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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  October 16, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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sunday." captions by closed captioning services >> "fox news sunday" is a presentation of fox news. >> harris: breaking news tonight from las vegas. the racing world brought to a stand still at this hour. as indycar driver dan weldon was injured and has now died. it happened during the indy 300. here is what people saw as his car and 14 others wrecked. it has been a few hours and dan wheldon had been in the hands of 20 doctors and a whole lot of prayers. i'm harris faulkner. we are live as fox reports tonight. and working the story for us. our casey stegall from our west coast bureau. casey, how did this happen? >> harris, we know that this is a dangerous sport. the people involved know that this is a dangerous sport. how did this happen? >> well, it looks like it is just what we're calling it, an accident, a very unfortunate
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accident in las vegas this afternoon. you know, even seasoned race car drivers say they have never quite seen an accident this bad. 15 cars involved. look at those pictures. some of the cars erupting into fireballs. danica patrick is the first woman to win one of these indy races and she describes the scene as something out of a movie. this happening a little after 1:00 this afternoon at las vegas motor speedway during the indy 300 race. a chain reaction wreck as one of the drivers lost control of his car exiting the second turn on lap 12. you can see that the cars then started sliding into the retaining wall. some of them going airborne. eyewitnesses say one of those vehicles flying right over wheldon's car, number 77, shearing the roof off. look at all the debris from still photographs.
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a team of more than 20 doctors worked on dan wheldon once he was pulled out of that wreckage. then the 33-year-old british driver and former two time winner of the indianapolis 500 was air lifted to the university medical center in las vegas where he later died as a result of his injuries. the indy cars traveling at speeds of more than 220 miles per hour during practice just to give you an idea of how fast those things go. and we're hearing from some of the drivers that they had expressed concern about those speeds on this particular speedway. wheld done by the way had to start at the back of the field in this race as part of a special promotion, but he had quickly worked his way through the 34 car field. he was racing for a 5-million-dollar bonus. now, 3 other drivers were also hurt. will power, j.r. hill did he
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brand and pippa man. they were all transported by ground ambulance. they are said to be alert but the extent of their injuries not clear. obviously this news had many of the other drivers and staff out there absolutely shaken to the core. a special meeting was called where they received this word. most of them were seen then leaving crying. many of them were comforted right out on the racetrack there. wheldon was just married in 2008 and is survived by two young children. harris, they lived in florida. and just absolutely devastating to the racing world today. >> harris: you know, casey, he raised with the andretti team. i was actually watching the race tonight. to see those drivers weeping and then get into their cars for a memorial lap was just very touching. casey stegall with all the information on how the crash happened. thank you very much. let's learn more about about dan wheldon a premier name in indy
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racing. steve shared joining us with more information on this racer. first of all i want to ask you about the other racers that happened in that meeting. when they came out, pete, you could see on their faces that something had happened that they knew more than the rest of us. >> yeah, the ceo of indycar randy bernard came out and said what happened. we lost one of the sports legends right now. wheldon he survived a family. wife he married in 2008 and two young children youngest son born in march of this year. it's a horrible story. he was one of the beloved racers of the indy car circuit. auto sports in general. wheldon worked as a broadcaster on the versus network. american fans were becoming fond of him as a popular voice of the sport. horrible tragedy, as casey said there were serious concerns about this course. 34 cars on the track, more than usual. the oval of 105-mile, it's just very, very conducive to accidents. there is going to be a lot of
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answers to be had after this and really a sad day we lose one of sport's great legends. >> we were talking and watching this as it played out, it's only been a couple of hours ago now. you and i were talking in the newsroom about this race and you watched him hit the fence line here. for those of us who have been to races like, this you question kind of the way that this is shaped, an obstacle sticking out like that. tell me about this course. >> the course is a 1.5-mile oval. if you look at typical nascar race huge oval, a lot of space to roam. they think it's going to be a thrill a minute indycar in auto racing in general you want those thrills. this though was such a tight course that wall so close and the fence so close you are getting a thrill a minute but this is the possibility we have with this and going to be a lot of criticism after this. 34 cars on this track is a lot. you have a crash like this where 15 different cars are affected, and, again, we lose dan wheldon
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who was, again, one of the most beloved athletes in the sport. >> harris: the announcement that the race had been completely cancelled, how rare is that? >> very rare. very rare. they came on and did the five lap tribute. like casey said, racers with tears in heir eyes trying to hold it together for this in honor of wheldon. very rare and you don't like seeing this ever obviously. we'll see what happens with the sport now. there is a lot of changes going on. danica patrick is going to nascar now. she was the sport's biggest star, wheldon was right up there. a lot of questions to be answered for indycar at the moment. but on a more personal and more real life level, again, you hate losing anyone and this is one of the stars of the sport. >> harris: yeah. 33 years old. peter, as we watched the story unfold in just the last couple of hours, we learned that there were so many doctors who were working on him and that others and we reported through casey stegall's reporting tonight had been injured, too. what you can tell me about some of the injuries that have been
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sustained by some of the other drivers. >> it seems like the other drivers are going to be okay. there was dizziness. there was back pain. they went to the hospital as well. three drivers specifically. but the word was that there was over 20 doctors working on wheldon. these other drivers are going to survive. they are going to live to see the next day, you lose weldon here, this is the major story, horrible tragedy in sports today. >> danica patrick describing it as a movie that had played out. you see all the emergency response teams moving on to the track right now. with you been to these races. what is happening at this point? how wide is this track? how are they moving into place to get to these people who were injured. >> they did everything they could. they air lifted wheldon out. the emergency response team got there. the question is now, you know, the safety of these type of courses. are we going to see these ever used again. so tight, so small, so compact with some cars. again, the concerns were there. there were comments throughout the week with drivers saying we're not so sure we are going
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220 miles during practice which is far faster than they usually go. we have concerns. the race occurred and, yeah, casey mentioned, dan wheldon could have won $5 million at this race. a gimmick went in worst from first where he started, indycar was trying to make this as interesting as possible. trying to appeal to fans with fast, compact oval and the race style that 34 cars on that course, that's trouble. and, again, we lose wheldon. >> harris: all right. pete schrager fox now atop the newscast with us as we have learned that dan wheldon, premier i didn't understand race car driver has passed away in just the last little while from injuries that he suffered at the indy 300 in las vegas. we'll take a moment and pause.
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>> harris: moving on to other news, brand new threats from iran today as members of the white house say the rogue nation was behind a plot to conduct deadly attacks on u.s. soil. iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad today denying those accusations and saying iran is a terror-free nation. >> terrorism is the active nation that don't have any culture. iranian nation has a rich culture and pioneer of civilization. it it does not need acts of terror. >> harris: new reaction of khomeini. he warns iran will react to any outward threats to the united states. you will recall earlier this weaker the justice department had announced the arrest of this former used car salesman. he and members of iran's army facing charges tried arranging with a mexican drug cartel to kill the saudi ambassador to the u.s. and blow up embassies in washington, d.c. and argentina. president obama saying the rogue
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nation has to, quote, pay a price. our peter doocy with the news from washington. >> the "new york times" is reporting that to further isolate iran, president obama wants the u.n. to release classified intel proving once and for all they are experimenting with nuclear weapons, something experts say would not be good. >> everything that's wrong with iran today, the world's largest financier of international terrorism, for example, gets infinitely worse once they get nuclear weapons and they are very close to that point. >> the chair of the senate intel committee said this morning that this might be a smart move by the administration because sanctions for whatever reason don't appear to be the right way to go. >> i don't think the sanctions have been as complete as they must -- as they should be. i wish they had sanctioned the central bank of iran. and that would effect oil and maybe that's why they didn't do it. but that makes a big difference. >> she says oil might be part of
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the equation and this "new york times" article says another variable are inspections. they say the head of the international atomic energy agency has thought about going public with this explosive intel before but never did because he didn't want his inspectors to be banned from iran in any case the administration has made clear that in the wake of the terror plot allegedly planned by their government isolation is important. >> this president has been very focused on. holding up iranian behavior so it is clearly seen by other nations around the world our international partners to isolate and put pressure in a way that has never before. >> "new york times" report says another reason the administration is pushing for this to go public they think after we were wrong about wmd's in iraq in 2003 our credibility might be shot. harris? >> harris: peter doocy thank you very much. this development tonight,
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uganda's president speaking out over u.s. military troops being sent to his country. the president clarifying it's better to call them personnel not troops adding it was wrong sending u.s. troops to fight the lord's resistance army or lra or guerrilla group. instead, americans will be gathering intelligence. president obama announcing friday he is dispatching about 100 u.s. special op. forces to africa to advise in the fight against joseph coney. and the sports world now to revisit our top story in case you are just tuning in. the sports world losing one of its premier race car drivers. the scene, las vegas, just a couple of hours ago. indy 500 champion dan wheldon has died from the injuries he suffered diswiewrg this massive 15 car crash. this happened during the 13th lap of the indy 300. we are updating you as we get new information on it. dr. martin luther king jr.
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and even better for your customers. ♪ for safe and secure ways to stay connected, visit >> harris: dr. martin luther king jr. now taking his place alongside the other heros of american history and civil rights movement some 50,000 people on hand for ceremony at nation's capitol. mlk first honoring a black leader. president obama speaking at the event urging americans to draw energy and lessons from peace from dr. king's teaching. >> that is why we honor this man because he had faith in us. that is why he belongs on this
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mall because he saw what we might become. that is why dr. king was so quintessentially american because for all the hardships we have endured, for all our sometimes tragic history ours is a story of optimism and achievement. >> our kelly wright was at today's ceremony. he joins us live now from washington. kelly? >> harris, good evening to you. the martin luther king jr. memorial is the first built on the national mall as you mentioned in honor of a black man and a person who is not a president. the statute sits a short distance from where dr. king made history. in 1963 when he challenged america to end racial injustice during his famous "i have a dream" speech. 48 years after his famous speech now thousands gathered right there at the mall to celebrate the life, dream and legacy of dr. martin luther king jr.
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>> aretha franklin that you are listening to right there she moved the crowd singing the song precious lord take my hand one of dr. king's favorite songs. dr. king honored their father issuing a challenge to all to fulfill king's dream for brotherhood. >> we will ultimately triumph over those triple evils of poverty, racism and militarism that my father championed often. let us embrace dad's legacy. let us celebrate dad's life. more importantly, let us live as dr. king envisioned. >> it was a dedication ceremony fit for honoring a king. thousands swaying arm in arm, hand in hand, singing we shall overcome, a song that became the signature turley song of historic marches for freedom that dr. king led during the civil rights struggle. president obama praised king for stirring the conscious of america. he said more work needs to be
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done, however, even during the country's current tough times. >> so with our eyes on the horizon and faith in one another, let us keep striving. let us keep struggling, let us keep climbing toward that promised land of a nation the world that is more fair and more just and more equal for every single child of god. >> dr. king talked about being a child of god as well and urging all people to realize that as such they have an obligation to form a better society, what he called a beloved society. harris? >> kelly wright, thank you very much. always good to see you. >> good to see you. >> new developments in the case now of missing baby lisa. who police are questioning as the state deploys the national guard now to help find her. stay close.
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>> harris: new developments in the search for a baby who vanished nearly two weeks ago. members of the missouri national guard joining the search for lisa irwin now, she was only 10 months old when her parents reported her missing on october 4th. they say she disappeared from her crib in the middle of the night. also this weekend police searching an abandoned home after getting a call about diapers and a backpack inside. they say those items probably would not offer much in the way of evidence. >> the diapers have within there a very long time. it just doesn't fit. but, again, we're going to do everything we can to make sure that's the case. >> our julie banderas is live in our new york city newsroom with the latest on this julie? >> finding alarming but pure coincidence at this point. the diapers in that backpack found in the abandoned house had
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been there actually longer than the two weeks that lisa has been missing. kansas city police were called to the home by a passer by who found the diapers and contacted authorities. >> well, as you know, we were called here because somebody found some diapers in the basement of this abandoned house. and you are going to seat crime scene vans and everybody coming out because it's the right thing to do. we are going to do it right. based on our initial observations it's nothing we are getting excited about. >> however they continue to investigate just to make sure with no promising leads so far, missouri's governor has sent about 25 members of the guard's military police who joined fbi agents and officers from several police and sheriff's departments from nearby communities in missouri and kansas. in all, nearly 100 people split up into several groups and scoured a large wooded area west of the family's home in search of evidence in her disappearance today. an anonymous donor has posted $100,000 reward for information that either leads to the safe return of baby lisa or to the conviction of anyone involved in
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her disappearance. that donor has also hired a private investigator. police have arrested a homeless man by the way seen in the neighborhood on an outstanding warrant but they say he is not a suspect. they are just questioning him. the very same way they did neighbors. baby lisa was 10 months old when she was reported missing october 4th. her parents say she disappeared from her crib sometime overnight. despite the mother actually failing a lie detector test, neither parent has been named a person of interest or suspect in this case. in fact, police and federal authorities say that so far they have no suspects or major leads, and they ask anyone with information to call 911 or contact the tips hotline at 816-474-8477. that baby girl would have been 11 months old. let's hope she is still alive. >> harris: thank you very much. we will have continuing coverage of the news that is breaking tonight in las vegas. a massive wreck at the indy 300.
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add on race to the series. claiming the life of one young driver you may know him, a big name in indy racing, dan wheldon just 33 years old. we will go live to las vegas next. also today, four men stranded in the water after their boat capsizes and it's the u.s. coast guard to the rescue. why in the world were those guys there in the first place? plus, running with the bulls, american style. see how our guys handle the dangerous bovine. stay with us. ♪
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2% has over half the saturated fat of whole milk. want to cut back on fat and not compromisen taste? try smart balance fat free milk. it's what you'd expect from the folks at smart balance. >> harris: i'm harris faulkner this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. more than $1 million that's how much the mayor of rome says it's going to cost to repair damage there with all of the protesters during protests that got violent yesterday, rioters smashed windows, tore up sidewalks and torched cars. it all started as peaceful demonstration over the global financial crisis. memorial to steve jobs. apple inviting some of silicon valley's biggest names to stanford university to remember the late innovator today declared steve jobs day in the state of california. virginia governor bob mcdonald donating $5,000 from political action committee to residents
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hit hard by the earthquake in august. the governor encouraging others to contribute after fema denied aid to cat there and president obama declined a request to visit the area as well. and you will remember mineral was the incenter of a a .8 magnitude quake. some homeowners facing $18 million in estimated damages. now let's get back to our top story. tragedy at a racetrack in las vegas. massive 15 car crash takes the life of indycar driver, the head of indianapolis car racing there for the andretti team for many years. his name is dan wheldon. breaking news just a short time ago. >> indycar is very sad to announce that dan wheldon has passed away from unsurvivable injury. >> joining us now is matt live from las vegas. you are joining us by phone. are you there? >> yes. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i wish it were under better circumstances. watch the video today as it was
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happening, actually. tell me what was happening just before all of this went on. was there any indication that there was a problem coming up? >> actually, there wasn't, harris. we were actually down in the pit area. my photographer and i, we were actually on the way to dan wheldon's pit. we were trying to get his first pit stop. we heard a crash. the fans there was a collective gasp out there in the crowd and then we saw the flames and the smoke rising from the other side of the track. and, you know, just dead silence out there. i mean, this was something that people had been concerned about. some of the drivers had been concerned about. they talked about how this race had too many cars, going 225 miles per hour. and there were 34 cars in this race. so there was that concern of going into this and then when we were out there, you know, we were talking with fans. it was very upbeat. people were very happy. they were excited to be out here in las vegas. very nice, beautiful day out here. and then all of a sudden this
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happened. and takes a tragic turn to what should have been a great finale to the indycar series. >> harris: tell me this. what was your vantage point as this was going on? >> i was on the other side of the track. there was a lot that was in the way of my view. we did hear crashes from the other side of the track. and then as soon as we heard the crash, you could see the flames and the smoke and then everyone in the crowd just gasped. and you know we were down on the ground. everyone was trying to rush over to get a better vantage point to get a better view so-to-see what was going on on the other side of the track it was very difficult to see when you are down there in the pit area and for nascar racers that's usually an area that's sort of blocked off to most of the regular folks but for this, a lot of regular people, regular fans with regular tickets were able to get down there and were able to see the drivers in the pit, see all the pit crews so it was very crowded and very big crowd out there just trying to see what was going on.
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very early on in the race this was lap 11. >> you know, matt, we are taking a look. i want to tell our viewers now. this is a live look outside the track there. his family, his wife and two young sons, they had just had a baby in march. where were they were they actually at the track? >> we're not exactly sure. we do know that they were at the university medical center after dan wheldon was air lifted. taken by helicopter to the hospital shortly after this crash happened. and the hospital is about 10 miles away from the speedway. and, you know, some of the other drivers were driven to the hospital. to see that helicopter out there was definitely shocking to a lot of the fans who were out there. so we're not exact solid sure where dan wheldon's family was at that point in time but we do know soon after this crash happened that they went right over to the hospital and we understand that they are still there right now. >> you know, matt, you live in
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that area. have you covered news, no doubt, probably at this crash. tell me, this is important to this town. this is more than just the sports world mourning here. this is las vegas mourning, too. >> absolutely. you know, this is the first time that the indycar race had been in las vegas since the year 2000. so, it was very exciting, you know, las vegas obviously needs to -- people that come, in all the tourism, the casinos depends on. a lot of people were coming out here. talking to people from across different countries, ireland, new zealand, they were out here for this race. big indycar fans. so it was just, like i said before, very exciting from the very beginning. people were happy to be here. happy to see this race in las vegas and you know the indy car race just announced it's going to be coming back to las vegas this year. it had been a long drought in las vegas. so the folks were really looking forward to this race and unfortunately, no one could have
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predicted this. but just a terrible end. >> you know, matt, i should tell people you mentioned some of the europeans in the audience there. dan wheldon was from britain. is he a british american. he is 33 years old. he grew up in england and had come to this country, married his wife and had decided to join the andretti racing team and was premier driver with him. alongside danica patrick one of the big names in indy racing. matt, one final question for you. they did a memorial lap. and we got to watch some of that and the drivers had been described as just teary eyed hard to get into those cars. taking a look at it now, tell me about that. >> yeah. we were right there along the side right there in the pit area seeing the drivers get in there. just under the helmet, see some with tissues coming out. obviously very teary-eyed unconsolable in some cases. going into this driver's meeting
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just before they did that tribute five lap run. and they were very distraught. very upset. people could tell that something was wrong and once this tribute run started, people were walking towards the actual racetrack. one single line, everybody very quiet and then i saw somebody to the left of me walking over with two sheets of blank paper and written on it was one sheet was 77, and on the other one was we love you. so, people were very taken back by this, obviously. it was dead silent when this run was happening, this tribute to dan wheldon. >> harris: matt reporter in las vegas. we appreciate your perspective and reporting tonight. thank you, matt. >> thanks for having me. >> harris: in case you are tuning in now at the bottom of the hour, that was in las vegas, the scene today, where the sports world you heard matt just
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saying this reaching beyond that to fans around the world and also touching here in the united states, the community of las vegas as one of the premier racers in indycar driving. dan wheldon has passed away after injuries he suffered in a 15-car wreck on that race. as the news warrants and more information comes in on this, of course we will bring it to you. moving on now, president obama hitting the road this week to push his jobs plan just days after republicans blocked it in the senate. but today his campaign advisor, david axelrod saying the white house will keep fighting and that he hopes the public will be on their side. >> now we're going to take it apart, going to go piece by piece. the american people support every single plank of that bill and we will vote on every single one of them. so many americans are sitting there saying act to congress. do something. >> harris: we're told president obama will make stops in north carolina and virginia over the next three days.
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those states lean conservative but president obama narrowly won both of them in 2008. steve centanni with the news now from washington. steve? >> hi, harris, yeah, president obama combining policy with politics during his bus swing through virginia, new york starting tomorrow. on the political side, the president is visiting two swing states where he won in 2008 where his support is now eroding in recent polls. he made a similar trip in august a bus trip to visit important steps in the midwest. on the policy side the president is hoping to convince americans he has the best plan for creating jobs, partly through infrastructure spending, republicans have one, too which takes a different approach. >> we believe in private enterprise. we believe in small business. job creators agenda is just that. we want the president to work with us. we want him to stop the campaign ing find things in common between this plan and his. >> the so-called republics jobs bill would just allow corporate
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america to write their own rules again. and it's been annualized to conclude that it would create no jobs now. there isn't even a certainty that it would create any jobs at all. no one has found any evidence that it would. >> meantime, a congressional panel facing a thanksgiving deadline to cut at least $1.2 trillion from the deficit. >> so you are confident the super committee will make a deal. >> i am. i think folks in this town on both sides of the aisle know we can't fail. there has to be success and outcome here. >> and, indeed. if the committee does not reach an agreement. huge cuts would be triggered in both domestic and defense spending. harris? >> steve centanni, thank you very much. a major milestone in the conflict in libya. dictator muammar qaddafi's compound bulldozed. antigovernment rebels tearing it down. what's being planned to go into its place. we will tell you. plus, trick or treating goes on every halloween. if the holiday follows on a school day, even better. remember those ghouling days get
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yourself ready for class scaring the teacher? well, maybe my experience. why students in one town are being told to leave their costumes at home. halloween is not allowed. stay with us. ♪ halloween spooky gookie halloween osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported.
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goodbye! you don't like automated customer service, and neither do we. that's why, unlike other cards, no matter when you call chase sapphire preferred, you immediately get a person not a prompt. chase sapphire preferred. a card of a different color. (phone ringing) chase sapphire preferred, this is julie in springfield. >> harris: a symbol of tyranny for decades comes down. bulldozers surrounding what was qaddafi's main compound in the capitol of tripoli. many libyans feared to approach the palace during 40 plus years in power. meanwhile antigovernment fighters cornering in a small neighborhood in the center of sirte. widespread looting becoming a problem in the area. new controversy over that planned mosque near ground zero.
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con ed telling mosque developer park 51 to pay more than $1 million owed in back rent or or get out. lease as substation from the utility and wants to knock it down to make room for the planned community center but the plan hitting a snag in august when con ed raised the rent. break it down. take a look at your screen. the rate set in 1972 was $750,000 a month. raised to more than 47,000 retroactive to july 2008. meaning park 51 owes 1.7 million in back rent. park 51 now suing con ed over the increase calling it outrageous. a court order temporarily preventing con ed from terminating its lease. one man shot dead at a hell's angels funeral. we are now learning a rival biker may have pulled the trigger. it is our top story on a fox trip across america. california. a hell's angel biker shot and
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killed at the funeral of a fellow member in san jose. it reportedly started when the victims punched a member of a rival gang. other bikers saying they were stun. >> i think the people out there looking in but even amongst families you have dispute. >> police still investigating the shooting. ohio. this u.s. coast guard video showing a rescue team air lifting four men from the rough waters of lake erie. they say they were out duck hunting early saturday morning despite 60 mile-per-hour winds. boat capsizing in the 16-foot waves. they manage to reach a harbor wall but couldn't go any farther so rescuers flew in a helicopter all the way from detroit and pulled them into safety. florida this man may look like chris critical condition gel police say they belonged on the naughty list. the suspected santa claus
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burglar after video captures him stealing from four cars. you can see him there carrying a huge sack of goodies and now facing charges of burglary and petty theft. bad santa. ' arizona. running of the bulls right here in the u.s.a. nearly two dozen rodeo bulls chasing more than 200 people desert outside of phoenix. some of the dare devils saying good practice for the real thing in spain. no reports of serious injury but we're told a few people tripped and fell. and that's a fox watch across america. >> 33-year-old race car driver dan wheldon, a two time indy 500 winner dead in a wreck indy race today in las vegas. it was our fox top story. we are continuing to cover it. three other people now we know were hurt in that 15-car crash. we will update you when we learn word of their condition. and trick or treat. one school banning halloween.
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why would they do that? >> we should celebrate what we want to celebrate. >> i agree. >> we shouldn't be told what we shouldn't by other people. ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so, why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your doctor about viagra? 20 million men already have. with every age comes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away
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>> harris: columbus day, halloween, thanksgiving, all staples of fall. what elementary school principal in massachusetts saying the holidays are incentive and she doesn't want them celebrated in school. crystal haines from our fox affiliate wfxt reporting. >> i'm going to be a dinosaur. >> i'm going to be spiderman. >> a witch. >> keep the costumes in the closet kids an folly says no. >> trick or treat. >> in her school the holiday could be offensive. teachers are under orders not to let the kids dress up for
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halloween and they better forget about celebrating columbus day and thanksgiving for the same reason. it's an in an email to staff that's got parents and students asking is this the beginning of the end to fun in summerville? >> police, help us. >> our kids were brought up with halloween and whatever have you. she has no right to tell these kids they can't have it. >> they are children. they need to express themselves. you know, be children. not take holidays and fun things away from them. they have so much homework. they don't have enough play time. >> i don't think they should not be able to celebrate these holidays. country was formed with the idea of everything is a free country. and i think they should be allowed to celebrate these holidays. >> school officials were unavailable for comment but superintendent tony tells the problematic inside connections to witchcraft. in that email to kennedy staff? >> land ho.
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>> dr. folly blasted christopher columbus for atrocities against indigenous people and said we need to be careful about celebrating thanksgiving celebrating this particular person is an insult and a slight to people he annihilated. the mayor a dad of three kids at kennedy has something to say about that. >> i as a son of a immigrant columbus day near and dear. glad he founded america. named after another italian. if you want to stifle it, then we are ignoring history. >> most importantly the ban is ignoring what the kids think. they tell me. >> i don't like it. i celebrated halloween since i was a little kid and i don't think it's right to ban it. >> i think it's kind of ridiculous because we should celebrate what we want to celebrate. >> i agree. >> we shouldn't be told what we shouldn't by other people. that's not even our family. >> very expressive young man. crystal hans from our fox affiliate wfxt reporting there.
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let's look live now outside the las vegas motor speedway. india race there after deadly crash. cars going 220 miles per hour. 15 of them there it is on the right side of your screen. our coverage of the tragic death of two time indy winner. car driver dan wheldon has died. it continues coming up. our peter shrager in the newsroom working the story. details on the crash and what it could mean for the sport. stay close. endless shrimp is ourn at red lobster. there's so many choices. the guests love it. [ male announcer ] it's endless hrimp today at red lobster. amuch as you like ny way you like, like new sweet and spicy shrimp, all for $15.99. my name is angela trapp, and i sea food differently. when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks.
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incredibly upset. we don't have any more updates on the other three injured racers. they look like they are going to survive today. we lose dan wheldon one of the great racers in the sport today. >> you and i were talking a moment ago about what this race means. the implications beyond the loss of this premier driver. what are they? >> there is different ways we can take this. first, the sport of indycar. and they have got declining attendance at these events and they are losing danica patrick greatest start nascar now weldon tragedy. this could be a very serious blow to indycar. as faras far as a real life sitn goes they might have to change the sport all together. this injury, this death could have been preventible. that's the talk right now this course was not conducive to racing in a safe manner. it could have been preventible. >> as we come up to the very end of our fox news hour here. part of the problem some fencing that he hit. >> yeah. it was really tight racer oval course 1.5 miles.
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34 different cars on the track. more than there probably should have been. look how close that is to the wall. we lose wheldon today. incredible tragedy. >> harris: this race completely cancelled. >> completely cancelled. they did the five lap tribute which is customary afterwards. racers with tears in their eyes and the big number 77 on the scoreboard which was wheldon's number. passed away. family was on site in the hospital with him. so, you know, he survives. his wife suzy and two young children. one of them born in march of this year. the other one 2008. horrible tragedy. hairs later the death of dan wheldon. pete schrager glad you were on board for this breaking news story. we appreciate your work. thank you. that is how fox reports this sunday, october 16th. 2011. i'm hairs faulkner continuing coverage of indycar driver on fox update you as more information comes. in see you in about a half hour in the middle of huckabee which starts right now. captions by closed captioning services


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