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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  July 13, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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believed you if you just told us he didn't answer the door. >> thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report." make it a great weekend. we will still be fair, balanced, and unafraid. >> jon: this is the fox report. i'm jon scott in for shepard smith. we begin tonight with frightening news about weapons of mass deduction. there is evidence syrian government forces have been moving supplies of chemical agents within the country. possibly including cyanide and the deadly nerve gasser is sara ran. the he they do not know where some of those stockpiles are now. big concern if the syrian government should fall apart, those chemicals could wind up in the terrorist's hands. it's not yet clear whether the syrian president bashar assad is behind this move. activists say he has already murdered more than 17,000 of
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his own people since he started cracking down on the uprising there more than a year ago. jennifer griffin on fox top story live at the pentagon. jennifer, what do we know about these chemical weapons? >> well, according to a senior u.s. defense source, jon, u.s. intelligence agencies noticed about a week ago that elements within the syrian regime had transferred some of syrians stockpile of chemical agents. possibly sarah palin nerve gas to -- saran nerve gas. violence on the rise lately. not clear to this u.s. military source whether the movement of the stockpile was authorized by president bashar assad or whether t was carried out by local commanders within the syrian military, who are frustrated that they cannot suppress the rebellion in homs. the intelligence i'm told came from multiple signals intelligence intercepts and raised all sorts of alarm bells here at the pentagon, jon. >> jon: so if the chemicals are missing, are there any plans for the pentagon to use
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force to try to get? >> well, aording to defense sources who have sat in on intelligence assessment meetings, regarding plans for syria, even in light of the new massacre in which scores of civilians may have been killed by a combination, i'm told, of shelling and helicopter gun ships yesterday, there is no plan to get involved militarily because the general intelligence assessment is that most portions of the opposition, the syrian opposition are not aligned with u.s. or western interests. there is some talk of sharing intelligence out of homs with another country, even possibly the russians so that they could help secure the chemical stockpiles that have been moved to homs. the only problems according to this military source they don't know where the chemical agents are right now. the intelligence intercepts i'm told are over a week old. john? >> jennifer griffin at the pentagon for us. thank you. the feds say they have stopped a plot to send nuclear related
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materials from the u.s. to iran. not before some of those materials did make it into iran. no word on who received them or where those materials are now. the justice department announced the indictment of two men. one of them an iranian citizen is in custody. another chinese man still on the run. the indictment alleges the men tried to purchase radioactive materials along with parts used in the iran yam enrichment process. they were caught after working with undercover agent. the indictment also indicates that some of the illegal materials did make it from the u.s. to iran going through china. those included nuclear-related machines and wiring. a rally today on wall street ending a six day losing streak and sending the dow to its best close this month. it comes after some of the nation's biggest banks posted strong earnings. the dow up more than 200 points. the nasdaq up 42. the s&p up 22. banking giant jp morgan was the dow's top gainer after reporting a 5 billion-dollar profit last quarter.
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that is stronger than expected and t is despite the new revelation that disastrous credit bets actually cost the company $5.8 billion. triple the original estimate. ceo, jamie diamond ads may be even more losses to come in. a trading debacle that he says has shaken the company to the core. let's get to gerri willis anchor of the willis report on the fox business network. gerri, even with these huge losses jp morgan stocks went soaring today. >> absolutely right. it was costly, it was a huge embarrassment. today traders start to feel like they're putting this behind them. that's great news. hook through earnings report. great news. profits up. loan demands. broader markets higher, john? >> the ceo says the traders involved in that mess. tried to hide their losses. and they're all gone. john, they have all been fired. they have left their jobs now
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there is discussion of claw backs coming for some of the pay over the last. it will not add up to the full 5 billion or so in losses that this company has taken. i have got to tell you that number could still change. we are still finding out. finalized. closing arguments today in a showdown over voting rights. and experts say this battle could be headed for the supreme court. the justice department is challenging a new voter i.d. law in texas saying it violates the 1965 voting rights act. that law was aimed at protecting minority voters. attorney general eric holder says the texas law amounts to a poll tax since some voters may have to pay for new i.d. cards. attorneys for texas claim the law will not keep any eligible minority voters from going to the polls. 17 states have some kind of voter i.d. law. experts say this battle could
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lead to the supreme court deciding the fate of the voting rights act itself. >> lawyers for the man who killed an unarmed florida teenager are asking for a new judge in the case because of concerns about bias. george zimmerman is facing shooting teenager trayvon martin in february. >> lawyers disqualify the judge who is hearing the case. the lawyers pointed to the judge's comments bail for zimmerman earlier this month. in the judge's bail order he accused zimmerman of manipulating the system and planning to flee to avoid prosecution. zimmerman's lawyers say, quote, the court makes gratuitous disparaging remarks about mr. zimmerman's character. advocates for mr. zimmerman additional crime offers a personal opinion about the evidence for said prosecution and continues to hold over mr. zimmerman's head the threat of future contempt proceedings. and the lawyers say because of that, the court makes zimmerman fear that it is biased against him and,
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therefore, he cannot receive a fair trial. it is up to the judge himself to decide whether is he going to step aside and we're told the judge is reviewing the requests right now. it's worth noting this is already the second judge in this case. the first one recused herself after the defense brought up a possible conflict of interest. seems governor mitt romney is in a fighting mood and is he pushing back against the obama campaign's attacks on his business record. governor romney now says he wants president obama to apologize. coming up, mitt romney sits down with fox news channel. and controversy over the welfare to work program ahead. critics say the white house is trying to change the rules making it easier for people to take government handouts. but the white house argues it's just giving states the flexibility they want. and, why an olympic security source says there is a good chance terrorists could sneak a bomb through security at the games. that's all still ahead on "the fox report." building pass, corporate card, verizon 4g lte phone.
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>> jon: concern that president obama is trying to do an end run around welfare-to-work. the requirement that abled bodied adults get a job or job training in exchange for government assistance. the white house insists it's changing the work requirements, not getting rid of them. jim angle is live in our d.c. newsroom. jim? >> hello, jon. well the obama administration quietly offered to issue waivers to the work requirements in the law which conservatives characterized this way. >> the obama administration is gutting welfare reform by claiming the authority to be able to waive work requirements. work requirements, of course, were the heart of the success of welfare reform passed in 1996. >> now, president clinton signed the bill in 1996 after embracing republic ideas for reform. it was enormously successful. cutting welfare rolls in half and pushing child poverty to
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historic lows. now the work requirement can't be waived but the health and human services department claims it can issue waivers by using other provisions in the law. that outraged republicans senator orrin hatch caused it, quote, an outright abuse of the federal government system of checks and balances and insult to american taxpayers. lawmakers were already unhappy because in 2005 the government accountability office found that several states were list listing as work some things that clearly did not qualify including bed rest, personal care activities, massage, exercise, journaling, motivational reading and smoking cessation. so the new developments have aroused a lot of suspicions. >> this is a step backwards so we'll need to make sure that that there is no violation of the law. and, perhaps, we will need new legislation to drive home this requirement. >> now, the administration said it won't eliminate the work requirement but may let
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the states use different methods than those in the legislation. that's exactly what some members of congress are afraid of. jon? >> jon: jim angle in washington. thanks,jim. >> there is still time for the u.s. olympic team to have uniforms made in the u.s.a. that's what one senator is saying. new york democrat charles schumer says the clothing company in his state is offering to make new uniforms and he says they can be ready for the opening ceremony two weeks from today. as we told you last night, lawmakers from both parties say they are outraged team u.s.a. will be wearing ralph lauren uniforms made in china. so far the u.s. olympic committee has not responded to senator schumer's offer. but ralph lauren has just announced that at least for the 2014 winter games the team's uniforms definitely will be made in u.s.a. of course, the top concern at the olympics right now is security. and a man who helped train security staffers for the games now says he thinks there is a 50/50 chance somebody
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could sneak a bomb into the one of the olympic venues. the source spoke with our sister network ski news in london. he told sky there has been a the will of pressure to recruit staffers and managers have been cutting corners on training. in fact, he said staffers repeatedly missed finding weapons and fake bombs during testing but were cleared for work anyway. the company that's carrying out the training responded with a statement in which it says it's committed to insuring the games are safe and secure. that company has also reported because of the problems it's had trying to train everybody, it could lose up to $78 million. a bomb scare aboard a packed delta flight turned out to be a false alarm. that from officials who say swat teams found no signs of explosives. the plane was headed from new york city to madrid last night. officials say somebody found wires wrapped in a plastic tube in the plane's lavatory. according to abc, a federal air marshall became suspicious when he saw pakistani dissent
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exit that bathroom. statement a female passenger from argentina began having breathing difficulties. and thought she could be ay meae crew while somebody else assembled the bomb. the plane landed safely. agents questioned the pakistani passenger before releasing him. meantime safety concerns of a different sort as the airline industry predicts a dire pilot shortage that has officials worried airlines would have to hire pilots who normally wouldn't make the cut. plane maker boeing has forecast airlines will need nearly half a million new pilots worldwide over the next 20 years. the demand rising as airlines expand their fleets. the federal aviation administration's head of flight services is urging the industry to find a solution before the shortage begins. new reaction to that report ripping penn state over the jerry sandusky child sex scandal. the board of trustees promising big changes starting now. and word tonight of one
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physical change to the campus, that's next. plus, a car running a red light and then taking flight. we'll roll the rest of this incredible video. that's all ahead on "the fox report." ♪ [ male announcer ] we believe small things can make a big difference. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life. purina one discovered that by blending enhanced botanical oils into our food, we can help brighten an old dog's mind so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. vibrant maturity. from purina one smartblend. one pet at a time. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could literally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas.
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plan is a direct result of sandusky's crimes. also today the chair woman of penn state's board of trustees acknowledged the school failed to to protect children. >> we will consider a number of immediate next steps with the on of ensuring that a
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collapse of this magnitude never happens again. >> the chairman woman spoke at a regularly scheduled board meeting on penn state's scranton satellite campus. she said her committee would make changes, quote, beginning here and beginning today. that meeting one day after independent investigators reported members of penn state's top brass, including the late head coach joe paterno covered up accusations that coach sandusky was molesting young boys, mainly to avoid bad publicity. greg jarrett is live in our new york city newsroom. that report also blamed the trustee board for not holding those officials accountable. >> that's correct. the freeh report really was, jon, a stunning condemnation of penn state's cover up culture which allowed young boys to be sexually abused. today the university's president vowed to change that culture. >> we are committed to addressing our failings. but this report also reinforces our commitment to helping to build greater awareness of the social issue
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of child abuse. child sexual abuse happened at penn state but it also happens every day in communities across pennsylvania, the united states, and the world. >> a lawyer for one of jerry sanduskyy's many victims said the investigation and report is an emotional vindication for his client. >> he knows now clearly and unequivocally that he was a victim, truly a victim of the four men who failed to stop mr. sandusky. he believes as i do that they were the enablers of a man who is now a convicted perpetrator. >> as for compensation, he said any calculation should include punitive damages to punish penn state for its complicity. speaking of which, those shower renovations you mentioned, jon, will have not happen until all of the legal proceedings in the case are over. jon? >> jon: we're hearing from one of late coach paterno's sons? >> that's right. scott paterno told
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pennsylvania's patriot news he wished his father had been more aggressive in following up on the accusation. but he added, quote: i know my father did not know jerry was a pedophile and did not suspect he was a fed -- pedophile. that may not satisfy the critics. bobby bowden has called on penn state to take down the statue of the coach that stands on its campus. and the chief executive of nike had paterno's name removed from a child care center he founded in oregon. jon? >> jon: greg jarrett, thank you. >> sure. >> jon: some stunning video now of car running through a red light and causing a terrible accident. before you watch it, you should know nobody died in this crash. here is the video. it actually happened last month around 5:30 in the morning are in rozel park, new jersey. red light cameras caught the whole thing. that driver was hurt. but survived. we're told the police hit the driver with charges including driving under the influence.
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>> well that car crash was not the craziest video we saw today. this was. goats that surf. it's not clear whether the goats expressed any interest in learning to surf. but their owner didn't seem to care. >> they did a pretty good job. they caught the first wave. and it was pretty good. i love surfing so i figured the goats would like surfing. >> now, that makes no sense. but, fine. surfing goats. there you go, america. former massachusetts governor mitt romney says president obama should apologize for attacks on the governor's business record and governor romney had a lot more to say in an interview with fox news. we'll hear from both men coming up on this third friday the 13th in a leap year. it will be a long time until that happens again. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i want you to keep this.
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>> jon: if you are suspicious about friday the 13th. well, this has been a really tough year so far for you have. today is the third friday the 13th on the 2012 calendar and the last. there usually are two per year at most but, get this, each of them this year happened to be, you guessed it, 13 weeks apart. well, that is rare. one college math professor says the 13th actually has fallen on a friday more than any other day over a 400 year period. crews investigating calls about a smell of gas soon find themselves facing three story flames.
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top story on a fox trip across america. missouri, residence say they have for a week, fireball erupted. >> we new it was a gas. >> the flames burned just yards from an apartment building. crews evacuated 30 residents. it took four hours for firefighters to close all the gas lines feeding the fire. nobody hurt california. a street arts festival in downtown los angeles turned into a showdown between cops and protesters. the demonstrators reportedly claimed they were supporting the rights to chalk up the sidewalks. witnesses say people started throwing bottles when police tried to move them out of the street. the l.a.p.d. made several arrests and reports some protesters may are links to the occupy l.a. movement. new york. the manhattan d.a. calls t one of the largest illegal ivory
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busts in state history. two jewelers pleaded guilty to selling the stuff. >> we recovered more than $2 million worth and close to one ton of illegal ivory. >> tens of thousands of elephants are killed illegally every year to supply the ivory trade. >> the u.s. has listed elephants as endangered species since the late 1970s. and that's a fox watch across america. >> jon: i'm jon scott in for shepard smith. this is the fox report. former massachusetts governor mitt romney says president obama should apologize for some of his campaign's attacks on governor romney's business record. >> do you think the president owes you an apology because his campaign has suggested you are a criminal or a liar? >> absolutely. my goodness. what kind of a president would have a campaign that says something like that about the nominee of another party? this is reckless and absurd on his part.
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>> jon: governor romney tells fox news some of the attacks are beneath the presidency. carl cammeron is live in washington. carl, you just talked with governor rom anything, right? >> big push back from the governor today. the obama camp says romney has either committed a felony for signing federal documents indicating he was ceo of bain capital until 2002 or lying to voters saying he left the firm in 1999 to run the olympics and wasn't involved in outsourcing that occurred by some of bain's clients that occurred after 1999. fact check groups back up romney, romney not only demanded an apology, he counter attacked, listen. >> i think it's a very disappointing thing. i think the american people look at it and say this is politics a lot worse than usual and they expected more from this president. he talked about post partisan presidency. a change in the way politics worked. change in the way washington worked. people assumed he would make it better. but instead with the kinds of attacks he he has been launching over the last several weeks he has been
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making it worse and people recognize that and they want to know who can get america working again. >> well, president obama today again painted romney as an outsourcer and said the questions about his time are legitimate and when he was at bain that eventually mr. romney he said is going to have to answer them. >> my job is to think about communities, where jobs have been outsourced. and so it is not that he is disqualified because of what he has done. i want us to make sure that that we know what your theory is about how to grow the economy. and that is a question. >> this battle has been playing out mostly in the tv ad wars and surrogates on cable tv. today was the first time the candidates aggressively engaged each other one-on-one directly and it's probably not going to stop any time soon either, jon. >> jon: what about governor romney's tax returns. >> i asked him about news on both. romney has already released
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2010 tax returns and sought extension on last year's 2011. he said today he will release them when they are done and he said that will be it. so, democrats probably aren't going to like it. they want a lot more than that two years is what he plans to give up. as for the running mate, i grilled romney about all the speculation that former secretary of state condoleezza rice is now topping his short list. he didn't bite but when he asked if he stands by his pledge in february of earlier this year to pick a pro-life running mat he said he does stand by his remarks in the past. since rice has called herself mildly pro-choice back in 2006. that pretty much takes her out of contention, jon. >> jon: carl cammeron in washington. thank you. president obama is predicting he can pull off another historic victory in virginia. he was the first democrat to win the long-time red state in more than four decades and is he vowing to do it again. >> because when we win virginia, we're going to have won the election. [cheers] and when we win the election, we're going to put america moving forward.
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>> jon: the president is campaigning in virginia today and tomorrow. but governor romney is trying to make sure voters hear his message, too. he wrote an open letter to the president saying his defense cuts will hurt virginia, home of the pentagon and other military facilities. quote: mr. president, our troops, military families, and veterans want to know why defense is the only part of the federal budget you are willing to cut? they deserve another member of the kennedy family dynasty in trouble tonight. police tell our fox affiliate in new york they charged kerry kennedy while driving while on drugs and causing property damage. they found her behind the wheel of a broken down lexus this morning after 911 calls reported somebody drivinger erratically north of new york city. kerry kennedy is the ex-wife of governor andrew cuomo and the daughter of the late senator robert f. kennedy. he and her uncle were both assassinated in the 1960s. this brush with the law comes after mary kennedy killed
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herself earlier this year. now, to the storms hammering parts of the south. torrential rains triggered heavy floods. that trapped some kids and grown-ups at a summer camp for several hours. here is a look at the scene in houston, texas yesterday. floodwaters completely surrounded that summer camp. rescuers used air bucks to rescue folks stuck inside the building. some communities got nearly a foot of rain in just 24 hours. leaving scenes like this across several neighborhoods near houston. meantime, drought conditions continue in much of the midwest. the u.s. department of agriculture has declared parts of 26 states disaster areas due to the dry conditions. chief meteorologist rick reichmuth is in the fox extreme weather center. anymore rain in the forecast? >> yeah a little bit. we might see another one, two inches or so throughout the overnight hours. the system is going to pull away from here eventually. look what's happened over the last five days. the bulls eyes tension. anywhere up to 15 inches a few cases. right around the houston area.
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over towards beaumont and such. take a look at the last 24 hours of radar. you can see they have had a lot of rain over the last four to five days and a lot of rain that moved here the last 24 hours. now we are starting to see some of these showers fire again around this area. unfortunately a little bit more rain. that does mean the threat for flooding continues if we see another one to three inches because the rain is so saturated there, jon. unfortunately see more flooding after tonight. conditions do improve for them by the time we get to tomorrow and sunday. >> jon: what about the areas affected by the drought? any rain for them? >> kind of a rough situation going on. take a look at how much of the country is in drought right now. look down towards houston not that bad and watch this little stretch towards the tennessee valley. to the north of it is bad and to the south of it is bad. look where we are going to get the rain around here texas. stretched back up into the tennessee valley. unfortunately, the heaviest of the rain is not going to fall where the worst of the drought is. there is some drought going on but unfortunately, we're not going to get it exactly where
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we need it. >> jon: and that east coast heat wave, is that making a return? >> yeah, it is going to make a return this week. east coast got a big break because from all those high temperatures and the heat moved out across parts of the west. watch for tomorrow, start to see this build in here across parts of the central plains. by the time we get to sunday, look at this bulls eye here of extremely high temperatures, will be hot, will be humid. this air mass slowly moves off to the east. monday, tuesday, wednesday looking very hot. of course, jon, remember, this is that bulls eye where the drought is unfortunately those high temperatures returning for a lot of this weekend. >> rick reichmuth in the fox weather center. thanks, rick. >> you bet. more now on those drought conditions. they are making it hard for some farmers to feed their crops. that means we could all be shelling out more at the grocery store. many farmers in the midwest say their fields are simply bone dry and scorched grass has left cattle with little to eat. farmers are now giving the more expensive livestock feed and those feed prices are rising. reuters reports a similar
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drought last year pushed beef prices to record highs. a woman driving away from a wildfire in colorado crashed her car. and caused a new fire in another state. it happened on wednesday as she was on her way to her father's home in oregon. the 19-year-old says she lost control of her car while trying to pass another vehicle on a highway in idaho. she escaped unhurt but the wreck sparked a fire that torched nearly 2,000 acres. officials say crews completely contained the fire this morning. we are hearing from the white house, one day after a g.o.p. congressman wrote a letter to the president asking to interview top officials over those national security leaks. plus, it's estimated nearly one in five u.s. troops serving in iraq and afghanistan show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. now a new report suggests they need to get tested for ptsda a lot more often. that's ahead on "the fox report."
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>> we're hearing from officials after lawmaker asked question top advisors about recent national security leaks. we telling you about this last night. a republic congressman wants to investigate media reports including these "new york times" stories. u.s. cyber attacks on iran and the president's so-called kill list of terror suspects. the president has denied the white house was behind the leaks. catherine herridge live in our d.c. newsroom. catherine today we heard from the lawmaker calling for that investigation. >> well, jon, in a news conference in texas, congressman smith laying out his game plan to question the president's inner circle. ask these individuals to come in and allow us to subject them to questions. we will do that under oath. we will see what those questions and answers are. if they are not forth coming then we might full joshua area committee itself.
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next step is to issue subpoenas and force them to come testify. >> in a letter to mr. obama congressman smith identifying seven current and former administration officials for questioning. including national security advisor tom donilin his deputy thomas mcdonough and john brennan among others. as for white house officials they are telling fox today that the white house will respond to smith's letter the white house counsel. they will will not be responding via at media, jon. >> jon: what are the democrats saying. >> in this letter obtained by fox news, congressman john conyers the senior democrat on smith's committee tried to walk back his challenge to republicans to identify the source of the leaks, quote: i would ask that you not look to my office to provide credibility as to what otherwise appears toen an unspecific, unwarranted and open-ended investigation. told reporters justice department doesn't need any help on the investigation.
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>> leaks are not good for our security. loose lips sink ships, i think it's equally dangerous to try to politicize the intelligence issue and i think that the approach the administration is taking is aappropriate. >> by assigning two u.s. attorneys whose boss is the attorney general many republicans argue the administration is simply investigating itself, jon. >> jon: catherine herridge in washington. thanks. just into fox news one of president obama's campaign staffers collapsed and died that worker just 29 years old. he died at the president's campaign headquarters in chicago. we don't yet know what happened but we do know he had worked with the president's political team since 2004. the white house says president obama called the staff's family to express condolences. our nation's troops should get screened for post-traumatic stress disorder at least once a a year.
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currently troops are only screened before or after deployment. the u.s. has deployed 2.6 million service members to iraq and afghanistan since 2001. it's estimated some 20% of them have the anxiety disorder ptsd. this new report recommends the annual screening as well as increasing research since symptoms can take years to show up. the disorder also has been linked to suicide u.s. army statistics show 150 confirmed suicide cases in active and nonactive duty service members alone. searchers say they're looking for at least four people after a landslide plowed through a mountain town. it's our top story as we go around the world in 80 "around 0 seconds." a witness says it took just 40 seconds for the whole landscape to change. the landslide destroyed a number of homes in a tiny british columbia town. it came after heavy rains pounded the area over the past
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month. rescue crews say they are probably looking at a recovery mission. south africa. officials report dozens of people killed and dozens more hurt after a train slammed into a truck full of farm workers in an eastern region. the scene was gruesome. >> we are in a state of shock. >> police say it appears the truck driver miscalculated how long he had to cross the tracks. >> united kingdom. for the fourth year in a row, a parade sparked sectarian violence in northern ireland. it happened as protestants marched past a catholic area in belfast. >> everybody has got to stand up against people who only are interested in violence. >> police say rioters fired gunshots but none hit any officers. morocco. a kwame amputee arrived on the country's northern coast after swimming there from spain. it's part of his attempts to
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swim between all the continents. he says he plans to cross the bearing strait next month. and that's the wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 "around the world in 80 seconds." >> banking scandal. when did officials find out about something strange in the interest rate market? what did they do it about it? that's next. plus, you heard of money burning a hole in your pocket? what about money that melts? that's coming up on a fox report. what can i get you ? cheeseburger. you know what, got any salads ? b-ball, anyone ? and then take your leg wide out to the side. you can do it, dad ! thanks, girls.
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i'm really proud of you, dad. ma the most of your network with verizon. re 4g lte coverage than l other networks combined.
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>> new questions about a major
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financial scandal and what u.s. regulators knew about it and when. fox business network got a copy of a 2008 memo from treasury secretary timothy geithner back when he was president of the new york federal reserve. t suggests regulators knew banks might have been providing misleading information about how they set interest rates. rates effect how we all plane on loans, mortgages, credit cards, student loans and more. james rosen is live in washington with details on us. thanks. >> john, good evening, these documents by the new york fed today show america's central bankers had early glimpses of the lending scandal surrounding the average interest rates that the banks in the u.k. charge each other. barclay has already paid out a half billion-dollar settlement and top officers there have resigned amid disclosures that the large british bank misreported data in order to fix the rate. other u.s. and uk banks are now under investigation. these new documents show that back in april of 2008, when treasury secretary timothy
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geithner was the new york fed president, investigators there interviewed critical witnesses, quote: the barclays employee explained that barclays was underreporting its rate to avoid the stigma associated with being an outlier with respect to its libor submissions relative to other participating banks. seven weeks later geithner emailed the governor of the bank of england recommending that the british banker's association or dba, quote, require that a reporting internal and external' external auditors and bank's accuracy of libor rates. >> manipulation of prices and this effects every investment decision that people made, whether it be an interest rate or loan or derivative that people can come back and say hey, i suffered a loss because this rate was artificially set and it was wrong and i deserve compensation. >> the bank of england, which geithner contacted back in '08 insisted today that, quote, no evidence of deliberate
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wrong-doing has been cited. jon? >> jon: james rosen in washington. thank you, james. well, you might want to watch your wallet the next time you are in canada because apparently some of the cash there, tends to melt. canada recently introduced 50 and $100 bills made from a new material officials call them quote the most durable bank notes ever issued. but some news agencies in canada report that the cash actually starts to warp when it gets hot. and the bills can actually melt together if somebody leaves them in a car on a hot day. canada's national bank reportedly has begun reimbursing folks for the messed up money. a spokeswoman says it tends to melt only, quote, under certain extraordinary conditions. seven minutes of terror. that's what nasa scientists are predicting when the new mars recovery lands -- rover lands next month. internet sensation with a short video all that happens to happen to set down the
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rover on the red planet. a heat shield a giant parachute and bunch of rockets all expected to help take the rover from 13,000 miles per hour landing in just a few minutes. engineers say there is zero margin of error or the 2.5 billion-dollar vehicle could be toast. meantime a nasa observatory has caught sight of a massive solar flare. burst of radiation from the sun. the stream of charred particles is heading right towards earth and will joss sell our magnetic field sometime tomorrow. they say it's unlikely to disrupt anything that we would actually notice. a teenager in new mexico says he has found a stray space rock right here on earth. the 13-year-old says he found a meteorite last year and scientists just confirmed it's the real deal. the teen won't say exactly where he made the fine. he says he has been hoping for years to find a meteorite and even had his grandfather design and build a special metal detector to help him in
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his search. just a day after "american idol" judge stephan tyler called it quits with the show. another pop star from the panel is following the aerosmith singer out the door. jlo is singing her swan song. next. what could it all mean for "american idol"?
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[ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t, with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... and, well... rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. rethink possible. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. by what's getting done. measure commitment the twenty billion doars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar
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commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. >> jon: jlo says she is following stephan tyler out the door at "american idol." jennifer lopez says she is leaving her role as judge on singing competition. interview with the show's ryan seacrest it came after the day aerosmith front man stephan tyler announced he is done as a judge as well. idol airs over on big fox. lopez says she just doesn't have the time to continue her judging duties. she says she would be open to returning as a singing mentor. no word yet on a possible replacement for her or tyler.
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noorly 80 years after bonnie and clyde died in a haze of bullets guns set to group for auction. she had a revolver taped had-to-her thigh while handgun waistband. 100 to $200,000 should bring at auction. outgunned by police who trapped them and fired 167 bullets in the car during ambush. in addition to several robberies and burglaries the couple was suspected of murdering more than a dozen people. updating top stories tonight the syrian regime has moved some potentially deadly chemical agents out of storage facilities and the source tells us the pentagon does not know where some of those stockpiles are right now. we're told the chemicals may include cyanide and the deadly nerve gas sara sara ran. >> jp morgan chase reported
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higher than expected earnings. visa and master card plus some major u.s. banks have agreed to pay at least $6 billion to settle accusations those companies fixed the fees that stores paid to accept their cards. attorneys called it the biggest antitrust settlement in history. and on this day in 1793, a french royalist sympathizer murdered john paul in one of his own bathtub become one of the most iconic scenes in the french revolution. newspaper articles made him a long list of enemies including the daughter of one aristocrat. after carefully plotting his murder she met him at his home in paris. the writer was sitting in his tub where he often worked as he battled skin disease. she pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the chest and waited for police to arrest her. and a guillotine killed her four days later. his death immortalized in a neo classical p


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