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tv   911 15 Years Later  FOX News  September 11, 2016 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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you and we miss you with all our hearts. [ applause ] [ bell ringing ]
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♪ >> it was a day that changed our nation forever, a day we lost nearly 3,000 people, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, colleagues and best friends. each of them loved and still very much missed today. we're just concluding the moment of silence marking 9:59 a.m. eastern time. that's the moment 15 years ago that the south tower of the world trade center fell, and in a few moments we'll bring you a
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moment of silence from a field in shanksville, pennsylvania where the passengers aboard united flight 93 lost their lives after standing up to terror. welcome to this special edition of america's news headquarters. i'm john scott in new york. this day is one of solemn tradition, moments of silence, the tolling of bells, the reading of names, the victims and the heros who gave their lives in a desperate attempt to save others. i was on the air here on fox news channel that day trying from a studio to make sense for viewers of the rapid cascade of information and tragedy. i'm joined now by someone who had a much closer and frightening viewpoint, maria bartiromo from our sister channel, fox business network. it seems like yesterday, maria. >> it does, john, and it is a day that we will never forget. i was on a street corner on wall street and broadway and watched the second plane hit the south tower as it happened. and then i was on that same
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street corner outside two blocks from the carnage when the first tower collapsed. at that time everybody ran for their lives. there was massive debris in the air. you couldn't even open your eyes because it was all flying and people didn't know what the next target was. but i will say this, john, what i remember even more so is monday, september 17th, because that was the day that the united states showed resilience, that we are down but we are not out. and that was the day that i was on the floor of the new york stock exchange interviewing the fire department, the police department, the port authority police and the emergency workers who today deserve all of our cherishing and praise, today and every day, because as we were coming out and those people were coming out of the buildings, they were going in, john. it's a solemn day. we are all incredibly heartbroken, but the u.s. will rise again and has risen again
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and will continue to promote freedom across the world. >> marking now a moment of silence. [ moment of silence ] >> it was 10:03 a.m. 15 years ago when united flight 93 went down in a field in shanksville, pennsylvania. the passengers on board that flight obviously had taken efforts to try to defeat the terrorists who had turned their aircraft into a flying bomb. it is widely believed, now generally believed that the
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capitol building was to be the intended target, possibly the white house of flight 93, but those passengers fought back and prevented it from ever making this -- that terrible day worse than it could have been. back to maria bartiromo, maria, i was here in a studio when all of this was happening. you were watching it live in real time just steps away from where it was all happening and it had to be -- i mean, it seemed apocalyptic at the time but to be there in the middle of it. >> it was scary. i was working for cnbc at the time and i was at the new york stock exchange. i ran outside to the corner to see what was going on after we saw the first plane hit the first tower on television. i ran to the corner. there was so much camaraderie in the streets. people were sharing their cell phones and sharing blackberries because people were losing service of course because the
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tower was where the satellite was for the phones, the north tower where that -- that was where the connection was, so people were sharing phones, they were calling their families to tell them what we were all watching. i remember one moment i was standing on wall street in broadway, clearly watching everything unfold just two blocks away and someone next to me, people were yelling trying to figure out what just happened, a plane went into the world trade center, and an individual standing next to me said, we will never be the same, this is terrorism. it was the first time that somebody had uttered such a word. we weren't sure what it was, but of course everything did change after september 11th. i remember that day so clearly. the new york stock exchange boarded up all the windows. i was outside. i didn't think think i could get back into the exchange. i was covered in soot. i had black patent leather shoes on and they were completely white with dust and debris and soot on them from the carnage
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just a few blocks away. >> nobody could imagine before that morning the idea of flying a jet loaded with passengers intentionally into a building. it was something that was so foreign to our experience and i remember having been on the air that morning, i remember when the bomber hit the empire state building, which at the time back in the 1940s was the tallest building in the world, and an army bomber that was lost in the fog hit the upper floors of the empire state building. that was the only thing, the only parallel we had at the time and we were talking with experts on air who were telling us that the first attack, the first plane that hit the north tower could have been an accident for this reason and that reason and then that second plane hit and you knew that it was terrorism. >> that's absolutely right. our hearts this morning go out to all of the families of those who left us.
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i was reading the numbers just yesterday. the number of employees who died in tower one when the first flight went into that first tower, 1,402 people, dead in the first tower. you can only imagine what was going on on all of those upper floors when the plane went in below them. some of them were thinking about an escape route out, but there was no out, john, because the fact is they died from smoke inhalation. i remember reading one person's exchange. she was on the phone with a client and she said i can't breathe. i don't know what to do. i think i'm going to run up to the roof to try and get out of here. they were scrambling to try to get away from the smoke inhalation. 1,402 people in the first tower, 614 people died in tower two. and then of course there were the firefighters, 342 3, the
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nypd, 23, the number of port authority police officers killed, 37. all in all, 2,997 of our american colleagues died on that day, john. >> i remember thinking, okay, this is a terrible event and the towers are going to burn for several days, but the idea that the world trade center would fall down was so foreign to me, and when it happened, you know, the south tower fell just an hour -- within an hour after it was struck and it was just unbelievable to me that those two picturesque icons of the new york skyline were simply gone. >> they were gone. and we talk about leadership a lot. leadership was so necessary on that day. the mayor, the governor, the firefighters, the police, dick grasso from the new york stock exchange, he led 5,000 people out of the new york stock exchange up north, told them to walk up near the east side drive, home safely. we're going to talk with him this morning, john. i'll be back at noon this morning talking live with dick
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grasso, the former chairman and ceo of the new york stock exchange, who on that dreadful day i spent so much time with and watched him stay calm in the face of evil. that's today at 12:00 p.m., john. >> we'll look forward to that. maria bartiromo, thank you. family members of victims of the 2001 and 1993 attacks on the world trade center are gathering in lower manhattan right now. today's solemn ceremonies taking place at the 9/11 memorial plaza. our rick leventhal is in lower manhattan. he saw the attacks unfold 15 years ago as well. rick? >> reporter: john, before we get to that, i wanted to bring our viewers up to date on a story that is breaking right now that i just learned about within the last 15 or 20 minutes. as you know, there are many dignitaries gathered at the scene including republican nominee donald trump and the
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democratic nominee hillary clinton who was at ground zero, was there for the ceremony and left early because of what appeared to be a medical episode. i have a law enforcement source who was there who was 15 feet away from hillary clinton. he says she was standing on a curb with her protective detail waiting for her motorcade. they were surprised to see her because she wasn't supposed to be leaving yet so they had to wait for the motorcade. when it finally rolled up my source said she stumbled on the curb, appeared to faint, lost one of her shoes. her protective detail i'm told helped her in the van and they took off in the direction of the hospital. they grabbed her shoe and grabbed the rest of her detail. her shoe was given to that detail who was following the other two details and they left ground zero early just moments ago because of some apparent medical episode that hillary clinton was suffering. it's not terribly hot today, john. it was warm, certainly warm and warm at the scene, but again,
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hillary clinton, my source who was 15 feet away said she appeared to be having some sort of medical episode, had to be held into her van and left ground zero early before the ceremony ended apparently because of a medical problem. of course, this day, john, as you well know is one of the worst days for anyone who was here 15 years ago who lived through it or lost someone in those towers. it was also a day of remarkable bravery and heroism and we have seen, as you know, remarkable progress at the site behind me where one world trade rises above ground zero and where the reading of those names take place because of the attack that changed our world forever. >> when two hijacked planes hit the twin towers on september 11th, 2001, thousands television people fled the burning and collapsing buildings in lower manhattan. >> wait for the other guys! >> reporter: thousands of first responders raced into the smoke
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and flames. firefighter billy quick was one of them. >> i ran up to the building and the police officer said i got people trapped down in the subway. i went into the subway, went downstairs, got people up. people are bleeding, screaming, crying. i just said come upstairs, go to your left, keep going to your left, just find the ambulance, go to your left, go to your left. within two to three minutes after that, the first collapse happened of the building. >> reporter: quick spent the next 60-plus days breathing toxic dust while working the pile in the massachusetive resc recovery operation until he blew out his knee and developed serious lung problems. quick died five years ago at age 55 from 9/11-related illness. 127 members of the department whose names had been added to the memorial at headquarters. >> we were there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we're paying the price. daniel nye grow was chief of the department on 9/11 when he escaped the collapse but his boss did not. he said lessons have been
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learned but the mission hasn't changed. >> we are determined to do everything we can to protect life and property in this city. >> reporter: of course, the fdny and the nypd continue with that mission every single day. one other note about the clinton episode, john, it happened in an area that was off limits to the press. so the pool reporters that follow hillary clinton wherever she goes didn't see it or know about it. as far as we know there are no cameras at that location and the clinton campaign still has not confirmed that there was any problem with hillary clinton. we still haven't gotten confirmation of why she left early, but we have confirmed through a second source that she did, in fact, leave early and apparently according to my source who was 15 feet away from the former senator, john, she was clearly having some kind of medical episode, stumbled and nearly fell and her knees buckled and was helped by her protective detail into her van and left ground zero within the last 30 minutes. >> we certainly wish senator
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clinton well. talk about the temperature. you mentioned -- i mean, it has been abnormally hot and humid in new york for september, especially. you say that it's not as oppressive this morning as it has been. >> reporter: it was certainly warm and humid earlier but now there's a breeze and there had been talk of heavy rains predicted today. but there's a breeze and it's now very comfortable and reminds me of the incredible weather we had here 15 years ago on september 11, 2001. it was a gorgeous day then and it's right now a gorgeous day again. so this could be weather related i suppose but it didn't, at this hour, appear to be oppressively hot. >> again, we wish secretary clinton well from whatever -- in recovering from whatever this particular episode was. great reporter there as always, rick leventhal. thank you. please don't miss 9/11, the
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complete timeline of attacks, with no host, narration or commercial interruption. here's a bit of a preview, the heroic final moments of flight 93 for the controllers who were trying to save the aircraft and for relatives of the passengers who fought back against the hijackers on board that doomed flight. >> i told brian, i said this is the lord's doing and i'm going to church. he said, look, i'm coming with you. and together we grabbed each other's hand and we just started to run. surprising enough, not even one piece of confetti or broken glass touched us. the next thing i know we bumped into a priest. >> that's where stanley broke down and he looked at me and he said, this man saved my life. >> that was obviously not of united flight 93, the story of stanley prin nath, one of the survivors who has an incredible
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story to tell of surviving the aircraft attacks on the world trade center. you can watch the entire presentation tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern here on fox news channel. president obama honoring the nearly 200 victims who died when the terrorists crashed the american airlines plane into the pentagon 15 years ago today. how he is paying tribute and remembering those lives lost, next.
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remarks this morning from president obama at a pentagon ceremony honoring the nearly 3,000 victims killed in new york city, pennsylvania and at the pentagon during the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 15 years ago. garrett tenny joins us live from the pentagon memorial now. >> reporter: john, you can tell for a lot of families who lost loved ones on that day as well as those that were here when
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with that attack happened that it still feels like it was yesterday despite 15 years having gone by. 184 men, women and children lost their lives when flight 77 crashed into the pentagon. the youngest was three years old. john, that's something that stood out to me today, looking around here in the crowd at the ceremony, there were a lot of kids and teenagers that many of which were either too young to remember those attacks when they happened or they weren't even born yet. that really highlights one of the challenges that our nation is facing going forward. how do you continue to remember those who lost their lives and the ideals that they stood for. that was something the president talked about a short time ago in his remarks. >> the question before us as always is how do we preserve the legacy of those we lost and perhaps most of all we stay true to the spirit of this day by defending not only our country but also our ideals. >> reporter: today's ceremony
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held additional significance for president obama. this, his last before he leaves office. john? >> but it's not just there at the pentagon though where the nation's military is commemorating the 9/11 attacks, right? >> reporter: absolutely, john. particularly here at the pentagon but really across our nation's military as a whole. the effects of the attacks of 9/11 have been felt on a daily basis for much of the last 15 years as we've essentially been in an ongoing war since then. that is something that the troops are remembering as well, particularly in iraq and afghanistan where we've sent a lot of those troops. thousands have lost their lives, and this in kabul, in afghanistan in n.a.t.o. headquarters our troops gathered there to remember those who lost their lives and to remember those attacks that launched a war that they're still fighting today. >> we thank those men and women who have volunteered to put themselves in harm's way to defend the rest of us. garrett, thank you.
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so the country pauses to remember and honor the victims of 9/11. ceremonies taking place in new york, the pentagon and near shanksville, pennsylvania. keep it here on fox for our continuing coverage. >> not just today but every single day. thank you for being our inspiration. until we meet again. >> and my uncle --
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15 years ago at this exact moment, the north tower collapsed and my world collapsed with it. my brother jimmy quinn was killed in the north tower. he worked for cantor fitzgerald. he was only 23 years old. jimmy loved me, he loved us, he
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loved my family. he loved new york city. he loved his beloved new york mets. he loved this country. he loved life. personally, i wanted to do something about that. i wanted to serve my country. so i joined the army. i served two tours in iraq and one tour in afghanistan. today, i dedicate my life to serving military veterans through an organization called team red, white and blue. [ applause ] >> just one example on one family level of the profound changes wrought on this country since the events of 15 years ago. it was at 10:28 a.m. 15 years ago, september 11th, 2001 when the north tower of the world trade center collapsed.
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we have just marked the moment of silence in respect for the 1,402 people who were in the north tower and lost their lives there that day. joining us now, new york congressman peter king. he is now a member of the homeland security committee and obviously a committee that has had its hands very full since the events of that day. congressman king, first of all, update us on the 9/11 bill as many people have called it, the house passed it. the senate passed it. it's now in the hands of the president, but the president has said he is likely to veto it. what is your expectation of the events that will take place from there? >> john, this bill would allow 9/11 families to bring the saudi government into court. it doesn't say anyone is guilty
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or innocent but it gives them their day in court. it passed in house, in the senate. it's bipartisan. the president is threatening to veto it. donald trump has said he supports it. i would ask hillary clinton to urge the president not to veto this bill. it should not be vetoed. it's a sign of unity. it gives families the opportunity to have their day in court. it's finely drawn. it's very precise. it's not going to open up the flood gates to any of these horribles that the president is talking about. this gives the american families justice that they're entitled to. >> for those who might not know the president's argument, he has said it would allow people in other countries to turn around and sue the united states government for perceived wrongs. how do you answer that? >> this is not just perceived wrongs. we're talking about another government specifically sponsoring terrorism and attack of terrorism in our country. the way the law is now, if they gave the money to somebody in new york to kill americans, we couldn't bring them to court.
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but if they did it in canada or mexico and the attack was carried out in new york they couldn't do it. the logic is the same. we're not changing anything. we're just making the law more coherent. it's finely drawn. we worked with lawyers. this would not open up the flood gates to lawsuits. again, unless the government is directly governed in terrorism, they have absolutely nothing to worry about. >> having seen unanimous passage in the united states senate, isn't it likely that the presidential veto that is expected will be overridden? >> it should be. the problem is this is an election year and you don't want to -- and you can't count on that. i'm really hoping that the president will do the right thing and really set the tone and sign this bill. he can voice his objections to it. he can raise concerns that he has, but to veto it now after all the work has gone into it and the fact that there are real issues that have to be determined about the involvement, whether it was there or not in the saudi
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government. there's certainly enough circumstanceal evidence and enough to warrant this going to court. >> it is said 27% of americans knew someone who was wounded or attacked and i'm sure you're among them. give us reflections on this day. >> this is a personal grief. my wife and i, week after week going to funerals. i was with any number of those families today down at ground zero talking with them. this is very, very personal. i have had people who worked for me, people i grew up with, neighbors of mine, guys who went to school with my son and daughter. this is very personal not just to me though. i don't want to make this about me because you're right, there's millions and millions of americans who have suffered but no one has suffered like those
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families and that's what we have to keep in mind. no matter how you and i feel about it, how much grief we have, it's nothing at all compared to the families. it's important we remember this event every year but at the same time it also reminds these families of how horrible that day was. so this is unique, it's horrible in american history and that's why we have to as a country stand together and i thought it was good today that both presidential candidates were there to have people from both political parties there, to have police and firefighters there, to have family members of those who worked for cantor fitzgerald and other firms at wall street. this went beyond economics, beyond politics. this was america. that's why i hope the president can find a way, don't veto it, sign that bill. >> congressman peter king, a member of the homeland security committee, republican from new york. congressman, thank you. >> thank you, john. you're looking live at the images from lower manhattan where the ceremonies are still
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ongoing. despite the horrific attacks that took place there, lower manhattan is thriving now, thanks to the hard work, the imagination and determination of thousands of americans. there's been remarkable progress at ground zero in manhattan. i took a first-hand look. >> this is a view from 39 floors up three world trade. when finished it will be an 80-story building. in just about any other city, this would dominate the skyline. here it's actually dwarfed by one world trade. it's been 15 years since the terrible events of 9/11. i was in the anchor chair here at fox that awful day reporting on the attacks that left nearly 3,000 innocent people dead. >> we just saw on live television as a second plane flew into the second tower of the world trade center.
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now, given what has been going on around the world, some of the key suspects come to mind, osama bin laden. >> reporter: now 15 years later i wanted to take a look at the progress made in and around ground zero since the day the terrorists tried to bring america to its knees. one world trade was the first project finished. the tallest building in the western hemisphere, reaching a symbolic 1,776 feet. this new icon on the skyline followed by several other important projects, including a new transportation hub, the memorial plaza, the 9/11 museum, world trade center towers three, four and seven, as well as a brand new park. >> when you come out of the subway you don't know where you are, you look up and you see the iconic buildings of new york like the empire state building or the chrysler building. it immediately gives you a sense
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of direction. all of the new downtown, tower one, four, three, is the new iconic landmark that really lets you see how the site is being built and orient you anywhere in the city. anybody can build a building but only very special people can work down here and work at the world trade center. people really enjoy working down here. they see this as a personal mission. they see this as a historic building, historic opportunity, and they're very proud. people are very proud to be working down here at the world trade center. >> reporter: thinking back 15 years ago to what the terrorists were trying to do to this country, they were going to tear us down, leave us flat on our back, and to see this sprout up, it's got to be exciting for you to be part of it. >> oh, absolutely. this is a dream come true what we've been able to achieve here, what our founder and chairman larry silverstein has been able
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to do here as a true champion are not just new york city but downtown and of the nation. >> this is going to be quite a building. >> it is. this is tower three of the world trade center. it's 1,000 stories. it's going to be an office building. >> this when completed will complete the sort of post 9/11 skyline. >> that's what we wanted to do along with the architect to really emphasize that this building along with tower one, tower four and tower seven is a unique landmark of the downtown skyline. >> when you first came down here and saw what was here, it took more than a year to clear the rubble out of here. >> absolutely. it took a very long time. over 5,000 men and women have worked on this site since 9/11, and to have all these people work here every day, it's a sense of joy and pride for them and for me personally to be able
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to work here is also tremendous joy. it's a tremendous pride and we're doing this for all of new york. >> america is coming back. >> absolutely. >> reporter: we also took a private tour of the brand new liberty park opened just last month. >> it's a very special place. it's an acre of park. it's the high line of lower manhattan. but a place of serenity. when you look at the city, a lot of concrete, a lot of steel. but there's a lot of green here. to my right here, over 7,000 plantings. when we get to the living wall, there's over 22,000 plantings, so really we brought life back to this great place, world trade center. >> it's a great place to view the national memorial. >> i call it the best kept secret in all of world trade. when you stand at the edge, you can look down into a very special place to remember those people lost on that fateful day. these were all our colleagues,
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our friends, so it's very personal to us. >> so many of them made the ultimate sacrifice responding to the events that happened here. >> absolutely. the emergency workers, you know, i comment how we do our business. we don't run from a problem, we run to a problem and they taught us that. when there's a challenge, when you look at those dark events in the world and we're very proud of that, that we've been able to show the world and the next generation as a legacy how to respond to these evil events, thousands of construction workers, union workers killing themselves on days like this, very hot days and very cold days and then you have all the engineers and the government employees and all the private employees working on alevel who a mother, who had a loved one who was lost that fateful day, i
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had never be able to exceed this project as far as the joy and the passion that we all have in doing this. it's really been a gift from god and something that's a small part of history and that's all we want. we don't want our names in lights. we just want to be a small part knowing in our soul that we did something right and left the world a little better than the day we came in. >> reporter: at liberty park they're rebuilding a new greek orthodox church to replace the one destroyed on that september day, 2001. there's also a new statue honoring american warriors who have sacrificed their lives in the wars since 9/11. it's already becoming a place of pilgrimage. >> i see these young people coming from all sorts of challenges of being in war, and you know, i really start to cry because i see what they've given. they've given their all. and they thank me. they thank me. i say please don't thank me. i thank you on behalf of the united states of america for
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what you've done for us. god bless you. >> reporter: then there's the incredible new transportation hub, a grand central terminal for the 21st century. >> the size of this place is what hits you first. >> the size but also the beauty. i'm very proud that we've now accomplished something that rivals that of grand central functionally and architecturally and it's a possible place. people can come and are come from all around the world to witness this and enjoy it. light is something very special, you know, coming out of the darkness into light. what we spent on that day was very dark and we had to have something that brought us back to light, but we could never forget. that's why the memorial is so important to us. >> it's sort of, i don't know, a living work of art as well as being a transportation hub. >> and if you think about -- that's a perfect expression because if you think about what people were able to do with huge members of steel that had to hold this up and really make it
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a piece of art, it's spectacular, whether it be the vatican, whether it be the statue of liberty, the empire state building. you look at how people really turned something so large and so immense into a piece of art. >> and at the far end, the u.s. flag. >> the u.s. flag. we can't forget her. and we can't forget this wonderful country we've been gifted to live in. god bless us all and we're very privileged to be here and we never forget that. >> the key to this whole thing is resiliency. you can have good days and not so good days, but the one who finishes the race is the one who succeeds. whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. if you remember that, you'll be okay. in our next hour we're going to take you through the 9/11 museum, a place that
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memorializes one of the darkest days in american history, and yet, it is overwhelmed with people who come to visit. more of our continuing coverage, remembering 9/11. ♪ (announcer vo) that's right, keep rockin'.
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who died. 2,997 americans and really people from all over the world who were killed in the attacks of that day. the ceremonies continue in lowe shanksville, pennsylvania, at what is now a national memorial as well as at the pentagon. as you look at the blue sky, something of a gift. we were told that at least in new york it would be a very rainy day today. people were prepared for, well, pouring rain. but in fact it's not a bad day. there's a nice breeze blowing out of the west and the family members who are gathered in lower manhattan to remember those they loved and lost will continue the reading of the names. since the 9/11 attacks, twin
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this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. 15 years since the attacks of 9/11. earlier president obama marked this tragic day with a moment of
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silence at the white house at the moment of the first strike. later he went on to join the secretary of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs in laying a wreath at the pentagon memorial, where 189 people died. those aboard american airlines flight 77 as well as those on the ground in the pentagon. elizabeth prann is live now at the white house with an update. >> reporter: good morning, john. president obama observing that moment of silence as you said around 8:36 this morning very privately inside the oval office. but today, 15 years later, is actually the third day of the president's prayer declaration, specifically declaring patriot day a national day of service and remembrance, ordering flags across the country to remain at half staff. as we've been reporting, various memorial services are taking place throughout the country, but the president speaking just this morning at the pentagon. we watched him during a wreath-laying ceremony that you can see on your screen right now, also speaking to a very small group. he gave some very personal
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remarks and i want to read a bit. he said 15 years may be a long time, but for families who lost a piece of their heart that day, it can seem like yesterday. he went on to talk about the pain these families continue to feel, very much playing the consoler in chief. he doesn't have any more public events scheduled for today but we know vice president biden will be appearing before the philadelphia eagles game to honor all those men and women who lost their lives 15 years ago. john, back to you. >> elizabeth, thank you. a man who's become a former face here on fox, former four-star general jack keane was in the pentagon on 9/11. he joins us next hour with his recount of his events of that tragic day. with savings like redhead men's jeans starting at under $20. redhead men's and ladies' everest hikers for under $20. and this electric smoker by masterbuilt for under $165 after rebate.
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this nation pausing to remember the nearly 3,000 people killed 15 years ago on 9/11. family members reading the names of the victims at the world trade center in lower manhattan. commemorations also taking place at the pentagon and in shanksville, pennsylvania, where passengers aboard united airlines flight 93 lost their lives in a heroic last stand against the terrorists. welcome to this special edition of "america's news headquarters." i'm john scott. rick leventhal saw the attacks unfold as they happened 15 years ago. he was in lower manhattan then.
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he joins us from lower manhattan once again today. rick? >> reporter: john, so many examples of bravery and strength and sacrifice and heroism from that day, and so many lives lost, nearly 3,000. every single one of them a compelling story, and that, of course, is the reason why they have this ceremony every single year on the anniversary, on this date of 9/11, to remember all of those who gave their lives. first responders, people who were in the towers, victims on the ground. reading their names one by one by family members who are also giving personal messages of love and grief. i had the opportunity to speak this morning with police commissioner bill bratton, who is about to retire. he was a commissioner in new york city before 9/11, he is a commissioner now, and i spoke to him about his experiences on that day. >> i think like so many others you just couldn't comprehend it. those buildings were such a symbol of strength, i've been in
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them many times. ironically one minute before that event i got a fax from a port authority employee who i had been dealing with in my business. i still have that fax from that tower. and my heart sank but it's just incomprehensible at the time. >> reporter: i was also able to speak last week with the chief of department, james o'neill, who's been with the nypd for 33 years and will take the reins as commissioner after bill bratton retires. i spoke to him about lessons learned from the event. >> we don't want this to happen again. everybody has got to take part in it. it can't just be the military, it can't just be the police, it can't just be the fbi. it's got to be everybody in the united states. we have to pay attention to what's going on. we have to pay attention to our surroundings. >> reporter: of course the nypd has a very large and aggressive counterterrorism operation and they tell us there are no threats that they are aware of on this date, but the job of trying to prevent any future
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attack is one that goes on 24/7 through our life times and likely our children's lifetimes. i want to update our viewers on the story we first broke one hour ago on hillary clinton, the democratic nominee for president, who was here along with many other dignitaries this morning for this ceremony at the memorial plaza but left unexpectedly early. she left, according to a law enforcement source, because of a medical condition. she was clearly in distress, according to my source. she left early, went to a curb where she waited for her motorcade, which wasn't waiting for her because it was an early departure. she stood there for two or three minutes. the motorcade rolled up. my source was 15 feet away. he said she stumbled off the curb, lost her shoe. he said her knees buckled. she appeared to need help to get into the van. her shoe was under the van. when the van took off someone grabbed the shoe, took it to other members of her protective detail who followed in two other vehicles and her motorcade left this scene well over an hour
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ago. well before this ceremony was scheduled to end. we do not have an update on her condition. her campaign has not confirmed that she left early or why she left early or even that she was having any sort of medical episode, but we've spoken with other people at the scene who say they're hearing similar stories and we really don't know at this hour officially where she is or why she left. >> all right, rick leventhal in lower manhattan. obviously this is a day when both campaigns have put aside campaign appearances, so we expect to hear more about secretary clinton tomorrow from the campaign, perhaps later today. we will keep you updated. president obama in the meantime observing a moment of silence this morning at the white house. at the moment the first plane hit the world trade center. later he spoke at the pentagon after laying a wreath in memory of those 189 victims who died when american airlines flight 77 crashed into the building. earlier a giant american flag unfurled in memory of the day
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and the american spirit unleashed by the attacks. we're joined now by a man who was inside the pentagon at that fateful moment, general jack keane, retired four-star army general, chairman of the institute for the study of war. also a fox news military analyst. general, i've not before had the opportunity to talk to you about the events of that day. your office was not far from where flight 77 hit the building. >> no, that's true. it was less than 100 yards away. my office shook, smoke entered the room immediately. i knew what had happened, i had been talking to my operations officer because of the events that were unfolding in new york city. i knew when that first airplane hit the world trade center it was a terrorist attack. i'm a born and raised new yorker. i know you can't hit the world trade center by accident on a blue sky day. 1993 they tried to bring down the world trade center, so i knew they were back and i said
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as much to my officers. yeah, it was quite a day. a lot of heroism certainly around the pentagon that day in saving people's lives, as you experienced up in new york city. the military people in the pentagon all know how to treat open wounds and also treat people who have lost appendages with tourniquets, so lives were saved because they actually hit the pentagon. and the first responders that night when i saw them in the hospital visiting the wounded told me as much. it was a day, i think, that i knew would change america. we would stop treating terrorism as criminal activity. it always has been an act of war. the israelis recognized it was an act of war against a nation state and we would respond accordingly. i knew it represented the first battlefield of a war that would likely last a generation, and that certainly is turning out to be true. here we are 15 years later.
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>> so it was -- well, the attacks in new york had already been under way for almost an hour when that plane hit the pentagon. you were aware, as you said from the very first moment of the first strike in new york that it was a terrorist attack. that's what was on your mind when the pentagon was hit. tell us about the aoc, the army operations center, and how getting that staffed up helped actually probably minimize the loss of life at the pentagon. >> well, when i saw the first airplane hit the first building at the world trade center, i called my operations officers and said bring the army operations center up to full man. it's down beneath the floors of the pentagon. many of the people that he brought to bring it up to full man came from tragically the blast site where the aircraft who hit the pentagon came in, so their lives were actually spared. on that day i lost 85 army
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teammates. we lost more people in the army headquarters on that day than we have lost on any single day in the wars we've been fighting for the last 15 years. the army operations center looks like something you see on television with screens floor to ceiling. we were monitoring all the activities that took place that day. some of the most intense activities when those five airplanes that you recall were unaccounted for and vice president cheney -- and this was being done sequentially, ordered those airplanes taken down and i thought to myself and i said to the secretary of the army who was sitting next to me, i said oh, my god, can you imagine what's going through the mind of those pilots. they're going to kill hundreds to save thousands and those hundreds will be largely innocent people. but fortunately we made visual contact with those aircraft, eventually radio contact with them as well.
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when i visited the wounded in the hospital that night around 11:00, they were in five different hospitals. some of them stayed for weeks because of the severe burns that they had. it was -- it was impressive to listen to the accounts that they had of people who helped save their lives and some of them there helped save other people's lives. it was really quite remarkable. the next morning i walked around the pentagon in the army spaces, and i was just overwhelmed because the pentagon is mostly civilians and obviously a fair amount of military, but the majority are civilians. here was this entire civilian workforce, john, plus the military present for duty. many of them had to fight for their life to get out of there so they were survivors in every sense of the word. but here they were presenting for duty. they knew they were part of something larger than themselves. they knew we were going to war and their duty was to support
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that, even though they were afraid. as the day unfolded, we knew that we had a number of people killed and those numbers began to grow because they were unaccounted for. we went to scores of funerals. we sent a general officer to every one of those funerals. we selected a site, the superintendent of arlington national cemetery selected a special site where they're all buried in view of the pentagon itself. and i thought that was really a touching decision that he made, that i'm sure those families appreciate, you know, very much today. the other thing, i visited our troops who were deployed to take down the taliban and the al qaeda who had done this to us, and i want to say it was quite amazing because they reminded me of what actually had happened. sir, we've been fighting wars for ten plus years and it's always in somebody else's country helping the people in that country. this is the first time we're
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doing it for the american people. i thought about that and i said the last time we did it just for the american people was world war ii. we've been doing it for the american people ever since. >> general jack keane, we thank you for your actions on that day and for your long service to this country. general, thank you. >> good talking to you, john. earlier this morning i spoke with a man whose calm and steady leadership earned for him the title america's mayor in the wakes of the attacks. new york city's mayor, rudy giuliani, on 9/11. >> mr. mayor, it was a day when we saw the worst of humanity on display, we saw the best of humanity on display. which of those do you remember? >> both. it depends on the memory that comes back to me. sometimes it's the memory of watching the man jumping from the 101st, 102nd floor. sometimes it's the memory of the firefighters putting the flag up right in the midst of all that fire and debris and things
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falling and they had the bravery and courage to put up the american flag and it looked just like iwo jima. sometimes it's the debris and sometimes it's a construction worker showing up unannounced, unasked for and just volunteering to pick things up because they said we're big, strong guys and we can help. so it's, you know, kind of like a tale of two cities. the worst of times and the best of times. >> you yourself came close to perishing that day. when you think about your own mortality, it must come to mind every year on this day. >> it does, and tonight i will get together with all the people that were with me in that building that got hit that we thought was going to crash down and we were trapped in for 20, 25 minutes. some have passed. most are alive. we all thank god that we
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survived, but we all probably have some degree of survivor's guilt also. but for the grace of god if the building fell in slightly a different direction, i wouldn't be here talking to you today. >> i know you helped unite this city. you earned the title of america's mayor in the wake of what happened. you've seen some of the division, some of the divisiveness that's occurred in the 15 years since. what would you say to americans this morning about how we go forward? >> gosh, i wish i could say it's a memory now and this is just a memorial like pearl harbor is a memorial, but it's not. this is an ongoing, radical islamic terrorist war against us. so this is a long-term war. we are best defended when we are on offense, not like we are on defense, just kind of waiting for the next attack. and, john, if you look at the last year from san bernardino on, which is still less than a year ago, the number of attacks is shockingly high.
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so they're implanting themselves now in many places they weren't in before september 11th. and i wish i could say to the american people we're safer now than we were before september 11th. in some respects we are, like airplane travel. but in many respects we are not because this new enemy, we don't understand as well as our old enemy. they happen to be smarter and they happen to have proliferated all over the world. and the idea that we're defeating them, if we are, and i'm not sure we are in iraq and syria, should be no great solace to us because they have used that opportunity that we have given them by allowing this long period of doing nothing. we've allowed them to embed themselves all throughout western europe and a thousand fbi investigations in the u.s. so the war still goes on and, you know, some of the first
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casualties were my firefighters, police officers and port authority police officers who are the bravest men and women that i've ever known. >> rudy giuliani, thank you. >> thank you. >> it is one of the most iconic moments of 9/11. the president being told about the attacks. former chief of staff to former president george w. bush, andy card, joins us next. diabetes can be a daily struggle, even if you're trying your best. along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. ♪ let's groove tonight. ♪ share the spice of life. ♪ baby, from the makers of lantus®, ♪ slice it right. toujeo® provides blood sugar-lowering activity for 24 hours and beyond, ♪ we're gonna groove tonight. proven blood sugar control all day and all night, and significant a1c reduction. toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults
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it's an image most of us will never forget, that of president george w. bush being told that the country was under attack. the president was in florida reading to elementary schoolchildren on that day when his chief of staff, andy card, was the person who delivered the news. he joins us now to reflect on that moment and the events of that day. things happen to presidents that change their administrations. president george w. bush was going to be the education president. he turned out to be the war-time president and really that's the day it all changed, andy. >> well, actually it's very instructive what we're talking about today, because we're about to pick another president.
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and i think it's important that as we pick a president, we recognize that we have a responsibility to pick a president that can handle the unexpected and the uninvited. and that's exactly what president george w. bush did. no one expected that we would be going to war during his presidency. he was going to be all about education reform, immigration reform, social security reform and get our economy moving. he was going to be a domestically focused president. september 11th, 2001, we were attacked. it wasn't something that anybody anticipated. in fact, it's a very rare message to deliver to a president, the message that i delivered. but yes, a second plane hit the second tower and america was under attack. that's what i told him in that message in that classroom. >> the president was aware, as he sat there in front of the children, that the first world trade center, the north tower, had been hit by an aircraft, but at first nobody was quite
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certain what had happened, right? that iconic photograph. well, go ahead and answer that part of it. >> president bush had been told just before he walked into the classroom, he was standing with me, the principal of the school, when deb lauer, who is the director of the white house situation room, came up to the president and said, sir, it appears a small twin engine prop plane crashed into one of the towers at the world trade center in new york city. the president, the principal and i all had the same reaction. what a horrible accident. the pilot must have had a heart attack or something. and then the principal opened the door to the classroom and she and the president went in the classroom. the door shut and i was left standing at the door when deb lauer came up to me and said, sir, it looks like it was not a small twin engine prop plane, it was a commercial jetliner and then a nanosecond later, oh, my gosh, another plane hit the other tower at the world trade center. that's when i knew i had to pass that test, does the president need to know? yes. i had to be able to tell him
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something without starting a debate or a dialogue, because i knew he was sitting in front of a press pool with an audience of very young second graders. so i thought about what i would say. i didn't take long to do it. i did think of the word osama bin laden, i did think of that. i knew about al qaeda. and i opened the door to the classroom and when it was appropriate after the president had finished a dialogue with the students and the teacher had said take out your books, i walked up to the president from behind. he did not know that i was coming up to him. and i leaned over and i whispered into his ear and said a second plane hit the second tower. america is under attack. and then i stood back from him so he couldn't ask me a question. i was pleased that he did nothing to introduce fear to those very young students. he also did nothing to demonstrate fear to the media that would have translated it to the satisfaction of the terrorists all around the world. but i was also pleased that he kind of stayed there so i could
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get things ready to help him meet his responsibility. so when i walked into that holding room i said get the fbi on the phone, get a line to the vice president, get the crew back on air force one, get the secret service ready to load the motorcade up and took a communication team. i said get some remarks written because we have 600 people in a gymnasium and the president is going to have to say something to them. >> and those remarks came not that far after and then the president boarded air force one and headed to louisiana and nebraska. >> well, it was on the way to air force one where the president and i were sitting in the back of the limousine, both of us on our cell phones. the president was frustrated because he was not able to reach secretary rumsfeld at the pentagon. that's when the pentagon had been attacked and secretary rumsfeld was out helping with the rescue efforts. so right at the beginning the fog of war was real and the magnitude of the attack was still unfolding.
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i witnessed a president meet the responsibilities of his oath of office when he didn't really want to have to do it, but he did it well. >> an eyewitness account of that moment in history from andy card, the president's chief of staff at the time. andy, it's good to talk to you. thank you for sharing those memories with us today. >> thank you, john. never forget. >> none of us will. we talk with the brother of a first responder who made the ultimate sacrifice on 9/11. we're talking about firefighter steven stiller. we'll tell you his incredible story and how his call to action is now honored with the tunnel to towers run. our special edition of "america's news headquarters" continues. >> she left us to be with you. knowing you were there with open arms to greet her made it easier for us to accept this loss. the family thanks you for that. we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health.
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15 years after the attacks of september 11th, we return to that sacred piece of ground for a look at the memorial museum and the view from one world observatory. it's part two of our look back during this weekend's remembrance. >> 15 years ago, terrorists tried to knock this country to its knees. they didn't succeed. from 102 floors up in the one world observatory, in the tallest build in the western hemisphere, it feels like you can see all of america, and america is back. more on one world trade center in just a moment, but we begin with the 9/11 museum. it opened in spring of 2014. already it has seen 6 million visitors. we're told each person spends between two and four hours inside. as a measure of viewer interest, that's a long time for a museum. the museum is just out with a companion book called "no day
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shall erase you, the story of 9/11." we spoke with 9/11 memorial museum director, alice greenwald. >> the story of 9/11 is in many ways as much the story of 9/12 and this museum affirms that and people need to be reminded of it. >> i remember being on the air that day when the first reports came in that a plane had hit the world trade center. at first it was described as a small plane. there was a pilot who flew -- there was another one. we just saw -- we just saw another one. we just saw another one apparently go -- another plane just flew into the second tower. this raises -- this has to be deliberate, folks. you couldn't imagine that a plane loaded with people, two planes loaded with people would be used as flying bombs. >> no, it was unthinkable.
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it was unthink kablunthinkable. and again, you know, everyone paused in disbelief. >> i think of 9/11 as the day everything changed in the country, everything. but in the abstract, if you had told me before 9/11 that new york city would open museums dedicated to a terrorist attack, i would have thought that you were crazy, that nobody would want to go see that. why does this work? >> wow, that's an excellent question. first of all, i think 9/11 was a moment of profound change, and it was a global moment. it happened in america, but it was experienced globally. you had before 9/11 a sense that the united states was invulnerable, that terrorist attacks would happen, but they would happen elsewhere. that they weren't going to happen to us. and of course on 9/11, that
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sense of invulnerability was completely shattered. >> one of the first artifacts brought into this museum known as the last column, a towering piece of steel bearing the markings of first responders, construction workers and others who spent nine months digging to the bottom of what had been the world trade center. i asked what moves visitors to spend their money to visit a place that memorializes a national day of tragedy. >> first they come to pay respects to the nearly 3,000 people who were killed that day. people just like you and me, who woke up one morning, got their cup of coffee, went to work or went to the airport to board a plane for a family trip or for business. i think people come to try to make sense of what happened. that even 15 years later, it's almost inconceivable. >> also just open at the 9/11 museum, a new exhibition of 14 artists responding to 9/11, including todd stone. we talked with stone at work in
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his studio on an unfinished floor in the new tower, world trade center four. >> i would painting the world trade center out my window just because it stood still. i kids would move, but the trade center would stand still and model for me. so i was painting my view from my studio window for 10, 15 years, never thinking that it was anything of historical content. >> you thought it would always be there. >> of course. how could you think differently. so i was in my studio on the day of the attacks. i witnessed -- i went up to my rooftop, i painted, i drew. my whole practice had been to open myself up to the moment, never dreaming what would come in on that day. so i've been painting this space, this place in the sky since that moment on 9/11, never dreaming that i would be up here in the sky looking down at my studio window painting this
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unfolding rebuilding of lower manhattan. >> there's a lot of landscapes you could paint in new york city. why paint here? >> you know, i witnessed what happened here, john, and i at the end of the day felt a great burden to bring forward the work, what i had seen that day. and when i come to work each day, i go to the memorial, i focus on that beautiful, beautiful fountain and try and remember the people who were lost here. it's in that spirit that i continue this rebuilding effort. you'll see the trade center down here, the memorial in the corner of all my work. that is the core piece of what i'm doing here in remembrance of what happened here. >> the view is ever changing. >> we see two floors coming up every couple of days. i'm struggling to keep up with it. they build it faster than i can painting it. >> we better let you get back to painting.
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>> thank you so much for joining me in my studio, i appreciate it. >> we also took a behind-the-scenes look at one world trade center observe store, the interactive museum at the top of the first building completed and opened at ground zero. they will hit 3 million visitors this summer. john urban is general manager. >> what do you think about when you come up here? >> inspiration, you know. it's 1200 feet. there's a serenity up here. we all know what the hustle and bustle is of new york city at street level. to come up here, you see the entire tri-state area and beyond in a way that you're just not used to seeing. i think it's the best view in the world. >> this is more about rebirth and rebuilding than about the events obviously of 9/11. >> the one world story is the fist pump part of it. it's the comeback. it's the tower back on the skyline. it's the excitement of welcoming
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people back to the top of this building and to seeing this amazing view again. >> america's back. >> america's back in a big way. >> so many stories of loss from that day, but also of courage and resilience. today we remember one of our nation's darkest days, but also reflect on the brave emergency personnel who responded, and many paid the ultimate price. one of those was new york firefighter stephen siller. on september 11th, 2001, stephen the first plane d his shift when hitting the twin towers over his scanner. he quickly turned around to get his firefighting gear and drove his truck to the entrance of the brooklyn battery tunnel, which links the borough of brooklyn to manhattan. the tunnel was already closed. but stephen would not be stopped. determined to carry out his duty, he strapped 60 pounds of firefighting gear on his back and raced on foot through the
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tunnel to the burning towers, where he gave up his life while trying to save others. joining us now, stephen's brother frank siller, chairman and ceo of the tunnel to towers foundation. it's just one of the incredible stories of the heroism of the firefighters that day. >> he could have said, look, can't get through the tunnel, sorry, guys, but he ran. >> firefighters and our men in uniform, they run right at whatever tragedy or problem there is. in this case, you know, stephen ran through a tunnel. he was on his way home to play golf with myself, my brother george, my brother russ. he was faced with a decision, and the decision he made, you know, changed obviously his life. he gave it up. but, you know, he was saving people. what a way to die. we're all going to go one day, but to do it on that -- in that particular way, we're just so proud of him as a family. that's why we started a foundation in his honor called
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the tunnels to towers. >> he was in the south tower, that was the first one to collapse. >> we believe he was there. he was never recovered. but the rest of his squad one, all of the 11 members perished in the south tower. you would go to meet up with your firehouse that you worked with. so we believe he was there. >> the tunnel to towers foundation just an example of taking something that was so terrible and so tragic and trying to turn it into something good. >> we are very proud of the work we're doing in honor of stephen and all those who died on 9/11. today we have 30 different runs in different cities across the country. we have a piece of steel going up to canada because they were so nice in what they did for 6500 people had to land there in the middle of nowhere and they fed them and clothed them for days. w we're giving them a piece of steel from ground zero because
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the port authority entrusted us with us and we want to make sure it's there. the gerald ford exhibit has artifacts of 9/11 on it and we want to make sure people never forget. >> what do you think your brother would say about everything that's been done to honor him and the other firefighters? >> well, i think, you know, he would be very humbled of what was going on in his honor and his memory. like i said for all those who perished that day. but today at 9:59 we gave a house away to a catastrophically injured service member, triple amputee in cape coral, florida. and we did it obviously 9:59, the time the south tower fell, because we want to show that when something evil happens like what happened on 9/11, there was the greatness and the goodness that came along with it. so many acts of heroism. we want to show the world that you can't defeat us and that we're going to continue being the best country, the greatest
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country that has ever existed. you know, to give this house away today just speaks volumes of who our foundation represents, to make sure we do good, but we never want to forget the sacrifice that was made that day. >> just real quickly, is there a website people who might want to donate to the tunnel to towers foundation? >> it's we have a great stand tall campaign where people can stand tall with our men and women in uniform today and going forward and our first responders. john, i know this is 9/11, you've lived it, you were there, and i know it's an important day to you too. thank you for keeping the memories alive. >> frank siller from the tunnel 2 towers foundation, thank you. >> thank you. speaking of america's bravest, we'll talk with the man who led the fire department of new york during those dark hours and days following the attack. that's ahead. ♪
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our 43rd president, george w. bush, led the nation through the 9/11 terror attacks. i want to bring attention to one of those who was by his side, his former deputy assistant, brad blakeman, a familiar face on fox, is here to reflect on the day and the time since the attacks 15 years ago. he also lost his nephew, a first responder, during the 9/11 attacks. brad, it's good of you to be here. tell us about tommy. >> tommy was a combat trained army medic. he decided to become a new york state court officer. he was assigned on 9/11 to the new york state supreme court house in lower manhattan. when he heard what was going on, he commandeered a jury van with his fellow court officers and responded to the world trade center. mitch wallace, harry thompson and tommy were saving people and
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they all perished that day. while they were saving people, the supervisor came on the radio and told tommy to leave. tommy's last transmission was i can't, there are people here who need my help. that was the last we heard from tommy. the only thing that they were able to find was his badge and his gun. and that's the memories we have of these heroes who ran to danger. countless stories, we hear them today on fox, and reminds us that our nation is so great because of the people who work to save us, whether it's a soldier, a fireman, a policeman, a paramedic, a doctor. they're on call 24/7 and do extraordinary things that somehow we take for granted. but on this day we reflect and remember not only for tommy, but for the countless people, ordinary citizens, who ran to danger to help a fellow human being. >> just wanted to flag for our viewers, we're looking at live
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images of hillary clinton leaving her daughter, chelsea's apartment in new york city. rick leventhal told us earlier as she was attending -- or after she was attending the 9/11 memorial services, she had a medical episode of some sort. appeared to not feel well. as she was leaving those ceremonies in lower manhattan. you know the demands of the office, brad, and campaigning for it can be just as grueling. brad blakeman, former deputy assistant to president george w. bush. again in honor of tommy. thank you very much for being here today to share your thoughts. >> thank you. well, firefighters, new york's bravest, showed amazing courage on 9/11, rushing into the twin towers. the fire commissioner on dult the day of the attacks joins us to talk about that day and the days that followed.
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the new york city fire department on the morning of september 11th, 2001. he was appointed fire commissioner five years earlier by mayor rudy giuliani and led the fdny through what would be its finest and darkest hours.
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thomas von essen joins us now. thanks for spending time with us today. >> welcome, john. >> it's got to be difficult to remember, you know, the terrible toll the terror attacks took on your department and so many of its members that day. >> no question about that. you know, for me, training and everything was so important and safety, and then to be the commissioner that had the worst devastating loss of firefighters ever in history was a tough one and still is today. it doesn't go away. every time they said 15 years ago today it rang a bell in my head. i said, it can't be 15 years, but it is. it's a long time. >> we know so many hundreds of firefighters went into the buildings to save lives and hoped to put the fires out that were burning on those upper floors, but i don't think anybody thought that those
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buildings would collapse. was that even considered a possibility until the moment that it happened? >> no, you know, it was. these fire chiefs here in new york city, probably the best in the world. they knew early on they could not put the fire out. chief callan in the north tower made a decision early on, get these guys up to help as many people as they can but get them out because we can't put that fire out, it's too big. when the second building was hit i was standing at a console. chief downie said to me, boss, these buildings can come down and i'll never forget the look in his face. it was a look of concern but not -- i will never believe that he thought in 102 minutes from beginning to end both buildings would be hit and come down. what he meant was if we let them burn like we were going to have to let them burn, they would come down or they could come down, and they knew, our guys knew that, but i don't think -- and i know for sure in my heart and my head nobody thought that fast. nobody thought 102 minutes from
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beginning to end. >> and if the same thing were to happen again tomorrow, god forbid, those firefighters would still be there lined up running in to those buildings to save people, wouldn't they? >> absolutely. and we'll never have exactly the same, you know, incident. we'll never have the exact same kind of a building. we'll never have the exact same kind of a jet hit at the same speed, same angle, same amount of fuel so that's why you have these good fire chiefs that make these decisions. they make these decisions with a limited amount of information and that's what leaders do. that's what military people do, firefighters, police officers. they make decisions with the best information available and you can't come after them afterwards when things don't go to go. you can't plan for all of these things perfectly. >> well, just, again, our hats are off to those firefighters in your department who were so
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brave, so incredibly giving, gave their lives to try to save others. thomas, the former commissioner of new york city fire department. thank you, sir. >> thank you, john. so many of those killed on 9/11 were firefighters. remembering the nearly 3,000 people who died in the attacks of that day. our continuing coverage on this, the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. >> katherine ann shatsoff. >> neil shatsry. diabetes can be a daily struggle, even if you're trying your best. along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. ♪ let's groove tonight. ♪ share the spice of life. ♪ baby, from the makers of lantus®, ♪ slice it right. toujeo® provides blood sugar-lowering activity
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so many memories of that day 15 years ago that brought so much heart ache to so many americans. they are still continuing to read the names of the nearly 3,000 people who died in lower manhattan. down there at the -- as the memorial ceremonies continue on. so many people have difficulty believing that it's been 15 years. it seems like yesterday. we hope you've gotten some sense of the rebirth, the progress that's been made in lower manhattan because i like to remember that although the terrorists tried to bring this
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country to its knees, they were not successful. america is strong and america is back. that does it for us. i'm john scott, "sunday morning futures" with maria bartiromo is up next. good afternoon. welcome to a special edition of "sunday morning futures" this morning as we continue our coverage of 9/11, 15 years later. i'm maria bartiromo. our country pausing once again today to remember the nearly 3,000 lives lost. mothers, fathers, daughters and sons. we also honor the heroes who sacrificed their lives to save others. right now the ceremony is underway where relatives are reading all of the names of those lost in the deadliest terrorist attack ever on american soil. earlier this morning the president attended a wreath laying ceremony marking the moment a


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