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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  July 6, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> yeah, they are tied in the basement by the way. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this edition of "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. "the fox report" is next. >> harris: this is the fox report. tonight. george zimmerman goes free from jail again on $1 million bail. so what's next for the neighborhood watch men at the center of the travon martin case? and some troubling numbers on the economy and jobs. if you are like millions of americans looking for work, it is not encouraging. it is another kick in the gut to middle class families. >> we have got to grow the economy even faster. we have got to put even more people back to work. >> harris: now a political battle over jobs tonight, what it means for the presidential election and for the millions of americans who are still out
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of work one of the nation's most notorious back in the spotlight. now his attorney is trying to get the conviction overturned. also, high anxiety ahead of the summer olympics. new terrorist arrest in britain put a nation and the world on edge. i'm harris faulkner in tonight for shepard smith. we begin this evening with what the president calls a step in the right direction. and his republic rival calls it a kick in the deputy. it's a report on unemployment that's moving the focus from hot topics like healthcare and immigration right back to the economy. and today the government reported businesses added just 80,000 jobs last month. the third straight month that number has been low. it's nowhere near enough to budge the unemployment rate,
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which remains at 8.2% nationally. that means 5 million people who lost their jobs during the recession are still out of work. the news rattling wall street and our 401(k)'s. the dow down 124 points erasing gains for the week. the nasdaq fell 39, the s&p lost 13. it comes as president obama wrapped up a bus tour through some crucial battleground states. both the president and his republic rival governor mitt romney turning the jobs report into an election year rallying cry. i want to get back to the time when middle class families and those working to get to the middle class have some basic securities. that's our goal. [cheers] >> we have got to grow the economy even faster and put even more people back to work. >> the president's policies have not gotten america working again. and the president is going to have to stand up and take responsibility for it. i know he has been planning on going across the country and celebrating what he calls
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forward. well, forward doesn't look like a lot like forward. >> well, two very different takes. but both agreeing our economy has a long way to go. ed henry with the news live in pittsburgh where the president spoke earlier today. ed, republicans are hitting the president hard for celebrating a little early? they are, harris. president trying to say if you compare things to last summer when the national unemployment rate was over 9%, things have gotten at least a little bit better and he is trying to make the case that his policies have had an impact, but he runs the risk of looking a little too optimistic as you suggest because of the fact that you will remember a couple weeks ago he said the private sector is doing fine. he got hit by republicans for that. then today he suggested that despite this dismal jobs report, the economy still is on the right track. take a listen. created 4.4 million new jobs over the past 28 months. including 500,000 new
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manufacturing jobs. [ applause ] that's a step in the right direction. that's a step in the right direction. >> one thing the obama campaign is banking on is despite a lot of anxiety all across the country still about the economy, that when you come to battleground states like here in pennsylvania, ohio, where he was earlier today on the bus, both of these states have unemployment rates in the state under 7.5%. still high. but it's better than the national average, harris. >> harris: well, i know a lot of people were talking about that line, step in the right direction. i wonder if he will continue to keep that in his speeches as the president though was making his case today, some of governor romney's surrogates were not buying it. >> that's right. some of the potential vice presidential picks, in fact, both bobby jindal, the governor of louisiana, as well as tim pawlentyy, the former minnesota governor, they have both been out on their own romney bus if you will in these battleground states pushing back against the president and tim pawlenty today basically said, look, the president has had more
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than three years of his policies to take effect. take a listen. >> his slogan of hope and change has turned into bait and switch. and we saw what the job numbers this morning, all of his promises about turning it around the economy and all the good things he was going to do for the country have mostly been unfulfilled or broken. >> now, they are going to have charges back and forth now for the next four months. the bottom line is any time you still have more than 12 million people in this country unemployed. that's a danger zone for any incumbent in either party, harris. >> harris: ed henry, thank you very much. a sign governor romney's campaign is taking its message beyond the economy tonight. apparently he is planning a blockbuster world tour in late july. four country os three continents all springboarding off his history of organizing the 2002 olympics in salt lake city. we're told the details are not quite nailed down yet, but we are hearing the trip would begin with a major address in reno, nevada. then governor romney would head to london for the start of the olympic games.
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from there he would fly to it israel to meet with key israeli and palestinian officials. there is also talk of a stop in germany or maybe poland for a public address. our carl cammeron with the news live for us in washington. carl, why this world trip now? >> well, harris, foreign policy is a huge part of the presidency. this is a trip that will give romney an opportunity to showcase his command of those issues. there is plenty of examples of this. back in 2008 then candidate obama visited europe and drew massive crowds, hundreds of thousands of people in some cases, john mccain met with leaders when he visited the u.k., france, jordan and israel when he ran against president obama back then. romney will be particularly critical of the president. vfw speech in nevada. as is the custom he will try to temper remarks overseas and unload when he comes back afterwards. he recognizes, too, this is precursor to the upcoming debate season. romney is fully aware that debates are going to be
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decisive moments and foreign policy will play into it. >> harris: if what we have seen in the past with the primary is true, a lot of people will be watching those debates for making their decision in november. i know today's weak jobs report perhaps gave governor romney a chance to pivot away from things like healthcare. >> sure. technically romney was on vacation in new hampshire this week. but the fallout over the supreme court's healthcare solution had conservatives ringing hands with the history of healthcare in mass massments frankly the conservatives fakely were frustrated by lack of aggressive attacks overall. today's job report was weak and presents an opportunity for romney to get oback on offense. the fact that the president called it a step in the right direction only makes it easier for romney to call the president out of touch with how bad the economy really is. >> harris: all of this why we call you campaign carl cammeron. good to see you. >> thank you. >> harris: the state of georgia asking the federal court to uphold controversial immigration law citing last week's supreme court ruling on a similar law in arizona. the top court recently struck
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down most of arizona's tough immigration law it upheld a section that required police to check the immigration status of those stopped for other reasons. georgia has tried to pass something like that. the 11th circuit of appeals said in march it would rule on georgia's law after the supreme court decision. the appeals court expected to rule also on alabama's new immigration crackdown as well. well, more than half of the 50 states are now exempt from the strict requirements of the no child left behind act. that's after president obama released two more states from that obligation today. the law taking effect in 2002 during president george w. bush's first term it was meant to help the nation's poor and minority children by imposing tough consequences on schools that did not meet certain performance goals. but critics, including president obama no child left behind forced some teach to the test states that promise prepare students for the exam.
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today wisconsin and washington state got exemption. on a day when the word jobs is ringing in the ears of many americans, starbucks issues an alert. it's adding jobs to the u.s. see how the king of coffee drinks plans to do that and the man who admitted killing florida teenager travon martin out of jail tonight. george zimmerman out on bail for a second time. we're learning about the rules he must now follow and what's next in the case. stay close. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain.
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>> harris: george zimmerman, once again a free man, the neighborhood watchman who admits he killed unarmed teenager posted bond for a second time today and walked out of a florida jail. t came a little more than 24 hours after a judge set bail at $1 million yesterday. the judge had radio voked the initial $150,000 bail you may remember citing evidence zimmerman had mislead the court about money he had raised for his defense and may have been planning to leave the country. zimmerman wants attorney is now managing those web donations and they report supports have contributed some $20,000 since yesterday's new bail order. zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second degree murder. in the death of 17-year-old travon martin. he claims the shooting was self-defense. prosecutors argue zimmerman profiled the teenager and
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initiated a confrontation. phil keating live in our south florida newsroom with the news tonight until zimmerman is out but he can't go very far. >> oh no, harris. is he on a very tight leach thanks to this judge. is he once again wearing a g.p.s. tracking ankle bracelet. this time around is he absolutely forbidden from leaving seminole county, florida. his attorney says tonight he is living at a safe house under disclosed location and also, he cannot set foot on airport property. can't apply for a new passport and can't have a bank account. his attorney said zimmerman is not a threat either to flee, break the rules or endanger the public. >> bond is a significant one but i don't think t mattered whether it was a million dollars or $150,000. george zimmerman will be in court when he is supposed to be there. >> attorney don west also disclosing they have hired private security officers as well for zimmerman's safety.
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harris? >> harris: phil, i understand that travon martin's parents were speaking today, too. >> this afternoon in new orleans, alongside long-time supporter reverend al sharpton, they expressed their disappointment with the fact that the judge actually issued that million-dollar bond. they preferred no bond at all. about an hour before zimmerman actually did walk out of jail, that's when travon martin's mother expressed her anguish. >> just to know that the killer of my son may walk free some time, one day, it really hurts. >> and the martins do accept -- the martin family does accept that it's going to be a long time, perhaps up to a year before they get justice in a court of law. as of this point no trial date is set. harris? >> harris: phil keating reporting in south florida tonight. thank you very much. supply routes to get u.s. military equipment into afghanistan may finally be open but some truck drivers now say they are afraid for
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their lives pakistani government reopened critical into yesterday. the pentagon needs them to get supplies to our soldiers on the front lines. pakistan had closed the routes after a nato strike killed soldiers. the white house expressing regret for the death. some trucks have already started heading through the crossings and others are lined up ready to roll. drivers say they are worried about attacks because of anti-american sentiment. egypt's new president opening a new investigation into the deaths of nearly a thousand protesters. a newly formed committee will now investigate the -- after the arab spring protest that forced hosni mubarak from office last year. last month a court sentenced mubarak for life in prison for failing to stop the deadly crackdown. that same court acquitted mubarak's two sons and other high level officers. activists saying they have yet to see justice for those killings. the new president is a member
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of the muslim brotherhood which had long opposed mubarak's government. he killed his wife and that murder case soaked up a lot of ink in the headlines. scott peterson convicted. put on death row and now a change an appeal from peterson and his attorneys. also, something you may not know, the history of government leaders in argentina kidnapping babies. tonight, justice in that country and the truth about what happened. you're watching the most powerful name in news. you know it, fox. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast,
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>> harris: an attorney representing convicted killer and death row inmate scott peterson filing an appeal to have the verdict overturned it all began back in 2002 when
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scott peterson's wife vanished. her body was found in the san francisco bay. what followed was one of the closest watched murder trials since o.j. simpson. he blamed a satanic cult. he wanted his wife dead so he could be single again. they pointed to the fact he had several affairs. in the end judge -- a jury found him guilty and a judge sentenced him to death. mistakes made in the case media attention made it impossible to get a fair trial. claudia cowan live in san francisco now looking into this. claudia, high profile defense attorney mark geragos is out. peterson has a new lawyer. >> that's right, harris. is he better at death penalty aattorney gardner. 400 page appeal. having the trial so close to where lacy peterson's body was found. cot peterson didn't stand a
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chance at getting a fair trial. quote, before hearing even a single witness nearly half of all prospective jurors admitted they had already decided mr. peterson was guilty of capital murder. gardner also takes aim at the admissibility of controversial evidence like the jury's visit to a fishing boat similar to the one scott allegedly used to dump his pregnant wife's body in the bay they were allow actually get inside that boat. stand in it, see how t felt and balanced. there was a big issue made about that. >> another issue relates to a police dog that picked up lacy's sent at the berkeley marina a few days after she vanished. the defense argued that particular dog had a very poor track record but it became some of the prosecution's strongest evidence. harris? >> harris: how is peterson holding up on death row? >> harris, he he is now 39 years old. and he looks a little bit thinner here in his most recent mugshot. prison officials tell us he
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doesn't take any classes at san begin tons, has never held a job. aside from the five hours a day he gets to spend outdoors. is he confined to his cell which is also where he eats his meals. one of california's most notorious inmate scott peterson initially attracted scores of female admirers from around the country. prison officials tell us he still gets fan mail but not as much as he used to. harris? >> harris: yeah, i remember his nickname. they said he was scotty the hottie if i remember reading correctly. >> that's right. >> harris: claudia, thanks very much. two former dictators convicted of kidnapping babies from opponents. this happening in argentina. take a look now. the man on the left ran the country from 1976 to 1981. the man on the right ran it from 1982 to 1983. the years of the so-called dirty war when the right wing regime brutally handed left wing uprising. people disappeared. and government agents
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reportedly stole the babies of hundreds of political prisoners and had military associates raise those children. today, when a judge read the verdict, celebration. >> [speaking foreign language] >> many of the kidnapped children have never been reunited with heir real families. the convicted dictators, to this day, maintain their innocence. officials have finalized the vote count in the election. the controversy there appears far from over. the final count shows the winner, this man, had some 3 million votes more than his closest competitor. his challenger suggest they will win that contest in utter do. they have accused the president elect and his party of widespread vote buying. those allegations intensified when thousands of people rushed to grocery stores to cash in their gift cards. got them from workers winning party. it's not illegal unless those
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gifts are meant to influence the vote. the tough economy has been especially trying for construction workers. experts say there are finally some signs things are starting to get better before too long. what they know that you should know. and three weeks ahead of the summer games. one athlete just made olympic history at the young ripe age of 65. that's coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968.
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>> one breaking record showing up in london. that's because this will be his tenth olympic games. first earned spot on canada's equestions tree an team in 1972. he has made every olympic since. he would have broken that record with a tenth appearance if canada hadn't broken the. >> it's a great thrill to be doing this for the tenth time. when you start off with these things, i never had a grand
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plan. the journey was all about the journey. you don't think you are going to win, you shouldn't government we believe we are going to win. >> harris: i like that attitude. if you don't think you are going to win, you shouldn't go. that win would give miller his first gold medal. he says he has no plans to retire either way. by the way the u.s. led that 1980 boycott of the moscow games over the soviet invasion of afghanistan. a public bus for the disabled never even slows down before this t. slams into a line of corse. it's our top story as we go across miracle -- america. >> texas, traffic cam video crash. you can see the transit van brake lights flicker at the very last second as it plows into the back of a car. that car's driver survives but remains hospitalized no passengers in that van.
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the driver on paid administrative leave. farther south in the lone star state. an officer was driving through beaumont with his bind doe down during fourth of july celebrations. when a bullet fell from the sky and hit him in the chest. >> pin and hit him in the right side. >> harris: what saved him? he was wearing body armor. arizona. police arresting a woman in phoenix on suspicion of child abuse. witnesses at a restaurant claimed she poured beer from a pitcher into her son's sippy cup. and then let him drink it. police say she admitted doing it to stop him from grabbing for the pitcher. alaska. marine mammal specialist gathering at an aquarium to give 24 hour care to the whalen. the male calf was two days old when they found him separated from his mom. at the has been at the center for two weeks at the cost of
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$2,000 per day. that's a fox watch across america. i'm harris faulkner in tonight for shepard smith. this is the fox report. disappointing jobs numbers for june. hitting some people harder than others. construction workers facing even higher unemployment than the national average with the weak economy grinding projects to a halt. today the president signing a monster transportation bill from congress bridge projects and lawmakers say it will create up to 3 million construction jobs. as we told you off the top of fox report tonight, the government reports our economy added just 80,000 jobs last month. leaving the unemployment rate stuck at 8.2%. it reports there has actually been a drop in the unemployment rate for the construction sector down more than a percentage point to 12.8%. the lowest since june of many of those workers have left the field entirely. mike emanuel live in d.c. now.
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mike, those numbers suggest where we have been. where am lis say going construction jobs. >> one analyst told me today he expects there will be gradual improvement in hiring in the construction industry over the next year or two. he is looking for signs of hope while is he troubled about more skilled workers leaving the field. >> it's discouraging that the industry has not yet been adding jobs but when you combine it with some other things like the announcement of a big air bus plant going in to alabama, very strong demand for apartment construction. can you see that there are still areas of strength in construction. >> though, when you consider peak unemployment in construction was 27.1% in february 2010, even at 12.8% now. there are still many experienced people who have been out of work a long time. harris? >> harris: well, while the president cannot control private sector hiring, can he encourage public sector projects. what's he saying about that?
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>> that's right, harris. the president would like to use money we're no longer spending on the war to fund more infrastructure projects in the u.s. he made reference to doing a little nation building in communities closer to home. >> there is work to be done building roads and bridges and wireless networks. there are hundreds of thousands of construction workers that are ready to do it. >> but with our nation's debt soaring and many arguing the massive stimulus package in 2009 didn't do enough, there is probably not much appetite for more spending of that kind this year. harris? >> harris: mike emanuel thank you very much. a republic congressman who launched a short lived presidential run has resigned from congress. just a short while ago. citing a nightmarish past month and a half. michigan congressman thaddeus mccotter failed to secure enough signatures as you may know to get on the primary ballot for his own house race. officials said many of the signatures he had were not valid. he attempted a write-in campaign before calling it
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quits all together effective immediately. a congressman released a statement saying that recent, quote, indignities and deceit have weighed most heavily upon my family, end quote. he also encouraged michigan officials to continue their investigation into those signature irregular glats. -- ig regulators. the. >> california state senate has approved a multi-million-dollar plan to fund the nation's first high speed rail system. the bill would connect los angeles to san francisco. now, you may have known critics are calling this rail line a waste of money. especially in the tough economy. but supporters claim the state badly needs the infrastructure project. the bill now heads to democratic governor jerry brown for approval. we will let you know what happens with this. well, police in great britain report they have arrested seven men on terror related charges in northern england. the announcement comes just a day after in london yesterday they arrested six other terror
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suspects. all of this just weeks before the london olympics as you know. he we are told so far there is no exact link to the games. the arrest on the northern part of the country actually taking place last weekend after a routine traffic stop. we're just learning about them. officers impounded the vehicle and guns weapons stashed inside. backed by islamic militants and investigators are on high alert. >> and on the one hand, harris, these arrests had nothing to do with intelligence. i mean, they found these weapons, discovered them in random search of a car that was impounded because of an insurance violation. but if you look at this on the other hand, it's good because it means that authorities over there are not just waiting for information to come to them. they are going out and gathering stuff that they believe rings alarm bells to they can nip these things in
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the bud. here is former cia operative mike baker. listen. they may have carried that investigation out further just to find out how far that net was spread. but because we're coming up on the olympics now. i think there is an element there that says well, look, we have to -- you know, we have to show some force. we have to show some capability. we want to put people on notice that we are out there. that we have stepped up our game. >> stepped up their game. again, they are saying that these arrests have no connection to the olympics. opening ceremonies by the way begin in three weeks, harris? >> harris: well, regardless of that, they sure are spending a lot of money. i have read that the olympics could have a billion dollars worth of security the tab is already $750 million and counting. the britain threat level is listed as substantial third highest on a 5 point scale that means that an attack is a very strong possibility. now today london opened up these things called game
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plains, traffic lanes that only olympic athletes, officials and v.i.p. can use. you see the security right there. add though those lanes some 10,000 police officers and military personnel and enough to surveillance cameras to capture every angle of every corner. they hope it's enough. keep in mind so far there are no credible or specific threats toward these games but they are very attractive targets. hairs? >> harris: good point. we hope it stays peaceful. trace gallagher thank you very much. weather alert now. severe storms, some of them deadly ripping through several states and midwest. people in ohio just recovering after a storm yesterday knocked down trees and killed at least one person. boy, they have been hit a lot. and officials in tennessee blaming the weather there for two additional deaths. meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people across several states still have no electricity. this is after days since the storms last week. we're also seeing some of the dryest conditions in years. the u.s. drought monitor
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reports 56% of the continental united states is in drought condition. the widest area in its 12-year history. most of that due to the scorching heat wave hitting much of the country. people desperate for relief heading into the weekend. let's see if we get some. fox meteorologist rick reichmuth out here. >> not just yet. we have got to get through the weekend and then we have some relief going. still some brutal conditions out there. right now it feels like 108 in chicago. 6:30 at night there so hot. see the lighter colors of yellow and green. that's where you have some of these thunderstorms. this hot and humid you get some of the thunderstorms that you are showing there, harris, that severe weather. we might see more of that throughout the night tonight. here is where all the heat is and all of our heat warnings are. and you can see a big swath here. especially back across the great lakes and into the ohio valley. that all pushes off towards the east for the weekend. so the mid-atlantic into the northeast tomorrow the temperatures build will feel
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like 108 in washington, d.c. and 101 in new york. you see that in chicago though. 98 degrees. that's a big relief. by sunday you will notice these colors lighten a lot and that's good news. 84 in chicago. 82 in cleveland. much of this next week for the eastern part of the country is finally going to see some big relief. >> well, you know, some people may say will the storms bring some relief to the temperatures? you and i have both lived where it's hot down in arizona. we know those storms bring a the love lightning. >> they do bring a lot of lightning. out west you see some of that spark some of those fires. seeing the monsoonal activity bringing temps down across the west. tomorrow we are going to see that threat for severe weather across areas of the ohio valley, stretched back through baltimore, new york, boston. it's going to be a quick line of storms moving through. going to be rough to get through with some of the lightning, the strong winds and the hail. maybe a tornado or two. the god part about that is behind this, harris, the temperatures are going to be much much better for everyone. >> harris: oh the silver lining. rick reichmuth, thank you.
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let's stick with the weather now. president obama issuing a major disaster declaration in minnesota. after storms there last month caused more than $100 million in damage. the president ordering federal aid to help recovery efforts in 13 counties and three indian tribal areas across the state. severe storms and flooding during a single week in june destroyed dozens of homes and businesses. some of the worst conditions in that state's history. the state also requested individual aid for people not covered by homeowner's insurance. look at that moving water. well, secretary of state hillary clinton now calling out china and russia. saying they will pay for blocking international attempts to bring down the syrian president. as a top syrian military officer defects. the latest on that story next. plus we have all heard of honeymoon hotel packages. one company is offering a way town tie the knot. it's a hotel.
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u.s. secretary of state speak that frankly and especially speak to a country like russia in that way. but the russians do not scare easily they issued a statement saying incorrect pay the price for supporting ally president assad there in syria. so far doesn't look like anything is changing on the ground in syria. amateur video coming out of that country once again today. showing massive attacks on civilians by the syrian army. and, in fact, rebels report the syrian army used helicopter gun ships to recapture at least one rebel strong hold killing a number in the process. now the friends of syria meeting has said they are going to increase aid to the on opposition, also provide the opposition with key types of communication. however, that's a little bit easier said than done, harris. if no other reason t is very
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difficult to figure out how give this stuff too because the rebels are so poorly organized. harris? >> harris: yeah, that's an issue that i remember we talked about a lot with libya. trying to identify who was actually on the ground and who do you arm and who do you train? now, i know, leland that secretary clinton is also talking today about the defections of those syrian army officers. what's become of that? >> very embarrassing for president assad. in fact, one of his close friends walked over the border to turkey and saidy the i defect. we have a picture of this guy. who went to school with president assad. part of his key circle. right now it's embarrassing for president assad but yet to have any tack kick call implyifications because he didn't take any soldiers with him nor did they defect or go over to the other side. one thing though that has really marked this conflict in syria is the loyalty of assad's inner circle.
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if this begins to be the proverbial first break in the dam, it could certainly be a very big problem for president assad in the coming months. obviously that's what the united states hopes for. and russia and china standing by assad will obviously give members of his inner circle at least right now a little bit of hope. that may help him keep them together just a little bit longer. harris? >> harris: leland vittert, reporting tonight. thank you very much. police fire tear gas into the streets to break up rallies by thousands of protesters. our top story as we go around the world in 80 "around the world in 80 seconds." the opposition claims new government voting rules will prevent transparent elections. security forces using tear gas to block thousands of protesters from rallying at a stadium. hundreds of demonstrators moved on to the french embassy. where the violence and gassing continues. india. an elephant killed its handler and went on a five hour
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rampage in a central state. locals saying the pachyderm uprouted trees and telephone poles before officials from a national park got it under control. china. customs officials in hong kong saying they have made their biggest ever cocaine bust. with a street value of nearly $100 million. local media report investigators got a tip from u.s. counterparts and found the coke in a shipping container from ecuador. united kingdom, a light show marking the end of exterior construction on what will be western europe's tallest building the. the shared tower in london standing more than a thousand feet tall. the developer saying it will be a city within a city. >> i don't think -- i'm sure there another vertical town of etail offices, restaurants, hotel. >> the skyscraper due to open to the public next year. that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 "around 0
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seconds." >> around the world is sponsored by verizon. >> check into a hotel. check out. check out you are single. hotel company in netherlands. get away divorce package complete with on sight lawyers anded me yartsdz. company's founder move on with thinks lives in just a few days. come three days. makes me kind of sad though. the founder says the company can perform the service at any hotel with a two room suite because you probably don't want to share a radio. he is also looking to expand to other countries very soon the ceo of one of the nation's most popular companies time to do its part to help out the u.s. employment situation. starbucks taking action to brew fresh batch of jobs here at home. we'll tell you about it inside "the fox report."
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hairs hargs america wants workforce may be getting a perk from coffee, starbucks sent a group of vift lep tores to bring jobs back to u.s. soil. it's based on the company giant's line of made in the u.s. merchandise including mugs that debuted in stores last month. instead of shipping jobs overseas, starbucks deciding to make some products here. the ceo saying it's all about reviving our struggling ghee. mike tobin live in chicago. mike, this is an example of someone not waiting for the government to do something about jobs. >> well, that's exactly it, harris. harris showr shoults the chief of starbucks launched create jobs for u.s.a. program. we are just starting to see that go into effect in east liverpool, ohio. that was once a mecca of pottery manufacturing until the manufacturing jobs all went overseas. american mug and stein there
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was tasked with making the coffee mugs that go along with this program. so instead of shutting the doors, that company will add 8 jobs where they are badly needed. >> it's not something in the short-term that's going to turn the city around and save us. you know, we are not going to get tax dollars for another a cop off of 8 jobs. the huge benefit right now is from the attention that it's getting for the city. >> now the mugs they make are more expensive than if they were made by cheap foreign labor about a dollar more. can you consider that an investment in american jobs, harris. >> harris: i understand that this actually would not be possible without some special financing. >> yeah. it's remarkable. despite having the orders and a promise from the juggernaut of coffee, american mug and stein couldn't get the financing they needed to get started through the traditional banks. fortunately for them starbucks is affiliated with the opportunity finance network which specializes in creating economic opportunities in impoverished areas.
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they ultimately got the financing. they got the ball rolling, they hope this is just a start, harris. >> harris: how about that mike tobin, thank you very much. >> you got it. >> harris: now to the middle school principal accused of having her daughter plant a hidden camera in a texas high school locker room. that principal facing up to 20 years behind bars of improper charges of improper photograph and wiretapping. according to investigators, here is why she did it the principal heard the girl's basketball coach was yelling a lot at the players. so she want'ed to catch him in the ad though the camera did not actually record anything inappropriate. it happened during halftime at a basketball game at the high school. the principal turned herself in is now free on bond. a defense attorney says she didn't do anything wrong. keep a close eye on your snacks if you are in colorado. people there say some crafty bears are breaking into cars in search of something to munch on. and now we he have the photographic evidence of the hungry bears. mmer is here.
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>> harris: some good investigative work here i suppose. the suspects in a series of vehicle break-ins in colorado. caught. the culprit momma bear and her three cubs. woman in colorado opened a car door and found these guys in the backseat. yikes. she says the mother bear ran off and left her cubs inside to take the blame. the animals have reportedly been breaking into people's cars in search of food. they have been warning people that the bear population would be explosive after a milder winter this year. well, tennis fans set to witness history this year no matter who wins. super star roger federer advancing to record setting 8 wimbledon. he is one away from tieing seven wimbledon titles. across from him first time finalist and hometown favorite andy murray. first british man to reach a wimbledon final in 74 years. and the last time a brit actually won wimbledon 76 years ago.
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and updating some of our top stories tonight, the dow dropping 124 points after the government released weaker than expected jobs numbers for the month of june. the unemployment rate stuck at 8.2%. the neighborhood watch watchman who says he shot and killed unarmed teenager posted bond and walked out of jail for a second time in florida. and on this day in 1944, a deadly circus fire in hartford connecticut killed 150 people and hurt hundreds more. nearly 8,000 people have gathered inside a big top to catch the matinee show which included a performance by the great woe lindas, now known as the flying with a lindas. the tent was waterproofed with fair fen wax and gasoline and somehow caught in fire. in eight minutes the burning tent collapsed and trapped the people inside. most of the victims were children. convicted arsonist claimed responsibility but later took it back. the exact cause of the worst circus fire in u.s. history remains a mystery to this day.


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