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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  July 9, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>>megyn: thanks for watching. "studio b" with shepard smith, live in kansas city, missouri, starts now. something is happening relating to ... baseball. >>shepard: the classic, why aren't you here? >>megyn: it involves sports and i don't know anything about it. >>shepard: we are at home of the royals and the home of the all-star game, the midsummer classic on tuesday night on the big fox network and of course, our good friends at fox say why don't you come over and take a look and we figured we would. this was the in the early 70's and they have upgraded it. it is absolutely perfect spot for the midsummer classic. it was 104 degrees here on the patio in rice field but a little thing came law and it cared off
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and a rare july low 80's. in kansas city. we will cover that. and guess who will join us? among others the newest member of the fox sports team. many our male guests in the audience may recognize her, and i will ask her about the things anyone should ask her about and baseball, too. unless breaking news changes everything. the biggest cell phone network in the nation are now reporting major jump in surveillance requests. authorities reportedly asking for everything from g.p.s. coordinants to text messages. and they are doing it more than a million times. and many of the customers were not suspected of crimes. why is that? and six united states airmen buried at arlington national cemetery decades after issuing a may day signal during vietnam war. >> and a fistfight after a little league baseball game. if you have not seen this, you
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need see this. stay classy, parents. all ahead. unless breaking news changes everything. >> first from fox at 2:00 in kansas city, president obama today pushing for another extension of the bush tax cuts but only for the middle class. the move sets up another election year fight with republicans on who wants to extend the tax cuts for everyone including the wealthiest. we speaking at white house, the president argued today that slashing taxes for the very rich has not helped our economy, at all. >> we do not need more top down economics. we tried that theory. we have seen what happens. we cannot afford to go back to it. i do not propose anything radical. i believe that anyone making over $250,000 a year should go back to the income tax rates we paid under bill clinton. back when our economy created
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nearly 23 million new jobs, the biggest budget surplus in history, and plenty of millionaires, to boot. >>shepard: republicans rejected that quickly which they say will drag down the economy. and hurt small business. we are likely to see a political stand off in congress over this. and on the campaign trail. as the president seeks to draw contrast with his republican rival, governor romney. and ed henry has the news, live at white house. ed, what is the president's strategy? >>reporter: part of it is to change the subject, he has a dismal jobs report on more ground for the white house, they believe, is to talk about what has been for him the defining issue of that presidential campaign which is tax fairness. critics call it class warfare and he insists it is the right thing to do and made the case, today, that while taxes will go up for those making over $250,000 a year, he says the
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vast majority, 98 percent of americans, will see their tax rates stay the same. take a listen. >> we know what those who are opposed to letting the high income tax cuts expire, will say. they will say that we cannot tax job creators. and they will try to explain how this will be bad for small business. let me tell you, folks who create most new jobs in america are america's small business owners. and i have cut taxes for small business owners 18 times. >>reporter: this is not just a fight between democrats and republicans he has intra party work to do. former house speaker pelosi is in favor of extending the current tax rates from back in the bush administration for anyone making $1 million a year or less rather than the $250,000 a year or less than the president is laying out and he only wants to do it for one
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year. so they still have work to do. >>shepard: one year which gets us past the election and republicans are sounding a familiar refrain that raising taxes on anybody in an committee like this is the wrong thing to do. >>reporter: and they quote the president himself, who the last time the bush tax cuts and the tax rates were expiring after the 2010 midterm elections the president said it is a bad idea to raise taxes on folks by letting the rates expire, raising taxes in the middle of a struggling economy, the president said, then, is a bad idea and, today, the romney campaign put out this statement, and a spokesman said president obama's response to more bad economic news is a massive tax increase. it proves, again, that the president doesn't have a clue how to get america working again and help the middle class. that is, really, the junior -- the major point with the president presenting him sex as a warrior for the middle class and focusing on standing up not
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middle class. the romney campaign republicans on the hill are trying to say it is not just about taxes but also about jobs and the economy and they do not want to focus only on the future but look at president's record the last four years which they think has been dismal. >>shepard: everything all right there, the ambulances are aknowinging. >>reporter: i am jealous you are at the all-star game. i am pulling for yankees all the way, we have three guys in the lineup. >>shepard: three guys and a pitcher. thank you, ed, maybe the president will take a trip over he always follows it. and now cell phones and privacy, according to a new government report, law enforcement agencies across the country asked the major us cell phone carriers to turn over everything from wiretaps, even text messages, and the exact locations where folks use their phones. and it has been happening more than anyone might have thought. more than a million times last
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year alone. the companies include at&t, sprint, t-mobile, and verizon, and some of them report a 15 percent jump in this data request compared to 2010. in some cases, investigators asked for a so-called data dump, information on every kind of user and even if some of the folks were not suspects in a crime, at all. the chief fox correspondent is back in new york city with more on this privacy rights and how activists are raising serious red flags. >>jonathan: everyone is concerned because the number of requests is growing so fast. 15 percent more in 2011 that in 2010. according to a congressman who looked for the information, there were 3,500 requests from law enforcement every single day
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of 2011, something like 148 requests every single hour of every single day and according to the congressman "we cannot allow privacy protections to be swept aside with the sweeping nature of these information requests especially for innocent consumers." law enforcement agencies are looking for a needle but what are they doing with the haystack? that is a question that pretty much anyone who uses any sort of mobile device might want answered right now. >>shepard: by law enforcement agents are going on the side of how vital all of this is, rather than anyone's privacy concerns. >>jonathan: what they point out, law enforcement officials, is that pretty much at every single crime scene in this modern world in which we now live, there is some sort of mobile device, so, following the records of that mobile device can be an important tool in helping them solve a crime.
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as for the wireless companies they take privacy very seriously and hand over information only when required to do so by law, but some of them do point out that location information is an important area here and just these data dumps from any cell phone tower they get is an area that according to some of the companies, does need to be looked at by congress and in needs to be clarifies on the law. >>shepard: thank you from new york city, and now to our legal team, former prosecutor arthur aidala with us in "studio b" and criminal defense attorney, randy zelin. arthur each day it seems like more and more of our privacy concerns are overlooked on the side of law enforcement and other agencies that want to try to make us safer. but, there is a point of diminishing returns and you wonder if we have reached it. >>arthur: you could not be more right. this country was founded a
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fundamental principle of this nation, that the government, the military men working for the government could not just come in and kick in your front doors and go through your underwear drawers and look for whatever they were looking for. that is a reason we went to the revolutionary war. that and taxes, the whole thing. your individual freedoms and your individual privacies and they are being eroded. at&t gets 700 requests a day for this information, and 230 are "emergencies," they say they do not need a warrant because it is an emergency. 230 a day! every state in the union has a major emergency they need immediately? it is a way to bypass the law. it is wrong. >>shepard: and randy, sometimes easier is not better when as arthur put it we were founded on privacy. senior citizen -- >>randy: the chan is we are not in
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revolutionary times when it took a million years to get a piece of mail. we live in a time where any given moment we can be put, this country can be put in jeopardy, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. if you have anything, cell phones are a critical way to get evidence to stop something before it happens, here the ends justify the means. it is all in the name of "protecting." >>shepard: do you believe anything you just said randy? >>randy: absolutely. >>arthur: a judge, law enforcement is suppose to go to a judge and say, judge, this is why we need the records and the judge says yes-or-no. >>randy: and in that time someone is blown up. >>shepard: that is so cold -- old school. house republicans have held 30 votes, now, trying for get rid of the health care law. they are about to try again.
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analysts say they have absolutely no chance of success. so, why are they doing it? voters. we will get into that coming up. and one final honor for six men who died serving our country at the end of a mystery that lasted half a century. [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni & cheese without freshly-made pasta. you could also cut corners by making it without 100% real cheddar cheese. but wouldn't be stouffer's mac & cheese. just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffer's. or annuity over 10 or even 20 years?
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>>shepard: and reporting live this afternoon from the stadium in kansas city and we are learning that republicans sets to make their first challenge to the new health care law. since the supreme court upheld the constitutionality. the republicans told the house
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of representatives have scheduled a vote for this wednesday to repeal the entire law. and it will be the 31st time the house of representatives has voted to repeal, de-fund, or in other ways break up the president's signature domestic achievement of his first term. of course, a repeal would have little or no chance, actually, no chance of patting the democratically controlled senate and even if it did, which it won't, the president would most certainly veto it. shannon is live in washington with the news. the republicans lost at the supreme court, so why are they still keeping up the fight? is it purely political? >>shannon: that is what the democrats would argue but republicans argue this: they say just because something is constitutional doesn't mean it is good for the country. they do acknowledge that our current hilt care system has significant problems and they believe the president's health care law is not right solution. they want to show the american people they have better ideas. here is house republican and physician, tom price. >> what we believe we need to do
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is provide that contrast, that positive upbeat contrast for the american people to say, those are the folks that are fighting for us in washington for patient centered health care which means patients and families and doctors making medical decisions, not washington. >>shannon: republicans say now that the supreme court has defined this mandate as a tax they believe they will get democrats to vote with them on appeal, at least in the house of representatives. >>shepard: is there a concern even among the conservative circles, that this repeal vote could end up hurting the republicans politically speaking? >>guest: there is some chatter there and democrats say they are confident that is what will happen, that americans are tired of all the fighting over the health care law and feel like the supreme court settled the matter. here is a house democrat from california on the matter. >> the point is this: we should be moving forward. why are we going backwards talking about what was already done, litigated, debated and passed? and also affirmed by the supreme court? we should talk about jobs.
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>>shannon: democrats are launching a series of ads telling voters that their republican representative in congress is about to vote to strip away their health care benefits. that repeal is scheduled for wednesday. >>shepard: thank you, shannon. should voters have to show a photo identification at the polls? it is a political question. the question is in federal court today. and, some experts say the answer, really, will affect millions upon millions of people this november. we will get into that next. and a syrian government accuses of killing its own people and the leader says those people want him in office. and he will stay in office because that is what he wants.
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the medicare debate continues in washington...
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>>shepard: 50 years after an air force plane went down in southeast asia during the vietnam war, all six service member on board were buried today. in a special ceremony at arlington national cemetery. for years, the whereabouts of the six plane was a mystery. and the crew sent out may day signal but lost contact with control towers on christmas eve of 1965. some relatives say that for years they held out hope that the airmen could still be alive, somewhere, and merely taken prisoner. but, four decades later, search teams from the united states and the asian nation of laos recovered the remains of each of those service member.
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jennifer griffin has the story like from the pentagon. jennifer? >>reporter: it was a six-man crew flying in an air force ac47 plane. after take off they went ms over laos christmas eve 1965 the last day their families knew for sure they were alive. 50 years later, they were laid to rest, finally, at arlington national cemetery a day closure for the families. all six were buried in a single casket. one from rochester, new york, and a colonel from florence, south carolina, and chief master sergeant, from new york, and chief master sergeant from lebanon, oregon, and lieutenant colonel from cedar rapids, iowa, and chief master sergeant from i'd foe hauls, idaho, shown in photographs taken before they
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crashed over laos. thornton's son was in sixth grade when he was told his dad went missing and he kept thinking he would just walk out of the jungle and return home. he thought he was simply misplaced. their recovery came in 2010 and 2011 when search times conducting missions similar to the one ship here in vietnam, in 2010 they found evidence of human remains and some of their personal items conducting tests with dental records and the pentagon p.o.w. missing personal office has 83,000 service member still missing in action, mostly from world war ii. in vietnam, alone, 1,284 american service member are still missing, today, six families had a degree closure after 50 years of wondering what really happened to that plane and their loved one on christmas eve, 1965. >>shepard: thank you, jennifer from the pentagon. a legal showdown, now, underway,
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today, in with thed with, over whether the state of next can require people to show photo identification in order to vote? the state officials say the rule helps prevent voter fraud but justice department officials blocked the law this year saying that it discriminates against minorities who are said to be less likely to have photo identification in the first place. opponents also argue it will disenfranchise other legitimate voters including the poor and the elderly. current texas law allows people to she voter registration card or a utility bill. the if you rule requires a government issued photo card. it also allows handgun licensing but not student i.d.'s. our judicial analyst joins us with details on this. one side argues, judge, that this is very good, a very good thing for republicans because of the kind of people who are more likely to vote democratic the kind people i just listed who would be in the words of some
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democrats, disenfranchised. >>judge napolitano: if that is the reason for the statutes the courts will probably invalidate it. the statute has to be neutral on its face and in application. it cannot be written with the purpose of enhancing the vote for one side over the other. the argument in favor of the statute is, look, you need to show an i.d. to walk into a federal government building and a state government building or to get on a plane. you should be able to show an i.d. to vote to prevent voter fraud. the federal government argument is voting is a fundamental liberty like speaking on a street corner. you do not need an i.d. to speak or buy gas and if you do what is wrong with the one you already have. why do you have to travel a great distance and only use the one that the state of texas issues? so, those are the questions confronting the three federal judges in washington, dc, even as we speak. >>shepard: how do you thing this will go down, judge, from
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the basis of reading it, and knowing the justices? >>judge napolitano: my gut is it will be invalidated and i think it will be invalidated because i believe that the justice department will be able to show that this will have an unfair burden on the elderly, the poor, and the minorities. not that it was intended to do so but it will have that practical effect and if the court finds that, it will invalidate it, and then the old rule of a utility bill, or anything you have, showing where you live, will be sufficient for this november's election. >>shepard: will it make a difference in the election coming up in it is not as if texas is in doubt. >>judge napolitano: i don't think it will make a difference next to, possibly in the local rates but not presidential race in texas which has gone for republicans solidly for many generations. >>shepard: judge, nice to see you. >>judge napolitano: wish i was with you i want to see the
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yankees star in that game. >>shepard: it would be fun especially from the budweiser patio. thank you. a big named socialite with influential friends including a former president, is renouncing her united states citizenship and it is saving her millions on the tax bill. we will get it do that and a year after the shootout that killed the u.s. border patrol agent terry, the justice department has charged several people with murder.
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>>shepard: this is "studio b" at bottom the hour time for the top of the news, live from kansas city, home of the 2012 major league all-star game on fox. the united states justice department announcing charges against five people today in connection with the murder of the u.s. border patrol agent brian terry a key figure in the investigation into the controversial gun sting or gun walking operation known as "operation fast and furious." he died in a 2010 shoot out near
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arizona's border with mexico and officials say weapons found at scene were linked to that operation. the justice department today also offering a $1 million reward for information leading to the arrest of four other suspects in the case. and now that story covered live with the news. what do we know of the suspects, william? >>reporter: this indictment has been sealed for 18 months and the first time that the f.b.i. has spoken publicly. we thought only one man was in custody and while we find out a suspect's brother is also and has been in custody, and he is wanted for providing the guns used in the shooting. that $1 million reward you mention? that is offered for information on the whereabouts of four fugitives, all believed in mexico, dropping $250,000 a suspect, and the wanted posters are going up in mexico as we speak. the prosecution says that while there is plenty of political drama surrounding the case on
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capitol hill, the contempts against the attorney general, they remain focused on finding the killers. >> there are unprecedented atmospherics surrounding the case. i want the terry family and the members of the u.s. border patrol to know that the atmospherics have not distracted the efforts of the prosecution team. >>reporter: the f.b.i. did not tell us in what cities in mexico they believe they are hiding or did they go to the ballistics. that has been controversial. >>shepard: william, thank you. >> overseas, there is a small but noticeable shift in russian's relationship with the syrian government. russian officials say they will not sign any new weapons contracts with syria unless and until the violence calms down in syria. of course russia and syria have been allies since soviet time
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and has has blocked the u.n. from taking tough actions against the syrian government. last week secretary of state, hillary clinton said russia and china must pay a price for standing not way and the special envoy kofi annan met with bashar al-assad and they agreed to a new approach for peace but the syrian government has agreed to a number of "new approaches," for peace over 16 months and, today, opposition groups reported 17,000 people have died in the syrian uprising. and now the pulitzer prize winning journalist judith miller and adjunct fellow from the manhattan institute. judith i looked forward to asking you what the deal encompasses. the russians are saying we will not offer new deals for remain as for syria but we do not know how many are left on the current deal.
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>>guest: precisely. with russia you have to look at the fine print and what is really important here is the deliveries that have been promised, are the russians going to stop any deliveries on existing contracts and most people think they are not going to do that and that is what the russian officials are indicati. also, this announcement was not made by the foreign minister so that tends to play down the significance. what the rebels would like to say is this is the first time that the russians have actually made a gesture in their direction but on the other hand, a lot of this just seems to be more of what we have seen, biding time, and efforts to split the syrian opposition, particularly the annan talks which are now going on, they have moved from damascus, to iran the former secretary of general on way to tehran and will sit down with syria's most important ally. you have to be very cautious,
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very few people are calling this a breakthrough right now, they see it more as a delaying tactic >>shepard: kofi annan is not saying that publicly, and i wonder how much, well, how much credence we get to his suggestion that they could be closer than they were? >>reporter: when we have talked i have said that kofi annan's game is the only game in town. there is no (b) plan, but, the idea at this point, that the reasonables are going to sit down with the man who slaughtered between 15,000 and 17,000 syrians, that just don't seem to be in the cards. most people looking at what annan is doing, they think that it will have the effect not of what he intends but it will have the effect of splitting the syrian national council, half will want to sit down with assad. half won't. this, of course, plays into bashar al-assad's hands. >>shepard: thank you, judith miller in new york city.
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a wealthy socialite with powerfiends including president clinton gave up her united states citizenship. a move that the experts say could ultimately save her tens of millions of dollars in american taxes. and we are lending this could be part of a growing trend among folks with deep pockets. the woman's name is denise rich. you may remember a long time democratic donor and a grammy nominated songwriter who wrote songs for aretha and jessica simpson. her ex-husband is the billionaire trader, mark rich, and he left the united states in the 1980's after he was indicte on charges of tax evasion and making illegal oil deals with iran. president clinton pardoned mark rich back in 2001. now, a lawyer if denise rich says that the socialite gave up her united states passport so they could be closer to her children and her current partner in europe. but at the same time, her tax bill could get a whole lot
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smaller. trace has the details on this live from the west coast. do we know how much money she stands to save and the united states taxpayers stand to lose? >>trace: somewhere between $30 million and $50ment because, remember, she now is a citizen of austria and unlike the united states, austria does not require you to pay taxes on your world-wide income so that will save her a bundle. and she owns $65 million penthouse in new york, up for sale, a mansion in colorado and $174' yacht and gets tens of millions in investment income. congress pass add law that imposes an exit tax but the experts say if she just restructures her assets into foreign contracts, she could leave the united states paying very little money to the government. >>shepard: trace, thank you live from los angeles this afternoon. i do want to ask you a question: i mentioned in the report that i gave at the top of this segment
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this is becoming a bit of a trend. is there evidence of that? >>trace: well, they did not start keeping numbers about those who give up their citizenship until 1998 but if you look at this chart it has steadily increased. go back to four years, from 2008 to now and look at the numbers: 688 percent increase in 2008 to now and they expect this year to be higher. we talk about denise rich but facebook co-founder, he is among those high profile rich people who also gave up their citizenship. and, those from the conservative cato institute believe the trend will continue. listen. >> there is a lot of concern that in the long run especially, america is going to become another collapsing welfare state like impress and, then, you add on top of that, the fact that our tax code is incredibly punitive for people with a lot assets and we are seeing more and more people deciding that an
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american citizenship is just too expensive and risky in the long run. >>trace: and they expect older rich people to leave because they would no longer have to pay inheritance tax. >>shepard: thank you, trace, from los angeles. >> it looks like tom cat is a done deal despite the speculation of a long drawn out fight tom cruise and katie holmes have agreed on a divorce settlement and we have the details a short time ago. there is more news, not just tom cat if you can imagine. there is more. managing my diabetes is part of my life,
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5-hour energy. wise choice. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy. trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all thi great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddis. so if u're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc nd don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. >>shepard: tom cruise and katie holmes have reached a divorce settlement that we can have relief. they were married in 2006 at an italian castle, and there was all that jumping around in
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oprah's couch and it cost the wedding town $3.5 million. she filed divorce citing irreconcilable differences and requested custody their six-year-old daughter, suri but now that will not happen. and now all the details live from our new york city newsroom. what do we no? >>reporter: i did not expect you to say jumping on the couch was awesome, i did not realize you were a fan. you must be devastated they are splitting. it is official. they reached the agreement in under two weeks probably that is a record. but, we have confirmed with both sides, this from the hole -- holmes legal camp the case is settled and the agreement is signed. we are thrilled for katie and her family and are excited to watch as she embarks on the next chapter of her life. we thank tom's counsel for their professionalism and diligence that helped bring about the speedy resolution. and we reached out directly to
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tom cruise's long time attorney and he confirms the case is settled with a signed agreement and tom is pleased we got there and so am i. by all accounts, she settled in new york and had filed in a new york courtroom, a lost speculation about why tom cruise was working in iceland. why it came so close to filing of the case and it could be because of church did not want details out about what she has suggested was pulling their six-year-old into the religion or they may have wanted to recollect her from the details about marriage and divorce. >>shepard: but the scientology stuff is still swirling but we get nothing on the record, as always, but what about the matter of the custody of their daughter? >>reporter: it has been reported all weekend that tom cruise said no settlement is accepted by him or his side of
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this unless he had meaningful and significant contact with his daughter. we do not know the details of what the agreement has concerned custody but it is safe to assume they worked out something where they will share parenting. shear a quote released today from both of them, a spokesman for both, we committed to working together to accomplish what is in our daughter's best interests, and we want to keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other's commitment to our respective beliefs, read what you may, and support each other's roles as parents. it is likely we will not hear much more about this in terms of details of the millions and property and cash that could have been exchanged but we will see her with both her parents going forward. >>shepard: thanks very much back in new york, the legal panel is back, arthur aidala, and criminal defense attorney
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randy zelin, chilling back there in "studio b" and i am hopeful the next couch thing comes up soon and i am curious would he will end up with this time. a great show. >>arthur: the attorneys and their respective parties deserve credit. get it over. do it swift. you know these drag on forever, kim kardashian was married for three weeks and it is still dragging on. with no child. they did what is best for the child, mom and dad will both raise the child and visitation will be worked out and their picture will be out of the newspaper by tomorrow. >>shepard: what about scientology in what is the deal? >> what arrest sure said was touching and beautiful, but i think they sat around the conference room table and katie's lawyer slipped the piece of paper across the desk to tom and his lawyer and they whispered and they said,
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whatever you want. so, my sense is that, this is being done, so fast, with the lawyers making $1,000 each, in time, because this is a lot of stuff that is never going to see the light of day. >>arthur: randy's way of saying extortion. >>randy: extortion is ugly, friendly settlement to keep the details away. >>shepard: all great, right? i will ask erin andrews about it in a minute. she is more interesting, right, arthur and randy? >> oh, yeah. >>shepard: erin andrews wised up and left that four letter word over there on cable that used to do sports until fox took over and now fox is doing all the sports and there is no four letter word on cable honor andrews is on fox. erin, why did you come to fox? what will you be doing for fox? what do you think about the all-star game? isn't that a beautiful dress!
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>>shepard: 53 minutes after the hour and 2:00 in kansas city, missouri, home of the 2012 major league all-star game, the summer classic tuesday night on fox, fox, fox. so we heard about erin andrews, you may remember half of you probably remember her in the afternoon it would be 40 percent of you our 60 percent of you are women, so, anyway, erin andrews was at espn and espnu help --ence has gone out of business and we have decided to higher written andrews because espn is gone now. people do not watch cable. >> that is news to me. i normally see you on the
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football side lines. we have seen each other a few times. >>shepard: i like football side lines. >>erin: you get the best tickets down there with the team. >>shepard: you will do college football on a brand new fox game of the week on saturday. >>erin: how awesome is that? fox and college football. you can visit us we will be in los angeles, filming obviously, and it will be a big pre-game show, 30 minute show, and we will talk about all the games that already happened that day on the east coast, and injuries and upsets, and going through the highlights. >>shepard: the worldwide leader and erin andrews parted. espn is not really closed my producer asked me to tell you they have 50,000 channels but you left them and came to fox. why? >>erin: i was this eight years and it was a difficult choice, decision to make, but i am someone who wants to grow and learn and it is not time for me to hang it up i want to get
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better and fox is offering opportunities to be here at the all-star game on tuesday, offering an opportunity to host college football show, nfl, as well, i get to join those boys on the regame show and do nfl side lines, and also work baseball post-games. how could you say in? it is here with you if >>shepard: you have been here a week. i like the fox thing better my days at espn were limited. how do you like it? >>erin: my first week i love it. different to be the new girl, i find myself being a little shy and reserved which will wear off fast i am sure. >>shepard: perfect world i get to ask you of your shy and reserved background. you had rough times while working for the espn. >>guest: yes. >>shepard: how did you get through that? >>guest: my family and friends and my co-workers at espn and coaches and athletes, everyone length their support to get through it and now the next goal is to focus on strengthening the laws if stalkers, and to protect people that are stalking
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victims. >>shepard: so now we have joe buck obviously a cards man and you as a red sox fan, all losers. losers. >>erin: coming from a yankees fan who is pretty darned lucky as we were just talking the way they handled the injuries. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. our current dividend tax rate will expire this year, sending taxes through the roof and hindering economic recovery. the consequences? millions of americans will see their taxes on dividend income spike,
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>>shepard: back with erin andrews and this afternoon little league baseball game and a couple of fully grown men throwing punches as the kids were supposed to get the trophies. >>erin: my gosh. >>shepard: it was called by an official the most disgusting thing he had seen working for the league and they asked someone to turn down the music and the cops came both men facing diagnosis orderly conduct. why do adults act like there? >>erin: i worked a little league world series for four or five years and the team that won it all was from columbus, georgia, one year, and that is where that


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