.
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>> i think it's really significant because you'd put the platform in the hands of someone who cares about what twitter and the original internet was supposed to stand for free speech and open debate on the internet. the hard part steps now because he says he wants to take down excess spam, a lot of constitutionally protected speech, so what does it mean to take down some kinds of speech and leave others up, that's wha will make it hard. you get the power back to the user because some users say tha hey, i wish twitter was the way it used to be, i think you can let them opt into it to say thi is the old system and if you don't want to see certain thing online, but for everybody else. >> what does this do to the left 's infrastructure power and control, facebook is kinda 50-50 . they don't have face, but completely they have a little bit of it. they have the mainstream media, they have that, they have the white house they have the house and the senate, but what does this do to their control? >> this is a big development actually what the government ha
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been doing, the left-wing government in this country has been directing social media companies like twitter, facebook , youtube, to take down content that the government could not censor directly, but use private companies to do it through the back door. elon musk will not take orders from the government, this is wh the government is not happy. >> so this is a big pillar of control not coming down. and tucker carlson allegedly just tweeted that he is back on twitter. you know i think you're going t see a lot of people come back but at least it's going to stan first free speech and open debate without the government i big brother telling them what t do. >> we're putting up tucker tweets on prime time. is trump going to come back? do you think you serious when h says he's not coming back to twitter? >> i think he's probably going to make his way back, the question is what at is he wearing. he doesn't want to necessarily promote twitter because he has
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different company he's an owner of, but i think he ultimately cares more about reaching the maximum number of people and participating in the debate. i think he will come back. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, jessie. >> the blood he wore in ukraine now in the third month and so far the less sanctions haven't worked, it now, growing calls for it that u.s. to go as step further and sanction hooton's girlfriend and baby mama as the say i called for this months ago , there is one pressure point , it seems no one is looking at. her name is alina could davis a former olympic gymnast in current hooton mistress who is considered the most flexible woman in russia. she is believed to have given birth to several of his childre in right now she is in hiding. >> if joe biden wants to hit hooton where it really hurts, h
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will find his girlfriend and go after her money. if you want to go after a guy coming eco- after his girl and his money, but also his girl it's that simple. so why hasn't this happened already? the wall street journal is reporting that the belief among u.s. officials debating the mov is that sanctioning her would b deemed so personal a blow to hooton that it could further escalate tensions between russi and the u.s. really? escalate tensions more. this is a guy who is killing babies and we are worried about a backlash. you've got to go after the weak spots. this could end the war, we will worry about his feelings later. u.s. intel officer and author o hooton's playbook great this girl is hiding out she probably has a nice little chalet fully stocked bank accounts.
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why doesn't the u.s. really squeeze her? don't you think that would make hooton change his calculation? >> jesse, i am sorry to bring some disappointing news, while yes, she can turn on some special terms for hooton, such as twisting herself into a pretzel in her signature gymnastic move, unfortunately, she is not capable of stopping hooton from waging war on ukraine. but, it will make her life miserable, and it will definitely put some damage to holdings. >> so he is hiding his loot wit his mistress. why don't we go after his mistress loot? >> yes, that absolutely makes sense, but what happened was th
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treasury in the state departmen has put together a draconian sanctions package, but then the biden administration has backed out at the last minute and this is completely ridiculous becaus they have already done so much rhetoric that it is perceived b the russians as total war on russia, believe it or not. hooton is portraying himself is the victim, so not sanctioning makes no sense. >> frees the mistress bank accounts, she can't get her bee wellington, she can't get her massages, she can't go skiing, she can't even fill up her little car with petrol as they call it over there. that is the move, i think that' a big move we should seriously consider and deploy because right now, it is just destruction in that country. we have to try something unorthodox.
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rebecca, thank you so much for joining us. >> of course. >> next. vegans, gluing themselves to countertops. one of them will be here to support that protest.
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>> recreational marijuana is becoming legalized pretty much everywhere in the country. last week, dispensaries in new jersey officially opened up for business. the first state to legalize
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marijuana, washington state, is now quietly banning it. because of racism. that's right, the term of kurt cobain, starbucks, and blatant open-air drug use is cracking down on marijuana. the word, that is spread lawmakers last month and that term marijuana from all state laws and documents because it i racist to black and brown people . the word marijuana will now be replaced with the word cannabis in all official government documents. i wonder what they're going to rename crack. animal-rights activists have been active in the last few weeks, and it looks like the nb playoffs our their favorite target. at saturday's timberwolves in grizzlies game, one protester decided to go hard to the paint tried to storm the court, befor being taken out by security.
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talk about defending the room. this is the third animal protester removed from an nba court and the last 11 days. last week one lady was chained to the literally coming she locked herself to the backfield causing a delay to the game. these protesters belong to an animal-rights group called direct action everywhere. and i guess they mean everywhere . they are not alone in this fight . that is getting in on the action . instead of a basketball court, they are targeting your local starbucks. last week, two protesters in seattle super glued themselves to counter in seattle to protes the higher price of soymilk. >> the reason we are here is that starbucks is a major contributor to mass scale anima abuse to carouse all across
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wherever starbucks operates. starbucks is a major support of the dairy industry. >> this is absolutely hypocritical. it looks like they are working on the other person. i can still feel, my hand is still very very. >> they were protesting the mor expensive price of soymilk in oat milk, all of the nondairy milk options they have at starbucks and these guys are no facing felonies. here is that peta spoke person, did you know that superglue is made from you know. >> i promised the superglue the were using was not. >> it's from the hooves. >> we are very conscientious of it right aguiar you sure?
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>> yes. i'm sure. >> so this was a non- animal superglue. >> you know superglue doesn't work, you know it's not really superglue. >> it seemed like it was quite fiasco. >> them unstuck. >> do you support these types o protest, let's start with the nba games? >> you know, we support anythin that thrusts animal abuse into the spotlight and exposes its. especially when someone is involved to really has a stake in it. >> so you think this thrust the animal-rights ideas into the spotlight? by running onto a game? >> i know it did because it mad headlines everywhere. >> where people think it about animal-rights? was that what they were thinkin or where they thinking some crazy woman just got tackled by security in the middle of the game? >> that's the headline in than you click through and you find out why. >> do americans read past the headlines? could get we certainly hope the
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do, and if they did they found out she did that because the majority owner of the team owns an egg factory farm where some gruesome slaughter scenes have taken place. >> i will have you know that i have been eating a lot of salad recently. but i do eat meat sometimes. >> you know, a lot of people ar switching to more plant -based. >> is not going to run out onto myself and superglue yourself t the camera are you? >> now that you mention it. >> i just thank you guys are going about it the wrong way. you think there is another option for animal-rights activists to deploy instead of interrupting nba games, or messing up my starbucks order when i'm late for work? there were like 19 police officers they could be solving crime. >> it must've been a slow day for them parrot parrott. >> not in seattle. it's crazy in seattle parrott.
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>> we have spoken at their shareholder meeting, we have held demonstrations, we have taken to social media, but sometimes you need to take it u a notch, and really push. i think if people could see wha is going on behind the scenes and how cows are abused in the dairy industry, they would understand why this is so urgent . >> i'm hearing that soymilk is more expensive, so why shouldn' they charge more. >> we are talking about the multibillion dollar company who professes to care about the environment, they love to tout their environmental content tills and tell us how much they care, but if they really cared, they would be taking away this charge parrott. >> don't superglue yourself to the starbucks on sixth avenue and 63rd. >> what is worse, climate chang or mass murder? >> climate change equals mass
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murder parrott. >> who was being murdered? >> all of us. ♪ armor all. minimum effort. maximum protection. ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. hi! need new glasses? get 50% off a complete pair at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!... hey! for a limited time, get 50% off a complete pair. visionworks. see the difference. at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted.
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hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah.
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>> jesse: we all love the earth who doesn't want clean water and air? yes. sometimes though climate protesters take things too far and some activists were protesting how our time on the planet is almost up. so of course we had to go talk to them. ♪ ♪ >> john kerry things that we have eight years left what you guys think? >> we have maybe less. eight years seem realistic. >> is already too late. >> you are running out of time. >> climate change equals mass
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murder. >> who is being murdered? >> all of us. >> we are all going to die. >> what assuming that's on your bucket list before we get there? >> do what i want to do before i die? >> i want to see people out in the streets. >> who do you blame for climate change? >> there 7 billion people on the planet. >> oil and gas companies no doubt. >> i blame china. ♪ ♪ >> do drive an electric car? >> i don't at the moment. >> i drive a jeep it's on my biggest things to change. ♪ ♪ >> gas prices are killing working-class americans are how would you say we can fix that? >> i think promoting carpooling is a good thing.
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>> it's transportation do not suppose to be fun. >> i don't fly. >> i don't fly at the big thing of my footprint. >> with a good real good excuse you're gonna love it. >> do you support the brand-new deal? >> 100%, 200% yes. >> 10000%. to speak out the answer is absolutely yes. >> degree new deals supplies alternative to fossil fuels. >> what in the the green deal? >> i'm not a biologist i haven't studied this. >> bill gates has stopped eating beef so what we do? >> i don't know what we do with the cows of their so cute. >> oh, my gosh, cows. ♪ ♪ >> anything you want to say to jesse watters? >> yet we love your work. >> danny devito i love your work. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: all right so the
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water's window you probably realized i've been out for a while, i threw my back out i wish it was something cool i got was saving someone from a burning car but i just fell down in pain after took a shower and are just taken to the emergency room and an ambulance was so bad. i share the same ambulance driver that picked up epstein the prison here sounds interesting. he said it was kind of spooky when that whole thing went down they're here i am giving a thumbs up like i'm getting carted off the field that have time at a football game. and spent about five days of the hospital. so i got a shot in the back and feeling a little bit better, still in some pain i just want to thank dr. marc siegel at nyu for shepherding me through this crisis and is wonderful wise wid my shock i who will he just
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nailed there. most of all my wife emma. who has been my rock, thank you so much. time for some text messages. rich from glen falls new york, my girlfriend asked when the last time you were on tv was. i said it was about a week back. it's good. barney from springfield, illinois, they keep saying that we need immigration reform how about we just enforce the laws already in the books? that would be too simple but with the politicians do something that would make so much sense? jim, from new jersey. i want elon musk to buy our southern border, that would be a good idea. adam from detroit, michigan, where is blm now protesting for the african american guard who lost his life trying to save immigrants. >> there's no money in that. if there was money they can embezzle it from that death and
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of course they would be there. in full force. >> ed from st. paul, minnesota. if you really do only have eight years left though student loan payoffs look dumber than ever. someone should let elizabeth warren know that. and here we go was up with warren, if elizabeth warren is elected president we have to return the stolen land to our people? [laughs] oh ross styler from virginia. i'm glad that you're back jesse i was little bit worried the gun on one of those tow looking retreats. we have the toad licking retreat and lick the psychedelic toad to talk to the god molecule. 42 said yes, 50% said no. i'm hearing members of my staff actually voted on the pole and they voted yes to send me to the psychedelic retreat and i am little concerned. organ have a meeting that
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tomorrow. [laughs] that is all for us tonight, tucker carlson is next and as we mentioned tucker carlson is back on twitter, so now he can bother you on television and on social media. so thank you so much i'm glad to be back no pun intended. jesse watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. a good no-show don't get those too often it's april 25th. now why is this significant? not because it singles the sudden arrival of oligarchy as you're hearing now it's too late for that is already here. every major tech company is already controlled by


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