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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  October 15, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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approximate >> we are watching the antiwall street demonstrators. tonight. , cross roads of the world is filling up with protestors. i am harris faulkner and this is the fox report. al-qaida's deadliest group hit hard again. word of a u.s. drone strike taking out terrorist. including the son of al-awlaki. new details on the strike. and more deadly clashes in the streets of yemen the country's
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leader slaughters his own people. >> we have shootings in seal beach. >> the chilling 911 call in a southern california hair salon. >> is she still there? >> no, he walked away. >> we'll have more on that call. >> plus, on the hunt for a pair of thieves in drag. >> police are searching for the cross dressing duoon a crime spreen after they hit swanky retailers in manhattan. >> troops in uganda. and president obama said they arrived on wednesday. uganda borders the congo of south sudan. troops will be deploying there. what is the. to find and kill joseph coney. the guerrilla group accused of
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terrorizing tens of thousands of people. mr. obama said the united states supported military operation. but attempts to take coney out is unsuccessful. and now u.s. forces will be on the ground to provide support. the troops will not engage in battle unless they defend themselves. reaction is mixed. >> it is a good move. uganda government, we think that this will get him. and force the ugandians here to make sure. >> in what interest is this taking? >> we have been the victim of
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the war. we don't condone impugnity or support activity. >> all of this coming as u.s. forces are still involved in the conflict in libya. the white house said we are not officially at war there. molly henningberg has thac. >> what is the wall street calling our participation in uganda war or not. >> president obama said not war. the troops are there to advise governments and militaries that are trying to take down the lord's resistance army or lra. the u.s. boots are on the ground in ugawneda and letter yesterdayo congress, during next month additional forces will deploy includings a second combat team and logestic personnel.
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the total number is approximately 2-- 100. sending these troops will further national security interest and policy. >> ugawnedian people are not liking what is going on here at home what is the reaction of lawmakers on capitol hill? >> congress was notified that troops had been sent to ugawneda and that raised eye brows. but largely there was support for the mission to help the people of africa. and also, there was a concern that the operation may increase in size. >> i think it is probably the right thing to do, but i think we ought to make sure this is not an esclaatory kind of situation. >> congress pass a law and the president signed it last year calling for more u.s. help in central africa. additional troops were not available to send until now.
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>> molly, thank you very much. and in nearby yemen. a drone strike killed the son of dead american born terrorist al-awlaki. the strike took out militants linked to al-qaida and the media chief in the arabian peninsula. officials called that branch the most active and dangerous. the latest strike similar to be the al-awlaki. al-awlaki had ties to very bad people including fort hood shooter, underpants bomber and the suspect in the attempted attack on time squares. rina has more. >> it appears more and more washington's weapon of choice in dealing with terrorist is drone strikes. several were killed last night
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including the son of al-awlaki who was killed in a similar attack. al-qaida is taking advantage of the political uncertainty in yemen. president selah is trying to hold on to power in the midst of an uprising. in the capitol forces loyal to selah opened fire on protestors and killing nine and wounding 180 and many of them were taken to the hospital. medical officials said selah's forces used rifles and antiair crack guns. gunfire was heard in the city in the afternoon. >> al-qaida-linked militants have a strong presence in yemen. the fear is that they could gain a foot hold without of the instability. >> rena thank you. >> fox news is america's
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election headquarters and campaign finance reports provide a clear picture of who the leading money raisers are. candidates heading in the if i'm weeks before the key primaries. mitt romney's campaign and rick perry combined 30 million according to the filings and atlanta businessman herman cain's popularity is rise will his coffers are not. and gingrich, his is one million in debt. back to herman cain for a moment. i returned from tennessee getting an exclusive look first hand in his campaign. he is surging in polls but there is mounting criticism that the campaign is organized enough and too lean on staff to win. i went on the road and riding
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the bus with herman cain and his team for a day. watch that on bret bae, r. >> here in new york city. occupy wall street demonstrations have been on the move today . they still are. seven:07 p.m. on the east coast and that is times square. they migrated from wall street in the last 90 minutes or so to times square. i was going to say it is hard to see. but they have filled up the square. our journalist are monitoring what goes on there. as you know. big events happen in times square like new year's eve. we'll keep an eye on how things are. earlier today. police worked hard to keep order in the financial district and an area near washington square park. a thousand protestors marching on a chase bank.
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and police arrested 20 people in a march in a city bank branch. >> protestor in downtown los angeles in solidary with big apple counter parts. they are marching down spring street. >> we are learning that protest around the world are inspired by new york's original occupy sit n demonstrators shows dispolicure of the economy and richest so called one percent. protestor in europe and asia and australia. in italy. a peaceful protest there turned into a riot and police fired tear gas and water sonons at protestors who were setting cars on fire. >> and dramatic 911 call that we will listen to forever. it is from the recent massacre that left eight people dead. and the suspect going to
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court. the da calling him a mass murderer and a new effort to step up the search to find baby lisa. tonight, why there may be more motivation for someone to come forward with any information. you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox. [ male announcer ] have you heard?
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>> we have audio from one of the first phone calls of the 911 call in orange county this week. a gunman stormed in the salon and opened fire and killed eight people. a ninth victim was updepraided to fair condition. witnesses say the gunman walked up to the stylist and lifted his gun and pulled the trigger. one customer watched the
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suspect shoot two more people. the caller said he watched the suspect from a construction site from across the street. >> we have shootings over here in seal beach. >> >> just after that the caller didn't respond. but the line stayed open and frenzy as the authorities work
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to catch the shooter. we'll go to casey with more. >> after the caller told that dispatcher what was happening, the cell phone did not hang up and you can hear people being told to step back. you can hear sirens blaring three minutes after the call came in. it was eyewitness accounts that led police to the gunmen. he was nabbed a half a mile from the shooting scene not longg after the calls came n scott decry was wearing a bullet-proof vest and had extra ammo and multiple weapons in his truck. his ex-wife worked in the salon and among the dead. her friends expressed concern over her exstranged husband's violent temper. they were in a custody battle
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over their son. the judge told the client was not getting anti-sicotic medications he needed. the official arraignment will not happen until the end of november. >> we knew there was a continuance and we talked about that with the family members this morning and after the press conference as well and of course, they are not happy. they would like it to go quickly. unfortunately, the way the cases are. as hard as we can push, we know it is not quit. >> the district attorney said he will seek the death penalty in this case. decry and his wife was in court one day prior over the custody dispute. >> what about the little boy and custody now? >> they were sharing joint custody. it is hard to say what will
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happen now. that was the fight. they joint custody and decry was trying to get more time with his son. he is described as a great father by people who knew him and wanted to spend more time with the eight year old. that's the sad thing about the whole story, now with the mother gone and looks like the father going away for sometime, the little boy is left without parents, harris. >> you are so right. casey segull thank you. and 100,000 reward in the disappearance of baby lisa irwin who vanished here two weeks ago. lisa's parents said she was snatched from her crib while her mom and two brothers were asleep in the house. they have no major leads. an anonymous donor is putting up the money for the reward.
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and police in arizona scaling back the search for a missing five year old girl. her mother was running an erand. and 100ville on tears are looking for her. that number is lower this weekend due to a lack of clues about where she is. >> i hope she is alive and well. at first i thought she wandered off. but now my opinion is that member did get her . there are people around here that are sick enough to do it. >> investigators say the child's parents are not suspected in the disappearance and no evidence of kidnapping, but police add they are not ruling anything out. >> drug cartels are luring american high school students to doing their dirty work. >> and what iran's spritual leader is saying about the
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iranian assassination plot to take place on u.s. soil. [ male announcer ] a moment that starts off ordinary can become romantic just like that. a spark might come from -- a touch, a glance -- it can come along anywhere, anytime. and wh it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet yotake every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment's right even if it's not every day. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. [ man ] do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury sk immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away.
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>> iran's supreme leader firing back to it is united states. reacting to plans of iran being involved in the assassination of saudi ambassador. president said officials in the highest of the iranian government should be held accountable. this is one of two men who used a car sales man from texas. the other suspect is at large at this point. they are accused of trying to hire a hit man to carry out
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the attack. >> an american base in afghanistan attacked in eastern afghanistan. you are looking at the aftermath. four mill trants hit a towerer and 3of the men shooting while a four set off explosives in a car. all four atacters were killed. no troops were injured in that. this followed on the heels of the violence yesterday that left 30 people dead. brutal of a texas high school student sending a chilling message to parents. elizabeth mon dala left her home in suger land, texas and headed to mexico. she was lured there with the prospect of striking it rich. but elizabeth fell victim to a viulentt cartel. our fox station tells us the
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teenager's tragic story is far too common. >> today, the texas department of the public safety is warning parents in the state. children are at rick of being seduced by the cartels that are stepping up their game. >> it may be delivering drugs or crossing drugs over from mexico or involved in the violent activities. >> just last week officers caught a 12 year old driving a tolen pick up with 800 pounds of marijuana. >> recruiting is easy for a vulnerable population. >> kim og is the former gang. >> some are attracted by alour of money and drugs and women. and others are attracted to it because they have family members who are in the gangs
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and it seems normal. >> there are thousands of candidates in houston area schools. kids who are u.s. citizens and speaks spanish and blend in on both sides of the border. the state said parents should watch who their children are hanging around since recruiters may not be obvious. >> the it may be a cane or 17 year old. they are tracking them down and talking to them and telling them how glamous it is to deal in track drugs. >> what they won't tell them it can end with jail, injury or death. >> that was sally mcdonald from kiv in houston reporting. >> a donation jar stolen from a pizza shop. they have the money that belongs to somebody who is in a great need of help.
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>> occupy wall street movement on the move in new york city. take a look at the scene in times quar and looking live. look at the mass. we are watching to see if that stays peaceful. we know there were arrests earlier in the city. and we will take you to when we get back. things got pretty ugly there. at adt, we get financing from ge capital.
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>> time for the top of the news. uptating the stories that are on top of the news we are getting word of a u.s. drone strike in yemen. u.s. officials saying that the attack killed nine militants including al-awlaki who was killed in a similar drone attack two weeks ago. and police are releasing a 911 call who witnessed the deadly shooting rampage. the man watched as the suspect popped in the truck and left after killing eight people including his wife. he showed no emotion in the first court hearing yesterday. >> let's go live just blocks from fox news headquarters they are amazing in wall street now. moving away from wall street and spreading to the cross roads of the world. and now, we also know that
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police arrested 24 people for trespassing outside of a branch. >> it is going global. and rome, italian police dressed in riot gear there. and trying to break up what was a peaceful demitration that turned violent. tens of thousands of people marching in major cities in europe in support of the occupy wall street movement they say. protestor in frankfurt and london and vienna and brussels and mimicking the scene that grew over in manhattan. our greg burke is streaming live from rome, greg? >> paris, wow did it get rough in rome today. there is a lot of
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demonstrations and strikes and not normal they get riulent. but sometimes they pop and dozens of people were injured. this could have been called lets get the cops. that's what it looked like and what should have been peaceful turned violent quicklyy and several hundred on the radical fringe throwing cobble stones and setting a van on fire and burning cars and trash bins. and a couple of buildings set on fire and a huge dangerous mess right in downtown rome. police using a lot of tear gas as they tried to break up the most violent faction and water canyons as they tried to protect the barchings and property and public properties from being destroyed and it
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was a restrained thing on the part of the police. they have been subject to a lot of police pressure and can't be too tough. in the end they protect the property most of the all. there was only a dozen arrest even though there were violent members in the protest. you have been to rome and there is still a lot of tourist on the beautiful october days. can you imagine being a tourist today? you think you will see the colsiyem and st. johns and you end up in a war wrone. >> you and i talked about how beautiful that city is. that is a place who needs the tourism. greg burkes thank you very much. >> president obama trying to light a fire and get pieces of his jobs plan over the republican hump in congress. in the wikely radio address.
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the president said lawmakers need to do their job. >> we can't afford the lack of action. there is no reason for it. independent economicist said the job's bill would yump start and lead to two million new jobs . every idea in the jobs bill is the kind of idea both pears supported in the past. kevin mccarthy said president obama needs to get off of the stump and do his job. >> republicans are working every day to turn our country around and get people work restoring the dream. some in washington continue to cling to the same government strategy that led to more debt and fewer jobs. >> the job's plan stalled in the senate. many republicans oppose raising tax to pay for that. >> and more jobs is beha what they were watching for in
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washington today. throngs was americans making their way from the washington monument and to the martin luther king jr. memorial led by reverend sharpton. steve doocy has more from washington. >> in the shadow of the washington monument. pass this bill was the chanted by the thousands of people turned out. what kind of justice do you want. >> jobs. we want jobs. >> jobs, everybody is saying jobs. how do you get it. >> put education and eand justice. >> no justice, no peace. >> you will not get peace until we get justice. and we will not stop until they provide jobs for us. >> we will not be silents. >> where are you fining it. >> the government needs to find it and stop letting the
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rich get richer and the poor get poorer. >> people are enthusiastic. and a lot of matching t-shirts and something that you see in occupy wall street and occupy dc and on the eve of the martin luther king jr. memorial being dedicated just a few hundred feet behind where we are. there is a lot of talk they don't think there is enough jobs and there is not enough equality. congress is not doing a good job. they said the right is assaulting the. and they called demdeps weak kneed. they have not passed the job's bill. the president has not signed it yet. and do think he is the one to get the job done. in washington, peter doocy, fox news. >> i called him steve and we love steve doocy in the morning, peter, forgive me, i know you will.
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ahead of the king dedication ceremony. fox getting access to the women in martin luther king jr.'s junior's family. bernis king talking about growing up with her dad. >> at times, i want to ask dad a question and get a response. there are times when i just need a fatherly hug and get it. and then i look at the fact that he gave his life for the benefit of humanity and because i understood from my relationship with christ that he gave his life for all of us and for my father to give his life for the benefit of the humanity, i am willing to accept that sacrifice and deal with the tears as they flow. >> fox news will have complete coverage of the dedication ceremony beginning tomorrow morning, don't miss it. >> working to keep oil from
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poluth the ocean and rebel fighters making progress against the people loyal to dictator gaddafi's reyeem. around the world in 80 seconds. >> libya, anti-government rebels saying they have pened down the remains of the loyalest. they are backed in a small residential area . rebel in the coastal city of misurata facing snipers and mortar fire. highland. - thigh land. american marines on the ground as the central part of the country floods. our marines bringing bottled water and sand bags to build emergency dikes to keep the road loaded waters from reaching bangkok. and new zealand. a cargo ship leaking oil in
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the ocean after running agroud. they are working to reach it. the ship making it difficult to top. they are trying to create a level working service. and columbia cocaine in a drug labratory. it is the most cocaine lab. no arrests so far. >> that's a wrap on the fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. >> a cross dressing crime wave. look at the surveillance video. those are men. show are they dressed nup women's clothes. >> they are stealing from high end stores. i like the argyle. >> and 400 people jumping off a perfectly good bridge.
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now well is a plan underway to immortalize the faces of the heroes as well the viet nam memorial fund collecting pictures of more than 58,000 men and women who served and died in the war. the plan to put the pictures in the center that is built in our nation's capitol. >> the fund is asking people to help identify american heros and building a collection of photographs that will make visiting the vietnam memorial that much more powerful. the campaign is asking americans who lost anybody to
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submit pictures by mail or e-mail. the idea to show the faces and tell the personal stories of the men and women who lost their lives in the viet nam war. it feature a miniature. this shows how it will appear on a wall of faces that are built near the vietnam memorial. it will appear on line and give proper credit for the people who died fighting for our freedom. >> angel mendez gave his life to save a fellow named cas still. mr. cas still is the supreme court justice for the state of the pennsylvania. >> the new education will celebrate the service of not just viet nam vets but all
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service members dating back from 1775 and to iraq and afghanistan. if you want to send a photoand/or donate can go to build a >> great story. and in boston, zoo keepers tryying to figure out how two zeb raas escaped. they bolted from the franklin park zoo in boston. they confined the adult in the corner of the zoo and coaxed her back in the exhibit. no one was in any danger there. and two cross dressing con men making off with goods. it is our top stories in america. new york, taking dress up to a new level. wearing women's clothes and
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wigs. they browse in a shop. and the store owner knew something was up. >> the manner they were speak manage was off. >> the pair went to a fitting room and then they take it off of the wall worth $6000 and grabbed two sweat shirts and then the men or women, i am not sure. oh, i forgot my wallet and they rann out of the store. it didn't take long for her to notice the hand gag bag. thieves say the other stores in the area have been hit. >> a woman kicked off of the bus because her toddler was crying. the bus driver confronted her for failing to calm him down.
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she said show couldn't leave and they would stay there stuck until the baby calms down and that's why i got off. portland mass transit said the driver was disciplined. >> west virginia. hundreds of people plunging off of a steel bridge above the river. it is bridge day. one of the largest events in the world. they are doing it with parachutes. no more clutter and if my bills are late and i have to go to work another day. that one moment i am standing on the edge. there is nothing to think about except that. colorado. early halloween for two elephants mimi and dolly in the denver zoo. they have annual boo at the zoo in fox watch in america.
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>> it probably sounded like a good idea. a florida driver flashed his lights at another driver. he was trying to warn them about a speed trap. what the snarl is all about. >> a new sheriff in town. he is on a new mission and it involves protecting our border. stay with us. exclusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath.
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he was trying to be helpful. but warning of speed traps
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lappeded him in legal trouble. he is fighting back and said he his free speech right has been violated. >> he thought he was helpful and the florida highway patrol thought he was obnoxious. >> he gave you a $101 fine. >> it was dishe told me i couldn't communicate with other motors. his crime flashing to warn about a pede trap on veterans highway near tampa airport. >> you got the ticket dismissed but suing the state. >> the state was rolling the doyce and figured it was not being challenged. it is time someone did. >> 2005 to 2010. there are summons to other
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high beam helpers. campbell calls that a violation of the right to free speech. it is the stance that caught attention of law enforcement. >> he has a different interpretation of the u.s. constitution and most law enforcement i do. >> this is a former nypd detective and police advocate. what campbell was doing was dangerous and illegal. >> it is illegal. you are warning about the same thing. run, here comes the clocks and you are obstrucking a cop from doing his duty. >> people say you are impeding the police and helping breakers. >> no, we have a right to communicate. even if it warns other drivers to slow down. >> you could call it a case was life imitating art.
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steven segal has been sworn in as sheriff's deputy in texas. the sheriff said it is not a reality show it is real. he reached out to the sheriff's office looking for a job. he was a deputy in louisiana for 20 years and patrol the border along west texas in early next year. tip beal pay for a sheriff's deputy is $15 but with all of those action movis he's all right. >> caught in the act on camera. two thieves swiping a jar full of cash meant for a young girl with cancer, that's next. 4g-- the next evolution in wireless technology. with advanced power, the verizon 4g lte network makes your business run faster:
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a toddler fighting leukemia for a year and a donation jar was set nup a pizza shop to help pay medical bills. the whole thing was caught on tape. the yob had $150. and before we go. our team's top five step of the day. a new gal up study found three types as many u.s. families are struggling to put food on the table than in chynna. apple is holding a private memorial service for steve jobs. he died after a long battle with cancer. number three. police are releasing a dramatic 911 call from the shoot nothing the california hair saloon that left eight people dead. and number two. hundreds of occupy wall street
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protestors taking their message to the hearts of times quar. and new campaign numbers showing mitt romney and rick perry leading the pack. newt gingrich's campaign is about a million in debt. that's how it wraps up tonight. >> on this day in 1951. i love lucy made the tv debut. it captinated nationwide . singered around lucy and band husband and she had a knack for getting in hilarous trouble. it was the most watched show in four of the seasons. and the nation fell in love withulousy 60 years ago today. that's how fox reports on this saturday.
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